Home Smell from the mouth How to bewitch your husband to eat. Read a love spell on your husband at home for food

How to bewitch your husband to eat. Read a love spell on your husband at home for food

Among the many different rituals, food spells are considered the most effective, since the food goes directly into the person being bewitched and immediately begins to affect him. It’s not without reason that popular wisdom says that the way to the heart of a loved one is through delicious food. Women have used such love spells since ancient times to marry the man they love. Men also used these methods to attract the desired person.

Many women, after performing love rituals, noted that a love spell on food works quite quickly. Those being bewitched sharply changed their attitude towards the one who used the spell, showing increased attention to the person, even if she was not considered the standard of beauty. The most effective is the magical effect carried out while preparing food with your own hands. All the positive emotions and feelings that a person experienced while cooking will be absorbed into the food and transferred to the chosen one.

Differences between a love spell on a man and a ritual on a woman

There are quite a lot of different food conspiracies. There are universal spells that are suitable for persons of any gender, and there are special rituals and ceremonies aimed at a man or a woman. In terms of effectiveness, such rituals have a stronger impact. The main difference is that they bewitch a woman with sweets, making, for example, a spell for candy, chocolate or other delicious dessert. For a man, a spell made for meat, vegetable dishes, dressing sauces and other similar treats is more suitable.

Some girls try to add menstrual blood to their partner’s food, and men try to add sperm. In this case, you need to be careful, since this action is an element of black magic and can lead to negative consequences for those who have little understanding of it. Using white magic methods will not result in a blow for the bewitching person and the object of the love spell. Such conspiracies act gently, without subordinating the will of the one at whom they are directed.

Preparing for a love spell

First you need to choose the most suitable plot, taking into account the current situation and your own capabilities. When performing the ritual yourself, it is better to use simpler spells, since complex ones can only be carried out by a professional sorcerer. Love spells are cast on the waxing lunar phase. Beginners are recommended to use simple home rituals that do not require special preparation.

The main thing is to have the right mindset, not to initiate other people, telling them about performing magical actions to win the heart of a loved one, and also to perform rituals alone. It is advisable to know the tastes of the chosen one so that the dish is definitely tried by him. After such preparation, you can begin the ritual.

Methods of performing a love spell

Love spells on food are carried out in different ways. The conspiracy is recited on the finished product, or the process of preparing the dish is included in the ritual itself. Finished products include fruits, sweets, seasonings, and wine.

Salt for my husband to come back

To return the husband to the family, the spell is read on the salt that should be used to season the dish. After this, the husband will return to his wife and will never cheat on her. The ritual is performed on the full moon, after 6 pm and not a minute earlier. In this case, the spell words will take effect in the morning. You need to prepare a festive dinner, seasoning the food with pre-prepared salt. The wife is also allowed to join the meal, since the spell will only affect the husband.

Read by pouring a little salt into your left hand:

“I’ll take salt, salt the food, let the slave (...) be with the slave (...), love her, don’t go to the left. Amen". Then the salt is poured into the right palm, the hand is clenched into a fist and the love spell is read: “I cooked the food, salted it with salt. Just as everyone loves salt and cannot live without it, so would a slave (...) appreciate and love a slave (...), and could not spend a night or a day without it. Amen".

Salt the food and feed it to your husband. Already in the morning after waking up, the wife will feel how her husband is changing his attitude towards her.

Gypsy love spell on food and drink

Gypsies have achieved great art in the magical practice of love spells. Any Gypsy product can speak in a matter of minutes, turning a delicious apple into poison or stale bread into a healing medicine. A love spell on food and drink is impossible without faith in success, then the result will be strong and fast. In addition, you need emotions put into the spell words, a strong desire to make the chosen person fall in love with you, without which the spell is unlikely to be viable and will not have an effect on the person being bewitched.

Gypsies often use fruits in food rituals. They bring home a ripe, sweet, red apple, wash it and wipe it dry. It is better to buy from a private seller so that the fruit does not contain nitrates and chemicals, but is a living fruit. At sunset, when the moon is waxing, take a candle, light it and move the apple around the flame without touching the fire. Make 3 circles clockwise, then, holding the fruit in your right hand, lean it against your stomach with the words:

“Passion, from the slave (...) go, into the beloved (...) enter through the apple.” Then they press it to the chest with the words: “Love from the slave (...) go, enter into the slave (...) through the apple.” Then they bring the fruit to the forehead and say: “Thoughts, from the slave (...) go, into the beloved (...) enter through the apple. Let it be so".

The love spell will affect 3 chakras. It is advisable to treat your chosen one on the same day or the next, because the magic on an apple does not last too long. A small piece will be enough for the plot to work.

A love spell on drinking is done in the same way. Take a candle, light it, and place a vessel with water next to it. All thoughts focus on your loved one. At the same time, it is necessary to imagine how the chosen one will love the one who bewitches him, take care of him and how passionate he will be in bed. The stronger the feelings, the more effective the love spell. Then a sharp knife, razor or needle is taken in the right hand and a small wound is made on the ring finger of the other hand. 3 drops of blood are added to the water.

It reads:

“Blood flows away from a slave (...) and ignites passion in the beloved (...). The blood flows away from the slave (...), but love arrives in the slave (...). The blood flows away from the slave (...) and takes over the thoughts of the beloved. You will be with the slave (...) forever. Amen".

From the moment the blood dissolves in water, it will immediately receive the magic of the love potion. This is the strongest black love spell, because blood is used in the ritual.

For any dish

Drying on food should be done when no one sees these actions. For a finished dish or any product, say three times:

“Just as one half cannot exist without the other, so you, slave (...) will follow the slave (...) always and everywhere, all your life, forever. We will live together forever, share bed and bread with you.”

It is better to feed a man with enchanted food on a man’s day, and a woman on a women’s day.

For any sweet

Sugar and other sweets go well with feelings of love, helping to evoke reciprocal emotions in a companion when used in a spell. This can be called a kind of bait, which has a particularly strong effect on those who like to eat sweets. It is permissible to carry out such a ritual even while outside the home, in a public place. For example, in a cafe where a couple is sitting over a cup of tea or coffee. To make an impact, you need to concentrate and look at the sugar that your companion is going to add to the drink, while mentally repeating the words 3 times:

“Sweet on the tongue, slave (...) in my fist. I will gather all the power of thought, send out love, and turn it towards myself. Amen".

Such a conspiracy does not last long, so it should be consolidated with another ritual during closer communication. Another quick love spell on candy, which is treated, saying to yourself:

“As this candy is sweet and pleasant, so would the slave (...) be sweet and pleasant to the slave (...). Amen".

