Home Smell from the mouth And get your strength back. How to gain vitality

And get your strength back. How to gain vitality

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I “want and can,” but I don’t know what exactly I want. What exactly can I do?

Do you want to know how to find yourself in life? How to realize yourself? The answer is simple: you need to get to know yourself. You don't know yourself at all!

Ask someone, the first person you meet, to tell him about himself. The most you will hear are facts from the biography.

What can you tell us about yourself? Who are you? How are you different from others? What do you want? What do you know about how to find your place in life?

We don't know anything about ourselves. Nothing! We live our lives “by touch.” Some were lucky to find their way and take exactly their place in human society, working with pleasure, receiving excellent results and recognition from society. And some people continue to search for themselves even at 50 years old. True, the older you are, the sadder and more hopeless your search looks.

Fortunately, scientific progress does not stand still. New discoveries in psychology eliminate the need to search for yourself through scientific research, try yourself in different specialties, changing jobs one after another. After all, you can spend your whole life searching for yourself and your path!

You can find yourself in incredibly short lines by getting to know your real self, realizing what your unconscious is hiding. So, the path to self-realization - where to start?

In this article you will learn:

    How to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

    How to find your calling, clearly understand what it means to find yourself, your abilities and talents, the implementation of which will bring real satisfaction.;

    How to recognize false targets and abandon them.

    How to determine your place in society.

    Why exactly are you trying to find your place in life, while others are not? Why can't you live like everyone else and be content with little?

So, how to find yourself in this life?

The modern world is filled with opportunities, goals and desires... of other people. We live among this abundance and draw our guidelines from there. Some make great films, some create beautiful clothes, some develop software, and some play the guitar beautifully. And you think: I would like that too! How to find yourself in all this?

Someone nearby wants something so badly that you begin to want it too, not realizing that it is not Your wish. And even if you spend years of your life on this goal, you will inevitably be disappointed with the result. Because nature is perfect - at birth we receive all the necessary inclinations for what we need, everything for self-realization. I wish I knew where to start!

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I “want and can,” but I don’t know how to find what exactly I want. What exactly can I do?

In System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, these sets of desires and properties are called vectors. It is the set of vectors and their state that determines the prism through which a person sees and feels life, as well as his desires, possibilities and ways of realization.

Absolute understanding of the full depth of one’s mental nature, awareness of the causes of one’s states, desires, needs - this is knowledge of oneself.

How can an emotional person find himself?

For example, if a person has special, sensitive vision, distinguishing a greater number of colors and shades, good artistic taste, and his keyword"beautiful" means that he has . His life is filled with emotions - he is sensual, funny, kind, fearful, and his eyes are wet.

If you have a visual vector, you can find yourself in intellectual and creative professions. Culture and art, design, photography, fashion - the viewer will feel good where he can enjoy beauty, create it, expressing emotions, experiencing emotions, conveying emotions to others. Emotions for him are life.

We receive all the kindest and most beautiful things created by people from spectators who realize to the maximum what nature has given them.

Now let’s imagine a viewer who works as an accountant, marketer or salesperson. How to realize yourself here? Where are the emotions here? Where is the beauty? Unfulfilled emotions burst out in the form of hysterical breakdowns, from which loved ones suffer, or he constantly falls in love with someone.

What if nothing is interesting? How to find yourself in the profession?

There are eight vectors, and each modern man there are several of them. IN different circumstances In life we ​​can use our different abilities, properties and talents. , for example, gives a person a rational mind and pragmatism, dexterity and entrepreneurial spirit. The anal vector allows you to become a professional in any industry, gaining experience and knowledge in your field.

But there is one vector that makes its owner different from everyone else.

It is this vector that makes you think more than others about how to find yourself in life. This - . It is thanks to him that you think about things that mean nothing to others. For example, about the meaning of life, space, some energies, about a state of altered consciousness, about knowing oneself.

If you have a sound vector, it is the most important in your psyche. His desires are very voluminous, and if they are not realized, your condition becomes heavy. You withdraw into yourself, and the desires of other vectors seem to be blocked. Other people become uninteresting, stupid, annoying.

And then, no matter what you do in life, you feel that it is not yours. Life turns into a search for yourself and your path. Everything is empty, uninteresting, painful, everything is not worth it to do it. Working as an executive assistant, for example, you hate your skinny boss and secretly despise his huckstering streak. Office life with its bustle and gossip seems unbearably disgusting.

