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Positive thinking and positive words: harm and benefit. Positive words or life changing story

I often accustomed my audience to the idea that positive news and good words are vital in our time. And the state of our entire body often depends on what exactly we read. And now, more than ever, it is necessary to heal society from all the negativity that pours on us from everywhere.

And recently I read one interesting theory about torsion fields, which just confirms my thoughts about the negative impact of bad information on general state body. The essence of this theory is that a person lives surrounded by information fields that interact with the body at the genetic level and the general state of health depends on which field surrounds it - negative or positive.

Reference. The term torsion fields was born at the beginning of the 20th century at the suggestion of the mathematician Eli Cartan and in order to designate a hypothetical physical field that generates all of space. These torsion fields themselves are a generalized gigantic stream of data, forming a bottomless system. And each person, rotating in these fields, influences them with his thoughts, being a kind of generator.

Scientists have found that our genetic apparatus has a tendency to think and at the DNA level the body perfectly “understands” everything that happens around it. And just as we mentally feel all the information that comes from TV, the Internet and ordinary communication with people, so DNA understands speech and its meaning. Therefore, all the semantic negativity from TV and the Internet is imprinted into a person, changing his wave hereditary characteristics. And the accumulation of such distorted data negatively affects not only the person himself, but also his descendants.

In addition, recently one of the experiments of Russian scientists confirmed the negative effect on the human body. bad news. So, with the help of special equipment Ph.D. Garyaev and Ph.D. Tertyshny recorded that a “bad” word can cause a mutagenic effect, which will be similar to the effect of radiation on a person with a power of 1000 roentgens. However, if such an effect of radiation is almost immediately visible, then negative influences words are hardly noticeable.

A recent example of what negative words may be dangerous to humans, is advertising company American Association for the Protection of Children. In it, creative managers reminded that a word can hit a child just as hard as physical force.

List of 10 most positive words

So, what words can help us? How to find those words that we perceive as the most positive, kind and bright. Here are ten words with a “+” sign that almost anyone perceives positively:

  • Sun
  • life
  • Love
  • happiness
  • rainbow
  • warm, gentle
  • dawn
  • kindness

For example, if we equate a person pumped up with negative news and swear words, to a person prone to alcoholism, then both of them will not admit that they are sick and will not want to be treated. Therefore, such people need to be pushed in every possible way to internal changes and try to help them get rid of this negative addiction.

Recently I came across an interesting portal - “ Stack". This is the original abbreviation of the name from “Stop Kaluga,” which speaks for itself about the connection with alcohol. On this portal, just like me, they have positive goals - the fight against negativity in society. Only, if my front is informational with negative news, then at “Stopka” they announced a fight against alcoholism. Moreover, the portal contains information on how not only to quickly get rid of such a harmful habit in society as drunkenness, but also how to help overcome another one. bad habit- smoking.

After all, if you look from the outside, then without a healthy body there will be no healthy mind and vice versa. Therefore, if you do not help a person overcome this bad habit, then he will no longer be interested in any positive news. And a dependent person will not be able to produce healthy offspring and a healthy, full-fledged family. I believe that we need to help build a society that is not only spiritually healthy, but also physically healthy, so go to the stop-kaluga.ru portal and help everyone get rid of bad habits. In addition, there are a number of interesting bonuses - for regular communication and assistance, special points are awarded, for which you can pay for advertising of your portals and sites.

When I got to the bus stop positive words were the last thing I wanted to hear. It's not a good day, my old car it wouldn’t start, I was late, and I had to run to the bus. A taxi was also out of the question, since after losing my job I could barely make ends meet. And to top it all off, the wind tousled my carefully styled hair.

But the universe decreed otherwise. I saw her from afar - a smiling elderly lady. Approaching and humming something, she spoke to me. I had no desire to communicate with her. But what could I do...
“Good morning to you,” she said.

My parents taught me to respect older people, so I had to carry on the conversation. And as it turned out, it was not in vain. The lady turned out to be very smart and funny. The story of her life changed my mind.

She worked as a consultant and specialized in positive thinking. The woman was engaged in training personnel of various companies, and Special attention focused on positive words in her trainings. Many people don't pay attention to how powerful the words they use affect their emotions.

