Home Prevention Herring under a Fur Coat. Portioned

Herring under a Fur Coat. Portioned

Almost everyone's favorite herring under a fur coat is a very frequent guest of the holiday table. This delicious layered salad can be prepared in portions, in bowls or glasses. Served in such an original way, the appetizer salad will look very beautiful on the New Year's table. Let's try to prepare and beautifully decorate a New Year's fur coat.

Portioned herring under a fur coat in glasses

For this salad you will need a good lightly salted or medium salted herring. The final taste of the salad depends on the quality of the fish, so choose your fish very responsibly. Or .

Vegetables for salad can be cut into cubes or grated. This is how anyone likes it.


  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Beets - 2 pcs. average
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste


Vegetables for preparing shuboy herring can be boiled or baked in the oven. When boiling, cook the beets separately, as otherwise they will color the potatoes and carrots.

Prepared vegetables should be soft and easily pierced with a fork or wooden toothpick.

Leave the vegetables to cool while you hard boil the eggs.

Peel the vegetables. Remove the shell from the eggs.

Clean the herring and remove the bones. Cut the fillet into cubes.

Peel and cut the onions into cubes, marinate in vinegar and leave to sit for 10 minutes.

Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes. Place each grated vegetable in a separate plate, do not mix.

Remove the yolks from three eggs and set aside. Use a knife to crush the remaining eggs.

Prepare your glasses and start stacking products in layers in the following sequence:

potatoes (pepper and coat with mayonnaise)

eggs (pepper)

carrots (coat with mayonnaise)

pickled onion

beets (coat with mayonnaise).

Now let's decorate the salad. Take the set aside yolks and mash them with a fork, sprinkle on top of the salad. You can also decorate with a sprig of dill or parsley leaves.

Cover each glass with cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours. The layered salad should be soaked and cooled.

That's all, the festive portioned herring under a fur coat is ready! Can be served.

Bon appetit and have a nice holiday!

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In one pan I boiled three large potatoes, two thick carrots and four eggs. Separately, I cooked two unpeeled beets. This way they will retain their color better. Cool the cooked vegetables and eggs with cold water and peel them. Finely chop two heads of red onion and pour boiling water over them for two minutes. Then he threw it into a colander, rinsed it with cold water and let it drain. I was lazy with the herring and bought fillets in oil. I should have bought a whole one, but I really didn’t want to clean it. Therefore, while the vegetables were cooking, I cut the fillet into small cubes, added a tablespoon of a mixture of five peppers, a teaspoon of ground black pepper, stirred and left to stand. The apple turned out to be a little sweet, so I grated it on a coarse grater, poured it with apple cider vinegar and left it to soak. All other ingredients were grated on a coarse grater into separate bowls. When grating the potatoes, I periodically added a little unrefined sunflower oil and sprinkled with chopped dill. This is to make it easier to mix later. I added grated apple to the carrots, after squeezing them to remove excess vinegar. Squeeze the grated beets lightly; there is too much juice in them. Added a tablespoon of mayonnaise to all the vegetables and eggs and mixed, only added less to the beets. Tea will be enough for her. I laid a sheet of parchment on a large cutting board, cut it into six squares, and used a tin can, 8 centimeters in diameter with the bottom cut off, as a culinary ring. All that remains is to spread it out. He placed the ring on a square of parchment. First he put in a heaping tablespoon of potatoes and crushed it with a metal round masher. Next, two spoons of herring, a spoonful of onion, and then a spoonful of potatoes, eggs, carrots with an apple and beets. I crushed each layer with a masher. And so six times. I didn’t coat the sides with beets, it’s easier to see. I put the finished salad in the freezer for five minutes, and then moved it to the refrigerator. He should stand there for a couple of hours, although he can stand there for two days. To prevent the beets from wilting, you need to lubricate them with vegetable oil. I put the remaining beets in a glass jar and, likewise, put them in the refrigerator. Now, at the request of the guest, I can put more beets on a separate serving, garnish it with shrimp, lemon zest, finely chopped pickles, and in general, the flight of imagination is not limited. For myself, I topped it with mayonnaise. Despite the fact that the salad already contains a sour apple, I like to snack on it with lemon slices, and since I like it saltier, a slice of pickled cucumber wouldn’t hurt. In general, even while eating, you can change the taste to your own taste.

Herring under a fur coat is everyone’s favorite, recognized and proven salad for years. And somehow you won’t surprise anyone at the table with this dish, layered in a familiar salad bowl. But I want to surprise! So I came up with the idea of ​​using small coffee cups (these probably sit idle and gathering dust in almost every family) for an original portioned serving of herring under a fur coat. If you have molding rings, that's great, you can use them. I don’t have one, so “Long live creativity!” I have provided a recipe without using onions. If you wish, you can add finely chopped onions (pickled or fresh, again to taste) to the layer between the herring and potatoes. You can use this recipe for herring under a fur coat as a basis.

Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:

  • herring fillet – 300 g (or 1 whole herring)
  • beets – 1 large
  • potatoes – 1 large
  • carrots – 1 large
  • green apple – 1 large
  • 2 boiled yolks for decoration
  • mayonnaise, salt to taste.


