Home Oral cavity The magic of herbs: how to collect and charm herbs. The magic of herbs: how to collect and charm herbs Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, and ordinary people considered it a powerful remedy against the power of evil and arousing lust and desire

The magic of herbs: how to collect and charm herbs. The magic of herbs: how to collect and charm herbs Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, and ordinary people considered it a powerful remedy against the power of evil and arousing lust and desire

And the best confirmation of this is the creation of Orders. It was in the Orders that knowledge that had accumulated over centuries was stored. Today we will talk about the magic of the Rosicrucian Order.

There are several versions of the origin of this order. But we’re not having a history lesson, so we’ll stick to the generally accepted one. A certain young man of 16 years old, from a poor noble family, probably unaware of his magical abilities, makes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, then travels to Turkey, through the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where he becomes familiar with sacred, secret wisdom. On his way to Morocco, he meets elder magicians who pass on their knowledge to him. The young man returns to Europe and tries to share his knowledge there. Muggle scientists ridicule him and his theories. But, already quite a powerful magician, he decides to found his own Order and pass on the secrets only to a select few.

Secluded in his home, he writes a book and passes on his knowledge to his first students. The Brotherhood of the Rose Cross is created (the German surname Rosenkreutz means a rose cross, or rather a cross of roses). The signature on the documents looked like an R.C. seal. Their program included withdrawal from worldly affairs, wearing monastic clothes, free healing, and the secret of brotherhood for a hundred years. A manifesto was written that delighted many people. Creative people liked the skill of presenting the material and the beauty, scientists caught snippets of ancient wisdom in the text, the noble goals of the Brotherhood attracted magicians, etc... The emblem of the order was a black cross - a symbol of the physical body, entwined with seven red roses - a symbol of plant-like, purified blood.

An interesting fact is that the Brotherhood was visible for 108 years, then it went underground for 108 years and after 108 years it was again revived to active life.

But this is still history :) And we are interested in the medicine of the Brotherhood. It was based on twelve magical plants (probably using the sexagesimal system adopted by ancient Egypt and Babylon). Various combinations of the following plants created a formula for success not only in the form of healing, but also in increasing life expectancy. The knowledge of astrology was used by the Rosicrucians in order to correlate these magical plants used in the healing and healing process with the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac. According to their properties, each of these 12 plants correlates with one or another sign of the Zodiac, as well as with a specific planet of our system.

You will find a description of the plants below.

12 magical plants:


A perennial herbaceous plant that grows wild in the mountains. The Rosicrucians used arnica flowers. Arnica decoctions and tinctures have a peculiar smell and a sharp, bitter taste, which indicates the cold, airy, dry element of the plant (Aquarius). Since ancient times, the contracting and hemostatic effect on the uterus has been known. In the Middle Ages, Arnica was widely used in gynecological practice. In addition, it has a choleretic effect.

Aquarius is responsible for hormonal levels, for the gall bladder, in addition, the very nature of the plant and its growth zone indicate the connection of Arnica with this zodiac sign, ruled by Uranus.

Blue fighter or Aconite..

According to Greek mythology, this plant grew from the foam that fell from the mouth of Cerberus when Hercules (11th of the twelve labors) pulled him out of the underworld. Poisonous. Other names: Tsar-grass, Cover-grass. Drives away demons, evil spirits, removes stones and sand from the kidneys and liver.

In the Middle Ages, it was widely used in wedding ceremonies; it was placed under the threshold even before the newlyweds arrived at the groom’s house. If the bride jumped over the threshold or the groom carried her over it in his arms, then all the slander and bad wishes for the bride came back and fell on the ill-wishers. The triumph of law and retribution.

The blue wrestler is associated with the sign of Capricorn and Saturn, this is evidenced by the legend of its appearance (the underworld, the underworld), its medicinal properties (removal of sand, stones), and wedding ceremonies testify to this.

Butterbur or mother and stepmother..

Another name is Kamchug grass (Kamchug is an unripe abscess). Widely used since ancient times for various chest diseases as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent; means that suck out pus.

