Home Stomatitis If after waking up everything goes numb. Why fingers go numb: causes, diagnosis and treatment

If after waking up everything goes numb. Why fingers go numb: causes, diagnosis and treatment


During sleep, a person relaxes as much as possible from the stress of the day - physical and emotional. If internal discomfort appears, the peace of the night is disrupted. An unpleasant symptom can be numbness of the hands at night, which not only wakes you up, but also makes a person nervous and irritable during the day. This is not an independent disease, but an alarming signal. If your hands go numb at night, immediately consult a therapist and undergo a full examination to identify hidden pathologies.

What is hand numbness

Officially, the unpleasant symptom is called paresthesia of the limbs. According to the terminology, this is a temporary loss of sensitivity, which is characterized by sensations of numbness, accompanied by a feeling of tingling, crawling on the skin. The condition develops equally at any age; at first it goes unnoticed, but is fraught with complications. This is a physiological (natural) phenomenon, for example, when the position of the body changes, or pathological, indicating an internal disease.

When your hands go numb at night, this unpleasant symptom cannot be ignored, otherwise the problem will only get worse. If your hands go numb, then when you move your fingers you feel a slight tingling sensation, painful sensations that are paroxysmal in nature, focal localization. The patient complains of:

  • difficulties in coordinating actions;
  • inability to use a limb;
  • lack of response to external stimuli;
  • loss of sensitivity not only of the skin, but of the entire arm/hand.

To exclude cardiac pathologies, first of all, the doctor orders an ECG and additionally collects data (history). The symptom is diverse, and the examination of the body must be comprehensive, including instrumental and laboratory methods, differential diagnosis. You can contact:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist.


With an unpleasant symptom, a serious disease is not always found. It is possible that the problem is physiological in nature. These are the most common reasons that deprive you of sleep and peace, but they are temporary and change long period remission. Reasons include:

  • Not correct position body during sleep;
  • narrow cut or synthetic fabric pajamas;
  • excess coffee in the body evening time days;
  • poor-quality sleeping furniture, narrow or too thin mattress, uneven surface (for example, if the furniture unfolds);
  • rare change of position during sleep.

Hands go numb in pregnant women, which is associated with physiological changes in the female body against the background of doubled blood flow and the fetus growing in the womb. Since the baby puts excessive pressure on the internal organs, especially when moving in the uterus, local oxygen starvation. It is accompanied by numbness of the soft tissues. Before looking for a pathological process, it is necessary to eliminate everything from the patient’s life. physiological factors. One should not rule out more serious illnesses, for example, dangerous and widespread:

  • arthrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.


In case of acute deficiency it is vital important microelements, especially thiamine (vitamin B1), often cause numbness in the hands during sleep. To eliminate the symptoms of progressive vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to include natural vitamins and multivitamin complexes in your daily diet. This is the most insignificant and least dangerous reason for health why an unpleasant symptom appears. Pathologies can be more global, most of them occur in chronic form, some are fatal.

Among the main reasons why hands become numb during sleep are the following diseases and pathological processes in the body:

  • osteochondrosis cervical region, which is characterized by compression of the spinal nerves;
  • scalene muscle syndrome (pain begins in the shoulder girdle and cervical area along the ulnar part of the arm);
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, when the nerves between the wrist bones and muscle tendons are compressed;
  • tunnel syndrome (more often progresses in women after 40 years of age, professional musicians, programmers, workers in printing houses, publishing houses, typesetters, professional athletes - tennis players, during active training);
  • violation vascular circulation caused by diabetes, cardiac ischemia, anemia, stroke, micro-stroke, ischemic stroke;
  • autonomic disorders, supplemented by innervation disorder;
  • arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis(in the latter case, the nerves come under attack when the joints are deformed);
  • degenerative processes of the central nervous system, neuropathy, acute attacks migraines, rheumatism, solar plexus neuralgia;
  • vascular diseases such as Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome;
  • systemic collagenoses, for example, periarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus;
  • inflammatory processes in the nerves;
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncological diseases.

Incorrect body position

IN in this case we are talking about arbitrary compression of internal organs, since the patient has chosen an extremely uncomfortable position for himself. In addition, in uncomfortable positions, the blood supply process is disrupted, and the body begins to “sound the alarm.” To get rid of this feeling, you need to change your sleeping position. The body will stop numbing, the limbs will regain sensitivity. Incorrect posture during sleep is possible in adults and children, but the symptoms are identical. For those who turn over to the other side, the tingling disappears after 10-15 minutes.

Other reasons

Knowledgeable experts highlight not only internal diseases the body, which are accompanied by numbness of the limbs, but also the individual characteristics of the body. These are acquired or genetically determined differences. To eliminate them, no additional therapeutic measures, you need to wait time. Provoking factors why your hands go numb at night during sleep are:

  • pregnancy;
  • prolonged sitting in front of a computer with increased neck muscle tension;
  • curvature of posture;
  • tight/synthetic sleepwear;
  • excessive physical and emotional stress during the daytime;
  • the presence of rings on the fingers and bracelets on the wrist;
  • eating spicy food and high doses of coffee before bedtime;
  • uncomfortable pillow made of synthetic material;
  • spinal injuries (shoulder, cervical or other);
  • regular alcohol abuse;
  • strongest emotional overstrain, for example, at work, in personal life.

Why do my hands go numb in my sleep?

If a serious illness is suspected, this symptom will not be the only one. Dizziness, surges in blood pressure, and poor coordination of movements may cause concern. It is important which hand goes numb, which part of it, for example, the little finger or the wrist. Cardiac problems, complications after injury, or pathological processes in the spine cannot be ruled out. To understand the symptom, you need to contact a specialist with your complaints. Below are the most common reasons why your hands go numb during sleep.

Both hands go numb

With such a clinical picture, there is a suspicion of problems in the functioning of the peripheral or central nervous system. Often the patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, polyneuropathy or intervertebral hernia. Diseases are fraught with complications, for example, disability, therefore, after diagnosis, depending on the stage of the pathological process, the doctor suggests surgical intervention followed by rehabilitation, looking for conservative methods. Other reasons:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.
  • arthritis.


With such a symptom, cardiac diseases are completely excluded, but this does not mean that the health problem is completely absent. One of the reasons why your hands cramp at night is progressive carpal tunnel syndrome, pathological narrowing of the blood vessels in the neck, arthrosis or cervical osteochondrosis. Increasing signs of a stroke should not be ruled out, so in such a clinical picture it is necessary to act immediately; superficial self-medication is dangerous to health.


The cause of numbness in the hands during sleep on the left side is the most dangerous, and indicates diseases of the cardiovascular system. A cardiologist will help; without additional medications, the positive dynamics are weak or completely absent. Among the potential diagnoses, experts do not exclude the development of a stroke, micro-stroke, up to a pre-infarction state. Blood vessels are pathologically compressed, systemic blood flow is limited. To avoid the formation of foci of necrosis, resuscitation measures are required.


This is a clear symptom that there are problems with blood circulation and the nervous system. Malaise cannot be ignored, especially if it is often accompanied by other signs of illness - dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and increased frequency of migraines. The hands tingle slightly at first, then the pain becomes paroxysmal and increases in intensity and duration. Main reasons:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • blockage of a large apter of the arm or a vessel higher in the bloodstream;
  • Raynaud's disease (damage to small terminal arteries and arterioles, the appearance of systematic vascular spasms);
  • polyneuropathy (this is a complication of vitamin deficiency, high blood sugar, diabetes, infectious diseases, pancreatitis, anemia);
  • blockage of a cerebral vessel (a condition fraught with stroke, micro-stroke).


