Home Hygiene Joseph Murphy's prayers for wealth and solutions to problems. Joseph Murphy Method

Joseph Murphy's prayers for wealth and solutions to problems. Joseph Murphy Method

Friends, have you heard that Joseph Murphy wrote scientific prayers that help make wishes come true? Perhaps you have read his books, or glimpsed articles with examples of these prayers?

But most likely, if you are new to learning how the power of thought works, this is the first time you have heard about them. Today I will tell you what kind of person he is, what is the meaning of his scientific prayers and how to use them.

I immediately want to get ahead of all events and say that Joseph Murphy’s prayers are created for all occasions. They are written for both men and women. Absolutely for any area of ​​life: love, family, wealth, money, business, home, health, self-confidence, favorite thing, and so on and so forth.

Joseph Murphy is very interesting person, philosopher, writer, researcher positive thinking. He has written more than 30 books on psychological self-help and self-improvement. It was Joseph Murphy who created the term - scientific prayers for all occasions.

In his books, he told people how to fulfill their desires and popularized effective scientific prayers that bear fruit for many people who use them.

What is the difference between religious prayers and Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers?

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers do not require affiliation with any religion, but require faith in oneself and the possibilities of the Universe. They do not contain requests.

As the author himself says,
We already have what we ask for. You shouldn’t ask and wait, because your wish will be fulfilled, one way or another. It's enough to just believe. Believe in its fulfillment.
We tend to doubt and wait for guarantees. Majority religious people When saying a prayer, they look for its confirmation.

But everything is simple. Our guarantee is inner strength. Our inner confidence that we will get everything we want, that our desire will come true.

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers should not be memorized; they are free dialogues with the universe and your inner strength.

Murphy's Scientific Prayers: How to Pray?

The main thing that Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers consist of is positive affirmations.

Like the affirmations that I told you about in previous articles, they are powerful tools in changing the reality around you. All your thoughts leave a mark on your brain cells, which then, in reality, manifests itself in a certain way.

Your friends complain about life, your boss keeps talking about the crisis and lack of money, the news is just full of bad events. If you pass all this through yourself, your consciousness, then reality will become the same.

So what should we do?

All you need to do is turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The more often you think about good things, the more good things will be in your life.

As Mother Teresa said: “Don’t call me to a rally against the war. Call me when you go to a peace rally." Just try to think in this way.

To this end, Joseph Murphy has formulated scientific prayers for all occasions. You just need to print them out and read them every day. Or better yet, twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed. At a time when you are most relaxed. You need to devote 10-15 minutes to prayers.

If you wish, you can rewrite the prayer in your own hand. This way it will become clearer to you. Believe me, changes will not keep you waiting.

Joseph Murphy's Scientific Prayers for All Occasions

Prayer for wealth and success in business

I realized where the eternal source of all wealth is, which never runs out.

I am guided in all my paths by Divine power, and I accept all new ideas. Infinite intelligence constantly reveals to me best ways serving my neighbors. He guides me and directs me to create products that will be a blessing and support to humanity.

I attract the best people to run your business.

I am a powerful magnet and attract fabulous wealth by providing people with superior quality products and service. I'm constantly tuned in higher intelligence and the true essence of wealth. The highest Divine power always guides my plans and goals, and all my achievements are based on the truth that God guides and guides me in all my undertakings.

I am in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I'm a huge success. I am one with God, and God always succeeds. I also always succeed. And now I'm succeeding.

I quickly grasp the essence of all the details of my business.

I radiate love and goodwill to all people around me and all employees. I fill my mind and heart with Divine love, strength and energy. All those who are connected with me are the spiritual links of my growth, wealth and prosperity.

I do everything for the glory of God. I'm becoming a rich man!
Prayer for Healing

I will restore your health and heal your wounds, said the Lord.

I know that with God all things are possible.

I believe in this and accept it with all my heart.
I know that High power turns darkness into light in me.

Now I contemplate God abiding in me. I say a prayer for healing of my mind and body.