Probably, any child knows about the symbolism of the two sides of the leaf of this plant: the tender, soft, warm part is associated with the mother, and the hard, cold, slippery part is associated with the stepmother. The legend (the image of the mother) and the main use in medicine (chest, lungs) indicate the sign - Cancer. Valerian. The Rosicrucians used valerian root, with preference given to especially large plants.


Valerian was credited with hypnotic properties; it was believed that it could make a person walk on all fours, meow, howl, bite, and scratch. But mainly Valerian is used for various types of nervous disorders, cough, and bronchial asthma. Undoubtedly, Valerian is a Gemini plant.


The ancients attributed miraculous qualities to Verbena; they assured that it helps eliminate lies and fictitious rumors, strengthen alliances, and reconcile warring parties.

Ambassadors going to negotiate with the enemy always took Verbena with them. The Druids revered Verbena; in their opinion, it could heal any disease. It was believed that if the room in which one eats is sprinkled with Verbena, the feast will be very cheerful. A specially prepared drink from Verbena kindles love and enhances libido. Ancient and medieval beauties used it as a hair care cosmetic.

The name Verbena comes from Veneris vena - vein of Venus. And as you know: love, sympathy, friendliness, partnership, mutual understanding, peaceful negotiations, attraction, beauty, hair, veins are under the sign of Libra (ruler Venus), therefore Verbena is classified as a Libra plant.


The connection with the Sun of this plant is reflected even in its name - Heliotropium (following the Sun). The flower is dedicated to Apollo.

It was believed that Heliotrope protects from enemies, helps a person show his best qualities, advance, take an honorable position, and promotes states of revelation. All of the listed qualities and the name allow Heliotrope to be classified as a plant of Leo (ruler Sun) Gentian. A remedy known since ancient times, it is a typical representative of the group of “bitter” plants.

It has a pronounced bitter taste even at a dilution of 1:20,000, but this did not prevent it from being used as a good means of combating infectious diseases, for treating difficult-to-heal wounds, gallbladder diseases, various inflammations, and also as an antipyretic and tonic. The Scorpio plant (ruler Mars) has these properties.

St. John's wort..

A plant revered by many European peoples. They preferred to collect it on the night of Ivan Kupala.

In Germany, it was believed that a person was not afraid of any witchcraft, any damage, if he carried St. John's wort. A branch of St. John's wort, hung on the door or hidden under the threshold, will not allow a person with bad intentions to enter the house. The Normans knew that St. John's wort, collected in the forest and hung in a barn, would protect livestock from death, and cows would produce even more milk.

In Southern Germany and Bohemia, St. John's wort was sewn into sashes and placed in boots to protect against injuries to the lower back and limbs (Sagittarius control zone). The decoction was used to wash the feet from fatigue as a result of long walking. The Rosicrucians used St. John's wort as a means of igniting fire in the body, a means of accelerating blood, protecting, protecting from evil spirits. St. John's wort is under the sign of Sagittarius (ruler Jupiter). And the name confirms this.


The plant is poisonous, from the nightshade family, a relative of Belladonna. Unfavorable and dangerous even from the point of view of the Rosicrucians. Hippocrates used it to combat melancholy and suicidal mania. Flavius ​​tried to drive out demons by fumigating patients with Mandrake. Homer filmed epileptic seizures in pairs of Mandrake.

Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, and ordinary people considered it a powerful remedy against the power of evil and arousing lust and desire. The Rosicrucians knew all this, as well as the fact that Mandrake is a strong narcotic substance that can soothe pain and put a person into a state of sleep. Its psychotropic qualities, the halo of legends, myths, and dreams around Mandrake indicate a nature close to the sign of Pisces (ruler Neptune). Rose.


for the Rosicrucians it was a flower of dedication, symbolizing love, patience, martyrdom, purity of idea, and was associated with Christ. Within the framework of this work, we cannot describe in detail the legends about the symbolism of the Grail associated with the mysticism of blood. We will only point out that Joseph of Arimathea, when washing the body of Christ, collected His Blood into a cup, which again began to ooze from Him. This Blood has received all the influences of Christ incarnate in the human body, and is now free and pure.

