Home Children's dentistry How naps affect our health and productivity. How does sleep affect our life? How sleep affects human health

How naps affect our health and productivity. How does sleep affect our life? How sleep affects human health

It's no secret that adequate sleep is the basis of our health. It restores strength, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress levels and even helps fight obesity, diabetes and early mortality!

But this does not mean that the more we sleep, the healthier we become. Moreover, according to scientists, staying in the arms of Morpheus for too long is harmful to the body. According to them, people who regularly spend more than 9-10 hours in bed are at risk of getting a bouquet chronic diseases, face cardiovascular pathologies and brain dysfunction. This article will be of interest to all those who believe that 8 hours a day is extremely little for sleep, and who cannot wake up even to the sound of an alarm clock.

Why do people sleep longer than usual?

After conducting a series of studies, scientists from the American National Sleep Foundation concluded that excessive sleep is a sign of various problems with the body. So, if a person sleeps more than 9 hours every day, it is likely that he has:

  • chronic fatigue due to excessive physical activity;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • protracted infectious process;
  • hunger or gluttony;
  • diseases of a neurological nature;
  • chronic stress or depression;
  • sleep apnea.

In addition, sleeping too much can be side effect taking some medicines. Scientists have also noticed a relationship between long sleep and bad habits(smoking and alcohol abuse). That is, those who sleep for a long time may encounter listed diseases or worsen existing bad habits.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

Finally, it is worth mentioning that prolonged sleep can be a symptom unpleasant disease called idiopathic hypersomnia. Essentially, this is a disorder of the nervous system that leads a person to increased sleepiness.

A person suffering from this disease experiences a constant desire to sleep, much longer than the prescribed 8 hours. He suffers from constant overwork, weakness and apathy, which interferes with normal life activities. It is not uncommon for him to experience dizziness and migraines, low blood pressure and vision problems. Moreover, against the background of the disease, such a person’s mental abilities deteriorate, problems with memory and concentration begin. And the most unpleasant thing is that even after long sleep the patient does not feel cheerful and does not feel rested.

It is not surprising that such a painful condition negatively affects professional activity, study and personal life. Such people are never in a cheerful state, rarely smile, and have impaired social contacts, and in some cases they are forced to leave their place of work altogether. But hypersomnia can easily cause fatal consequences, because a person suffering from it risks falling asleep while driving or while performing an important task.

But even if you do not suffer from idiopathic hypersomnia, but simply like to sleep for a long time and at the same time feel good after waking up, you should worry about your sleep habits. Here are a few unpleasant consequences which can be caused by excessive sleep.

Negative effects of prolonged sleep

1. Heart problems

When you sleep for a long time, your heart begins to suffer. The fact is that during sleep, blood vessels dilate and blood flow slows down, which means that the likelihood of blood thickening and the formation of clots, which can become blood clots, increases. Thus, prolonged sleep is one of the factors that can lead a person to a stroke or heart attack. Moreover, scientists at the University of Massachusetts conducted a study that confirmed that prolonged sleep leads to early mortality. Moreover, than more people sleeps, the sooner he risks dying. In this regard, the ideal sleep time is considered to be 7 hours a day.

2. Obesity

Prolonged sleep also affects the state of appearance, in particular, the gain of fat mass. If you sleep for long periods of time, including during the day, you have less time for activity during the day. And less activity is accompanied by less burning of calories, which, remaining in the body, lead to weight gain. Typically, excess body weight develops both in people who sleep 4 hours a day, and in people who are drawn to sleep 10 hours a day. That is why it is worth monitoring the duration of night rest and limiting it to 7-8 hours.

3. Diabetes mellitus

The duration of sleep affects the production of hormones. First of all, at night the body’s production of testosterone decreases, which becomes a prerequisite for the development diabetes mellitus. Moreover, under the influence of prolonged sleep, the body's tolerance to glucose is impaired, and this is a known factor in the development of type II diabetes. Finally, people who sleep a lot are less active when they are awake, and physical activity is essential to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. However, diabetes is caused not only by prolonged sleep, but also by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as obesity.