Seeing my perplexed look, she explained that this was her diary of positive words, where she writes down their results. Seeing that the person is obviously feeling bad, she tries to say something positive and pleasant to make the person smile. And when she succeeds, she draws a smiley face.

The whole diary was full of little smiling emoticons, there were thousands of them. The lady explained that she does not have a family, and she prefers to spend last years life by spreading smiles rather than sitting alone at home. And she does it because it makes not only people feel better, but also herself.

If you use negative words, you will feel negative. For example, instead of saying “I hate red cars,” you could say “I like blue cars.”

You need to focus on positive words and talk about what you like instead of talking about what you don't like. Most of the time it is a habit that we don't notice.

And then the elderly lady told about a funny incident that happened to her. She was invited to a large corporation to give a lecture to employees. She prepared materials for several weeks, and even bought a new suit for the occasion. True, the skirt turned out to be too big, but the jacket fit perfectly.

And so, taking a deep breath, she goes on stage. And already in the middle, the zipper of the skirt unfastens, and the skirt slides down. The audience stares at the consultant, who is about to speak about positive words, and stands in the middle of the stage with his skirt hanging around his knees. So what did she do? Turning to the frozen audience, she said: “I hope I have your attention? And are you sure that a positive consultant will not be able to find positive words in this situation?”

“Try it,” someone from the audience said. And the lady replied: “The positive thing about this situation is that I now know what the most awkward and annoying situation in my life looks like. I just experienced it and now I won’t have to be afraid of anything.”

The audience applauded. I imagined this whole situation with my own eyes and laughed. And the lady, saying: “That’s great!”, took out a notebook filled with smiling emoticons from her purse, and drew another one there.

Soon the bus arrived, we said goodbye, and the lady continued on her way under a bright colorful umbrella with the inscription “What a wonderful day!” I was riding on the bus, deep in thought, when I felt someone's gaze on me. A little girl and her mother were sitting opposite me. The little girl was holding a very old rag doll in her hands.

It was obvious that the mother could not afford to buy new beautiful toys. She smiled at me, seeing that her daughter was looking at me. And I told the girl: “What a wonderful doll you have! I have never seen such beautiful dolls!”

The girl looked at the rag doll, then at me, and such a happy smile, the likes of which I had never seen in my life, lit up her face. And I took out my diary and drew two smiling emoticons.

Encouraging, comforting, positive words, whether written down or spoken out loud, have incredible power to heal, inspire, and change thoughts and emotions.

During the day we have to deal with different people, each of them has their own individual manner of communication. Some use sarcastic phrases, others use constructive criticism, give compliments, and say caring and kind words. Have you noticed the impact that interacting with these people has on you?

Did you know that the words, phrases and sentences that we use in our speech are a projection of our inner world? A person can easily be deceived or misled by words, but there is one thing that cannot be hidden - non-verbal communication and body language.

And what about you? How do you express your thoughts and opinions when communicating with other people? Do you watch what you say or don't betray of great importance your speech?

The best way to practice using positive words is on yourself. We are constantly leading internal dialogue With myself. That is why constant repetition Negative thoughts are one of the biggest reasons why most people do not succeed in personal growth and cannot fully enjoy life.

How to learn to use positive words?

Watch what you say

If you want specific answers, ask specific questions and use positive words. Instead of asking yourself or others why you always fail at something, formulate your statements differently, ask yourself what experience you can learn from it and what actions you can take to fix it.

Your words can bring you both suffering and joy. They can predetermine your the following actions, watch what you tell yourself.


Making it a habit to think and speak positively will have a powerful effect on your behavior, morale, and motivation. Your words will be reflected in your perceptions and feelings.

Here are some examples of metaphors that have an immediate impact on feelings and emotions:

1. Life is like a piece of pie, easy and enjoyable.
2. “Life is a tightrope. Take it one step at a time and never look back." - Jay Cochrane
3. I'm in seventh heaven.
4. How to eat an elephant? One piece at a time
5. There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Read a lot, expand your lexicon

They say that a limited vocabulary brings limited life experience. To improve your knowledge and use it to express your thoughts, emotions and experiences, constantly expand your vocabulary with new positive words.

Reading books and magazines will help infuse your words with power. When a limited vocabulary will only characterize you as an illiterate person.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read it every day

Affirmations are positive statements that are needed in order to get rid of limitations and direct your internal dialogue in a positive direction.