Usually dark red blood is a symbol of the lower, animal passions in man. The blood, purified from all sin, took on a vegetable character and became “the color of a rose.” It became a symbol of the cleansing power of Christ. The Rosicrucians believed that the aroma of a rose is refreshing, strengthening, never intoxicating, gives new strength, ideas, relieves overwork, fatigue, headaches, makes everything around revive, renew, and turn green.

The listed qualities, as well as the fact that for the Rosicrucians the rose was a special flower, the main one associated with the name of the founder, I think that it can be safely attributed to the sign of Aries (ruler Pluto).


An annual plant with a prostrate-branched low stem of a grayish color, flowers of a brownish-yellow color, fruits with a fluffy tuft - a fly, blooms in late summer - autumn.

The Rosicrucians used it as a plant that acts on the gastrointestinal tract to relieve abdominal pain; after use, the patient’s condition improved, he gained weight, and became calm. Sushenka heals wounds and ulcers well, including those of the gastrointestinal tract, and is able to bind and remove toxins and poisons from it. Sushenitsa belongs to the sign of Virgo (ruler Mercury).


In the wild it grows in the forests of South America and Asia.

Prefers fertile, soft, moist soil. It occurs in the form of individual low-growing plants or bushes. The leaves are succulent, bright green, round, and regular in shape. Fuchsia flowers are beautiful, delicate, two-tiered, soft pink, purple tones on a long stalk. The fruits (berries) are edible. The Rosicrucians endowed Fuchsia with the qualities of Venus: softness, tenderness, warmth, beauty, grace.

Today, Fuchsia is not used as a medicinal plant; its main purpose is to decorate flower beds, lawns, and gardens. Fuchsia is a Taurus plant (ruler Venus).

If you are interested in various spiritual practices, then you may be curious to know about the magical herbs corresponding to the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Aries: Chili Pepper

Aries is a fiery and passionate sign, whose energy can be enhanced by hot chili peppers. Red pepper magically evokes sexuality and strength, enough to break the most powerful curses, as well as take courageous and active actions.

Taurus: Oats

Taurus is one of the most fundamental earthly signs of the Zodiac, whose stable state is supported by the energy of oats. As a traditional and humble plant, oats can be a wonderful comfort food that brings peace of mind.

Gemini: Orange-Bergamot

Gemini is a talkative and sociable sign, while bergamot is magically able to charge things around with energy. This delicious citrus goes perfectly with the energy of success emanating from representatives of this zodiac sign.

Cancer: Jasmine

Like other moon signs, Cancer is an emotional and sensual person. There are many herbs suitable for Moon signs, but the sweet scent of jasmine most accurately embodies the spiritual qualities of Cancer.

Leo: Calendula

Leo belongs to the Sun signs and represents brilliant and fiery energy. Calendula, or marigold, is a flower of strength and security, ideal for Leos.

Virgo: Mint

Green is the color of Virgo and is associated with healing and nature. Mint is one of the classic magical plants, like Virgo, ruled by Mercury and also has healing properties.

Libra: Rose

Libra is one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac and is associated with balance and relationships. The rose is perhaps the most classic flower when it comes to love relationships, so it is deeply associated with love and opening the heart to the most tender feelings.

Scorpio: Damiana

Scorpio is the most mystical sign of the Zodiac, with a reputation for being mysterious and seductive. Damiana has been used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac and is also associated with dreams.

Sagittarius: Dandelion

Sagittarius is a true adventurer, filled with a passion for travel and intellectual development. Dandelions are used for desirable and magical release, carrying this sign's dreams of adventure along with the wind.

Capricorn: Elm

As a responsible sign that enjoys special authority, Capricorn has a strong and durable earthly energy. Elm is a tree that complements this sense of authority and increases self-esteem.