For baking

No man can resist pies prepared by a loving wife. This has long been used by women, making slander on yeast dough. For the ritual you will need to buy a towel and 2 red or wedding candles. You need to knead 2 portions of the dough, using only your hands, without using any equipment. Make 2 dough balls, take candles and name one with the name of your loved one, the other with yours.

Twist the candles together, light them and, connecting the koloboks together, knead them, saying:

“I will rise as a slave (...) at the dawn of the evening, I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate into a wide field. In that field there is a birch chalk standing, Ladushka herself is sitting in the chalk. I will ask her: mother, Ladushka, accept, cleave the heart and body of the slave (...) to the slave (...) for endless days, forever and ever. Dough to dough, body to body. Forever and ever. Amen".

After reading 3 times, the dough is laid out on a baking sheet until the morning in a place where moonlight falls on it. They go to bed with the purchased towel. In the morning, a pie is baked from the dough, wrapped in a towel for 2 hours, after which it is treated to your loved one. It’s good if he eats the whole loaf alone. You should thank the goddess Lada by finding any birch tree and decorating it with red ribbons. It wouldn't hurt to give alms to the poor or sweets to children.

From Natalia Stepanova

This love spell can be performed at a family or romantic dinner by talking about any dish and treating the person you want to bewitch. that the ritual cannot be performed on even dates, so you should be careful. They read about food like this:

“Lord, bless with bread, reward with holy water, so that the beloved (...) in heart, soul and flesh will be with the slave (...). Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

With blood and sugar

A love spell on human biological material is considered the most effective. The ceremony is performed on Wednesday if no church holiday is celebrated on that day. A piece of sugar is soaked in a small amount of blood and dried. After that :

“I dry it with sugar, I charm it with blood. Without sugar, happiness goes away, without blood, life goes away. Just as a slave (...) does not want to be without sugar, cannot live without blood, so without a slave (...) he will neither want to live nor be. My word is strong and molding. Amen".

All actions need to be done within 1 day, and the next day treat the person being bewitched by adding sugar to any drink. And another option on video:

Via Apple

It happens that there is no way to feed your loved one food. In this case, it is done, which is cut into 2 halves with a sharp knife. A spell is written on a piece of paper:

“As this apple dries, so does the slave (...) for the slave (...) dry.”

The note is placed in an apple, the halves of which are connected with a strong red thread. The fruit is placed on a saucer and placed in a bright place, hidden from other people. If the fruit is completely dry, does not decompose or rot, then the ceremony can be considered completed.

For salt

With the help of wine

It is much easier to give the object of your passion a drink than to feed it. But before you treat your loved one to wine, you need to find out whether he likes this drink. The love spell words are as follows:

“Let the blood in the slave’s body (...) boil, let the soul only hurt about the slave (...) let it hurt, let him dream only about her, let his heart open only to her, all thoughts will be only about the slave (...). Key. Lock. Language. Amen". When the chosen one drinks wine, mentally say: “Already, I’m eager, you are the soul, drink the wine slowly. Love the slave (...) always, never forget. Amen".

There are many others.

With candies

A magical spell for chocolate with candies can be applied to both your beloved girl and your beloved man. Read for a sweet treat:

“Aerun-kopotol, come on, kindle love, burn, excite the blood, hook the heart, bring it to a slave (...) lead. Aerun-kopotol, the heart of a slave (...) to the heart of a slave (...) tie, chain, bind, fasten. Amen".

After your loved one eats the candy, the result should appear in the next 3-4 days. Even more

When to expect results and how long will it last?

The bewitcher always wants the love spell through food to work immediately. But you can’t rush in magic; you need to wait some time for the conspiracy to gain strength. You should not constantly think about how long it will take to see the result and how long it will last. This may slow down the impact. It is harmful to set yourself up for negativity; you only need positive emotions.

The moon has a great influence on magical actions. The basis of each ritual is cyclicity associated with the lunar cycle, which is 28 days. The most reliable and long-lasting are the conspiracies that are made at the beginning of the lunar cycle, and their effect manifests itself in the last days.

Some simple drying agents work quite quickly. For example, a ritual using salt gives results in 1-2 weeks, a ritual using blood appears almost immediately. It is not difficult to understand whether the influence has begun by observing the events that begin to occur in the life of the bewitcher. More frequent, supposedly random encounters with the object of a love spell are not an accident at all. The bewitched person will seek communication herself.

Thanks to their ease and accessibility, food love spells are quite popular. But sometimes, if the ritual is not carried out entirely accurately or a strong love spell on food is used using black magic, then there may be negative consequences:

  1. Deterioration in the health of the object of the love spell. When resisting external pressure, a person may lose strength, which is expressed in insomnia, decreased potency, and chronic fatigue.
  2. Changes in character. The person being bewitched can become irritable, touchy, and nervous.
  3. Mental problems, loss of cheerfulness, constant depression, depression and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Similar consequences cannot be ruled out with the initiator of the love spell, who may also be susceptible to depression.

How to determine such a love spell

Wives are interested in how bewitched husbands behave if they have been subjected to a love spell by their mistress. Symptoms of magical influence: anxiety, constant uncertainty about the future, a feeling of emptiness if a person is not near the one who bewitched him. Negativity also manifests itself in intimate life. Sexual relations with any other partner seem boring and primitive to the bewitched. Fulfilling marital duty is a whole test for him. Lostness and a detached look become constant companions of this person.

How to remove a love spell on food

A loving woman always strives to save her family and find a way to the heart of the man who walks through life next to her. According to numerous reviews, the most effective way for a believer is to remove a love spell in church. To do this, be sure to wear a cross. They go to church early on Friday morning; they cannot eat beforehand. You need to go to the icon where they place candles for the repose. Having placed your candle there, read:

“People of God, take with you the forced passion from which the slave (...) suffers. Rest to you from all earthly anxieties, and to him from sinful passions. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You should linger at the icon for a while until the candle burns out at least half. It is necessary to repeat the ritual at least 3 times, but even better for reconciliation with your husband and complete confidence in removing the love spell, go to the temple 7 times.

Many girls read conspiracies in photos, personal belongings of their loved one. But the simplest and most popular love spell is the food spell. It must be read correctly and with caution.

A love spell on food or drink is one of the most effective methods of magical influence.

Features of the ritual with food

Today, both women and men resort to food spells. This is the most accessible and easiest way to tie your loved one to you. It is food that is chosen as the subject of the ritual. And this is no coincidence. It is vital for everyone and enters the body, penetrating the organs through the blood. Food is an irreplaceable source of energy.

