Home Oral cavity Presentation on the topic: “Dear guys, this information is for you! Many of you sometimes don’t know what to do in this or that difficult life situation. They don’t know who to turn to.”

Presentation on the topic: “Dear guys, this information is for you! Many of you sometimes don’t know what to do in this or that difficult life situation. They don’t know who to turn to.”

The ability to make choices in a given situation allows a person to keep important matters under control. This also helps in small things: often a person spends too long thinking about what to eat or what to wear. Logical actions make the future predictable and the quality of life higher. What should you do to make the right decisions? Because sometimes it can be very difficult.


In any endeavor, the best place to start is by setting your priorities. Think about what you are striving for, what result you expect from your decision, whether you can achieve what you want as a result of a specific choice.

Try to make a choice from the contrary, eliminating those options that will take you away from your intended path. Mentally think through all the consequences of your action, taking into account all kinds of “buts” and “ifs”.

Start taking action without delaying the decision. The process of collecting the necessary information should not last forever. Don't make your research on a topic redundant because the human brain can only process a limited amount of data. Stop in time so as not to overload your head with unnecessary information.

Not every decision turns out to be the most correct one. However, this does not mean at all that you should let go of the initiative. Tell yourself that at that moment you found the only correct way out. Awareness of the rationality of your action in the current situation will give you greater confidence in your abilities.

Very often, life requires a person to make lightning-fast decisions, without giving time to think. They say that when you don’t know what to do, do as your conscience tells you. More often try to put yourself in the place of another person, “pretend” your actions on yourself. If you learn to better understand and empathize with the needs of strangers, your conscience will help you make the right decision at the right time.

Try to change yourself step by step. For example, you used to quarrel with a friend about where to go, but now you throw a coin so as not to argue about a vacation spot, because the main thing for you is communication. You just couldn’t get around to opening an account because you didn’t know what criteria to use when choosing a bank. Now you have found a financial specialist and received useful advice. You have long dreamed of changing your hair color and getting a short, stylish haircut, but you still didn’t dare to do it. Yesterday you made an appointment with a friend’s hairdresser whose hairstyle you really like.

If you are naturally shy, try on a different type of behavior to become more decisive. Try to act like an extrovert: accept independent decisions more confident and active. Remember that your own choices, even if not the best ones, will make you happier.

Many of us want to know what the outcome will be in a given situation. We bring to your attention a test that will help you decide on your next steps.

It is possible to find out what awaits us in the near future. To do this, you need to use intuition and gut instinct, as well as focus on a specific issue. Take a closer look at the proposed pictures and choose the one that you like best. Do not try to analyze the proposed images. Act intuitively, relying only on your feelings. This way you can determine how best to act in a given situation.

For your fortune telling to be reliable, stay alone. You shouldn't be excited. Create a calm atmosphere, immerse yourself in thoughts about what interests you most, and intuitively find the picture that attracts you. You will find a description below.

1. Your situation is close to being resolved, but you should not rush things to avoid mistakes. Impulsivity and pressure will not help you achieve what you need in life. short terms. Calm down and slowly finish what you started. You will succeed.

2. The situation that interests you will end in your victory and good fortune. All doors are open to you, so you can calmly get down to business or complete them immediately. However, before completing things, do not involve a large number of people in them, so that your plans are not disrupted due to envious people and ill-wishers.

3. So that your affairs have favorable outcome, you need to stay in the shadows for some time and not advertise your goals. Working alone will only bring you success if you don't show off your plans to a lot of people. Remember that happiness loves silence.

4. Your goals do not yet have a concrete form. For everything to work out in the best way, draw up a clear action plan and stop believing that all matters will be resolved without your participation. You need to make an effort and not count on outside help.

5. Achieving success depends on your activity. If you need to do something, decisions need to be made quickly. If you indulge in long thoughts, happiness will pass you by. Be bold and remember that perseverance and self-confidence work wonders.

6. Your hopes for a favorable outcome of events may not come true. To keep happiness in your hands, you need to focus. Give up fantasies and thoughts about what will happen if you succeed. You will succeed only if you take active steps to achieve what is necessary and important at this stage of life.

7. Routine prevents you from being productive in your business and personal development. To have it your way, bring a touch of recklessness into life. You need to learn to solve problems not only in the usual ways. Look for new approaches, use your imagination and creativity.

