Home Gums Summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write: “Sounds M, M and the letter M.” Summary of the literacy lesson “Sounds M-M”

Summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write: “Sounds M, M and the letter M.” Summary of the literacy lesson “Sounds M-M”

Zinaida Angarova

Goals: Strengthen discrimination and clear pronunciation skills sounds(M,Mb) develop phonemic awareness in syllables in words and phrases, practice selecting antonyms; learn to understand and correctly explain popular expressions.

1. Org. moment. The one who answers correctly in one word will sit - Ball game “Call it in one word” (onion, cucumber, tomato) etc.

2. Articulation gymnastics according to Kosinova A.M.

Breathing exercises. -

3. Getting to know sound M,MY.

Pictures with sound M, MY. Which sound more often than other sounds occurs in all of these words? Children answer (Sounds of M,M.)

Articulation sound: M – lips are compressed and tense, the tongue lies on the bottom, air passes through the nose.

Characteristic sound M:

- Sound(M)– consonant, voiced, hard, cannot be sung, indicated in blue. Sound м - consonant, sonorous, soft.

4. Speech exercise: ma-mya, mo-myo, mu-myu, we-mi, me-me, am-am, om-om, u - Say pure sayings

Om-oh - this is our home

Om-oh - there is a gnome in the forest

Om-om - catfish in the river

Om-oh - there's an album on the shelf

m-um, um-um, um-um

The poor bear is sick

The bear ate a lot of honey. The bear is crying and screams:

My stomach hurts.

5. Game "Listen carefully". Working with signal cards -

Children show a blue circle if among the consonants sounds will hear the sound"M"; green circle if he hears "MY": t, w, m, d, g, m, p, m, k, s, h, v, m, f, x, c, r, n, m, etc.

In syllables: sa, then, mo, ka, po, mu, vo, mi, yes, etc.

In words: catfish, Sonya, Rita, Sasha, sea, Tolya, March, moss, etc.

6. Define sound from didactic pictures sound houses. - (beginning middle and end) poppy, Tim, Misha, com, Tom, lighthouse, etc.)

7. Physical education minute

8. Getting to know letter"M" -

Draw in the air, make up letter“M is made from sticks, from cereals from wire.

9. What the letters are hidden? -

10. Game "Stone and cotton wool" Working with signal cards. -

A mouse is scratching on the floor,

A brown bear is sleeping in a den.

This bear is very cute

Only he didn’t wash his paw.

The mouse ran into a hole,

The bear lay down to sleep in the den.

The boy is small, but very cute.

He washed his hands with water.

11. Game "Vice versa" Folder with antonyms.

12. Introducing popular expressions.

Disservice. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts. The speech therapist makes a conclusion: (a service that brings harm or trouble instead of help).

Wave your hand. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts. (stop paying attention to something, stop doing something or doing something).

Muddy the waters. How do you understand? Children answer with their thoughts.

(to deliberately confuse something, to create confusion in something). All expressions begin with what letters? The children answer.

13. Printing letters"M". Getting to know letter M,MY. Place in the alphabet. What does it look like letter M? (Answers children) . Letter M consists of four elements: two straight sticks and two short sticks.

Holding hands we stood up -

And they began to look like M.

Draw with your finger in the air.

Laying out letters M from cereals.

Make a figure letters M made of wire.

14. Working with graphic recording. Compose sentences from 3, 4 words. Mom washes Mila. Mila plays with Anna.

Printing letters M, m; syllables ma, mo, mu, we, mi, am, om, mind, ym, them; words mom

15. Reading syllables and words from the board.

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating children’s knowledge about the sounds M and M, the letter M.


Correctional and educational:

  • teach children to characterize sounds [m], [m’] based on various types of control
  • consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Vegetables and fruits"

Correctional and developmental:

  • improve skills in sound-letter word analysis
  • develop phonemic hearing and perception in children
  • develop gross and fine motor skills and articulatory motor skills
  • expand and refine the vocabulary
  • develop facial muscles

Correctional and educational:

  • cultivate feelings of empathy and mutual assistance, interest in activities.

Equipment and materials: -projector, computer, multimedia presentation "Masha and Misha the Bear" ; -blue and green squares, pictures with the sound M, pictures of vegetables and fruits, object pictures (honey, tangerine, raspberries, milk, ice cream, carrots); - cash registers of letters, chips in blue, red, green for individual work; - Pictures "Tree" And "Bed"

Org. Moment.