Aquarius: Rosemary

Aquarius is filled with the energy of individuality, which at the same time is associated with great humanism, non-standard and unique views. Although rosemary is a very traditional plant, it helps Aquarians focus their energy on important goals.

Pisces: Wormwood

Pisces is a water sign that takes advantage of the earthy energy of Artemisia. This herb offers Pisces a solid foundation for exploring the mysticism and dreaminess inherent in this zodiac sign.

If you want to gain wealth, immortality, invisibility or other superpowers, go to the forest for a herbarium, the rumor goes. For most magical plants, very real analogues have already been found - with descriptions and Latin names. But there is still hope for a miracle!

Magic herbs do not reveal their secrets to everyone. Maybe you'll get lucky?


This is a fern. Of course, the forests are full of it. But on the “great summer night of purification by fire and water” - Kupala, they remember it as a source of magic. Ah, this fern flower! Who hasn't heard of him?! Many heard it, but no one saw it. Because - surprise! – this plant makes do with spores and does not waste energy on all sorts of pistils and stamens. But it is generally accepted that evil spirits are to blame for everything - they say they protect the bud and do not let anyone near it. Therefore, it is necessary, even during daylight hours, to find a particularly vigorous nomad, draw a line around him with slander, and, like Home Brutus, sit inside and prepare for the worst. Exactly at 12 o'clock at night on July 7, the flower should bloom, shining throughout the entire forest. If you manage to pick off the undead, you will be happy. In the form of found treasures. In the right place, the talisman began to float in the air; all that remained was to work with a shovel.


As the name suggests, it has destructive power. No locks, fetters or shackles can resist - they crumble into dust. The warlocks also assured that gold was crumbling into dust, but this miracle somehow did not attract anyone. Chains and bolts are another matter... But it was again difficult to find such beauty. We had to resort to the help of animals. For example, watching snakes. If a viper desperately needs to get inside a block of stone, it seemed like why would it need to do that? - then she quickly crawls behind this grass and pokes it in the right place. Residents of hotter areas suggested fencing off the turtle's nest with pieces of iron when the owner was away on business. The little animal immediately quickly, or rather slowly, slowly crawls behind the gap-grass and brings it in its mouth.


The song about hares gives a detailed recipe and describes the action. But a detailed description has not been preserved anywhere. Scientists are inclined to think that it was still some kind of hallucinogen. Having drunk a decoction, which, in addition to tryn-grass, included several hard-to-find components, a person seemed to be filled with unprecedented courage and ceased to be afraid of death itself, and even more so of the dark, devils, mother-in-law and paying utility bills - and even more so. But, if the herbarium fell into the hands of a black magician, the latter could use it to prepare hot tea, after which everything was exactly the opposite. The subject began to suffer from constant fear until he died of a heart attack. This is probably why our ancestors classified this herb as a secret.


“She herself is red-cherry, her head is like jugs, and she will bloom like yellow silk, and the leaves are like paws.” This is how old herbalists described this plant. If it served as evidence, it was only as proof that all was not well with the seeker on the love front. It was possible to prepare a love potion from it, so strong that the prodigal husband would return forever, and the gentleman who had fallen out of love would immediately send matchmakers. Fortunately, the secrets of this educational botany have long been forgotten, otherwise we would all have to get used to drinking only from our own dishes, and even then with great caution.

I can't feel the wind

The plant had to be collected neither more nor less on the night of January 1st. On the bank of a frozen river or lake. But that was not all. Only someone blind from birth could sense this herb with their gut. And if he stepped on it in the dark, his eyes began to hurt and water - as if they were being pricked with needles. Feeling this, the blind person had to instantly fall to his knees and feel for the hard stems with his mouth. Under no circumstances should you grab with your hands! Whether the hero later acquired the ability to see is unknown, but he could calmly command the winds and water. Calm any whirlwind, save the boat from sinking, or, which is especially practical, catch fish directly with your hands. Actually, it was believed that the evil spirit, scattering this grass on a winter night on the shore, was just trying to calm the blizzard so that he could finally take a walk in peace.


