Home Oral cavity Eastern horoscope tiger. Year of the Tiger, characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger Characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger

Eastern horoscope tiger. Year of the Tiger, characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger Characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger

Born in the year of the Tiger, people can be diametrically different, especially in spirit. There are representatives of the sign who have a purely good disposition and angelic character, while others are their direct opposite. At the same time, the former see generally accepted ideas about morality and decency as life guidelines. They are distinguished by courage and courage, bravery and kindness, the ability to perform feats in the name of the triumph of justice, the salvation of the weak and humiliated.

Tiger men are principled in their own desires and actions, even if this goes against common sense. Being fighters by nature, Tiger men are ready to sacrifice their ideas, sometimes in the name of a loved one. Their environment appreciates the company of these bright people, who invariably find themselves in the center of everyone's attention. Their assertiveness and natural ability to dominate the minds of others give them unspoken authority and an attractive reputation.

Tigers of the opposite type are no less noticeable personalities. True, their ego is overly inflated, Tiger men are vain, overly obstinate and self-confident, painfully sensitive, irritable, harsh and petty. They tend to conflict with colleagues at work, their superiors, as well as with government agencies, which they have to contact as needed. In the heat of the moment, they can make erroneous conclusions, grasping the essence too late. Not being fans of begging for anything, they are accustomed to putting forward
demands and fight to the bitter end for your rights and freedoms.

A tiger of any gender is a revolutionary, a general, or a boss. However, he does not always succeed in earning the unquestioning obedience of his subordinates. Sensible people notice that their leader is prone to excessive risks, sometimes reckless decisions, and actions in full accordance with his instructions can lead to the collapse of the enterprise.

Aspiring to rule over others, male Tigers are not capable of obeying and are reluctant to make compromise decisions. Selfishness in small things does not at all mean selflessness in big matters. Always moving forward, they do not give in to people who are higher than them in position and rank. All their lives they can struggle with bureaucracy and dogma in politics, as well as manifestations of philistinism.

Representatives of this sign usually have an unusual destiny, putting them in the most unpredictable situations. From childhood, cheerful and bright Tiger Cubs light up their surroundings with their energy - at home, in the yard, at school and university, and then at work. At the same time, since Sade’s times, they have been looking for “sacrificial rams” for themselves, on which they can “sharpen their claws.” Their friends become people who do not give in to their inherent dominant personality, who show respect for their peculiarities
their character.

The Tiger man is characterized by a rebellious nature and a desire for the unknown. The need to always be in the center of attention leads to constant, not always positive situations. Where our “hero” has appeared, the smell of risk and danger fills the air. Imprudent and not always tactful behavior causes the Tiger man to have many ill-wishers.

Tiger men are unable to plan their lives. And if their childhood and youth can proceed rather quietly, then youth brings with it a whirlpool of all kinds of problems and trials - both in the field of work, and in the material sphere, and in love affairs. However, by the end of life, representatives of this sign can return to its calm course.

However, the forecast here should be made based on the person’s time of birth. Having been born at night, the Tiger man, as he grows up, will be able to deftly avoid the traps set for him, without frantically fighting for a “place in the sun,” as a representative of the sign born after dawn, especially at midday, is forced to do. Such an “animal” will have passion and harshness of character, which will constantly lead him to dangerous collisions. What, what, but life
He certainly won’t have to experience boredom.

Accustomed to narcissism and boasting, the Tiger man is susceptible to flattery and “tinsel.” More reserved representatives of the sign are not so self-confident and need a partner who is superior in strength to them. But in any case, they like sports and the arts, or more precisely, the film industry, theater stages and professions related to fashion.

The tiger is a strong animal by nature, so the characteristics of these people are generally the same. In the future, they become leaders and rebels. Animals are accustomed to living according to their own laws, and therefore they do not intend to obey anyone. Their distinctive characteristic is that they do not look for easy ways, and constantly come up with something new, without relying on the life experience of other people.