The soundtrack of the play is playing "October" P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" . Children enter the hall

Speech therapist: Children, guess what time of year I’m talking about:

Will wash the roof of the hut

He will take Misha to the den.

The peasant's work will be completed,

And then the leaves rustle.

We will ask her quietly:

"Who are you?" - and we will hear... (Autumn)

Speech therapist: Guys. Today we were invited to visit Masha and the bear Misha. The bear has not gone into hibernation yet. Today he will show what kind of crop he has produced.

(Showing the bear Misha and the girl Masha). Let's go.

Doing the exercises

1. General relaxation.

Come to the garden Steps in place

See how everything grows, raise your hands up

Everything grows, everything blooms, shaking hands

No one is cramped. Arms spread to the sides

Come to the garden! Jerky movements

Very interesting Forward lean

2. Development of gross motor skills "Harvest"

Let's go to the garden

Let's reap the harvest Steps on the spot.

We'll drag carrots "Drag" ..

And we'll dig up some potatoes. "Dig" ..

We will cut a head of cabbage, Round, juicy, very tasty! "Cutting off"

Round, juicy, very tasty! (Nishcheva). Show a circle with your hands three times

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Let's show what vegetables have grown.

At Lariska's -

Two radishes.

Alyosha's -

Two potatoes.

Seryozhka has a tomboy -

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka’s -

Two carrots.

And even at Petka’s -

Two tailed radishes. Take turns extending the fingers from the fists.

starting with the big one on both hands

4. Facial massage.

Stroking, tapping, circular movements, stroking.

5. Development of facial muscles.

Performing actions on text.

It's so good when you smile

It's so good when you're surprised

But how can we not have fun?

When you are angry and sad.

6. Development of articulatory motor skills.

For the jaw: close your teeth, open and close your mouth;

For lips: "smack" lips; "spank" lips;

For the tongue: hold the tongue against the lower teeth while counting from 1 to 5;

bite your tongue with your teeth.

For cheeks: fat tomatoes, thin cucumbers.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

Speech therapist: -Masha and Misha were playing. And we got lost. They started calling each other

Hand on the diaphragm.

Speech therapist: So they found each other.

8. Making riddles, sound analysis of riddles

Misha and Masha prepared a treat. We need to solve riddles to find out what they want to treat us with.

The basket contains guessing pictures. If we guess correctly, these pictures will appear on the screen.

I'll tell you a riddle.

It is delicious and very sweet.

Being healthy helps

Bees collect it... (Honey)

He's orange's brother,

But smaller fruit baby.

It is also divided into slices.

But they are only smaller. (mandarin).

Curly braid

And the dew glistens on it!

Whose braid is lying in the garden bed?

Where are the orange heels?

The cheat hid it in the ground,

Vitamin... (carrot)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk)

The bears love her so much

And no wonder:

Fragrant, sweet

Very beautiful. (Raspberries)

Children love it very much

Chill in a bag.

Chill, chill,

Let me lick you once! (Ice cream)

Look how good it is!

Red polka dot hat

Lace collar -

He's not new to the forest!


Speech therapist: Guys. We won't eat fly agaric. It's poisonous. Some wild animals are treated with fly agaric.

Look at the pictures of treats. These are raspberries, milk, tangerine, ice cream, carrots, honey.

The speech therapist gets pictures from Masha (pictures with a hard M in the title), then pictures from Mishka (with a soft M sound). Children name the objects depicted on them. The speech therapist pronounces words with exaggeratedly pronounced sounds being studied.

Speech therapist: Guys, you named different pictures. What sounds did you hear most often? That's right, we hear the “sounds M and M”.

(Characteristics of sound based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics. Working with mirrors)

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and say the sound M. The lips are pressed together, they do not let in Air. But he found a way: The air goes through the nose. When we say the sound M, the nose gets angry, “buzzes,” and the lips “buzz.” You can feel it if you touch them with your fingers.

Speech therapist: What sound is M? (consonant, hard, voiced) how is it designated? (blue chip) how are the lips positioned? (close tightly)

What is the sound of M? (consonant, voiced, soft) how is it designated? (green chip) in what position are the lips? (lips close in a smile)

Development of phonemic hearing.