4. Depressive state

Normal sleep leads to the fact that the awakened person feels healthy, rested, alert and cheerful. However, if you sleep more than 9 hours, you wake up sleep-deprived and gloomy. Doctors call this condition “sleep intoxication.” But that's not all. Prolonged sleep leads to decreased physical activity throughout the day, and lack of activity, in turn, leads to a decrease in the production of dopamine and serotonin, they are also called “hormones of joy and happiness.” It is not surprising that when the production of these hormones important for mood decreases, a person becomes apathetic, depressed, prone to stress and depression.

5. Damage to the brain

Too much sleep invariably affects brain activity and provokes lethargy. A person in this state does not think well, he has memory problems, and he cannot concentrate on any one thing for a long time. If such a problem haunts a person for a long time, it can lead to structural changes in the brain and cause impairment of basic cognitive functions. Prolonged sleep is especially harmful for the elderly. Scientists from the University of Rotterdam conducted a study that confirmed that people over 55 years of age who tend to sleep 10 hours a day are 3 times more likely to experience memory impairment. senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Frequent headaches

It only seems at first glance that the more a person rests, the less often he has a headache. Too much long sleep can lead to frequent headaches and even migraines. Scientists believe that this is due to a disruption in the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain and, above all, to the low production of serotonin and dopamine. By the way, the appearance of headaches in a person who wakes up by noon may be associated with a lack of blood sugar and dehydration.

7. Back pain

Often a person who has slept for more than 10 hours declares that his back already hurts from sleep. This famous phenomenon, which can be explained by a decrease motor activity, which is bad for bones and muscular system. It is especially difficult for people suffering from osteochondrosis and other back diseases to endure prolonged sleep. In addition, prolonged inactivity associated with sleep increases the likelihood inflammatory processes in the body, which can also cause back pain.

Should I get rid of long sleep?

A person cannot always determine on his own whether he needs to reduce his sleep duration. And the norm of 7-8 hours is not always correct, because each person’s body is individual. To understand this issue, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe comprehensive examination. It should include:

1. Blood test. Substances or medications that cause drowsiness may be found in the blood. By eliminating their entry into the body, the existing problem can be eliminated.

2. Polysomnography. This is a detailed study carried out throughout the day, during which special sensors record brain, heart and muscle activity, as well as respiratory function. Such a study allows you to determine whether there is a sleep disorder, as well as identify factors that increase this disorder.

How to deal with long sleep

Faced with such a problem, doctors help a person normalize sleep, acting in two directions, namely, prescribing medications that are prescribed for hypersomnia, and also recommending making the right changes in their life. Let's list the most important changes.

1. Try to adhere to a rest and sleep schedule, i.e. go to bed no later than 22:00, and wake up no later than 6:00. If you feel drowsy and very tired during the day, you should not drive a car or operate complex machinery.

2. Create the perfect sleep environment. Nothing should distract you from sleep, so try to always sleep in the bedroom, after ventilating it for 10 minutes and regularly wet cleaning it. Remove TV and electronic gadgets from your bedroom that may interfere with your sleep.

3. Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol before bed. On the contrary, to set yourself up for a good rest, take a relaxing bath and drink a cup of herbal tea.

4. Consult your doctor before taking medications. If the medication affects sleep, it must be replaced with a safer one.

5. Avoid pressing the alarm button repeatedly. Train yourself to rise with its first trills.

6. Start your morning with a cup of tea and morning exercises to feel cheerful and light throughout the day.

Treatment prognosis

Practice shows that treatment of prolonged sleep under the supervision of a specialist gives good results and in 80% of cases relieves a person from this unpleasant condition. It is quite difficult to make progress without the help of doctors. That is why, if independent changes in your rest and sleep patterns do not lead to noticeable improvements, send to a doctor and undergo treatment under his supervision.
Take care of yourself!

