Home Pulpitis Gynecological health of women. How to easily prevent gynecological problems and maintain women's health? When to contact a gynecologist

Gynecological health of women. How to easily prevent gynecological problems and maintain women's health? When to contact a gynecologist

What are ovulatory syndrome, kymographic pertubation and NLF? Why do you need to measure? basal temperature and how to do it correctly? Violations menstrual cycle, genital discharge, cervical diseases, menopausal syndrome and much more in the women's health library.

Laparoscopy in gynecology - Nesyaeva E.V.

Since the 1970s, this method of diagnosis and treatment began to be introduced into gynecological practice. Currently, laparoscopy has become widespread. How are laparoscopic surgeries performed? Laparoscopy is performed under anesthesia, holes are made in the patient’s abdomen, and an optical system is used to image the abdominal cavity is transmitted to the screen.

Hysteroscopy - Nesyaeva E.V.

Hysteroscopy is a research method widely used in gynecology since the mid-70s of the last century. It allows you to use an optical system to examine the inner surface of the uterus and identify existing pathology. Modern hysteroscopes provide magnification from 5 to 150 times. Depending on the medium used to examine the uterine cavity, liquid and gas hysteroscopy are distinguished.

Climax - Makarov I.O. - Makarov I.O.

Menopausal syndrome(menopause) is a symptom complex that develops during the period of age-related decline in the function of a woman’s reproductive system and is characterized by neurovegetative, metabolic-endocrine and psycho-emotional disorders varying degrees intensity and duration. Clinical manifestations of menopause are often interrelated and can be caused by various diseases of adolescence.

Menopausal disorders - Bystrova I.G.

Early symptoms menopause occurs even before the cessation of menstruation during the transition to menopause: hot flashes, chills, increased sweating, palpitations, headaches, increased blood pressure, insomnia, irritability, depression, weakened memory, decreased libido. There are special medical technology, which significantly improve the quality of life of women during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is designed to compensate for the deficiency of sex hormones from the outside.

Photodynamic therapy - Chulkova E.A.

Photodynamic therapy is a treatment method based on the use of medicines- photosensitizers (substances sensitive to light) and low-intensity laser radiation. In Russia, photodynamic therapy began to be used in 1992, finding application in the treatment of tumors of the skin and internal organs, and then in some benign diseases: trophic ulcers, psoriasis, kraurosis of the vulva, pathology of the cervix, vagina, etc.

Menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea)

Menstrual irregularities, pain and discomfort during menstruation are familiar to many women, and especially girls who have monthly cycle just being installed. Pain during menstruation occurs in 50%-80% of girls and women. However, many of them are sure that these are simply unpleasant features of the female body. Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common reasons girls and young women visiting a gynecologist.

Amenorrhea - Makarov I.O.

Secondary amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of menstruation for 6 months or more in women who initially had a regular menstrual rhythm. Secondary amenorrhea is not an independent disease, and occurs, as a rule, as a result of hypothalamic-pituitary disorders and against the background pathological conditions ovaries, and uterus. Thus, menstruation may stop in women with adrenal disease or thyroid gland, after taking a number of medications, due to chemotherapy, etc.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis

The infection is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, as well as from mother to fetus during pregnancy or childbirth during passage through the birth canal. However, infection with urogenital mycoplasmas during childbirth does not necessarily mean the presence of a specific infection in the child. In the case of massive colonization of newborns, elimination of mycoplasmas may subsequently occur without the development of clinical manifestations of infection. However, approximately 30 to 50% of newborn girls become carriers of genital mycoplasmas; colonization of boys is practically non-existent.

Termination of pregnancy in late stages (after 12 weeks)

The frequency of late pregnancy termination (after 12 weeks) is about 10-15% of all induced abortions. Artificial termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks can be carried out for medical or social reasons. To receive a referral for artificial termination of pregnancy at a later date, a woman should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. antenatal clinic, clinic (outpatient clinic), doctor general practice(family doctor). An obstetrician-gynecologist performs an examination to determine the duration of pregnancy and exclude medical contraindications for surgery.

Know yourself - the female reproductive system - Komova O.A.

The organs of the reproductive system play a key role in the occurrence, development and maintenance of pregnancy, and subsequently in childbirth. Women's reproductive system consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes (oviducts, or fallopian tubes), uterus, vagina and external genitalia. The two mammary glands are also organs of this system. The ovaries form an egg and produce female sex hormones.