With carpal tunnel syndrome, the fingers begin to go numb in the evening, and tingling in the palms is bothersome. This unpleasant condition persists and even intensifies at night, causing insomnia and instability of the nervous system. More often, a characteristic disease develops after 40 years in women. Additionally, professional athletes, musicians, and e-sports players are at risk. Other common reasons why fingers go numb during sleep are:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome (pinched nerve with acute pain);
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • polyneuropathy (organic damage to the nerve plexuses located on the hands and fingers);
  • deep vein thrombosis in the arms;
  • blockage of blood vessels in the brain;
  • diseases endocrine system(pathology of the thyroid gland);
  • inflammatory processes in the joints (possibly infectious in nature).

Much depends on the specific finger, which temporarily loses its sensitivity at night. These can be either individual components or the entire brush. The characteristics of each condition are presented below:

  1. If the ring finger goes numb, the nerve plexuses are affected due to injuries or pinched roots. This pathology especially often progresses in professional athletes. When the little finger is additionally involved in the pathological process, it’s time to suspect diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. If the first finger becomes numb, there is a suspicion of progressive hemangioma and neurofibroma. Such pathogenic neoplasms compress nerve receptors and lead to loss of vitality of soft tissues.
  3. Simultaneous loss of sensitivity of the index and ring fingers indicates dysfunction of the cervical muscles and intervertebral tissues, accompanied by painful shootings in the shoulder, elbow joint, and hand.
  4. When the problem affects all fingers, this is one of the manifestations of atherosclerosis; atherosclerotic plaques form in the fingers. They locally disrupt blood flow and lead to temporary loss of sensitivity in all fingers.
  5. Don't rule it out severe stage diabetes mellitus, but in this case, in addition to numbness of the fingers, a number of symptoms that are more characteristic of the disease predominate and develop.

Hands and feet go numb

There are such clinical pictures when numbness is felt in the lower and upper extremities. Doctors are studying the specific reasons why blood flow is disrupted, sleep is lost, and the patient experiences internal discomfort. Provoking factors can be physiological, for example, an uncomfortable position or tight pajamas. The risk of developing a pathological process should not be excluded. Potential diagnoses for why your hands go numb during sleep are:

  • injuries in which the shoulder blades, neck, arms, wrists, knees, and shoulder area were damaged;
  • autonomic disorders with innervation disorders;
  • chronic vascular diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • progressive oncology.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Why your hands go numb during sleep: causes and symptoms of the condition

Hand numbness, or (according to medical terminology) paresthesia, is a condition in which the limbs become “woolly.” They briefly refuse to obey. They feel a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of goosebumps. This condition is familiar to many. And in some cases (after wearing a weight or measuring blood pressure) it does not cause concern. But why does the hand go numb if there were no prerequisites for this, and the limbs were at rest?

Possible reasons

It is difficult to answer unequivocally why your hands go numb. There may be many reasons behind this condition. Some of them are physiological. For example, they are provoked by squeezing by tight clothing or a bag strap.

Unfortunately, the causes of this condition may be hidden in various diseases. Without corresponding medical examination in this case, it is quite difficult to determine why the hand goes numb.

Let's look at the common causes of hand paresthesia.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae

It is often accompanied by scalene muscle syndrome. The compaction of the intervertebral ligaments in the cervical region of the spine leads to constant spasm. The scalene muscle compresses the neurovascular bundle that provides nutrition to the arm. As a result, there is a lack of blood supply to the arteries. This is one of the main reasons why the hand goes numb.

Injuries suffered

These are various fractures, dislocations of the shoulder, wrist, scapula, collarbone. Displacement of the bones or ligaments of the joint can lead to compression of the brachial artery. In this case, there is a feeling of weakness in the hands, and goosebumps are felt.

Brachial plexus neuritis

Due to many reasons, inflammation of the nerves occurs. Sources can be various infections, nerve ganglion cysts, and hypothermia. Sometimes compression is caused by tumors that have arisen. In these cases, numbness may be accompanied by a pronounced loss of sensation in the hand and severe pain.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Between the muscle tissues of the forearm in a narrow canal, compression of the median nerve can occur. This condition is observed with a long, monotonous position of the hand. For example, after sewing, typing, writing with a pen.

Vascular diseases

Some pathologies, such as Raynaud's syndrome, endarteritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, can lead to prolonged spasms. Sometimes blockage of blood vessels occurs. As a result, numbness occurs periodically. This condition may be accompanied by sudden paleness and coldness in the hands. These symptoms are caused by impaired blood circulation in damaged arteries. After the attack ends, the limb becomes warmer and turns pink. Sensitivity returns again.

Night numbness

Most of the population faces this problem. And, as a rule, the reason why your hands go numb at night is the body itself. It’s not in vain that they say that the limb has “rested.”

Numbness is the absence of a signal from nerve endings. At night, if you take a not very comfortable position, it is easy to squeeze the blood vessels on your arm. In this case, the blood supply to the tissues is disrupted. Initially, a tingling sensation is felt, followed by numbness. There is no danger in such a situation.

It is necessary to free the hand, after which it will recover on its own. A few simple warm-up exercises will speed up the process.

However, if you regularly experience this symptom and are wondering why your hands go numb at night, then it’s time to consult a doctor. After all, “resting” the limbs can lead to thrombophlebitis of the veins, and sometimes provoke arterial thrombosis.

Elimination of risk factors

Fix problems physiological nature The following measures will allow:

  1. Replace the pillow. It should be very comfortable. Don't choose high or low. The neck should not bend during sleep. Special orthopedic pillows have been developed. They are perfectly adapted to human anatomy.
  2. Do not drink alcohol at night or smoke. They lead to vasodilation. But this effect is short-lived. If you drink alcohol or smoke a cigarette immediately before bed, vasoconstriction will occur at night. And at the same time, not to acceptable sizes, but much stronger. Impaired blood supply is the main reason why hands go numb.
  3. Don't overeat at night. The body will need a lot of resources to digest the food it receives. To do this, it will divert energy and a lot of blood from other organs and parts of the body.
  4. Avoid talking on the phone with it held between your shoulder and neck. Nerves and arteries of the neck that are compressed during the day can result in numbness at night.
  5. Heavy loads. After physical labor, do not go straight to bed. Overworked muscles should be given the opportunity to relax. Otherwise, they will make themselves felt at night with numbness, pain and cramps.
  6. Take the correct body position. You need to toss and turn while sleeping. You should not sleep in one position all night. Do not put your hand under your head. And it is not recommended for your significant other to fall asleep on your shoulder.
  7. Check your pajamas. Tight folds, tight cuffs, and seams can seriously impede blood circulation. This also applies to bracelets and rings.

Numbness in the fingers of the left hand

Typically, such sensations occur in the tufts of the fingers. Is not dangerous condition, but quite alarming. The main reasons why the fingers of the left hand go numb may be the following:

  1. Heart disease. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. And only after ruling out a predisposition to cardiac pathologies should one proceed to search for other possible sources of this state.
  2. Avitaminosis. A deficiency of vitamins A and B is quite capable of causing discomfort. Especially if such a picture is observed in winter.
  3. Long-term stress. Working at the computer, sewing, and embroidery often become a source of numbness in the fingers. This condition is often accompanied by painful cramps.
  4. Spinal pathologies. This is a fairly common reason for numbness. left hand. Fingers contain many nerve endings. Pinching resulting from misaligned vertebrae can easily be felt in the fascicles. At the same time, for diagnosis, it is extremely important for the doctor to know which fingers are going numb. This will allow you to determine the area where the pinching occurred.
  5. Disturbances in internal organs. Diseases of the liver, kidneys, and pneumonia are quite serious ailments that explain why the fingers go numb. There are no jokes here. Be sure to get diagnosed. Advanced pathologies are extremely difficult to treat.