Now we'll play a game “Who is attentive?” . Raise the blue circle if you hear a sound in a word [m], green - if the word has a sound [my]: ball, mouse, raspberry, house, fly, bear, car, house, family, smoke.

Sound analysis of the syllables WE and MI using chips.

We place blue and red chips. Mi chips are green and red.

9. Pure sayings for differentiating sounds

The bear found honey in the forest

Not enough honey, too many bees.

10. "Say it the other way around"





11. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's play with Misha

The bear was walking through the forest, (we waddle)

The bear was looking for berries.

Like this, like this (we put one hand on the side - this is "basket" )

The bear was looking for berries.

Sweet raspberry

Put everything in the basket

Like this, like this. (we collect the berries and put them in "basket" )

I put everything in the basket.

How we treated ourselves to raspberries,

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

Like this, like this (pat ourselves on the tummy)

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

And then Mishka danced

Paws raised up

Like this, like this. (put your feet on your heels, raise your arms up)

12. Introducing the letter.

Speech therapist shows a letter "M" .

Speech therapist:

Friends held hands.

And they said: “You and I are us!”


The result is the letter M.

Speech therapist: Let's write the letter M in the air.

Lay out the letter from the counting sticks.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys.

13. "The letters are hidden" - prevention of dysgraphia.

Speech therapist: Look at the sheet of paper with the letters. Bear and Masha cannot find the letter M among the letters. Let's help them.

Find the letter that represents the sounds [m], [my]. Paint it over.

14. Exercise to develop the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. “Where does it grow?”

Speech therapist: Guys. In the fall, Misha had a rich harvest. Masha and Misha ask us to determine what grows in the garden and what grows on the tree.

We will put fruits to "tree" . We will put vegetables in the picture with "bed" .

(Children distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done. Masha and Misha thank you for your help.

Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you encounter today? (with M-M)

What was difficult for you? (Puzzles, …)

What else did you learn? (Sounds mi mi. We got acquainted with the letter M)

Thanks everyone. And now we say goodbye to Masha and Misha. They prepared gifts for us. - (Apples that grew in their garden)

We are returning to our kindergarten. Guys. Did you enjoy playing?


  1. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Notes of frontal classes in the preparatory logogroup for school. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2017.
  2. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmic activities in kindergarten. Method. manual - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2004.

First grade lesson on reading and speech development.

Subject: Introduce the sounds [M], [M’], and the letter M m.

Target: developing the ability to correctly pronounce the sound m, correlate it with the letter “Mm” and print it, find it among other letters.

1. didactic: learn to correctly pronounce the sound m, correlate it with the letter “Mm” and print it, find it among other letters;
2. correctional: to correct phonemic hearing and visual perception of students;
3. educational: to cultivate interest in learning, to develop communication skills.

Equipment: textbook “Primer” (author: V.V. Voronkova, I.V. Kolomytkina), illustrations (Kremlin, Saved Tower with Kremlin chimes, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral).

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang and fell silent, the lesson began. Today we will continue our journey through the land of knowledge. To continue our journey we must pass the test. We must determine whether the sound is a vowel or a consonant. Let's remember:

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Vowels and consonants.)

How can you determine that a sound is a vowel? (Vowel sounds drag on.)(A N O U K T D I G E).

2. Introduction to the topic

Formatting new knowledge, skills and abilities

We continue to travel through the land of knowledge, where we will get acquainted with new sounds and a new letter. How does a cow moo? (Mu Mu.)

What sound is familiar? Which one haven't you worked with?

Introducing the sounds [M] and [M’]

1. Sound analysis of words (based on drawings and diagrams).

a) Match the drawing and diagrams.

2. Isolation of sounds [M], [m’] and their characteristics.

M – consonant, hard sound. [M’] – consonant, soft sound.

What sounds do we put in the invisible basket? ([MM'])

Game “hear the sounds”(if there is a sound [M], [M’] - clap your hands).

Moscow, shooting range, capital, house, Kremlin, one.

Ant, bear, subway, samovar.


One day the mice came out to see what time it was.

One two three four. The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound and the mice ran out.

Game “Hard - Soft”


Finish the word and show which sound in this word is hard or soft.

a) Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped it into the river... ( ball)

b) Lyudmila went to wash her hands,
She needed... ( soap).

c) Without work, even kill
Can't live... ( ant)

d) Scratching on the floor... ( mouse)
A brown one sleeps in a den... ( bear)

e) The boy is small and very cute with his watery hand... ( soaped)

What does this boy Misha teach us?