How can you be so down to earth? Surely your dream job is remote work. Locking yourself at home and being alone with yourself is your constant desire. But in this there is no realization, no fulfillment of the innate desire for sound - self-knowledge.

How to find your calling if you are not like everyone else?

Realization in the life of a sound artist is always associated with cognition. Inanimate nature: the laws of physics and mathematics, the mastery of which gave the world incredible IT technologies and the Internet. Plant and living nature: scientists have developed food technologies unique in the history of mankind, and medicine has reached the highest level. Human nature: it is the sound people who strive for psychotherapy and psychiatry, trying to unravel the mysteries human soul and protect yourself from your native fear - going crazy.

How to find yourself in the profession? The range of professions in which a sound engineer can succeed is quite wide: programming, exact sciences, foreign languages, creative writing, music, psychology, psychotherapy, there are others.

The names of realized sound artists whose lives are shining example of the great value they brought to society are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.

But it is not at all necessary to be born a genius in order to succeed and be happy, because everyone is born with their own amount of desire, which must be realized. And this will be quite enough to feel for sure that life is a success.

Incredible changes occur when you fill the fundamental desires of sound to understand yourself, humanity, the meaning of everything that exists, the cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening around you in particular and in the world in general. When you get to know not only yourself, but also learn to focus on people and understand each person as yourself. And a boss with a huckstering streak, and superficial office colleagues, even the most notorious gossip lovers. Yes, like yourself - completely without irritation and condemnation.

This is possible, and they talk about how to find their place in life in their results, who completed the System-Vector Psychology training by Yuri Burlan.

What happens after this?

All your desires are freed from the yoke of the sound vector, and your whole being literally explodes with interest in life and desires - the most unexpected and different. Suddenly, a new reality will appear in front of you - multifaceted and filled with meaning. And you will no longer wonder what it means to find yourself, because you will find both yourself and a new reality.

Well, after getting to know yourself and applying yourself will be very easy. See this for yourself - don’t miss the free introductory online lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register in form below.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

In life and understand what to do, congratulations: you have embarked on the path of finding the main harmony in your life - harmony with yourself.

This path is always accompanied by difficulties and worries: is it too late, will it work out?

We hope that Life Reactor will help you clear your doubts and achieve your goal.

5+ ways to find yourself and your calling

The theme of searching for one’s own essence pops up every now and then in works of world culture, and in a wide variety of them.

Analyze your immediate environment.

Of course, you love all these people very much - otherwise why are you friends or work with them?

But step back for an hour from attachments and look at everyone from the outside. Would you like to add or remove someone from your social circle?

Giorgio Armani might not have become a famous designer

Imagine your ideal environment: what kind of people make it up?

Perhaps you would like to hang out in a glamorous party or be a regular scientific conferences, be surrounded by businessmen or communicate with simple, handy and hardworking farmers?

These ideas will help you understand what qualities you want to see in the people around you.

This means what qualities should be developed in oneself. This is an important part of finding yourself in life and understanding what to do.

The simplest test that you can take is completely free and without registration, because all you need is yourself, a little free time and perseverance.

One day in a new life

Imagine your ideal day: from beginning to end, in the smallest detail, from breakfast to the last thought before bed.

Imagine everything - your moods, what you would do, where you would spend your time. Don't try to be realistic.

According to the terms of the task, you have everything possible means, skills and talents to live the perfect day.

Once you've imagined everything inside and out (and, of course, written it down), divide a new sheet of paper into three columns.

In the first, write down those fantasies that you simply need - the real “blue dreams” that you embodied in your ideal day. In the second - what is not so important, but quite strongly desired.

The third column contains all the things that you added just “to have it”, but in fact you could do without them.

Study the resulting table carefully.

You have written the tips for yourself - all you have to do is figure out how to bring such an ideal to life.

Tip: separate the parts. If you imagine that on an ideal day you went to buy a car that you have long dreamed of, then think - does the thing bring you real pleasure or the fact of the purchase itself? This is the most important difference, not at all obvious at first glance.

This test for how to find yourself in life and understand what to do is well suited to their rich and detailed imaginative thinking.

But for those who are used to thinking more globally, the following exercise is suitable.

