Home Prosthetics and implantation Sensitivity of gums. The most effective ways to reduce tooth sensitivity

Sensitivity of gums. The most effective ways to reduce tooth sensitivity

Most often, we can place the blame for increased sensitivity of teeth and gums on ourselves. The disease is a consequence of bad hygiene habits. It also happens that it is associated with a lack of bite (the teeth are overloaded and the enamel is damaged, which causes dentin to be exposed).

Increased tooth sensitivity can also be the result of an improper diet. The problem occurs when there are too many sugary sodas and acidic foods. They contribute to the gradual demineralization of enamel. No less harmful is or.

The situation is the same with increased sensitivity of the gums. Poor hygiene habits, smoking, stress and diabetes mellitus contribute to the problem. Inflammation, if not stopped in time, includes the periodontium, periosteum, alveolar bone, root cementum and gums. This leads to migration of the gingival epithelium towards the root apex, destruction of periodontal fibers and collagen and resorption bone tissue vermiform appendix. Progressive infection usually leads to tooth loss.

Symptoms hypersensitivity gums are quite specific. The first warning sign is their redness and swelling. Bleeding often also occurs, initially only when brushing and flossing, then also when eating hard foods.

Simple rules for protecting hypersensitive gums

  1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush

    At daily care use for skin toothbrush with soft bristles. Preferably with small head and bristles that do not irritate the gums. Also remember to change your toothbrush regularly.

  2. Brush your teeth gently but thoroughly

    Many people who notice the first symptoms of gum inflammation avoid brushing their teeth. This is mistake! You should never give up hygiene, you just need to carry out this procedure more gently and more carefully.

  3. Visit the dentist!

    Sensitive gums are one of the first signs of inflammation. It should not be underestimated because it is a direct path to periodontal diseases, which are difficult to treat and can lead to tooth loss. The dentist will likely suggest plaque removal.

  4. Use an antibacterial mouthwash

    Use an effective mouthwash in your daily dental care routine. It should have an antibacterial effect, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of plaque. Mouthwash should not contain alcohol.

Preventing gum sensitivity

In the vast majority of cases, gum inflammation can be avoided by using preventive measures. The basis is proper – sufficiently long and thorough brushing of teeth and cleaning of interdental spaces with dental floss.

Using an antibacterial mouthwash is also very important. One that contains active ingredients - aminofluoride And tin fluoride, capable of instantly spreading inside the oral cavity and preventing the formation of plaque.

It is also extremely important to regularly remove plaque, which hardens to form tartar. Professional teeth cleaning should be done at least once a year in a dental office.

Who often has sensitive gums

The risk of developing and periodontal disease increases with age, which is likely facilitated by decreased immune reaction body. Chronic periodontitis observed in 86% of the population over 70 years of age, and among them more than one quarter have lost all their teeth due to the progression of periodontal disease.

Tobacco smoking has an impact on the development of gum disease. In smokers, plaque deposition is more severe, which may be due to impaired salivary secretion.

Undoubtedly, high risk gum inflammation is observed in patients diabetes mellitus However, good blood glucose control helps keep periodontal tissues in excellent condition.

Inflammation of the gums is not only associated with unpleasant sensitivity, it can be the cause of systemic diseases. Today it is already known that bacteria living in the oral cavity can easily penetrate into the bloodstream, damaging various organs, including the heart muscle.

Increased sensitivity of gums and teeth is a fairly common and extremely unpleasant problem. Statistics show that about 40% of people experience this phenomenon. This condition of teeth and gums causes severe discomfort and pain.

A person cannot freely eat hot or cold food, it is impossible to fully brush his teeth, and even a simple breath of cold air can cause extreme discomfort. What to do in such a situation and how to cope with this pathology?

The main reason for the development of diseases of teeth and gums is improper care and neglect of oral health. If oral hygiene is performed irregularly, not thoroughly, or using products of insufficient quality, this will provoke the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Their activity gradually turns the soft plaque on the teeth into yellow-brown stone. Tartar affects the gums, they weaken and become inflamed, and begin to gradually develop various diseases teeth and gums (read more).

Important: Hormonal changes accelerate development in the body pathogenic microflora Therefore, with an insufficient level of oral hygiene during adolescence, during pregnancy and with exacerbation of endocrine problems, diseases of the teeth and gums develop faster and are more common.