8. The large number of tasks that have fallen on you should not frighten you. You are successful, but you can only prove this to the people around you through actions and active work. Connect your internal reserves and spare no effort to achieve your goals. At the end of the journey, the reward will live up to your expectations.

9. For 100% success, you should pay attention to your best character traits. Take care of your loved ones and pay attention to those who are dear to you. Kind and selfless actions will give you an undeniable advantage. In addition, you can always count on help from those closest to you.

There are a great many fortune tellings in the world that help lift the veil of secrecy over the future. People have used them since ancient times to be prepared for any situation. Use it to make every day successful for you. We wish you success and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

07.03.2018 06:36

At the beginning of March, many people want to look into the future in order to prepare for changes in life and...

Excessive frankness only brings trouble. © Louis Ferdinand Celine.
Sooner or later everyone has a question. What to do in this or that situation related to your feelings and thoughts. You can say everything honestly, and maybe you will be lucky, or maybe not. Excessive frankness can destroy everything you have built over the years. By doing this, you can push the person away once and for all. You can remain silent, but then you will definitely make a mistake. Silence breaks destinies, and this is true. If you have something to say, say it, don’t be shy about your feelings, even if you destroy everything yourself, but at least try. What if you remain silent? What then? You may just be late... And then you will regret all your life that you remained silent, that you did not reveal your emotions and feelings.
But even in the first case, no one guarantees success; on the contrary, you can only make it worse. But what to do then? Say everything in the hope that the person will reciprocate your feelings? Or say, and perhaps you will then lose the person once and for all. For example, if we are talking about love, then in most cases a person leaves another so as not to hurt him, so that there are no hopes, etc. This is probably really the way out. You won’t be able to communicate normally with a person or watch how a person builds relationships with others, so the only thing left is to leave this person’s life. Tell me, how can you fight for a person, for your happiness? I used to think that you can achieve anything if you really want it. But if we talk about love, it doesn’t work here. Whatever you do is pointless.
It is impossible to make someone fall in love with actions or a wonderful attitude. Yes, perhaps mutual love will come with time, but this is rare. So I made a mistake, I pushed the person away from me even more, revealing my sincere feelings. After all, I knew that such a reaction would happen, but I said it anyway. Because he couldn’t keep everything to himself. Moreover, it wasn’t a declaration of love, he just said that he was getting there little by little. Therefore, it’s easier for me to express everything in poetry, but now I don’t even know if I need to show this verse to her. Probably not worth it, I haven't decided yet. Maybe I’ll publish it here, but for now I have a desire to tear it up and throw it away. All is not lost, of course. But I feel that everything is heading towards this. Therefore, on this moment I think you should just shut up and not say anything. There is no need for sincerity and frankness; no one needs that now. But it’s hard to lock everything inside, at least I can’t do that. Everything breaks out, and you only make it worse for yourself...

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 06.05.2017. Excessive frankness only brings trouble
  • 05/03/2017. Illusion
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First, a person must put his emotions in order. You need to calm down, let all the experiences pass through you, take a breath. And only when a person feels that his condition has returned to normal can he begin to think about the most important thing.

If he is overwhelmed by the question of what to do when he doesn’t know what to do, then he is in a vicious circle. A person will endlessly torment himself with these words. But the question will never be answered. Although, in fact, this is not so.

There is always a way out. And the answers too. It just seems to us that they don’t exist. What comes to mind, a person rejects because it does not suit him. But you can’t refuse options. Everything that comes to mind has the right to life. What if every thought was developed as possible variant development of the event? Even the most absurd one. Since there seems to be no way out, we can try.

A fresh look

The problem with many people thinking about what to do when they don't know what to do is their default thinking. Let's say a person urgently needs money. There's still a long time until payday. There is no one to borrow from. As a rule, a person does not allow any more options. Either pay a salary or borrow.

When thinking, you need to go beyond the usual. Even if the thoughts are completely absurd. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that anything happens in our lives. And in any case there will be a way out. Usually the subconscious produces an unusual, non-trivial option. Sometimes an epiphany comes to a person. And a thought that had not previously arisen as an alternative turns out to be quite adequate and capable of influencing the situation.

