Home Tooth pain Treatment of depression: how to get out of this condition correctly. Methods for getting out of depression A variety of physical activity

Treatment of depression: how to get out of this condition correctly. Methods for getting out of depression A variety of physical activity

Thousands of articles and books have been written about depression, because this problem is so global that it affects people all over the world. Depression doesn’t care how old you are, what country you live in, what your social status is, or how much money you have in your bank account. Alas, a state where you don’t want to do anything and don’t want to live can accumulate and mature into critical level any sensitive person.

Depression can be especially aggravated in winter - cold weather and short daylight hours do not contribute to a cheerful mood.

Proven ways to get out of depression

Let’s make a reservation right away: the article is about ways to get out of depression, which is tolerated in a relatively mild and stable form and which a person can overcome with a strong desire.

If emotional condition If the patient is unstable (especially if there are suicidal thoughts) or depression has reached a very severe phase, then you should not hesitate to contact a psychotherapist and select the appropriate treatment, including “heavy artillery” - medications.

As we already wrote above, when trying to get out of depression, the main thing is the strength of a person’s desire. If a person is aware of his problem and wants to fight it, this is already half the battle and the real first step towards victory. In this case, it is quite possible to try using methods for treating depression at home.

First you need to understand the roots of your problem. After all, depression does not fall on people from the outside - it is the result of a long silence from oneself about internal problems, conflicts and contradictions with the outside world or with oneself.

To do this, you will have to spend more than one day delving into yourself, or even better, working with a psychologist.
You can distinguish ordinary blues from dangerous depression by symptoms by reading our article.
After this, you can safely try one of the proven ways to get out of depression, which have helped more than a dozen people cope with a depressed state. If possible, it is better to try everything one by one so that you can eventually settle on a few of the options you like best.

1. Physical activity.
It can be any sport, but it doesn't have to be. Any physical activity in which a desperately resisting body gives in physical activity, will be useful.
It’s clear that when cats are scratching at your soul, the last thing you want to do is get out of bed in the morning, put on your sneakers and run somewhere. But motivation saves the situation, and then you won’t even notice how you’ll get involved and want the next portions of endorphins.

After all, scientists have proven that regular classes exercise have almost the same effect as antidepressants!

During studies on a large group of patients suffering from depression, doctors were able to prove that when taking antidepressants and physical exercise a positive effect occurred in 90% of patients! While the exclusion of one of the factors (medicines or sports) reduced the result to 60-70%. And the point here is not only in the biochemical processes that occur in the body as a result of regular physical education (although they play an important role), but in increasing self-esteem and growing self-confidence (“I can do even better, I’m becoming stronger and more resilient, I’m better than yesterday!”), which is very important for people suffering from depression!

2. Light therapy.
This is an ideal method for those who are susceptible to seasonal outbreaks of depression (now is the most dangerous time of year). According to statistics, the influence of weather and shortage sunlight 30-40% of all people feel it, and in 5-10% these sensations take on the character of depression.

The essence of the method is that the patient undergoes regular procedures, being exposed to light from a very bright lamp, which will be equivalent to the amount of light passing through a window on a bright sunny day. The procedures range from half an hour to several hours a day - thus artificially lengthening the daylight hours. Within 1-2 weeks, signs of improvement are noticeable, and the cycle of procedures usually lasts a month.
Similar lamps for home treatment(their light is close to the solar spectrum) are manufactured by US companies and Western Europe. In our Internet age, ordering them is not a problem. As a last resort, you can try powerful lamps that are sold for photo salons.

3. Aromatherapy.
Aroma oils affect our mood because they reach us through our sense of smell. brain regions, responsible for emotions, so the method is quite effective.

There are many methods of aromatherapy, for every taste:
- heating in a special aroma lamp (the most common and convenient method);
- splashing around the room;
- adding a few drops to the bath;
- adding to massage oil.

Choose essential oils better according to your taste, but remember: it is useful to change them periodically, as the body gets used to it and the effectiveness decreases.

Well proven in the fight against depression:
- orange;
- lemon;
- rose;
- jasmine;
- lavender;
- lemon balm;
- mint;
- rosemary;
- cedar;
- spruce and other conifers;
- bergamot;
- basil.

4. Pets.
Tailed and mustachioed pets are wonderful healers. Psychologists have long noticed that people who keep dogs and cats at home have attacks of sadness much less frequently than those who do not even have a parrot or hamster at home. Everything here, in principle, is clear: it is enough to hug a living being who loves you with all his heart, or immerse your hands in soft wool, and your soul immediately becomes warmer. In addition, dogs and cats have a special energy that cannot be replaced by anything.

So, maybe it's time to get the puppy or kitten you've been dreaming of for a long time? True, it is still useful to remember about further long-term responsibility for the pet at the time of making such a decision.

5. Radical ways to throw out emotions.
Even if it seems to you that you have a dead desert inside, believe me: your emotions have not disappeared anywhere, you just hid them to the deep bottom. It will be a very useful practice to extract them and live them.
It is most effective to bring hidden negativity to light using radical methods. For example, place a punching bag or just a pillow at home. Or dance until you drop (literally), simply obeying the impulses of the body. Or go to a remote, secluded place and scream there to your heart's content - just scream out all the suppressed grievances. If any of the methods is accompanied by tears, this is good sign: This means that emotional therapy has achieved results and awakened your feelings.