I come into contact with the life, love, truth and beauty that is within me. I tune in to Divine love.

I know that harmony, health and peace now fill me.

Since I live and act, affirming ideal health, it becomes reality. Now I imagine a mental picture and feel the reality of my perfect body.

A feeling of calm fills me. Thank You, Father.

Prayer of Divine Love

Divine love surrounds me.
Divine peace fills my soul.
Divine light shows me the way.
Divine guidance is now mine.
Divine beauty fills my heart.
God favors me in everything!

Prayer in difficult situations

God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now.

If you are already familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy (or with my posts on this topic:), then you have probably heard about miracle effective prayers Oh, which he composed for many people around the world.
These prayers are more like positive statements or affirmations that help change the negative attitudes of our consciousness.

The author himself claims that any problem can be solved if you program your mind for success. According to him, we ourselves prevent joyful events from flowing freely into our lives by being angry, jealous, and fearful.
But the methods scientific prayer Doctor Murphy's are good because they can eliminate any negative emotion.

Prayer in difficult situations

God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise the Lord.
Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me.
Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment.
Divine love is healing me now.

I will fear no evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.

I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide, heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are.
There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.

In this silence I feel His strength, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence.
I am Divinely guided in all my paths.

I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them.

I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is.

It is best to read prayers early in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, there are still no opposing thoughts in our consciousness, and new positive truths will take root in the mind much faster.
You can also recite the text of the prayer before going to bed, when you have stopped the flow of restless thoughts and are half asleep.

Joseph Murphy recommends reading the right prayer about 15 minutes, as a rule, after this a feeling of harmony and confidence appears inside.
To completely eliminate habitual destructive thoughts, it is best to repeat the affirmations for 3 weeks. After which amazing changes will begin in your life.
This confirms the experience of many of his readers.

If you are not yet familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy, to better understand how his prayers work, read the famous bestsellers “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and “How to Attract Success.”

In his books, Dr. Murphy shows the enormous potential of the power of the subconscious, and in an understandable form that allows you to immediately apply it in the life of every person.

Here are some excerpts from his books:

The all-encompassing Mind Power is greatest power in the world. Whatever you wish, this Power will help to fulfill your desire, and this Power is your mind, which is one with the Universal Mind.

Prayer is always the solution. Prayer is the desire to turn to God for support, and God will answer you.

Let Divine love and peace enter your heart, and let the unworthy past leave your memory forever.

Changing life positions, you change everything in your life; your whole world miraculously dissolves into the image and likeness of your core belief.

In prayer, give up your doubts and fears and realize that Infinite Intelligence knows the way out and the ways to implement it.

How to get rid of fears using scientific prayer

Don't fight fear by focusing on it; instead, come before it with an open affirmation of the Divine Presence and energy that will disempower it.

Tell yourself:

“God is the strength of my life; whom should I fear?”

Below is a wonderful prayer for getting rid of fear. Pray as often as possible and you will feel an inner sense of peace and tranquility descend upon you.

“The love of God is flowing through me now; I am surrounded by the Divine and everything is beautiful.
Divine love surrounds, supports and protects me.
This endless love is imprinted on me, in my heart.
I radiate love in thoughts, words and deeds.
Love unites and harmonizes all the powers, virtues and manifestations of God within me.
Love means joy, peace, freedom, bliss and approval.
Love is freedom. I radiate love to each and every person God loves.
I welcome the Divinity in others.
I know and believe that Divine love is healing me now.
Love is the guiding principle in me; he brings perfection into my life, harmonious relationships.
God is love. And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”

Step-by-step prayer to overcome anxiety

If you are overwhelmed by restless thoughts, fears and anxiety, the author advises you to follow these three steps to help calm your mind.

First stage
Every morning, as soon as you wake up, turn to God in prayer and know that God is your loving Father.
Relax and then talk to God, who is your Higher Self.
Behave like a little child, that is, completely trust in God the Presence, and know that God is now healing you.