Bottom line: What sounds did we meet today?

Introducing the letter [M], [m’]

1. Consonant sound.

[M], [m’] – in writing they are denoted by the letter M, m’ (-em)

2. Printing the letter. Mm'

What does the letter M look like?

Game “Live Letters”

Friends holding hands
And they said: you and I -
This is us.
The result is the letter M.
Holding hands we stood up
And they began to look like M (um).
(V. Stepanov)

Everyone knows well:
Where there is a subway, there is the letter M (um).
(A. Shibaev)

Here is a swing - the letter M!
Everyone can swing here.
(E. Tarlapan)

Stick and stick,
There is a tick between them.
And it’s clear to everyone at once:
The result is the letter M!
(G. Vanyukhina)

Reading syllables

Game “Say the Word”

2. Mu...Mo...Ma...We...Mi...Me....


Once upon a time there was a grandmother, and she lived by the river (we spread our arms to the sides, as if we were swimming)

The grandmother wanted to swim in the river, and the grandmother bought soap and a washcloth (first “washing” one hand, then the other).

This fairy tale is good, shouldn’t we start from the beginning (hands on the belt).

Working with the textbook

1. Reading words in columns.

Which of the words you read are called the most expensive?

Why do you think so?


a) When there is no war, friendly relations, when there are no quarrels.


b) The world is the whole earth

The capital is the main city of the country.

Name the capital of our Motherland?

Looking at the illustration.


    The rescued tower with the Kremlin chimes

    Red Square

    St. Basil's Cathedral.

Reading text.

Where did the action take place?

What kind of reading or writing lesson is this?

What did the teacher suggest to Roma?

What did the children write?

4. Lesson summary.

This is where our journey ends today. Let's summarize this journey.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you especially like? Why?

What caused the difficulty? Why?

Lesson summary on speech development, grade 2, based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Subject: Birds of our area. Crow.

Target: clarification and expansion of ideas about the habits and habits of birds based on acquaintance with a crow, developing the ability to independently describe an object.


    didactic: clarify and expand ideas about the habits and habits of birds based on acquaintance with a crow, developing the ability to independently describe an object;

    correctional: correct speech , expand active vocabulary, activate students’ verbal vocabulary, develop students’ horizons, create positive motivation to perform mental actions

    educational: fostering an attentive attitude towards the surrounding nature and caring attitude towards birds.

During the classes

    Organizing time(children are sitting in their seats) .

Speech correction exercise

"Brush your teeth"
smile, open your mouth
Use the tip of your tongue to “brush” the lower and upper teeth alternately from the inside

stretch your lips forward with tension (teeth closed)

smile, open your mouth
move the tip of the tongue (like a clockwise direction) from one corner of the mouth to another

stretch out your lips
open your mouth slightly
click with a “narrow” tongue (like a horse’s hooves click)

    Introduction to the topic

Repetition of covered material.

What month is it? What time of year does it belong to? Name three autumn months.

What time of year is shown in the picture? Prove it.

Updating knowledge.

Name the birds shown in the pictures on the board. What groups can these birds be divided into? (migratory and wintering) Why are they called that?

What wintering bird did you not see in the pictures?

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guess the riddle

Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat.
What a clever thief!
All the shiny things
This bird loves it!
And she is familiar to all of you,

What is her name? ...

Answer: Crow

Why did you decide that it was a crow? (presentation) What kind of bird will we talk about in class today?

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Let's look to the right, look to the left and look straight, raise our eyes up and down

3. Studying new material.

Game "Assemble puzzles"

I wanted to play with you. My picture has fallen apart, I need to put it back together. But when assembling the picture, you must name the parts of the bird. I’ll start, and you will continue: this is a crow’s body, (crow’s head, crow’s wing, crow’s beak, crow’s paws, crow’s tail)

Working from the textbook

Name the parts of a crow's body based on the picture on page 85 of the textbook


The wind is blowing in our faces.

The tree swayed.

The wind is getting quieter and quieter.

The tree is getting lower and lower.

Teacher's story about a raven (text presentation).