The conspiracy is the oldest ritual of white magic. It is actively practiced today and does not bring harm to the person it is directed at. But sometimes mental and physical harm can be caused. Therefore, such a ritual is far from harmless fun.

Preparation for the ceremony

To achieve the desired result, you must sincerely believe that the plot will work and strictly follow all the instructions given. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • The ceremony is carried out in a good mood.
  • All thoughts must be focused on action.
  • The words are pronounced quietly, but clearly.
  • Before any conspiracy, the prayer “Our Father” is read.
  • A love spell does not work on someone else's man. With the help of a conspiracy, you can return or strengthen your relationship.
  • You need to think several times whether such a conspiracy is really required for a specific object of passion.
  • You cannot use food spells for the purpose of revenge or out of resentment.

What food is suitable for a conspiracy?

You can talk about the following products:

  • eggs;
  • wine;
  • fish;
  • meat dishes;
  • pies;
  • milk;
  • garlic.

Only apples are suitable for fruits. It is better not to use vegetables; they do not sense human energy well. It is not recommended to add blood to food. This is, to say the least, unhygienic. Blood rituals are used in black magic.

The main thing is that the food is prepared with your own hands. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon on odd numbers. The more expensive the products, and the more time spent on preparing the food, the more powerful the spell will be and the faster the result. Depending on the desired goal, you need to choose the ingredients for the ritual.

Hard-boiled brown eggs are spoken. This will help improve relationships in the family, create comfort and warmth in the home.

Garlic scares away enemies and will not allow you to get into a difficult situation. They can ensure the protection of their home and property from envious people. A spell for garlic is made in case of lack of money.

Meat is spoken in order to never quarrel with your husband and live in perfect harmony.

A common ritual is the bread spell. It must be baked yourself. Read the words for the seeds. They are then added to the dough before baking. Anyone who eats three pieces of bread will not know poverty.

Love spells

A love spell using food works quickly and is the most effective. The ritual can be performed independently. Any food will do. But you can’t give it to other people to eat. You need to choose a day of the week, the name of which will be masculine, and read above the dish:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

Even after marriage, ladies resort to love spells. If your loved one has become cold, they say salt to add to the food and give him a taste. This will bring back the faded feelings in 2-3 weeks. The words are pronounced over the salt 3 times. Preferably it should be a fish dish.

Another love spell is made for all the ingredients in the dish. If water is needed, it is also placed on the table. The prepared ingredients say:

“How a dryness descends on all products, causing melancholy, but leading to me. Yes, how dry this will become across the throat and eat into the brain, that there will be nothing but me, the one who eats it.”

You need to say it three times and start cooking. When the dish is ready, the remaining food is thrown away. Then they say three times to the plate of food:

“Give me the dryness, as it is, so that neither water nor vodka can wash me out of my thoughts. Let it be all mine. As soon as he eats me, he will stop at me and will never leave for others in his life.”

The result of such a conspiracy will not be long in coming. After 3-7 days, the man who ate this food will be inflamed with new feelings and will be drawn to the woman who spoke the dish.

A good and high-quality spell for your husband’s love, carried out according to all the rules, will help revive lost feelings.

Another method is quite easy. Unbeknownst to the man you love, you need to charm drink or food. In this case, you need to repeat three times:

“Just as one half cannot exist without the other, does not exist, so you (name) will follow me all my life, all century, forever. May we live together forever, share bread and bed with you.”

You can charm chocolates. To do this, you need to buy delicious sweets in a box, open it and read:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then you should treat your lover and not give it to anyone else. You can't eat by yourself either.

Many women believe that their husbands will always be faithful to them. And some want to play it safe. This is where a conspiracy against a cheating spouse comes in handy. It is read over food prepared for the husband.

Possible consequences

Before casting spells on various foods, you need to remember that such a ritual can cause an unexpected result. If a man feels bad and feels nauseous, then the ritual was unsuccessful. Such practices can have adverse effects on your loved one's health, cause illness, damage self-esteem, and even change temperament. Health problems may also arise for the person who carried out the conspiracy.

A deliciously prepared dish will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent. Your lover will appreciate culinary efforts even without a conspiracy, if the food is prepared with love.

One-sided love, devoid of reciprocity, dries up the soul and breaks fate. But people do not agree to give up the object of passion. More often women, less often men, cast a love spell on food. This is a magical remedy that affects the feelings of the subject of desire, changing reality for both the customer (performer) and the victim. However, you should understand how a strong love spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases you should restrain yourself and stick to weak magic. Let's look at everything in order.

What is a love spell on food for a loved one?

Magic allows you to take over the psyche of another person for a while or forever. If the sorcerer's goal is to inspire love, then a love spell is used. This is the name of a special ritual that creates a special world for the victim. Rituals are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and much more. A love spell for food in villages was called feeding or drying out. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed using food or drink. Schematically it looks like this:

  • The sorcerer charges the medium with his intention.
  • The food is given to the victim.
  • When the food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
  • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim using non-magical methods (court).

Getting ready for the ritual

We will discuss how to cast a love spell on food yourself. By the way, if you’re interested, in villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. Whispering a few words over bread or drink was a common occurrence for a woman. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, so his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if a man was lured by some visiting beauty, the woman had a hard time. They turned to healers and witches only when a strong love spell was needed.

But that's not what this is about. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). There's no point in interrupting the magic. In addition, it is recommended to increase your energy level. This post is quite suitable for this. Reasonable restrictions on food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. The time of divination also matters.

Rules for performing love spells

In order not to make mistakes, you need to know some subtleties. So, a love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the waxing moon. This period is favorable. The full moon is also suitable for the ritual. But caution should be exercised at this time, especially for male wizards. The full moon greatly affects the emotional sphere of a person. There may be negative consequences from rituals that affect the psyche. Women's days for love spells are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, on Sunday it is customary to avoid magic. Sorceresses are allowed to use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing the magic program in those foods that the victim likes. A food that a person enjoys increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. for a love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

Light impact

There are rituals whose purpose is to arouse the victim’s interest in the customer. It is recommended to carry them out first. Perhaps black witchcraft will not be required. Consider, for example, a love spell on drinking. You don't need anything special to carry it out. Prepare for the moment of any feast. This means charging with additional energy. Wait until it is appropriate to offer the victim a drink. When pouring it into a glass or mug, cast a spell on the liquid and pass it into the person’s hands. Don't let the magic potion get into the hands of someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personal, therefore, it will affect anyone who drinks the charmed liquid. The words of the spell are: “Water - into the blood, into the soul - love. Amen!" The ritual does not lead to negative consequences; it begins to work as soon as the person drinks the magic potion. The effect of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week to ten days.

