Home Tooth pain What to do if you sleep with your feet facing the door. Why can't you sleep opposite the door? General information about ancient sleeping position practices

What to do if you sleep with your feet facing the door. Why can't you sleep opposite the door? General information about ancient sleeping position practices

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When planning the decor in the room, many may ask the following question: is it possible or not to sleep with your feet facing the door? After all, there is a popular belief that there is no need to install a sleeping place this way. Let's consider where these prejudices came from, whether we should believe them, how best to position the bed for maximum comfortable sleep How to do this correctly according to Feng Shui.

A small room sometimes forces you to place the bed with your feet towards the door

A cozy bedroom is the key to good health

Sleep is an important part of human existence. It helps you recharge your batteries, have a good rest, and improve your overall well-being. If the bedroom is uncomfortable, you will not be able to get enough sleep. This can have the most unpleasant effect on your mood, performance and health. That’s why we all try to arrange the bedroom as comfortably and carefully as possible, position the bed correctly, and choose bed linen. But thanks to our ancestors, we often ask ourselves the question, why can’t we sleep with our feet pointing towards the door? This is one of the most common beliefs related to sleep and the fact that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. How then to place a bed correctly according to Feng Shui?

The bedroom should be comfortable and cozy

Ancient folk beliefs

All the roots of today's superstitions go far into the past. In those days, people could not explain many things due to lack of knowledge. From their point of view, a thunderstorm, for example, was a supernatural phenomenon. And the cats’ eyes glowing in the dark frightened and alarmed. Trying to find an explanation for all this, people attributed certain magical properties, citing interference higher powers, spirits. It was from then that the belief came down to us that we should not sleep with our feet towards the door. Why can't you sleep like this? And how is it possible? After all, on entrance doors They don't recommend it either.

Doors are a symbol of entry and exit to other world, as our ancestors believed. Therefore, the deceased was carried out feet first, as if he was independently leaving this world and stepping into another. Since then, there has been a sign that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door, so as not to provoke spirits to mistake a living person for a dead person and take him with you to another world. This is why you should not sleep feet first. This principle of positioning during sleep is also present in the science of Feng Shui.

The prohibition of placing a bed opposite the door dates back to ancient times.

A fairly large number of all kinds of signs and beliefs are associated with doors and thresholds. If you want to protect your home, then hang amulets on the door, and it is customary to bring a young wife across the threshold so that she is not a stranger in this house, but as if the owner of the home brought her with him.

Positioning the bed correctly

Feng Shui masters pay Special attention how to install a bed in the bedroom. During sleep, a person replenishes his energy reserves, and if the bed is placed, for example, in front of a mirror, then it will not be possible to gain strength. That's why you shouldn't sleep with your feet facing the door. It is believed that in this position the energy leaves you and you are not protected from negative energy flows.

The science of Feng Shui does not just teach you how to place accessories, it helps to establish spiritual balance through the placement of significant things in the room, such as the stove and bed. It is categorically not recommended to sleep with your feet towards the door, just as it is not recommended to sleep with your head towards the door. But you don’t need to put it near the window either. Why can't you sleep in this position?

This is explained by the fact that there is no protection from different sides, from the headboard, from the side. Based on these points, you should arrange a place to relax. It is recommended to install a children's sleeping place in the corner of the room. So it will have protection on both sides.

When planning your bedroom interior, familiarize yourself with the rules of Feng Shui

How to correctly arrange a sleeping place according to Feng Shui:

  • do not place a bed opposite windows and doors;
  • you can place it in the far corner of the room;
  • Do not clutter the space under the bed;
  • the head of the bed should not be turned towards the windows;
  • It is not recommended to clutter the space above the sleeping area with chandeliers, paintings, etc.;
  • if there is a beam in the house, do not install a bed there;
  • you can further protect the space during sleep by placing nightstands next to the sleeping area;
  • do not place the sleeping place in a draft, between the entrance and the window;
  • You can sleep with your head on a blank wall.

If you are not sure how to properly position your sleeping place, how you should sleep with your head facing north or south, or if it is not possible to follow all the rules of Feng Shui to arrange the furnishings in your home, then simply experiment. Move your sleeping place and pay attention to how you feel, listen to yourself. This way you can find the most favorable placement, where you will fall asleep easily, sleep soundly with your head on the pillow and wake up in a great mood.

Everyone knows about the existence of a superstition that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. Some believe in it, others don't. In principle, how to place a bed is everyone’s business. But not everyone knows why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door. It was most important to believe in mystical things in those times when people did not know how to explain certain events and connected them with each other, as a result of which either “positive” or “negative” superstition was born. For example, the ancients could not explain such natural phenomena as thunder and lightning and identified this with God's punishment.

But if many secrets of nature and humanity have already been discovered, then why can’t you sleep with your feet to the door even now? It is still believed that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door, because this is how the dead person is carried out. And since the times of Scandinavia, it was believed that sleep is a short death. When a person sleeps, his soul leaves the body, and if it travels through the exit, the person will die.