Numbness of the right hand

There are several reasons why the fingers of the right hand go numb:

  1. Pinched nerve. This pathology affects not only the left, but also the right hand. It cannot be ruled out that a pinched nerve can affect any limb.
  2. Problems in the heart. Unfortunately, this is also possible.
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome. For right-handers, this is a common reason why fingers go numb. The syndrome affects people who make monotonous movements with their hands. Carpenters, conductors, and violinists are at risk. Prolonged tension leads to swelling of the tendons. As a result, the nerve responsible for sensitivity is compressed. The problem, despite such common reasons, cannot be ignored. A neglected condition can even provoke muscle atrophy or the inability to clench the hand into a fist.

In this condition, the best decision is to undergo an examination.

Numbness of the hands

This is a fairly common pathology. Why do my hands go numb? The reason lies in pinched nerves. Blood flow decreases. The median nerve does not receive the necessary nutrition. Unfortunately, the consequences if treatment is not started in a timely manner can be very negative.

Initially, the pathology manifests itself exclusively as numbness of the fingers. Later it covers the palm, arm. And over time, pain arises that bothers you at night. If you continue to ignore the problem, discomfort will begin to appear during the day. And raising your hand up will lead to severe pain.

Some features of numbness

It is important to understand that such a manifestation is not considered a disease. In itself it does not pose a danger. However, if you more and more often have to think about why your hand is going numb, you should consult a doctor about this problem, because this state- This is a signal from the body about possible problems. Therefore, you should describe the symptom that occurs to the doctor as accurately as possible in order to find and eliminate its cause. Unfortunately, ignoring the problem quite often leads to serious consequences.

Pay extreme attention to the symptoms that occur with numbness. Some conditions allow one to suspect possible pathology. Pay attention to the following manifestations:

  1. Many people ask why their little fingers and sometimes their ring fingers go numb. Most likely, the source of this symptom is heart disease. Especially if numbness occurs on the left hand.
  2. Do you experience unpleasant discomfort in your index and middle fingers? Sometimes it can be accompanied by insensibility of the back of the hand and pain? In this case, look for the cause in pathologies of the elbow joints or in neuralgia of the brachial nerves.
  3. Why do my fingertips go numb? Pathology can characterize a deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. But sometimes such a problem indicates the onset of the development of a serious disease - atherosclerosis.
  4. Lost sensation in your index finger and thumb? Does this cause pain on the outside? And do you feel weakness in your fingers? Such symptoms may indicate cervical osteochondrosis.

What to do if you feel numb?

Paresthesia should only be treated by a doctor. Please consult a therapist with this problem. If necessary, he will refer you to a neurologist or a vascular surgeon. The patient will be scheduled for a standard examination.

As a rule, the following diagnostic procedures are prescribed for numbness:

  1. Determination of neurological status and reflexes.
  2. X-ray of the cervical spine. For more detailed visualization you may need additional tests, such as MRI or CT.
  3. Angiography. This examination allows you to study the patency of blood vessels by injecting contrast into the arteries. As a result, the examination image is displayed on the X-ray machine monitor.
  4. Blood analysis. You need to check the amount of sugar. In addition, it is very important to determine the indicators of some microelements - potassium, sodium, calcium.

This is the minimum list of necessary procedures. In case of pathologies, the patient will be advised additional research. Determining the cause will allow the doctor to select the necessary treatment:

  1. In case of osteochondrosis, NSAIDs will be prescribed. A course of massage of the collar area will provide a positive effect.
  2. If the cause is hidden in the pathology of the arteries, then the treatment regimen includes taking medications that affect the vascular system.
  3. Atherosclerosis involves taking medications that help reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
  4. Neuritis can be corrected with anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures.

If numbness is caused by inactivity or monotonous work, the patient will be recommended special exercises. Physiotherapy shoulder girdle exercise will have a beneficial effect if performed for 10 minutes at least twice a day.

  1. Raising and lowering hands.
  2. Squeezing the hands behind the body into a lock.
  3. Raising and then lowering your arms above your head.
  4. Clenching your hands into fists.
  5. Head rotation.
  6. The occasional shrug.


Numbness of the hands is a condition that is often felt even by a completely healthy person. But if paresthesia becomes permanent and regular, you should not look for the source of the problem and treat these symptoms on your own. This is a serious reason to undergo the necessary diagnostics to identify the true causes of hand numbness.

The causes of numbness in the fingers are varied: from injuries to hormonal surges. If regular swelling is detected, you should contact a neurologist.

Such unpleasant sensations as numbness in the fingers are familiar to many. They can begin with ordinary tingling sensations and end with a loss of complete sensitivity. The reasons for this may be various diseases, as well as certain circumstances.

Important: In some cases, fingers may go numb from a simple awkward position of the hands in sleep.

kneading your hands will help get rid of numbness

If you do not intentionally pinch a nerve while sleeping, your hand or fingers may become numb. In order to get rid of the numbness associated with “uncomfortable” sleep, you just need to do exercises. If it doesn’t help you, then you need to look for the reason in your health condition.

Important: Numbness of the fingers: left and right, is characteristic mainly of people who have reached old age.

Since everything is in human body interconnected, numbness of the fingers is not a disease, but a consequence of some problem. Most often it is associated with problems of the cardiovascular system and diseases of the spine.

But you should pay close attention to which finger or fingers are going numb. It is this feature that can tell you where to look for the disease.

Video: “3 reasons for hand numbness. Diagnosis "on the fingers"

Why do my index and middle fingers go numb?

Important: Numb middle finger often extends its sensations to the index and ring fingers. It is not uncommon for numbness to spread to the outside of the hand.

If the index finger is numb, this is a clear “bell” indicating problems or overload of the neuromuscular system. This happens if a person long time performs monotonous work based on the same movements.

An example of such work could be knitting, embroidery or any other handicraft. It is not uncommon for numbness in the index and middle fingers to worsen and at times manifest as cramps and restriction of movement.

As for the middle finger, it is very common to feel numbness in the middle of the night. At this time, the muscles are relaxed after active physical activity. Swelling of the middle finger on the hand symbolizes problems:

  • vascular system
  • nervous system
  • skeletal and joint system

spread of numbness

Important: If numbness is the cause of disorders of the vascular system, then the pads of the middle and index finger may get colder. Your hands may even freeze and become visually blue. Fingers and limbs may swell and, in some cases, turn red.

Why do the fingers on my left hand go numb?

If you periodically notice numbness in the fingers on your left hand, you should not ignore it. Rare and short-lived numbness can be the cause of a pinched nerve, this happens with uncomfortable sleep or heavy workload. It can be eliminated in comparison with protracted ones, especially on the left hand.

If symptoms are detected, you should promptly consult a neurologist to identify:

  • pathological reasons circulatory disorders
  • pathologies of the nervous system
  • osteochondrosis of parts of the spine: thoracic and cervical
  • pinching neurovascular bundles in the hands
  • salt deposits
  • intervertebral hernia
  • scoliosis

pinched nerve

Important: The most dangerous thing about numbness in the fingers of the left hand is that it can be a harbinger of a stroke.

Why do the fingers on my right hand go numb?

Such a phenomenon as numbness of the right hand and fingers appears most often due to poor circulation brushes, as well as the cause of problems with the spine. Moreover, it is safe to say that this symptom can constitute a complete clinical picture of many diseases. Some diseases lead to serious complications.

A neurologist will be able to determine the cause of numbness in the fingers of the right hand and identify:

  • arm or spine injuries
  • inflamed joints
  • nervous system disorders
  • spinal diseases
  • circulatory problems
  • endocrine diseases

Depending on which finger is numb, you can determine the cause of the problem and correctly prescribe treatment. A common cause of numbness in the fingers on the right hand is inflammation. elbow joint. A neurologist will accurately determine the cause of your discomfort.

pinched nerve of the cervical-collar area

Important: If the head has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then it is quite possible that the nerve of the cervical-collar area may be pinched, radiating to the right arm.

