Home Smell from the mouth Refusal to eat can be considered inappropriate. There are always specific reasons for refusing to eat

Refusal to eat can be considered inappropriate. There are always specific reasons for refusing to eat

Refusal to eat can occur with depression, hallucinations, catatonia, and obsessive states.

In this case, patients can either openly express their reluctance to eat (clench their teeth, turn their heads away, spit out food) or hide their true intentions, i.e. eat food and later induce vomiting. Prolonged fasting is indicated by the smell of acetone from the mouth, decreased skin turgor, hypotension, hypoglycemia, lack of stool, and increasing exhaustion. In the hospital, for timely detection of food refusal, it is recommended to weigh patients weekly.

For patients in a state of fasting, bed rest and daily cleansing enemas are recommended. To increase appetite, insulin is prescribed (subcutaneously 10-20 units, after 1-2 hours the introduction of 40% glucose and a warm sweet drink), neuroleptics (10 mg frenolone per day or 50 mg pipolfen per day in injections), hypertensive (10% ) sodium chloride solution (20 ml intravenously or in saline enemas) followed by the offer of a sweet drink.

If the refusal continues, they try to correct the deficiency nutrients and vitamins by intravenous administration 5% glucose and intramuscular injection of vitamins C, B, B6. Anabolic hormones are prescribed (intramuscular injection of 1 ml of 5% retabolil solution once every 8-10 days).

For catatonic syndrome and hysterical symptoms, the disinhibition procedure is effective. Previously, caffeine and barbamyl (sodium amytal) were used to disinhibit. IN last years Diazepam (Seduxen, Relanium) is used for the same purpose. Depending on body weight, 4-10 ml of a 0.5% solution mixed with 40% glucose is drawn into a syringe and administered intravenously slowly, constantly trying to enter into verbal contact with the patient and offering him food.

If all of the above measures are ineffective, feed through nasogastric tube a warm mixture of milk, eggs, sugar with the addition of vitamins and sometimes psychotropic drugs. In this case, care should be taken to avoid getting the probe and nutritional mixture into the respiratory tract.


1. All forms of persuasion and influence through relatives are used.

2. Medication methods.

a) small doses of insulin 2-4 units subcutaneously

b) caffeine-seduxene disinhibition (subcutaneously 2 ml of caffeine, intravenously slowly 0.5% 2-4 ml of seduxene).

3. Artificial feeding. This is done through a probe. A nutritional mixture is introduced (milk 500 ml, 2 eggs, vegetable oil 30ml). At the same time, glucose, protein mixtures, and vitamins B and C are administered parenterally.

64. Relief of agitation in mentally ill patients.

Excitement – a pathological condition consisting of speech, motor, and mental components. Accompanied by confusion, anxiety, fear, delirium, and perceptual disorders.

It should be noted that as the degree of excitement increases, the difference between its individual clinical variants disappears.

Principles of stopping excitation.

Determination of the type of excitation

· Selection of drugs for relief depending on the type of excitation

· Assessment of somatic condition

· Purpose loading doses drugs

What people are not prepared to do to lose weight! Some people torture themselves with diets, some buy expensive (but in most cases absolutely useless) “fat burning” pills, some don’t leave the massage parlor, and there are others who simply pump out fat on the surgeon’s table. But a little time passes, and the weight returns again. And then those losing weight decide to take the most serious step - they refuse to eat. How much weight can you lose if you don’t eat, and is it worth making such sacrifices?

Everyone knows that you can die from hunger. A person can survive only a few weeks without food, and last days he will spend almost unconscious. Therefore, for an unprepared person, a 24-day fasting marathon, which some people who are losing weight go to, desperate to lose excess weight in other ways, it is like death. Anyway, serious problems health problems definitely cannot be avoided, especially if you have chronic diseases.

Do you know what happens in the body when the supply of nutrients from outside stops? It begins to switch to internal power. But this process takes place over several days. Moreover, the body resists it, and the brain is busy only searching for food. The feeling of hunger increases every day, and if you give in to it, you can eat three times more than usual. By the way, this is how most people recover from fasting.