6. Music.
When treating depression, psychotherapists often prescribe a special musical “menu” to patients. Many things from classical music have a truly healing effect on the human soul - it’s not for nothing that they have survived centuries.
Concerts by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov and works by Bach will serve well for these purposes. Recordings of the sounds of nature - birdsong, the noise of the forest or the sea - have also proven themselves to be excellent.

7. Nutrition and sleep.
These are the fundamental factors of our well-being, which our selection cannot do without.

Without maintaining a sleep schedule and proper balanced nutrition curing depression will be extremely difficult, if not completely impossible.

With depression, many vitamins and microelements in the body are quickly “eaten up” by stress hormones, so their supply must be constantly replenished.

Among them:
- vitamins A, E, C and group B;
- magnesium;
- zinc;
- calcium;
- choline.

Depression is, of course, primarily a disease not of the body, but of the soul. Therefore, when using all these methods, the most important thing is to believe with all your heart that they will help and that you will be able to regain inner balance. There is always a way out of any situation, and you are no exception.

According to statistics, in the 19th century, 0.05% of the world’s population suffered from depression, in the 21st – 25%. The numbers clearly demonstrate that the usual ways of getting out of depression do not work very well. The volume of the human psyche has grown too much. But in our time, there is an effective way out of depression - System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan proves this with thousands of results.

The mechanism for the occurrence of bad states is as simple as two: I want something, but I don’t get it. The difficulty begins with realizing what you “want” and determining how to achieve this desire.

Different vectors have different desires, which means different ways to fill them. Ignorance of one's nature and ways of realizing it leads to bad conditions. The degree of disadvantage also varies by vector.

The paths out of depression must be laid out according to the internal characteristics of a person - then there really is a way out. It becomes possible to cope with depression on your own without medications if you have a systematic understanding of what is happening within yourself.

There is no way out of depression if there is no understanding of its causes

Nowadays we call depression any sneeze in our internal state, any mood swing, while real depression is more like pneumonia of the entire psyche. When it is impossible to breathe in this world. When it seems like taking a breath full breasts will only happen somewhere outside of this reality.

According to system-vector psychology, only 5% of people - owners - can be susceptible to such a painful illness. It is they who experience the most difficult conditions - their suffering is depression in all the depth of its pain.

What kind of features become a prerequisite for complete hopelessness within a person, and is there a way out? What methods of getting out of depression can work when you just want to helplessly fold your paws on your chest and turn yourself off from this life?

When the head does not bear fruit with thought forms, we feel bad

Yu. Burlan

Patient characteristics 1

Causes of depression in sound vector

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that only owners of the sound vector can experience such internal suffering. This is a huge amount of desire to know reality, these are colossal intellectual capabilities and this is the most burning pain inside if these desires are not realized.

Why has life become unbearable for many sound artists? Why did the hope for an independent way out of depression evaporate in mental anguish? Why don’t recommendations from psychological forums on how to get out of depression, various psychotechnics, and even consultations with eminent psychotherapists work for them?

Because no one determines the true cause of their suffering, and therefore cannot find an effective method to heal their soul.

The principle of a happy life is one - getting pleasure. When we do not enjoy life, we do not justify the very fact of our existence. Then we really have no choice - depression does not allow us to live.

But what is pleasure for a sound engineer? When his soul hurts, his family and children are not a joy to him, work is like hard labor, meetings with friends are empty, dialogues with himself on sleepless nights lead to a dead end.

A way out of depression when there is so little meaning

The sound soul requires comprehension of meaning. This is her primary desire. No less important than for any person are the needs to eat, drink, breathe and sleep.

The painful question - what is the meaning of my life - may not be verbalized or even realized by the sound artist. But this does not make his knocking on his temples any quieter.

A sound artist may forget to eat if suddenly in some book, scientific or esoteric article, phrase in a random video or song, a thread seemed to him leading to an understanding of the idea. He will devour the entire volume, the entire series, the entire album in an attempt to unearth a whole tangle of meaning - threads and hints are not enough for him. But the books ran out, and the meaning in life did not add even an ounce or a thought.

At the next stage, religious practices, philosophical research, antidepressants, drugs are used, but to no avail. And the sound artist comes to the conclusion: there is no way out of depression, so why live in constant torment?

Ineffectiveness different ways for the sound artist to get out of depression is only proof of his lack of understanding of his mental structure.

System-vector psychology opens a way out of depression for all those seeking the meaning of existence without exercises in front of the mirror, light therapy, affirmations and medications.

The only one effective method exit from depressive states- this is an awareness of one’s mental characteristics and an understanding of general human nature.

This gives the sound engineer unlimited tools for new discoveries in the field human soul every day with every contact with people. And from meaningful interaction with others, the sound artist is able to create brilliant thought forms within himself. for hundreds of people it allows us to say that there is a way out of depression.

Plan for getting out of sound depression:

  1. first, admit that there is a way out of depression and give yourself another chance to escape from it;
  2. find out your internal features with the help of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan and understand the tormenting issues that prevent you from getting out of protracted depression;
  3. understand the purpose of the owners of the sound vector;
  4. to realize oneself according to inner desires on the principle of pleasure from mental activity.