Examples of positive statements:

1. I feel confident and my self-confidence is growing every day.

2. I'm healthy
3. I am successful in everything I do.
4. Every day I acquire more and more knowledge and skills
5. I'm successful
6. I am constantly developing, success and personal growth await me.

List of encouraging, positive and kind words, statements and phrases:

1. You can
2. If others can do it, so can you.
3. Why not? Why not now? Why not me?
4. I love you
5. I trust you
6. I believe in you
7. Keep going
8. When action becomes difficult, difficulty becomes action.
9. It's not a defeat, it's just a reaction
10. Time heals all wounds
11. This too shall pass
12. Just do it
13. Every problem is an opportunity for personal growth and self-development.

To achieve happiness in life, it is not at all necessary to make Herculean efforts. The main thing is the attitude. A collection of positive words and attitudes will attract long-awaited happiness to you and even more.

Legends are made about the power of words, the origin of which is lost in the darkness of centuries. Even in ancient times, people realized that words, repeatedly spoken with confidence in the voice, have an indelible impact on a person’s destiny. Of course, at first it was noticed that it was the negative attitudes with bad value lead to very real troubles in life. Over time, people have learned to use positive words to their advantage. They not only enhance a person’s energy, but are capable of changing the world around them once and for all. The wisdom of our ancestors was used in conspiracies, rituals, ceremonies and even prayers. And the world has changed, and we have changed along with the world. People have come close to sacred knowledge; all that remains is to take one confident step. Here is a list of words that will attract happiness by replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

1. Fate

It’s right to start with this word, which most strongly influences a person’s existence and attitude. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but with the help of this word you can change your destiny. The main thing is to pronounce it clearly, believing that you are the master of life and you control destiny, and not vice versa.

2. Happiness

Happiness is what you strive for, so remember to remind yourself of this often. Your main goal in life is to be happy, so focus on it every day. You need to say it confidently and clearly: “I am worthy of happiness.” It’s not clear how exactly, but it works - with every word “happiness” you say, you get closer to your dream. In addition, self-hypnosis is a very useful thing. After some time, happiness will actually settle in your heart. You will be able to call yourself happy man, and then just as easily become one.

3. Passion

Passion is a strong feeling that knocks you off your feet. But, as you know, passion can be not only for a person, but for work, hobbies, and life in general. This word symbolizes passion for the process, a certain impulse, delight, happiness. This strong love with a predominance of sensual attraction. It will help you cope with stereotypical thinking and discover the world from a new side. Say it in times of doubt and the Universe will dispel them.

4. Love

Love for the world is the key to success. Happiness loves those who are open in soul, who radiate the energy of love. Don’t be afraid to admit your love for life, for people, for God, for the Universe, for the world. Say this word as often as possible, and then happiness will definitely find its way to you.

5. Prosperity

Literally, this word means “to flourish.” Say it as often as possible, especially if you want to succeed in life not only materially, but also spiritually. Wish prosperity for yourself, other people and the whole world as a whole. Unfold your luck, and with it happiness and prosperity.

6. Thank you

The word “thank you” expresses gratitude to the world. In other words, you give good, demonstrating to the world that you know how to not only receive, but also give something in return. It doesn’t matter at all what you say thank you for: for the help of loved ones, for kind words addressed to you, for the opportunities life has provided, the very fact that you express gratitude is important. In this case, happiness will always follow you, throwing you even more opportunities, when you encounter them you will not be able to resist saying a word of gratitude.

7. Victory

To remain a winner in any situation, it is important to believe not only in your future success, but also in the power of this word. By saying to yourself: “Today I will win,” you are programming yourself for good luck and will definitely achieve what you want. In addition, a winner is a person who is happy on the machine, without stoppers or brakes.

8. Confidence

Happiness favors the brave. It is impossible to fight for your place in the sun if you doubt yourself. As long as there is a fear of losing in your life, you don't have much chance of becoming a happy person. Successful man radiates confidence with every fiber of his soul, he believes in himself. And it’s very easy to believe in yourself: just remind yourself more often that you are capable of anything. Even if this is not true, things will soon change.

9. Trust

To be happy, you need to believe that it is possible. It is important to trust yourself and life. Without trust, the path to the top, to the very pinnacle of success, seems like a rickety stepladder. Before every important task, do not forget to remind yourself that you believe in the power of the Universe: “I believe in life. I believe in myself. I am sure that everything will work out the way I want it.”