Why do the fingers of both hands always go numb?

The fingers of both hands can go numb at any age and in absolutely any person. The reasons for this may be the most common diseases:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome - consequences of monotonous hand work in seamstresses, office workers, secretaries or accountants
  • Osteochondrosis - pinching of the neurovascular bundles in the cervical spine
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Whatever the cause of numbness in your fingers in your case, you should at least contact a therapist about this problem. Only then can you begin the course of getting rid of the disease.

Why do my fingers go numb in my sleep?

Each person may have an uncomfortable position during sleep that he has no control over. This position contributes to the “flowing” of the limbs of the phalanges of the hands. The most common causes of numb fingers during sleep:

  • Uncomfortable posture that compresses nerve endings
  • Osteochondrosis of the nerve vertebrae
  • Professional activity: same type of muscle load
  • Endocrine system disruption: excess weight
  • Diabetes
  • Changes in hormonal levels: pregnancy, menopause, lactation period
  • Lack of vitamin B2 and iron in the body
  • Spinal injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

not a comfortable sleeping position

Why do my fingers go numb after sleep?

The reasons for swelling of the hands during sleep and after sleep are the same. If your body has been in an uncomfortable position all night, it is quite possible to feel tingling in your fingertips and loss of sensitivity in your hand. If such sensations do not occur to you often, use exercises and warm-ups. Such exercises will help restore normal blood circulation and quickly eliminate swelling.

If you experience constant swelling after sleep, this is a symptom of a disease such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a neuropathic condition that requires treatment. The treatment is carried out by stimulating the nerve endings with small discharges of current, the swelling goes away and sensitivity returns to the fingers.

Video: “Tunnel syndrome”

What causes numbness in fingers during pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy female body works in "enhanced mode". This is why very often some systems go wrong
  • Numbness of the limbs and fingers is common. Often pregnant women in the second and third trimester complain of feeling tingling, pain, burning and complete absence sensitivity
  • Tunnel syndrome, a pinched nerve, is common in pregnant women, as well as in those who have monotonous work. Basically, the working hand becomes numb because it more often endures stress. How to deal with numbness during pregnancy
  • If you start the problem, it is quite possible to cause complications. If you have painful swelling that is not relieved by exercise, you should seek help from your doctor.

Which doctor should I contact if my fingers go numb?

First of all, if you have not previously consulted a doctor about your health problems, you need to go to see your primary care physician. It is this doctor who gives the referral to a specialist. If the nature of your disease is neurological, it is dealt with by a neurologist.

Depending on which fingers are numb and on which hand, the doctor prescribes a proper examination: a blood test for hormones, an X-ray of the spine and limbs, a cardiogram. Depending on your clinical record, specialists will prescribe effective treatment and relieve you of the problem.

Video: “Fingers and arms go numb. Causes and consequences"

If you feel numbness in your fingers and hands, try doing exercises aimed at restoring blood circulation:

  1. Perform the “Tree” exercise 10 times in a row: sit up straight, raise your arms up and shake them above your head several times, relax your arms down along your body and shake them the same way.
  2. Practice the “Lock” several times: clasp your fingers, extend them in front of you and make several circular movements
  3. Stretch your hands forward and clench them into fists several times. Repeat the movement with your arms extended to the sides
  4. Make several turns of your head to the right and left, as well as circular movements of your head clockwise and counterclockwise

These exercises will allow you to develop joints and increase blood flow to the extremities, eliminating swelling and numbness.

Video: “Fingers go numb”

Probably everyone has experienced numbness in their hands after waking up. As a rule, it is accompanied by an unpleasant tingling and pain, which intensifies with the slightest attempt to move the limbs slightly. Often this symptom appears as a result of compression of the blood vessels located there. Both hands can go numb at the same time, or only the left or right. The discomfort usually does not last long - a few minutes. A healthy person does not pay attention to this condition, since it occurs very rarely.

But if your hands go numb after sleep quite often, this should serve as a good reason to see a doctor. After all, paresthesia may well be the first bell indicating the development of a complex pathology in the body.

How it manifests itself

When your hands begin to numb regularly in the morning, a conscious person seeks to find out the cause of this trouble. This can only be done in a doctor's office. The complaint of temporary loss of sensitivity is most often heard by a neurologist, to whom a vigilant therapist refers the patient.

The most important thing in this case is to establish the correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to tell the doctor what symptoms are accompanied by morning numbness of the hands:

  • partial or complete loss of sensation at the tips of the phalanges of the fingers or throughout the entire limb - from the shoulder to the nails;
  • a feeling of “goosebumps” crawling across the skin;
  • convulsions;
  • a feeling of tingling and burning;
  • throbbing pain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • slight trembling;
  • freezing;
  • abnormal skin pallor;
  • numbness with pain syndrome.

As already mentioned, sensitivity disorders of the right and left hands can be provoked not only by some external factor. Many systemic pathologies and organ diseases also manifest themselves as numbness upper limbs in the morning. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor if one, or even more so, several of the symptoms listed above begin to bother you regularly.

You need to consult just in case, even when your hand goes numb just once. Better to play it safe.

Harmless reasons

Often, hands go numb in the morning due to poor circulation in them. In second place are problems with nerve conduction, which affect the sensitivity of the limbs.

Let's look at the most harmless (they are also the most common) causes of paresthesia of the hands or fingers after waking up:

  1. Uncomfortable placement of hands while sleeping. When going to bed, it is important to ensure that they do not lie above the heart. That is, it is undesirable to sleep with your hands behind your head or under your cheeks. Otherwise, the “motor” will have to make additional efforts to eject blood to a higher level. This does not always work out well, and blood flow in the extremities is weakened. The result is numbness, tingling and pain.
  2. The pajamas are the wrong size. This applies to any items of clothing that a person wears to sleep. If something too small is too tight on your shoulders or arms completely, then you shouldn’t be surprised that they will be numb in the morning. Why is this happening? Compression of soft tissues leads to compression of the arteries and, accordingly, circulatory disorders. In addition to the blood vessels, the nerves responsible for sensitivity are also compressed. The result is paresthesia of the fingers or the entire limb.
  3. Uncomfortable head position. It would seem, what is the connection between the head and hands? And it turns out that she exists. A bent neck while sleeping can cause pinching of the nerve roots in the brachial plexus. When this happens, numbness occurs.
  4. High load during the day. Hands that are worn out during the day sometimes lose sensitivity in the morning. Paresthesia is mainly caused by those types of activities that are associated with the need to hold the limbs raised for a long time - repair work, weightlifting (lifting barbells), some types of choreographic art.

If your hands become numb for any of the above reasons, eliminating it, as a rule, leads to the restoration of normal sensitivity. And then you don't have to worry.

But when you have changed your sleeping position several times, bought a new nightie and haven’t lifted anything heavier than a spoon during the day, but your limbs still go numb, you need to consult a doctor. Let's consider what diseases can manifest themselves as morning paresthesias.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This disease occurs when the median nerve is pinched between the tendons of the muscles and the bones of the wrist. It manifests itself as prolonged pain and numbness of the fingers. The hand area usually loses sensation in the early morning, before waking up. This disease is considered to be occupational. Those most susceptible to it are those who often have to bend and straighten the wrist (writers, journalists, programmers, sign language interpreters, as well as those who play keyboards and drums).

A distinctive feature of carpal tunnel syndrome is paresthesia of the fingers, not only in the morning, but throughout the day. It is diagnosed using the Tinel test (when the doctor taps on the wrist, the hand goes numb, and “goosebumps” begin to run through it) and the Phalen test (the same sensations appear in the fingers if you continuously bend and straighten the wrist joint for 3 minutes).

To get rid of this disease, you need to do special soothing baths for your hands, a set of exercises to relax your hands and fingers, and also take vitamins prescribed by your doctor.