For many modern people mysticism and the fact that the bed is a powerful energy frame are just superstitions. And some become superstitious only when they learn that “this” or “that” cannot be done. And all the troubles are blamed on the fact that they sleep incorrectly. However, psychologists argue that this behavior is typical of especially impressionable people, because subconsciously they begin to feel unprotected and recommend that they strengthen their nervous system.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the window?

You can sleep with your feet towards the window. Even if we put aside all prejudices and superstitions, you can’t sleep with your head near the window for another reason: there is a chance of catching a cold. You can sleep with your feet facing the windows, because people like to look into windows. evil spirits and get into people's heads. And since the head is far away, they cannot reach it. Let's return to Scandinavia, where it was believed that the portal of souls and the world of the dead was located on the threshold of the door. If you sleep with your head towards the window and your feet towards the exit, then it is easier to pull out a living person by his feet and thereby doom him to death.

However, there is another version that refutes what was said earlier. And it also comes from ancient times, when people tried to escape from evil spirits. This superstition forbade sleeping with your feet facing the windows. It was as follows: if the door is a portal to the dead, then if you sleep with your head towards the windows, then it will be further from the exit and, when the dead souls grab a person by the legs, he will wake up and drive them out.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing icons?

To understand whether it is allowed to place the bed so that you can sleep with your feet towards the icons, you need to ask the church ministers. They are sure yes. Because visually a person will always see icons - when he wakes up and before going to bed. At the same time, it will be convenient for the believer to pray. Priests generally deny the existence of omens and believe that they begin to come true only when they begin to believe in them. If you do not pay attention to them and rely only on help from above, then evil will not penetrate our minds and souls. And it doesn’t matter how the bed is positioned. Belief in omens—doubt that God cares about people—is an expression of cowardice. When a person believes in omens, he begins to build his life based on them, forgetting about the commandments of God.

Superstitions will always exist, as well as people who agree with them and those who deny them. However, how to place a bed in a room and whether you can sleep with your feet facing the exit, windows, icons or not is a personal matter for each person, as well as the right to what to believe.

Despite the fact that we live in progressive times, a lot of people are still puzzled by any signs or beliefs. For example, many people are interested in why you can’t take pictures of sleeping people or go to bed with your feet facing the door.

It would seem that sleep is the very time of our life when we should completely relax, rest and stock up on energy for the next day. And we certainly shouldn’t be worried about any strange nuances associated with the position of the body during sleep, especially since we cannot control them.

However, adherents of a variety of philosophies and teachings believe that it is necessary to go to bed before going into the arms of Morpheus correctly, so as not to provoke negative changes in your life.

Those who study Slavic culture and Feng Shui also know some signs associated with the position of the body in a dream.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the door, or can this bring disharmony into your life? And if not, then why specifically can’t this be done?

They say that in a dream our soul leaves the body, and therefore physically we seem to “reversibly die.” This will be readily confirmed by those who have at least once experienced the sensation sleep paralysis when consciousness awakens, but the body is still in a constrained, stone, as if paralyzed state. Where is the connection?

  • Exit to the astral worlds
  • Scandinavian version
  • Should we believe the signs or not?
  • What does Feng Shui talk about?
  • How to place the bed?
  • Reviews and comments

The simplest explanation for why legs should not “look” at the door in a dream

Superstitious people sharply refuse to sleep in this particular position, citing the fact that the dead are usually carried out of the house feet first. Thus, these people are simply afraid of dying in their sleep. Moreover, the ancestors of the Slavs believed that every door was something like a portal to the world of the dead. This belief is not without meaning, given the fact that burial in cemeteries came to us with Christianity. But in pagan times, deceased relatives were buried under the threshold - to protect the hearth from evil spirits.

Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers believed that a person who sleeps with his feet towards this very “portal” regularly stays in other worlds, from where he may simply not return. And besides, the dead energy that is there can interfere with all good and productive endeavors of a person, as if dragging him to the cold of the earth.

Spirits of darkness and sleep position

Orthodox people do not believe in omens, much less in similar beliefs. However, many of them also choose to stay up with their feet to the door.

Why? Because they believe that behind the opening there is not a portal to other worlds, but dark forces, the same ones who are constantly in Hell. According to their beliefs, they can drag the soul of the sleeper along with them, making the person possessed.

Exit to the astral worlds

Other people claim that sleep, in essence, is a journey through the astral worlds. The human spirit leaves the body and enters the other world. And the portal for exiting into it is, again, the door. If a person sleeps with his feet facing it, his soul may enter the body incorrectly, or not enter it at all, which will entail inevitable death.

By the way, people really most often die in their sleep, at night, if we are talking about natural death. And even if it is caused by illness, very often it happens late at night. Since our body is predisposed to death during this period, people believe that we should not sleep with our feet facing the door.