Human papillomavirus infection of the genital organs - Makarov I.O.

The causative agent of the disease is the genital types of human papillomavirus (HPV), which are small DNA-containing viruses belonging to the genus “A” of the papovavirus family. Basically, the disease is transmitted sexually. In this case, microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes contribute to infection. One of the variants of the clinical form of HPV infection is genital warts (papillomas), which are warty growths on short leg, shaped like cauliflower.

Uterine fibroids - Makarov I.O.

The main clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids are heavy and prolonged menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back (feeling of heaviness, pressure in the lower abdomen), dysfunction of adjacent organs (constipation, urination problems). In some cases, especially with slow development of fibroids, it can occur without clinical manifestations and is a diagnostic finding during a routine examination, ultrasound examination or during pregnancy.

Ovarian cysts - Makarov I.O.

Typically, a cyst is a cavity formation filled with some content, most often having a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. In gynecological practice, a number of pathological formations related to the ovaries have the word “cyst” in their name. Follicular cysts are more common in women of reproductive age with neuroendocrine metabolic disorders, which is often accompanied by increased estrogen production and lack of ovulation. Less commonly, such cysts can occur in women in age period, close to the end of menstruation or in the first 5 years after its complete completion.

Ectopic pregnancy - Makarov I.O.

During an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterine cavity: in the abdominal cavity, on the ovary, in the fallopian tubes, in the cervix. In most cases, there is a tubal pregnancy, which often forms in the right fallopian tube. In most cases, there is a tubal pregnancy, which often forms in the right fallopian tube. Clinical picture depends on the location of the ovum, the duration of pregnancy, whether the pregnancy progresses or is terminated.

Hyperprolactinemia - Nesyaeva E.V.

Prolactin is one of the pituitary hormones. Its main biological role is to regulate the lactation process. At the same time, prolactin also has other effects: it reduces the production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, suppresses ovarian function, enhances insulin production, increases the synthesis of androgens in the adrenal glands, etc. Women often complain about headache, increase blood pressure, decreased libido, irritability, visual impairment.

Sactosalpinx - Nesyaeva E.V.

This is a disease of the fallopian tubes, characterized by a violation of their patency with the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the tube. Clinical manifestations of sactosalpinx depend on the duration of the disease and the severity of the pathological process. Women complain about nagging pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity, as well as for infertility. With ventilated sactosalpinx, periodically occurring abundant watery discharge from the genital tract.

Asherman syndrome - Nesyaeva E.V.

Asherman's syndrome is intrauterine synechiae (fusions, adhesions), a consequence of frequent and/or rough curettage of the endometrium, as well as endometritis. As a result of injury or inflammation, connective tissue grows in place of the uterine mucosa. Connective tissue adhesions “blind” the anterior and back wall uterus to each other. Wherein normal endometrium completely or partially dies.

Endocervicitis - Nesyaeva E.V.

Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the cervical canal. The causative agents of this disease can be a wide variety of microorganisms: gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, coli, mushrooms, viruses, etc. Endocervicitis is characterized by mucous - purulent discharge from the genital tract, which may be accompanied by itching of the external genitalia.

Infertility and menstrual dysfunction - Makarov I.O.

For the correct correction of menstrual and reproductive dysfunctions, it is necessary to have as objective knowledge as possible of the reasons that led to the occurrence of pathology or infertility. The examination usually begins with a history taking, which forms the basis of the examination. The clinical examination is no less important than the interview with the patient. Often, the first examination suggests the presence of a particular disease.

Diagnosis of patients with uterine fibroids and adenomyosis

Today, to diagnose myometrial pathology, the doctor has all the modern technologies in his arsenal. diagnostic methods. In addition to collecting anamnesis and examining local status, among the methods instrumental diagnostics pathologies of the myometrium (uterine fibroids, adenomyosis) ultrasound with color Dopplerography, hysteroscopy, X-ray television hysterosalpingography are widely used, CT scan, MSCT, MRI and laparoscopy.

Stimulation of ovulation - Nesyaeva E.V.

In practical work, a gynecologist-endocrinologist often has to deal with the problem of infertility. Among the causes of infertility, one of the leading places is the absence of ovulation in a woman (anovulation). Here we will talk to you about what methods can be used to restore the normal ovulatory menstrual cycle.

Ovarian apoplexy - Nesyaeva E.V.