What other processes can provoke the development of diseases of teeth and gums and cause an increase in their sensitivity:

  • abrasion and thinning of enamel due to too hard a toothbrush or highly abrasive toothpaste;
  • abuse of foods high in acids;
  • receding gums due to poor hygiene or gum disease;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • after various dental procedures: whitening, professional cleaning, installation or removal of braces.

Important: If you feel that eating cold or hot food causes discomfort or pain, do not delay visiting a doctor - a specialist will help you deal with the problem quickly and effectively.

Regardless of what caused the increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, it is important to undergo a thorough examination by a dentist as early as possible and begin treatment for this pathology.

Gum diseases

Quite often, a condition such as sensitive gums turns out to be a precursor various diseases. Gum diseases are usually divided into three groups, depending on where the pathological process is localized.

More details about this can be found in the table:

Name of pathology Main characteristics

Surface inflammatory process, which does not affect the periodontal joints. This process can be acute or chronic. It is quite easy to treat, but if the disease is neglected, it can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss.

A pathological process that affects the supporting apparatus of the tooth destroys the periodontal ligament. The gum gradually moves away from the tooth and a pocket appears in which food debris accumulates. This leads to the formation of pus in them, the teeth gradually begin to loosen and the lack of treatment at this stage leads to their loss.

The most insidious gum disease, which is almost impossible to overcome. affects deeper tissues, disrupts blood supply, teeth gradually become exposed, become very loose and fall out.

Usually people pay more attention to the condition of their teeth, but without healthy gums it cannot be normal. Therefore, at the first symptoms of any gum pathology, it is better to immediately undergo an examination by a doctor.

Important: Increased sensitivity of teeth and gums sometimes signals diseases of the internal organs.

Tooth sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of teeth near the gums occurs when dentin, a special porous tooth tissue, is exposed. Dentin has many microscopic channels that lead to the nerve tissues of the tooth.

Dentin exposure occurs as a result of gum recession or enamel abrasion, because of this the nerves are more easily excited by various external influences, which causes increased tooth sensitivity.

Also leading to dentin exposure are:

  • traumatic injuries: splits, chips, cracks, and other conditions leading to disruption of the integrity of tooth enamel;
  • erosion;
  • congenital or hereditary enamel defects;
  • unprofessional dental procedures;
  • periodontal diseases, in which the cervical area of ​​the tooth is exposed, etc.

Temporary increased sensitivity may occur after dental procedures: whitening, professional cleaning, removal of tartar, etc. This is not a pathology.

In some cases, psychoneurosis, endocrinopathies, and various systemic diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal changes.

Treatment Basics

If you have sensitive gums and teeth, after examination by a doctor you will be given instructions with the necessary measures and methods of treating this pathology. Modern dentistry offers a range effective methods for the treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth and gums.

Which of them are the most effective:

  1. Covering teeth with enamel or using a mouthguard with a strengthening remineralizing compound, such as using fluoride varnish.
  2. Healing of carious lesions and complete sanitation of the mouth.
  3. Professional hygienic cleaning, which removes plaque, microbial layer and various solid deposits.
  4. Anti-inflammatory therapy using various gels and ointments that relieve swelling, reduce the inflammatory process and have an antimicrobial effect (the most recommended of them are shown in the photo below). But they are effective only in mild inflammatory processes, since they penetrate only the mucous membrane without affecting the bone tissue.
  5. The use of antiseptics or agents with a regenerating effect, for example Solcoseryl or Actovegin, is especially important when stomatitis or similar diseases of the oral cavity are present.
  6. Hardware or finger massage of the gums. This method of therapy allows you to activate the flow of blood and lymph, normalize metabolism and improve nutrition in the gum tissue.
  7. Darsonvalization - involves applying a low high-frequency current to the affected areas, which helps reduce the sensitivity of the outer layer of gum tissue and normalizes blood circulation.
  8. The use of vacuum - this therapy is based on the rupture of surface capillaries, with the formation of a hematoma. In the process of its resorption, new, stronger vessels are formed and this activates the body's defenses. Solid and soft fabrics periodontal disease begins to receive good nutrition, and this can completely stop tissue atrophy during periodontal disease.
  9. Electrophoresis - with this method of treating sensitivity of the gums and teeth, a medicinal substances using direct current.