Second phase
Affirm with love:

“Thank you, Father, for this wonderful day.
This is God's day; it is full of joy, peace, happiness and success for me.
I look forward with joyful hope to this day.
God's wisdom and inspiration will guide me throughout the day.
God is my partner; everything I do will come out in the most amazing way.
I believe God is guiding me and His love fills my soul."

Third stage
Persistently affirm:

“I am filled with confidence in the goodness of God. I know that He protects me at all times.
I walk, full of composure, calm and serenity.
I know that God is working in all phases of my life, and the Divine law is being realized in the highest order.”

Make it a habit to linger on these three stages of prayer, and when troubled thoughts enter your mind, replace them with any spiritual thought taken from the above; Gradually your mind will tune in to peace.

Miracle Prayers by Joseph Murphy

Effective Prayer for Prosperity

(Prayers of Joseph Murphy)

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life. Its effect is very strong, it always works. The results will be amazing. After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now difficult for you to even imagine. Distant relatives may appear who want to transfer part of their real estate to you, an offer for a new job with incredible high salary, or just some person decides to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening while half asleep. Read for about a month (although results may appear sooner). I have used it 3 times in my entire life (and all 3 times I got amazing results). At the last moment, when I was completely desperate, things happened to me that changed the whole course of my life in better side. Real miracles happened to me, which are even difficult for an ordinary person living his measured life to believe.

This prayer is from the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” by Joseph Murphy (a wonderful man whom I consider my Teacher in life):

"God's gifts are my gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love flows from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now. I will not fear evil because God is with me. I am always surrounded by the sacred aura of Divine love and power. I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spell of Divine love and vigilance guides, heals and cares for all members of my family and about. those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are. There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God. In this silence I feel His strength, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided in all my paths. I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is."

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you will definitely get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their life.

Prayer for an Amazing Future
The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:

"I know that I model and create my own destiny. My faith in God is my destiny; this means an unchanging faith in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will reap in the future , because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts, and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth and beauty. Now I sow thoughts of love, peace, joy, success and goodwill in the garden of my mind, This is the Divine garden, and it will yield a bountiful harvest. The glory and beauty of the Lord will be manifested in my life. I am happy and prosperous. I thank You, Father.”

Prayer for Abundant Life
Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

"I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth. I am in awe when I feel God quickening every atom of my beings. I know that He now encourages, supports and strengthens me. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength.
My business is a Divine activity and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel an inner integrity functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy a life of abundance."

Read morning and evening for 15 minutes for at least a month.

"I know that God cares about my prosperity. I am now leading a life of abundance. I have everything that contributes to prosperity, progress and peace. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the spirit of the Lord within me. I am calm, balanced, sincere and peaceful. I am one with the Source of life. All my needs are immediately satisfied. Now I direct all “empty vessels” to God. All that belongs to Him. my."


All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask that they be fulfilled and that I am ready to accept this gift. I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality. This is the principle of our consciousness.

I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm. There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. Let it be so.

Prayer for business success and wealth

Now I am sending an image of success and prosperity to my deep mind, which is the law. I now personify myself with the Infinite Source of wealth. I listen to the calm, small voice of God within me. This inner voice directs all my activities. I know and believe that there are new and better ways to run my business. Infinite Intelligence will suggest them to me.
I am growing in wisdom and understanding. My business is a Divine business. The Divine wisdom within me gives me the ways and means by which all my affairs are handled properly.
The words of faith that I now speak open all the necessary doors and roads for my success and prosperity. I know that the Lord will make everything that concerns me perfect. I am on the right path because I am a son (daughter) of God.

Healing Prayers

The healing Divine presence now goes to work, transforming, healing, restoring and directing all the processes of my body, according to His wisdom and Divine nature. My entire body is cleansed and activated by the life-affirming energy of God. A divine purification is taking place in my mind and body. The joy of the Lord is my constant strength. Every part of my body is healthy and I give thanks for that. Amen.