Powerful Ritual

Let's consider another kind of feeding that will instill in the victim a passion for the customer. Dough is traditionally used for it. Start, for example, a pie or just bake homemade bread. And as you begin to knead the dough, think about your loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you will have to work with your hands; it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms in magic. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “As flour and water are kneaded and gathered into a lump, so the love between the Lord of slaves (names) flares up. The pie (bread) melts in your mouth and fills your heart with passion and longing. Sweet food, be mine forever! Amen!" You should treat your loved one to your cooking as early as possible. Just take it out of the oven - bring it to the victim.

How to speak sweetness (male ritual)

Not every knight in love is ready to stand at the table and prepare the dish himself. Don’t bother, you can start talking about the finished product. Buy a sweet that your sweetheart will definitely eat. Love spells on food are a simple matter, just choose the day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your loved one, place a treat on it, light two wax candles and place it on the sides. Create a mental form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Guide her towards a treat and accompany her with the words of the conspiracy. This is done like this:

  1. Imagine that there is a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
  2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
  3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions the victim receives from communicating with you.
  4. Point the filled ball into the treat.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “A sweet share for God’s servant (name), this is my will. I fill her with food, I instill love in her soul. How sweet food is, so be with us always. The love of fate will fall, no one will ever break it. Amen!" In the morning, give your beloved a magical gift.

Love spell on a man forever on food

Black rituals, unfortunately, are in particular demand among home sorceresses. But they are the most dangerous. We'll sort it out first, forever, and then we'll talk about the risks. For the ritual, use any dish or drink. Alcohol is best. It itself clouds the consciousness, therefore, reduces the victim’s resistance. But alcohol also has its disadvantages. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and leaves the body at the same speed. A strong man will release magical energy with alcohol. That’s why experts recommend using spells on food served with alcohol. You should prepare it yourself. As soon as you start cooking, light six dishes, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read these words: “Behind the black mountain there is a wall of darkness. Melancholy sits underneath her, looking sadly into the distance. Chained to the mountain with black shackles. I will satisfy melancholy, I will show her freedom. I’ll send them to my dear friend and force them to be friends. Go, melancholy, to the threshold, I’ll show you the way. Let the dear one suffer, know neither light nor darkness. As soon as he sees me, his grief will leave him. And far away the soul will be drunk, the body will be in captivity, and the soul will be in a dark place. Amen!"

When can you use the black ritual?

This type of exposure is not recommended for young people. If you really need it, then entrust it to a professional. The sorceress will make protection to reduce the risks of negative consequences. Home wizards, as a rule, do not know how to protect themselves and the victim. Ladies who already have children can try to cast a spell on their own. Before and after the ceremony, you cannot visit the temple. Avoid contact with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend not to practice black rituals (those that are forever). Firstly, they change the fate of the victim, tying him to the share of the customer. It will be extremely difficult to change this circumstance and return everything to its place. Secondly, a man loses a number of his advantages, becomes dependent, and therefore less successful.

Consequences of an illegal love spell

The ritual leads either to success, which every sorceress desires, or to grief. The negative consequences manifest themselves in the fact that troubles begin to happen in life, to put it mildly. They come in different forms and, as a rule, affect the most important areas of life. Let us list some of the troubles that it is advisable for those who practice black rituals to prepare for:

  • loss of health for both;
  • childlessness;
  • a lack of money;
  • quarrels and scandals, despite affection;
  • development of bad tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

How to protect yourself

To prevent a love spell on food from causing harm, a payoff is used. This is a common addition to any black ritual. We charmed you, did what was necessary to achieve the magical goal, please pay. The ransom is carried out in different ways, but it is important to give away something valuable and important. For example, shy girls are advised to buy sweets and treat everyone. At the same time, you are not giving away candy, but your fear of communication. Such a ransom will be accepted, and no troubles will follow. Brave witches need a different ritual. Take a sufficient (not small in your situation) amount and take it to the intersection. Drop it there, saying “Paid,” and go home. Sometimes giving up a habit or a favorite thing is used as a payoff. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable to you.

The best, strongest love spell

No matter what sorcerers and witches say, the sincerity of feelings towards a loved one cannot be compared with magic. There is so much magic in them that a person will not be able to resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is real, invincible magic, the consequences of which are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!

Today, a love spell on food is the most powerful, effective and efficient among all other methods of influencing a person in the shortest possible time. People used this type of divination back in ancient times.

Food charms appeared even before the advent of modern civilization, and like no others, they have stood the serious test of time. Even primitive people realized the power of the word, and the ability to change the structure of food, which, as a result of external influence, could serve as both medicine and poison. Its signs are exactly the same as any other love spell: an unreasonable change in behavior, a sharp cooling of feelings for one person and their equally rapid ignition for another.

A love spell performed on food can provide effective help at home by influencing a loved one through food. But before you decide to make a love spell, you will need to familiarize yourself with general information on this issue. By the way, the victim, as in other cases, will not be able to understand on his own that there is a love spell on her.

Why is a food love spell necessary?

Today, methods of divination performed on food or drink can be found in almost every ritual of love magic. Such rituals are performed not only by black sorcerers, but also by white magicians. If you turn to village healers for help, they will also advise you to use a similar ritual. If you wish, you can perform a ritual of divination yourself at home.

The peculiarity of love spells on drinks and food is that they have a very powerful effect, and the magic during the ritual of divination has an effect from within a person. Another undeniable advantage is the universality of rituals. And anyone can drink or feed a person with enchanted food, regardless of gender. It is worth considering the fact that both ordinary foods and drinks can be used to carry out such rituals. Such rituals can have a quick impact, and they can be performed several times in a row.

So, for example, it happens that a husband often goes for walks and in order to wean him from this bad habit or character trait, the wife must every time charm his food with love before serving it.

This ritual can be carried out at regular intervals. Everything will depend on the desired result.

Before carrying out such a hex on food, you must adhere to several rules. To begin with, it should be said that a strong love spell on food cannot be performed on even days of the month. In addition, you should slander not only food you prepare yourself, but any food, even in cafes and restaurants.

During lunch with dishes prepared for the purpose of a love spell, exclude alcohol from your husband’s diet.

If a girl decides to use a food spell to cast a love spell on a guy she is not engaged to, then she needs to use a completely different spell. The conditions for the love spell ritual here will remain the same as in the previous version of the dish. But in this case, the food must be prepared by the woman herself. And it must be done during the waxing moon. And alcohol, unlike the previous method, is appropriate. The text of the plot must be read over food thirteen times at regular intervals.

Thus, dishes spoken of love must be fed to your betrothed. Expect the results from the ritual performed within a few days.