How to sleep - with your feet towards the door or your head? There is no exact answer here, since sleeping with your head towards that very “portal” is also not recommended. You need to place your bed parallel to the wall - this will be the best solution in this matter.

Scandinavian version

The peoples of Scandinavia also had and still have a belief regarding sleeping with their feet towards the door. They believe that the world is conventionally divided into three parts. The first of them, Asgard, is located at the top, and only angels and gods live in it.

The second world, Midgard, is assigned to us, mere mortals. And the third, Utgard, is inhabited by monsters, demons and other evil spirits.

They, in turn, always look closely at people, and those who sleep with their feet to the door, both interior and balcony, arouse the greatest interest in them.

Evil spirits believe that this is how a person demonstrates their predisposition to them, which means they need to start hunting for him. Demons and demons look closely at their “wards” for a long time, after which they take them at night into their kingdom of nightmares.

Therefore, the Scandinavian answer to the question whether you can sleep with your feet facing the balcony door also remains negative.

Should we believe the signs or not?

Skeptics, confident that nothing otherworldly exists in principle, will fall asleep in any position, and their rest will be of high quality in any case. But such people, as practice shows, are few.

So, you should not sleep in this position if you:

  • Feeling tense when looking into a dark doorway;
  • You firmly believe in all the legends, signs and beliefs associated with this nuance;
  • Are you experiencing nervous tension, going to bed, located with the head of the door opposite the door;
  • Do you think that your life is changing for the worse precisely because everything located in the house is out of place;
  • You feel a connection with the other world that you don’t like at all;
  • Suffer from nightmares.

If you do not have a subconscious feeling of fear of the opening, you can take the position that will be most comfortable for you. By the way, those who are afraid to sleep with their feet facing the door can simply close or lock it at night - in this case, the disturbing sensations will be eliminated on their own.

And of course, if your sleep is too restless for no apparent reason, you should also rearrange the furniture and take the body position in your sleep that is recommended by the superstitious.

What does Feng Shui talk about?

Why can't you sleep with your feet facing open or closed door from a feng shui point of view? In general, the concept in this philosophy is no different from Slavic and Scandinavian superstitions. Wise Chinese believe that a door, like an arch, and even an empty opening, is a kind of line between two energy sources that cannot be “mixed” with each other.

True, everything is not so fatal here - Eastern philosophy does not provide sudden death in a dream only because of the banal position of the body.

People from the Celestial Empire believe that “dead” energy draws “living” energy out of a person. This means that his activities become less productive and developed than they should be.

Feng Shui preaches the same philosophy regarding windows. They are also considered to be the separators of “living” and “dead” energy, so sleeping with your head or feet towards doors and windows is prohibited according to this teaching.

The Chinese believe that a bed for relaxation, especially for a family, should be located in the quietest and most secluded corner of the home, even if it is a small apartment.

How to place the bed?

For those in whom rearrangements and redevelopments in the apartment are simply impossible, and the home itself is so small that the bed can barely fit into it, feng shui practitioners recommend hanging bells in the doorway, which are called “wind chimes.” This, according to their beliefs, will help neutralize “dead” energy and keep it away from “live” energy.

Don't assume that, following ancient Chinese philosophy, you should decorate your home with distinctive objects, such as red balloons with golden characters or images of dragons. For example, the same bells can be the ones you like and please your eyes. The main thing in the study is that they are present in your home in principle.

Belief in omens is a personal matter for everyone. And even if you are a notorious skeptic, try rearranging your bed as your ancestors recommend. Perhaps this will help you sleep better at night and gain vital energy.

After all, in every belief there is not only a “root legend”, but also elements of psychosomatics inherent in absolutely each of us. Let peace and comfort reign in your home!

There are many beliefs regarding the position of a person’s body during rest, one of which states that you need to sleep with your head towards the door. In connection with this, when arranging furniture in the bedroom, namely choosing the place and location of the bed, many are interested in the question - why can’t you sleep with your feet towards the door? There is no single correct explanation for this, but you can try to figure it out by taking into account folk beliefs and explanations from energy experts.

According to popular belief, you should not place your bed with your feet facing the door.

Slavic beliefs

Why can't you sleep opposite the door? The most common explanations for this are the beliefs and myths that originated with the Ancient Slavs. One of them is the belief that the door is a portal to the other world.

Most people associate the ban on this position of the body during sleep with the fact that it is customary to carry the dead person out of the house feet first. It is believed that in this way you bring upon yourself the fate of becoming deceased yourself.

Beliefs say that if a person falls asleep not with his head, but with his feet towards such a portal, there is a risk that he will not wake up again. While the body is resting, the soul leaves it and then the person sees dreams - this is a kind of journey of the soul. In order to successfully return to the body, she cannot be far away from it. By placing your feet towards the door, it is easier for the soul to leave the room, and it can also enter another dimension. The next morning, if the spirit gets lost, the person will not be able to wake up and will die.