Ovarian apoplexy is a sudden rupture of the ovary, accompanied by hemorrhage into the ovarian tissue and/or intra-abdominal bleeding. Factors that provoke ovarian rupture include inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages, polycystic ovary syndrome, drug stimulation of ovulation, as well as abdominal trauma, excessive physical stress, violent sexual intercourse, horse riding, etc.

Discharge from the female genital tract - Nesyaeva E.V.

All the mucous membranes of our body contain large quantities of glands that produce one or another secretion (mainly mucus, hence the name). The mucous membrane of a woman’s vagina is no exception.

Premenstrual syndrome - Makarov I.O.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a pathological complex of symptoms that occurs during premenstrual days and is manifested by neuropsychic, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine disorders. Symptoms of PMS occur 2 to 10 days before the start of menstruation and disappear in the first days or immediately after the end of menstruation.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract - Matvienko N.A.

Every girl - girl - woman from 11-15 years old to 45-55 years old has menstruation every month (excluding pregnancy and breastfeeding). Its normal duration is 3-7 days, blood loss during the entire menstruation is about 80 ml, the interval between menstruation is 21-35 days. This is a normal menstrual cycle. If menstruation comes irregularly, bloody issues, and especially bleeding outside of menstruation, menstruation becomes excessively heavy, painful - this is a reason to consult a doctor in order to find out the cause of this condition and select treatment.

Hysterosalpingography - Nesyaeva E.V.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a study that allows you to clarify the condition of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. Hysterosalpingography can be done using an X-ray machine and an ultrasound machine. Either a radiopaque substance - urografin, verografin, urotrast, etc., or a liquid - saline solution, glucose solutions, furacillin, etc. is introduced into the uterine cavity using a special catheter. Then, in the first case, a series of x-rays is taken, in the second - an ultrasound examination.

Kymographic pertubation - Nesyaeva E.V.

It is known that the fallopian tubes play important role during the process of conception. You can check the patency of the fallopian tubes using various research methods: hysterosalpingography - ultrasound and x-ray, laparoscopy. Studying the functional activity of the fallopian tubes is possible only with the help of kympertubation.

Bacterial vaginosis - Makarov I.O.

Among women of reproductive age bacterial vaginosis occurs with a frequency of 21% to 64%. Among pregnant women, its frequency ranges from 10% to 25%. In healthy women of reproductive age, among all microorganisms that normally occur in the vaginal contents, the leading place (more than 90% of all bacteria) is occupied by lactic acid bacilli. Among other microorganisms in vaginal discharge, there may normally be peptococci, bacteroides, epidermal staphylococci, corynebacteria, eubacteria, streptococci, peptostreptococci, bifidobacteria.

Today we will talk about why you need to measure basal (rectal) temperature and how to do it correctly.

Treatment of cervical diseases - Nesyaeva E.V.

The most advanced method of treating cervical diseases is the use of laser radiation (laser vaporization). The mechanism of action of a laser is that when exposed to biological tissue, light energy is converted into thermal energy. This leads to their instantaneous heating to high temperatures, evaporation of intracellular and interstitial fluid and the formation of a necrosis zone.

Salpingoophoritis - Nesyaeva E.V.

As a rule, inflammation begins with the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube, spreads to its entire wall, and subsequently spreads to the ovary and peritoneum of the small pelvis. Any inflammation goes through several stages of development and ends with proliferation connective tissue at the site of damage. If a scar remains on the skin after injury or inflammation, then connective tissue cords - adhesions - form in the abdominal cavity.

Endometriosis - Nesyaeva E.V.

Endometriosis is a benign disease in terms of cellular composition, but it is capable of infiltrative growth, penetrating into adjacent organs and tissues, and this makes it similar to malignant tumors. Endometriosis can grow into the wall of the intestine, bladder, ureter, peritoneum, skin, and can spread (metastasize) through blood and lymph. Its foci can be found in lymph nodes or such distant areas of the body as the lungs, face, eyes, etc.

Urinary incontinence in women during stress and after childbirth - conservative treatment methods

50% of women aged 45 years and above have ever noted involuntary loss of urine - be it a stressful form, i.e. Stress incontinence, manifested by laughing, walking fast, coughing, sneezing, and more severe forms when changing body position and at rest, or other forms of urinary incontinence - imperative urinary incontinence, when urination is preceded by a sharp, uncontrollable urge...

Ectopic pregnancy - Nesyaeva E.V.