When performing a magical ritual, always remember the possible consequences.

One can also note the existence of a method of divination in which drinks can be used. And in this case, it doesn’t matter whether it’s alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks. The effect of such rituals is very strong. Anyone who has repeatedly cast a love spell on food knows that it is often much easier to “drink” a man or woman than to feed him the charmed food.

How to perform a love spell on food?

The most powerful ritual can be called the one in which the girl’s monthly discharge is added to the food. Such a love spell on food and drink is fraught with considerable danger, since the object of attraction through force is deprived of its own will, submitting to the performer of the love spell. As a result, both participants lose their identity.

When performing rituals of divination of food for love, do not use blood and other components of black magic. In order for the result of the ritual to be safe and effective, verbal exercises will be enough for you. The first rite should be done on odd days.

The second love spell is associated with enchanted bread or food used for food by a specific person. Other people should under no circumstances eat such bread. Such a love spell can cause negative consequences for the target in the form of physical illness, apathy and detachment. A love spell on food should be carried out on a “male” day.

What to expect from a food love spell?

All existing food spells are different from each other, and the action for each of them is different. It can be almost instantaneous, comparable to a strong and sharp blow, or it can be soft, acting gradually.

The so-called “white magic” love spells are weaker in impact, but do not have such a destructive effect on the victim’s psyche. And the performer in this case receives a not so strong magical blow as retribution for such an impact.

Unpleasant consequences of a love spell cast on food can be obtained from love spells cast on food and drink, if the ritual involved the use of black magic rituals using blood and sperm.

If the plot was chosen from village magic, with a predominance of personal energy, then you do not have to fear serious consequences. The main thing is to correctly decide on the ritual itself.

read a love spell on your husband at home for food

Food love spells are as old as the world. They appeared long before modern civilization, which means they are time-tested like no other. Even primitive people realized the power of the word, and its ability to change the structure of food, which, as a result of processing by a conspiracy, became medicine or poison, it all depends on the purpose and the text read over the food.

A ritual of this type helps to influence a loved one without any problems, at home, through food. But before you decide to cast a love spell, read the general information on this issue.

In our tradition there is a special one.

Salt based witchcraft is available.

How to make love spells on food

Thought, like the word, is material. Talent, practice and desire will allow you to quickly learn to achieve your goal using the most powerful and accessible tool - your own word. The easiest way to train is with food that reacts very strongly to the cook’s emotions and thoughts. That is why they say that you need to cook “with love,” which is the most delicious seasoning for any dish. So one person in a different mood can cook the same dish, both good and bad.

Thinking about good things while cooking, conveying our positivity to food, we tune it, like a musical instrument, to a certain key, and whether it is major or minor depends only on you. Set the right food program! Before approaching the stove, prepare yourself mentally, and only after that start cooking.

You can program food for any result, even without reading special conspiracies, just think and talk about what you want to achieve. The main thing is to understand the principle of the ritual, and it is simple, like everything ingenious - a clear statement of words and a statement of purpose.


Most often, such a ritual is done with the goal of winning a loved one. The most powerful ritual involves adding a girl’s monthly blood to food. This is a very dangerous love spell, since the object is deprived of its own will, submitting to the author. As a result, both participants may lose their identity.

Therefore, while doing these rituals, try not to use blood or other strong ingredients of black magic. For a good and safe love spell, verbal exercises are enough.

Love spell No. 1

This plot is read on odd days:

“Bless me, God, with bread.

Reward with holy water.

Yes, so that my husband (name)

He was always there for me.

Your flesh is in me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Love spell No. 2

Bread or other food is charmed and used as food for a specific person; others cannot eat it. This love spell can have negative consequences in the form of physical illness in the target, the appearance of apathy or detachment. A love spell is done on a man's day.

“Servant of God (man’s name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spoken food carries a huge energy message

Lapel spell for food

Those who decide to cast a love spell should immediately have a lapel with them, just in case, because they are also different. The lapel plot is also read for food, which the object of the lapel must subsequently eat:


How can you be sure that you have cast a love spell that will definitely work? Your observations will show this. They will also help you give a correct assessment of your work, and a forecast of how a guy’s real love spell can affect a specific object in the future. Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to devote a conversation to magical love spells with food. Such drying and effective rituals for a guy’s love are technically simple, and therefore they are often performed at home.

Simple love spells for a guy's love through food - the meaning of magical rituals

The tradition of reading a guy’s love spells on food is very old; many magical rituals are not love spells, they are sugars and food fixes that work one-time. The purpose of such witchcraft rituals and love spells is to achieve the desired behavior from a man. And the magician, as a rule, gets his way.

There is a whole series of white love spells for husbands on food, which is charmed and subsequently fed to the spouse. These are, as a rule, light magical rituals for harmonizing existing relationships. They are performed with an appeal to the White natural Forces; many safe love spells for a guy of this category work on the personal strength of the performer.

Using the same principle, the magician casts an exact love spell on a guy at home with an appeal to the Dark Ones. But no matter who helps the magician, the meaning of the victim’s witchcraft drink is unchanged, and it is that the liquid with which witchcraft manipulations were performed (the carrier of the love spell program) enters the body of the beloved man. It’s the same with food – there’s no difference.

As for the consequences of a love spell on food, they do not differ from those unpleasant results that can be obtained from witchcraft rituals of love magic of other categories. Kickbacks, reversals and side effects are those “charms” that, one way or another, any novice magician encounters. Things are unpleasant, and often dangerous, but this is a kind of natural selection mechanism that works clearly in witchcraft. Those who are not capable of real witchcraft are quickly eliminated. Those who have magical abilities remain, and in the process of practice they gain experience, and, accordingly, knowledge, and develop connections with the Dark Forces.

Love spells for food are suitable for regular use.

Most of those who have independently cast love spells on food give positive feedback about the effectiveness of such witchcraft rituals. We can say that both practicing magicians and people close to witchcraft give good ratings to these simple love spell rituals for a guy’s love.

If you and your beloved husband live together, performing such magical rituals is not difficult. Such seemingly insignificant influences keep your spouse close sometimes better than tough black love spells. They have no side effects or negativity. Therefore, do not underestimate love whispers. Let's see how you can make an accurate love spell yourself through a charmed food or drink.

Homemade love spell for your beloved guy for food

A very good love spell for food or drink. The result comes quickly, and the exact love spell on a guy using food at home works great. I recommend sticking to men's days. The number of repetitions when reading the words of a conspiracy to love a guy depends on your feelings. You can read it 3, 7, 9, 12 times. It’s best to talk about food before serving.