10. Hope

For many people, hope is the only motivator in life. The magical feeling of hope instills confidence in the accomplishment of something meaningful, favorable and joyful. Miracles happen every day, the main thing is not to let go of hope.

Changing your life for the better seems difficult only at first glance. As soon as you start repeating these words (you can do them all together), the result will not take long to arrive. You will rewrite the story of your life, leaving the past in which you were unhappy behind the scenes. Your happiness is in your hands. We wish you success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

“We are what we want to appear to be, and therefore we must take seriously what we want to appear to be.”

Kurt Vonnegut, "Mother Dark"

If you could have three wishes come true, what would you choose?

This is exactly the question psychologists asked 400 students in one study, and received a thousand answers. Someone wanted sex with Marilyn Monroe, someone wanted to be healthy and happy, one wanted to be 20 centimeters taller, another wanted to become Olympic champion. However, among all these desires one could single out frequently repeated ones: the desire to have friends, to be happy, good health, family, money, success, self-development and helping other people.

Both men and women wanted the same thing, only men wanted sex and power more, and women wanted happiness, better looking and health.

In 1969, two psychologists from the University of Illinois proposed that all people have a tendency to use positive words more often than negative ones. The use of words also reflects our tendency to see and notice positive aspects in life. Scientists called it Pollyanna hypothesis, after the 1913 children's book heroine who personified uncontrollable optimism. This hypothesis was not universally accepted, but this year researchers at the University of Vermont and the MITER Corporation confirmed it. They examined billions of words of text in ten languages ​​and found that we actually talk about good things more often than we talk about bad things. Why is it important? Because our speech reflects what we see and what we think.

To answer practically and simply, based on thousands psychological research, then our main desire is to be happy. Happiness has three main ingredients: meaning, hope And target.

Meaning is necessary for happiness, because it allows us to answer the basic questions of the universe and human existence in this world. It allows us to understand why good and bad things happen in this world, and fills our every action.

Hope helps us be optimistic, not because positive thoughts magically attract good things, but because optimism allows us to see opportunities, face challenges and overcome them without giving up.

Purpose helps us see ourselves as a strong hero in the Story of our life, a person who sets goals and moves towards them, and, in the end, achieves them.

Since we are social creatures, the surest recipe for being happy is to communicate more with dear and loved people. It sounds trivial, but this is the scientific conclusion of decades of research in social psychology.

On the other hand, it is not so easy to understand what will be good for us and will bring happiness. Proust in the book "In Search of Lost Time: Captive" describes Marcel in search of understanding what is in his heart. Marcel convinces himself that he no longer loves Albertine and begins to figure out how to break up with her. But as soon as the maid tells him that Albertine has left, Marcel’s breath catches and he realizes that he still has feelings for her.

What we know about ourselves is the tip of the iceberg. The most important thing: our preferences, fears and passions, drives and character are part of the underwater part, our subconscious. We are not talking about the Freudian psychoanalytic subconscious, but about unconscious processes. The vast majority of all processes in our brain and body occur automatically, bypassing our consciousness - this is the only way to ensure adaptive human behavior in the environment. We withdraw our hand when we get burned, we jump away from a twig in the forest that looks like a snake, and it’s easy to understand. It’s more difficult when, for example, we like people of the opposite sex, who can become the most suitable partners, and our brain saw, heard and felt why this person is a mate for us, but consciously we do not understand this. Because we do not have direct access to this knowledge about ourselves, precisely so that we do not consciously interfere with these processes important for survival.

And we are forced to invent ourselves: we listen to what our parents, friends, strangers tell us, we look in the mirror and at videos of us fooling around at a party. We are trying to understand ourselves; we need a coherent and logical story about ourselves, with explanations for our actions. Often, what we think about ourselves is not at all the same as what others think about us. And, as a rule, others are more accurate. Behaviorism, a once very influential movement in psychology, denied the value of internal sensations and placed emphasis exclusively on external behavior. It’s worth remembering the old joke about a couple of behavioral psychologists. After sex he tells her: “I know you liked it. But how do I know if I liked it?»?

