Home Dental treatment Morning practices and meditations for women. Meditation for women - the secret of beauty and health

Morning practices and meditations for women. Meditation for women - the secret of beauty and health

As we already know, morning is the most important time of the day. And they say that the way we spend it determines not only the whole day, but also our future life, if, of course, you believe in it. Read and watch videos with methods and music of morning and evening meditation for women.


Morning meditation is perhaps the most The best way beat stress! Such an energy recharge of the body helps to enter into harmony with the outside world and calm nervous system.

It has already been proven that people who constantly meditate have excellent memory and are able to quickly concentrate on solving a specific issue. They don't just have normal blood pressure and stable work for everyone internal organs, but also know how to remain calm in difficult stressful situations.

If you have just decided to start meditating, then it is not at all necessary to take a special pose for meditation. You can simply start by getting comfortable in a cozy chair. The main thing, perhaps, is to find a quiet, secluded place so that no one bothers you to be alone with yourself and try to feel your body and get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

The morning silva method evening meditation for women video

If thoughts still come, then do not reproach yourself. Just notice the presence of this thought and, thanking it, allow it to simply exist nearby, while you again focus on the practice of meditation.

You can choose any time for meditation that is convenient for you. But it is morning meditation that will allow you to remain collected and concentrated throughout the day, energize you and give you strength for the upcoming working day. Do morning It’s better to meditate immediately after exercise - thus allowing the flow of energy to fill your body and make you feel cheerful and confident in your own abilities!

Question: What is better: morning meditation or evening meditation?

Sri Chinmoy: They can be equally useful, equally fruitful. But in the evening meditation becomes a little more difficult because during the day you have been in the hustle and bustle of the world for eight to ten hours. You have met many unaspiring people, and their undivine thoughts and impure ideas have penetrated into you at a subconscious level. Until you are very strong spiritually, you assimilate many of the unaspiring and uninspiring forces of the world. So in the evening it becomes very difficult to meditate with the same hope, with the same freshness. Taking a shower will help. If you talk to spiritual people, this will also help you. But usually this is not the case anyway.

But the next morning everything will be gone from your memory, at least for a while. While you were sleeping, distractions outside world washed away. All the wounds inflicted on you by others have been washed away. During those eight hours while you sleep, your soul, like a divine thief, is watching. A common thief will steal something from you. And this divine thief will only give and give. If at any time you need peace, the soul will provide peace.

She's like a mother. The mother slowly comes to the child's room early in the morning so that the child, upon waking up, can take all the necessary things and go to school. At night, while you sleep, the soul gets the opportunity to do what you need. But during the day, when you are immersed in the activities of the outer world, it becomes extremely difficult for the soul to give and for you to receive. For these reasons, morning meditation is usually best.

So, if, when you sit down to meditate, you are ninety-nine percent in the dream world and one percent in this world, then where will fruitful meditation come from? If you can overcome your lethargy in the morning, take a shower and sit down to meditate fresh and alert, then meditation will become one hundred percent good. Otherwise your meditation will be useless.

Early in the morning there is no fuss and anxiety, no turmoil. You have rested for several hours and feel the strength of the lion within you. After the morning hours, the best time to meditate is in the evening as there is peace and tranquility in the atmosphere in the evening. You experience a kind of calming sensation. By evening you are tired, and it seems to you that the whole world is tired too. But when both the world and you are tired, there is little difference between the world's attitude towards truth and your attitude. When the world is tired, it will not rush. He wants to rest. But you feel that you can overcome your fatigue or lethargy only by bringing more Light, more energy into your body. An ordinary person will not pray or meditate. If he is tired, he will go to bed. He will think that there is nothing else to do. And you say: “No! I'm tired, but it exists a certain way, with the help of which I can fill my life with energy - bring Peace, Light and Bliss from above.” When you pray and meditate, at that time the new life, new energy and refreshes you.

If you want to meditate in the evening, then meditate half an hour to forty minutes before eating. If you are really starving, you can drink a glass of water or juice or milk. But if you meditate after eating heavily, the thousands of subtle nerves in your body will become very heavy, and you will not be able to meditate well. The body will be heavy, the mind will be heavy, the nerves will be heavy and your meditation will be useless. When you meditate correctly, your consciousness flies like a bird. If you meditate well, you feel that your whole being, like a bird, is flying high, even higher, above everything. But when you become heavy, you immediately sink and your consciousness does not rise.