The role of the sound person is to help the entire species begin to live consciously, to lead humanity out of the darkness of uncontrollable unconscious reactions. To do this, you must first cope with this task yourself.

After all, depression is a reaction of the sound artist’s psyche to the lack of awareness, which he needs like water and food, and maybe more.

Gaining meaningfulness, overcoming depression and finding a way out of it becomes possible thanks to lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, which give us access to the unconscious. Having this key, you can consciously, quickly and effectively find a way out of depression, without giving it the opportunity to continue to “puppet” your life.

Methods for getting out of depression when love is so lacking

People with depression are increasingly thinking that they suffer from depression and are looking for a way out of it in psychology. Their problem seems to them no less painful and hopeless than the lack of meaning in life for a sound artist. For visual people, the main lack is little love and attention.

Patient characteristics 2

Causes of poor visual vector conditions

System-vector psychology shows that the desires of the seven vectors (except for sound) can be realized relatively quickly and easily, knowing what exactly is missing. Therefore, these states can only be called depression conditionally, since they are incomparable with the torment of a universal scale in the sound vector, its hunger, which cannot be filled with anything earthly.

The way out of bad states is that you can turn them into good ones by recognizing the cause and understanding your shortcomings.

In the visual vector, the main need is to create emotional connections. The viewer needs a constant vibration of feelings inside. If they are missing, the owner of a hypersensitive heart gets them using useless methods. Often these are tears, mood swings, emotional jumps, hysterical claims for insufficient love. When there is no outlet for emotions through empathy for others, depression (or rather, a lack of realization of one’s emotions) is guaranteed for the viewer.

Such objective reasons how the death of a loved one or separation from a loved one can lead to visual person to zeroing out emotions and numerous fears for oneself.

Another way to relieve tension in the anal vector is to shower all women in the world with insults in a conversation or on the Internet on a forum. Such a meager method to restore balance to your crippled psyche: if you offend, you will receive.

Another colossal stress for this type of people is the loss of honor and respect in society. Decay Soviet Union and the arrival of skin values ​​of individual benefit, speed big city and the dying out of the traditions of the past - for an anal person it is impossible to maintain health after experiencing this.

Is there a way out? Only an understanding of one’s internal structure and the patterns of development of the psyche of all humanity can level the square of psychological comfort and give a chance for a happy life.

You can’t rewind time, but get your wife back after a divorce and find someone adequate for your mental characteristics realization in society, bringing honor from comrades and decent pay, is possible.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

It seems that people only encountered depression after the advent of the science of psychology. Before this, no one suffered from depression; therefore, there was no need to look for ways and means to get out of it. In fact, people have always remained prone to one or another manifestation. It’s just that the more people talk about depression, the more psychologists are forced to look for ways out of depression that will allow them to get rid of it on their own.

A natural question arises, what causes depression. Most people suffer from a temporary depressive state, which is easily eliminated when all the problems that caused them to fall into a depressed mood are resolved. In clinical psychology we are talking only about depression as a psychological disorder that is practically not curable, despite the existing medical supplies and psychiatric treatments.

In everyday life, depression is a consequence of the presence of internal problems that a person does not want to come to terms with.

Exist various reasons the occurrence of depression. One of them is an erroneous interpretation of the situation. Positive and negative events happen to every person. It is worth noting that the degree of pleasantness of a particular incident is determined by the person himself. A situation happens - and the individual interprets it. What does he see? What do you think about this? What does he think about himself? What does he think about others?

As a result of the interpretation given to the situation, a person falls into one or another emotional state. Someone may be happy when their love union breaks up, while another individual may become depressed. Someone may feel free due to being fired from work, while another will suffer and wash their grief down with alcohol. Someone will rejoice in their own completeness, while others will on this occasion worry a lot.

Depression is sometimes just a consequence of the interpretation of what is happening that you yourself give. In reality, some event just happens. It in itself is neither bad nor good. But you get involved by first assessing the situation from the position of how beneficial it is for you. Then you turn on your emotions: do you feel good about this situation or not? You continue to analyze, thinking out what was not noticed at first. And all this is growing like a snowball.

Depending on your thoughts and judgments, you are happy or sad. The stronger the negative emotions become, the more depressed you become. And note, you do all this.

Accordingly, you can get rid of depression. If you are suffering because of your own thoughts about a situation, change your interpretation. No matter how unpleasant and bad the event may be, look at it differently. Find something useful for yourself, see the good moments. Situations are not clearly good or bad. You just don’t notice the good, which is why you drive yourself into depression.

What is the way out of depression?

When the topic of depression arises, the question inevitably arises: how to get out of it? What is the way out of depression? In simple words this can be described as a return of a person to the state in which he was before falling into depression. “The exit is where the entrance is” - this means that it is necessary to solve the problematic situation due to which the person plunged into a depressive state.

Here you need to understand your own thoughts, emotions, desires and even possibilities. It often happens that a person cannot quickly solve a problem because he believes that he does not have all the necessary capabilities. However, as they say, all problems are within the power of a person. A person is mistaken only in what results he can achieve. Often you want to achieve what is currently unattainable. And the opportunities that a person has can help him solve the problem, perhaps not giving the best result.