Project problem:

Objective of the project:

Project product:



Municipal educational institution Buturlinovskaya average

secondary school No. 1

Festival of Research and creative works students


Information and research project

Subject: "How does healthy sleep for human longevity?

Project manager: Iskra Olga Yuryevna, biology teacher.

1. Introduction. Healthy sleep is the key to longevity. Objective of the project.

2. What to do if you don't sleep well?

3. Why is lack of sleep dangerous?

1. Introduction. Objective of the project.

Lack of healthy sleep leads to improper brain processing of information. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain begins to categorize information using more controlled processes, which can lead to potentially devastating errors in processing new data quickly and accurately.

Sleep deprivation prevents the brain from quickly and correctly classifying information that can be critical in life-saving situations for doctors, firefighters, soldiers and parents. Many everyday tasks in our lives require proper categorization by the brain, especially for people in demanding professions.

It is natural for a person to sleep because he wants to sleep, and not because it is time. And it is also natural that he wakes up when he has had enough sleep, and not because he has to. But the lifestyle of a working person does not allow living according to such a scheme. Therefore, many suffer from lack of sleep and sleep disorders.

Project problem:

For my peers, the topic of healthy sleep is very relevant. Many of them are in a state of chronic “lack of sleep.”Impaired sleep quality or lack of quantity leads to daytime sleepiness, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc. That is, daytime physiological and mental condition person, which leads to a decrease in his performance.

Objective of the project:

Collect information about such concepts as “healthy sleep”, “insomnia”. Find out the factors of healthy sleep.

Project product:

useful tips to help maintain health and prolong human longevity.

Healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep is the key to health and success in your career, and its absence is a sure guarantee of decreased ability to work and the occurrence of various diseases.

Dream – certain physiological state, the need for which arises in a person regularly. This condition is characterized by a relative lack of consciousness and skeletal muscle activity.

Dream - This is a significant and important part of every person’s life. During sleep, our body must recover psychologically and physically, stock up on strength and energy for a new working day.

Healthy sleep requires 6-10 hours, and 8 hours of sleep is considered ideal. Each person has an individual need for sleep, and it is necessary to determine the optimal period of time for you to get enough sleep and provide conditions for healthy, full sleep.

Signs of healthy sleep:

a person falls asleep quickly and unnoticed;

sleep is continuous, there are no night awakenings;

the duration of sleep is not too short;

sleep is not too sensitive; the depth of sleep allows a person not to react to external stimuli.

Therefore, healthy sleep is a calm, deep and uninterrupted process. It is natural for a person to sleep because he wants to sleep, and not because it is time. And it’s also natural that he wakes up when he’s had enough sleep, and not because he has to. But the lifestyle of a working person does not allow living according to such a scheme. Therefore, many suffer from lack of sleep and sleep disorders.

Impaired sleep quality or lack of quantity leads to daytime sleepiness, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, etc. That is, a person’s daily physiological and mental state deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in his performance.

What to do if you don't sleep well?

If you sleep poorly, often wake up in the middle of the night, or suffer from insomnia, then do not rush to immediately run for a sedative or medication.insomnia treatment and sleeping pills. Perhaps it's all about improper preparation for bed. Refreshing deep dream is so characteristic of a healthy person that it would not be worth dwelling on this subject if health were not such a rarity. The main factors of sleep disorders are nervous and mental disorders.

A detailed consideration of them is the topic of a separate and very solid work, but here we will focus only on the basic rules.

2. It is advisable to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours.For a normal night's sleep, 5-6 hours is enough. The most useful time for sleep is from eleven o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning. In any case, sleep must cover the time from two o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the morning. At this time, sleep is the strongest; you should try to sleep at least one hour at this time. Sleeping during the day is not recommended. If you are tired during the day, you should perform Savasana. It is especially undesirable to sleep before sunset. The duration of sleep depends on what you eat during the day: the less you eat, the less sleep you need. Centenarians sleep little - no more than 4-6 hours a day. A three-shift work schedule is undesirable, especially a schedule where the shift changes every week.

3. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing north (or east).The requirement for correct orientation of the body in space is associated with the need to harmonize electromagnetic fields. Driving directions electromagnetic waves the earth's crust and man must coincide. Using this method, Academician Helmholtz even treated people.

4. It is better to sleep on a hard, flat surface.On soft feather beds, the body inevitably sag, and this causes a disruption in blood supply spinal cord And various organs, which are jammed. It also leads to pinched nerve endings, which can adversely affect any part of the body. It is not without reason that doctors recommend that those who have suffered a spinal injury and those suffering from radiculitis sleep on a completely hard bed. Ideally, the bed (at least under the mattress) should be made of unpainted and unvarnished boards. But it’s nice and easy to install a sheet of plywood on a mesh or other base. On top you can put a wadded blanket and a blanket or even a regular wadded mattress in 1-2 layers. For healthy people, it is better to do without a pillow or limit yourself to a thin and fairly dense pillow. It keeps it in good condition cervical region spine, improves cerebral circulation, promotes normalization intracranial pressure, prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck. However, patients with cardiovascular insufficiency and bronchial asthma You should not give up the pillow until the underlying disease is cured, and during periods of exacerbation, you can use two or three hard pillows.

5. It is advisable to sleep as naked as possible.When it's cold, it's better to cover yourself with an extra blanket.

6. The worst thing is to sleep on your stomach all the time. It's best on the sideturning over several times during the night from one side to the other (the turning occurs automatically) so as not to overload the kidneys and other organs. You can sleep on your back.

7. Night drafts are very harmful, they lead to runny nose and colds.It is best to open the window, but close the door tightly. Or leave open window in the next room and do not close the door. You don’t have to be afraid of a drop in temperature, the main thing is to avoid drafts. As a last resort, you can properly ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. To avoid colds, it is recommended to sleep in socks.

8. Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep of varying depths. Typically cycles last from 60 to 90 minutes, and it has been noted that healthy people The cycle is approaching 60 minutes. However, by the morning, especially with excessively long sleep, the cycles are greatly extended. At the same time, the proportion of “rapid eye movement” sleep, during which we dream, sharply increases. For complete rest, it is enough to sleep 4 of your biocycles. This is how many long-livers sleep. However, it is normal to sleep 6 biocycles. It is very important not to interrupt sleep during the biocycle. If you wake up a person in the middle of one of these intervals, he will feel unrested and exhausted. Therefore, it is better to get up not according to the alarm clock, but according to the “internal clock”. If you set an alarm clock, then estimate that there are a whole number of cycles per sleep. IN extreme conditions You can sleep for two biocycles. But for many this all seems like an unattainable dream. Some people sleep for 10-11 hours and can’t get up, while others, on the contrary, suffer from insomnia.

9. The main rule for amateurs long sleep: Don't stay in bed!As soon as a person wakes up (and this can be early in the morning), you need to smile, stretch, throw off the blanket and get up. And usually people look at their watches: “Oh, it’s only 5 o’clock!” and lie down again. But the benefits of such aging are very doubtful. If you start getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning, you will have a lot of time for gymnastics, water procedures, housework. True, for the first 5-7 days in the morning or afternoon you will want to sleep, but this is not a true need, but only a habit of the body. Then it will pass. But it is advisable to perform relaxation (Shavasana) several times during the day.

10. Before going to bed, it is recommended to free yourself from the experiences of the passing day that excite the nervous system.Do contemplation, shavasana, and tune in to a good sleep, which gives rest and restoration of strength to the whole body. There is a well-known wise aphorism: “A calm conscience is the best sleeping pill.” To speed up self-improvement, a person must, before going to bed, analyze all his thoughts, words and actions that took place during the day. See what laws were violated, etc. Self-analysis can be carried out in any position, but it is best to lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms facing upward so that the muscles of the whole body are relaxed. In this position, the vital activity of the muscles requires a minimum amount of energy, which means that more of it is supplied for the functioning of the brain. If your legs are very tired, it is better to lie on your back with your legs bent and pressed to your chest. This pose helps to relax the veins of the legs, facilitates blood circulation and heart function.