But if you eat nothing and heroically endure hunger, then about 3-4 days a sharp deterioration in well-being occurs, manifesting itself in:

  • severe dizziness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • darkening of urine;
  • causeless mood swings;
  • the formation of a dense coating on the tongue;
  • strong acetone odor from the mouth.

This is an acidotic crisis, which indicates that the breakdown of adipose tissue has begun. When it breaks down, acetone and fatty acids are formed.

Until this point, the body's nutrition comes from other sources. First it tries to save energy by sharply slowing down metabolic processes. And then it begins to use muscle tissue, which is easier to break down than fat.

The conclusions are simple: by giving up food for a day or two, you will unload your digestive system, clean out your intestines, but will not get rid of fat reserves, even if you fast every other day. But muscle may get hurt. As a result, the body will become even looser, and its volume will remain virtually unchanged.

Types of fasting

A way to give up food to lose weight is to eat! Proper fasting is really beneficial for the body and gives excellent results. But it requires compliance with certain rules and strict control over one’s condition. If you are constantly overeating on “bad things”, and then you simply stop eating or (even worse!) start eating once a day - don’t expect anything good! Therefore, it is worth learning about the basic rules of different types of fasting.

A short

A fast of up to three days is considered short. It is relatively safe and can be performed even by untrained people. Although there is one rule that applies to all types of fasting: breaking out of it takes the same number of days as you managed to do without food. This is necessary in order to smoothly “turn on” the digestive system to normal mode.

Any fasting involves complete abstinence from food. That is, a person drinks only water or green ( Herb tea). You have to be careful with herbs - even the safest ones cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. Juices are food, not drink. During fasting, the ban also applies to them.

Surviving daily fasting is relatively easy if you are actively engaged in everyday activities, and not lying on the couch and waiting for the time to open the refrigerator.

Here are a few rules that will help make this period easier:

  • remove all food items from sight;
  • plan the day in advance so that it is all busy;
  • cancel all important meetings and intense workouts;
  • find a motivation that is meaningful to you and remember it when hunger arises;
  • imagine not how tomorrow you will be able to eat to your heart’s content, but how beautiful your body becomes.

Try to find like-minded people. Fasting together is much more fun, and then you can compare the results. After completing your fast, eat only light and light meals for at least 24 hours. healthy food: vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese.

Or you can spend the day out on fruit and vegetable juices. This will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements and give you another day of rest. digestive system.


Fasting longer than three days is called long. This is what gives the body enough time to reach its own fat reserves. But if you constantly eat a lot, and then suddenly decide to give up food completely, then in 90% of cases you will fail. Only a few have such willpower to resist severe attacks of hunger and terrible health.

Indeed, how to lose weight if you want to eat all the time and can’t think about anything else? Daily fasting can be done at home, but for three or more days you will still have to go outside, go to work, and there are a lot of temptations there. Therefore, nutritionists recommend switching to long-term fasting only after you have completed at least 2-3 short ones.

To prevent the body from experiencing extreme stress, it must be prepared to refuse food. If you eat less, starting 2-3 days before a long fast, the transition will be smooth and less painful. Although the majority do exactly the opposite - they try to eat enough for the future, so that at least on the first day they do not suffer from hunger.

Don't try to complete all three days on the first try. If your health worsens sharply, switch to juices and gradually come out of fasting. Slowly things will get better, and next time you will last longer without food.

In general, it is very important not to force the body. Fasting should be a pleasant relief, not mental and physical torture.


Dry fasting is the most effective, but most severe way of cleansing and unloading the body. During it, it is forbidden not only to eat, but also to drink. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to carry it out in the hot season - this can cause severe dehydration and overload the heart.

During dry fasting, the process of switching to internal nutrition occurs much faster and begins already on day 2-3. Therefore, burning fat in this way is quite possible.

But it cannot be carried out often - it is too much stress for the body. The way out of dry fasting should be a day on liquid food (juices or pureed soups). It is strictly prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Strict diets

A more common way to lose weight if you constantly want to eat is to limit the amount you eat or involve an extremely meager set of foods. Sugar is first on the forbidden list. And this is not surprising - it breaks down easily and does not contain any useful substances, pure calories only.