There are, in general, two Barantsev. One is real, the other is mythological. Having spent all their energy searching for the latter, the scientists gave up and decided to name the quite ordinary clubmoss that way. What’s interesting is that the tale about this herb is found in Russia, Asia, Europe, and even among the ancient Greeks. And everyone says one thing: on a powerful stem there seems to be a strange fruit growing, like a lamb, covered with soft white wool, the leaves dangle like legs, inside there is something red, like meat. This plant-animal even had a head - it hung down to the ground, and the entire structure could live only as long as this head could pluck the green grass around. They made hats and clothes from sheep fur, and the wolves, by the way, didn’t yawn, and ate these “lambs” with all their might. Perhaps they are to blame for the destruction of this miracle. Or it was some non-viable variety of cotton.

Tirlich grass

It also had to be collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, and also for a reason. Real tirlich grass grew only on Lysaya Gora, near Kiev. Witches, werewolves, and sorcerers could rub the body with its juice and gain all sorts of magical abilities or increase existing ones. The problem was that this public was extremely self-centered, therefore, any psychic who found this treasure, as a rule, having picked a bunch or two for himself, destroyed all the other plants. Most sorcerers were unlucky. According to legend, real tirlich grass protected from the royal wrath forever, and hundreds of sorcerers and sorcerers were put to death under almost every ruler.

The development of knowledge in any field has always been accompanied by dangers, secrets, intrigues...
And the best confirmation of this is the creation of Orders. It was in the Orders that knowledge that had accumulated over centuries was stored. Today we will talk about the magic of the Rosicrucian Order.

There are several versions of the origin of this order. But we’re not having a history lesson, so we’ll stick to the generally accepted one. A certain young man of 16 years old, from a poor noble family, probably unaware of his magical abilities, makes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, then travels to Turkey, through the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where he becomes familiar with sacred, secret wisdom. On his way to Morocco, he meets elder magicians who pass on their knowledge to him. The young man returns to Europe and tries to share his knowledge there. Muggle scientists ridicule him and his theories. But, already quite a powerful magician, he decides to found his own Order and pass on the secrets only to a select few.

Secluded in his home, he writes a book and passes on his knowledge to his first students. The Brotherhood of the Rose Cross is created (the German surname Rosenkreutz means a rose cross, or rather a cross of roses). The signature on the documents looked like an R.C. seal. Their program included withdrawal from worldly affairs, wearing monastic clothes, free healing, and the secret of brotherhood for a hundred years. A manifesto was written that delighted many people. Creative people liked the skill of presenting the material and the beauty, scientists caught snippets of ancient wisdom in the text, the noble goals of the Brotherhood attracted magicians, etc... The emblem of the order was a black cross - a symbol of the physical body, entwined with seven red roses - a symbol of plant-like, purified blood.
An interesting fact is that the Brotherhood was visible for 108 years, then it went underground for 108 years and after 108 years it was again revived to active life.

But this is still history :) And we are interested in the medicine of the Brotherhood. It was based on twelve magical plants (probably using the sexagesimal system adopted by ancient Egypt and Babylon). Various combinations of the following plants created a formula for success not only in the form of healing, but also in increasing life expectancy. The knowledge of astrology was used by the Rosicrucians in order to correlate these magical plants used in the healing and healing process with the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac. According to their properties, each of these 12 plants correlates with one or another sign of the Zodiac, as well as with a specific planet of our system.

12 magical plants:

A perennial herbaceous plant that grows wild in the mountains. The Rosicrucians used arnica flowers. Arnica decoctions and tinctures have a peculiar smell and a sharp, bitter taste, which indicates the cold, airy, dry element of the plant (Aquarius). Since ancient times, the contracting and hemostatic effect on the uterus has been known. In the Middle Ages, Arnica was widely used in gynecological practice. In addition, it has a choleretic effect.
Aquarius is responsible for hormonal levels, for the gall bladder, in addition, the very nature of the plant and its growth zone indicate the connection of Arnica with this zodiac sign, ruled by Uranus.