If the need for treatment is ignored, the muscles of the thumb may die. This threatens the impossibility of completely bending it and clenching the palm into a fist. In such a situation, a person has to change jobs and retrain. With further neglect of the consequences of the disease, he may lose the ability to independently use household items (toothbrush, cutlery, pen, etc.). Therefore, carpal tunnel syndrome must be prevented or treated.

When your left hand goes numb

The left hand goes numb after waking up more often than the right. This conclusion can be drawn from the number of visits to the doctor by patients with this complaint. Temporary loss of sensation in this particular limb in some cases indicates the development of a serious disease. So, paresthesia of the left hand can be caused by:

  • Stress, panic attacks, chronic overstrain of the entire nervous system.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Trauma or damage to the forearm and shoulder.
  • Intervertebral hernia replacing a nerve (in addition to numbness, a slight tingling sensation is felt in the hand).
  • Damage to the nerve endings located in the wrist area (accompanied by quite intense pain, muscle weakness, tingling and burning sensations in the forearm and shoulder, as well as in the entire left hand; can lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome);
  • Climax.
  • Hypothyroidism (sustained lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland).
  • Migraine (severe headache caused by vasospasm).
  • Stroke (can be suspected if numbness in the lower part of the hand is accompanied by slurred speech and vision problems).
  • Heart attack (when loss of sensation is associated with nausea, pain in the chest, frequent and shallow breathing).
  • Transient ischemic attack (usually the little finger goes numb).
  • Fibromyalgia (a disease of rheumatic origin, the characteristic symptoms of which are weakness and pain in the joints and muscles).
  • Raynaud's syndrome. With this disease, the cross-sections of blood vessels in the left hand become spasmodic and pathologically decrease. Often occurs as a result of stress, hypothermia, or contact with toxic substances. The impetus for the development of the disease can also be a neoplasm in the wrist area, a deficiency useful substances in the diet, angina pectoris, chronic alcoholism and smoking.
  • Diabetes mellitus (adversely affects the development of nerve cells).
  • In addition to all of the above, the left hand may become numb due to vitamin deficiency. Especially due to a deficiency of vitamins from group B. Despite the fact that this deviation cannot be attributed to a serious disease, you will still have to be examined.

Some medications can also cause paresthesia of the left limb. If suspicion falls on the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions attached to it. This should be listed as a side effect.

Why does my right hand go numb?

When you wake up and feel like right hand numb, first of all, you need to evaluate the quality of the bed. There is a very high probability that the culprits of this trouble will be an old mattress and a feather pillow that is too high. Due to such unsatisfactory bedding, the neck and shoulder girdle, blood stagnates, proper blood circulation to the head, neck, shoulders and arms is disrupted. At the same time, spinal nerves in the cervical spine are deprived of normal nutrition. As a result, the tactile sensitivity of the skin of the hands, in particular the right one, is impaired. Of course, after such a night's rest, you may not feel the limb for some time. The problem is eliminated by replacing old bedding with new ones. It is also recommended to purchase an orthopedic pillow.

In second place among the main causes of paresthesia of the right hand after waking up is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It should be dealt with exclusively under the guidance of doctors.

However, before you go for a consultation with doctors, it is advisable to do a thorough analysis of your own lifestyle. If the work involves long hours of sitting (for example, at a computer), or the person himself does not welcome physical activity, this negatively affects the condition of the spine. This is where osteochondrosis comes from, pinching blood vessels and injuring the radicular nerves. It just causes numbness in the right hand shortly before waking up. If osteochondrosis is diagnosed, you need to get into the healthy habit of performing a set of health-improving and preventive exercises every day. They will help restore the spine to its former flexibility and make it more stable. An excellent additional solution would be long walks. You can also sign up for a swim at the pool.

Special attention should be paid to body weight. If it is obviously excessive, you need to urgently do something to lose at least a little weight. After all, every extra kilogram additionally loads the spine. When his reserves of strength are exhausted, he makes himself known with constant back pain. In addition, pressure on the joints increases.

Obesity greatly increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis and arthrosis. One of the symptoms of these diseases is numbness in the hand. Proper weight loss can save a person from many health problems, and from paresthesia of the right limb in particular.

How to solve a problem

Before you begin treatment for hand numbness, you need to find out specific reason its occurrence. Keep track of what position you sleep in, meticulously examine your pajamas. If this is all right, you need to consult a therapist who will refer you to a neurologist or cardiologist. When your limbs constantly become numb after waking up, it is advisable to undergo an MRI of the spine and an electrocardiogram.

Hand paresthesia is most often treated with local methods. They make it possible to restore mobility to tissues and make compressed blood vessels work. These methods of therapy include:

  1. Physiotherapy. The procedures increase blood circulation in tissues and improve their nutrition. Laser and ultrasound therapy have a biostimulating effect. And with the help of electrophoresis, you can treat the injured hand with the necessary medications.
  2. Therapeutic and preventive gymnastics. This method helps develop muscles and joints and strengthen them. Thanks to the course exercises physical therapy Blood circulation increases and tissue condition improves.
  3. Massage. Essential for effective reduction inflammatory process and to stop hypoxia of compressed vessels.

To prevent your hands from going numb in the morning, you must first take care of improving blood circulation. How to do it? Exercise yourself physically regularly. A leisurely walk before bed and vigorous exercise in the morning will effectively eliminate the discomfort that appears after waking up in the upper limbs.

Let's summarize

So, it turned out that there are quite a lot of reasons for numbness in the hands after sleep. But the most common disorder is the functioning of the circulatory system, which occurs due to compression of small vessels in the extremities. To quickly eliminate the unpleasant sensation, in most cases it is enough to do a few simple physical exercises.

However, preventing paresthesia is much easier than treating it later. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a proper healthy diet, often go out Fresh air for walks and do exercises in the morning.

If you want to permanently get rid of the numbness in your hands that plagues you after waking up, you will need to determine the real cause of its occurrence. To do this, you should make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a complete examination to exclude or confirm the presence of a pathological process in the body.

If any disease is detected that affects the circulatory system, you will need to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. And only then will you be able to forget for a long time about how numb your hands are.

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General information

In our difficult times, when the work of most men and women constantly requires considerable effort from them, proper rest is the key to the health and further productive professional activity of a working person, therefore restful and sound sleep is simply vital for the restoration of physical and intellectual strength. It is during sleep that the human body gets rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day and quickly replenishes its energy reserves in order to fully meet the next working difficulties.

However, as practice shows, not every person can boast of a restful sleep. During a night's rest, many people encounter various problems that not only prevent the body from relaxing and recovering, but also leave a feeling of discomfort in the morning after sleep. One such problem is numbness in various parts of the human body at night.

Why do my hands go numb at night?

The so-called numbness, due to an uncomfortable position or constant tension, can occur at any time of the day and in relation to different parts body (back, chest, ears, nose, fingertips, etc.), but most often, especially at night, limbs (mainly arms) or neck go numb. Symptoms of this painful condition do not develop immediately. At first, a person may feel how the problematic arm (or both) tingles, suffers and gets a little cold, then feel how the limb ache, swells, twists and even cramps. When you move your hand, this negative symptomatology initially sharply worsens, after which it gradually decreases and completely disappears.

The negative factors that cause pain and numbness in your hands during sleep and the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. The main reasons why arms and hands go numb at night and hands during sleep should be sought in their system blood supply And innervation, also not excluding, albeit more rare, but sometimes much significant diseases and pathologies. Only by making an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of numbness in the hands at night, treatment of such conditions can lead to the desired positive result.

In the article below we will look in more detail at why our hands go numb during sleep, why our hands and fingers go numb at night, the causes and consequences of these painful sensations, what this can mean and what it can lead to, we will advise what to do in this case and what to do. which doctor to consult and also recommend necessary research and adequate treatment.