If a person cannot get out of depression on his own, then it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist on the website. Specialist's task:

  • Help the client understand the current situation.
  • Feel your desires, thoughts and emotions.
  • Find numerous ways out of a problematic situation (while it may seem to a person that there is no way out at all).
  • Choose the most favorable solution for yourself.
  • Take action.

Depression is a problem in modern society, perhaps because people have begun to perceive it as a phenomenon that must be present in life. Psychologists even talk about this, but people misunderstand them. The point is that it is quite normal to fall into depression for a few days. The state becomes abnormal when a person sinks even further into his depressed mood without solving his own problems.

What are your actions when you feel bad? Undoubtedly, when you experience depression or a nervous breakdown, an emptiness within yourself, you do not think about the consequences of your actions. You just want to do something to drown out the mental pain that overcomes you. But try to stop for a moment and think: what will happen after your emotions and sensations subside? Will you regret what you want to do?

When you feel bad and want to commit some action, which is most often dictated by the desire for revenge or punishment of yourself or other people, imagine the picture “You 10 years later.” Will you then care about what is happening to you now? Will you continue to worry about the same issues that concern you now? Over the next 10 years, many more events may happen in your life that will displace from your memory all the experiences that are now overwhelming you. In 10 years, you may not even remember what is happening to you now. Then why ruin your life at the present time, if your current feelings, emotions, sensations and depression are a temporary phenomenon that will pass in a few months?

People are conventionally divided into two groups according to what their actions are aimed at when they feel bad:

  1. People whose actions are aimed at self-destruction. They use drugs, run away from home, think about suicide, etc. Will they cope with the problems that they create now, when they negative emotions and the feelings will subside? Will they be able to regain the life they deprived themselves of? Will they be able to quit the drugs and alcohol they were addicted to while they were depressed? Will they be able to restore relationships with those people with whom they destroyed them only because they were in a bad mood? It should be remembered that for every action, even in a state of depression, there is a consequence that will inevitably interfere with a happy existence when you finally calm down and return to your natural state.
  2. People whose actions are aimed at continuing the life they want to live. Of course, unpleasant situations and negative feelings do not give you confidence that you can live happily. However, you should not forget that emotions will pass, and what you manage to do while they are raging in you will be on your conscience. And you will have to answer for your actions that were committed under the influence of emotions. People who understand this step over their thoughts of self-destruction and continue to do things that will lead them to the life they want.

A dramatic event in your life is not a reason to give up and stop living. This is a temporary phenomenon that you just need to experience, without forgetting what your desires, goals and what kind of life you want to live.

Ways out of depression

Psychologists say that the way out of depression is where the entrance is located. Thus, you should first find out the causes of depressed mood, and then eliminate them. And there are a large number of them. Often a person cannot independently understand the reasons that provoked his depressive state, which is a defensive reaction of the psyche, which, perhaps, protects a person from something more painful and unpleasant.

Working with a psychologist begins with searching for these reasons. Often in modern society people suffer from depression due to endogenous factors. These reasons may be a deficiency of serotonin and dopamine - the hormones of happiness. If the body produces them in small quantities, then the reason lies in them.

Drug treatment in in this case helps get rid of depression. Other causes of depression may include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Lack of sunlight.

In such situations, it is recommended to just rest, get enough sleep, eat well, and go outside on a sunny day. However, depression is often caused by internal problems and conflicts that a person cannot cope with. Outwardly, he may look cheerful and cheerful, although in his soul he will feel emptiness, indifference and a desire to die. The reason for this behavior is that society reacts incorrectly to depression, which further aggravates the situation.

Psychologists tirelessly remind people that depression healthy person is a reversible condition. In other words, you can find ways out of it and get rid of the unpleasant condition. The main thing is what does a person do while he is depressed?

In the life of any person, situations arise that are not only unpleasant for him, but also put him into such a depressive state when he loses the meaning of his life, any interests and a sense of self-preservation. Often in such cases, people begin to think about suicide, and this manifests itself not only in such serious things as jumping out of a window or hanging themselves, but also in such little things as getting drunk, fighting with someone, quarreling, or running away wherever they look.

What are your actions when you feel bad? Remember that everything you do when you are depressed will have its consequences. Negative consequences, which will interfere with living happily when you get rid of all negative feelings. You will want to be a happy person, but the consequences that you yourself created while you were depressed or under the influence will interfere with nervous breakdown. Don’t do anything stupid, because later you will have to answer for the consequences of these actions.

It’s better to remember what you were striving for, what kind of life you want to live, what kind of person you want to be, and continue to act in this direction. And when your discomfort will pass, you won’t have to deal with the problems that you yourself created. You will already have moved a little closer to your goals, regardless of the fact that you experienced less than positive emotions. All bad things pass with time. But a person then has to deal with the consequences of his actions that he committed while under the influence of these very negative feelings.

Getting out of depression on your own

A depressed person does not experience the best feelings while he is in a bad state. He loses motivation, the desire to move, goals disappear. Over time, a person isolates himself from the world around him, completely immersing himself in his own problems. All his conversations are aimed at discussing his problem, which over time bores his interlocutors who are not in a depressed state. This behavior makes a person uninteresting to others and, accordingly, leads to loneliness. If you don’t find a way out of depression on your own, you can even think about suicide.

