Home Children's dentistry What can be used instead of vegetable oil. Vegetable oils for children: benefits, harms, applications

What can be used instead of vegetable oil. Vegetable oils for children: benefits, harms, applications

Vegetable (sunflower) oil is highly carcinogenic, as it has an easy ability to oxidize and release free radicals, which adversely affect not only digestion, but also general state organism, which in turn leads to an increased content of cholesterol in the blood and a load on the cardiovascular system.

There are several ways to do without vegetable oil when cooking:

1. Vegetable oil can either be reduced to a minimum, or completely eliminated. For example, when frying, use a Teflon-coated pan to prevent the food from burning.

2. You can learn some cooking methods that exclude the use of oil: steaming, grilling, as well as the sous vide technique (in a vacuum bag in a water bath).

3. You can try to change the recipe of the dish: for example, use oil in the marinade. For marinated products, as a rule, a minimum amount of oil is used, then when preparing a dish (stewing or frying), there is no need to add oil.

4. In general, it is better to replace sunflower oil with such healthy oils like extra virgin olive, rapeseed, unrefined sesame, coconut and linseed. But taking into account some features: for example, corn oil is optimal for frying and dressing salads, extra virgin olive oil is only for salads, sesame oil cannot be fried - the dish will be bitter, and coconut oil can greatly change the consistency of the dish and at a relatively low cooking temperature turn him into a ball.

For reference:

When oil is received, processed and stored, it is oxidized by oxygen, which leads to a deterioration in the nutritional value of the product.

Peroxide value is a chemical indicator that reflects the degree of oil oxidation due to the accumulation of peroxide compounds (peroxides and hydroperoxides) during oil oxidation during storage.

According to GOST 1129-2013 “Sunflower oil. Specifications» The maximum value of the peroxide number should not exceed 10 mmol of active oxygen per kilogram for the first grade oil. For the "premium" variety - no more than 2 mmol / kg. For higher - no more than 4 mmol / kg.

Poorly refined and stale oil has a higher peroxide value. The higher the peroxide number, the longer the oil was stored, including in the light. It often happens that the shelf life has not yet expired, and the oil is already bitter. It is possible that it was made from low quality raw materials, rancid sunflower seeds.

  • If the acid number of the samples turned out to be all right, then the peroxide failed. Samples "Golden Seed" and "Zateya" according to this indicator, they do not correspond to the highest grade indicated in the marking (they correspond only to the first grade). With an allowable 4 mmol / kg, they have a peroxide value of 5.6 and 5.8, respectively.
  • Oil is even worse. "Good". The premium variety allows only 2 mmol/kg oxidation, while our sample has 5.7 mmol/kg. Recall that premium sunflower oil is intended for dietary and baby food. At the same time, the sample "Good" not only declared, but even the highest grade does not match!

Samples "Blago", "Zateya", "Golden Seed" are blacklisted.

How to determine if the oil is spoiled?

The most common type of falsification of sunflower oil, as well as vegetable oils in general, is its assortment falsification, which is characterized by regrading such oils or replacing one type of oil with another. For example, refined deodorized premium grade sunflower oil can be easily replaced with premium or first grade oil, and valuable types of oils, which include sunflower, olive, corn, camelina oils, can be replaced with less valuable rapeseed, cottonseed and other oils.

The problem is that refined oils after a thorough cleaning process lose their characteristic coloring and aromatic substances, becoming virtually impersonal, and it is virtually impossible to distinguish one type of oil from another without special equipment.

With high-quality falsification, there may be a violation of the technology for the production of vegetable oil.

The quality of sunflower oil directly depends on the quality of sunflower seeds, the conditions and terms of their storage before processing.

Poor quality raw materials, outdated storage and production lines, and non-compliance with production processes are the reasons for the production of low quality oil, which can be passed off as high quality.

Information falsification is misleading the consumer by providing inaccurate or distorted information about the product.

Should be paid Special attention that such data on sunflower oil as the name of the product, the date of production - can also be falsified.

frosty freshness

For reference:

Unrefined sunflower oil cold-pressed has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is ideal for dishes that are not subjected to heat treatment. It is not suitable for the frying process.