Why my hands go numb, reasons

Uncomfortable pillow

At night, the most common cause of pain in the hands and their numbness is the pillow on which the sleeping person's head is located, namely its size and density. When using a hard and high pillow, an excessive unnatural deflection in the cervical spine often occurs, which persists for a period of time sufficient to circulatory disorders in the roots of the spinal cord, passing through the intervertebral foramina, and are responsible for the sensitivity and mobility of the limbs.

Orthopedic pillow

In this case, there is no point in seeking help from a doctor. The solution to the problem of numb parts of the body is to replace the pillow with a lower and soft one or orthopedic. This pillow differs from the usual ones in its unusual shape, with an additional supporting cushion for the neck, behind which there is a special recess intended for the head. These devices allow a person to maintain the natural anatomical position of the head and neck during sleep, which promotes normal blood supply to all parts of the body. Naturally, there is no unambiguous standard of pillows suitable for any person, and the choice of this night accessory must be made on an individual basis.

Incorrect body position

Another reason why legs and arms go numb during sleep is the incorrect position of the entire body of the sleeping person or part of it. Unnatural posture and throwing your arms or legs up will most likely lead to numbness in your limbs. It's all about them again impaired blood supply due to the slow night functioning of the cardiovascular system, which cannot provide a sufficient amount of blood to “hard-to-reach” places.

This also includes the habit of nursing mothers who practice after pregnancy sleeping together with your child, sleeping on your side with your arm extended forward and placed under your head, as well as night rest for spouses, when the head of one of them is on the arm of the other, thus pinching the shoulder or elbow. It should be remembered that any physical activity certainly puts pressure on the blood vessels of the arm, which disrupts normal blood flow.

In addition, tight and uncomfortable nightwear with tight seams, folds, and tight cuffs can also cause compression of the vessels of the extremities, and therefore a disruption in the flow of blood to them.

Correct body position for healthy sleep

Of course, it is quite difficult to completely control the position of your body during sleep, so you need to do this gradually, noting the position of your body in the morning after sleep and trying to change it in the evening when you go to bed.

The selection of pajamas, if used, should also be carried out based not on attractiveness, but on practicality. Pajamas should not restrict body movement, be loose, soft to the touch and breathable. Before going to bed, women are advised to remove all jewelry that may constrict blood vessels (rings, bracelets, etc.).

Bad habits

Drink large amounts right before bed alcohol, strong coffee or tea, spicy food and others harmful substances can not only cause headache and discomfort in the stomach in the morning, but also greatly affect the position of the body during sleep. An uncomfortable and unnatural posture will most likely cause numbness and pain in any part of the body.

In this regard, you should think twice before indulging in your bad habits at night, especially since in this case the problem of numbness of the limbs is far from the largest in the series of possible painful conditions that can develop as a result unhealthy image life.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

IN Lately More and more people are complaining of a feeling of numbness and pain in their hands (one or both) and fingers, which develops in the evening and continues throughout the night. Let's figure out why the fingertips of such people go numb and why their hands cramp, what is the reason for this and what to do in this case.

If, at the end of each working day, a person begins to notice unpleasant and painful sensations in the hands (wrists hurt, fingers ache, itch and tingle, “goosebumps” seem to run across the skin), then this is most likely the beginning of the formation of the so-called , tunnel syndrome . This disease most often develops in people over 40 years of age (mainly women), whose daily work involves constant overstrain of the tendons and joints of the hands.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

In the past, this disease was typical for musicians, tailors, painters and typists. In the current century, this risk group has been supplemented by drivers, hairdressers, editorial and office employees, programmers and other people who constantly work at a computer. The reason for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome is pinched and swelling of the nerve, passing through the carpal tunnel and is responsible for the movement of the fingers and the general sensitivity of the palm. A permanently pinched nerve does not conduct nerve impulses well, which causes numbness in the fingers at night; first, the little finger or thumb becomes numb and numb, and then the entire palm cramps at night.

In advanced cases and in the absence of treatment, this pathology can lead to a decrease in joint mobility and even a complete loss of sensation in the palms and fingers, in case death of the nerve. In the future, this situation threatens a person’s inability to independently use even simple household items (pen, spoon, knife, toothbrush, etc.) and therefore requires prevention and/or treatment.

In order to cure, or at least prevent the spread of the disease, the patient has to limit the time he works, and sometimes even change his occupation. In order to reduce negative symptoms for this syndrome, doctors recommend performing a special targeted set of exercises, prescribing vitamin therapy and soothing hand baths.

Spinal diseases

A special place among the states of numbness of the extremities is occupied by various spinal pathologies. In the case when at night a person, in parallel with numbness in the arms or legs, experiences atypical headache, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness, then the matter is most likely in the spine.

Most often, painful sensations in the limbs accompany intervertebral hernia And osteochondrosis(mainly in the cervical spine).

Intervertebral hernia

Osteochondrosis in its essence is a whole complex of various problems observed from the metabolic processes of cartilage and bone tissue spinal column. When the vertebrae are destroyed or deformed, the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed, which actually leads to the development of malaise, pain and numbness.

One of the main reasons for the formation osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine is a modern sedentary lifestyle, from school to the work of an office employee.


Daily and long-term stay of a person in one, in most cases, sitting position leads to deformation of his spine and, as a consequence, to overstrain and spasms of the surrounding muscles. In this case, numbness of the limbs can occur not only at night, but also during the daytime. Separately, this group of pathologies includes the following diseases: arthritis, the symptoms of which are gradual joint destruction(mostly hands).

Suspicion of the formation of all the above-described painful conditions is the reason for consultation with a specialist (orthopedist, neurologist, rheumatologist, etc.) for the purpose of precise definition diagnosis and selection of an adequate treatment method. Before treating spinal diseases with massage and physical therapy, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to such therapy ( osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, ischemia etc.).

Vascular disorders

The most dangerous reason leading to numbness of the extremities is the development ischemic stroke. In the event of a circulatory disorder in one of the regions of the brain, numbness of one side of the body often occurs (for example, the left side of the face, left arm and leg are “taken away”), accompanied by dizzy, high blood pressure, confusion etc.

Ischemic stroke

If such symptoms are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance and take the patient to a specialized clinic for emergency care.

Other diseases

Among other pathological reasons in which a person may experience constant numbness of the limbs, the following chronic diseases can be identified:

  • various circulatory disorders in chronic form;
  • diabetes;
  • ischemic disease and other heart pathologies;
  • different shapes anemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hereditary or inflammatory pathologies of the nervous system;
  • deficiency of microelements and/or vitamins from group B;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • autonomic dysfunction(obsolete - vegetative-vascular dystonia, VSD);
  • rheumatoid arthritis(in case of nerve damage and joint deformation).

Why does my left hand go numb?

If the left arm goes numb, this means that it is urgently necessary to pay attention to the state of the person’s cardiovascular system and undergo a full examination in a specialized medical institution, since numbness of the left arm, the causes and treatment of this condition should first of all be determined exclusively by a cardiologist. The thing is that any sudden change in the condition of the left hand, occurring day or night, when without visible reasons, for example, the hand becomes numb and hurts, the finger (thumb, little finger, etc.) pulls and numbs, it is felt It's a dull pain in the entire arm, may indicate serious heart problems, even microstroke or pre-infarction state.

In the case when the left hand goes numb due to microstroke, it will not be superfluous to undergo the procedure MRI or other similar studies to confirm or refute such a diagnosis with subsequent therapy. If the left hand goes numb due to pre-infarction state, and the patient has heart pain, he must immediately be prescribed a warning heart attack course of treatment using appropriate medicines, and also recommend to him what to do in the future to prevent such situations.