Contacting a psychologist will allow you to quickly solve the problem that has arisen. However, the Russian mentality does not allow a normal attitude towards this event. It seems that with psychological problems normal people must cope without specialists. If you want to get out of depression on your own, then we will try to give useful advice.

  1. Stop grieving over losses. The cause of depression is the loss of something valuable in the present time (dismissal from a job, the departure of a loved one, the death of a loved one, etc.). The way out of depression is to accept the current circumstances, your condition, losses and losses. As long as a person remembers what he had and what bad he did, he is not able to find happiness. You need to accept the current situation and start hoping for a good future.
  1. Find good friends. Depression gets worse when a person is alone. After all, he is immersed in his sad thoughts! It is during such a period that we need people who will help us distract ourselves, cheer ourselves up, and restore faith in ourselves. We are not talking about drinking buddies or lazy people who will start offering various entertainment activities. It talks about people who can support, help solve a problem, and communicate respectfully and kindly.
  1. Take action. A depressed person is mostly inactive. Everything bad has already happened - now he just lies and suffers, which absolutely does not help him get out of his depressed mood. More effective way action will become - achieving goals, which will help restore faith in yourself, your strength and life.

If a person wishes to use medications, then you should consult your doctor. Tenoten, Mexiprim, Calm, etc. may be prescribed here. They will help restore balance and calm.

Ways to get out of depression

Psychology offers various ways getting out of depression. All of them can be divided into physical and psychological. Physical ways to get out of depression are aimed at influencing human body in order to return it to a balanced and stable state. Psychological methods aimed at eliminating those problems that caused a negative state.

Physical methods are:

  • Exercise, sports, work. When a person works, he is distracted. Achieving results produces happiness hormones.
  • Pet care. In addition to the aesthetics and grace that is observed in animals, a person is distracted by caring for them, which helps him calm down.
  • Complete nutrition. This is not advice for maintaining health (which is important), but enriching the body with all the vitamins and elements that are necessary for its full functioning. Here it is recommended not only to eat more greens, vegetables, berries, fruits, but also to consume meat, eggs, milk, seafood, citrus fruits and other natural foods in moderation. It is better to avoid alcohol, since it does not solve the problem, but only allows you to forget for a short time
  • Meditation and other self-calming exercises.
  • Massage and self-massage.
  • Music therapy, aromatherapy, dance therapy, etc.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Full sleep, when a person falls asleep on his own and wakes up on his own (without an alarm clock).

It turns out that dreaming is harmful. Scientists conducted research and received results: positive thinking people fall into a depressive state more often and faster than pessimists. What's the matter? Is it really impossible to dream now? Let's look at this issue more carefully to understand where a person is mistaken.

Dreams really lead to depression if the person himself forgets the following facts:

  1. There are dreams, and there is reality. He lives in a reality that is significantly different from the fantasies that he draws in his head. You can dream and want to achieve what you want without forgetting about the realities of life. You need to make dreams real in the conditions that really surround a person. See reality, and let your dreams become goals that you will achieve in real life.
  2. There is the future, and there is the present. Dreams are the future tense. In order not to become sad from realizing the real state of affairs, remember that you live in the present time. The future will become what you imagine it to be. But changes occur in the real world, starting from conditions that are far from your desires.
  3. Eat easy life, but there is a problematic reality. When dreaming about something, a person imagines a carefree and problem-free life. This does not happen in the real world unless you have large-scale thinking, super memory, and developed analytical abilities that can predict any development of events. Man is a creature that makes mistakes. You need to be prepared for the fact that in the process of achieving what you want, you will more than once encounter situations that will require willpower, perseverance, effort and even unusual actions from you.

Dreams lead to depression only because they are divorced from reality. A person does not want to see the real state of affairs, is very worried about any failures, and does not show willpower and determination. A dreamy person runs away from real life into his dreams, rather than making fantasies goals that he achieves under the conditions of earthly laws.

Depression is just the realization that everything you dreamed about is not the real state of affairs. Stop dreaming! Start living real life, which you can make to make you happy.

Bottom line

Depression is natural state, into which a person falls when faced with difficulties. However, the situation becomes disastrous when a person allows his own negative state to embrace him, control his desires and actions, and lose active position. The result is depression bad thoughts about oneself and about the world, bringing oneself to an incapacitated state, etc.

The services of psychologists should not be neglected. They are not doctors who say that their client is sick. They are specialists just like lawyers who help solve the problem that has arisen with minimal effort.

Healthy people suffer from non-clinical depression. This condition is easily removable and reversible. If you want not to waste your time on depression, then you should take all measures to get rid of it. This can be done either independently or with the help of a psychologist in various ways.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! If you read my article , and have discovered signs of this complex disease, I want to talk about how to find a way out of depression on your own. In order not to resort to drug treatment and improve the quality and completeness of experiencing sensations in your life.

When experiencing depression, a kind of numbness of the soul occurs, when a lot of feelings are confused, which are very difficult and you don’t want to live through. This leads to the fact that a person simply stops feeling anything. Therefore, first of all, it is worth gathering the courage to admit the reality, your well-being, because depression is a disease, it is not shameful or terrible, and it is quite possible to cope with it.