So, if you cannot meditate in the morning, then the following best time for meditation - evening, not noon or 11 am or 2 pm. Meditation is not so good during these hours. But once you have made significant progress in your spiritual life, any time is suitable for you. The best thing, however, is to meditate both morning and evening. If you meditate well in the morning, then you get a million spiritual dollars. And if you meditate well in the evening, then you get ten thousand spiritual dollars. But if you can get even one dollar more and add it to the spiritual amount you need for realization, then you, being wise, will take that too.

From book Sri Chinmoya“Waves of Flame”, part 5 (bookteam.ru)

How often does it happen that you can’t bring yourself to get out of bed in the morning, you feel completely empty and don’t want to go to work at all?

If this is not uncommon, then it’s time to change something, the right way to quickly move from sleepy and non-working state to feel cheerful and full of strength - morning meditation.

Despite the fact that the activity is smooth and extremely calm, it can energize you and good mood for the whole working day.

The importance of morning meditation

The morning hours for meditation were chosen for a reason; there is an explanation for this. Conducting such activities before starting the day is good for many reasons, but we’ll talk about the main ones.

Morning hours are the time of awakening of all energies

The beginning of the day is the time of day when everything begins to come to life: animals wake up, birds begin to sing, the sun rises. In a word, in the morning hours all living things are given a powerful energy charge, which a person also needs to receive.

Have you ever noticed how bad you feel when you wake up during the day, especially after lunch? As the awakening goes, so will the rest of the day; it’s unlikely that the mood will appear by itself, without any reason. Therefore, we recommend that you not only wake up along with all of nature, but also meditate on a good continuation of the day.

By spending the morning practicing, you will improve your relationships with the rest of the world.

Free minutes for meditation

Another reason is morning, the time when you can always find an extra 15 minutes. Many beginners are faced with a lack of time, always citing workload, they put meditation on the back burner.

However, solving their problem is very simple - just wake up a quarter of an hour earlier, especially since full meditation restores strength even better than sleep.

Freedom from thoughts

It is easier to meditate in the morning; thoughts have not yet had time to start swarming in your head, the voice of reason is dormant and is not able to prevent you from immersing yourself.

Morning practice is especially recommended for people who are unable to clear their minds of obsessive ideas or completely relax their body. After sleep, the body is not as tense as at the end of a working day; it is much easier to “let go” of your body to rest.

Time to set goals

Activities preceding the start of vigorous activity allow you to put your thoughts in order, sort out your tasks for the day and set clear and specific goals, the achievement of which will become easier.

For this reason, morning meditation is more relevant for women who cannot cope with stress and pressing circumstances.

Meditation for a good day: techniques

There are many methods for conducting practice, we will tell you about the 2 most famous, non-typical ways to set a good start to the day and prepare for vigorous activity.

Osho Morning Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic meditation is very different from the calm types of meditation techniques we are used to. It is not surprising if at first glance you do not find anything in common with the “classical” methods of self-absorption.

In theory, morning meditation according to Osho has the following rationale: in self-awareness it is necessary to get rid of complexes, chaotic movements and breathing are a great help in this. These two components help the energy of even the most constrained and insecure people to break out. Actually, you can see the results of such “disclosure” in any video recording of the practice; usually, people can see how they are freed from the oppression of their complexes and fatigue.

In the morning, Osho recommends meditating using mantras, which ones you can choose yourself, how to use them is also up to you. You can meditate with the notes, or you can read them yourself, although the second is quite problematic due to the specifics of meditation practice.

Now let’s talk about how to actually conduct the meditation itself, which gives you the mood to start the day.

How to Meditate

Stage I

  1. Make sure there is enough space around you;
  2. Close your lips, you should breathe through your nose;
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees - this will help you to be in a relaxed state throughout the entire technique;
  4. Close your eyes, let your body “float freely”, do not try to adapt and control its movements;
  5. Start breathing sharply and deeply through your nose, while focusing on exhalation and carefully watch your mouth - it should be closed;
  6. Don't try to get into any rhythm, you don't have to conform to anything;
  7. Try to observe your breathing, but from the outside, as if another person is doing it. This feeling is extremely difficult to grasp at first, but the more you practice, the better you will get at it.

Stage II

Go crazy! Absolutely and irrevocably. Let all your feelings come out and don't let your mind control them. Observe from the outside, do not interfere no matter what, let the body release whatever it wants.

It’s quite normal if you start sobbing loudly or bursting into boisterous laughter, don’t be shy and don’t push your emotions into yourself! The beginning of the day is the time to throw out what has accumulated over the past day.

A little advice: if you can’t make noise, your relatives are sleeping or you can hear your neighbors well, direct the sounds inside yourself; this will not make meditation any less effective.