A new life... and not necessarily just one!

Take your favorite number up to ten and come up with the same number of your ideal lives.

This time you have the same “starting conditions” as in real life, and the same means - but thousands of new possible roads.

Knowing that you have more than one life, you can devote each of them to one thing: family, career, science, travel...

Go into detail and think carefully about what you would do along each path.

Now rank them in order of attractiveness.

The first one will show your main one, while the rest can be added as a hobby or outside interests.

Advice: remember that it is not at all necessary to decide and settle on one thing - you just need to correctly distribute all the desired options.

It's never too late to find yourself

Life's priorities are the elephants on which the world rests

In search of an answer to the question of how to find yourself in life, to understand what is worth doing, pay attention to next test, which is equally suitable for both men and women.

Imagine that you are alone in your apartment with a small child who suddenly starts crying.

Meanwhile, it begins to rain heavily outside the window, and freshly washed laundry is hung outside your balcony.

The characteristic splash of water in the kitchen reminds you that you haven’t turned on the tap, and water from the sink is about to pour onto the floor, flooding your neighbors.

And, as luck would have it, at that very moment there is a knock on the door and the landline phone rings.

Which problem will you solve first - calm the child down, take off the underwear, turn on the faucet, open the door or answer the phone?

See what life priorities lie behind each option:

  1. The child symbolizes the family
  2. Lingerie means your priority is love, romance and sex
  3. Crane is financial issues
  4. For those who choose the door, the most important thing in life is friends
  5. If you reach for your phone, your priority is work.

This is how you can easily determine what you should focus your aspirations around.

After all, if your activity does not serve the main priority, you will not find happiness, and happiness is the main aspiration of every person.

We hope our advice helped you decide how to find yourself in life and understand what to do.

Finally, we present to your attention a video on this topic:

Do you know the difference between a genius and common man? A genius defends his right to do what he loves. This usually happens in early age.

Answer yourself the question, what did you like to do as a child? Even before your parents began to push into you the attitude that “you can’t earn a living by drawing” or “dancing is not serious.” Write three things that really fascinated you as a child. This is a little hint where you should aim.

Exercise 2. Looking for patterns: 20 favorite activities

Now let's make a list of your 20 . Let some of them seem banal to you (for example, there are Tasty food) - write anyway. When the list is ready, take a close look at these activities. See the patterns? Maybe your list is dominated by things related to helping people? Or some kind of sports activities? Or things related to quiet monotonous work?

Understand how this list can be divided into groups. It will help you understand what kind of life you would like to live.

Exercise 3. Your ideal environment

If no one believes in you, then believing in yourself becomes even more difficult. This is why the environment that produces winners almost always consists of winners. Unfortunately, the environment in which we are accustomed to growing up is not conducive to the creation of geniuses.

Imagine that the world has changed overnight to suit your needs. And in the morning it will be filled with the kind of people you want. What will these people be like? What qualities do they have? Maybe all of them, or, on the contrary, these are people who passed the strength of materials test with an A plus? Maybe they do everything quickly, or, on the contrary, would you like to slow down the world?

What have you learned about yourself and what do you need to be your full self?

Exercise 4. Five Lives

Now imagine: you will have five lives. And in each of them you can become who you want. How will you live these five lives?

This exercise, like all others, you can customize to suit you. If you manage it in three lives, take three. You need ten - don’t deny yourself anything. I chose five just because I like that number.

So, imagine that you devote one life to biology, the second to professional travel, the third to having big family with a bunch of , in the fourth you will become a sculptor, and in the fifth you will become an astronaut. Which one do you like better?

The most important thing to understand here is this: if you have to choose just one life, even the one you like best, you will still miss the rest. Because they are an integral part of you. It was drilled into our heads: “Make up your mind!” This is sad.

There are people in the world who are born for a single purpose, but this is a rare exception. Each of your lives contains something that you deeply love and need. And you can bring this into your life.

Exercise 5. My ideal day

Now we have a long walk through your imagination. Grab a pen and paper and let's go. So what do you see as your ideal day?

Live this day in the present tense and in all the details: where do you wake up, what kind of house is it, who is lying next to you, what do you eat for breakfast, what clothes do you wear, what are you doing, what kind of work are you doing, at home or in the office?