And in order to heal, it is still worth giving the feelings the opportunity to do their work. And this means that no matter how painful it is, it is very important to live through grief, pain, anxiety, and other emotions in order to make room for something good, for pleasant changes. And then, one morning you will wake up and enjoy the new day, no matter how nonsense this phrase may seem at the moment.

First steps to awareness

  • Choose a place and time when you can be alone with yourself, when no one will disturb you. Take a piece of paper and try to write or draw what is hidden deep inside you. Listen to your feelings, ask yourself the question: “What am I feeling now? What is happening to me? What feelings did I push away so as not to experience? If the answers do not come to mind to write down the sensations that arise, allow your hand to depict the images and fantasies that arise about what it could be.
  • Whatever sensations arise, do not resist them, even if it becomes unbearably painful, just stop fighting them. Because by ignoring and not feeling, we do not get rid of them, but on the contrary, we allow them to live inside us for a very long time. After all, if we don’t see something, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, does it? Having lived through anguish, pain, helplessness, grief, etc., we will get to the exit without getting stuck halfway, taking our own lives.
  • You will feel depressed, but let it be. Suffer, if you want to cry, cry. Even if you are a man, believe me, holding back emotions later results in outbursts of rage, impotence or alcohol addiction. Throw away the ancient attitude that men don’t cry, because we are all human and we all get hurt. Find an opportunity to cry out your feelings, scream (run the bath and scream into the water), free yourself from them, for example, by beating a pillow or tearing sheets of paper into small pieces on which to depict your experiences.

When you become aware of your feelings, you receive information about what exactly is happening in life, you can use it to get to know yourself better, and then it becomes possible to find options for getting out of a hopeless situation.


The next step is to restore your emotional and physical condition, which means that we will declare battle on insomnia. I already told you how to deal with it in the article .

Here are some other ways to help you relax and fall asleep:

  • When you go to bed, but sleep doesn’t come, and a lot of thoughts are spinning in your head, don’t resist, but on the contrary, let them be. Try to imagine that a warm ball has formed inside you, which rolls slowly over all parts of the body: head, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, buttocks and legs. Examining every part of the body, and if it comes across a tense area, allow it to linger on it in order to relieve this tension with its warmth. And repeat as many times as necessary for you to completely relax.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night or can’t sleep at all, come up with some task in advance for yourself that you don’t want to do, but need to do. And without giving yourself any concessions, start it immediately. At the very least, you will finally do what you have been putting off for a long time. But most often what happens is that a person falls asleep, because sleep is the best way to avoid an unpleasant event that the psyche will not miss.


Try to overcome your resistance and go in for sports. This best medicine in any situation. You will be able to release the accumulated energy, which only destroys your body, and, consequently, emotions such as anxiety, anger, disappointment and pain. When playing sports, any kind, endorphins are released in the body, which, as we know, are called joy hormones. I already talked about this in the article .

If you combine, for example, running and swimming, with the help of which you will waste accumulated energy, with meditation, you will achieve tremendous success. Because it is she who will help you get closer to yourself, find inner balance and harmony. I also wrote an article about the benefits of meditation, you can read more about all the positive effects of the practice


I have already said that during deep depression a person loses interest in life, pleasure from it and joy. Therefore, your task, although at such a moment it is very difficult to accomplish, is to remember and remind yourself of what you love and loved. Again, take a sheet of paper and start writing down point by point, maybe in different orders and on different days:

  • What you enjoyed, any little thing that could previously please you, even just a breath of wind or fallen snow. It doesn’t have to be something large-scale, like a major purchase or a trip abroad. Happy man one who is able to enjoy the small moments that many simply do not notice.
  • What you love, for example, is. Yes, it’s so banal, but believe me, when a person is depressed, he is sometimes unable to name even his favorite dishes, sometimes simply losing the taste. Therefore, push yourself and remember what you loved to eat as a child, what dishes delighted you.
  • Think about what activities calmed you down and gave you a feeling of satisfaction? What did you like to do or create, but, mired in feelings of emptiness and pain, you simply stopped doing it? Maybe weaving, drawing, fishing or car repair helped you to be alone with yourself, leaving an aftertaste in the form of satisfaction with the process and the result?
  • What dreams did you have, and maybe still have? What would you like today, in a month or in general? Yes, in such a state sometimes there are no other thoughts and desires other than to die, but still try to remember what you used to fantasize about while falling asleep? What unfulfilled childhood desires remain?

Once you have made this list, try to implement it as much as possible. Perhaps, over time, you will feel a taste for life, step by step approaching a completely opposite state, when many desires and excitement appear, and energy is in full swing.


Although during the blues you don’t want to communicate with anyone, but still, only on your own, without receiving support from loved ones, it will not be so easy to get out of the state of despair and emptiness. Maybe there is someone around you who can simply listen to you, in whose company you don’t have to pretend to be cheerful, when you can just be yourself?

Or did you push your family away during this period, not allowing you to relate to your experiences? Maybe it's time to admit that you can't cope with yourself and need support? Haven't you played with your children for a long time? It is likely that a walk together will captivate you and bring back forgotten joy.


A healthy lifestyle will help restore immune system and your physical well-being in general. If you have not developed hypochondria, which I already talked about in the previous article, then it will be useful to pay attention to your body. For example, treat your teeth, heart, undergo examinations and take vitamins.