  • First, cook the beets (until tender, place in boiling unsalted water, cook over medium heat). It is easy to check the readiness of all vegetables using a knife: if it is easily pierced, it means they are ready.
  • Boil the potatoes until tender (dip in cold unsalted water, after boiling, cook over medium heat).
  • Cook the carrots until tender (dip into boiling unsalted water, cook over medium heat).
  • Cut the herring into fillets, carefully select all the seeds (for this it is convenient to use ordinary tweezers, this is what cooks do). Cut into small cubes.
  • Peel the apple and cut out the core. Cool and peel the vegetables. The apple and vegetables must be grated on a coarse grater into separate containers.
  • We assemble our portioned salad. Drop a little vegetable oil into a small container of a suitable shape to make the shape easier to remove later. Place a layer of grated beets on the bottom. Lightly add salt to taste and grease with mayonnaise.
  • We lay out the following layers in this order: beets, apples, carrots, potatoes, top layer of herring. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise.
  • Carefully pry the edges with a sharp thin knife, helping them move away from the walls of the mold.
  • Cover the top of the pan with a piece of parchment or a plain white sheet, turn it over and carefully place it on a plate.
  • We carefully pull the sheet out from under the form and, saying “paska, paska, get it”, we lift the form. Our beautiful “pasochka” should remain on the platter.
  • Decorate the top of the herring under a fur coat with grated boiled yolk and herbs. I really hope everything worked out for you. My portioned salad “Herring under a fur coat” turned out right the first time, honestly! Bon appetit!

  • 2016-02-10T09:20:03+00:00 adminsalads and snacks

    Herring under a fur coat is everyone’s favorite, recognized and proven salad for years. And somehow you won’t surprise anyone at the table with this dish, layered in a familiar salad bowl. But I want to surprise! This is how I came up with the idea of ​​using small coffee cups (these probably sit and gather dust idle in almost every...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    Usually herring under a fur coat is served on a large platter, and such a salad always looks bright, elegant and festive. But only until the tasting begins. All the beauty immediately disappears, the neat slide turns into an unattractive mess, the mayonnaise begins to flow and the best thing you can do is put the half-eaten snack out of sight.
    In order not to lose the status of a holiday dish, prepare it in a restaurant serving - in portions. It will take a little more time, but your guests will be happy, and you won’t have to push the dish with the stirred up snack back into the refrigerator. Portions can be made small - after all, herring under a fur coat is not the only dish that will be on the festive table. If there are no special serving rings for salad, cut off the bottom of jars of peas, condensed milk, corn - they will perfectly serve as serving rings.


    - herring fillet – 2 pcs;
    - boiled beets – 2-3 pcs;
    - onions – 3 heads;
    - potatoes – 6-7 pcs;
    - boiled carrots – 2 pcs;
    - salt and sugar – a pinch (if necessary);
    - thick mayonnaise;
    - green onions, parsley, cranberries, egg yolk - for decoration.

    How to cook with photos step by step

    Salad “Herring under a fur coat”: step-by-step recipe with photos
    A day or two before the holiday, set aside some time to prepare all the ingredients for the portioned Herring under a Fur Coat salad. Boil the vegetables, cool and put in the refrigerator. Cut the herring fillet, remove the bones. There is no need to chop anything; even by boiling the vegetables, you will already save a lot of time and effort.

    The exception is onions. If you know that the onion is bitter or too spicy, you need to finely chop it and prepare it for the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad in advance.

    Place the onion in a small container, add salt and sugar (a pinch of salt, a little more sugar) and lightly crush the onion with your hands.

    Pour in very cold water so that it completely covers the onion. Cover the bowl with the onions in cling film and refrigerate overnight. Then drain the water and rinse the onion under clean water. All these manipulations are needed in order to remove bitterness and keep the onion juicy. If you don’t have anything against pickled onions in this salad, then instead of water, soak the chopped onions in a vinegar marinade for 1-2 hours.

    Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. Transfer to a separate bowl.

    Grate the boiled carrots (it is better to steam them, like beets) using a grater with large holes or a medium grater.

    Beets can be grated on a coarse or fine grater. If you grate it on a fine grater, the layer will be more uniform, but then before laying out the beet layer, the beets need to be squeezed out of the juice.

    Cut the herring into very small pieces. If the herring is very salty, cover it with milk and refrigerate overnight. There will be as much salt left in it as needed, the rest will go into the milk.

    By the way, you can make very tasty and beautiful ones from herring.

    You need to start assembling the Herring under a Fur Coat salad a few hours before the feast. Choose small dessert plates. Place a cooking ring or cut jar in the center and grease the inner walls with oil. Place the first layer of chopped herring (this is a classic option - after all, the herring is under a fur coat, which means we make the herring layer at the bottom).

    Then lay out a layer of onion and crush it with a masher. Coat the onion with mayonnaise.

    Next comes a layer of grated boiled carrots. Make another layer of mayonnaise on top.

    Lay out the beets, press down the layers a little, but not too much so that the mayonnaise does not drip. Level the beet layer. Cover the top of the salad with cling film. When all portions are ready, put the salad plates in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    Carefully remove rings or jars before serving. Decorate the top of the salad with green onions and egg yolk. Make a rim of parsley and cranberries around it (or decorate the salad to your taste). Now the portioned salad “Herring under a fur coat” is ready and you can serve the salad to the table!

    It will also look great

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