A body of research shows that we are the worst at predicting our own behavior, and much better at predicting the behavior of other people. In other words, other people may know more about us than we do ourselves.

For example, students were asked whether they and other students would buy a flower during a charity event on campus. “Of course I will buy” said 83% of students, while only 56% of others would buy. Only 43% of people actually bought it.

We think that we are nobler and more honest than others. In another donation experiment, people thought they would give $2.44 and others would only give $1.83, but in reality they all gave an average of $1.53. There's almost a joke when you ask people whether advertising works for them. Only about ten percent reluctantly admit this. What about others? “Oh yes, 90%”! As we now understand, the second figure is much closer to reality.

It turns out that if we have the opportunity to assess how other people will behave in some situation, then we will receive a very realistic assessment of how we will behave ourselves.

When we try to predict another person's behavior, we take into account external factors situations, and when oneself, then mainly one’s own internal characteristics. In other words, friends may be better at predicting our spontaneous, natural behavior, while we are better at predicting our controlled, conscious behavior.

In fact, we have the right to talk about ourselves as two personalities - one constructed and conscious by us, and the other controlled by unconscious processes. We know the last person very poorly.

This can be felt if you start to find out your preferences, for example, Benjamin Franklin method. The method is to evaluate complex choices. The piece of paper is divided in half and the positive aspects of the option are written on one side and the negative aspects of the option on the other side. Let's say you have an important and difficult choice of two apartments, and you need to choose one to rent for a long time. You write down the characteristics that are important to you in advance and evaluate each option for each of them. Plus here, minus there.
Most people give up this method without finishing it. They feel that something wrong is happening. Those who do, as a rule, say that they are even more confused and decide to listen to what their intuition says.
Nevertheless, this method is worth trying, if only to better understand that everything is not so simple.

There are much best exercise, which can help to find the desires of both of our personalities, to find a consensus between them. Few people know about it, but it was tested experimentally and showed excellent results: it short essay on the topic “The best possible me”

Think about your life in the future. Imagine that everything you dream about has come true. You have worked hard and succeeded in achieving all your goals. Think of it as realizing your life's dreams.

Don't just think about what you have achieved (your dream job, your dream house, etc.), but be sure to write, HOW you achieved this (having received an education, moving to another city for another job, etc.).

It is best to write in the evening, at a time when no one will disturb you and all your work has been done. Before you start writing, you can think about what exactly you will write about. You can write with a lot of detail or in large detail, whatever you want. Once you start writing, try not to stop, write continuously. Since you are writing for yourself, be extremely sincere and frank. This is your life and no one will see your texts. Write about yourself as the main character of your life. Give yourself the freedom to express yourself, do not be shy in your boldness and desires. You are the hero of your novel, love him and allow him to do things that will make you proud and make you want to read a book about your life.

Having written the text on the first day, on paper or on the computer, do not return to it and do not remember it. This exercise can be done as often or rarely as you like: at least once a week, at least once a year. Write something new or the same, develop your future. There is no connection between the texts in different days there may not be.

Answering the “how” question is extremely important. Simply stating how good and sweet you are does not equip you with a strategy to become a better person or achieve your goals. But asking the question “how” forces the brain to look for methods of achievement. Focusing on the process rather than the outcome will inevitably bring results. Inside our skull is the most complex creation of the universe, capable of many amazing things, and if you convince your other personality that this is important to both you and her, the brain will find ways.

And may your kind and good wishes will come true!

Dodds, P. S., Clark, E. M., Desu, S., Frank, M. R., Reagan, A. J., Williams, J. R., . . . Danforth, C. M. (2015). Human language reveals a universal positivity bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(8), 2389-2394.

King, L. (2001). The health benefits of writing about life goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 798–807.

King, L. A., & Broyles, S. J. (1997). Wishes, Gender, Personality, and Well-Being. Journal of Personality, 65(1), 49-76.

Wilson, T. D. (2002). Strangers to ourselves: discovering the adaptive unconscious. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Wilson, T. D. (2011). Redirect: the surprising new science of psychological change(1st ed.). New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

The picture above shows two maps of the northeastern United States, with county boundaries marked. The coloring page shows the mortality rate from heart disease, from smallest percentage (green) to largest (red). The map on the left is data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the other is from the study.