Important: Modern innovative medical technology in severe cases, they even allow you to build up the edge of the gum, as well as restore the enamel and cement of the tooth.

The specific treatment method is chosen by the doctor based on the reasons that caused the increased sensitivity of the gums and teeth. At the same time, the price of procedures can vary within quite large limits.

Folk remedies

When the first symptoms of increased sensitivity of teeth and gums appear, many first try to cure this pathology with their own hands, resorting to the means and methods of traditional medicine. But how effective is this treatment?

As proponents of unconventional methods say, folk recipes can not only improve the condition of the enamel, but also generally improve the level of oral health, which will lead to the complete elimination of the first symptoms of hypersensitivity.

We list the popular recipes for such treatment:

  • daily consumption of milk, preferably drinking it warm, holding it in the mouth for half a minute;
  • dilute 3 drops of oil in a glass of warm water tea tree and rinse your mouth. This remedy not only helps reduce sensitivity, but also eliminates bad smell from mouth;
  • rinsing saline solution(for 200 ml of water 1 tsp of salt);
  • Heat 300 ml of water to a boil and add 1 tsp. dried burdock herb, let it simmer for 1-2 minutes and leave to infuse for an hour. Then strain the broth and use for rinsing;
  • chewing a small piece of propolis for 5-10 minutes every other day;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour crushed chamomile flowers into 1 cup of boiling water for an hour, then strain and use for rinsing;
  • Wash the eggshells thoroughly, boil for 10 minutes, then dry and grind into flour. This powder should be taken 0.5 tsp. Daily;
  • add 1 tbsp to 200 ml of boiling water. l. dry oak bark, boil for 5 minutes, then cool, strain and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

The listed methods can indeed alleviate the condition of increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, but still, before using them, you should definitely undergo examination by a doctor. Since traditional medicine recipes should not be taken as the only way to treat the problem, it is better to add them to the main traditional therapy, or use them for prevention.

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums

Diseases of the teeth and gums, which occur in almost every third person, in most cases are the result of negligence and careless attitude to existing hygiene and preventive standards, which are described in detail in the video in this article.

Although in fact, the prevention of oral diseases is extremely simple:

  • brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day, using high-quality toothpaste and a brush of sufficient hardness;
  • balanced diet, predominance of raw vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • regular preventive examinations dentist;
  • timely treatment of any oral diseases.

The level of medicine in our time has increased significantly, but even now it is not possible to completely restore damaged tissues of teeth and gums in all situations. But often people turn to the dentist only when self-medication has led to irreversible changes, atrophy, loosening or even loss of teeth.

Therefore, it is important to understand that a symptom such as tooth sensitivity near the gums can be a sign of a serious pathology. And the sooner the diagnosis is carried out, the faster it will be possible to get rid of this problem.

Questions for the doctor


Hello, Doctor! I recently completed a full course of dental treatment, caries removal and filling. And for 2 weeks after this I have been suffering from excessive tooth sensitivity. Will it always be like this now? And how can you relieve the pain?

After many dental procedures, tooth sensitivity increases, and this is quite normal. In order to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use special toothpastes. You can also take an additional course on dental fluoridation after consulting with your dentist.

Gum recession

I recently noticed that with right side The neck of the teeth began to become exposed on top and the gums moved back. Because of this, sensitivity has greatly increased. The pharmacy recommended various rinses and gels, but nothing helps me. Tell me how to restore gums?

Your situation requires an urgent dental examination to identify the cause of gum recession and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you continue to self-medicate, you may lose your teeth.


I take very good care of my teeth and often visit the dentist, but the problem of tooth sensitivity has been bothering me for more than two years. My doctor recommends using professional toothpastes and dental gels. But this only helps for a short time. What else can be done in my case?

The reason your teeth are sensitive may be due to thinning enamel. Therefore, dental procedures aimed at strengthening tooth tissue, such as remineralization, should help you.

The human oral cavity is a complex “device”, one of the elements of which is the gums and teeth. Key Features, performed by them, we take for granted, but only until the moment we feel pain. Both increased gum sensitivity and dental hyperesthesia can cause discomfort; Read on to learn how the two conditions differ and what you can do to relieve the pain associated with them.