Refined frozen butter optimal for frying and baking, but its biological value is reduced compared to unrefined due to the destruction of some of the vitamins during the cleaning process.

Unfortunately, such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and rancid and “burns” when fried. To improve the quality, the oil is frozen during the refining process, waxes and waxy substances are removed from it. The frozen oil acquires a good presentation, since waxes during storage can lead to the formation of turbidity.

The experts conducted a “cold” test and a “soap” test for all oil samples. With the help of the first, particles of waxes and wax-like substances can be detected in the oil. The "soap" test reveals the presence of soap-like substances that leave an unpleasant aftertaste. According to GOST, neither those nor other substances should be. All samples passed the test with honor.

Note that the oil is not always obtained by cold pressing before refining. Cold pressing is a more expensive way to obtain vegetable oil. However, it does not form dangerous trans fats in the oil.

Trans-fatty acids were not detected in all the studied samples. It is believed that they can appear during severe heat treatment of oil. Eating trans fats has been shown to increase cardiovascular diseases and mortality.

The mass fraction of trans-isomers found in the fat isolated from all samples is in the range of 0.1-0.2%, which corresponds to the "background" content of trans-fats in non-hydrogenated vegetable oil and does not pose a health hazard.

All samples correspond in organoleptic parameters to refined deodorized frozen sunflower oil.

Toxic Mayhem

For reference:

A high value of the anisidine number of the oil indicates a deep deterioration of the product, caused, for example, by improper storage under unsatisfactory conditions or prolonged thermal or mechanical exposure.

For oils of the highest grade and premium grade, the anisidine number should not exceed 3 units / g.

In the studied samples, this indicator is not exceeded. However, the oil "Good"(premium grade) anisidine number 2.8 units/g (very close to the maximum allowable limit). Formally, the standard is not exceeded. But in combination with a high peroxide value, a high anisidine value indicates that the oil has undergone significant oxidation processes.

Minimum content of aldehydes in oil "Golden Seed"- 0.3 units / g.

What should you pay attention to when choosing vegetable oil in a store?

The first step is to pay attention to the storage conditions of sunflower oil.

Unfortunately, even the highest quality sunflower oil can deteriorate under the influence of natural and artificial light. That's why the best option there will be oil in a darkened bottle or a bottle from the back of the shelf.

When choosing oil in a store, you need to look at the date of manufacture of the oil, its shelf life. You should not forget to pay attention to the expiration dates of the oil, since by the end of the expiration date, peroxide and acid numbers “increase”.


The nutritional value

Name Anisidone number, units/g Acid number

In order not to spoil Maslenitsa, we waited a week to talk about vegetable oil, without which it is difficult to imagine our daily diet.

food blogger

It's no secret that vegetable oils in their raw form (read "unfiltered", "unrefined" and "raw") contain saturated poly- and monounsaturated fats, essential (they are directly called "essential") omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids, as well as a whole alphabet of accompanying vitamins. Some oil contains one acid to a greater extent, some - another, but each oil is dominated by its own "letters".

Essential fatty acids serve as a shield for our of cardio-vascular system, protecting it from the development of atherosclerosis. They improve blood circulation, have cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic actions. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce inflammatory processes and improve tissue nutrition, accelerating their healing. Omegas are designed to protect the body from cancer.

The lack of essential fatty acids in food retards the growth and development of the body, and also depresses reproductive function and reduces blood clotting

It turns out that the use of vegetable oils gives our body a complete benefit? I will surprise you, but no. The fact is that the concentration of the above goodness in any vegetable oil is so high that the human body is simply not able to digest and assimilate it. "Unattached" omega- and monounsaturated fats, once in our body, are oxidized, leading to inflammation and destruction of cellular tissues, and, consequently, to the same terrible diseases which, in fact, they had to resist. And this is only the first part, regarding the alleged benefits of raw, unprocessed butter, which, as you understand, not everyone can afford to dress a salad.

A few words about processing methods

Vegetable oils (or vegetable fats) are products extracted from seeds and nuts by pressing, extraction and further complete (refined oils***) or partial (crude vegetable oils* and unrefined oils**) purification. Clarification and filtration, hydration, neutralization, refining, deodorization and freezing - even without going into the technical details of these six "circles of hell", it is logical to conclude that the final product carries almost no nutritional value.