Those who want to really lose weight will have to give up:

  • meat sausages and semi-finished products;
  • preserves, pickles and marinades;
  • baking and confectionery products;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • anything that is fried in oil;
  • any alcoholic beverages;
  • sweet soda and packaged juices.

Even if you introduce only these restrictions into your diet, and eat other foods in small portions 5-6 times a day, it is possible to lose up to 3-4 kilograms per month without any hunger strikes.

But everyone wants it faster! That's why most resort to help different types strict diets. We will tell you about the features of the most popular ones to make it easier for you to decide whether to lose weight this way.

Low calorie

On the one hand, this is the most enjoyable diet, since there is a lot allowed in it. In the mildest version, you can eat everything (even harmful things), but you will have to scrupulously calculate what you eat. But a person who is far from dietetics is not always able to do this correctly. Of course, detailed tables of calorie content of foods and ready-made meals from the Internet will come to the rescue. But food must be weighed, everything carefully recorded and constantly counted.

Given that the basal metabolic rate of an adult is approximately 1200 kcal (resting energy expenditure), low-calorie diets limit the daily intake to 900, and sometimes 600 kcal.

If you eat little, this is also fasting, which does not give rest to the digestive system and does not trigger the process of transition to internal nutrition, since food still comes from outside. Whether it is worth torturing yourself in this way - decide for yourself.

No carbohydrates

The question of whether it is possible to lose weight if you don’t eat sweets is purely rhetorical. Those who want to lose excess fat should give up sweets first of all. Sugar is pure carbohydrates that charge the batteries in our body. But fast carbohydrates are found not only in sugar. Their main sources are:

There are also slow carbohydrates, which are gradually consumed by our body and do not lead to speed dial weight. Strict prohibits the consumption of any carbohydrates. And this is bad - the body is left without the main source of energy. And since it does not immediately reach fat reserves, protein is used.

On such diets it goes away muscle mass, not fat. But if you exclude only sugar and fast carbohydrates from your diet, weight loss will be quite active.

Vegetarianism: yes or no?

People often ask whether it is possible to lose weight if you don’t eat meat. And as an example they cite adherents of a vegetarian diet, among whom fat people are extremely rare. A complete abstinence from meat deprives the body of essential amino acids necessary for building muscle fibers. Once again, it’s the muscles that suffer, not the fat.

If you are serious about becoming a vegetarian, you simply need to learn the basics of nutrition. Then you can create a diet that will completely compensate for the lack of animal protein and vitamin B12, which is also mainly obtained from animal food.

For those who do not want to delve too deeply into studying the principles healthy eating, we advise you not to go to extremes, but leave it on the menu at least 2-3 times a week:

  • beef and veal;
  • a rabbit;
  • poultry breast without skin;
  • any seafood;
  • sea ​​fish.

This diet will allow you to eat well and lose weight by 3-4 kilograms per month. Of course, provided that the portions are moderate.

What to do?

As you can see, the question of how to stop eating completely is extremely incorrect. An unreasonable refusal to eat will not add beauty to either your skin or your figure. And if you want to include fasting in your weight loss program, as a way effective cleaning body, this must be done correctly and after competent psychological preparation.

Many people are concerned about another problem - how to give up sweets. This is quite easy to do, using the principle of substitution popular among nutritionists: sugar with honey, sweets with dried fruits, etc. Gradually, the body will get used to it, and the sight of the cake will no longer be so attractive.

Remember also that if you eat too little, the weight will come off very slowly. Therefore, the calorie content of the diet should be thoughtful. Reviews of those who have lost 20 kg or more confirm the correctness of the statement that there is no more the right way, how healthy image life and good quality nutrition. So maybe that's enough experimentation?

What people are not prepared to do to lose weight! Some people torture themselves with diets, some buy expensive (but in most cases absolutely useless) “fat burning” pills, some don’t leave the massage parlor, and there are others who simply pump out fat on the surgeon’s table. But a little time passes, and the weight returns again. And then those losing weight decide to take the most serious step - they refuse to eat. How much weight can you lose if you don’t eat, and is it worth making such sacrifices?

Everyone knows that you can die from hunger. A person can survive without food for only a few weeks, and the last days he will spend in a practically unconscious state. Therefore, for an unprepared person, a 24-day fasting marathon, which some people who are losing weight go on, desperate to lose excess weight in other ways, is like death. In any case, serious health problems definitely cannot be avoided, especially if you have chronic diseases.