According to Slovenian beliefs, if you fall asleep with your feet facing the door, you may never wake up again

Another explanation has to do with evil spirits. In this case, the door acts as a portal for evil spirits at night. Evil spirits penetrate our world and seek to take possession of the soul and body of a person. Those who turn to the portal with their feet become potential victims, as they give evil spirits access to this world and to themselves. It is believed that an evil brownie or the devil himself can drag the soul into the abyss. Whether it’s fiction or not, you still shouldn’t deliberately bring trouble on yourself.

Norse mythology

Scandinavian countries have their own mythological picture about how to sleep properly. According to it, the whole world is divided into three parts:

  • Asgard is an analogue of Paradise or Mount Olympus, a place where only gods live.
  • Midgard is the ordinary world of people, that is, the place where we all live.
  • Utgard is an analogue of Hell, the land of demons and bloodthirsty monsters.

If you sleep with your head facing away from the door, it is believed that the door will open a portal to the world of demons. The human soul becomes very vulnerable. Lost souls wander in Utgard, doomed to suffering and unable to return to their bodies. If an evil spirit breaks out of Utgard, it can steal the soul of the sleeping person and take it with him, or occupy his body while the spirit hovers somewhere else. The person either dies after this or becomes possessed.

Relying on Norse mythology, the door at your feet in a dream opens a portal to the world of lost souls

It is in connection with this myth, which came from Ancient Scandinavia, that it is not recommended to turn your feet towards the exit while resting at night.

Feng Shui

Eastern peoples have their own interpretation of the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door. Of course, there are similar myths about evil spirits and evil spirits who drag the souls of those sleeping through a portal into another world, as well as beliefs that the soul can get lost and not return to its body. However, today a more relevant and rational explanation is the question of the flow of vital energy. Feng Shui experts study this area.

Feng Shui is not only a teaching about the distribution of vital energy qi, but also a kind of art, a whole philosophy. Thanks to his concepts, you can correctly distribute your own energy and improve all areas of life.

So that at night vitality did not leave you through the door, under no circumstances should you sleep with your feet facing the exit. This disrupts the circulation of qi flows. Not only will you feel groggy and tired in the morning, but you also risk falling into depression, losing your health, money, personal happiness and everything good that you have or could have.

A diagram of Feng Shui secrets at home will help you determine a more favorable sleeping position

Fact or Fiction

It is very difficult to talk reliably about how to sleep correctly, with your head or feet towards the door, because the main explanations are only ancient myths and abstract concepts about energy. Therefore, it is impossible to find out whether this is true or whether it is a fiction with which people intimidate themselves. Nevertheless, many try to sleep in relation to the door in exactly the way that is considered correct.

In this case, we can talk about psychological influence at the subconscious level. Even those people who are not superstitious and do not subscribe to the teachings of Feng Shui may experience discomfort when they go to bed with their feet facing the door. They start having nightmares, it gets worse general state or insomnia develops. It seems to them that something supernatural is happening and all these fictions actually work. However, this is rather an opinion put into the head, adopted under general pressure.

Most often, people at the subconscious level set themselves up for a negative attitude, falling asleep with their feet towards the door

There are often cases when people have repeatedly slept with their feet facing the door and have not experienced any negative sensations or discomfort both at night and in the morning. However, as soon as they learned about such superstitious fears, myths and leaking vital energy, they immediately began to complain about deterioration in health, nightmares, etc. All this once again confirms that the reason for such states lies in the perception of information on the mental and subconscious levels.

Correct arrangement of furniture

What is the correct way to sleep in relation to the door: with your head or your feet? The generally accepted opinion is that you need to lie with your head to the north, repeating the distribution of the Earth's electromagnetic fields (with your legs pointing to the south). If in this position you turn your feet towards the door, change the position, preferably to the east. At the same time, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the direction may be different; it is selected individually, focusing on Gua number, which is calculated based on your date of birth.

With all this, it is important to take into account other points regarding the position of the body during sleep in relation to the door and other objects. It is not recommended to lie down:

  • head to the window;
  • near the wall with the doorway;
  • back to the door;
  • near the mirror.

Correct bedroom layout for possible bed placement

In addition to the fact that it is undesirable to sleep with your feet facing the door, it is not recommended to lie with your head in front of the mirror. In general, it is worth removing the mirror from the bedroom or moving it away so that the bed and the sleeping person are not reflected in it.

As you can see, positioning the bed correctly can be quite difficult, especially in conditions limited area in the bedroom. But if you don’t want to worry once again that something bad might happen to you during sleep or your health will deteriorate due to the wrong position, lie down with your head in the right direction. Confidence in the situation on a subconscious level plays a huge role.

A huge number of superstitions are associated with sleep and this is not surprising. The human body is most vulnerable to external energy precisely during sleep. One of the most popular and controversial beliefs is where exactly to point your head in a dream.