It is possible to identify this animal from a mass of people, since it is a noticeable personality that reveals itself through its behavior. The distinctive features of tigers include the following:

Impetuous movements.




Interesting ideas.

As mentioned above, tigers are leaders, so very often people use his ideas. They often have to act as organizers of some events.

The character of the tiger sends him to various risky endeavors, from which he can lose a lot. But this is a trait of his that he cannot do anything about. Adrenaline is present in the blood of people born according to the eastern horoscope this year, and therefore tigers engage in dangerous sports and connect their lives with it.

In general, the character is impetuous and rebellious - this is why the animal often suffers. This sign cannot be called ideal, since it has other negative traits.

Horoscope for Tiger

From an early age, tigers begin to show their character, showing their dissatisfaction and achieving their goals. From a sweet and kind person, he can suddenly turn into an angry and jealous one. The stars have aligned in such a way that the tiger simply needs respect, otherwise people will see his worst enemy. All representatives of this sign have great demands, which are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill. But in order to complete them all, you need to work long and fruitfully - which is what many people born under a similar sign do, since they are hard-working individuals. But it is worth noting that tigers obey practically no one and therefore should only occupy leadership positions.

Since people of this sign are purposeful individuals, it is preferable for them to work for themselves, without subordinating to anyone. They often show their optimism. The animal is able to quickly get used to people without having time to understand them. People born according to the Chinese horoscope this year are not afraid to show their feelings and emotions. Despite their persistent character, they can adapt to other people - if this is really necessary.

Such people like everything connected with entertainment and delight. They also engage in those activities that can lead them to abundance and power. That is, they are looking for profit in all matters. The tiger's career will be successful if he himself wants it.

Tiger and compatibility

The Rooster and the Dragon are best suited for this sign, as they have something in common. The relationship will be successful with a horse that will help you change and make new friends. Compatibility of this sign is observed by astrologers with the dog and the wild boar.

It is better not to mess with a snake and a bull - as these are completely opposite people.

The tiger behaves somewhat arrogantly in relationships with women. Since this is a strong sign, in order to gain the trust of his beloved, he can simply scare the man, his opponent. Such a person is used to saying everything directly, so he often offends people.

This sign can become a good and caring family man. The union he builds can become long-lasting and sensual.

The characteristics of the tiger say that he has more negative traits, thanks to which he feels like a winner. Tigers are not used to being controlled by someone, since they consider themselves to be in charge in all matters.

According to legend, the tiger was the third animal that came to honor Buddha. Therefore, the year of the Tiger comes in the eastern horoscope after the Rat and the Ox. In ancient China, the striped predator was highly revered for its strength, courage and valor. People born under this sign also inherited the corresponding qualities. Such women and men are distinguished by perseverance and determination, a desire to take the best from life. Strength of character and self-confidence allow you to achieve success in most endeavors. Luck accompanies the Tigers in everything.

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    General characteristics of the sign

    According to the Western calendar, the year of the Tiger corresponds to the zodiac sign of Aquarius. In the Chinese horoscope, it is listed in the group of Yang animals and ranks third among the 12 available.

    Astrological symbolism:

    • lucky numbers - 1, 3, 4;
    • lucky month - February;
    • favorable colors - orange, white, gold, blue;
    • totem plant - bamboo and yellow lily;
    • element - Wood.

    In the 21st century, the year of the Tiger falls 8 times according to the calendar: 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046, 2058, 2070, 2082, 2094.

    The characteristics of Tiger people are strikingly different from those born under other signs. These are the only representatives who have such a lust for power and a desire to dominate in all aspects of life. Tigers are born organizers, able to interest and lead the masses with their eloquence and impulsiveness. These qualities allow them to achieve their goals despite obstacles.