It is difficult to suspect a developing tubal pregnancy in the early stages, since changes characteristic of pregnancy occur in the body. Delayed menstruation is typical, but many women note spotting on the days of expected menstruation. The mammary glands become engorged, nausea appears.

Menstrual cycle (female reproductive system) - Nesyaeva E.V.

It is not surprising that every patient who thinks about her health wants to have a good understanding of how her body works, how her reproductive system works - a unique mechanism through which a woman experiences the happiness of motherhood. Therefore, in this article we decided to try to briefly introduce you to the structure and functioning of the female body.

Uterine fibroids - Nesyaeva E.V.

Situations often arise when, after another examination by a gynecologist or an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a woman goes home with a new diagnosis - uterine fibroids. The eternal questions immediately arise: what to do and what to do? Do you need to panic, is it possible to live peacefully with this disease, or, conversely, should you immediately run to the surgeons to get rid of this problem once and for all? But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's discuss everything in order.

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only. Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, traditional medicine recipes, etc. It is not recommended to use it yourself. Be sure to consult a specialist so as not to harm your health!

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Gynecology is a part of medicine that studies the female body and its diseases. The study of physiology, treatment and diagnosis, all this is done by a gynecologist. Disease prevention is not only about caring for women, but also about caring for the future generation.

The main task of this part of medicine is to care for women's health throughout life, from infancy to late old age. Recently, gynecological diseases are increasingly being diagnosed in young women. In this regard, pediatric gynecology has developed

A separate area that studies pregnancy and childbirth is called obstetrics. Gynecology and endocrinology are related to each other, since health endocrine system depends a lot on the female body.

Everyone knows that a woman’s health determines her sex life, the possibility of motherhood. Therefore in modern world a huge role is given to disease prevention. A woman should remember that a visit to the doctor should be at least 2 times a year. Using various methods contraception helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy, and accordingly the number of abortions decreases.

All gynecological diseases are divided into groups:

Diseases associated with inflammation in the body. Among them are vulvitis and endometritis.

If the endocrine system is disrupted, menstrual irregularities and uterine fibroids may occur.

Tumor diseases - cyst, erosion.

One of the most distinctive features in gynecological diseases is that the lower abdomen begins to hurt, the pain is dull, but sometimes it is very sharp.

When diagnosing diseases, they use ultrasound, endoscopy, laparoscopy, which makes it possible to identify the appearance of the disease on early stage.

Causes of female diseases.

The main cause of diseases is impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the appearance hormonal disorders.

Appearance infectious diseases.

Disturbances in the endocrine system.

Stress and nervous tension.

Basically, all diseases are accompanied by blood stagnation. If blood circulation is restored, the functions of the organ will be restored.

Diseases infectious nature disrupt the microflora, causing discomfort and pain.

How women's diseases are treated.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment. As a rule, gynecological diseases are treated locally and with general medications. Local medications - creams, ointments, suppositories. Drugs with general effects - taken orally.

The most serious women's diseases are cervical erosion, myoma, fibroma, cyst formation, cancer.

Symptoms of diseases

When performing sexual intercourse, a woman begins to experience severe cutting pain inside;

Vaginal discharge that smells unpleasant, most often it is not colorless.

Irregular menstrual cycle, periods may stop completely or, on the contrary, may become heavier than before.

It is not possible to conceive a child or spontaneous abortion occurs.

Pathology of development of the genital organs.

Bleeding may occur, while menstruation has already passed or has not yet begun.

The appearance of white discharge may indicate a tumor.

If one of the symptoms appears, you should consult a doctor. But do not forget that many diseases can be asymptomatic. Therefore, such diseases are quite difficult to fight, and they cause a large number of complications. They often become chronic.

What is gynecology?

Gynecology (from the Greek gyne - woman, logos - science) is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the female reproductive system; the science of the anatomical, physiological, physical and mental characteristics of a woman’s body and their disorders.

Since sexual functions play an important role in a woman’s life - menstrual, reproductive, etc., gynecology in the narrow sense is the study of the physiology and pathology of the female genital organs, the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female genital area.

Gynecology studies various states(physiological and pathological) reproductive system at different periods of a woman’s life. Its main task is to preserve and maintain health. After all, only healthy woman can carry and give birth to a healthy child without complications or complications for both her body and the health of the baby. In this regard, one should not underestimate this section of medicine and undergo the necessary examinations from doctors in a timely manner, because prevention and timely treatment women's diseases reproductive organs The health of the female body and its reproductive function depend.