The healing power of God is now flowing through me, healing my body. The Infinite healing Presence created me. It knows how to heal, knows all the processes and functions of my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is now moving through me, sustaining and restoring my entire being in accordance with the principle of wholeness, beauty and perfection.

prayer for a child

"My daughter (son) is under Divine protection. God loves her (him) and takes care of her (him). Divine peace fills her (his) soul. She (he) is balanced, calm, relaxed, she (him) is at ease and good. The joy of the Lord is her (his) strength. Healing Presence flows through her (him) and brings harmony, peace, joy, love and perfection. God is, and His Presence infuses vitality, energizes and restores her (his) whole being. . My daughter (son) falls asleep in peace and wakes up in joy."

Here are some more prayers:
Prayer to find a good job

“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me.”

Prayer for Abundant Life

Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

“I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth.

I am in awe as I feel God quickening every atom of my being. I know that He is encouraging, supporting and strengthening me now. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength.

My business is a Divine activity and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel an inner integrity functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy a life of abundance."

Prayer to attract the ideal partner.
"I feel like a man is striving for me, honest, sincere, loyal, faithful, peace-loving, happy and wealthy. All these virtues are deeply imprinted in my subconscious. At the time when I mentally imagine them, they become part of my Self and take on material form in my subconscious. I know that there is a principle of irresistible attraction, and with trust in it I call on a man who meets the beliefs of my subconscious. I am unshakably convinced that everything that my subconscious believes will come true. I know that I can give. peace and happiness to this man. We have the same ideals. He wants me to be who I am, and I also would not want to change him. We will be connected by feelings of love, freedom, and mutual respect."

For peace and harmony in everyday life
In my world everything is calm and full of harmony, for God is in me. My mind is balanced, serene and calm. In the atmosphere of goodwill that surrounds me, I feel deep, inexhaustible strength and liberation from all fears. Now I comprehend the love and beauty of the Divine presence, and I throw away everything false. I see God in all people. I abide in God, so I know that all my problems are solved. My life is God's life. My peace is the deep, unchanging peace of God.

D. Murphy's prayer to those who are married.
We are united together in the presence of God. There is only One God, One Life, One Law, One Mind and One Father - our Father. We unite in love, harmony and peace, I rejoice in the peace, happiness and success of my partner. God guides each of us in all seasons. We speak to each other from the perspective of the Divine Center within us. Our words to each other, like honey from a honeycomb, are sweet to the ear. We identify each other with our best qualities and we constantly praise them. God's love passes through us to all our households and to all people in general. We believe and know that Almighty Power and Infinite Intelligence is flowing through each of us throughout our family and that we are being positively, definitely, physically and mentally healed. We know that the Divine right action occurs in every cell, organ, tissue and functions in each of us, manifesting itself as peace, harmony and health. We believe that everyone in our family is experiencing Divine guidance right now. God the Great Counselor leads each of us along the roads of joy and peace. The words we speak now express what pleases us and brings success wherever they are sent. Now we rejoice and give thanks, knowing that our prayer of faith is being fulfilled

Prayer that removes all curses

I call on the angels of God and all the Light Divine energies and forces that can help me get rid of all curses.
If I cursed someone in my life, then I renounce all my curses! I realize all my mistakes! I consciously and forever destroy, burn with Divine Fire all my curses of the past, present and future times! From now on and forever I prohibit dark forces use my curses in their dark deeds.

Prayer based on the power of thought or faith - what exactly gives us the fulfillment of desires? If you don’t know what to choose, which religion to turn to for help and who to ask for support, then it’s time to turn to scientific prayers. The most famous author and compiler of scientific prayers focused on the power of thought, the subconscious, faith in one’s own strength and the Universe is Joseph Murphy. In the article we will consider in detail the prayers of this writer, their types and methods of reading.

Who is Joseph Murphy?

Joseph Murphy is a fairly well-known writer, lecturer, philosopher, author of many books on scientific prayer, and a proponent of positive thinking. He wrote more than 30 books on self-improvement and self-knowledge, including descriptions of scientific ways to achieve what you want with the power of thought alone.

Murphy claims that a person is able to make dreams come true by believing in oneself and the Universe. He spoke about this in his lectures, which he gave for 50 years at the Church of Divine Science. There he explained the mechanism of influence of applied prayers.