    Tigers never retreat, do not regret the past and are confident in their own rightness. It is vital for them to receive recognition and respect from others and to be the center of attention. Thanks to his innate charm and magnetism, many people like him without making much effort.

    They are often quick-tempered, impulsive and unpredictable. They do not tolerate quarrels and insubordination in important matters from relatives and friends. Tigers withcapable of boldly expressing themselves and acting in defiance of any circumstances. They don’t prepare for anything, but they succeed if the motivation is money or power. They will not obey anyone.

    Tigers are always bursting with ideas and are at the center of events. They do not like the calm and measured pace of life. Due to their restless and impetuous nature, they often embark on rash adventures. Whatever the result, they are able to maintain good spirits and an optimistic attitude. Failures only add strength and harden them. Such people have truly bestial instincts, allowing them to get out of the most difficult circumstances without loss.

    Tigers are smart and insightful. They constantly need energy recharge from the outside in the form of new sensations and knowledge, so they are not averse to going on a trip once again. In their free time they like to read or attend social events. At first, they quickly find a common language with any person due to their natural attractiveness and generosity. In further communication, difficulties are possible due to the complexity of character - hot temper, stubbornness and irritability.

    A description of the key character traits of Tiger people is presented in the table:


    As a true predator, the Tiger man is endowed with an independent and willful character. He does not reveal the hidden corners of his soul to anyone, so he often remains lonely, even in a crowd of fans. This is a bright and captivating nature, always striving to be in the cycle of events. An ardent opponent of routine and boredom, who cannot fit into the rhythm of conventional life.

    The tiger is attracted to everything associated with risk and adventure. Due to his rebellious nature, he is inclined to support revolutionary ideas.

    Along with generosity and tolerance, he can show pettiness over trifles. Harsh and hot-tempered, the Tiger is ready to sacrifice even himself for the sake of a righteous cause. Despite his lively mind and determination, he is prone to long thoughts when making important decisions. Sometimes they become late.

    Main character traits:

    • perseverance;
    • conservatism;
    • unselfishness;
    • equanimity;
    • self-control.

    Despite his strong character, such a person is sensitive and emotional inside. Capable of strong love and passion, but does not openly show this, therefore in love relationships the Tiger is often unhappy. He is a loyal and reliable friend.


    Women born in the year of the Tiger are practically no inferior to men: they do not accept anyone’s power other than their own. They go through life on their own, without relying on anyone. They are beautiful, energetic and willful, which is why they are able to conquer more than one man’s heart. It is important for them to constantly feel and see the worship of others. By nature they are charmers, endowed with sexuality and charm, but they are difficult to win.

    Women born in the year of the Tiger evoke respect, fear and admiration at the same time.

    Tigresses are deprived of selflessness; they are all trying to benefit. Such women shine like diamonds in any society, striking with their extravagance and regal manners. Cheerful, assertive and confident. They like to live large and deny themselves nothing. Outwardly, they give the impression of strong and integral personalities, in whose every movement a sense of self-worth is manifested. They feel comfortable only next to successful men.

    Due to a penchant for thrills, even in the professional sphere they choose specialties where there is dynamics. Tiger women think abstractly and are full of ideas, which helps them achieve success in research and scientific activities. Quite creative individuals and ready to demonstrate their talents. In all endeavors they give their best: physically and emotionally. They usually earn good money, but are unable to save. They can spend all their money on entertainment events with their many friends.

    The character traits of Tigress women are honesty, straightforwardness and openness. They are ready to say everything to the faces of others, regardless of their feelings. If they feel they are right, they never back down. They do not hesitate to use any methods just to achieve the desired goal. They obey no one, but they easily force others to obey. Tigresses are always lucky in life.


    The fate of the Tigers is interesting and ambiguous, with a series of ups and downs. Childhood is fun, measured and peaceful, with a place for pranks and adventures. Youth is filled with conflicts, changes and emotional outbursts. At this stage, it is important for Tigers to learn self-control and endurance, otherwise difficulties and disappointments are possible in the future. Due to their passionate nature, such people are haunted throughout their lives by misunderstanding from others.