The most common gynecological problems

Modern gynecology is a complex, integrated discipline that guards women’s health throughout their lives. This area of ​​medicine includes: pediatric gynecology, gynecological endocrinology, treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. She is in charge of such serious and important problems as: issues of family planning, selection of suitable and optimal methods and means of contraception, monitoring and assistance to women who have entered the difficult period of menopause and menopause, treatment of urinary incontinence, monitoring pathological processes in the uterus, as well as gynecological oncology. Gynecology is constantly improving and evolving, many modern and effective methods of diagnosis and treatment have been invented (hysteroscopy, laparoscopic, ultrasound, X-ray, laboratory tests), which make it possible to quickly identify most gynecological diseases in the early stages and carry out their effective and timely prevention and treatment.

Women's health is one of the most important factors ensuring the health of future generations.

The most common questions in gynecology are:

  • Termination of pregnancy (abortion). When unwanted pregnancy it can be interrupted in various ways depending on the period. However, a woman needs to know possible complications after abortion, indications and contraindications for it. Information on this topic is quite common, so it is presented in a separate section on our website.
  • Contraception. Every woman who is not yet ready to become a mother should think about means of protecting herself from unwanted pregnancy in order to maintain her health and have healthy children in the future. An important factor in preserving a woman’s health is the individual selection of methods and means of contraception that make it possible to control the birth of offspring at the desired time, which, in turn, is the prevention of abortion. Modern gynecology offers women a wide choice of contraceptive means and methods.
  • Cervical erosion. One of the most common diseases in gynecology, which may not manifest itself in any way and can only be detected during preventive examination.
  • Uterine fibroids. The disease is most common in women 40-50 years old. The asymptomatic course of the disease can lead to severe growth of the node, when surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Menstrual irregularities. Violations menstrual function in the absence of timely treatment can lead to the development of very complex complications.
  • Prolapse of the uterus. Uterine prolapse most often occurs in women who have given birth many times when the ligaments and muscles that hold it in its natural position are injured. There is no need to be afraid of this problem, modern methods Treatment to get rid of this pathology is not very difficult.
  • Uterine cancer. A terrible oncological disease, the incidence of which is steadily increasing in our time. However operational diagnostics and qualified treatment can reduce its adverse effects on a woman’s health.
  • Inflammation of the appendages. Inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis, adnexitis) is an insidious disease. Sometimes, passing almost unnoticed and not posing a serious threat to a woman’s life, it affects the most vulnerable - the ability to have children. According to statistics, every fifth woman who undergoes it suffers from infertility.
  • Ovarian cyst. In most cases, this disease does not manifest itself in any way, but it can provoke infertility in certain forms and severity. An ovarian cyst is often discovered accidentally during an ultrasound examination.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the hormonal disorders that lead to infertility due to the fact that a woman’s body does not ovulate in a specific phase of the cycle. To avoid infertility and other complications, you must regularly contact your gynecologist for a routine examination. Detecting the disease at an early stage increases the chances of a quick cure and reduces the risk of developing infertility.
  • Adhesions in the pelvis. Adhesions in the pelvis represent the adhesion of the outer walls of organs and their gradual fusion. As a result of the adhesive process, organs become less mobile. In this regard, disruption of their functioning, stagnation of various biological fluids and inflammation may occur. If pelvic adhesions are not diagnosed and treated in time, their area may expand and affect other organs. The most serious consequences the adhesive process becomes obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which leads to female infertility. In this case, their treatment is possible only with the help of surgery.
  • Endometritis. Endometritis is inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Often this disease appears after abortion, childbirth and other processes that facilitate the penetration of infection.
  • Endometriosis. Endometriosis is very frequent illness- it ranks third after inflammatory diseases female genital organs and uterine fibroids according to the frequency of diagnosis of these diseases. Endometriosis develops when there is a hormonal imbalance and a weakened immune system. However, more specific reasons Its formation is very difficult to determine (the factors leading to its occurrence are not fully understood), therefore its treatment is not always effective.

Very often, a woman’s reproductive health depends on changes in her hormonal levels. Therefore, gynecology and endocrinology are in very close interaction. It is the endocrinologist who can analyze the woman’s examination data, identify the causes of menstrual dysfunction, problems reproductive health, prescribe adequate methods for correcting these changes. We will consider in more detail the relationship between these areas of medicine in the article - “gynecological endocrinology”.