Don't limit your imagination. Describe the day you would live if you had absolute freedom, unlimited funds and all the strength and energy that you have only dreamed of.

After the list has been compiled, divide all your fantasies into three groups:

  1. Which of these do you need like air?
  2. Which is not necessary, but I would still really like to have.
  3. What can you do without?

Our life consists of life experiences, stories, roles, relationships, earnings, skills. We choose some of this ourselves. Some of what we call our choices are actually compromises. Something completely random. Some of this is necessary and very expensive. But all this is not you.

Focus on yourself. Find what you love. And start moving towards your destiny.

Hi all! Almost all people dream of happy life, but not everyone is able to make efforts for this, sometimes not knowing what needs to be done, and sometimes simply expecting that someone else will do it for them, guess their desires and make them come true. Some people lack energy, resilience and willpower. And for some it’s banal - the strength to cope with bad habits. And today we will look at ways that will help you accomplish this difficult but important task - to realize yourself.

Sometimes it is easier for a person to live according to the old scenario, even if it does not help him move forward in life, and sometimes even brings trouble and suffering. But he is afraid to take and act differently, because then everything will change, and he does not know whether the changes will be for the better or not. And then it’s easier to fantasize about something terrible and stop your impulses to change, remaining in the same place and sad that your dreams do not come true and your needs are not fulfilled.

Victims of domestic violence often behave this way. Usually these are women who understand that their husband will kill one day, but do not dare to leave him. They convince themselves that somehow everything will work out someday, and that trying to break up will only do the opposite, causing harm.

The same thing happens, for example, with men who have come up with an excellent business plan, but instead of putting it into practice, they continue to sit on the couch. Play in computer games or they dream of a good life, and also suffer that he turned out to be such a loser and fate is unkind to him.

So, if you want to achieve something and realize your potential, forget about the old methods, pace, habits, schedule, etc., only by leaving your own comfort zone can you get what you want.

2. Activity

As soon as you see an opportunity, grab it, that is, act immediately. It’s not for nothing that they came up with a saying that it is better to regret what you did than what you didn’t do. Fears paralyze us, stop us. On the one hand, this allows you to maintain safety, but on the other hand, it is very limiting.

This way you can lose joys, pleasures, and even life itself, because the one who is inactive and hiding, in fact, only exists, his days are not eventful, he does not develop and does not advance. So, if suddenly you have some kind of toxic and unproductive fear, declare a battle against it. For details.

3. Procrastination

There is such bad habit, like procrastination, it is downright a disease of modern man. Do you know what's behind this? terrible word? Banal procrastination of doing something until later.

Sometimes it seems to a person that there is still a lot of time ahead, and he will always have time to start a difficult or uninteresting task, which is why he engages in completely unrelated activities, experiencing anxiety and stress from the incompleteness of something important. And then at the very last moment he begins to frantically try to get everything done, which often leads to failure.

This is how students usually prepare for a session or write their diplomas. Is this familiar to you? If yes, then it’s time to urgently begin to eradicate this completely unhelpful habit, which prevents you from turning your dreams and desires into reality. You will learn how to do this from.

4. Rest

Difficulties, failures, excessive amounts of work, problems and stress can lead to apathy, exhaustion, and, accordingly, depression. Take care of your rest and health, in the race for happiness and dreams, do not forget to stop and take a break. Do you know what causes a feeling of disgust? From excess, when there is too much of something.

Therefore, sometimes people change their field of activity, categorically refusing to do what they are disgusted with, even though it is profitable. So, the desire to realize yourself is great, but don’t forget about other areas and needs, for example, leave enough time for sleep, good nutrition and communication with loved ones. Otherwise, after a certain period of time, interest and the desire to achieve something will begin to fade.

5. Environment

We have discussed more than once that one’s immediate environment has a huge influence on a person, which is why those who want to achieve success must communicate with those who have already done it. Have you heard about energy vampires? These are the people, after contact with whom we feel a loss of strength, mood and, in general, aggression and even pain. So take care to interact less with individuals who not only do not help you advance or understand something, but also significantly worsen your well-being.

Time is priceless, and wasting it on useless communication that you have to endure is not the best best idea. And the article will help you.

6. Dynasty

To realize yourself as a person, you need to understand your purpose, and discovering what I am good at and why I came into this world is not so easy. Some people have to search for themselves all their lives, challenging fate and sacrificing something important. The situation is complicated by pressure from society and loved ones.