Many risk factors for mortality from heart disease are known: demographic, social, economic, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. But these factors are sometimes very difficult to calculate. For example, how to calculate the level of hostility and chronic stress? Scientists (Eichstaedt et al., 2015) decided to study the texts of Twitter messages of people living in this region.
Our language reflects what is happening to us and around us, and the place we live in and the topics we communicate about affect our health. Much more than we may think: look how our words in social media are better predictors of mortality than all other factors:

The map on the right in the picture at the beginning of the article is just based on the analysis of words from Twitter.

Groups of words positively correlated with mortality from heart disease (bad words):

Groups of words negatively correlated with mortality from heart disease (good words):

This study shows, by the way, what price those who become infected with misanthropic propaganda on social networks pay. But the opposite also works, and if we talk less about fuck, shit, hatred, boredom And fatigue, and more about possibilities, purposes, hope, friends And weekend, then the world around will begin to look better.

Eichstaedt, J. C., Schwartz, H. A., Kern, M. L., Park, G., Labarthe, D. R., Merchant, R. M., . . . Seligman, M. E. P. (2015). Psychological language on twitter predicts county-level heart disease mortality. Psychological Science, 26(2), 159-169. doi: 10.1177/0956797614557867

In the 1960s, a series of books “The History of Psychology in Autobiographies” began to be published in America (it continues to be published to this day), where autobiographies of prominent psychologists are published. Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas and Sheldon Cohen (Pressman & Cohen, 2012) of Carnegie Mellon University took 88 autobiographies of psychologists, analyzed them and showed that the words a person uses in such text can predict how long he will live. The recipe is simple - the more positively colored emotional words a person uses, the higher the likelihood that he will live longer, compared to those who rarely use such words.

All words reflecting some emotional condition, were divided into two categories, positive and negative. In each category there were two groups - activated and not activated.
For example, words with activated positive charge: cheerful, enthusiastic, happy, active, energetic, lively, etc. Not activated positive: peaceful, calm, relaxed, contented and so on. Active, with a negative charge: alarmed, frightened, worried, upset etc. Not activated negative: sad, lonely, hopeless, sorrowful, and so on.

After counting the words, the authors turned to the age to which the person lived. People who frequently used words from the category of activated positivity lived five years longer than those who rarely used such words. Non-activated positive and negative words did not affect life expectancy.
Interestingly, among the words in the group of active positive words, words associated with humor were added most (by six years): laugh, chuckle, smile etc.

Psychologists explain this by saying that words reflect an emotional state, and such an active positive state improves brain function, immune system and cardiovascular system.

Another study by the same psychologists (Pressman & Cohen, 2007) studied the influence of “social words.” If you ask a person directly how many friends and acquaintances he has, you may get a distorted answer: in the end, it is the one who has few who are most likely to embellish the reality. We consciously and subconsciously understand that our social circle is very important and when it narrows, it serves as evidence of something not very positive in life. Having studied the biographies of hundreds of psychologists and two hundred writers, scientists calculated the frequency of occurrence of “social words”: friend, sister, colleague, family, they, us, aunt and so on.

Scientists have convincingly shown that high frequency of social words is associated with longer life expectancy.

But it’s still interesting to explain this. It's easy to say that positive active words or social words improve brain and heart function, but how exactly does it happen and why? What happens when a person describes how he often laughed at his aunt's jokes in his youth? How often has he done this and how often does he mention it? And if a person laughs uncontrollably while interacting with his salad, as someone wittily noted when collecting a photo selection of models (left), does that help? :)

There are many questions and areas of research here. An obvious practical application of this discovered phenomenon is to start using positively charged active words more often in life and in its descriptions. But at one time, a number of studies showed that there was no point in this artificial implementation, although we need to take a closer look at the design of those experiments to understand why this is so and whether it can be changed. On the other hand, we know that describing a future self in a desired state also changes the behavior that leads to that state (though again, it’s not that simple). It is also known that even one word, shown for a few milliseconds, and not consciously perceived, is enough to change the attitude towards some situation, for some time.

An incredibly interesting, exciting and funny topic, especially if you do it in a group!

Pressman, S. D., & Cohen, S. (2007). Use of social words in autobiographies and longevity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(3), 262-269.
Pressman, S. D., & Cohen, S. (2012). Positive emotion word use and longevity in famous deceased psychologists. Health Psychology, 31(3), 297-305.

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