Very often, women have to deal with gynecological diseases such as:

  • Thrush. According to statistics, every third out of four women at least once in their lives suffered from such a common disease as thrush. This disease is quite easily treatable, but there is no need to self-medicate; you should contact a gynecologist who will take tests and, after making a diagnosis, select the appropriate medications for you.
  • Cystitis. This disease is at the intersection of two specialties - urology and gynecology. Cystitis is an inflammatory process in bladder, which in principle is a urological problem, however, the reasons that in the vast majority of cases lead to its occurrence and development - a violation of the vaginal microflora - are a gynecological problem. Therefore, gynecologists are often involved in solving this problem.
  • Colpitis. Colpitis can be considered a common and very unpleasant disease in gynecology, which, however, is quite easily diagnosed when visiting a gynecologist, and its modern definition and the latest methods of control make it possible to produce high-quality effective treatment colpitis.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. The female vagina is a habitat for many types of microorganisms, the most important of which are lactobacilli, which do not allow pathogenic microbes to multiply. But the equilibrium relationship between microorganisms can be disrupted, which can result in the development of a large number of pathologies of the vagina, uterus and bladder.

One of the most serious problems in gynecology is infertility. It is very important to correctly identify the causes of male or female infertility and carry out the correct treatment to help the family realize its most important function - childbearing. The experience of specialists and modern methods for treating infertility in most cases allow a married couple to successfully reproduce healthy baby.

Very important and pressing problems of hyencology are a large number of different sexually transmitted infections, the treatment and identification of which sometimes poses significant difficulties, and some of them are generally incurable at the present stage of development of medicine and can even lead to fatal outcome. Let's look at the main venereal viruses, infections and diseases they cause:

  • Genital or genital herpes. Herpetic infections very common in our time (they affect 90 to 98% of the population) and they are not curable at this stage of medical development. It is enough to become infected just once to periodically throughout your life - with a decrease in immunity and a weakening of the body - observe its unpleasant manifestations in the active phase.
  • Genital warts. Genital warts (or, as they are also called, genital warts) are papillary-shaped growths of flesh-colored or pink-red color on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. Most often they are located on the skin of the external genitalia, around the anus, the external opening of the urethra, on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. They are not particularly harmful, but it is strongly recommended to remove them not only for cosmetic reasons, but also in order to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer and prevent infection of other people.
  • Chlamydia. Chlamydia is a whole group of similar infections and is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The probability of infection through unprotected contact is approximately 45-50%.

When is it necessary to contact a gynecologist?

Sometimes timely detection gynecological diseases promotes easier and faster healing, and also allows you to minimize the harm they cause to a woman’s health. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination at least twice a year, and if any suspicious symptoms or discomfort occur, contact a specialist immediately. Alarm signal for a woman, symptoms such as: discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning in the external genital area, etc.

It is very rare to find women who visit a gynecologist without fear. Typically, patients delay the visit until the moment when the disease becomes obvious, unpleasant discharge or even pain in the lower abdomen. In the most advanced cases, the result of such a careless attitude towards one’s health is infertility, and often cervical cancer. A gynecologist helps women avoid such serious consequences. If a woman visits a doctor regularly, then many troubles will pass her by.

An experienced specialist will advise a woman which contraceptives are most suitable for her, how to reduce unpleasant pain during menstruation, prescribe therapy for menopause and help cope with most sexually transmitted infections, pathologies and much more.

Breast tumor is a disease that occurs in every 10 women aged 13 to 80 years. If you find a lump in your chest, you must immediately consult a doctor and take a necessary tests, undergo an examination and determine what type of tumor.

Breast tumors can be benign And malignant .

Benign tumors- fibroadenomas, lipomas, angiomas - depending on the stage of development, can be treated without surgery. A large tumor is removed surgically, since it can transform into malignant. Benign tumor is located separately and does not significantly affect the structure and function of the mammary gland.

Fibroadenoma occurs most often in women aged 20 to 35 years. It is a lump in the mammary gland ranging in size from a pea to a cherry. Sometimes there are two or three tumors in one mammary gland, or in both mammary glands. This seal is attached to the breast tissue and is not fused to the skin.

Few people know that thyroid , and in common parlance - the thyroid gland, is the “queen” among all the organs of the female endocrine system. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are actively involved in the processes of metabolism and cell growth in the body, accelerating activity of cardio-vascular system, increases the use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The thyroid gland is located in the anterior part of the neck under the larynx and has the shape of a butterfly, with its upper lobes being high and narrow, and the lower lobes, on the contrary, being short and wide. The size of the gland is individual for each woman and it can change due to the menstrual cycle.