What are the dangers of lack of sleep?

Lack of healthy sleep leads to improper brain processing of information. Scientists University of Texas found that when there is a lack of sleep, the brain begins to categorize information using more controlled processes, which can lead to potentially devastating errors in processing new data quickly and accurately.

Researchers have found that sleep deprivation prevents the brain from quickly and correctly classifying information that can be critical in life-changing situations for doctors, firefighters, soldiers and parents. Many everyday tasks in our lives require proper categorization by the brain, especially for people in demanding professions.
The study included 49 volunteers aged 19-20 years. The brains of people who have sleep disorders shift from an information-integration processing strategy to a rule-based strategy. Some problems with categorizing information are associated with conscious, overt processing of data by the frontal systems of the brain, which suffer primarily from sleep deficiency, American neurologists say.

Physiologists also believe that differences in the brain's cortical white matter predict cognitive vulnerability to negative consequences lack of normal sleep.

Now about insomnia.

The worst way out of the situation is to take sleeping pills.

Dale Carnegie offers some good rules for combating insomnia:

1. If you can't sleep, ... get up and work or read until you feel sleepy." Indeed, going to bed without any desire makes no sense. If “the time has come,” this does not mean that the body needs sleep. When such a need appears, a person will fall asleep even to a march being performed by a brass band under the window. There are quite a few short sleepers who don’t go to bed before one or two in the morning, and are already on their feet by 6-7 in the morning. So don’t torture yourself by tossing and turning on your side, it's better to get up and get to work."

2. Remember that no one has ever died from lack of sleep. Anxiety due to insomnia usually brings more harm than insomnia itself." People are often afraid of getting little sleep. A stereotype has been imprinted in their heads: “you need 8 hours to sleep.” Unable to sleep, they get nervous, but this only aggravates insomnia. If you don’t want to get up, you can stay in bed, you just need to come to terms with the loss of sleep, tell yourself: “It’s okay. I’ll just lie down, relax, think about something.”

3. Relax your body"It’s very good to relax on the floor before going to bed, but not for very long. Then lie down in bed and “let go of your thoughts.”

4. Exercise. Make yourself so tired that you are unable to stay awake." Physical exercise good at any time of the day, only intense training is not advisable in the last 2-3 hours before bedtime. Walking on the fresh air. You can make it a rule after dinner to get dressed and go out, walking with a brisk step

5-6-7 kilometers. No less valuable are hardening procedures that normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

And further Some tips for insomnia sufferers. Don't sleep during the day! Even if you feel very drowsy, it is better to go for a walk, then in the evening there will be a greater need for sleep. You can take Shavasana, relieve fatigue, but do not sleep for 2-3 hours! Avoid coffee and other stimulants in the evening. Don't eat heavily before bed. The first thought upon awakening should be filled with the joy of anticipation of the coming day. For example, you can say to yourself the phrase: “Life is beautiful and amazing.” When you wake up, do not lie in bed for a long time. Getting out of bed quickly gives you longevity.

Before getting out of bed, do the awakening exercise.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body, fingers clenched into fists. The exercise consists of three parts:

1) stretch simultaneously with the fist and heel of one side of the body, for example, the left;

2) stretch with the fist and heel of the other side (right);

3) stretch with both arms and legs together. Perform the exercise three to five times. This exercise prevents radiculitis and lumbosacral diseases. If you don’t want to get up, then massage your ears, tap your palms on your forehead, cheeks, chest, thighs, and you’ll be back to sleep.

Remember that we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Therefore, it is important to take care of this third of our lives and maintain its natural natural rhythm.

Tips for ensuring full and healthy sleep (project product).