Most people simply explain everything with mysticism and say “in ancient times everything was like this, they should know better and all that). But if you look at the versions of this legend in different countries, you can notice a certain pattern that has already been described and narrated. Let's look at their opinion together, as well as what Feng Shui and the opinion of Chinese thinkers advise us.

In accordance with Slavic and Scandinavian mythology, during sleep, the door symbolized a portal to another, other world. First, let's look at our Slavic history. According to this, the most dangerous thing is to sleep not with your head towards the door, but with your feet. This is connected with another sign - the dead person was carried away feet first.

And if a person falls asleep in such a position, he may not wake up, because with every second with which he was in this position of sleep, his soul leaves his body. In such cases, fortune tellers advise sleeping for about 1-2 hours so that the body does not feel empty inside. Another explanation, again connected with the portal, is that through it evil spirits penetrate into our world and want to steal the soul and body of the sleeping person.

Why can't you sleep with your head towards the door?

According to Scandinavian mythology, you cannot sleep with your head towards the door, because then a portal opens to the world of demons - they penetrate into the heads of the sleeping person, can hypnotize him or even steal his mind and soul, leaving only an empty shell.

Let's look at the opinion of medical professionals from the very beginning. So, for example, a few years ago, Sverdlovsk scientists conducted several experiments, the essence of which was as follows - they took 2 groups of volunteers (moreover, they were not told that they should not sleep with their heads towards the door, or other advice), people from the first were mortally tired and ready We even fell asleep on the rocks.

From the second group of people, on the contrary, they were excited by external stimuli (they showed action films, pumped them up with coffee, etc.). From the very beginning, one of the first group was taken into an empty room. He lay down on the floor and fell asleep. There were no restrictions for him. After this, the experiments continued, only with a person from another group. And after several repetitions, they found out that the tired ones lay down on their faces

I would like to say that despite great amount various theories, superstitions and even magnetic field the Earth itself, this is the business of every person.

The best thing the author can suggest is to practice placing your bed, and even better, buy an “airfield” bed, which is famous not only for its “erotic adventures”, but also for its huge space, thanks to which you can not move the bed, but lie down yourself, as he himself wants it.


Modern people are mostly cynics. But there are also those for whom myths, fictions and omens play a role important role. For example, Or say hello across the threshold? Or take out the trash after sunset? The list of these common signs includes one more: why can’t you sleep with your feet facing the door? We'll talk about it today.

The most common opinion that can be heard from representatives of the older generation in response to the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door is as follows: this is how they carry the dead out of the house. You don't want to be among them, do you? But what if the bed is facing exactly this direction? There are two options: either turn your head over, or simply ignore the remark of your household members.

But not only superstitious people are attentive to this kind of sign, but also those who build their lives according to the Feng Shui system. She says that good vacation is possible only when the body is in an optimal position, can relax and gain strength. Positioning your feet towards the door guarantees insomnia and a broken state in the morning.

The explanation for the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door also lies in many myths and beliefs. Among the ancient Slavic peoples, the door was a kind of symbol of transition to another world - the other world. Since with the advent of darkness all sensations intensify (and people often die at night), it was accepted that this position during sleep is most dangerous fatal. By the way, our ancestors believed that a person dies not just from an illness or an accident. It’s just that his soul left his body overnight to “fly” and did not have time to return in time. This is precisely what the tradition is based on, according to which the dead are carried out with their feet through the door - there is no need for him to stay here if the soul has already been in the other world for a long time.

The ancient Scandinavians had another, no less interesting myth. In their understanding, the whole world consisted of several parts - upper, middle and lower. In the first there lived higher beings, gods, in the second - people, and the third, underground, was inhabited by monsters and various monsters. Exactly at this last world, according to the popular belief of their ancestors, they could have accidentally moved the doors in the house. Like, legs pointing straight at the bedroom door is an irresistible temptation for these monsters. They will still cling to them and transfer them to their underground dimension...

This myth, called “Edda,” became one of many reflected in Slavic superstitions. If you analyze it, it becomes clear why you should not say hello or pass something to someone directly through the threshold. Indeed, there is absolutely no need for us to communicate so closely with a “representative of the other world.” For the same reason, you should not cross the border of the worlds again (a sign about the undesirability of returning if you forgot something at home).

From legends to modern times: many people claim that when they are in the door position, they do not get enough sleep, often have nightmares instead of pleasant dreams, and wake up exhausted. And after the bed is moved, the situation changes radically. Whether you believe in omens or not is up to you, but now you know the answer to the question of why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door.

When planning the furnishings of a room, many people remember one old belief about the location of the bed. Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the door or is it better to place the furniture differently? Let's consider where these prejudices came from, whether we should believe them, how best to position the bed for the most comfortable sleep, and how to do it correctly according to Feng Shui.