The power of magical lures lies in the belief that this is a love spell for a guy that will definitely work. And it will definitely not give negativity either towards the object or towards the performer.

Love spell on food and blood

In its effect, this love spell on a guy for food is similar to black sexual attachments. Causes in any man who has been influenced in this way a strong love craving, bodily attraction, desire and desire for frequent sexual intercourse. This strong love spell for men on food is done as follows.

You need to cook the meat. Pork is best suited for this purpose. Using a new needle, pierce the ring finger on your left hand, place 1 drop of blood on the meat, and apply another 1 drop to your underwear from the wrong side. This piece of underwear must be worn and slept in for 7 nights. Applying blood to meat and linen, read the plot for the love of your husband three times:

Treat your husband to the charmed food. This exact love spell through food at home will work in 7 days. You will not be deprived of the affection of your man.

How to make your own love spell - a love spell for bread

In the practices of Russian witchcraft there are a number of love spells, including independent ones, where one of the components of the effects is bread. Bread has powerful creative natural energy, which a practicing magician can use in his work.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you 2 options for how to cast a love spell on a man using food, in particular, with the help of enchanted bread. Such additions are made only during the waxing moon. The power of bread drying will increase if you bake the bread for witchcraft yourself.

Easy love spell with a hot loaf

This is an old, working white love spell for a husband on a loaf of bread; You can also read something else about food. Very good prevention of adultery. The words of the love spell are read on hot bread, and then offered to the man. He should be the first to taste your magic bread.

They read the following text of a love plot for their beloved husband.

Love spell for black bread

For the magical ritual of a love spell on a guy, the following components are needed:

Do this during the waxing moon, Friday evening. It is advisable to bake the bread yourself. In the conditions of a modern city, not everyone can comply with this recommendation, and therefore this homemade independent love spell on bread Can be made with a regular loaf from the store.

Light a candle. Sprinkle a slice of rye bread generously with salt, take it in your right hand, and hold a burning candle in your left hand. Stand on the threshold, facing the inside of the house, and read the words of a guy’s love spell on food:

The candle should be extinguished with your fingers, and the bread and salt should be eaten. Then take the loaf from which you cut a piece and crumble it for the birds. Look at the birds eating bread crumbs and silently (you can whisper) read the words of the love spell:

Love spell on food - simple techniques to attract love

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” says popular wisdom, and it turns out to be right. Of course, not every man will give his heart for delicious food, but this can be facilitated by turning to the help of magic. Since time immemorial, women have resorted to love spells on food and drink and received the desired man as their husband.

A love spell on food or drink is one of the most effective ways of magically influencing a person. It gives results in the shortest possible time - and what else do those who crave love and attention from their chosen one or chosen one need?

Representatives of both sexes can use this type of love rituals. In men it is even more effective - it is not for nothing that they are said to be the best cooks, and any woman on a subconscious level will choose a man who will show himself to be a good owner.

A love spell on food is a magical ritual that you can easily perform on your own. But first I recommend studying the general material on this issue.

What to consider when casting a love spell on food?

Remember that your thoughts and words are material. And food is precisely the substance that absorbs the thoughts and even the energy of the cook. You've probably noticed more than once that the same dish, cooked in different moods, turns out different in both taste and edibility. With the help of thoughts and words, you can turn food into either food for the Gods or poison for even the most resistant organism.

Food intended for performing a love spell requires a special approach. Important details:

  • Do not prepare a dish for a love spell spontaneously - prepare carefully, put yourself in the right mood.
  • Your goal should be clearly stated, do not allow ambiguity.
  • Cook with love - this is the most important “seasoning”, the component that allows you to achieve what you want.
  • You can easily “program” a dish for any result, and for this it is not at all necessary to accompany the sacrament of preparing a love spell with special spells or prayers. It is enough to think and talk about what you want to achieve in the process.
  • Cast a love spell on food on the waxing Moon - the feelings of your chosen one will grow along with the night luminary.

Types and consequences of love spell

There are many varieties of love rituals involving food, but they are united by a common goal - to achieve the favor of a loved one, to win him. For the most part, such love spells belong to white magic, so the negative consequences from them are minimal.

However, there is a group of love spells that involve adding blood to food (from menstruation or from a cut). These are rituals of black magic, and I highly do not recommend performing them yourself. Only a skilled magician should practice black magic. The fact is that a love spell on food with added blood is very dangerous: it completely destroys the will of its victim, forcing him to submit to the will of the customer (or magician).

This could lead to both of its participants losing their identities. Do you need this? I guess not.

Therefore, do not use blood or other components of black magic at home under any circumstances. Of course, the effect of them is impressive (if they are done correctly and professionally), but the kickback can also be powerful - do not put yourself and your loved one at risk.

Love spell on food on your own

Method number 1 - for any dish

Any food that the person being bewitched must subsequently eat is spoken of. It’s best if this dish falls into the category of his favorites. A love spell is cast on the waxing Moon. To enhance the effect, the spell is read several times (preferably an odd number of times). Conspiracy text:

“As Eve followed Adam, so do you, God’s servant(name of the chosen one) , for God's servant(your name) go. May we live together forever, share bread and bed together, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where is God's servant (your name) , God's servant goes there(name of the chosen one) . Amen!"

If a love spell is performed by a man, you only need to change the phrases “God’s servant” and “God’s servant” in places.

Method number 2 - for a departed husband

A wife can use this love spell when there is a rift in her relationship with her husband. This conspiracy has no effect on unmarried men. It is read for any food intended for the head of the family. The ritual is performed on odd days. Text:

“Bless me, Lord, with bread and reward me with holy water so that my husband(spouse name) was with me forever and ever. Salt is in the food, blood is in the liver, your flesh is in me. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so".

The love spell begins to work when the husband eats the spoken dish. Usually after the ritual he stays with his wife forever.

Method number 3 - a strong love spell on salt

Salt is a product with unique energy properties. She absorbs information well, so love spells with spoken salt are among the most powerful. This is an excellent alternative to black magic rituals. The seasoning is enchanted using the following spell:

"As God's servant(name of the chosen one) doesn’t eat anything without salt, it would be the same without me, God’s servant(own name) , he could neither eat, nor drink, nor walk around women. Just as salt is a seasoning for every dish, so I, God’s servant,(own name) was for God's servant(name of the chosen one) suitable for any task. Amen".

Prerequisite: The person being bewitched with the spoken salt must salt his food with his own hands (!). Therefore, improvise: undersalt the dish, prepare a personal salt shaker for your husband (chosen one).