Stage III

  1. Remember in the first stage we said that the legs should be bent at the knees and the body should be completely relaxed? We hope that you have not forgotten and that you performed all the movements before this exactly this way. Be that as it may, now you again have to take the starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart and stretch your arms up.
  2. Start jumping and shouting the syllable “HU” every time you land.
  3. After 5 minutes, freeze in the initial position, while your eyes should be closed. Turn into a statue, do not react to the sensations in your body, observe them from the outside.
  4. As soon as you feel like starting to move, move! Remember, Osho’s morning meditation is dynamic, its essence is in movement. Stay in this state for another 5-10 minutes.

That's it, the meditation technique is over. Undoubtedly, it takes time, but believe me, starting the day with such a practice will be unforgettable and will really help you to be in a calm and measured state for the rest of the day.

Another well-known technique for conducting morning meditation is the practice of the Silva method. Activities developed by the famous parapsychologist will help you get a good start to a productive day.

By meditating in the morning according to the Jose Silva method, you can develop your psychological capabilities: any task will become feasible. It is good to combine the meditative technique with reading mantras or moods; it is recommended specifically for women.

How to Meditate

  1. Take a meditative position, close your eyes and relax your body.
  2. Take a deep breath and imagine the number 3 - 3 times, do the same with two and one.
  3. At this stage, you are at the first level; in order to go deeper, you need to count from 10 to 1. Imagine yourself immersing yourself.
  4. At the end of the countdown, you will feel that you have entered a deeper state, your body has completely relaxed, and you have begun to act as an outside observer.
  5. Further immersion occurs with relaxation of the eyelids. After this simple action, your body will move to a new level of sensations, you will completely cease to be aware of it - this will already be stage 3.
  6. Go to stage 4: count to 3 and mentally imagine perfect place for your stay. It could be a sunny beach, tropical forests or snow-capped mountains - the location is not as important as how you feel when you are in the chosen location. It’s good if you are accompanied by a state of complete calm and tranquility.
  7. At this deep level, you can give yourself different mindsets, like conducting auspicious day, and on the increase in mental abilities.

After reading the various settings, the meditation ends. Of course, they can be replaced by reading mantras or omitted altogether, simply being in a state of calm. If you find it difficult to count on your own, it distracts you or prevents you from completely relaxing, then record your voice on audio before your morning meditation.

Of course, you can carry out meditation in the usual way, using concentration on the breath or an object, however, we recommend trying the above methods.

Morning practice – the right way make waking up pleasant, and the next day bright and full of impressions. Try it different techniques, choose the technique that is most suitable for you and practice for your own pleasure.

Modern women daily have to combine multitasking and stress with the fragility and sensuality of their inner world. At the same time, they must take care of external beauty and their health, which sometimes becomes almost impossible due to lack of time or excessive concentration on other aspects of life. Meditation for women is a simple way to stop the ultra-fast movement of time and devote it to achieving it inner harmony, healing of soul and body.

The morning of many women can hardly be called carefree and calm. And all because from the moment of awakening, women’s brains launch the mechanism of setting tasks, solving problems and scrolling different options developments of events. This is a huge overload of consciousness, and yet the day has just begun. Morning meditation will become a lifesaver that will put your thoughts in their place, help you “make” your day, tone your body and mind, and also calm an anxious woman’s heart.

Meditation for women in the morning is a powerful start that will serve as an impetus for personal development and for gaining strength to solve any problems. Many people find it very difficult to remain still during meditation. Therefore, both morning and evening meditation for women can take place while walking. At the same time, you can listen to special meditative music to isolate yourself from annoying surrounding sounds.

Full moon is a magical time

Since women feel a very strong connection with the Moon, the full moon is the best time for meditation for them. At that time feminine energy gains enormous strength and helps increase attractiveness, causing natural magnetism. This is also a time of opening and development, mental and physical cleansing. On the full moon, women should start cleaning, freeing the house from unnecessary trash, and also conduct a reading on energy level, freeing yourself from all kinds of negative experiences, anxious thoughts, feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction. Magic meditation for women on the full moon, like the morning one, can help reveal better side souls, start new page life and find happiness.

Forgiving yourself

Resentment, anger and negativity have a destructive effect on both the spiritual and physical body of a person. Women tend to take everything to heart. The ability to forgive others, listen, forgive yourself and move on, letting go of an unpleasant situation, will increase your spiritual strength, achieve harmony with yourself and protect your spiritual and physical health. Forgiveness meditation teaches self-repentance and acceptance of one's mistakes.