A small room sometimes forces you to place the bed with your feet towards the door

Sleep is an important part of human existence. It helps you recharge your batteries, have a good rest, and improve your overall well-being. If the bedroom is uncomfortable, you will not be able to get enough sleep. This will have the most unpleasant effect on your mood, performance and health. That’s why we all try to arrange the bedroom comfortably and carefully, arrange the bed correctly, and choose bed linen. But thanks to our ancestors, we often ask ourselves the question, why can’t we go to bed with our feet pointing towards the exit from the room? This is one of the most common beliefs related to sleep and the fact that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. How then to place a bed correctly according to Feng Shui?

The bedroom should be comfortable and cozy, and it doesn’t matter where your feet are pointed.

Ancient folk beliefs

All the roots of today's superstitions go far into the past. In those days, people could not explain many things due to lack of knowledge. Trying to find an explanation for all this, people attributed magical properties to events and objects, referring to the intervention of higher powers, spirits. It was from then that the belief came down to us that a person should not sleep with his feet towards the door. Why can’t you sleep like this and how can you do it then? After all, it is also not recommended to sleep with your head on the front door.

Doors are a symbol of entry and exit to the other world, as our ancestors believed. Therefore, the deceased was carried out feet first, as if he was independently leaving this world and stepping into another. Since then, there has been a sign that you should not sleep with your feet pointed at the door, so as not to provoke spirits to mistake a living person for a dead person and take him with you to another world. This is why you should not go to bed feet first. This principle of positioning during sleep is also present in the science of Feng Shui.

The prohibition of placing a bed opposite the door dates back to ancient times.

A fairly large number of all kinds of signs and beliefs are associated with doors and thresholds. If you want to protect your home, then hang amulets on the door, and it is customary to bring a young wife across the threshold so that she is not a stranger in this house, but as if the owner of the home brought her with him.

Arranging furniture correctly

Feng Shui masters pay special attention to how to install a bed in the bedroom. During sleep, a person replenishes his energy reserves, and if the bed is placed, for example, in front of a mirror, then it will not be possible to gain strength. This is why it is forbidden to sleep with your feet facing the door. It is believed that in this position the energy leaves you and you are not protected from negative energy flows.

The science of Feng Shui does not just teach you how to place accessories, it helps to establish spiritual balance through the placement of significant things in the room, such as the stove and bed. Lying with your feet towards the door is strongly discouraged, as is sleeping with your head towards the door. But you don’t need to put it near the window either. Why can't you sleep in this position?

This is explained by the fact that there is no protection for your energy from different sides, from the headboard, from the side. Based on these points, you should arrange a place to relax. It is recommended to place a crib in the corner of the room. So it will have protection on both sides.

When planning your bedroom interior, familiarize yourself with the rules of Feng Shui

How to properly arrange and arrange a place to sleep according to Feng Shui:

  • it is not allowed in front of windows and doors;
  • maybe in the far corner of the room;
  • Do not clutter the space under the bed;
  • the headboard should not be turned towards the windows;
  • It is not recommended to clutter the space above the sleeping area with chandeliers, paintings, etc.;
  • if there is a beam on the ceiling, do not place the bed under it;
  • you can further protect the space during sleep by placing nightstands next to the sleeping area;
  • do not place furniture in a draft, between the entrance and the window;
  • You can sleep with your head on a blank wall.

If you are not sure how to position your sleeping place correctly, whether you should sleep with your head facing north or south, or if it is not possible to follow all the rules of Feng Shui, then simply experiment. Move your bed and pay attention to how you feel, listen to yourself. This way you can find the most favorable accommodation, where you can easily fall asleep, sleep soundly and wake up in a great mood.

When rearranging furniture at home, we often remember superstitions that recommend a certain position and arrangement of things. For example: there must be a mirror hanging in the hallway, but not in the bedroom. Below we will talk about one of them: why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door or window, what the dangers are.

Why can't you sleep with your feet facing the exit?

Like all signs, we inherited this from our ancestors. The Ancient Slavs had the following beliefs on this topic:

  1. The door is a corridor to distant worlds, when you lie down towards it in a certain direction, you may not wake up, since the soul goes into it through your legs for a walk. But in the morning she may not have time to return and the owner will not wake up;
  2. The Slavs escorted the deceased from the house feet first. It was believed that sleeping in the same position meant becoming a dead person;
  3. The portal works and vice versa. Evil spirits try to get out to us through it, and can also grab our legs and drag our soul through them.

The superstition has taken root so much that we still know about it and remember it when we put a bed in a room. We subconsciously try to do this so that our legs do not point towards the exit.

In this video, esotericist Peter Marin will tell you why you should not sleep with your feet facing the exit:

Scandinavian legend

Sleep has always evoked magical associations in people, be it ancient or modern people, Slavs or Scandinavians, Celts. Everyone had a rule about how to sleep in order to wake up.

The Scandinavians divided the world into several parts:

  • Asgard is the home of the Gods;
  • Midgard is the world of people;
  • Utgard is the domain of demons.