Together with the taste and smell, everything biologically active and useful “evaporates” from the transparent refined sugar. It is sad, but true: it is this oil that is “recommended” for frying, because it does not smoke (has a high smoke point ****), does not form any unpleasant odors, but forms all sorts of rubbish. Vegetable fat, upon contact with a frying pan, instantly decomposes, forming free radicals hazardous to health (benzopyrenes, peroxides and aflatoxins are extremely toxic “guys”, I’ll tell you), they are also carcinogens (from Latin cancer - “cancer” - and other Greek γεννάω - “I give birth”).

Based on this tiny linguistic note alone, it is not difficult to guess how harmful it is for us to eat fried food. Carcinogens, by virtue of their physical, chemical or biological properties, cause irreversible changes in those parts of the genetic apparatus that control all cells. human body. And again, the more nutritional value was in the cold oil, the more harm it will bring you if you decide to cook something on it.

Each type of oil has its own smoke point, which increases during refining and, as a rule, does not greatly exceed 200°C ... The heating temperature of standard electric stoves does not exceed 300°C, while gas stoves provide a much higher temperature, heating cast-iron cookware up to 600° C! It is clear why it is so easy to exceed the norm ?!

A small addition for clarity

  • sesame oil - 210 ° C;
  • refined sunflower oil - 232°C;
  • peanut - 204–232°C;
  • palm - 232 ° C;
  • melted - 252 ° C;
  • refined soybean oil - 257 ° C;
  • avocado oil - 271°C.

  • linen - 107 ° C;
  • unrefined sunflower - 107°С;
  • unrefined walnut oil - 160 ° C;
  • unrefined olive - 160–162 ° С;
  • butter or lard - 176–190 ° C.

So is there life without oil, you ask?! Of course there is! happy and healthy

For dressing salads, instead of oil, you can and should use a whole fat-containing product, namely:

  • seeds (sunflower, sesame, linseed, pumpkin and hemp) or sauces based on them;
  • nuts (pine nuts, walnuts, cashews, macadamia, Brazilian, pecans) or sauces based on them;
  • avocado or guacamole.

When it comes to cooking, there are even more options.

The first one, which I myself have been adhering to for many years, is as useful as possible, just outrageously:

  • do not fry, but fry (if it is impatient) in a dry frying pan with a good non-stick coating;
  • stew with the addition of broth, water, vegetable milk or freshly squeezed vegetable / fruit juice, depending on what you are cooking;
  • bake in a sleeve or on parchment, sprinkling the product with juice or water.

The second option is less useful, but more familiar.

There are a number of oils that are considered suitable for pan frying:

  • coconut - 176 ° C;
  • high quality olive (Extra Virgin) - 190–204 ° С;
  • refined rapeseed - 204°С;
  • corn – 204–232°С;
  • cotton - 216°С;
  • grape seed oil - 216 ° C.
  • They also say that it is useful to fry in ghee (ghee) and fat ...

The fact is that the oils listed above contain more monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which, during heat treatment, form a little less poisons… That's why, Dear friends if you don't want to cut fried food out of your diet, please, fry without fanaticism. Do not bring the oil to a smoking temperature (pancakes and pilaf). Forget about long-term heat treatment of products (deep fryers). Do not use one serving of oil more than once. Don't fry foods half to death - crispy fried foods lack any nutritional value. If you use oil, store it according to the instructions, do not wait until it goes rancid, and be healthy.

* Raw vegetable oils are subject only to filtration. Such oils are the most valuable, they retain phosphatides, tocopherols and all biologically valuable components. Raw oils have short term suitability and not very pleasant appearance.

** Unrefined vegetable oils are oils that have undergone partial purification: sedimentation, filtration, hydration and neutralization. As a result of purification, such oils lose some of their useful properties, since part of the phosphatides is removed in the process.

*** Refined vegetable oils are subjected to complete purification.

**** The smoke point is the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke in the pan, from that moment it starts reactions to form toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Most people perceive vegetable oil as an indispensable and useful addition to good nutrition avoiding butter and animal fats such as lard.