Behind the thyroid gland are four small glands that produce a hormone that regulates calcium and phosphorus in the body. Damage or removal of these glands leads to a decrease in calcium, and the bones become thin and brittle.

Usually falls on teenage years for girls 14-17 years old. At the next school medical examination, all the girls from the class are sent to visit this “scary” office. Virgin girls are terrified by the mere sight of a gynecological chair. And what can we say about the fact that a stranger will look at the most intimate and secret things...

IN real life The first visit to the gynecologist should not cause discomfort psychological or physical. Treat your visit to the doctor as a regular consultation. We advise mothers to go to the first visit to the gynecologist with their daughter. Explain to her that you need to completely trust the doctor and not be afraid of him.

What should a girl do before visiting a gynecologist?

From childhood, every girl’s mother teaches her to take care of herself and instills skills intimate hygiene so that they become a habit for the baby. IN adolescence It is doubly necessary to pay attention to intimate hygiene. In girls, puberty begins during this period; due to the active growth of hormones, white discharge may appear. Intimate hygiene is especially important during menstruation.

First rule- regular intimate shower. Women need to wash their genitals at least 2 times a day. If possible, it is best to do this after each visit to the ladies' room. If you are on the road and there is no opportunity to take a full shower, stock up on special wet wipes for intimate hygiene at the pharmacy. Pay attention to the fact that they must be alcohol-free, otherwise you will be guaranteed a burn to the labia minora and mucous membrane.

A delicate fragile plant with amazing healing properties. It is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine, cosmetology. Even in ancient times, chamomile was used to treat many female diseases.

Chamomile flowers are collected in late spring or early summer at the beginning of flowering, dry on clean paper in a dry, dark place. During the year you can use dried flowers, but next year it is better to collect new ones. Dry chamomile should be stored in a glass or paper container away from direct light.

Not every woman can boast of a dazzling, sparkling wide smile. Over the years, the enamel on the teeth becomes dull, turns yellow, and the gums become soft. Due to improper care and even nutrition, caries, gumboil, stomatitis, and pulpitis develop. It is increasingly necessary to cover your mouth with your hand when talking due to unpleasant odor. This leads to depressing feelings of awkwardness, anxiety and shame.

Changing the situation for the better is in your hands!

Smell from the mouth occurs on the basis of the breakdown of proteins that remain in the oral cavity after eating. But this is not the only reason. If bad breath occurs, it is necessary to carefully examine the oral cavity for the presence of unfilled holes formed due to caries; layering of tartar; inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Visiting a beauty salon once again, we relax and leave our body in the hands of professionals and don’t even think about the fact that some professionals are negligent in their activities, sometimes ignoring the disinfection of their workplace. And then we wonder where we got herpes or fungus from.

Think about who will take care of your health better than you.

When going to the salon, take the necessary precautions, not paying attention to the surprised looks of the masters.

To do this, you need to find out what and in which office threatens your health.

You have an important meeting coming up, but you feel that you are not ready for it, you worry, worry and don’t sleep at night, replaying in your head all the bad situations that can happen at the most inopportune moment? It's safe to say that your nervous system was stressed. Usually, it is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, a surge of adrenaline and crazy excitement. Such symptoms do not go unnoticed for our well-being and appearance- kidney and stomach function worsens, heart and eye pressure increases, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases, complexion deteriorates, eyes lose their shine, hair becomes dull and lifeless. As a result, you come to the meeting with shaking hands, sweaty palms and with minimal confidence in your abilities and your charm. Do you think everything will go well under these circumstances? Hardly.

To prevent this from happening, “gather your frayed nerves into a fist” and try to calm them down. And for this, I offer you a few simple, but effective advice:

Everyone knows that Monday is not an easy day.

It is this first day of the week that surpasses all other days in the number of work-related injuries, accidents, stress, nervous disorders, layoffs and other unpleasant moments.

To avoid this and not create stressful situations and, in the end, not to be afraid of the onset of Monday, you need to change your lifestyle and work on the mistakes that make this day almost unbearable.

What are these errors and how to fix them?

Sometimes young nursing mothers experience unpleasant pain in their breasts. painful sensations, it becomes heavy and hard, like a stone. These are the first signs of a disease such as mastitis.