According to their version, if you lie down incorrectly, you can activate the corridor to the world of demons. Since the sleeping soul is weak and unprotected, it becomes vulnerable. Black demons take these with them, and they roam Utgard.

If a person is strong, he can get out, but he will forever become crazy. If not, he will die, and his spirit will wander the demon world, doomed to suffer, become embittered and become a black spirit.

Why can't you place the bed with your feet facing the door?

East Asian peoples look at the problem from the perspective of Feng Shui - a Taoist practice that indicates how to organize space in relation to the energy that surrounds us. It helps to create harmonious and inharmonious structures in a room, distributing objects in a certain way so that furniture and interior items do not fall into the wrong flows and are charged with positive energy.

Feng Shui philosophy believes that if the bed is positioned so that you lie with your feet towards the exit, the forces will throw you away, since flow circulation is disrupted. Of course, you won’t die, but you will feel tired in the morning, as if you never slept. Depression, blues, and possibly headaches will begin. Because of this, problems at work and quarrels with loved ones are inevitable.

However, don’t stress yourself out, look around, probably many of your friends sleep with their feet facing the exit and feel great.

What is the best way to organize space?

It can be difficult to position the bed correctly; the size or features of the room simply do not allow it. Scientists have recognized that it is better to rest, repeating the direction of the Earth's magnetic fields - head to the north, feet to the south.

  • Between the window and the door, the flows constantly passing between them will provoke disturbances in the body. Or a cold back, at least;
  • If this is a house and the ceilings are sloping, arrange a seating area so that it does not fall under the sloping wall. Place the bed at least between inclined surfaces, without leaning against it;
  • Make sure there are no holes on top;
  • Feet to the corner;
  • Feet towards the pond visible outside the window.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not hang talismans, fans or paintings at the headboard. The space must be free for the movement of energy. But you can put lucky objects under the bed.

Other bed placement features

If you are guided by the directions of magnetic fields, orient the bed according to the cardinal directions like this:

  • To the north - for excellent intuition, premonition;
  • Northeast - has a beneficial effect on people of creative professions, scientists;
  • East - gives everyone a sound, peaceful sleep;
  • Southeast - gives strength, helps to be persistent, not to give up difficult situations. This direction is good for people who are insecure and poorly resistant to stress;
  • South - affects reputation and fame. If you dream of becoming famous and raising your reputation, choose a place further south;
  • Southwest - favorable good relationship with close loved ones;
  • Western flows are good for children and their health. If there is a children's bed in the house, place it against the western wall;
  • North-West is for irritable people, those who have problems with nerves and have poor self-control. You will become calmer, more positive.

If the sleeping place is intended for two, their birthdays matter, how much they contradict each other and disrupt the flow of energy. But that's a different story.

Why can't you sleep with your feet facing the window?

It turns out that resting with your feet towards the window is also not good. Superstitious people believe that not only the door, but also the window opening is a passage to other worlds, through which evil spirits can take you away. However, all these are signs and superstitions that have no scientific basis. You can sleep however you want and as the room allows.

It happens, of course, that you go to bed and can’t close your eyes all night, you move the bed and get a great night’s sleep. But most likely this is self-hypnosis. It is harmful to sleep with your head towards the window, as you can get a cold in your neck, get a runny nose, or blow out your head, which will cause migraines.

Or, conversely, there are usually radiators under the window, next to which it can be stuffy. It’s bad to rest in a stuffy environment, your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, and you wake up exhausted. But people lie down with their feet towards the window and feel good afterwards. Unless, of course, they are extremely superstitious.

So, we looked at several options for why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door and where this sign came from. They also gave some tips on placement according to Feng Shui. We wish you good health and good sound sleep.

Video about body position during sleep

In this video, Alexander Boyarsky will tell you in which direction you need to hold your legs while sleeping and why:

Many people prefer to place their bed opposite the doorway, but do not think about whether they can sleep with their feet facing the door There are many different superstitions and signs in the world. Some of them are hard to believe, but some you can agree with. One of the most common questions on people's minds is: is it possible to fall asleep with your feet or head towards the door? And if not, then why? The answer to this question lies in ancient beliefs, as well as some modern teachings.

Versions of different nations: is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the door?

The question of whether it is possible to sleep with your feet facing the exit has long been of interest to many peoples. The Slavs, Scandinavians and even the Chinese tried to figure out how to position themselves correctly during sleep in order to have a good rest and at the same time avoid anyone's negative influence.