It is also vegetable, which means it was isolated from plants. And everything vegetable automatically means useful. For example, sunflower oil, which I'm sure every home has, comes from sunflower seeds, right? And the way it's isolated from seeds means it won't have that nasty cholesterol found in butter, which can clog our arteries and lead to heart disease.

These were my thoughts. I avoided butter, as well as any animal fat. I had a real fat phobia

And God, how long have I been afraid of something that is so absolutely necessary for our body (but more on that another time).

Fried, baked, stewed only with vegetable(grape seed oil, then it seemed to me the most natural and useful).

And then, reading and learning what is generally vegetable oil, how it is made and what it carries with it, I came to the conclusion that in vegetable/sunflower oil n There is nothing vegetable or useful.

It's a toxic poison . Which you use every day, thinking that you are doing a favor to your body.

But let's start from the beginning.

What is vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil are triglycerides (fats) isolated from plant products.

Mankind began to produce vegetable oil relatively recently. About 150 years ago, our ancestors did not even hear of any sunflower oil, cooking with butter, lard, chicken and goose fat.

But the age of industrialization has come. Who changed a lot of things, including, eating habits of people.

The use of sunflower oil and its products, such as margarine, reached its zenith in the 50s, when the state, along with doctors, drummed into people that animal fats increase cholesterol levels, which, in turn, is a major factor in the development of heart disease. - vascular diseases.

Everyone listened. And they believed. And change the butter sunflower or even worse, margarine. Which many people continue to do to this day.

If, as the doctors told us, vegetable oils so wonderful for our cardiovascular system, why then, since the beginning of human consumption vegetable oil, happened sharp increase the number of deaths caused by diseases of the heart and circulatory system???

Maybe the problem lies precisely in these most “useful” vegetable oils?

How is sunflower oil produced?

Have you ever wondered why we can't make sunflower oil at home? Creamy, we can, and quite easily. Everything is explained by the fact that this is a very painstaking and absolutely unnatural process.

  1. Seeds are first pressed and then heated to high (250-300C) temperatures. (Which beneficial features Will there be seeds left after this?)
  2. It is then reheated with a chemical solvent to get rid of the wax that is present after the 1st heating. (This is when you try to get rid of a stubborn stain on your favorite shirt and wash it again, but with a stronger powder.)
  3. At this stage, the oil is very dark and clotted, so even more chemicals are added to improve the color and consistency. (The stain still hasn't been washed off - will have to "chlorine".)
  4. It is logical that the original product does not have a pleasant smell and must be deodorized, again with the help of chemicals. (Laundry conditioner to smell delicious.)

You can watch the video of this wonderful process. So what do you think? And you cook and season salads with it.

Vegetable oils are not real food, there is nothing natural in them and our body is not adapted to digest them.

In addition, manufacturers add BHA (Butylated Oxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Oxytoluene), which are artificial antioxidants, to oils to prevent deterioration and oxidation. These substances cause disturbances immune system, kidneys, liver and other organs. discusses the dangers of using these chemicals in cosmetics. Now imagine what happens from the inside, when you use them?

On this moment More vegetable oils are made from GMO seeds. We will talk about problems with GMOs in another post.

I would like to add that coconut, palm and olive oil do not belong to vegetable and are produced using a completely different technology. They are very beneficial and essential for optimal health.

If you still haven't vomited and you don't think that sunflower oil harmful to your health, let's move on to nutritional qualities then.

Nutritional qualities of sunflower oil

As we know, butter is made up of fat. His nutritional value determine what kind of fat it consists of.

I think that many have heard at least once the term Irreplaceable Fatty acid(NLC). Essential Fatty Acids- a type of fat that cannot be synthesized by our body and we must obtain it through food. That is why they are called indispensable, because they perform a number of important functions in our body.

There are 2 types of NLC:

  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), a more common name is Omega-3 Acid. Found in oily fish, nuts and algae.
  • Linolenic acid (LA) or Omega-6 Acid. Found in meat and vegetable oils.

Sunflower oil consists of 70% polyunsaturated fats, 100% Omega-6 Acids and 0% Omega-3 Acids.

Why should this be important to you?

For the ideal and full functioning of our body, the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 should be 1:1. So it was. 100 years ago when people didn't know vegetable oil. At modern nutrition the ratio of these acids in most people reaches 20:1 and continues to increase.