Blue fighter or Aconite..

According to Greek mythology, this plant grew from the foam that fell from the mouth of Cerberus when Hercules (11th of the twelve labors) pulled him out of the underworld. Poisonous. Other names: Tsar-grass, Cover-grass. Drives away demons, evil spirits, removes stones and sand from the kidneys and liver.
In the Middle Ages, it was widely used in wedding ceremonies; it was placed under the threshold even before the newlyweds arrived at the groom’s house. If the bride jumped over the threshold or the groom carried her over it in his arms, then all the slander and bad wishes for the bride came back and fell on the ill-wishers. The triumph of law and retribution.
The blue wrestler is associated with the sign of Capricorn and Saturn, this is evidenced by the legend of its appearance (the underworld, the underworld), its medicinal properties (removal of sand, stones), and wedding ceremonies testify to this.

Butterbur or mother and stepmother..

Another name is Kamchug grass (Kamchug is an immature abscess). Widely used since ancient times for various chest diseases as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent; means that suck out pus.
Probably, any child knows about the symbolism of the two sides of the leaf of this plant: the tender, soft, warm part is associated with the mother, and the hard, cold, slippery part is associated with the stepmother. The legend (the image of the mother) and the main use in medicine (chest, lungs) indicate the sign - Cancer. Valerian. The Rosicrucians used valerian root, with preference given to especially large plants.


Valerian was credited with hypnotic properties; it was believed that it could make a person walk on all fours, meow, howl, bite, and scratch. But mainly Valerian is used for various types of nervous disorders, cough, and bronchial asthma. Undoubtedly, Valerian is a Gemini plant.


The ancients attributed miraculous qualities to Verbena; they assured that it helps eliminate lies and fictitious rumors, strengthen alliances, and reconcile warring parties.
Ambassadors going to negotiate with the enemy always took Verbena with them. The Druids revered Verbena; in their opinion, it could heal any disease. It was believed that if the room in which one eats is sprinkled with Verbena, the feast will be very cheerful. A specially prepared drink from Verbena kindles love and enhances libido. Ancient and medieval beauties used it as a hair care cosmetic.
The name Verbena comes from Veneris vena - vein of Venus. And as you know: love, sympathy, friendliness, partnership, mutual understanding, peaceful negotiations, attraction, beauty, hair, veins are under the sign of Libra (ruler Venus), therefore Verbena is classified as a Libra plant.


The connection with the Sun of this plant is reflected even in its name - Heliotropium (following the Sun). The flower is dedicated to Apollo.
It was believed that Heliotrope protects from enemies, helps a person show his best qualities, advance, take an honorable position, and promotes states of revelation. All of the listed qualities and the name allow Heliotrope to be classified as a plant of Leo (ruler Sun) Gentian. A remedy known since ancient times, it is a typical representative of the group of “bitter” plants.
It has a pronounced bitter taste even at a dilution of 1:20,000, but this did not prevent it from being used as a good means of combating infectious diseases, for treating difficult-to-heal wounds, gallbladder diseases, various inflammations, and also as an antipyretic and tonic. The Scorpio plant (ruler Mars) has these properties.

St. John's wort..

A plant revered by many European peoples. They preferred to collect it on the night of Ivan Kupala.
In Germany, it was believed that a person was not afraid of any witchcraft, any damage, if he carried St. John's wort. A branch of St. John's wort, hung on the door or hidden under the threshold, will not allow a person with bad intentions to enter the house. The Normans knew that St. John's wort, collected in the forest and hung in a barn, would protect livestock from death, and cows would produce even more milk.
In Southern Germany and Bohemia, St. John's wort was sewn into sashes and placed in boots to protect against injuries to the lower back and limbs (Sagittarius control zone). The decoction was used to wash the feet from fatigue as a result of long walking. The Rosicrucians used St. John's wort as a means of igniting fire in the body, a means of accelerating blood, protecting, protecting from evil spirits. St. John's wort is under the sign of Sagittarius (ruler Jupiter). And the name confirms this.