For most peoples, sleeping on a bed that is located opposite the door is associated with negative emotions and energy

There are several versions different nations explaining why this still cannot be done:

  1. The Scandinavians have an interesting legend, according to which there are three worlds in the Universe. Ordinary people live in one of them, gods live in the other, and monsters, evil ghosts and other evil spirits live in the third. It was believed that when a person fell asleep, his soul separated from the body and went on a journey, and the door was a kind of portal accompanying the soul. So, if you fell asleep with your feet towards the exit, you could end up in a “dark” world inhabited by ghosts and never return from it.
  2. The Slavs perceived the door in almost the same way and believed that evil forces could easily drag a person to hell by the legs. For these reasons, people tried not to sleep with their feet towards the door, so as not to give any evil spirits the opportunity to take their souls.
  3. A question of security - in this situation a person is quite vulnerable, it is easy to attack him and commit some illegal actions. Therefore, ancient people tried to sleep in the back of the house and in such a direction towards the door as to prevent enemies from attacking.

Followers of the Feng Shui movement also encourage sleeping in any way you like, but not with your feet forward towards the door or windows, since this position of the body is considered to release its vital energy. The person will wake up tired and feel bad.

To some extent, there is some truth in this, because many people sleeping with their feet towards the exit note that:

  • They have nightmares;
  • Often suffers from insomnia;
  • There is no feeling of complete rest after sleep;
  • Sleep is mostly intermittent and restless.

There is a version that such things happen on a subconscious level, since a person feels unprotected during sleep, and the instincts of ancient ancestors do not allow him to relax in the “foot to the door” position.

Opinions on whether it is possible to sleep with your head towards the door

An equally interesting question that torments many people: is it possible to sleep with your head towards the door? Let's figure it out.

There are the following options to explain the opinion on this matter:

  • If you believe the Scandinavians, then you can’t sleep with your head towards the exit either - the other world opens through the door and evil demons can penetrate the sleeper’s head and even hypnotize him or steal his soul;
  • The teachings of Feng Shui are also clear on this issue: you can’t sleep like that, because your head should have a reliable rear, protecting not only from drafts, but also preserving the peace of the sleeper;
  • The issue of safety is also extremely relevant - in the “head to the door” position you cannot see who is entering at all, which gives a feeling of insecurity and discomfort.

It turns out that sleeping with neither your feet nor your head towards the door is extremely undesirable. Ideally, the bed should be placed somewhere on the side of the exit from the room. If you have to sleep with your head towards the door, you need to have at least a backrest on the bed that blocks the person from leaving.

How the bed is positioned determines how restful and quality the sleep of the person lying on it will be. When moving into a new monastery or making renovations, you should pay special attention to this issue.

It is best to place the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

So, how to place a bed correctly, according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  1. The bed must be protected, which means its headboard is adjacent to the wall or have a strong, comfortable backrest;
  2. You should not hang shelves above your sleeping area and place any heavy things on them: who knows at what second they will decide to fall;
  3. Lying on the bed, you need to clearly see the exit from the room, otherwise the feeling of anxiety will not allow you to rest properly;
  4. A mirror reflecting the sleeper and directed towards the window is also not the best option - the rays of the sun falling on the mirror surface can interfere with a restful sleep;
  5. It is advisable to place the spouses' bed so that it is approached from each side;
  6. An excellent place for a baby's cradle would be in the corner, and the crib should be in contact with both walls.

If you choose between the location of the bed in relation to the exit with your feet or head, then the first option is preferable.

It is also advisable to think about ensuring that there are no pipes behind the bed. Any, even the quietest sounds can be very clearly audible at night and irritate a person. What kind of calm and refreshing sleep can we talk about then?

It is not possible or still possible to place the bed opposite the door

What to do if the bed is opposite the door? Is this correct or should something be changed? Psychologists note that much depends on the person himself, and how comfortable he is with this arrangement. If there is some kind of sign, this does not mean that everyone must believe in it.

However, if a person feels uneasy while resting on a bed that is opposite a regular or balcony door, he should not torture himself and position the sleeping place differently, for example, perpendicular to the entrance.

When decorating a bedroom, special attention should be paid not only to the location of the bed, but also to the interior of the room

How not to place a bed:

  1. In contact with the wall on which the door is located, blocking the view - in this case, you will not see people entering, which will cause concern;
  2. Head to the window, especially if it is close: extraneous noises and sounds will interfere with rest and create anxiety;
  3. Under a very low or sloping ceiling - there may be some psychological discomfort, which will be expressed in constant anxiety and a feeling of atmospheric pressure from above;
  4. On the same line with the window and door - in this case there may be problems with sleep due to the intense movement of air flows;
  5. Foot to the wall - in this case it turns out that there is no view of the room, and at the same time all the person’s energy seems to go into the wall.

Expert opinion: why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door (video)

When people sleep, they want to be as protected and calm as possible. Only in this case can we hope for a healthy and deep dream. There is no single opinion regarding the position of the body or bed in relation to the exit. Every person should listen to their feelings and desires. If he feels comfortable sleeping with his feet towards the door, then let him sleep that way. This position is considered more favorable than sleeping with your head towards the exit of the room. You can test yourself by spending the night in many positions, and thus determine in which place you had the best sleep.

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