    As adults, Tigers will face a cycle of turbulent events; they will have to solve many everyday and family problems. Even in old age, they should not expect peace - Tigers are simply not able to live without battle and passion.

    The fate of Tigers differs depending on the time of birth. Those born at night will be spared the insidious traps of life. Those born after sunrise will be constantly in danger, so they will not be bored.


    Tigers have been in good health since childhood, but can overestimate their strength and capabilities. In their free time they prefer to play sports. Sometimes they get sick easily (colds, coughs), but recover quickly. Excessive physical activity is contraindicated for them: it can significantly harm the body. Running and aerobic exercise are recommended to keep fit.

    To restore strength and vitality, Tigers need proper rest.


    Successful leaders and entrepreneurs are born under this sign. They manage to achieve high results in their professional activities without much effort. Tigers can easily start and develop their own business. Money for them is an additional incentive to move up.

    Suitable professions:

    • manager;
    • travel and advertising agent;
    • writer;
    • actor;
    • pilot;
    • musician.

    In their youth, the career of Tigers does not always go well, since they cannot decide on a direction for a long time. After 30 years, a full understanding of your purpose in life and the path to follow comes. The guideline becomes material well-being, which Tigers need more than other zodiac representatives.

    Waywardness and arrogance often interfere with career advancement. If a person manages to occupy a leadership position, even the most negligent team begins to work amicably and fruitfully. This is possible thanks to the Tiger's organizational skills.

    Love and marriage

    Male tigers are not very romantic, but they are not devoid of passion and emotionality. For them, spiritual kinship and mutual understanding with the other half is important. They need women with similar life positions and aspirations, who are ready to meekly accept the leadership positions of their companion.

    Despite strong feelings, Tigers are capable of cheating. Moreover, they themselves consider affairs on the side to be non-binding short-term hobbies.

    Family life is usually filled with violent manifestations of emotions, which leads to scandals and dramatic scenes. Not many can come to terms with the unbridled temper of these people.

    Tiger women are passionate, generous and temperamental. They are not able to stay in one emotional state for a long time, which sometimes interferes with their personal and family relationships. Girls are popular with men, so they begin to build a personal life early. Family is important to them, but not paramount.

    Being ordinary housewives is not their destiny: career achievements for Tigress are more important than home comfort. Men who risk tying the knot with such women will have to take on most of the worries themselves. Tigresses are ready to run the household in their free time from work, but they quickly get bored with the regularity of life. Such women get along well with children, but sometimes they cannot choose the right way to raise them.


    People born under the sign of the Tiger are controversial personalities. Depending on the month and day of birth, they may display certain character traits differently.

    Characteristics by zodiac signs are presented in the table:

    Sign Description
    AriesA dangerous and swift Tiger, with a lightning-fast reaction to irritating factors. A person is so quick in his decisions and subsequent actions that others should be on alert
    TaurusToo balanced, too dependent on other people's opinions. Such a Tiger is careful, patient and consistent in all matters of life - this applies to both personal relationships and professional activities.
    TwinsRisky in his actions, he loves gambling. Is the darling of fate
    CancerImposing and slow by nature. Prefers to be nocturnal and rest during the day
    a lionFair, noble, narcissistic. Wants to get the most out of life: money, pleasure, beautiful women. Often all his wishes come true, which is helped by willpower and creativity
    VirgoRealistic and practical, clearly defines the goal and confidently moves towards it
    ScalesA pleasant conversationalist with good manners, he knows how to communicate with others. At first glance, it gives the impression of a sweet and good-natured person, which is not entirely true
    ScorpionExplosive and fickle, capable of unpredictable actions. In implementing his own plans, he is ready to go over his head, forgetting about moral principles and decency
    SagittariusPromising in all endeavors, helped by activity, determination and willpower. Along with this, he is quite timid, secretive and withdrawn
    CapricornReasonable, picky and careful, which allows you to safely avoid many troubles. Thanks to thoughtfulness, he can soberly assess the situation and make the right decision. Thanks to flexibility in communicating with people, he is able to achieve career heights
    AquariusSmart, reasonable and decent. Character flaws - excessive self-confidence and vanity
    FishStrong-willed, self-sufficient, strong in character. Can be dangerous during periods of angry outbursts. Weaknesses - occasional laziness and indecisiveness