Eat healthy food, it will give you strength and improve your overall well-being. But you have to fight addictions, otherwise you will only aggravate your emotional distress. You can read how to cope with addiction to alcohol on the blog.

7. Learn to forgive

If someone around you or close people is to blame for your condition, or maybe some life situation, then I recommend watching this free training.


Psychology has long discovered this pattern - the more you fight pain, the longer you will be sick. This means that if you forbid your soul to suffer, you will thus deny the importance of what is happening to it. If this condition occurs in the event of the loss of a loved one, a job, or after a series of failures, allow yourself to grieve. There is no need to avoid feelings, because blocking them is what leads to complications. emotional disorder. Joy to you and strength to return to life and enjoy it.


Depressive illnesses have been the most common over the past few years mental pathology. There are approximately 100 million new cases of depression every year. Emotional depression, a feeling of loneliness in a crowd and a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence - so in general outline this condition can be characterized. Only a specialist can tell you how to get out of depression, especially if the condition has dragged on and prevents a person from living a full life.

Depression is a mental disorder accompanied by emotional depression, inability to enjoy life, decreased motor activity and thinking disorders.

A person in a state of depression experiences fatigue and sadness, loses interest in everything that is happening. The disease negatively affects the socialization of the individual: the patient avoids communication, his performance decreases, the usual course of life is disrupted, the future seems unpromising and gloomy.

Besides psychological signs, the condition may lead to physiological deterioration with signs cardiovascular disorders, dizziness and headaches. The main danger that depression entails are suicidal tendencies. According to statistics, about 15% of depressed patients commit suicide. Therefore, it is so important to treat depressed people with understanding, and not to consider the disorder as a manifestation of selfishness, laziness and pessimism.

Depression affects women and older people in 70% of cases.

Leading causes of the condition

The causes of the violation are combined. The combination of several provoking factors at once leads to the occurrence of a disorder varying degrees expressiveness.

Most experts associate depression with the peculiarities of life in modern society:

  • fast rhythm of life;
  • constant stress;
  • high population density and lack of long-term contact with nature;
  • lack of physical activity and physical inactivity;
  • heavy psychological trauma due to the loss of a loved one, experienced shocks, conflicts, etc.;
  • seasonal factors, lack of sunlight;
  • abuse of alcohol and certain types of medicines;
  • psychological and physical exhaustion;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unfavorable social environment - lack of support and;
  • endogenous disorders of the central nervous system– bipolar disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, manic-depressive psychosis, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, etc.

The likelihood of developing a depressive state increases with hormonal changes in the body: puberty, menopause. It has become highly prevalent due to hormonal fluctuations, exhaustion of the body and the new responsibilities of a young mother.

Russian psychiatry distinguishes two large groups of depressive states: simple (minor) depression and complex (major) depression.

The group of simple conditions includes the following types of depression:

  • adynamic with physical and emotional inhibition;
  • agitated – accompanied by anxiety, increased arousal, feelings of guilt and fear;
  • dysphoric – chronic dissatisfaction with outbreaks of irritability;
  • ironic - deliberate demonstration Have a good mood and concealment of the true oppressed state;
  • stuporous – motor inhibition, which can reach complete immobility;
  • anxious - a persistent feeling of danger, anxiety, anxiety, depression;
  • melancholic – increased tearfulness, deep depression, severe “mental pain”, accompanied by pain in the heart area.

The group of complex depression includes syndromes with a variety of symptoms and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system:

  • asthenic – disturbance of emotionality, inability to express feelings;
  • hysterical - violent manifestation of emotions, exaggerated attitude towards all events;
  • hypochondriacal – development of overvalued ideas combined with delusions;
  • psychasthenic - manifests itself in complete inhibition, indecision, timidity.

There is a protracted form of depression, the signs of which can be observed for 2-2.5 years.

One of the varieties is alcoholic depression, which develops against the background of alcohol withdrawal or coding.

Signs of Depression

Regardless of the form, the disease covers several vital areas. It is the combination of several symptoms that allows doctors to make a depressive diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Depression is characterized by an individual course - the signs of the disorder in different patients may be of the opposite nature (from insomnia to drowsiness, from overeating to complete refusal to eat). The causes of the disease and psychological characteristics the patient will be determined how to get out of depression.

Emotional symptoms

Emotional disturbances are the most striking and typical manifestation mental disorder. Emotional signs include:

  • melancholy, despair, depression;
  • mood swings;
  • anxiety and a persistent feeling of fear;
  • irritability for no apparent reason;
  • decreased interest in life;
  • low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities;
  • difficulties in expressing feelings and emotions.

Physiological symptoms

This symptomatology is associated with somatic manifestations - the patient complains of deterioration in health, and signs of other pathologies arise.

The most common complaints are:

  • sleep problems;
  • loss of appetite or an insatiable desire to consume food;
  • disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • decreased or absent sexual desire;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain in the heart, joints, muscle pain.

Behavioral changes

A patient suffering from depression changes his usual behavior:

  • becomes passive;
  • afraid of public events and large crowds of people;
  • strives for loneliness and refuses communication;
  • loses interest in previously familiar surroundings, friends, family, relatives;
  • refuses entertainment.

Patients with depression may exhibit a pathological attachment to alcoholic beverages, which can lead to the development of alcoholism.