What problems can such a serious imbalance lead to?

Why should you stop eating vegetable oil?

  • Omega-6 acids are responsible for inflammation in the body. Inflammation underlies heart disease, cancer, obesity, arthritis, derpessia, allergies, and autoimmune diseases.
  • Omega-6 acids are very easily oxidized even at room temperature.. When heated (every time you cook), the rate of oxidation increases exponentially and free radicals are formed. They are odorless and tasteless and you do not feel them, but free radicals attack the cells of your body, causing them to mutate. Which again can provoke a number of chronic diseases.
  • Vegetable oils soaked in hexane, which is also used to make shoe glue, leather products and oh what a surprise! included in gasoline. Learn more about Hexane.
  • Our body consists mainly of Monounsaturated and Saturated fats. To maintain balance and normal functions organism, our diet should, in the majority, be made up of these fats. Only 4% are polyunsaturated, which include vegetable oil.
  • Sunflower oil stimulates excessive production of non-hypermodulatory lipids, which are responsible for sending hunger signals to the brain. You do not feel a feeling of fullness and continue to eat.
  • Vegetable oils contain trans fats(hydrogenated fat) - unsaturated fats modified to be solid at room temperature. They also include margarine and everything that looks like real butter, but is not. Trans fats are toxic to the body, provoke inflammation and mutations in cells. Lead to obesity, diabetes, increase the level of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) "bad cholesterol", lowering the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)" good cholesterol”, which leads to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What about vegetable oils?

  • sunflower oil
  • corn oil
  • rapeseed/canola oil
  • peanut butter
  • grape seed oil
  • cottonseed oil
  • margarine
  • fake butter

Where can vegetable oil be found?

Store-bought salad dressings, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces, chips, cookies, pastries, convenience foods, pies, any fast food. Be careful, read the label!

By using vegetable oil for frying at high temperatures, you turn it into a Trans Fat. Another "+" to its use in nutrition.

What to use instead of vegetable oil?

The most natural in nature, unprocessed fats that do not oxidize and do not contain free radicals.

For cooking, choose stable at high temperature oils - old, time-tested butter, ghee, ghee (Indian clarified butter), coconut oil. Also, fats of animal origin are ideal: lard, chicken and goose fats.

Use olive oil ONLY when cold, it is not stable and oxidizes easily. So add as much as you like to salads, but not to the pan.

Now I don't have a home vegetable oil and never will. I used a bottle of underused grape seed oil in my homemade body scrub. As they say, better outside than inside :-)

For cooking, I have coconut, butter and ghee. And oh, this potato in bacon :-) In the salad - olive or coconut.

In any baking, I replace vegetable oil with either liquid coconut or melted butter. I try to make mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces myself at home, since most of the purchased ones contain vegetable oil.

I can say that one thing that is visible to the eye has changed for sure, from the moment I stopped eating vegetable oils- the skin became clearer.

My sister, for example, noticed that she stopped cooking for sunflower oil, replacing it with cream - she lost the feeling of nausea after eating (she has problems with bile).

But that's only visible to the eye. It's hard to say what's going on inside. But many studies already show that vegetableoils are one of the main causes (along with wheat and sugar) of a sharp increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

If anyone did not know, but the #1 cause of death on Earth is heart disease.

Giving up sunflower oil is not that hard. And believe me, it is much tastier and healthier.

Some of the most delicious meals cooked using vegetable oil, but getting rid of its residues is sometimes quite problematic. When the oil has cooled, you will have a choice - throw it away, reuse it or give it to someone. Store vegetable oil in a container with a lid before throwing it in the trash, leaving it by the sidewalk (for someone to pick it up), or taking it to a local restaurant for recycling. The main thing - in any case, do not pour the oil into the sink.


Throwing oil in the trash

    Wait until the oil has cooled down. To avoid accidental burns, wait until the oil has cooled completely before discarding it. Never lift heavy pans filled with hot oil or pour hot oil into a trash can. Depending on the amount of oil, wait a few hours before it cools down.