    Compatibility with other signs

    The compatibility of Tigers in marriage, friendship and work varies depending on the sign under which the partner was lucky enough to be born:

    Eastern calendar sign Marriage Friendship Business relationship
    RatIt is quite possible if the Rat stops being cunning and lying, and also does not mind the Tiger’s penchant for risk and adventure. In turn, the Tiger must become more compliant, otherwise the alliance will bring a lot of problemsDoes not arise due to the commercialism of the RatThey develop well if they are based on honesty and hard work
    BullIt is unlikely, since the Tiger is secretly jealous of the Ox or despises him. However, he will not openly oppose his partner for fear of being destroyedImpossible due to incompatibility of characters and dissimilarity of interestsWill only bring losses and collapse of the joint venture
    TigerIt is not recommended for two Tigers to marry. Peace and harmony last a short time, then everyone begins to claim leadership in the family. This inevitably leads to quarrels, scandals and separation.Folds perfectlySuccessful
    RabbitIt cannot be called successful, despite mutual understanding at first. Subsequently, mutual reproaches and conflicts begin. The Tiger does not like the Rabbit's persistence and assertivenessDoesn't last long, problems arise due to the Rabbit's conflictual naturePossible, due to the harmonious combination of the Rabbit’s prudence and the Tiger’s determination
    The DragonPromising, since these are the two most powerful signs. The Dragon complements the Tiger with its prudence and prudence.Usually long and strongSuccessful because they are based on mutual support and understanding
    SnakeIt is recommended to avoid official relationships: they will inevitably lead to mutual misunderstanding. The Wise Snake is not perceived by the Tiger on a subconscious levelImpossible, since partners do not listen to each otherUnpromising due to authoritarianism and the desire of both for leadership
    HorseAvailable. The passionate nature of the Horse satisfies all the needs of the Tiger.Together friends argue and swear, apart they miss each otherQuite favorable, with minor temporary difficulties
    GoatIt will be very problematic, since in a fit of anger the Tiger is capable of destroying his companion mentally and physicallyCan begin thanks to the Tiger's tolerance and forbearancePossible subject to proper distribution of responsibilities
    MonkeyQuite doubtful, despite the Monkey’s desire to seduce and charm a partner. The alliance lasts as long as the Tiger is interested, but this quickly passesPossible if decency is observed and the relationship does not go beyond what is permittedPromising if the Monkey treats his partner with respect
    RoosterDifficult, since the cock's pride does not harmonize with the tiger's vanity. There is always a fight for supremacy in pairsOf no interest to both partnersDoomed to fail
    DogPossible if there is a commonality of interests and ideas. In this case, partners unite and move in the same direction, sometimes forgetting about the lack of loveImpossible, especially strongProsperous in all areas except finance and commerce
    PigQuite likely, since the Pig is able to be lenient towards the Tiger’s shortcomingsDurable and long-lasting, helped by the Pig’s prudenceDepends on the Tiger’s generosity - otherwise the Pig needs to be on guard

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Eastern horoscope, Tiger sign: legend, character, money and career; what is the zodiac sign of Tiger; Tiger compatibility horoscope


1926 - fiery year

1938 - earthen

1950 – metal

1962 – water

1974 – wooden

1986 - fiery year

1998 – earthen

2010 – metal

2022 – water year

Eastern horoscope Tiger: Chinese legend

According to it, twelve animals arrived at the call of Buddha, having first swam across a stormy river. Because of the Rat's cunning, the Ox, who swam first, took second place. Next came the Tiger. Strong people, Bulls and Tigers, also constantly compete. The Bull is stronger, the Tiger should give in and disappear from the Bull’s environment. The tiger was rewarded, the third year of the cycle is his year. Each animal gives its own character to those born in the year it protects. Asians consider the Tiger to be a wonderful sign, the embodiment of the power of the earth, an emblem of human protection.