There are often cases when a child has not yet been born, but his future is already predetermined. Usually he needs to either continue the family dynasty, or implement what his parents did not succeed in, and now they are actively trying to promote him, ignoring the fact that he has completely different desires.

And not everyone is able to say no to their loving mom and dad, because they are afraid of rejection, not meeting their expectations, etc., which is why they stop resisting and follow the imposed path, feeling unhappy and dissatisfied. Read the information provided in the article about, it will help you find yours.

7. Learn

Always. Even if you are a professional, new technologies are emerging every day in every industry, whether you are a plumber or a businessman. Even while on maternity leave, you should not forget to ask what changes your profession is undergoing.

10. Fight bad habits

Especially those that take up your time, such as surfing the Internet or watching TV. Most millionaires and billionaires don't even have their own page on any of the social networks, and if they use the Internet, it is only to increase the number of clients. Get more information to promote your business and so on, but certainly not to post your photos and chat with someone.

At first, it will be difficult to completely give up this habit, so just set aside no more than an hour a day for various gadgets and watching TV.


Remember that the quality of your life depends only on you, so go for it, and you will be able to achieve what you want! Good luck to you and an interesting, exciting process of self-knowledge and self-realization!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


“There is one thing that most people do not know: happiness is possible only when you realize yourself as a person, when you realize your calling, your nature. If you stick to something, some familiar place, stability - there will be stability. But there will never be satisfaction. Internally, you need to weigh what you want: external stability, or do you want to be a happy person.”

Oleg Gadetsky

Every searching man inevitably asks the questions: “Who am I? How to find your calling? What am I living for? And often the answers to them do not come quickly. We study in schools and institutes. We get a job in our specialty, look for one that pays more, and move there. Then we go for even more high paying job and so on. This is how we gain stability in life.

But in addition to stability, every day there is a growing dissatisfaction inside. We all have some skills that require implementation. Some abilities that our work does not fully reveal. And when this dissatisfaction reaches a certain boiling point, the question, seasoned with yet another stress at work, finally crystallizes in the mind: “Money or calling?”

And immediately followed by the fear of leaving work, abandoning established stability and suddenly breaking away from their homes, setting off on a free voyage.

What does this fear tell us? Oddly enough, he seems like an independent expert to show that we do not trust the higher management of life. This is a kind of lesson from fate that comes into our lives and manifests itself as fear and distrust of the new.

One of the conditions for human happiness is find your calling. The experience of many psychologists shows that a large amount of money does not always solve the issue of success. You can be very rich, but without finding your place in society, a person does not receive real satisfaction.

From birth, everyone is given a certain nature. And having understood it, we gain a clear understanding of what we were born for, what we need to do in life, and how to realize ourselves.

Why is it so difficult find your purpose?

Imagine that you planted potatoes. And he, thinking deeply about the difficult fate of vegetables, came to the conclusion that it would be better for him to be not potatoes, but carrots. And after analyzing, I found several really serious reasons for this.

Firstly, carrots are rich in vitamin A. Secondly, they make very tasty and healthy juice. Thirdly, the orange-red color of carrots is much happier and more attractive to people than appearance potatoes.

But, unfortunately, potatoes will never become carrots. Even despite all his desires and logical conclusions about life. Because his true nature is to be a potato.

We often get carried away with this same game. Not understanding our true nature, we begin to play other people’s roles as “ripe fruits” and “juicy vegetables”.

Fortunately, today many people are beginning to realize simple thing. If a person does his job honestly (honestly in the sense of doing clean, environmentally friendly work that corresponds to his calling) and understands his purpose, then achieving success in life becomes much easier.

How to realize yourself? How find your calling?

Let's turn to the experience of our ancestors. In ancient Vedic times, society was divided into 4 estates (they are also called “varnas”). Each of them corresponded to its own type of activity in this life. And before looking for themselves, people determined which type they belonged to.

We, of course, will not now use the Sanskrit names of all varnas. Instead, let's look at 4 types of activities using the example of modern and understandable professions.

The first group of professions is people intellectual work: teachers, lawyers, priests, doctors, psychologists, scientists. The main task of their activity is to convey the laws of life to people, to introduce knowledge about man into society.