Do you know what happens in the body when the supply of nutrients from outside stops? It begins to switch to internal power. But this process takes place over several days. Moreover, the body resists it, and the brain is busy only searching for food. The feeling of hunger increases every day, and if you give in to it, you can eat three times more than usual. By the way, this is how most people recover from fasting.

But if you eat nothing and heroically endure hunger, then about 3-4 days a sharp deterioration in well-being occurs, manifesting itself in:

  • severe dizziness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • darkening of urine;
  • causeless mood swings;
  • the formation of a dense coating on the tongue;
  • strong acetone odor from the mouth.

This is an acidotic crisis, which indicates that the breakdown of adipose tissue has begun. When it breaks down, acetone and fatty acids are formed.

Until this point, the body's nutrition comes from other sources. First, he tries to save energy by sharply slowing down metabolic processes. And then it begins to use muscle tissue, which is easier to break down than fat.

The conclusions are simple: by giving up food for a day or two, you will unload your digestive system, clean out your intestines, but will not get rid of fat reserves, even if you fast every other day. But muscle tissue may suffer. As a result, the body will become even looser, and its volume will remain virtually unchanged.

Types of fasting

A way to give up food to lose weight is to eat! Proper fasting is really beneficial for the body and gives excellent results. But it requires compliance with certain rules and strict control over one’s condition. If you are constantly overeating on “bad things”, and then you simply stop eating or (even worse!) start eating once a day - don’t expect anything good! Therefore, it is worth learning about the basic rules of different types of fasting.

A short

A fast of up to three days is considered short. It is relatively safe and can be performed even by untrained people. Although there is one rule that applies to all types of fasting: breaking out of it takes the same number of days as you managed to do without food. This is necessary in order to smoothly “turn on” the digestive system to normal mode.

Any fasting involves complete abstinence from food. That is, a person drinks only water or green (herbal tea). You have to be careful with herbs - even the safest ones cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. Juices are food, not drink. During fasting, the ban also applies to them.

Surviving daily fasting is relatively easy if you are actively engaged in everyday activities, and not lying on the couch and waiting for the time to open the refrigerator.

Here are a few rules that will help make this period easier:

  • remove all food items from sight;
  • plan the day in advance so that it is all busy;
  • cancel all important meetings and intense workouts;
  • find a motivation that is meaningful to you and remember it when hunger arises;
  • imagine not how tomorrow you will be able to eat to your heart’s content, but how beautiful your body becomes.

Try to find like-minded people. Fasting together is much more fun, and then you can compare the results. After completing your fast, eat only light and healthy foods for at least a day: vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese.

Or you can spend your exit day drinking fruit and vegetable juices. This will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements and give the digestive system another day of rest.


Fasting longer than three days is called long. This is what gives the body enough time to reach its own fat reserves. But if you constantly eat a lot, and then suddenly decide to give up food completely, then in 90% of cases you will fail. Only a few have such willpower to resist severe attacks of hunger and terrible health.

Indeed, how to lose weight if you want to eat all the time and can’t think about anything else? Daily fasting can be done at home, but for three or more days you will still have to go outside, go to work, and there are a lot of temptations there. Therefore, nutritionists recommend switching to long-term fasting only after you have completed at least 2-3 short ones.

To prevent the body from experiencing extreme stress, it must be prepared to refuse food. If you eat less, starting 2-3 days before a long fast, the transition will be smooth and less painful. Although the majority do exactly the opposite - they try to eat enough for the future, so that at least on the first day they do not suffer from hunger.

Don't try to complete all three days on the first try. If your health worsens sharply, switch to juices and gradually come out of fasting. Slowly things will get better, and next time you will last longer without food.

In general, it is very important not to force the body. Fasting should be a pleasant relief, not mental and physical torture.


Dry fasting is the most effective, but most severe way of cleansing and unloading the body. During it, it is forbidden not only to eat, but also to drink. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to carry it out in the hot season - this can cause severe dehydration and overload the heart.

During dry fasting, the process of switching to internal nutrition occurs much faster and begins already on day 2-3. Therefore, burning fat in this way is quite possible.