An undoubted advantage of Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers is the fact that they do not require affiliation with any denomination. They are also free from dogma. They don't have to be memorized. Absolutely all people can read such prayers, as long as they have enough confidence in themselves and their capabilities.

How to read his prayers correctly?

Joseph Murphy's prayers for all occasions require following a number of specific rules. Their observance is really important, because they focus on the internal personal aspects of character and consciousness, on which the result depends.

Among the main instructions are:

  1. Positive thinking.
  2. Faith in success.
  3. Confidence in one's own self.
  4. Firmness of intentions.
  5. Self-confidence.
  6. Decisiveness in action.
  7. Awareness of possibilities.
  8. Trust in the Universe.
  9. Visualization of what you want.

No matter how unattainable the dream may seem, Murphy claims that the implementation of the listed directives contributes to the fulfillment of any desire. The center of such prayers is not the highest grace, but the person himself - his essence, individuality, ambitions, perception and vision of the world. Therefore, confidence in one’s own potential opens up incredible expanses of the Universe into which the message is directed.

Scientific prayers are recited when the mind is in a relaxed state and more receptive. It is better to choose the time before going to bed so that you have time to form the right thought and maintain the desired emotional state. Moreover, it is recommended to repeat them regularly, without allowing outside thoughts, decadent state, despondency, depression, fear and aggressiveness.

The main principle of reading such prayers is the transformation of a negative thought into a positive one.

Prayers for healing are based on the power of suggestion. Every day, in addition to the main prayer, it is recommended to repeat: “I am completely healthy, I feel great, nothing bothers me, the pain disappears, my body is in excellent condition.”

Moreover, a similar text is read at any time of the day, both before and after the next prayer service: Murphy believed that such a way to convince oneself wellness

promotes a speedy recovery, strengthening not only the spirit, but also the immune system.

About love and for women who want to get married

  • Joseph Murphy wrote prayers for women specifically for the following occasions:
  • to search for love;
  • to get married;
  • strengthen marriage;

eradicate troubles in the family.

A universal prayer for finding a future husband and love sounds like this:

There is no need to rush while reading the prayer service. When reading it, it is important to pay more attention to visualization: present in detail the image of your future husband, his character, habits. The more accurate the portrait, the greater the likelihood of finding your ideal.

Joseph Murphy's prayers for all occasions are presented in a collection that is a kind of prayer therapy. What is prayer therapy? This is a harmonious combination of the subconscious, consciousness, words and thoughts.

  • searching for love;
  • enrichment;
  • healing physical and spiritual;
  • multiplying what is available;
  • happy life;
  • success in business;
  • career advancement.

However, the writer points out that simply addressing the Universe is not enough. In addition, it is important to be able to correlate thoughts and feelings, as well as complete confidence in achieving what you want. It is necessary to maintain faith in yourself that your dream will come true, regularly concentrating on it and on the very process of its fulfillment, while not forgetting about visualization. Using the same principle, you can make a mental plan for the fulfillment of a desire, imagining it as already fulfilled.

The main thesis of prayer therapy: “Thoughts are material”

For the fulfillment of desires

To achieve important goals, complete difficult tasks and overcome difficult life situations— Joseph Murphy’s prayer for the fulfillment of desires is suitable for any occasion where help is needed. Twice a day, preferably morning and evening, you should repeat the following text:

When pronouncing words, you need not only to believe in them, but also to correspond emotionally and morally. If you talk about peace - be calm, about confidence - do not doubt, joyful excitement - imagine a dream come true. Think the way you want everything to turn out. Such thoughts will strengthen your message and speed up the fulfillment of your desire.

"God's gifts are my gifts..."

One of the writer’s most popular prayers is the prayer “God’s gifts are my gifts.” It is described in the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” and is believed to be able to change the life of any person. That is why this prayer service is used as a universal one.