The second group is people of the management class: leaders, military officers, managers. The essence of their activities comes down to implementing laws in people's lives and protecting them. Leading correctly so that society prospers is their main task.

The third group of professions are businessmen, traders, artisans, and farmers. Any economy rests on them. With their labor and ability to earn money, they feed the entire society. If one word were to describe their nature, that word would be “trade.”

And finally, the fourth group is people inclined to manual labor, hired workers.

Some people may now have a natural desire to understand which of these groups of people is more important and more important than the rest. The most correct answer to this question is: “None.”

Since ancient times, these classes have been compared to inseparable parts of the body: people of intellectual labor are the head of society, leaders are its hands, entrepreneurs are its belly, and people of manual labor are its legs. It is obvious that without any part the social organism will not be complete. And society will not be able to develop harmoniously. Therefore, the value of all types of labor is the same.

Of course, each person has his own Path. And if someone at an advanced age realized that all his life he had been doing an unloved job, then perhaps this was his main test for this life. But, you see, there are few people who want to be in the role of this person. And therefore it is quite natural to desire find your place in life as soon as possible.

How to find out a child's purpose?

Known since ancient times exact way determine the true nature of a person at a very early age: from 6 months to 1 year.

In front of the child, at an equal distance from each other and from himself, 4 different objects are placed: a book, a toy weapon, shiny coins and some kind of work item (for example, a hammer or a violin).

The object that will attract the child symbolizes the group of professions to which he will belong in this life. If you choose a book, you will become a person of intellectual labor, a weapon - a military man or manager, money - an entrepreneur, a hammer - a master of manual labor.

Why is it so important and at the same time simple to determine a child’s purpose at such an early age? The baby's thinking is not yet blinkered social assessments and decision-making criteria. He chooses with his heart - sincerely and honestly - what he really likes.

When we're over mature age When choosing a profession, we, unfortunately, are already far from sincerity. We think about how much future work is valued in society, what privileges it gives. We soberly assess future prospects and draw far-reaching conclusions...

How to find your purpose if you are already over 1 year old?

Let's look at the easiest way to find your place in life and achieve success. It's great if you have a clear idea of ​​what you like to do. Today there are a lot of people who cannot even feel what they want to do. They need to use other ways to define their profession, which will be discussed a little later.

So, if you know well what you like to do in life, then, we can say, you have already passed half the way to your destiny. However, you need to go through the second half of the journey, which is called “society’s acceptance of the results of your work.”

If 4 factors match:

  • you are engaged in an activity that you really enjoy...
  • you feel that you want to do it, and this is your profession and calling...
  • it’s easy for you, it doesn’t cause tension or extreme fatigue, you don’t have to force yourself...
  • at the same time, society accepts you in this capacity and appreciates your work well...

This means your activity is the most ideal option for you. And this is your natural calling and true purpose.

But the world is complex, and there are not as many perfect matches as we would like. It is often difficult to determine your true nature and find your place in life. Many people evaluate themselves biasedly. And they often wishful thinking.

Imagine this situation. A man works as a hairdresser. Besides the fact that he good professional, he also has remarkable internal qualities: friendly, polite, sociable and soulful person. Of course, he always had many grateful and satisfied clients. During the haircut, they could discuss any problems with him, share a variety of experiences, ask for advice and always hope for support.

And when the man noticed how well he was able to establish contact with people, he thought and decided to go into psychology. Because a psychologist is, firstly, a higher paid job, and, secondly, the status of a good psychologist in society is much higher than the status of a good hairdresser. He leaves the salon and starts working as a psychologist, which he informs all his clients about.

However, for some reason, as if by agreement, none of the same people come to him to discuss their problems. As a hairdresser, people could easily talk to him heart to heart, but as a psychologist, no longer. They have no confidence in him as a psychologist. Thus, society does not accept him in this capacity.

how to find your calling and understand your true nature as an adult. How to find your place in life, decide on a job and gain a foothold in your chosen activity. Perhaps the previously discussed material was already enough for someone to find your purpose. Some people have a firm understanding of what they like to do since childhood, and the question is: “ "It's not worth it for them.

However, there is another category of people, and a very large one - those who find it difficult to understand their true nature. It is interesting that such people are often smart, capable, intelligent, easily trained and have diverse interests. They have a lot of fairly high-quality knowledge in various fields of activity. And despite all this, they do not feel self-realization and satisfaction from the work they do.