For another way to bewitch with food, watch the video:

Husband's love spell. How to make a love spell on your husband at home

How to bewitch your husband and make him fall in love forever with the help of magic I'll teach you now. This strong spell - love spell for husband's love must self read wife who wants to make her husband love her more than life itself. The love spell is so strong that even after the spouses divorce, it will make the ex-husband return to his wife as soon as the ritual is completed. Love spell for love and a husband's respect for his wife should be read into a glass of water. The following are 2 options for the ritual from which you choose the one that suits your situation:

  1. If you want to bewitch your husband who has cooled down his feelings for his wife or started going for a walk, you need to make sure that the husband drinks the charmed water.
  2. If needed bring back your ex-husband using a love spell and make him fall in love with you again, a glass of enchanted water is placed on a saucer in your bedroom and covered with a white piece of fabric or a scarf without a pattern.

The consequences of a love spell cast on your husband begin the very next day. Every day the husband will be strongly drawn to his family, awakening in him a desire to be close to his wife.

How to cast a love spell on your husband

Pour drinking water into a glass and say over it love spell words for husband's love :

Just as the sun and moon dry water, fast winds dry it all twenty-four hours.

So this water would dry my husband, God’s servant (name).

Drink it in sips, drink it, don’t forget me, the servant of God (name).

Just as nature cannot exist without water, just as people and livestock cannot live without water,

So that the servant of God (name) also cannot stand on his feet, rise,

In work and service, manage, sit, walk, stand, hold your head

Without me, servant of God (name).

There is a feocleaf in an open field, but everything has dried up, everything has died out

During the day in the sun, at night under the moon.

So for me, God’s servant (name), let him dry out and miss,

He sighs and suffers for his wife, loves and respects her.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Husband's love spell

A break in a relationship and indifference on the part of a chosen one have a negative impact on a woman. She begins to worry and get nervous - why is her husband indifferent or has left the family, is there a rival? An inferiority complex and irritability appear. A love spell on your husband will help bring back an elusive relationship.

It is important that the wife has the desire to return her loved one to the family. In this case, the chances of success are high. The energy of the spouses, even if they are not secured by a church wedding, is interconnected. Common life, children, memories provide a good platform for reunion. The forces of the elements are on the side of the family, they help to return the chosen one. Therefore, a husband's love spell usually ends in success.

After the relationship returns, follow 3 rules.

Conspiracy for personal belongings

To bewitch your husband, you should use things that he wore (from 1 month). New ones or ones that have rarely been worn will not work. This could be a tie, underwear, or a shirt. General everyday life allows the wife to use all possible methods of white magic; the husband’s love spell works quickly and effectively.

Perform a love spell late in the evening, during the waxing moon. There should be no one in the room. Light 3 red wax candles and place them in a triangle. Place a glass of holy or settled water in the center of the triangle. Take your loved one’s thing in your hands, press it to your chest, say 7 times:

“How true it is that water will not rush from the corner of the house and will not burn the threshold. It is so true that my beloved (husband’s name) will not leave me, will not find another for himself, will not press him to his chest, will not hug, will not caress me, will not leave me as a servant of God (his name) until the thing faithfully serves him. What is said will come true. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Sprinkle the item with water from a glass and put it under your pillow. Do not talk to anyone after performing a magical effect. The husband must wear the enchanted item constantly.

Option II

Take your spouse’s belt and discreetly write the word “Mine” near the buckle. Move the belt from the buckle to the end, saying:

“Strap-strap, my dear friend. Serve me together, (husband’s name) tie to me. Tie not by force, but by kindness and affection! Hug him as I will hug him, help him as I will help him! Warm in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be as gentle as my hand. I marked the strap, now there is a mark about me on (husband’s name)’s soul. My heart will feel it, the belt will lead me, my chosen one will find a path to me. Amen"

At the end of the belt, discreetly write the word “Mine” again. A charmed belt will help restore good relationships.

Spell for water, food

As soon as you understand that your chosen one is about to leave the family or has directly said so, food and drink spells will help you bring him back and bewitch your husband. Before serving food, read the spell words:

“Neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband’s name), would not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, Dreams call him home to the servant of God (his name). The word is firm and will last forever. Amen"

Option II

Cook jelly from 2 berries (for example, cherries and raspberries, shadberry and currants). Read words about your husband’s love while stirring the jelly:

“Growing up apart, but now together”

You need to drink it together, preferably from the same mug.

Option III

If there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family, words for any food and drink will help to return your husband’s love:

“As Eve went for Adam, so you, servant (your name), go for the slave (husband’s name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where the slave (her name) goes, the slave (her husband’s name) goes. Amen"

Option IV

Say words that will help you bewitch your husband over red wine:

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos and Father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love. So that there will be love until the end of the age of your servant of God (name of your husband) and servant of God (your name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In the evening, treat your loved one to wine at dinner.

The plot is read with salt. It is important that not the entire salt shaker falls under the spell. Only the part you will use to salt your spouse’s food:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, not a minute pass. Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen"

Lapel from a rival

If you are sure that after leaving the house, your spouse went to his mistress, follow him with a love spell. Open the door and read:

“Earth-earth, light of the luminaries, I turn to you, who did not walk on you, did not commit their sins. The slave (husband's name) will follow you to the homewrecker, give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets from me, the harder it will be for him along the way. To pull him back, turn him back. So that he would suffer without me like the holy martyrs. Amen"

Option II

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day nor in bad weather. So that the slave (husband's name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, his dreams call him back home to his slave (his name). The word is strong and will last forever. Amen"

Wrap a piece of bread in a scarf and put it discreetly in your husband’s pocket. This will help bring your husband home and return his love to you. It is important that the chosen one does not notice the love spell bread. Otherwise, the husband's love spell will not work.

Option III

If your chosen one went to live with a rival, read the words 3 times a day in order to return your spouse, his love:

“I will take the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the slave (name of the husband) does not love the slave (name of the homewrecker), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So the servant of God (husband’s name) would fight and pinch the servant of God (the name of the homewrecker), get angry and swear, he wouldn’t think twice, he wouldn’t give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen"

Option IV

Looking at the growing month, say the words in a quick whisper to bring back your chosen one:

“A month, have you been in the next world? Have you seen my dead? Have you seen (husband’s name) alive? As you change place and light, sometimes you grow, sometimes you decrease, so you find me a slave (husband’s name) and bring me a slave (husband’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The power of wedding rings

The spouses' rings carry the strong energy of the family. A wedding ring is the oldest symbol of love and fidelity. This is a good talisman for the family. The magical power will begin to act if there is a sincerity in the desire to preserve the chosen one and faith in the successful outcome of the ritual.

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Conspiracy magic helps a person gain freedom, get rid of bad habits, or take revenge on a sworn enemy. A conspiracy for food and its preparation uses both dark and light forces. The magical message is predetermined by the thoughts and desires of a person.