Another reason why the left hand is taken away may be a number of neurological problems and metabolic disorders. So, due to a deficiency in the body vitamins from groups A and B, damage to the sheath of nerve fibers is observed, accompanied by loss of their sensitivity.

If a person’s fingers on his left hand are numb for this reason, he should replenish the lack of vitamins in the body as quickly as possible.

Why does my right hand go numb?

Numbness on the right side, if the right hand goes numb, or even the arm is completely taken away from the elbow to the fingers, most likely has nothing to do with the cardiovascular system. There is a small chance that the right arm is going numb due to pre-stroke condition, provoked by a strong narrowing of the cervical vessels, which requires consultation with a doctor. The remaining reasons why the right hand is taken away (the hand is sore and painful, the fingers turn blue, the right little finger is cramped and numb, etc.) lie in the plane of the main problems (improper body position, uncomfortable pillow, diseases of the spine, etc.). So, numbness of the hand on the right side may indicate a disruption in the blood supply to it due to physical squeezing blood vessels hands, and pain in the hand may occur due to developing tunnel syndrome. Also, pain in the right hand may be a consequence of the formation osteochondrosis, arthritis or other similar pathologies.

What to do in these cases and how to prevent the state of numbness is described above.

Why do my fingers go numb?

In addition to the reasons already described above, which answer the question of why the fingers on the left hand go numb and why the fingers on the right hand go numb, there are a number of pathological and other conditions mainly affecting the hands, which is why the fingers on the hands go numb.


Quite often in women with pregnancy arise painful sensation heaviness and numbness in the limbs, which primarily affects the fingers. The main reasons for cramping of fingers in pregnant women include: anemia, water-salt balance disorders, hormonal changes , vitamin deficiency, weight gain, reduction in physical activity.

It is natural to draw conclusions about the etiology of such negative phenomena, and even more so to prescribe drug therapy, only a doctor can, first of all, paying attention to the condition pregnancy. This means that if these symptoms are not associated with any serious disease and do not require urgent treatment, then it is better to limit treatment methods to various external means, including baths, rubbing, etc.

Raynaud's syndrome

The reasons why fingers go numb with this disease can be very different (hypothermia, smoking, stress, taking medications that affect vascular tone, excessive coffee consumption, etc.), but the consequences are always the same - damage to capillaries and small arteries, which leads to poor circulation in the fingers.

Raynaud's syndrome

In patients with Raynaud's disease As a rule, the hands of both hands are affected, and the fingers on them may hurt and go numb both at night and during the day, especially in the cold season.

This pathology can only be diagnosed by a doctor who will recommend to the patient what to do to prevent the development of the disease. Adequate treatment should be based on the treatment of the underlying disease and its consequences, which negatively affect the fingers, including surgical intervention.


With this disease, organic damage occurs to the nerves of the carpal plexuses and fingers. Able polyneuropathy a person feels numbness in their hands, their hands and fingers seem to be pulling and tingling. The frequency of such painful manifestations is observed depending on the degree of damage to the nerve fibers.

Blood flow and nerves in a healthy person and with polyneuropathy

Such attacks can occur from several times a week to several times a day. The cause of this pathology can be various infections, functional painful conditions ( diabetes, pancreatitis etc.), Iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency.

In this case, the prescribed treatment should first of all be aimed at treating the underlying disease that led to the manifestation of negative symptoms in the limbs.

Thrombosis of the upper extremities

Pathological condition of blockage arterial thrombus located in the upper part of the limb. One of the most serious and dangerous reasons, the primary symptom of which may be numbness in the hand, starting with the fingers.

Vein thrombosis

If the feeling of numbness in the fingers does not go away within an hour, but on the contrary becomes stronger and rises higher up the arm, you should immediately contact a qualified professional. medical care, in order to prevent possible tissue necrosis, which could lead to limb amputation.

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Also dangerous autoimmune disease, characterized by acute inflammation in the nerves and their roots, leading to disruption of tactile and motor function. The most early manifestations Guillain-Barré syndrome Often it is numbness and tingling of the fingers and toes.

These symptoms, along with other negative phenomena (pain in the back, hips, buttocks, changes in heartbeat, weakness, shortness of breath), usually appear after a mild ARVI or digestive disorders that progress autoimmune process. The development of the disease, before reaching its maximum, occurs within 2-4 weeks, followed by attenuation of negative symptoms.

The main therapy consists of rehabilitation measures after the cessation of autoimmune inflammation. The recovery process is quite long (several months).

Why do my legs go numb?

In principle, all of the above causes of numbness in the hands can also lead to similar symptoms in the lower extremities. For example, when Raynaud's disease And polyneuropathy Mostly the toes are affected, especially the little toe and big toe. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke, goes numb left leg, and when diseases of the spine both limbs hurt or the leg on the right is lost.

It is worth noting here that the lower limbs are primarily affected by intervertebral hernia and other problems localized in lumbar region, and not in the cervical, as is the case with the upper limbs.

Left-handed neuralgia sciatic nerve will lead to pain in the left leg, and its right-sided inflammation will answer the questions of why it hurts and why the right leg is numb.

Also, don’t discount the shoes in which modern people spend quite a lot of their working and free time. Most often, the toes and the cushion under them hurt when wearing high-heeled shoes, and the heel hurts when wearing squashed sneakers or boots. In this matter, the experts, of course, are women, who often put the beauty and attractiveness of their feet above the convenience and practicality of shoes.

On the question of what to do with numbness lower limbs and how to treat sore legs should be approached individually, and in case of constant and severe pain, be sure to consult a doctor.


In the vast majority of cases, nighttime numbness of the extremities is a transient problem that every person periodically encounters throughout their life. Usually, to relieve this painful condition, it is enough to stretch a stiff arm or leg and wait a few minutes before changing your position and plunging back into the arms of Morpheus. However, sometimes such symptoms can be more threatening. If numbness of the limbs is often observed, occurs not only at night, but also during the day, for this reason the person has lost normal sleep, he sleeps, often waking up at night, and then for a long time cannot fall back to sleep, then, most likely, the matter is no longer trivial uncomfortable position or tight pajamas. All these constants or severe symptoms may well be harbingers of, albeit rare, but serious pathologies, among which there are life-threatening diseases.

In this regard, any situations accompanied by numbness of the limbs for no apparent simple reason and arousing certain suspicions should preferably be regarded as pathological, that is, capable of causing harm to health. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who, based on the totality of symptoms, tests and studies, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, or, if the existing problem is not within his competence, will recommend another specialist.

Paresthesia is one of the most common complaints with which patients consult a doctor, and the most important thing is to make a correct diagnosis, because any tactile change in sensory receptors may indicate a fairly serious disease.

What are the symptoms of hand numbness during sleep:

  • Complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the tips of the phalanges or the entire limb as a whole.
  • Feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin.
  • Cramps.
  • Burning and tingling.
  • Throbbing pain.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Tremor of the upper extremities.
  • My hands start to freeze.
  • The skin becomes abnormally pale.
  • Severe numbness with pain.

If such symptoms are observed regularly, then you should not put off going to the doctor, since this may be the manifestation of one of the life-depressing diseases, which it is advisable to recognize as early as possible.

Numbness of fingers during sleep

The main reason for numbness that occurs in the hands during sleep is disruptions in the circulatory system. If there are no pathological changes in a person’s health, then it will be enough for him to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillow - the problem will be solved. After all, these bedding attributes are designed in such a way as to maximally follow the contours of the lying body, maintaining the spine in a relaxed state, avoiding pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels. Numbness of the fingers during sleep can also occur due to uncomfortable clothing with tight cuffs. The solution to the problem is quite simple - buy new pajamas. At night you should take off all your jewelry. You should not throw your hands behind your head while sleeping. After all, during rest, a person’s heart works less intensely. Therefore, blood simply may not flow well into the vessels of the hands.