The plant is poisonous, from the nightshade family, a relative of Belladonna. Unfavorable and dangerous even from the point of view of the Rosicrucians. Hippocrates used it to combat melancholy and suicidal mania. Flavius ​​tried to drive out demons by fumigating patients with Mandrake. Homer filmed epileptic seizures in pairs of Mandrake.
Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, and ordinary people considered it a powerful remedy against the power of evil and arousing lust and desire. The Rosicrucians knew all this, as well as the fact that Mandrake is a strong narcotic substance that can soothe pain and put a person into a state of sleep. Its psychotropic qualities, the halo of legends, myths, and dreams around Mandrake indicate a nature close to the sign of Pisces (ruler Neptune).

For the Rosicrucians, the rose was a flower of dedication, symbolizing love, patience, martyrdom, purity of idea, and was associated with Christ. Within the framework of this work, we cannot expound in detail the legends about the symbolism of the Grail associated with the mysticism of blood. We will only point out that Joseph of Arimathea, when washing the body of Christ, collected His Blood into a cup, which again began to ooze from Him. This Blood has received all the influences of Christ incarnate in the human body, and is now free and pure.
Usually dark red blood is a symbol of the lower, animal passions in man. The blood, purified from all sin, took on a vegetable character and became “the color of a rose.” It became a symbol of the cleansing power of Christ. The Rosicrucians believed that the aroma of a rose is refreshing, strengthening, never intoxicating, gives new strength, ideas, relieves overwork, fatigue, headaches, makes everything around revive, renew, and turn green.
The listed qualities, as well as the fact that for the Rosicrucians the rose was a special flower, the main one associated with the name of the founder, I think that it can be safely attributed to the sign of Aries (ruler Pluto).


An annual plant with a prostrate-branched low stem of a grayish color, flowers of a brownish-yellow color, fruits with a fluffy tuft - a fly, blooms in late summer - autumn.
The Rosicrucians used it as a plant that acts on the gastrointestinal tract to relieve abdominal pain; after use, the patient’s condition improved, he gained weight, and became calm. Sushenitsa heals wounds and ulcers well, including those of the gastrointestinal tract, and is able to bind and remove toxins and poisons from it. Sushenitsa belongs to the sign of Virgo (ruler Mercury).

In the wild it grows in the forests of South America and Asia.
Prefers fertile, soft, moist soil. It occurs in the form of individual low-growing plants or bushes. The leaves are succulent, bright green, round, and regular in shape. Fuchsia flowers are beautiful, delicate, two-tiered, soft pink, purple tones on a long stalk. The fruits (berries) are edible. The Rosicrucians endowed Fuchsia with the qualities of Venus: softness, tenderness, warmth, beauty, grace.
Today, Fuchsia is not used as a medicinal plant; its main purpose is to decorate flower beds, lawns, and gardens. Fuchsia is a Taurus plant (ruler Venus).

Herbalists have been the main healers of the people for many centuries. The knowledge of how and when to harvest herbs was passed on in the strictest secrecy from generation to generation.

When to collect medicinal and magical herbs

From spring to autumn, people prepare magical herbs. The collection occurs as the plants bloom, ripen, and acquire witchcraft powers. If leaves are needed, then they should be collected before flowering, before they give all their strength to the flowers. If there are roots, then either in the spring, when the sprouts are just hatching, or after flowering.

The most successful summer days for gathering are considered to be Trinity (the date of Trinity can be found out from the church calendar), Agrafena Kupalnitsa on July 6 and the holiday of Ivan Kupala on July 7. These days, plants reveal to people all the secrets of magic. But for this to happen, it is necessary to say during the collection:

“Mother is the damp earth, the clear sun, violent winds, the waters of heaven and earth! Bless the grass harvest! I will not cause harm, I will not desecrate the forest and field, but I will appreciate generosity. Amen".

Under the plant that is picked first, you need to put a “gift” - a coin, sugar, a beautiful ribbon, etc. But neither gifts nor spells will work if plants are collected within the city, near roads or landfills. The herbs in these places are “blind and deaf”; the magical power in them is either asleep or suppressed. It is extremely difficult to awaken her.