Crows are birds that are well known to all of us. Nobody considers them strange birds. Some species of crows, considered pests by many, are now on the verge of extinction. A large number of people in cities are engaged in the methodical destruction of these birds.
But in fact, if they exist in nature, it means that it was intended by nature itself. It is not for nothing that in ancient times people attributed to this bird power, majesty and a harbinger of change. The crow builds nests from branches in trees and feeds its chicks there, bringing them worms in its beak. The crow is very useful in nature - it feeds on waste, cleansing the environment of debris and infections, and destroys insects and small rodents. The crow has long been considered a city dweller; she knows how to perfectly adapt to any new conditions for her; sometimes you are simply amazed at her skill. Crows are quite cautious and observant. They have a good sense of smell, hearing and vision, and are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. These birds perfectly distinguish between people, taking into account the benefit or harm they receive from them and behave accordingly.

Summary conversation

What kind of bird is a crow? (wintering)

What is a crow's body covered with? (feathers)

What color are they?

What does a crow eat? (waste)

What kind of houses do crows build? (make nests)

What are the habits of a crow? How can you characterize it? (cunning and dexterous)

Physical exercise “Migratory and wintering birds”

Birds are named one by one; if they are migratory, they wave their arms; if they are wintering, they crouch.

4. Generalization.

Working from the textbook

A) P. 85 No. 2, tell us about the crow according to plan

b) P. 85 No. 3, change the words according to the example

V) A crow in captivity is easily tamed and becomes attached to its owner. She loves to play pranks, she can be taught to speak certain words and phrases. Crows are distinguished by their unique mind and intelligence. With the right content, you will have a very good friend and protector, who, due to his aggressiveness towards the villain, can well replace a guard dog.

5. Homework

Textbook p. 86, task 3, restore the order of the pictures, compose a story

6. Lesson summary

    What bird did we meet?

    What parts does a crow's body consist of?

    What is the body covered with?

    What benefits do birds bring?

    How should you help birds?

Lesson summary of writing and speech development in 4th grade

Subject:“Subject. The concept of the subject as the main member of a sentence"

Target: formation of the ability to recognize the subject in a sentence and correctly emphasize.


    didactic: develop the ability to recognize the subject in a sentence and emphasize correctly;

    correctional: correct and develop speech, mental activity, memory and attention during operations of comparison, generalization, classification;

    correctional and educational: cultivate motivation for learning, instill a love of nature, respect for the environment.

Equipment: drawings depicting a forest, a mushroom, an anthill, a bear, birch trees, a diagram of the subject, an audio recording of birdsong, cards.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

What date is today? What day of the week is it today? What do you learn in writing classes?

Guys, guess the riddle:

Who, as soon as it gets hot,

He will pull the fur coat over his shoulders,

And the evil cold will come,

Will he throw her off his shoulders? (Forest)

Today we have an unusual lesson. We will go for a walk in the forest, remember why you should not make noise in the forest, and along the way we will find out which word in a sentence is called the main word and learn to find it.

How nice it is to be in the forest, to breathe fresh air (drawing of a forest on the board).

Guys, why do people go to the forest?

Let's remember how to behave in the forest.

2. Repetition

Finger gymnastics.

In order for your hands to obey you well and you to write beautifully in notebooks, we will do a warm-up for your fingers.

Flower". Hands on elbows, open fingers, squeeze.

We’re painting the fence.” Smooth movements of the hands up and down.

Petting the cat.” Smooth movements of the hands left and right.

Let's draw a sun." Circular movements with the hands.

A minute of penmanship

Dark brown caps on a white stalk peek out shyly from the soft green grass. Let's write a beautiful, neat poem about a mushroom.

(On the board there is an illustration of a mushroom and a note for penmanship)

G g

A mushroom grows among the path -

Head on a thin stalk

3. Explanation of new material.

Introducing the main member of a sentence - the subject.

We saw mushrooms. Now let's listen to silence (an audio recording of birds singing sounds). What did you hear? How do birds sing?

1. A sentence opens on the board: Birds are singing merrily in the forest.

Read the sentence:

Who is the sentence talking about? (about birds)

Birds are the main part of the sentence. We underline this word with one line.

Put a question to the main member of the sentence. (Who? Birds.)

Write this sentence in your notebook, underline the word birds with one line.

2. A sentence opens on the board: Slender birch trees grow in a forest clearing.

Read the sentence:

What does the sentence say? (about birch trees)

Birches are the main part of the sentence. We underline this word with one line.