Increased gum sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of the gums occurs due to their irritation. If you feel like your gums have become overly sensitive, check for other symptoms: Gingivitis may be a cause of gum sensitivity. With gingivitis, dentists explain, there is swelling and soreness of the gums, which easily begin to bleed, resulting in stale breath. Development more serious illness tissues surrounding the tooth, periodontitis, which can also cause increased sensitivity of the gums, is accompanied by the appearance of such alarming symptom as recession (recession) of the gums.

Gum hypersensitivity associated with gingivitis or periodontitis is usually a consequence of poor oral hygiene. The main source of gum irritation is bacterial plaque that accumulates along the gum line. If gingivitis is left untreated, the inflammation can eventually affect deeper tissues and lead to the development of periodontitis. Other causes of gum sensitivity can include diabetes, smoking, and even pregnancy.

Tooth hypersensitivity

Dental hyperesthesia has its own symptoms. This is, first of all, an acute short-term pain that can occur when brushing certain teeth with a toothbrush or floss, as well as when consuming cold or hot, sour or sweet foods and drinks.

Dental hypersensitivity has many causes, some of which, according to the American Dental Association, also cause gum soreness. Hyperesthesia can occur due to caries, tooth fracture or crack, gum recession, enamel wear, dentin exposure, loss of restoration and, finally, periodontitis. Also, tooth sensitivity can be caused by the habit of grinding them, bruxism, or too much pressure on the toothbrush while brushing. In addition, increased dental hypersensitivity can be caused even by excessively active use of mouth rinses: as experts explain, alcohol, which is part of many mouth rinses, has an intense effect on the mucous membrane oral cavity dries it out, causing xerostomia, which negatively affects the condition of the enamel.

Treatment and prevention

Although hypersensitivity of both gums and teeth can cause severe discomfort, it is easily treatable and preventable. Most effective method To prevent gum sensitivity, dental hyperesthesia and related problems is proper oral hygiene. Regular use of high-quality toothpaste will help avoid the accumulation of plaque and the development of gingivitis - the main causes of increased sensitivity of the gums. Cleaning the spaces between teeth with dental floss, as well as proper nutrition, also help maintain healthy gums.

Dental hyperesthesia can be combated with desensitizing toothpaste and fluoride gel. If necessary, your dentist can perform bonding, gum grafting, and root canal treatment. You should consult a dentist in any case, and especially if increased sensitivity of the gums or teeth persists for any long time.

How does it manifest itself and why is it dangerous? As soon as the irritant is on the surface of the tooth, a person with hypersensitive teeth or gums feels pain. However, the discomfort goes away within a few seconds or minutes. The rapid disappearance of pain, by the way, is the main difference from another disease - pulp (nerve inflammation). Hyperesthesia can be either a separate problem or a symptom of a disease (for example, infection, periodontal disease, and so on).

Why has tooth sensitivity increased? First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the structure and structure of the tooth. So, enamel and dentin are the main dental tissues. Dentin is located close to the pulp (nerve). Dentin contains tubes with liquid, which start from the very nerve cells in the pulp and end directly at the tooth enamel. The tubes contain processes of nerve cells. If the enamel is thinned and certain irritants fall on it, then these processes instantly transmit an impulse. As a result, the tooth hurts from cold and hot, reacts sharply to sour, sweet, and so on.

Conditionally provoking factors are divided into systemic and non-systemic. The latter are in one way or another connected with external influence. Systemic factors that increase tooth sensitivity appear due to disorders and failures in the human body itself.


  • the emergence and development of infectious diseases;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • toxicosis;
  • insufficient amount of mineral beneficial microelements in the body;
  • illnesses endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and so on.


  • influence of irritating acids (fructose);
  • using a toothbrush that is too hard;
  • presence of microtraumas or cracks;
  • periodontitis;
  • too thin dental tissue, susceptible to abrasion;
  • erosion of tooth enamel;
  • carrying out a variety of dental procedures (turning for a crown, getting rid of tartar, chemical whitening, and so on);
  • regular mechanical damage (for example, biting off a wire or the habit of chewing seeds, and so on).