When planning to collect herbs, it is wise to consult the lunar calendar. And it says: on the growing Moon, the life force of plants tends to rush upward - into the leaves, stems, flowers. As the witchcraft wanes, the roots are filled with power. The day of collection should be quiet and clear. The above-ground parts should be collected in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, the roots - only in dry weather. The collected raw materials should be dried in the shade, in well-ventilated places.

It is not necessary to collect all the witchcraft plants; it is important to be able to use them correctly and combine them to achieve your goal. In magic there are 12 such “basic” plants. Here they are:

  • St. John's wort. Drives away black sorcerers and evil spirits, protects from the evil eye and damage.
  • Mother of God grass (merlin, weeping grass). Protects from energy vampires, preserves beauty, consoles in grief.
  • Ivan-da-Marya (maryannik, verdigris). Used in love rituals, gives wisdom.
  • Elecampane. The sphere of its magical action is protection, love, intuition. Protects from illnesses, failures, gives vigor.
  • Yarrow. Helps in marriage, in increasing wealth, in gaining clairvoyance and exorcism.
  • Clover. Provides success in love and gives youth
  • Nettle. In addition to strong protection against evil spirits, nettle has powerful healing properties.
  • Thistle. A persecutor of evil spirits, the basis for a cooling potion.
  • Ivan-tea (fireweed). Restores strength, attracts wealth, helps in work.
  • Plantain. Brings good luck, makes the longest journey easy.
  • Shepherd's purse. Helps you gain financial well-being.
  • Mint. A universal herb that allows you to gain wealth, love, induce prophetic dreams, and improve relationships.

Important! At dawn on the day of Ivan Kupala, they collect fireweed, loosestrife, nettles, and mint. St. John's wort, yarrow, elecampane, clover, fireweed, shepherd's purse, and thistle are harvested during their active flowering phase.

Herbs are properly collected and dried - you can prepare potions. Whatever potion you take, you should follow the general rules: use only spring, well, rain or melt water, and do not allow extraneous and negative thoughts at the time of preparation.

Almost all medicines are made on the waxing Moon. The process begins with a general conspiracy:

“I formulate and pronounce witchcraft words, I ask for blessings from the earth and the sky - direct my thoughts, requests and warehouses to the right place. I trust your strength and wisdom. Amen".

Potion for beauty and youth

Take a small pinch of the Virgin's grass, clover and mint, mix, mix in your hands or in a mortar, pour into a cup (jar, ladle), pour 200 ml of hot water (not boiling water) and place in a water bath. Stir with a wooden spoon and say the spell:

“Heavenly powers, earthly powers! Do it this way: ugliness is behind the porch, but beauty is in the face, old age is gone, and youth is in color. Amen".

Simmer the potion for 20-30 minutes. and strain. Wipe your face and body with the resulting infusion early in the morning or before bed.

Take 1 part each of St. John's wort, yarrow, fireweed and 2 parts shepherd's purse. Grind in a mortar, pour into a bowl, add water and place on low heat. Stirring clockwise with a stick, repeat the spell:

“The grasses are getting lower, wealth is getting closer. Let gold and silver arrive in my house day by day, from morning to morning. Amen".

Once the potion boils, remove it from the heat. Without allowing it to cool, take a broom and, dipping it in the charmed potion, sprinkle everything in the house, paying special attention to the threshold.

Love potion

Mix elecampane root, mint and fireweed, crush, whisper:

“I, the servant of God (name), command that in the heat and on a stormy day, let the servant of God (name) flare up for me with passionate love. Let her heart be attached to me, and never look at others. So be it. Amen".

Pour the mixture with hot water, wrap it in a scarf and let it brew. Pour the potion into soup or tea (at least 1 tbsp, but better a little more) for your lover. If this is not possible, then spray it on the threshold and front door of the house where your loved one lives, and bury the grass next to his porch so that no one can see.

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