But numbness of the fingers in a dream can also indicate more serious illnesses, affecting the body. If paresthesia is accompanied by constant nagging pain symptoms and crunching in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, we can safely assume that the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Decreased sensitivity in the fingers may also indicate initial form atherosclerosis or pathology of the elbow joint.

It is better to undergo an examination by doctors such as a neurologist, cardiologist, or orthopedist in order to clearly establish the cause of the pathology and, if possible, adjust your lifestyle or undergo a course of treatment.

Numbness of the hands during sleep

Quite often, doctors associate the appearance of a feeling of numbness with the progression of a disease such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Experts say that the main impetus for its development is long-term work in the same position, with increased tension on the hands.

Numbness of the hands during sleep can also occur due to pinching of the middle nerve, localized in the carpal tunnel. With prolonged stress on the wrist (carrying heavy objects, monotonous work on the computer, and so on), swelling in the tendon area may occur, which compresses the nerve, blocking the sensitivity of the hand. This discomfort is especially evident at night, when the body’s biophysical processes are slow.

Few people want to go to the doctor for “trifles,” but one should not be so careless; numbness of the hands during sleep can be an indicator of more severe pathologies, for example, Raynaud’s disease. As a rule, this disease manifests itself as numbness in both hands, especially the phalanges. The reason for the appearance of such symptoms is a violation of blood microcirculation in this area. Concomitant manifestations of this pathology include pain that appears, especially in cold weather, the hands begin to feel unreasonably cold, and the skin acquires an unnatural, blue-pale hue. All this obvious signs initial stage Raynaud's disease.

Reluctance to go to the doctor can also lead to the progression of a disease such as polyneuropathy. This pathology mainly affects the nerve endings of the hands and phalanges of the fingers. The impetus for the development of this disease can be diabetes (in this case, even a slight increase in blood sugar is enough). Polyneuropathy can also be caused by vitamin deficiency (especially vitamin B12), anemia, professional activity, infectious lesions of the body.

Paresthesia may be a consequence of the change hormonal status body (pregnancy, lactation, menopause), as well as malfunctions of the endocrine system, the result of injury.

Numbness of the left hand during sleep

Quite often, patients complain of numbness in their left arm during sleep. The appearance of such symptoms may be a harbinger of deeper and more serious illnesses in the human body. Cause of directed pathology:

  • Stress, state of panic, overstrain of the nervous system.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Uncomfortable position during the rest period of the left hand.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Hypothyroidism is a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones.
  • If, in addition to loss of sensitivity, a person feels pain in the chest, nausea, breathing becomes shallow and frequent - such symptoms may indicate a heart attack.
  • Any injury or damage to the shoulder and forearm area.
  • Climacteric condition.
  • Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease accompanied by pain and weakness in the muscles and joints.
  • A stroke, especially if numbness of the left hand in a dream is indicated by discomfort in the lower extremity of the hand, and is accompanied by malfunctions of the speech apparatus and vision problems.
  • Diabetes mellitus, the physiological manifestations of which affect the growth of nerve cells.
  • Migraine is a headache accompanied by spasms of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin deficiency, in particular a lack of vitamins belonging to the B group. Although this deviation is not so significant, it still does not hurt to undergo the study.
  • Intervertebral hernia that can replace a nerve. In this case, the person additionally feels a slight tingling sensation in the left hand.
  • Raynaud's syndrome, characterized by spasms and pathological reduction in the cross-section of the blood vessels of the left hand. This disease is most often a consequence of hypothermia, contact with toxins, or after experiencing stress. Angina pectoris, the presence of a tumor in the wrist area, smoking, malnutrition, as well as chronic alcoholism can also contribute to the development of this syndrome.
  • Damage to the nerve endings in the wrist can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, which in turn causes loss of sensation in the left limb. Accompanying manifestations may be quite severe pain, muscle weakness, burning, tingling in the area of ​​the forearm and shoulder, as well as the entire arm.
  • Transient ischemic attacks. Heart problems may be indicated by numbness in the little finger on the left hand.

Numb hands after sleep

The night has passed, it’s time to start your morning exercise, but your hands don’t obey their master? If sensitivity in such a situation is restored quickly enough, then there is no need to panic. But in the case when numbness in the hands becomes more frequent after sleep, you should not wait for “sea weather”. It is necessary to urgently seek advice from a specialist and establish the cause of these symptoms. If there is delay, the hidden pathology remains untreated and the severity of the disease worsens.

It’s worth analyzing your clothes, maybe the reason is a stiff cuff or elastic band that pinches the blood vessels. The position of the upper limbs when performing this or that action is also important; if the hands are above the head for a sufficiently long time or function in an uncomfortable position, this can also provoke numbness in the hands after sleep.

But not only external factors may cause functional discomfort. In the presence of many diseases of internal organs, anatomical defects and systemic pathology, such deviations from the norm are possible. Therefore, if you experience discomfort in your hands, you should consult a specialist.

Numb fingers after sleep

As sad as it sounds, almost all pathology is last years significantly “younger”. Just a few years ago, numbness in the fingers after sleep was the prerogative of older people, but today, thanks to computerization, this pathology is observed in a fairly large number of young people, especially those who spend a long time near the mouse and computer keyboard. This order of things leads to a mismatch in the functioning of the network of blood vessels in the wrist and phalanges, which leads to unpleasant signals sent by the body.

Having woken up in the morning with numb fingers and decreased sensitivity, it is first worth analyzing the situation in order to understand what can provoke numbness in the fingers after sleep.

  • If this is an uncomfortable position that leads to numbness in the upper limbs, you should try to change the position.
  • The problem is uncomfortable pajamas - change your night wardrobe.
  • Uncomfortable bed - you may need to change it or buy an orthopedic mattress with a pillow.
  • If this is not the problem, and the patient’s professional activity is associated with monotonous stress on the hands, try taking short breaks from work and performing a preventative warm-up.
  • It wouldn't hurt to go instrumental diagnostics And clinical researches, since leakage can also be provoked by low level blood glucose and glandular anemia.

You shouldn’t leave everything to chance, because, at first glance, such minor discomfort may be the first “swallow” of a more serious illness.

Numbness of the right hand during sleep

The first thing that is worth assessing when you wake up and feel numbness in your right arm during sleep is the quality of the bed on which the respondent slept. If you see an old mattress and a high feather pillow in front of your eyes, then there is a high probability that it is they that provoke discomfort in the upper extremities. After all, if, while lying in such a bed, the neck and shoulder area becomes numb, blood stagnates, disrupting normal blood circulation in the head-neck-shoulders-arms area. At the same time, the spinal nerves of the cervical spine do not receive sufficient nutrition, but they are responsible for tactile sensitivity skin upper limbs and, including the right hand. Therefore, after a night spent on such a bed, a person does not feel his hands for some time. If this is the reason, you should replace the old headrest with an orthopedic pillow.

The second most common cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. You should seek advice from specialists. But even before consulting a doctor, you need to analyze your lifestyle in detail. If the professional activity involves sedentary work or the patient simply leads a sedentary life or, conversely, the body experiences excessive stress, everything can negatively affect the health of the spine. Hence osteochondrosis, which, by pinching blood vessels and injuring the radicular nerves, provokes numbness in the right hand during sleep. In this situation, it is worth making it a rule to do a health-prophylactic set of exercises aimed at restoring flexibility and greater stability to the spine. Long-term ones are also excellent in this situation. hiking, and swimming in the pool.

It is worth paying special attention to weight. In case of obvious excess, it is necessary to take measures to lose weight, because extra pounds are an additional burden on the spine, which, unable to bear it, responds with constant back pain. The pressure on the joints also increases. Obesity provokes the development of arthrosis and osteoarthritis, one of the signs of which is loss of sensation in the affected hand. Losing weight will relieve many medical problems, including those discussed in this article.

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