A dentist will help you determine exactly why your teeth have become sensitive during a personal examination during a consultation with the patient.


according to form:

  • limited hyperesthesia: one tooth or several teeth react;
  • systemic hyperesthesia: the whole dentition reacts.

by stage of development:

  • on initial stage hypertension painful sensations occur exclusively upon contact only with cold or hot;
  • the second degree includes the symptoms of the first stage, as well as discomfort when consuming spicy, sour, sweet, and so on. That is, the list of irritants is no longer limited only to temperature ones;
  • at the final stage, increased sensitivity of the teeth is observed upon their contact with any type of irritant.
  • Adjust your diet

What to avoid: It is worth excluding those foods that can provoke a pain impulse. We are talking about sweet and sour drinks and dishes (for example, soda). It will be effective to avoid foods that can harm tooth enamel. For example, crackers or seeds contribute to the formation of chips and microcracks.

What to include in the menu: foods high in minerals and vitamins are suitable. These include cheese, dairy products (primarily cottage cheese and milk), as well as liver, fish and seafood. Calcium and potassium should prevail in the food consumed, iron and phosphorus should be present in large quantities, and so on.

  • Buy a remedy for tooth sensitivity

The pharmacy offers a whole series of specialized products. These are a variety of varnishes, foams, pastes for external use and medications for internal use.

  • Undergo physiotherapeutic procedures

If tooth sensitivity has increased, then in some cases the doctor advises you to undergo electrophoresis. This is a procedure in which electric current is applied to the surface of the teeth.

  • Sign up for dental remineralization

Dental procedure – remineralizing therapy – involves professional treatment of tooth enamel special composition for maximum calcium saturation. To do this, the dentist uses appropriate means. After using them, the doctor can also apply fluoride material to the enamel to strengthen and improve the result.

How to treat tooth sensitivity with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes for decoctions and tinctures for rinsing the mouth. It is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of such methods, but a clear advantage is the content of natural ingredients in the composition of such rinses. So, for example, you can brew one spoon of burdock and chamomile. You can also rinse your mouth with warm water and a few drops of tea tree oil.

Sensitive gums– a problem familiar to 40% of the world’s adult population. Ice cream, hot drinks, ice-cold cocktails or cold blasts of air: all of this causes discomfort and causes a short-term attack of pain. The official name of this pathology is hyperesthesia. Women are more susceptible to gum sensitivity; after 30 years, the risk of hyperesthesia increases. Sensitive gums

Briefly about the problem

Hypersensitivity occurs if the hard periodontal tissues are exposed to various irritating factors(mechanical, chemical, thermal). The attack of pain comes sharply and unexpectedly, and also suddenly it stops. The mechanism of the appearance of hyperesthesia is associated with the structure of enamel, dentin and the characteristics of their interaction with the pulp. The main sources of hyperesthesia are exposure of the enamel-dentin border or thinning and drying of the enamel.

If characteristic pain appears when brushing your teeth or when inhaling cold air - these are signs of a neglected condition. In this case, even the slightest touch to the enamel provokes acute attack pain.

Causes of gum sensitivity

There are many reasons for the development of hypersensitivity. Among the indirect ones are problems with blood clotting, lack of useful substances and vitamins in the body, smoking, weakened the immune system. This condition also causes a number of other reasons.

  1. Carious inflammation. Sensitivity appears if the carious lesion is located close to the gum. The enamel loses minerals, and protection against exposure to acidic environments decreases.
  2. Periodontal diseases. Sensitivity in this case is a consequence of receding gums.
  3. Dental errors. Poor filling or treatment of caries damages the integrity of the enamel, and an incorrectly installed crown causes receding gums. Other reasons are a violation of the whitening technology, poorly carried out professional cleaning (the enamel has become thinner).
  4. A number of systemic diseases. In this list hormonal disbalance, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, depression, menopause in women.
  5. Poor hygiene. Brushes with hard bristles, misuse dental floss, frequent use pastes and gels with high abrasiveness. As a result, mechanical damage to the enamel occurs, cracks and chips contribute to the appearance of hyperesthesia. Also home whitening baking soda destroys enamel and causes hypersensitivity.

Periodontal diseases

Is it necessary to treat

Sensitivity is a common problem, but it cannot be ignored. If pain occurs, you should definitely contact your dentist to determine the cause of the phenomenon. High gum sensitivity can be a symptom developing pathology(bruxism, pathological abrasion, periodontitis or periodontal disease). Hyperesthesia also carries the risk of exposing roots and loosening of teeth. It is necessary to treat such a pathology.