Slide captions:

Healthy sleep = human longevity Healthy sleep = human longevity. Author - Zheregel Yana. Director - Iskra O.Yu. Municipal educational institution Buturlinovskaya secondary school No. 1

Sleep is natural and very important for human body process. Sleep is a small life filled with vivid dreams, bliss and relaxation.

The human body is designed in such a way that at the end of each day it must rest or sleep. Every person needs sleep just like air or food. If a person does not follow a sleep schedule or suffers from insomnia, then his body wears out faster, and various deviations arise that lead to illness. The human body is designed in such a way that at the end of each day it must rest or sleep. Every person needs sleep just like air or food. If a person does not follow a sleep schedule or suffers from insomnia, then his body wears out faster, and various deviations arise that lead to illness.

In order for your sleep to be complete and your body to remain young and healthy longer, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Maintain a sleep schedule. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, no matter how much you sleep. Instead of sleeping on weekends before lunch, distribute these hours on weekdays, and on weekends get up in the morning in the same way as on weekdays. Go to bed at the same time regularly. After just a month and a half, you will have a desire to sleep at the time you go to bed according to your schedule and you will wake up without an alarm clock. Maintain a sleep schedule. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, no matter how much you sleep. Instead of sleeping on weekends before lunch, distribute these hours on weekdays, and on weekends get up in the morning in the same way as on weekdays. Go to bed at the same time regularly. After just a month and a half, you will have a desire to sleep at the time you go to bed according to your schedule and you will wake up without an alarm clock.

Your sleep should be uninterrupted. If your sleep is interrupted, you will feel sleep-deprived throughout the day. It is better to sleep 6 hours continuously than 8 hours restlessly. Don't allow yourself to lie in bed after you wake up. Do not overuse naps during the day, as this can lead to insomnia. Your sleep should be uninterrupted. If your sleep is interrupted, you will feel sleep-deprived throughout the day. It is better to sleep 6 hours continuously than 8 hours restlessly. Don't allow yourself to lie in bed after you wake up. Do not overuse naps during the day, as this can lead to insomnia.

Create a comfortable environment in the room where you sleep. Comfortable bed and pleasant bed dress contribute good sleep. It's better to sleep in a nightgown from natural material, and when it’s cold, it’s better to cover yourself with a blanket. Remove from the room where you sleep all household items that make noise. Create a comfortable environment in the room where you sleep. A comfortable bed and pleasant bedding promote good sleep. It is better to sleep in a nightgown made of natural material, and when it is cold, it is better to cover yourself with a blanket. Remove from the room where you sleep all household items that make noise.

Have a nice sleep!!! Have a healthy sleep!!!

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. For centuries, neurologists and psychologists have been studying the problem of sleep, its impact on our well-being and brain productivity. We are very familiar with the expression “I’ll get some sleep in the next world.” If we realized how much healthy sleep affects our life and success, we would never neglect it. Let's consider the important aspects. You will be surprised.

Dream is a natural physiological process in which reactions to external world decrease, the body relaxes and nourishes energy, and brain activity intensifies.

Sleep phases

There are two phases of sleep, each of which has its own characteristics.

NREM sleep phase

Has four stages. On average lasts 90 minutes. In this phase, the body relaxes, blood pressure decreases, breathing becomes smooth and the body restores physical strength. Eye movement stops at the end of the phase. During the slow phase of sleep we do not dream.

Phase REM sleep

Follows the slow-wave sleep phase. Its duration is up to 20 minutes. In this phase they change physical processes body:

  • body temperature rises
  • heart rate increases
  • the body does not move (only the muscles that provide heartbeat and breathing)
  • eyes make rapid movements
  • the brain is actively working

During REM sleep we dream. Have you ever wondered why we often dream that we fall and then wake up? There's something for everything scientific explanation. Since in this phase the body is motionless, the brain sends a signal to check if we are alive. The whole body twitches, the muscles contract - the reaction to the brain signal has worked. During REM sleep, the brain is more active than during waking hours. By comparison, when we are awake, the brain functions like a computer processing many operations. When the body has passed the slow-wave sleep phase, REM sleep is equated to productive operation of the system after a reboot. The phases of slow and fast sleep alternate with each other and usually amount to five cycles.