Listen to yourself

Often a person thinking about what to do when he doesn’t know what to do is hindered by his head. And to be more precise - logic and reason.

Let's say there are two options for the development of events. For clarity, we can give a fictitious example. Let's say young man offered a promising permanent job abroad, which he had dreamed of all his adult life. But here, in Russia, he has a girlfriend, with whom he has been together for several years. And she cannot go with him, as she continues her master’s studies. Or she simply doesn’t want to go to this country, afraid of the foreign language, environment, mentality, and if only because she doesn’t know what she can do there.

This is approximately the situation when you don’t know what to do with a person. On the one hand, improvement of your own life, prospects and a chance that may not come again. But on the other hand - the other half. Well, if all possible compromises have been sorted out, then there is only one thing left - to listen to inner voice. And be honest with yourself. The heart will tell you what is more important and necessary. And after making a decision, a person himself will feel whether he was mistaken or not. Usually the heart does not deceive.

Of course, the first time after making a decision will not be easy. After all, a person will still have to give up something. Or, at a minimum, make adjustments to the plans. But time will put everything in its place.

Search for information

What to do when you don't know what to do? Of course, look useful information, which can help, in other sources. You don’t need to be limited by your own thoughts, especially if they don’t help. You can seek advice from a close friend or from various thematic resources. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to music. Sometimes this happens - the ear “clings” to some phrase, and then a person understands that the correct decision lies in its context. In any case, even if you can’t find the answer to the question of what to do when you don’t know what to do, you will definitely be able to get distracted. And then, after a little mental relaxation, you can return to the problem at hand.

Appeal to conscience

Austrian writer Karl Kraus said: “When you don’t know what to do, do the right thing.” There is a simple truth hidden in this philosophical phrase. “Right” as your conscience dictates, so as not to harm anyone. Sometimes it turns out that a person acts stupidly, but correctly. An example is a simple situation. Let's say a person found a wallet. Inside, in addition to considerable sum of money, turned out to be the owner's debit card. He takes and takes the wallet with all the goods attached to it to the bank branch. Employees find the owner’s information, call him, outline the situation, and a happy but absent-minded person comes to collect his property, heartily thanking the one who found everything.

Stupid move? Surely many will nod in the affirmative. After all, you could have kept the money for yourself. Is it correct? Definitely. After all, anyone could find themselves in the place of the person who lost their wallet. Again, anything can happen in life.

God willing

But it happens that all arguments are useless. And the person really doesn’t know what to do. And believers even turn to the Almighty for help. There is even a special prayer. When you don’t know what to do, the Orthodox faith will help. Whether there will be a result or not is a separate conversation. But at least it will become easier for a person.

Who should you pray to when you don’t know what to do? Lord God. The words are something like this: “Lord Almighty, thank You for allowing me to have spiritual insight into this situation and to mercifully come to terms with it. God, You are all-knowing, guide me to the truth and strengthen me in love. Amen".

Motivation and Action

To resolve this or that situation, you need to completely abandon fear. Modern people too much and often afraid. Fear blocks consciousness and prevents you from thinking. And also uncertainty. These are two qualities that prevent you from making a decision that, it would seem, is already in the palm of your hand. Therefore, you need to gain confidence. Quotes from great and famous people often help with this. successful people. Michael Jackson, for example, said: “If you are not confident in yourself, then nothing good will ever happen. Why? But because if you don’t believe in yourself, how can anyone believe in you?”

In general, motivational quotes often help you make that decision. They seem to morally push a person towards this. And in his subconscious the thought arises: “This is an authoritative person who has achieved a lot. So this man knew what he was saying. You can trust him."

We should remember a person like Nick Vujicic. This is a modern motivational speaker. Looking at him, everyone understands that there are no hopeless situations. After all, this man has neither arms nor legs. But he was able to achieve success, plays sports, got married and always smiles. And he also travels different countries and cities, gives performances and publishes books. This ability to not give up is impressive. So, Nick once said: “You can’t run away when faced with difficulties. You need to look for solutions without stopping, and believe that everything is for the best. Patience is the key to victory.”

Radical change

There are thousands of situations in which a person gives up because he does not know what to do. So, it was said above - you should never run away from problems. This is true, but if there is definitely no way out, you can try.