On one of the gray rainy autumn days, looking from the office window at the figures of cars and people hurrying below and involuntarily thinking about the future, they are suddenly horrified to see their own matured face in the mirror of fate. And with an alarming coldness in the chest comes a sobering understanding: the entire previous and measured subsequent life was and will be aimed not at self-development and constant growth, but only at moving own body along an endless line of time from point A to point C, the only (and even then dubious) bonus of which is a somewhat changing amount of money in personal circulation, which, however, does not in any way guarantee self-realization and future happiness.
How to find your place in life?

The easiest way to understand your nature is practice. You need to visit a society where there are many people of a certain type of profession. For example, we have decided to classify ourselves as people who are destined to be businessmen. In this case, you need to make it a rule to regularly visit places where representatives of the business community gather (open trainings, seminars, round tables, etc.).

When communicating, you need to focus on your inner feelings. There can be only two options here:

1) We will feel natural, like a fish in water, we will be interested in everything that others are talking about, and we will feel like equals - this means this is our society and our type of profession.

(Although at first you can get confused and be “ecstatic”: there are so many new and interesting people! After some time, this feeling will pass.)

2) We will become bored, or, on the contrary, we will feel that we don’t “meet” others, that there is some kind of complex inside, or we need to somehow change internally, break ourselves in order to fit in with others - this means the chosen society of businessmen - not ours.

The second criterion that allows us to determine our calling is the attitude of people of the chosen type of profession towards us. If during communication it is easy to establish contact and complete mutual understanding, then these are people of our type of activity. Communication with successful people who have reached certain heights in the chosen field, makes it possible to understand their nature better and faster. In this sense, society works as a catalyst - it is immediately clear what it wants from a person.

But, for example, we came to a society of people of intellectual labor. We see them discussing some important and serious problems, laws, rules, make new assumptions, analyze. And after a while we suddenly catch ourselves thinking: “How long can we talk about nothing? You can earn so much money during this time!” This is how the nature of a businessman works.

How to gain a foothold in your chosen activity and achieve success in life?

Before you fully devote yourself to your chosen activity, you need to try your hand at rare practice in order to track how the new work is perceived by society.

Let's say a person decides to study psychology. He talked with psychologists, felt that he was drawn to this area, but he still had doubts. To completely dispel doubts, you need to arrange a “training”.

A man announces that he leads once a week. free reception- acquaintances, friends, relatives, everyone. The “training” period is determined, for example, 7 weeks - almost 2 months. If people go to the reception for free, the situation will be obvious and clear. If a person is in demand and truly needed, the number of people turning to him will increase. Perhaps they will even want to thank him with money or some gifts. People will be happy.

If, on the contrary, a person made a mistake, and he is not a psychologist by nature, instead of gratitude, people will want to quickly get away from him.

Thus, FIRST PRINCIPLE approval in the chosen activity - first give society the opportunity to evaluate the fruits of their labor for free.

However, together with the first, it often acts SECOND PRINCIPLE. According to him, the first client always represents our own problems. One of the first (or even the very first) we receive dissatisfied client, which smashes all our best intentions and highest aspirations to smithereens. In this case, there is no need to despair.

The Universe sends us tests, testing the firmness of our decisions. So, perhaps no one will come to see the psychologist from our example during the first few days of admission. This is a kind of divine test - how much we want to engage in our chosen profession.

But such checks do not last too long - if after some time obstacles and various difficulties continue to arise, then the chosen profession is not ours, and there is no need to force society to accept us in this capacity.

TEST: How to find your calling?

Many people cannot start their own business because they immediately want to see the end result. If you want to sing, you need to immediately gather entire stadiums. I want to give lectures and immediately fill the halls with a thousand people. However, we should start with the small things that we can do during the trial period for free. For example, if you want to sing, first invite 3 people to a home concert.

By the way, at the same time we will test ourselves - are we ready to engage in the chosen activity if we are not paid for it, do we get pleasure from it. Your favorite job should be like a hobby - easy, not bringing the feeling of “I work and get money.” It should not cause overexertion, it can be performed as usual during the day without severe fatigue. If this is not the case, most likely we have chosen the wrong profession.