Meaning of sleep

Healthy sleep is the key to success. Undoubtedly, physical state depends on the quality of our sleep. At this time, tissues are regenerated, important hormones are produced, and we regain strength. With regular full sleep, our professional and personal lives improve. Surprisingly, during sleep the brain finds answers to complex questions. It is no coincidence that Mendeleev dreamed Periodic table chemical elements.

Lack of sleep greatly affects brain function. Due to the inhibition of neural processes, the body's reaction speed is greatly deteriorated. Unfortunately, many car accidents are caused by the driver not reacting in a timely manner. And when the prefrontal cortex slows down, it is difficult for a person to formulate thoughts, and vision is lost.

Consequences of lack of sleep:

  • decreased productivity
  • immune vulnerability
  • binge eating
  • bad habits
  • bad appearance
  • Bad mood

How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep?

The duration of sleep is an individual thing. More active people six hours of sleep is enough. Some people need at least ten hours to get enough sleep. Many researchers have studied this topic and came to a consensus that the norm for sleep duration is eight hours.

It is important to remember that when you are training intensely and doing a lot of mental work on top of that, your sleep time should continue to nine o'clock.

Rules for healthy sleep

It is not the duration, but the quality of sleep that helps the body renew itself. We have prepared rules that will help you achieve perfect sleep:

1. Don't eat three hours before bed.

Research proves that we see horrors precisely when we overeat or eat at night. Food absorption processes slow down at night. Our late dinner can remain in the stomach until the morning, which is very unhealthy.

2. Be active.

If you spend a lot of energy during the day, your sleep will be sound. Walk more, play sports. This will help you always be in good shape and certainly guarantees good vacation. Don't exercise three hours before going to bed. After physical activity we need time to nervous system calmed down.

3. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

Fresh cool air has a positive effect on our well-being. At a temperature of 18 degrees, the body is comfortable, and we see good dreams.

4. Stick to a routine.

In the modern rhythm, this is difficult, of course, but if you stick to your sleep schedule, this habit will bring useful results: you will get more done and feel better.

5. Eliminate external irritants.

If possible, eliminate noise pollution and dim the lights. Silence will help you relax and come into peace of mind. Try not to sit on your smartphone (laptop, TV) at least an hour before bedtime. Read a book.

6. Keep an eye on the resting place.

Your crib is where you sleep and nothing more. Don't eat or work in bed. Always keep your laundry clean. Don't just sit on the bed. This will develop a reflex.

7. Sleep naked.

The less clothing we wear, the better the quality of our sleep. True. Your skin needs to breathe. No synthetics.

8. Get out of bed as soon as you hear the alarm clock.

It not only organizes, but also becomes a habit. After waking up, the brain begins active activity. If you stay late in bed, it relaxes you for the day and makes it difficult to get ready.

9. Dream before bed.

No matter how hard the day is, allow yourself to dream before going to bed. Think positively, remember the positive moments of the past day, make wishes for tomorrow, order yourself dreams.

10. Be careful what you dream about.

Believe it or not, many answers can actually come in a dream. However, the ability to understand your own dreams is an art. Only you can explain and analyze dreams. Learn to hear your subconscious.

Let's sum it up!

Healthy sleep is the key to success. Make sure of this by following the rules. How easy and productive you will feel when you get regular and adequate sleep. Be healthy!