Mastitis is an acute inflammation of the mammary gland of a nursing mother. Mastitis occurs when microbes penetrate the gland, most often through cracks in the nipples or areola. Previously, when mastitis occurs, it was recommended to stop natural feeding, take drugs that suppress lactation, and express milk, thereby doing breast massage. But on early stages This is not physiological for both mother and child. In addition, pumping can cause additional trauma to the breast.

My feet got wet, I felt cold - I sneezed, coughed, had a runny nose, and had a headache. Colds are one of the most common ailments. But each of us can train ourselves not to be afraid of a cold. Hardening will help us with this.
Like all laws of health promotion, hardening also implies a number of rules.

Rule one is gradualism. We will choose water as a hardening agent. You should start with a temperature of 32 degrees. For the first two days, take a shower at this temperature. On the first day, it is enough to stay in the shower for 1-2 minutes, the next day - 3-4. Then the temperature must be reduced by one degree. This decrease is almost not felt. After two days, lower the temperature again by one degree, and so on to 18 degrees.

You need to shower daily. And here the second rule comes into force - systematicity. You can't miss a single day. And if you missed it, then return to the previous temperature. You can start hardening at any time of the year, but it is best in the summer or early September.

Typically, a healthy female body copes with the demands that the body places on it during pregnancy. For some women, pregnancy is accompanied by various disorders, which sometimes become dangerous and require special treatment.

Toxicosis is a complex of pathological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which most often appear in the first half of pregnancy for up to 13-16 weeks. The fetus, developing in the womb, can have Negative influence to it either due to the fact that the mother’s body does not cope well with removing waste products of the fetus, or from an increased reaction of the pregnant woman’s body.

Often toxicosis in pregnant women is accompanied by such unpleasant and painful symptoms for the expectant mother as nausea, vomiting, salivation, and swelling. Early toxicoses of pregnancy include: drooling, itchy skin, frequent vomiting. By late: edema and eclampsia.

Many young girls dream of having their breasts a couple of sizes larger, and older women dream of having their breasts look toned, full and youthful. Often, they decide to take a rather desperate step - plastic surgery.

Mammoplasty - surgery to enlarge, reduce or correct the mammary glands.

Breast augmentation with implants is performed under general anesthesia. Implant installation is carried out in various ways: under pectoral muscle and above it between the muscle and breast tissue. The location of the incisions and surgical sutures depends on this. Incisions are made in the fold under the mammary gland, around the nipple or in the armpit.

Plants bloom, flowers become fruit, and new plants produce fruit. Children grow into men and women, and new babies are born. But there are a number of subjective and objective reasons, according to which a new life is interrupted, like a plucked flower...

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. There are two types of abortions: induced and spontaneous. Spontaneous abortion occurs without intervention and against the woman’s wishes.

Induced abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy. It is done at the request of the woman due to her personal and family reasons. And sometimes an abortion is performed for medical reasons, when there is a threat to the life and health of the mother. Ectopic pregnancy is also one of the indicators for termination of pregnancy.

- This is a very important period in the life of every woman. It is transitional from mature age to the elderly. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 54 years. Of course, it would be hard to call a woman at this age elderly. Sometimes it is during this period of life that a woman looks better than at 20-25 years old, her personality is already fully formed, most of the standards in public life have been achieved, a strong family, children.

Menopause is accompanied by a number of varied and unstable symptoms: mild excitability or, conversely, a state of some depression, weakening of memory, causeless anxiety, headaches, sleep disturbances, and lack of appetite.

Various disorders of the cardiovascular system are often observed, characterized by a rush of blood to the head, accompanied by redness of the face, intense fever, which then turns into chills, cold sweat, shortness of breath and tinnitus appear.

When labor is difficult, there is a danger to the baby's health. One way to help avoid serious consequences is an episiotomy. This is a mini-operation that prevents stretching of the pelvic floor and rupture of soft tissues during the birth of a large baby. Incisions are made for purely humane purposes, since mechanical ruptures of the perineum heal much worse than surgical incisions. In addition, an episiotomy avoids birth trauma to the child.

Dissection accelerates the prolonged appearance of the fetal head and thereby allows you to save the baby from oxygen starvation. The dissection is usually carried out without anesthesia, since the tissue of the perineum is so stretched that blood flow stops. Therefore, the woman in labor feels only minor pain. Sutures are placed under local anesthesia after the baby is born and the placenta is delivered.

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