Let's try an extreme test? Let's imagine that we are in prison. It doesn’t matter for what or for how long. Another thing is important - what would we do in conditions when we do not need to solve everyday problems and earn money? What are we ready to give to people, even if we are not paid for it?

Despite its apparent external simplicity, this question is very deep and revealing. I recently came across a similar survey. The only difference was in the context. Instead of prison, it was suggested to imagine yourself on a desert island.

Curious to know how others responded?

  • “In principle, there is nothing more to strive for”
  • “...first I would get completely drunk... in such a situation I would not set myself any goals for life at all, since it is pointless. I would just live for today and then let what needs to happen happen.”
  • “This is a philosophical question in theory. I don’t know the answer myself yet, but, as they say, it’s in the process…. If worthwhile thoughts come up, I’ll share them right away.”

So, FIRST STEP, which helps us find our calling is communication based on interests, determining the type of people with whom we feel more comfortable. SECOND STEP- about 2 months to try to do activities that we like for free. So we will see feedback society.

How to find your place in life and establish yourself in your chosen activity:

“Watch the caterpillar as it crawls. She doesn't jump, she flows very smoothly. The back part is in the old place, and the front part is already trying a new point in space. It first establishes itself at a new point, and then moves its tail. What does this analogy mean? Start trying yourself as a freelance artist. Stay in your old place, but try yourself in something. Maybe spend 1-2 hours a day doing something else. Little by little you will gain confidence in your new qualifications and after some time you will be able to move into a new field.”

Money and calling

We wrote that for the first time (about 2 months) it makes sense to work for free in order to receive high-quality feedback from society. This, of course, does not mean that according to your vocation you will always have to work for free. This is an extreme. But when it comes to choosing a profession, the main thing is to determine your inclination towards a certain activity.

There are crises in life, sometimes deep and protracted. It may happen that temporarily we will not be able to receive money for our work. But even in such difficult moments, we should be pleased to do it. And feel that “it’s not in vain that we’re trampling the ground.”

There is sometimes a stereotype in society that money is earned only through hard, exhausting work and difficult work in the profession you once acquired. Actually this is not true. Money doesn't have to be earned hard. Honestly, yes, but not hard.

On the other hand, it also happens that an honest favorite thing does not bring money. What to do in this case? You need to continue to engage in your favorite profession, and the Universe will definitely send you a source of income that will make up for the lack of money. It happens that a person has one source of income, but another purpose. IN difficult situations you have to combine something you love and something you don’t like in order to feed yourself and realize yourself. It rarely happens that one’s purpose can be realized only through a hobby.

A lot of people are simply afraid to be themselves. Afraid to admit to himself what he really likes. Unfortunately, many factors contribute to this mentality. For example, received in childhood psychological trauma, when parents “beat on the hands” for showing their nature. As a result, the child becomes afraid to do what he wants.

However, all the scriptures say that one of the main tasks of a person is to understand his true nature and realize it in life.

Obstacles that prevent you from finding your calling

We have already said that as a test at the beginning of a new activity, someone will definitely trip you up. A kind of test, an obligatory provocation. This is normal, there is no need to worry. We need to be prepared for such a situation and not allow someone’s unkind opinion or envy to make us retreat. If all the clients turn away and say “no,” then, of course, it’s a different matter.

How to understand whether this is a test or a real obstacle? There is a special mantra ( Ganesha mantra), working as an indicator and catalyst of events. She has a unique feature: she removes all obstacles on the way, if what we found is really ours. And he will instantly slam (even open) doors if we go the wrong way.

If a person reads it for 40 days, he is ready for change and open to God's will, it will point in the right direction. She can send another person, a book, circumstances that will help in some way.

If a person does what he is meant to do, miracles begin. There are people who are interested in his activities. The Universe begins to guide his actions - new people appear who are able to help.

At the very beginning, we should only listen to feedback from those to whom we have already provided some service. For example, we sewed a dress for someone, and people said that they liked it - they need to continue sewing. There is no need to listen to negative speculation about new activities from people with whom we have not collaborated. And, on the contrary, you need to listen to people who are lucky and successful. You can get good and high-quality feedback from them.

The article was prepared by Dmitry Bolkhovitin based on materials from Marianne Polonsky’s lecture “How to Find Your Place in Society” and an interview with Oleg Gadetsky for Yoga Radio

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