With its help you can:

  • carry out your plans;
  • improve well-being;
  • enhance the impact of other prayers;
  • ease the soul and calm the mind;
  • find your way in life;
  • find the answer to an important question;
  • make a difficult decision;
  • increase self-esteem and give self-confidence.

This prayer works miracles if you say it with faith in this very miracle. In order to improve your life, you need to read at least once a day for a month.

If you are already familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy, then you have probably heard about the miraculous prayers that he composed for many people around the world.

These prayers are more like positive statements or affirmations that help change the negative attitudes of our consciousness. The author himself claims that any problem can be solved if you program your mind for success.

According to him, we ourselves prevent joyful events from flowing freely into our lives by being angry, jealous, and fearful. But the good thing about Dr. Murphy’s methods of scientific prayer is that they can eliminate any negative emotion.

You can also recite the text of the prayer before going to bed, when you have stopped the flow of restless thoughts and are half asleep.

To completely eliminate habitual destructive thoughts, it is best to repeat the affirmations for 3 weeks.

After which amazing changes will begin in your life. This confirms the experience of many of his readers.

If you are not yet familiar with the books of Joseph Murphy, to better understand how his prayers work, read the famous bestsellers “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and “How to Attract Success.”

A few excerpts from his books:

In his books, Dr. Murphy shows the enormous potential of the power of the subconscious, and in an understandable form that allows you to immediately apply it in the life of every person.

The all-encompassing Mind Power is the greatest power in the world. Whatever you wish, this Power will help to fulfill your desire, and this Power is your mind, which is one with the Universal Mind.

Prayer is always the solution. Prayer is the desire to turn to God for support, and God will answer you.

Let Divine love and peace enter your heart, and let the unworthy past leave your memory forever.

By changing your life positions, you change everything in your life; your whole world miraculously dissolves into the image and likeness of your core belief.

In prayer, give up your doubts and fears and realize that Infinite Intelligence knows the way out and the ways to implement it.

Below I would like to give the texts of the most effective prayers of Joseph Murphy, which were collected in my personal notebook over several years. They always helped me different situations, and I’m sure you will succeed too.

Prayer for happiness in life.

Helps break habits negative thinking, and tune in to a joyful, prosperous life. Read in the morning.

I understand that the bad things that happened yesterday don't matter, because today my prayer, or statements of truth, will rise victoriously over them.

Today is God's day; this is a glorious day for me. I am full of peace, harmony and joy. My faith is in the generosity of the Lord, in the guidance of the Lord and His love.

I am absolutely convinced that my deeper mind is now receiving the imprint of my present thoughts, and I am irresistibly attracting into my life all those good things that my heart longs for. I now place all my hope, trust and faith in the power and wisdom of God who dwells within me; I am at peace.

I hear the invitation of the Divine Presence within me that says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

I am calm in God. Everything is fine.

Prayer of Gratitude

This prayer opens the heart and amazingly transforms life for the better. Read morning and evening for 10-15 minutes.

I give highest recognition to the God Presence within me.

I give sincere and honest thanks for all the blessings I have received. I give thanks for all the good things in my life; I live with a feeling of joyful gratitude.

My grateful heart mints an amazing Divine answer. Every day of my life I express gratitude for my knowledge of the laws of the mind and the ways of the Spirit.

I know that gratitude is first a movement of the heart, and only then it becomes a movement of the lips.

My heart is open to the treasury of the Infinite within me and speaks with the voice of my faith in the fulfillment of my prayers.

I am truly grateful because I have found God within me. “I cry to the Lord and He hears me and delivers me from all my fears.”

He who has a grateful heart is always attuned to the Infinite and cannot extinguish the joy that arises from the contemplation of God and His Holy Presence. I give thanks for everything.

While reading prayers, it is important not just to recite the text, but also to feel the joyful changes. You must feel everything you ask for. Prayer is just a tool. The main power lies in emotions.

How to get rid of fears using scientific prayer

Don't fight fear by focusing on it; instead, come before it with an open affirmation of the Divine Presence and energy that will disempower it. Tell yourself: “God is the strength of my life, whom should I fear?”