Tiger: character

Leader, rebel, hot-tempered, does not live by the rules, always resists his superiors, even undisciplined. Tigers are revolutionaries, leaders. They always look for new, interesting, promising roads instead of the beaten ones. They can take possession of a lot at once, but also lose everything at once.

Tigers despise hierarchy, superior authority, and conservatism. They themselves do not obey anyone, but with their magnetism and irresistible charm they force those around them to obey them. Tigers are respected, but they do not dare to tell the truth. But Tigers, captivating others with their ineradicable enthusiasm, are risky leaders. Their ideas are interesting, their speech is passionate and sincere, they are inspirers and organizers. However, before acting on the call, those around you should think carefully and even restrain the Tiger: with his love of risk, he can lead to disaster. Tigers often find it difficult to distinguish between a successful project and a dangerous adventure.

Tigers can become military leaders, leaders, but also dangerous criminals. After all, without risk, they are not interested in any enterprise. Life for them is an unknown adventure, most of the ideas are unconventional, they sincerely believe in themselves, are prone to maximalism, and often go all-in. They need adrenaline, which is why they often get involved in some extreme sports or choose a dangerous profession.

Despite their charm, Tigers' relationships with others are complex. Directness develops into harshness and offends; reluctance to obey creates problems at work. It is not easy for the Tigers themselves with their rebellious, impetuous, impulsive character. Especially in love: with their directness, pressure, and passion, they often scare off their chosen ones. However, the family life of tigers is always rich, amazing, and full of deep, sincere feelings.

Tigers are paradoxical. Enthusiasts, they may not make an important decision until it is too late. Hot-tempered, conflictual, they can sacrifice themselves in the name of a common cause. Petty egoists are capable of selflessness in great matters. These are people of violent death, but also of extraordinary luck. A tiger can save a house from 3 misfortunes: fire, cunning people, thieves.

Tigers in general are sensitive, reflective, but strong, courageous, noble people. They, waving a knightly sword, make a lot of mistakes, but with sincere motives. These are flaming hearts that can sometimes change the course of history.

Tiger: career, money

The tiger is impetuous and unpredictable, and so is his career: dizzying ascents give way to sudden falls. However, the Tiger believes in humanity, in itself, so it still moves upward. This is also helped by his talent and infectious enthusiasm.

With money it’s the same. The tiger is not inclined to accumulate in order to provide for old age. He often takes risks: he invests capital in an unknown and obscure enterprise, and plays on the stock exchange. So he may suddenly become the owner of a huge fortune or an absolute bankrupt. Usually the Tiger's money slips away like sand through his fingers. At the same time, he is able to get them out of nowhere; his pockets are rarely empty.

Tigers - celebrities

Beethoven, Maria Stuart, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Agatha Christie, H.G. Wells, Bon Jovi, Isidora Duncan, Stevie Wonder, Marco Polo, Charles De Gaulle, Marilyn Monroe, Niccolo Paganini, Dwight Eisenhower, Maximilian Robespierre, Admiral Nelson, Francis Goya , Oscar Wilde.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Tiger

Capricorn is the most reasonable; He avoids trouble very well.

Aquarius - smart; his thinking and action are in reasonable balance.

Pisces - slightly crazy Tiger. Funny, but dangerous... especially for himself.

Aries - Beware! Increased reaction, it is possible to overcome the sound barrier.