What you do while you're awake can actually affect your dreams and how you sleep. We often feel like our dreams are beyond our control. Nevertheless, latest research have shown that certain behaviors can actually affect your dreams in good and bad relationship. Find out what habits and daytime activities can have an impact on your rest, and try to change your dreams.
Do you want to learn how to relax better or have sweet dreams? Then listen to these tips:
1.Change your sleeping positions
Your sleeping position can have a significant impact on your dreams. Sleeping on your left side is more likely to lead to nightmares, while resting on right side body is associated with more peaceful dreams.
2.Take music lessons
Do you often hear music in your dreams? Researchers at the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Florence have discovered that young people who begin to study music begin to have “musical” dreams.
The study also found that 28 percent of people who dream about music have heard the tune at some point while they are awake.
3.Don't scare yourself
Watching horror movies or reading suspenseful novels before bed can cause your brain to replay its own scary stories.
In fact, any activity immediately preceding sleep can affect dreams, so take a few minutes in the evening to relax and think about something positive before you drift off.
4. Don't go to bed hungry
Feeling hungry while you sleep can reduce the quality of your sleep and wake you up. low level blood sugar. You might even dream of a delicious hamburger or cupcake!
Try eating a light snack before bed, such as a banana, nuts or crackers, to counteract this effect. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, which can lead to stomach upset.
5. Fall asleep to soothing smells and sounds
When you're dozing, strong smells like coffee or breakfast cooking can subconsciously sneak into your dreams. Some smells can trigger positive dreams, while others can trigger negative dreams. Light it up before going to bed aroma candles or freshen the air with a couple of drops of your favorite perfume, and your dreams will be pleasant!

Surround yourself with pleasant scents, such as lavender or lilac, and pleasant sounds, such as the sound of the sea. Such environmental cues can influence dreams. In addition, make sure you have a comfortable mattress and a comfortable temperature.
6. Deal with daytime stress
Trying to avoid something or someone during the day, or suppress thoughts? This can lead to dreams that focus on this issue throughout the night, according to the teachings of Sigmund Freud.

Whether it's a work emergency, concerns about physical problems, appearance or relationships, attempts to suppress the issue often move it into dreams. Solve your questions throughout the day to clear your mind.
Maybe, The best way changing your dreams is healthy habits and positive, happy thoughts before bed.

Turn on nap in the life of the average adult is not possible. It seems that this dream is useless and unrealizable. But many psychologists say the opposite. This not only helps the body to be overloaded during the day and reduces stress levels, but also develops our creative abilities as well as all kinds of courses.

Harvard University researcher Bill Anthony has been studying the phenomenon of napping for several decades. He came to the conclusion that this taking a break from work actually overloads the brain, restoring its cells. A siesta, or nap, helps improve memory and prepares the body for more effective absorption of information. Moreover, it increases significantly, which allows you to improve the quality of work and improve academic performance. It is probably for this reason that many great minds of mankind, from Archimedes to Hugo, practiced naps. Who knows: maybe this innovation will make you the most successful person in the world?

Typically, a person wants to sleep six hours after waking up. Historically, we begin to nod off and our eyelids begin to droop around lunchtime. And it’s not surprising, because after a hearty lunch you should get a good night’s sleep. By the way, when we try in every way to cheer ourselves up, we harm our body. Eastern philosophy confirms this: you need to listen to your body and give it everything it requires. Daytime naps are no exception. Listening to yourself is the secret to longevity and good health.

Wanting to sleep in the middle of the workday is not a sign of weakness and... When you realize that sleep is important for the mind and body, and do it when necessary, then you can call yourself a mature person. After all, you understand that you shouldn’t joke with your health. No one will take care of him like you. Not getting enough sleep can ultimately lead to depressive state or insomnia.

It is strange to see a person sleeping during the working day. Moreover, you can get a pretty serious reprimand for taking a nap during the day. However, for example, in China and Japan this is considered a necessary measure. In every office in the Middle East you can find a break room, which will definitely have sleeping places. They understand that in this way the staff will be higher than usual. You can benefit from everything, including an afternoon siesta.

If, however, conditions do not allow you to take a break for a nap, then there is a practice specifically for such workaholics. It will be enough to devote a few minutes to this within your workplace. Clear the space around you of any kind of technology, close your eyes and focus on some pleasant moment in your life. Feel your breath and how relaxed your body is. This is not exactly a dream, but it also has a positive effect on your body: this practice can also keep you calm.

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