But it cannot be carried out often - it is too much stress for the body. The way out of dry fasting should be a day on liquid food (juices or pureed soups). It is strictly prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Strict diets

A more common way to lose weight if you constantly want to eat is to limit the amount you eat or involve an extremely meager set of foods. Sugar is first on the forbidden list. And this is not surprising - it breaks down easily and does not contain any useful substances, only pure calories.

Those who want to really lose weight will have to give up:

  • meat sausages and semi-finished products;
  • preserves, pickles and marinades;
  • baking and confectionery products;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • anything that is fried in oil;
  • any alcoholic beverages;
  • sweet soda and packaged juices.

Even if you introduce only these restrictions into your diet, and eat other foods in small portions 5-6 times a day, it is possible to lose up to 3-4 kilograms per month without any hunger strikes.

But everyone wants it faster! Therefore, most resort to various types of strict diets. We will tell you about the features of the most popular ones to make it easier for you to decide whether to lose weight this way.

Low calorie

On the one hand, this is the most enjoyable diet, since there is a lot allowed in it. In the mildest version, you can eat everything (even harmful things), but you will have to scrupulously calculate what you eat. But a person who is far from dietetics is not always able to do this correctly. Of course, detailed tables of calorie content of foods and ready-made meals from the Internet will come to the rescue. But food must be weighed, everything carefully recorded and constantly counted.

Given that the basal metabolic rate of an adult is approximately 1200 kcal (resting energy expenditure), low-calorie diets limit the daily intake to 900, and sometimes 600 kcal.

If you eat little, this is also fasting, which does not give rest to the digestive system and does not trigger the process of transition to internal nutrition, since food still comes from outside. Whether it is worth torturing yourself in this way - decide for yourself.

No carbohydrates

The question of whether it is possible to lose weight if you don’t eat sweets is purely rhetorical. Those who want to lose excess fat should give up sweets first of all. Sugar is pure carbohydrates that charge the batteries in our body. But fast carbohydrates are found not only in sugar. Their main sources are:

There are also slow carbohydrates, which are gradually consumed by our body and do not lead to rapid weight gain. Strict prohibits the consumption of any carbohydrates. And this is bad - the body is left without the main source of energy. And since it does not immediately reach fat reserves, protein is used.

On such diets, muscle mass is lost, not fat. But if you exclude only sugar and fast carbohydrates from your diet, weight loss will be quite active.

Vegetarianism: yes or no?

People often ask whether it is possible to lose weight if you don’t eat meat. And as an example they cite adherents of a vegetarian diet, among whom fat people are extremely rare. A complete abstinence from meat deprives the body of essential amino acids necessary for building muscle fibers. Once again, it’s the muscles that suffer, not the fat.

If you are serious about becoming a vegetarian, you simply need to learn the basics of nutrition. Then you can create a diet that will completely compensate for the lack of animal protein and vitamin B12, which is also mainly obtained from animal food.

For those who do not want to delve too deeply into studying the principles of healthy eating, we advise not to go to extremes, but to leave the following on the menu at least 2-3 times a week:

  • beef and veal;
  • a rabbit;
  • poultry breast without skin;
  • any seafood;
  • sea ​​fish.

This diet will allow you to eat well and lose weight by 3-4 kilograms per month. Of course, provided that the portions are moderate.

What to do?

As you can see, the question of how to stop eating completely is extremely incorrect. An unreasonable refusal to eat will not add beauty to either your skin or your figure. And if you want to include fasting in your weight loss program as a way to effectively cleanse the body, you need to do this correctly and after competent psychological preparation.

Many people are concerned about another problem - how to give up sweets. This is quite easy to do, using the principle of substitution popular among nutritionists: sugar with honey, sweets with dried fruits, etc. Gradually, the body will get used to it, and the sight of the cake will no longer be so attractive.

Remember also that if you eat too little, the weight will come off very slowly. Therefore, the calorie content of the diet should be thoughtful. Reviews from those who have lost 20 kg or more confirm the correctness of the statement that there is no more correct way than a healthy lifestyle and nutritious, high-quality nutrition. So maybe that's enough experimentation?