Taurus – balance. The Tiger is too susceptible, even scrupulous.

Gemini - for adventurous, crazy enterprises, capable of achieving success in them.

Cancer is the most inactive Tiger. The way of life is to sit by the fire.

Leo is a true Leo. The tiger of action, achieves goals.

Virgo is an aristocrat, a subtle nervous system, called upon to bring beauty.

Libra - tamed Tiger Cub. A pleasant business companion, especially in matters of trade.

Scorpio – it’s difficult with this Tiger. You can expect anything.

Sagittarius - Tiger is real. It might go far...too far.

Tiger compatibility horoscope

Excellent: Dog, Dragon, Horse;

Not bad: Cat, Tiger, Rat, Boar, Rooster, Sheep;

Bad: Monkey, Snake, Ox.

The Tiger can create an alliance with the Horse, whose honesty appeals to him; The Dragon, bringing caution and strength to the Tiger; A faithful Dog, ready to support great things, to always be there.

The very smart Snake Tiger will not understand. The cunning, unscrupulous, dexterous Monkey is dangerous for him; the Tiger cannot trust her in anything. The Bull constantly competes with the Tiger, suppresses it, attacks in order to destroy it. It is better for the Tiger to leave the house where the Ox lives.

The cat constantly annoys the Tiger, it will be difficult to get along, although these cats understand each other. The same goes for a pair of Tigers.

  • From 02/08/1902 to 01/28/1903 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger;
  • From 01/26/1914 to 02/13/1915 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Tiger;
  • From 02/13/1926 to 02/01/1927 - Year of the Fire (Red) Tiger;
  • From 01/31/1938 to 02/18/1939 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Tiger;
  • From 02/17/1950 to 02/05/1951 - Year of the Metal (White) Tiger;
  • From 02/05/1962 to 01/24/1963 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger;
  • From 01/23/1974 to 02/10/1975 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Tiger;
  • From 02/09/1986 to 01/28/1987 - Year of the Fire (Red) Tiger;
  • From 01/28/1998 to 02/15/1999 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Tiger;
  • From 02/14/2010 to 02/02/2011 - Year of the Metal (White) Tiger;
  • From 02/01/2022 to 01/21/2023 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Gemini.

Character Strengths

The tiger is one of the most decisive and courageous signs of the eastern horoscope. People born this year have every chance of becoming part of history, but still most of them are not artists, but rebels.

The tiger feels comfortable in political activity, and if it reaches a high position and a certain amount of power, it immediately begins to change established rules and structures in its own way. As a rule, he achieves exactly the result he expected, but the adjustments he makes do not always benefit people, the cause, and most importantly, the Tiger himself. In fairness, it is worth noting that the Tiger’s intentions are always the most noble, and for the most part the fruits of his activities are enjoyed by everyone who can - in the Tiger’s characteristics there is neither greed nor a sense of superiority over other people.

A person born in the year of the Tiger almost does not know what blues and disappointment are. He perceives any failure as a lesson from which he can extract maximum experience and, oddly enough, benefit. The Tiger has a rare talent for finding benefits where it would seem out of the question.

Character Weaknesses

The negative part of the Tiger's characteristics lies in the hackneyed phrase - he first acts, and then thinks. The tiger is impulsive and subject to outbursts of uncontrollable anger, and he is so unpredictable that it is difficult for the people around him to calculate in advance what exactly might set him off.

The Tiger's character is full of contradictions, and one gets the impression that all events in his life happen not thanks to, but in spite of. He may respond to a good and reverent attitude toward himself with indifference and behave selfishly, or he may become attached to someone who does not like him. Understanding him is as difficult as becoming his friend.

The main thing you need to know about a person who was born in the year of the Tiger is that he will always live his own, separate life. He loves people close to him, but does not let them get close to him. At heart, the Tiger is very lonely, despite his freedom and sociability.