There are many reasons to blame yourself, and women sometimes experience them too often. This negative energy pulls down and interferes spiritual development. To avoid becoming a victim of self-torture, you should relax, take a comfortable position and imagine that you are in a pleasant, beautiful place. This will put you in a positive frame of mind and prepare you for internal dialogue. Confess to yourself everything that is gnawing at you and ask for forgiveness from those you have offended and from yourself. Try to take deep breaths, and as you exhale, imagine that you are getting rid of negativity. This magical meditation for women truly works wonders. You just need to overcome the internal barrier and open up.

Meditation is also good for men, but it can solve a lot of problems women's problems such as premenstrual syndrome, nervousness, self-dissatisfaction and fear of loneliness. And besides everything else, good way fix general state body, learn to listen inner voice, listen to your body. The many different techniques that meditation offers for women will help you cope with most psychological problems and regain faith in your strength. It all depends on the desire to help yourself and choosing the best solution.

Our health is influenced by all thoughts, actions and lifestyle. Everyone has problems, but there are always several ways to solve them. Meditation for women is one of those that helps improve health and restore the joy of life.

Most people don’t imagine getting up in the morning as joyful and cheerful as they show us in advertising, where happy heroes sweetly stretch in snow-white sheets and jump out of bed with a smile.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are a morning person or a night owl - in the modern pace of life, it becomes insufficient for the body to sleep the notorious 8 hours a day for full recovery. From here Bad mood right in the morning, lethargy, apathy.

Alternative to caffeine and sugar

In such conditions we are forced to resort to auxiliary methods, which will give us at least some cheerfulness in the morning: cold shower, strong coffee, some people don’t neglect energy drinks.

We live in the age of information and informatization, and it is surprising why so few people use the centuries-old achievements of mankind to maintain healthy body and spirit, and the majority stop at methods that are actively promoted to us through advertising on TV and the Internet (we do not take into account the partly “healthy” advertising that encourages us to drink clean water to maintain vigor and health and some others) - coffee, a lot of coffee, energy drinks, incredibly sweet bars that supposedly help with loss of strength.

When we talk about the centuries-old experience of mankind in maintaining the health of the body and spirit, we, of course, mean yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. Surely you have heard that, in particular, meditation changes the brain and relaxes the body - and these facts are scientifically proven!


In this article, we will highlight 6 practical benefits that are a direct consequence of a consistent morning meditation practice:

    You don't need caffeine anymore

    Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes deep relaxation during practice. Even if you wake up “broken,” after 20 minutes of meditation you will receive a portion of endorphins that will bring you back to life! This will help you consume less caffeine in the morning or even eliminate it altogether.

    You will become more resilient to stress

    As a result of the practice, you will find that throughout the day you organically enter a “state of flow”, in which you easily adapt to changes, including all kinds of surprises. Meditation is like a cure for stress, with primary side effects such “medicines” will become best quality sleep, a flow of inspiration and happiness.

    Activating the psychic spam filter

    Busy mind syndrome occurs when there is no mental spam filter. Imagine if there was no spam filter in your mailbox, and while searching for every real message you would have to look through hundreds of messages with advertising, offers to install a game, buy Viagra, invest money in gray business, and so on. Meditation helps you filter out external “noise” as well as internal negativity from what is most important to you in your life. this moment time.

    You eat cleaner

    Numerous studies have shown that when people have problems sleeping and are stressed, they tend to eat unhealthy foods and binge eat. negative emotions. As a result of practicing morning meditation, you will find that cravings for donuts, fried foods and other unhealthy foods go away.

    Especially for men

    Meditation increases testosterone levels in male body, which ensures a healthy libido. In addition, meditation increases the ability to multitask, and it is known that, for example, men tend to perform only one task at a given time (for example, if a woman can simultaneously drive a car, write SMS and carry on a conversation with a fellow traveler, then a man is more often concentrated on performing one task, and to answer a call or write an SMS - it will stop).

    Reduce headaches

    Although meditation is not a replacement for treatment, it is known to reduce headache. Therefore, meditation is an ideal complement to traditional methods treatment and health maintenance.

Technique in the morning

So, what do you need to practice meditation in the morning? The answer will be simple - all you need is you and your attitude. It doesn’t matter what technique you use, the main thing is to try to make the practice of meditation the first thing you do when you open your eyes in the morning. Practice before you turn on the news or start checking numerous social networks and email in the gadget.

As soon as you open your eyes, sit down, close your eyes and start!

You can do the practice on a mat or just on the floor.

Please note that now you can feel both calm and relaxed, and at the same time excited and energetic.

Now you can enter a new day with a willingness to gratefully accept everything that fate has in store for you!

Remember that the way you start your morning will determine how your day will go.

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