Below is a wonderful prayer for getting rid of fear. Pray as often as possible and you will feel an inner sense of peace and tranquility descend upon you.

The love of God is flowing through me now; I am surrounded by the Divine and everything is beautiful. Divine love surrounds, supports and protects me.

This endless love is imprinted on me, in my heart. I radiate love in thoughts, words and deeds. Love unites and harmonizes all the powers, virtues and manifestations of God within me.

Love means joy, peace, freedom, bliss and approval. Love is freedom. I radiate love to each and every person God loves. I welcome the Divinity in others.

I know and believe that Divine love is healing me now. Love is the guiding principle in me; he brings perfect, harmonious relationships into my life.

God is love. “And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”

If you are overwhelmed by restless thoughts, fears and anxiety, the author advises you to follow these three steps to help calm your mind.

Step-by-step prayer to overcome anxiety

First stage

Every morning, as soon as you wake up, turn to God in prayer and know that God is your loving Father. Relax and then talk to God, who is your Higher Self. Behave like a little child, that is, completely trust in God the Presence, and know that God is now healing you.

Second phase

Affirm with love: “Thank you, Father, for this beautiful day. This is God's day; it is full of joy, peace, happiness and success for me.

I look forward with joyful hope to this day. God's wisdom and inspiration will guide me throughout the day.

God is my partner; everything I do will come out in the most amazing way. I believe God is guiding me and His love fills my soul."

Third stage

Persistently affirm: “ I am filled with confidence in the goodness of God. I know that He protects me at all times.

I walk, full of composure, calm and serenity. I know that God is working in all phases of my life, and the Divine law is being realized in the highest order.”

Make it a habit to linger on these three stages of prayer, and when troubled thoughts enter your mind, replace them with any spiritual thought taken from the above; Gradually your mind will tune in to peace.

Joseph Murphy's prayers to attract love and happy relationships

For those who want to meet true love, Joseph Murphy has also compiled special prayers. You need to imagine your chosen one, know what qualities he should have, and think about it with gratitude. And here is the text of the statement that will erase your negative attitudes regarding relationships with the opposite sex.

This prayer is for women who want to meet the man of their life.

Prayer for a happy marriage.

I know that God and I are one now. In Him I live, move and abide. God is life; and this is the life of all men and women. We are all sons and daughters of one Father.

I know and believe that there is a person who wants to love and cherish me. I know that I can create his happiness and peace. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He doesn't want to change me, and I don't want to change him either.

Between us mutual love, freedom and respect. There is only one mind, and now in that mind I recognize this person. I am now connecting with the strengths and personal qualities that I admire in my husband.

I am one with him in my mind. We know and love each other in the Divine Mind. I see God in him, and he sees God in me. Having become acquainted with it within myself, I must also become acquainted with it from the outside, since this is the law of my own mind.

These words reach the one to whom they are sent. I know that now it is fulfilled, completed and realized in God. Thank You, Father.

God is one and indivisible. In Him we live and abide. I know and believe that God dwells in every person; I am one with God and with all people. Now I am attracting the woman I need, who is completely suitable for me.

This is a spiritual union, because the spirit of God is in the person with whom I am ideally combined. I know I can give this woman love, light and truth.

I know that I can make this woman's life fulfilling, perfect and delightful.

I now declare that she has the following qualities and virtues: spirituality, devotion, fidelity and sincerity.

She is harmonious, calm, happy. We are irresistibly drawn to each other. Only the one who belongs to love, truth and integrity can enter my life. Now I accept my ideal soul mate.

Joseph Murphy's prayers for wealth, prosperity, success in business

Life is an addition. Adding to your wealth, energy, wisdom, knowledge and faith through studying the laws of your conscious mind, as well as the subconscious, deep.
Approve: “All good things flow to me uncontrollably, freely, joyfully and abundantly,” and Divine riches will flow into your open mind, ready to receive.

If you want to attract success in business

It would be much more interesting, exciting, entertaining and exciting to suggest success, harmony, wealth, peace of mind, present satisfied consumers and better service to your customers.