After the examination, the dentist prescribes the appropriate treatment:

  • hygienic cleaning;
  • hardware treatment of gums with systems " Varius" And " Vector»;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • physiotherapy.

The physiotherapeutic treatment process includes massage, darsonvalization (exposure to electric current) different frequencies), vacuum therapy and electrophoresis. The result is increased lymph and blood circulation, nutrition of gum tissue, and increased capillary density.

Medicines are prescribed to provide an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, gels are prescribed that relieve swelling, reduce inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect. This is a gel Holisal, Metrogyl Denta, Asepta, Kamistad, Solcoseryl, Actovegin.

For chronic hyperesthesia, you need to use foams and mousses for regular rinsing. These substances form a protective film on the gums; after using them, it is not recommended to eat for 30-40 minutes. Examples medicinal products: Bifluoride 12, Fluocal-gel, Fluoride varnish, Remodent powder.

Device Vector

Choosing a toothpaste

Dentists recommend special pastes for patients with hyperesthesia. They need to be used in courses, the frequency of use depends on the degree of sensitivity. Such pastes contain sodium bicarbonate, potassium and sodium carbonates. Their composition also necessarily includes calcium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, enzymes and biological supplements, fatty acid.

  • The elements strontium and potassium prevent irritation of nerve endings.
  • Potassium protects teeth from external irritants.
  • Calcium restores elements of damaged bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • The presence of fluoride helps strengthen and restore tooth enamel. Its share in the composition should not exceed 2%.

One toothpaste should not contain a combination fluoride and calcium. It is recommended to use fluoride-containing toothpaste in the mornings, and calcium-containing toothpaste in the evenings. Also in paste for sensitive teeth There should be no flavoring additives, dyes or bleaching particles. The paste and rinse should be purchased at a pharmacy and only on the recommendation of a dentist.

Folk remedies

The best therapeutic effect can be achieved with complex therapy. One of the components of such treatment is ethnoscience. So, how to deal with gum sensitivity at home?

NameIngredients for cookingHow to cook?
Wormwood tincture
  • 30-40 g of dry wormwood herb;
  • 200 g of alcohol (alcohol, vodka).
Pour alcohol over wormwood and leave in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Use the product for applications or for rinsing (after diluting with water).
Onion and aloe paste
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 2 medium aloe leaves.
Grind the ingredients until smooth. Apply the paste to the gums, do not swallow.
Oak bark decoctionOak bark and boiling water.Pour boiling water, leave, rinse or make mouth baths.
Healing herbal extractSt. John's wort, strawberries, elderberry (in equal proportions), boiling water.Pour boiling water over the herbs, leave for 60 minutes, then strain. Let the solution cool and rinse 1-3 times a day.

Regular slow resorption of honey will have a strengthening effect. Honey is a natural source of beneficial elements and vitamins. This tasty medicine is an effective prevention of gum inflammation and sensitivity.

Preventive measures

Are common preventive actions– strengthening the immune system, enriching the diet with vitamins, maintaining a daily routine and healthy sleep. Recommended quit smoking, since this bad habit promotes vasoconstriction (blood circulation in the gums is inhibited).

If you cannot give up completely, after each cigarette you smoke, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Also shown is regular light massage gums You need to massage large and index finger, For better effect- use olive oil or sea ​​salt.

It is recommended to quit smoking

Nutrition rules

You need to remove irritants from your diet: cold and hot food. After drinking citrus fruits and carbonated sweet drinks, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly. You also need to exclude solid foods (nuts, crackers, seeds).

They lead to chips and cracks in the enamel. Be sure to enrich your diet with foods filled with calcium and fluoride, magnesium, and iron. This is fish and seafood dairy products. A balanced diet is especially important for prevention.

Oral hygiene rules

Preventing the condition of gums and teeth is not a difficult task. Be sure to use a properly selected brush: it must have soft and even fibers. You need to change the brush at least once every 2-3 months.

Use dental floss

After every meal, use dental floss and use toothpicks very carefully. An irrigator and rinses will help eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach places.


So, tooth sensitivity is a common problem. It is necessary to treat the pathology; therapy must proceed regularly and comprehensively. When the first warning signs Contact your dentist immediately. For oral hygiene, use only suitable toothpastes and follow a diet. Remember that advanced hyperesthesia leads to tooth loss.

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