In love

A person born in the year of the Tiger loves to be in the center of events, and does everything to ensure that representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to him. He does not try to be nice and attentive, moreover, sympathy is not exactly what he is looking for. By and large, it is important for the Tiger to be looked at and listened to, and he doesn’t care what people think about him.

The love relationship between the Tiger and his chosen one does not promise to be cloudless. For the smoothest possible life, he needs a partner who is a little calmer and who knows how to tolerate the constant “surprises” without which the Tiger finds it boring to live.

It is contraindicated for the Tiger to be around an equally temperamental person - the relationship will turn into a testing ground for scandals, and possibly even assault. A melancholic person is also not an option for the Tiger - the striped predator will try to stir him up, not accepting refusals and not listening to his opinion, as a result of which this union will also fall apart.

You need to love the tiger limitlessly and not try to somehow influence his way of life - this is not only useless, but also fraught with aggressive protest on his part with the subsequent termination of relations with the dissatisfied party.

In career

Tiger can only associate the life of an ordinary office clerk with a nightmare. Everything banal and gray is immediately rejected by him. The tiger sincerely believes that he was born for a great purpose, so he does not waste his time on trifles. Spending many years on training, or waiting for a promotion, which essentially will not open up any new opportunities for him, is not interesting and tiring for the Tiger. He wants everything at once.

The tiger is passionate. He believes in luck and chance, so he can put a lot on the line for the sake of a tempting prospect. If the investment doesn't pay off, he won't be upset. The Tiger does not look back, does not subject what happened to a deep analysis, but looks to the very essence. As a rule, this is quite enough for the Tiger to avoid stepping on the same rake again.

If the Tiger holds the position of leader, he is demanding and unpredictable, so his subordinates find it difficult to work with him. Even if he is still working under someone else, this does not prevent him from acting as if the company belongs to him. The tiger may well tactlessly point out to his superiors their mistakes, which often complicates his life and unexpectedly leaves him unemployed.

Tiger Man

The Tiger man is charming and intelligent, it is interesting to communicate with him, thanks to which people are drawn to him. At the same time, the Tiger is not working on improving relations with an appreciative audience, but on increasing his own self-esteem. Oddly enough, the more narcissistic he is, the more attractive and desirable he is, especially for the fairer sex.

The Tiger man's youth is turbulent. The series of bright but short-lived novels seems endless. Each Tiger has his own collection of broken hearts, the owners of which he does not even remember by name. If he decides to start a family, it is unlikely to happen at a young age. Early marriages among Tiger men usually end in a quick and scandalous divorce.

The Tiger's sexual activity does not leave him the chance to be content with the company of one woman. Attempts to control him will lead to the fact that he will begin to cheat out of spite, cynically and arrogantly. If the spouse turns out to be patient and not too demanding, the marriage can become long and strong.

The tiger is unpredictable - the thirst for adventure is in his blood. He likes to travel, he enjoys extreme sports and the danger that breathes in his back. The Tiger man should not be limited in this either - reading morality in his case will only aggravate the situation.

Tiger Woman

Like the stronger sex, born in the year of the Tiger, Tigress knows how to attract attention, please, and benefit from it. In order to charm, she does not need to be in full dress and weigh every word - her natural charm will do everything for her. She has many fans, but many of them for years do not dare to admit their sympathy to her, fearing a sharp refusal. What can I say, you can understand them. Tiger woman and tactlessness are almost synonymous.

She shows maximum interest in her work and chooses an occupation to her liking. What she does must be related either to communication or to constant movement or business trips. The boring office environment and strict dress code will tire her so much that she will quit her job before her first paycheck.

The Tiger woman is not attached to the house. She is sociable, loves to relax in entertainment venues in the company of numerous girlfriends and friends of the opposite sex, who will not leave her life even after marriage. If her husband is lenient with her tendency to flirt, things are unlikely to come to the point of betrayal, but suspicion and jealousy can only push Tigress into the arms of another man.

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