Put a question to the main member of the sentence. (What? birch trees.)

Write this sentence in your notebook, underline the word birch with one line.

Remember: the main member of the sentence, answering the questions Who? or What? called the subject.

Physical education minute.

As soon as we all entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up - clap your head. Hands down - another clap.

We enter a clearing and find a lot of berries there.

The strawberries are so fragrant that we are not too lazy to bend over.

We walk, we walk, we raise our hands higher.

We don’t lower our heads, we breathe evenly and deeply.

4. Consolidation of new material.

Work according to the textbook.

A) Working with the rule (reading and memorizing)

B) Do exercise 35 p.67 in a notebook.

Independent work.

Exercise in finding the main members of a sentence (using cards).

· At the edge of the forest the foliage of young birch trees is silvering. Birches are the most beautiful trees in our homeland. Nimble ants run to their house.

· Slender spruce trees are dozing in the forest. In the dense spruce forest, animals and birds wait out the cold and rain. Even the owner of the forest, the brown bear, builds his den under an old spruce tree.

In these sentences you need to find and underline the subjects.

Physical exercise game “What will we see in the forest?”

I'll tell you riddles. If the object of the answer can be seen in the forest, get up.

1. The scarlet, sugar, green, velvet caftan itself. (Watermelon)

2. Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

3. What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself, but uses needles all year round? (Christmas tree)

4. He is in a bright uniform. Spurs for beauty,

During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a clock. (Rooster)

5. I’m knocking on wood, I want to get a worm,

Even though he hid under the bark, he will still be mine. (Woodpecker)

(I write the words squirrel, tree, woodpecker on the board)

3. Homework

Make up sentences with these words and find the subject in them.

4. Lesson summary.

How many of you liked the lesson - a walk? What new did you learn in the lesson? Which task was difficult? What worked best?

Treat the forest with care and be observant. And you will learn many, many interesting things.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group Sound “M”, letter “M”

Program content:

1. Develop the skill of clearly pronouncing the sound “m”.

2. Form the concept of “consonant sound”.

3. Develop auditory attention.

4. Introduce the letter “M”.

5. Develop fine motor skills, visual attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

White snow lies all around

Snowflakes are falling

Oh! Frost is behind the tree

Sit down, children, hide your nose.

Guys! Do you like to solve riddles?

It's getting cold

The water turned to ice.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? That's right, guys, this happens in winter.

2. Main part:

Game “What do the words have in common?”

Fly – soap – raspberry – skein 3 – 4 chain options

Let's remember what sounds are? (This is what we hear and say).

Let's pronounce the sounds [m], [m].

How did we pronounce these sounds?

Articulation of sounds (position of lips, teeth, tongue, passage of air, voice).

Let us denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We put our finger on the blue circle – we “revitalized” this sound, now on the green circle – we “revitalized” it.

Characteristics of sounds by acoustic characteristics.

Guys, what can we tell you about these sounds?

The sound [m] is a consonant, hard, sonorous, denoted in blue.

The sound [m] is a consonant, soft, voiced, denoted in green.

How are these sounds different?

How are they similar?

Guys, how is a sound different from a letter? That's right, we hear and pronounce the sound, but we write and see the letter.

Listen to the syllables and

Repeat after me

I sewed the dress myself


It just went into the closet


I don't understand anything


Maybe I'm dreaming


No, it's hanging, look


Game “Sit down when you hear the sound [m]” p, n, m, k, l, m, pa, na, ma, po, mo, mi.

Ball game “call it affectionately” (finch, tit, pigeon, sparrow, starling, crow, swallow)

Game “Stone and Cotton Wool” (Sea, world, monkey, ant, subway, bowl, March, car, soap)

Introducing the letter m.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that the sounds [m], [m"] are denoted by one letter?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: They are denoted by the letter m (I show it on the board: m).

Speech therapist: Guys, how many elements does the letter M consist of?

Children: The letter M consists of 4 sticks.

Speech therapist: What size are the sticks?

Children: Two long and one short.

Speech therapist: Take the sticks and lay out the letter M. (Children lay out the letter).

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What new sounds and letters did we meet?

Children: We got acquainted with the sounds [m], [m"] and the letter M.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy session to prepare for literacy training for older children with special needs development.