In our age of the Internet, technology, oversaturation of information and goods, we are endlessly offered something. And if we don't want to become omnivores in the broadest sense of the word, it's important to be able to respond to some "thank you, no thanks" requests. Let's start learning this with mindfulness and selectivity in food. I want to talk about how to politely refuse if you are offered food and you don't want or can't eat it.

I am a “plus size” model, I often attend events, and the hospitable host-organizers almost always want to feed me. Because of my height and strong physique, it always seems to people around me that I eat a lot, but this is not so. I don’t go on diets for the sake of thinness, but I watch my diet to maintain the beauty of my skin, it is my working tool. Therefore, I often have to say the phrase “no thanks, no thanks” about food, and I know how to do it so that no one is offended.

The rules of etiquette come to the rescue when refusing. Everything in the world is changing, but - hurray! – these rules remain an unchanged island of stability, although – what a pity! - They are not taught at school. What should you do if you are invited to a social event or dinner party and you need to be selective about what you eat? An example familiar to everyone is the awkward situation in which the heroine of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” found herself:

- Let me offer you some sturgeon?

- No! I can't have fish! I'm allergic to it... Yes... Cramps begin.

That, of course, cannot be said. Don't talk about your illnesses, allergies, diets, or what kind of storm will happen in your stomach if you eat this rabbit and drink this juice.

What to do if you hate fish, are on a strict diet on the advice of a doctor, were poisoned yesterday or nervous soil You’ve completely lost your appetite, and they’re expecting you for dinner? First, think about whether it’s possible to refuse to go to the event altogether - perhaps not going will be easier than worrying about food all evening. Can? Do this in advance, no later than two days before the designated date. If refusal is impossible for some reason, go to dinner, but follow a few rules there.

1. It is rude to refuse food outright. It's better to have something on your plate and twirl your fork from time to time than to loudly declare that you are a no-no today.

2. During the buffet table, hold a full glass of water in your hand. So you are not bored, and those around you see that you are busy.
Avoid people who actively chew - they will definitely advise you to eat something. As a last resort, if the adviser still catches up with you, cross your fingers behind your back and lie that you have already tried this.

3. Refuse briefly and kindly. If you are a vegetarian and are persistently asked to eat chicken, you can politely and quietly say so. In this case, it is more correct, more tactful and safer to say a short “thank you, no” with a smile, instead of the aggressive “I don’t eat meat!”, justifying “I can’t have it because...”, or the very bad option “I don’t eat unfortunate people” animals! By going into details, you risk listening for the hundredth time to a lecture about the dangers of vegetarianism and what beneficial substances you are depriving yourself of (alas, not all people are familiar with the rules of etiquette).

4. Warn the owners. If you are not at a buffet, but rather at a dinner party, then, most likely, you can familiarize yourself with the menu in advance. Find out what you can't eat and ask the manager to change it for you before serving food.

5. Give the right signals. Place some snacks on the plate “for show.” It is unlikely that anyone will closely monitor how food goes into your mouth and how much you eat. At the same time, when there is food left on the plate, they don’t give you more. Is the table served by a waiter? Great, it is perfectly acceptable to give him a sign: fold the cutlery in a corner - this means a break in food, horizontally - the food was excellent, vertically - you have finished eating.

6. But at a dinner at home, don't go overboard pretending to eat. Don't stock your plate with all the food you can. A full plate may lead the hostess to think that you didn’t like anything. And of course, you shouldn’t try to feed the contents of the plate to the owner’s dog or bury it all in a flower pot. Agree, it’s better to learn to say “thank you, no.”

7. Respect traditions. If you find yourself at a dinner party abroad, keep in mind that the food situation there is much more serious. When visiting foreigners, it is impolite to refuse food at all, because for you, dear overseas guest, the hosts have prepared their best national dishes and are really waiting for you to appreciate them. This means that if you have already arrived, you will have to give up your principles and stock up on pills to improve digestion (unfamiliar food is stress for the stomach).

8. Alcohol is another matter; you can safely give it up in any country. The easiest way to indicate a firm “no” is to arrive by car. You don’t have to lie, the reason is the most objective. In some countries, it's legal to drink a glass of wine, but if you do so, you run the risk of the event hosts politely pouring more and more. Maybe don't start?