Cognitive disorders

Cognitive disorders are associated with impairment thought processes, difficulties in obtaining and processing information.

How does this manifest in the patient:

  • cannot concentrate on the simplest task;
  • afraid to make decisions;
  • becomes inattentive;
  • often thinks about death and has suicidal conversations;
  • unable to show a sense of humor, joke and laugh;
  • thinks only in a pessimistic way.

All symptoms as a whole can progress if measures are not taken to combat the disorder. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary that a set of signs or individual symptoms lasted for more than two weeks.

Symptoms of depression are generally similar in both sexes. However, there are differences in the course of male and female depression associated with physiological and psychological gender characteristics.

Depression in women is characterized by seasonality and a protracted tendency. Signs most often appear in autumn and winter, accompanied by a change eating behavior. In addition to low mood, women complain of vegetative symptoms - pain in the stomach and intestines, discomfort in the heart area.

The most pronounced psychological signs are constant worries for your destiny and loved ones, anxiety, fear of failure, fatigue, permanent tension.

However, getting out of depression is less difficult for women than for men. Representatives of the weak are more attentive to their own health and seek medical help in a timely manner.

The hormone testosterone protects men from depression, so the stronger sex suffers from depression three times less often. The insidiousness of male depression lies in the fact that patients are not inclined to notice the signs of the disease, preferring to treat themselves with cigarettes and alcohol. They don't recognize traditional treatment psychological problems, consider depression a sign of weakness and do not rush to see a doctor.

Signs of male depression include increased fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in work and favorite activities, and sleep disturbances.

Feelings of guilt, anxiety, suspiciousness, apathy, and derogatory behavior are not typical for male depression.

How to get out of depression on your own? If the disease appears in a short-term, minor form, you can use a simple psychotherapeutic approach that is accessible to everyone. To successfully get rid of the disorder, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause of its occurrence and take self-medication with full responsibility.

  1. Take responsibility and decide to change at a deep level.
  2. Use affirmations - short affirmative phrases with a positive attitude.
  3. Avoid solitude and strive for contact with others.
  4. Do not refuse the help of friends and loved ones, do not withdraw into yourself.
  5. Turn to spiritual food - the works of philosophers and writers, life-affirming films.
  6. Completely eliminate alcohol, nicotine and psychoactive substances.
  7. Change your daily routine and regulate your sleep.
  8. Exercise.
  9. Show love to loved ones, strive to bring them joy and selflessly help.
  10. Attend exciting events, take up a new hobby, or return to old interests.

If depression is associated with severe trauma, serious dysfunction of the central nervous system, you need to contact a highly specialized specialist - a psychotherapist. Good healing effect gives A complex approach: a combination of medications, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

Main pharmacological drugs Antidepressants are used to combat depression. They stimulate the body to produce nerve impulses responsible for mood, behavior and activity.

Treatment of depression is carried out with drugs of four generations.

  1. Tricyclic drugs - Amitriptyline, Imipramine. They are used only when severe forms in a hospital setting.
  2. Second generation drugs - Befol, Pyrazidol. They have a calming effect, but will not help cope with severe depressive disorders.
  3. Third generation drugs – Citalopram, Fluoxetine. Activate the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, successfully stop panic attacks and phobias.
  4. Fourth generation antidepressants – Duloxetine, Milnacipran. They have a selective effect on serotonin and norepinephrine, without blocking the functions of other neurotransmitters.

In severe cases, antidepressants are combined with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and nootropics. Tranquilizers are effective in anxiety states, they calm and help fight fears. Neuroleptics are used in suicidal patients, with severe depression crazy ideas. Nootropics have stimulating properties, restore the functioning of the nervous system, help in the fight against nervous exhaustion, apathy, lethargy and increased fatigue.

Any medication for treating depression is available only with a doctor's prescription!

Psychotherapeutic practices

Psychotherapy for depression involves the use of certain methods of psychocorrection depending on the pathogenesis and form of the disease. Therapy is aimed at teaching the patient to independently cope with depressive symptoms, solve important life issues, control emotions and conditions that inevitably lead to depression.

The following types of psychotherapy are recognized as the most effective:

  • cognitive-behavioral – aimed at correcting behavioral errors that lead to depressive disorder;
  • interpersonal – helps to form healthy relationships between the patient and people around him;
  • psychodynamic – aimed at searching for the internal conflict underlying the pathology.

Aromatherapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, methods of self-hypnosis and hypnosis are also used to combat depression.

Prevention of depression

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take decisive measures so that the emotional state does not worsen. In the off-season, the room should have a lot of light and a large number of lighting fixtures. Frequent walks will help fresh air, daily gymnastics and feasible sports activities.

General strengthening agents - rosehip decoction - can keep the body and spirit in good shape. Herb tea, ginger, medicinal balms. You should saturate your life with healthy positive emotions as much as possible - do your favorite things, watch good movies and pamper yourself with pleasant purchases.

A positive outlook on life, bright plans for the future, good friends and interesting meetings - all this will help improve your mood and leave no chance for depression.


Depression is not just melancholy and Bad mood. This serious illness, which leads to dangerous violations on a physiological level. Only qualified doctor will tell you how to get out of depression, help you find the meaning of life and take a fresh look at the world.

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