Correctional educational:

  • learn to determine the first consonant sound, hardness - softness, sonority - deafness, position of sound in a word (beginning, end);
  • consolidate the skills of clear pronunciation of the sound M, the concept of “syllable”;
  • practice sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, dividing words into syllables;
  • activate your verb dictionary.

Correctional and developmental: develop auditory attention, phonemic perception, articulatory and general motor skills, visual-motor coordination, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational: cultivate a positive attitude towards classes; the ability to control one’s own speech; develop the skill of cooperation, the ability to listen to the interlocutor; cultivate respect for each other.

EQUIPMENT: pictures: girl Masha, cat Murka, flowers - daisies, poppies, tulips, asters, bells; semolina porridge and milk, pictures with and without sound M, capital letter M, mosaic, red and blue chips, sound track.


1. Go through the audio tracks, naming each vowel letter.

Today I want to tell you one amazing story about one amazing girl Masha. And she was amazing because every day she invented a new game for herself. So today Masha woke up, washed her face, did exercises and didn’t forget about her lips and tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

a) Frogs smile - they pull their lips straight to their ears (“Smile” with
closed lips);
b) I imitate an elephant - I pull my lips with a “trunk”;
c) The tongue is wide, smooth - it turns out to be a “scapula”

Today Masha thought: “This is the first sound I’ll hear, and I’ll be friends with it all day long.”
Suddenly the cat Murka came running and started talking to Masha: “Mu-u-u-r-r...”
Masha smiled - that means today I’m playing and making friends with the sound... (which one, guys?) with the sound M.

3. Articulation and characteristics of the sound M

The lips are closed, the teeth are slightly open, the tongue is calm
lies below. Consonant (there is a barrier - lips), hard, sonorous.

Masha went to the kitchen. Mom was preparing breakfast there. What kind of porridge did your mother cook, do you think: buckwheat, semolina or rice? Why?
Masha went to the garden where the flowers grow, and sang songs along the way:

4. Reproduction of syllable series: we-ma-mo, mo-we-mu, we-mo-ma...(everyone in turn helps Masha sing a song)

There were many flowers growing in the garden (pictures on the floor), but Masha chose flowers only with the sound M. ( asters, daisies, bells, poppies, tulips).

What flowers should I pick? Why? (children's answers)
What is a bouquet of poppies called if a bouquet of tulips is called a tulip bouquet? From poppies? ( poppy), from daisies? ( chamomile). Masha returned to the kitchen with flowers. And it was already on the table semolina porridge and milk. What was on the table? (semolina porridge and milk). Masha laughed: “Mommy, what a great fellow you are, you help me in my game.”
- Why did Masha say that?
Masha ate everything and said thank you.
Now we will show Masha how we can play with sounds.

5. Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables.

Mark the syllables with chips: ma, om, mu.

Game "Live Sounds"

Masha took the book and began to look for pictures with the sound “m”. We also have pictures, take them under the chairs.

6. D/i “Find a picture with the sound “m.”

Determine where the sound M is at the beginning or end of the word. The one with the pictures with the sound M at the end, at the beginning, the pictures without the sound M will come out.

Let's divide the words you chose into syllables:

7. D/i “Divide the words into syllables” (children’s choice).

fly- clap,
car- we stomp,
mu-ho-more- let's jump.

When dad returned from work, Masha talked about pictures with the sound “m” that she had been looking for all day. She also came across pictures - fly, car, mouse. Dad asked what these objects do?

8. D/i “Choose an action word”

Fly- flies, buzzes, bothers, sits, crawls...
Car- drives, stops, drives, drives in, leaves...
Mouse- squeaks, makes noise, gnaws, rustles, runs, jumps...

9. Introducing the letter.

Guys, we remember that we hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, read and write letters. So the sound “m” has its own letter “M”.

Stick and stick,
There is a tick between them.
And now it’s clear to everyone
The result is the letter "M".
Children lay out a letter from the mosaic.

10. Summary of the lesson.

What sound was there in class today? Is it a vowel or a consonant? Voiced or voiceless? Hard or soft?

PHYSMINUTE(in the middle of class)
We use our hands - clap-clap-clap (6 times),
We kick - stomp, stomp, stomp (6 times).
Let's knock with our fists (6 times),
Let's turn around and remain silent (cover mouth with hand).

Anzhero - Sudzhensky urban district
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
combined kindergarten No. 42
The author of the material is a speech therapist teacher:

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