The white food conspiracy is a unique opportunity to improve the quality of your own life without further consequences with minimal impact. What food ritual works flawlessly?

Conspiracies and consequences of damage

Conspiracies work according to one principle - they attract the necessary conditions so that a person gets what he wants. If a person wanted money or success in work, he needed a white and absolutely safe ritual. Conspiracies that use black magic purposefully destroy the life of another person. Whatever the choice of the conspirator, universal food conspiracies will help in the implementation of plans.

Charmed food is used to cast a love spell on a man who does not have reciprocal feelings. A husband leaving his wife as a result of a love spell has its consequences. The destroyed will of someone else's husband will not bring happiness to anyone, neither the homewrecker nor the ex-wife. The results of a love spell are always difficult to predict in advance. For husbands, spouses and mistresses, food rituals are equally dangerous. What to do if a quick ritual affects the health and well-being of the customer?

Any magic can be destroyed with the help of strong rituals and reverse spells. It will be possible to escape from a love spell or damage, free the husband from the spell of his mistress, or return control over her life to the victim. To remove the impact, you need to find out the name of the enemy, the person who decided to take radical measures. The fruits of an incorrect love spell on someone else’s husband will be reaped by the man’s children, his beloved woman, and the head of the destroyed family himself.

In most cases, damage to children is caused through food. Linings are not such a reliable way to glue. Negativity on food can be brought about without much effort and does not require the presence of a magician. In order for the food to be tasty, the enemies are clever, looking for options on how to hide the enchanted food. What are food spells for?

How does a food spell work?

Before making a conspiracy, you need to understand its nature. Thoughtless use of magic is fraught with serious consequences. First preparations for the ritual - preparation will require a lot of strength and patience. Without studying the ritual, it is easy to make a fatal mistake and pay for it with your own health. The duration of the food plot depends on the complexity of the ritual and the constant energy supply. A man will leave the family - magic will help with this, but keeping him near you is not so easy.

The principle of operation of spell magic is the simplest - with the help of a spell, food or water is charged with the desired message, which the victim will subsequently consume. Such damage or love spell works flawlessly, especially if you use powerful long-term rituals. The man who is the object of love will become a weak-willed doll in the hands of his mistress, and the enemy will lose everything that he has accumulated through his own labor. Magic provides all the necessary opportunities, but does not guarantee happiness.

There are food conspiracies:

  • love spell on food;
  • rite of subordination or strong dependence;
  • ritual for alcohol or food;
  • love plot through food and blood;
  • food love spell for strong attachment;
  • spoilage of food.

They use food spells to attract love or strengthen an existing connection. If a man does not reciprocate, a simple ritual with food will quickly bind him, make him obedient and pliable. Such a man will lose interest in other people or activities. Before the ritual, the conspirator must speak

“My love will remain with me, someone else’s affection will be touched forever.”

A simple slander should be fed several times a year.

Food is diluted with various magical additives. These are special attributes that need to be prepared at home. All preparatory work is carried out in secret without witnesses or assistants. If the secret ritual is revealed ahead of time, it will not work. There is no point in resorting to such slander unless absolutely necessary.

Slander on food and water

Any strong ritual is performed on special days. Love spell magic is allotted a day that coincides with the waxing moon, but it will be possible to untie someone else’s man only under the waning celestial body. A strong ritual is strong because one’s own hopes and feelings are invested in it. In order for a guy to love or strive for marriage, several rituals are used that are performed sequentially. Any word spoken during the ritual changes a person’s fate.

Slanders about food are a strong message that will be difficult to undo. A loved one, deprived of the right to choose, will not bring the desired happiness. Before performing a secret magical action, you should think again about the cost of the love spell. At the end of the conspiracy, you must read “Our Father.” Give thanks for the protection of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. After a love spell, it is better to visit church and once again think about the evil you have done. Love is a voluntary feeling that does not tolerate coercion. Implementing the wrong program will ruin the victim's future successes.

The choice of ritual depends on how strongly it should act. You can summon a loved one or make his life unbearable without a conspirator. When interfering with God's plan, you need to be extremely careful. At the end of each conspiracy one should say

And before the ceremony say

“The servant of God does not lose his mind, does not waste his strength, does not torment his soul with questions.”

At the end, you need to thank the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Types of food spells

There are several types of slander that, through food, change a person, make him pliable, or push him to unexpected actions. The method of causing damage depends on the attributes and words of the spell. The most effective love spells that will help you attract your loved one or take him away from another woman:

  1. Conspiracy for Men's Day. It’s not worth talking about food on any day. To do this, you need to select the appropriate day. The waning moon will tell you the right moment when the plot will work flawlessly. It is better to cast the spell on prepared foods that the victim will definitely eat.
  2. Conspiracy for drinks and alcohol. This ritual is carried out in advance, using water, alcohol or spirits instead of food. Alcohol addiction works flawlessly and leaves the victim no chance to escape.
  3. Sugar slander. The ritual is performed three times over three days. For the ritual, you should take a little sugar and chant it. The words of the spell are pronounced quietly without unnecessary fuss and shouting: “Bake, dry on my sugar. Body, heart, head. Just as a fly sticks to sweet syrup, so you are a slave (name of the victim), turn to me in love, slave (your name). Keep your advice, in my absence, grieve, value me as they value their most beloved and dearest. Let it be so!".
  4. Ritual for submission. A secret magical action is carried out during the waxing moon, when the celestial body strengthens the necessary connection. After the ritual, the house should be completely cleaned.
  5. Love spell. For such a ritual, you will need to cook your beloved meat with blood - steak. You need to drip a little blood onto the finished meat dish through a puncture in your ring finger. One drop of blood is left on the surface of the meat, and another on your own underwear. After the ceremony, underwear is worn at night for exactly a week and is not washed. A love spell of this kind will cause animal passion and incredible attraction in the beloved.

The blood plot is the most effective and simple, it makes a strong connection and does not allow a man or woman to look at other people. Like an obsession, such a slander changes the victim’s thinking, literally turning his life upside down. You should not use strong rituals on temporary partners, because over time the sympathy will pass, but the result of love spells will remain.

You need to pour a little salt into your left palm and say the spell three times:

“Droplet sisters, red maidens, always say to each other, help me, the servant of God (your name), to be with the servant of God (his name).

After this, the charmed salt is added to the spouse’s food. There is no need to pour out all the salt. It is best to add the charmed seasonings to fish or meat dishes. This kind of slander begins to work after two weeks. The husband's love will gradually return, and harmony will reign in the family.

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