And finally, my personal advice. Unless we are talking about a critical health situation, when you cannot eat for medical reasons, do not rush to deny yourself a perfectly cooked dinner. The warm atmosphere at the table brings people together and encourages friendly communication. Very little tasty food in good company will not ruin your figure, but will significantly improve your mood. In addition, at a friendly table you can make new useful and pleasant acquaintances.

How often does it happen that our pets behave strangely? In this article we will list the most common symptoms, the sight of which should show the “tail” to the doctor as soon as possible.

We will provide general recommendations. But remember that each animal is individual. Therefore, you should not accept this advice as the only correct one. If something in your pet's behavior makes you wary, please consult a doctor immediately!


It manifests itself in the refusal active games, reluctance to run to the bowl during feeding or to meet you after work. These signs may indicate that your pet has an illness, which only a veterinarian can determine.

Lethargy may be a sign of:

Refusal to eat

Our pets various reasons may not want to eat. A one-time refusal to eat may well be due to behavioral reasons. But a long-term refusal is a reason to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Refusal to eat may indicate...

Distended abdomen, repeated vomiting, excessive gas

If you notice your pet repeatedly vomiting after eating leftover food or vomiting that does not depend on meals, as well as a sharply distended belly like a ball and gas formation, you should immediately show the animal to the doctor. All of these conditions are extremely dangerous and pose a serious threat to health.

These symptoms may indicate...

  • acute dilatation of the stomach;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • poisoning (intoxication);
  • intestinal obstruction, presence of a foreign body.

Droplets of blood or other substance

The emissions themselves do not pose a danger. Much more dangerous processes, which led to the separation of fluid (blood or pus) from the anus or, cat or other animal. You should consult a doctor especially quickly if you also experience lethargy, refusal to eat, bowel movements or vomiting.

Signs of what disease this could be:

  • purulent inflammations, tumors genitourinary system in bitches (vaginitis, endometritis, pyometritis);
  • internal bleeding, organ ruptures due to injuries;
  • any inflammation that has space with fluids (pus, lymph, etc.);
  • blockage of the perianal glands.

Discharges from bad smell should immediately alert you!

The animal hunches over and takes other unnatural poses

Sometimes our pets behave strangely: they lie down, sit down or stand in an unnatural position. A hunched back or vice versa, pressing your stomach to the floor, stretching your neck or the inability to raise it and other body positions that look unusual are a reason to urgently consult a doctor!

All of the above is literally a cry for help, because such pronounced, unnatural postures indicate severe pain!

These symptoms may be caused by:

  • soreness of the joints, limbs or internal organs;
  • soreness of the abdomen or other organ.

Increased respiratory movements, shortness of breath

A sudden increase in breathing (without prior physical overload) indicates a violation of the lungs. It may also indicate heart failure. In this case, it is especially important to pay attention to the color of the mucous membranes (tongue and lips). If they are pale or have a bluish tint, run to the doctor!

Heart and respiratory failure- extremely dangerous pathologies!

The pet is showing aggression vocalization (shouting)

Animals experiencing pain can express it in this way. If your pet suddenly begins to “raise his voice,” he is most likely in a lot of pain.

This behavior may indicate...

  • injury;
  • urinary retention;
  • neurological disease.

Tension in the toilet

Pets may loudly alert you to go to the toilet or scream while urinating. These are signals that they are experiencing pain. For diseases of the genitourinary system, consulting a doctor as quickly as possible is the best option!

Possible reasons:

  • acute urinary retention;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • foreign object, obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The animal sits, stands and for a long time looks at the wall, rests his head on it

Such behavior indicates problems with work. nervous system or pain resulting from a traumatic brain injury.

Eye injuries

Often eye injuries are a reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible. The eye quickly loses its functions, and therefore timely intervention by a specialist can literally preserve the pet’s ability to see.

This article is a kind of cheat sheet for animal owners. We ask you to remember that our beloved “tails” are living beings, and their ailments cannot be controlled by any rules. Every pet and every disease is different. However, remember that your delay can aggravate the condition and sometimes lead to the death of your pet. Please watch your pet carefully and do not let him get sick!

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