Prayer for business success

I believe with all my heart that I can predict harmony, health, peace, prosperity and business success for myself. And now I extol the concepts of peace, harmony, guidance, success and prosperity in my mind. I know and believe that these thoughts (seeds) will grow and manifest in my life.

I am a plowman, and if I sow, I will reap the harvest. I sow godly thoughts (seeds) and these beautiful seeds of success, harmony, prosperity, peace and goodwill will automatically bring me a magnificent harvest. I regularly and systematically nourish and nurture these seeds through directed thinking.

I know that my subconscious mind is a bank in which my deposits grow. I will reap a wonderful harvest from the seeds that I put in there.

I realize these thoughts, feeling their reality. I believe in the law of growth, which operates on the same principle that seeds thrown into the ground produce a 30-, 60-, or 100-fold harvest.

Like seeds, my thoughts reside in the darkness of my subconscious mind and, like seeds, they will rise from the ground (incarnate) in the form of circumstances, phenomena and events.

I often reflect on these things, and Divine power fills my thoughts with good. God gives increase.

Another prayer for good luck in all endeavors

I really like Joseph Murphy's saying, "The words God and good are synonymous." This prayer conveys the meaning of this phrase. Attract only good things to yourself, only the Divine! The text of the prayer that needs to be read in the mornings and evenings for great success in business:

Now I transfer the image of success and prosperity to my deep mind, which is the law. I identify with the Infinite Source of Supply.

I know and believe that there are new and better ways to run my business, and Infinite Intelligence is revealing these new ways to me.

I grow from a place of wisdom and understanding. My business is Divine business.

I prosper Divinely in all my ways. The Divine Wisdom within me reveals the ways and means by which my affairs are immediately arranged properly.

The words of faith and conviction with which I now speak open all the doors and paths necessary for my success and prosperity.

Prayer for success and prosperity in business

My business is Divine business. God is my partner in all my affairs. God is making my business prosper in the most wonderful ways.

I affirm that all those who work with me in my store are spiritual links in its welfare and prosperity; I know this, I believe in this and I rejoice in their success and happiness.

I solve all my problems by trusting the Infinite Intelligence located in my subconscious mind, which reveals the right answer to me.

I am in peace and security. I am surrounded by peace, love and harmony.

I know that all my business relationships with people are in accordance with the law of harmony. Infinite Intelligence reveals to me the best ways in which I can serve humanity.

I know that God resides in all my consumers and clients. I work in harmony with others to ensure that happiness, prosperity and peace prevail.

Prayer for the success of a loved one

My husband is a man of God. He is Divinely active, Divinely prosperous, he is calm, happy and cheerful.

He fully expresses himself and he is in his place, he has an excellent income. Prudence and peace dominate his mind and life.

Now I picture him coming home every evening and telling me how happy he is at his job; and I leave the implementation of all this to God.

A delightful prayer for discovering talents, receiving new ideas and attracting wealth:

Relax, get everything out of your head and tell yourself:

“I mentally dig inside myself and get wonderful ideas for better service to people and for my own achievements.

I know that I have inner resources, energy, strengths and abilities that I have never discovered before. I know that Infinite Intelligence is revealing them to me now as I consciously delve into my inner treasure.”

You will be amazed when you see how new ideas that come to your mind can turn into wealth.

Prayer that fulfills all desires

My revelation is that I desire to know more about God and how He works. My revelation is to find perfect health, harmony and peace.

My revelation is inner faith that the Infinite Spirit heals and guides me in all my ways. I know and believe that God the Power within me answers my prayer - this is a deep inner conviction.

I know that imagination is the result of what I imagine in my mind. Faith, as the Apostle Paul says, is the substance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.

I introduce into my daily practice the rule of imagining for myself and for others all that is worthy, lovable and honorable.

Now I imagine that I am doing what I have long dreamed of; I imagine that I possess those things that I have long desired to possess; I imagine that I am what I passionately desire to be.

To make it all real, I feel the reality of it and know that it is so. Father! Thank you!

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