    • If needed, leave the oil overnight to cool to room temperature.
    • If there is very little oil in the pan, wait for it to cool and then wipe off the oil with paper towels.
  1. Get an unbreakable container with a lid. If you want to leave oil for reuse Be sure to take a clean storage container. Although a glass container is also suitable for this purpose, it may break if dropped. Plastic containers with a screw cap, like a peanut butter jar, are more suitable for storing vegetable oil. Be sure to mark the container so that someone does not accidentally take it.

    • If you don't intend to donate or reuse the oil, cut off the top of an aluminum can and pour the oil into it.
  2. Throw away the container of used oil in the trash. Close the oil container with a lid and throw it in the trash. Do not pour the oil into the bucket, as this will not only create a mess, but also attract various rodents.

    Freeze the butter and throw it into a bucket. If you don't have a container with a lid, put the butter in the freezer. Take an old jar, pour oil into it, and then put it in the freezer for a few hours. Once the oil has solidified, scrape the oil into a trash can with a spoon.

    • A cup will also work for this purpose. Just remember to wash the cup in soapy water after disposing of the oil.
  3. Pour the cooled oil into a plastic trash bag. Take a trash bag, such as old newspapers, vegetable scraps, or napkins. Pour the oil directly into the bag so that debris and waste can absorb the oil. Tie up the bag and throw it in the trash can.

    Do not pour oil down the sink. Never pour vegetable oil down the sink as it can clog the pipes. The oil will coat the walls of the pipes even if you dilute it with soapy water.

    • A clogged piping can flood and clog the drain, so never dispose of the oil by pouring it down the sink.
  4. Don't pour oil into the compost. Do not pour oil that has been used to fry meat into sidewalk or backyard compost. If you pour this oil into your compost, you will attract rodents, reduce air circulation, and slow down the composting process.

Oil reuse

    Store oil at room temperature in an airtight container. If you want to keep all the oil in one container, pour it into an airtight container. Store it in the pantry at room temperature until you need it.

    Strain the oil through a coffee filter before using it again. Place the coffee filter on the container into which you want to pour the oil. Secure the filter with a rubber band and slowly strain the oil through the filter. The filter will trap solid particles and you will get a cleaner oil.

    • Food particles can cause oil to turn sour or become a breeding ground for mold.
  1. Use oil for frying food. Fry another batch - this can be done with the same food or similar to the one you fried earlier, because the oil has already absorbed the taste of the fried food. For example, if you've fried chicken, don't use donut oil. If you have fried breaded food, it will be quite difficult to remove the remaining pieces of food and eliminate the aroma - it is better to use a new oil.

    • Roasting vegetables allows the oil to retain a neutral flavor, so it is easier to reuse the oil.
  2. Do not use the oil more than twice. With proper storage and proper filtration, the oil can be used several times. Check the oil before use and discard it if it becomes cloudy, foamy or smells bad. Never mix two different vegetable oils and throw it away after two uses.

    • If vegetable oil is used more than twice, the "smoke point" may change, causing it to heat up faster. Because of this, harmful free radicals and trans-unsaturated fatty acids will begin to form in the fat.

Oil disposal

  1. Find out if the city has a recycling program. Call or go to the city's website for information on how to dispose of used oil. Some waste collection companies may even install oil disposal tanks. Used cooking oil can be picked up by your local fire department.

    • Find out if there are one-time oil collections in the city. Contact the city administration to find out what days they pick up the oil.
  2. Store the oil in a container until you dispose of it. Pour the cooled vegetable oil into a container with a lid. Take something strong, like a plastic can, that won't break if dropped. Store oil at room temperature until you take it to a recycling center or leave it on the sidewalk for someone to pick it up.

  3. Donate oil. Ask local restaurants and salvage workers if they need oil. Some firms use the oil to produce biofuels for their cars and generators. To find out where to take the oil, open any search engine and enter "donate oil in [city name]".

    • Sometimes you can get a tax credit for donating cooking oil.
  4. Dispose of any type of vegetable oil. Typically, biofuel production centers recycling waste use different types vegetable oil. Find out about this before donating oil, and do not mix cooking oil with other liquids.

    • Some recycling centers have tanks in which you can pour the oil.
  • If you want to add used oil to your pet's food, check with your veterinarian first to see if oil can be added to your pet's diet.

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