For example, at work a person has a disgusting boss who forces him to do things that are not in his competence. Quitting is not an option because you could end up without money. What if there won’t be another job? In this case, you need to put aside fear and quit. And then - be as it happens. Many will confirm that a problem is solved much faster and more effectively when a person meets it face to face. In extreme cases, it will be possible to “get by” with part-time jobs for a while.

This is just one example. As practice shows, radical changes are often the best solution. After all, they change not only a person’s life, but also his worldview in some way.

The children's helpline was created so that a child in difficult situations can ask for help, discuss their problems, and get advice. A children's helpline is needed in order to: provide assistance in resolving the following difficulties: conflicts in the family and school, educational and personal problems, etc.; support children and parents in resolving family problems; inform people about ways and means of overcoming life's difficulties; help reduce internal tension people, develop their ability to understand and manage their condition;

Children's helpline - makes it possible to get timely help in difficult situation. Operating principles of the Children's Helpline: neither the subscriber nor the consultant is required to identify themselves or provide their personal information; the consultant often has a pseudonym, the subscriber can call himself by any name or not give it at all, the subscriber’s telephone number is not recorded; the content of the conversation is not recorded and is not shared with other people; respect for each caller as an individual;

For what questions can I contact a specialist at the Children's Helpline? - When you no longer want to see anyone or communicate with anyone. - Got into hopeless situation. - They hurt you at school (on the street, at home). - When you don’t know how to behave in certain situations. - Quarrel with a friend (girlfriend); what to do next? - There was a conflict with one of the elders, and in connection with this, anxiety does not leave you. - Parents don’t understand, and you don’t know how to behave with them and earn their respect and understanding. - There is a problem with teachers at school. - You really like a girl or a boy and you don’t know how to attract her (his) attention. - A friend smokes (uses alcohol or drugs); How can I help him get rid of this addiction? Who should I turn to for help? - What profession to choose and who to become in the future? For these and many other questions that concern you, you can contact the specialists of the Children's Helpline.

· Do you think it’s better to share your problems with friends? Of course, it’s good to have friends who are ready to listen and support you in difficult situations. When something hurts, your loved ones are ready to help you with advice on how to relieve the pain. Their prescriptions can really help you, but it’s still better to consult a doctor. In the case of personal problems, close people can also help you with advice, but parents may not always be nearby. Then you can contact a psychologist. A specialist psychologist will help you understand yourself and find the most the best option solving the problem.

· Do you think that you can cope with your problem? Of course, you can handle it yourself if you have already found yourself in such a situation and know what to do. But if this problem is new and unknown to you, what should you do in this case? A call to the helpline will help you cope with this situation with minimal losses. The psychologist at the Helpline will listen to you and together you will find a way out. · There are personal experiences that you would not like to share with family or friends for one reason or another. For example, you won't always discuss your family problems with your friends. But it worries you and makes you anxious.

Perhaps there were situations in your life when, sharing your problems with your loved ones, you counted on support and understanding, but instead they began to evaluate your actions and reproach you. The psychologist-consultant at the Helpline is ready to accept you as you are. He will never judge, he will listen and together you will think about what to do next. If you need further help to solve your situation, Helpline psychologists are ready to provide it to you as much as you need, or will recommend which specialists you can contact. How can you decide to dial a phone number and tell a complete stranger about your secret? In such cases, the most important thing is to decide to call and, hearing the operator’s voice, say hello... Then there are several options. You can directly talk about what is bothering you. Or, on behalf of your friend (girlfriend), you can retell the situation as if it happened to someone else, and you are simply supporting your friend and helping him. After all, talking about a situation that did not happen to you is often easier than sharing personal experiences.

A psychologist is a specialist who helps people solve their personal problems and difficulties; he can listen, understand, support, and help find a way out of a difficult situation. Often people do not see the difference between psychology and psychiatry. But it exists, and it is very significant. The science of psychiatry deals with the study of various mental illness– depression, anxiety, neuroses, etc. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats diseases with medications. The main difference between psychology and psychiatry is that psychiatry deals with various disorders, deviations from the normal functioning of the psyche and treats them, while psychology helps to a normal person with a healthy psyche to decide on various problematic everyday situations, gives answers to questions about what to do and what to do next. So who is a psychologist, what do psychologists do and how can they help?

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