Home Coated tongue Characteristics of Virgo men and women born in the year of the Snake. The most complete Chinese horoscope: how to treat a Virgo woman born in the year of the Snake? Charmingly beautiful virgo snake girl love horoscope

Characteristics of Virgo men and women born in the year of the Snake. The most complete Chinese horoscope: how to treat a Virgo woman born in the year of the Snake? Charmingly beautiful virgo snake girl love horoscope

A horoscope is an incredibly necessary and useful thing for every person. The location of the stars and the influence of the planets helps people choose the right path in life, protect themselves and their loved ones from the vicissitudes of fate and maintain health.

Thanks to knowledge about the influence of planets, each of us can solve amorous matters, find out whether this or that person is suitable for living together. The necessary information contained in the secrets of the horoscope can also help the Virgo man born in the year of the Snake.


The Virgo male, born in the year of the Snake, combines the wisdom of the ancient reptile and the practicality of his zodiac sign. Such a man is practical, has an analytical mind and carefully analyzes what is happening around him. He has well-developed intuition. The Virgo man accurately senses the people around him and almost never makes mistakes, especially when it comes to deception or false relationships. Therefore, the competitors or enemies of the Virgo-Snake are unpleasantly surprised when they realize that their machinations have been discovered and prevented. Even the fact that outwardly such a person is unhurried and balanced, he always finishes what he starts, and, surprisingly, on time.

Virgo guys are very hardworking, and if they also like work, then they can plunge into it headlong. In communication they can charm others, they have a refined sense of humor.

The planet influencing this sign is Earth, so Virgo men are very fond of cleanliness and order, which they also demand from those around them. This man is peace-loving and good-natured, does not like to enter into conflicts, avoids sharp corners and unreasonable risks. Going on business trips or changing the situation is also not in the nature of the Virgo-Snake, who loves stability.

But there is no person without flaws. In our case, the man is very demanding of himself and his loved ones, sometimes too categorical. Given the lack of decisiveness of this sign, ambitions often remain unfulfilled, then the Virgo-Snake begins to engage in self-criticism, becoming irritable and nervous.

What kind of girl does he need?

Scrupulous, always wearing an ironed shirt and clean socks, he can be killed outright by a stain on his beloved’s clothes. Such a man, of course, is not a gift, but if he falls in love, he will do anything for his girlfriend. But the choice of the lady of his heart is as important to him as a tie that matches the suit - there should be no mistakes.

The Virgo-Snake subjects her future chosen one to careful analysis, and often, noticing her attention, begins to look for a catch in the situation. Sometimes a guy can fall in love at first sight, but again, the woman he loves must meet all his high demands. This brings him mental suffering, but the tendency to introspection and the search for truth, given to him by the stars, cannot be overcome.

The woman of his dreams should be different from those around her, know her worth and rise on a pedestal. Those representatives of the fair sex who show him signs of attention after 15 minutes are not considered by the Virgo man.

This sign also does not like frivolous talkers; his chosen one must have an analytical mind, agree with his point of view, and in case of disagreement, give reasoned arguments. Frivolous and short-lived flirting is not suitable for such a man; he does not consider the issue of an overnight relationship.

A woman who may please the Virgo-Snake should be interesting in communication, the undoubted soul of the company, even if her external characteristics are not so dazzling compared to her friend standing next to her.

Behavior in love and relationships

Many beautiful ladies are crazy about the sensual, serious and reliable Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake. If he is seriously in love and even decides to get married, then his feelings are serious and lasting. You can understand whether a guy of this interesting zodiac tandem is in love with you just because he begins to discuss far-reaching life plans, using the pronoun “we”.

Any woman who is sincerely in love with him will always be comfortable with such a man, faithful and stable, because for him marriage is also a thoughtful and calculated decision based on the dictates of his heart.

And even if in the stage of falling in love a guy does not commit risky actions, does not sing his favorite serenade under the balcony, his chosen one can be sure that such a companion is reliable as a rock.

Family life with a faithful wife for Virgo men develops for a long time; the head of the family, although reserved, is a sensual and courageous person. Cheating is not typical for him, he respects his other half, loves children and often spends time with them, since this is part of the requirements for upbringing, and rules are a strong point for such a father. His wife must definitely listen to any of his statements, because the Virgo man is always right.

As for intimate relationships, this zodiac sign is a gentle and passionate lover. He can get into bed without love in exceptional cases.

But again, rationalism comes first for this man. The Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake, does not accept any exceptional fantasies from his woman and the Kama Sutra, but he will be able to deliver pleasure.

A fundamental advantage in the family relationships of these representatives of the stronger sex is the fact that they practically do not get divorced: the family for them is a reliable stronghold for many, many years.

Career and business

Legends can be made about the hard work of the Snake Virgin. Responsible, punctual, such a person will definitely finish everything he starts. The bosses value such an employee, because he may even refuse or reschedule his vacation for the sake of a successful completion of the case. Easy to train, loves everything new, enjoys receiving the necessary additional knowledge.

The absence of explosive emotions helps him cope even with the most stressful situations; it is difficult to unsettle the Virgo-Snake.

Many astrologers warn that it is not recommended to have this zodiac sign as business enemies.– a usually reserved man can turn into a monster and completely destroy his opponent’s business.

Compromising with one’s conscience is unacceptable for such serious guys; they almost never agree to accept someone else’s opinion, and if necessary, they can provoke a conflict.

Their reliability and perseverance are valued by their superiors, they are set as an example, and are assigned the most important tasks. Interestingly, the Virgo-Snake is far from altruistic, but the issue of financial reward is not the main one in their career.

Such people are more result-oriented. In his old age, however, financial prosperity overtakes him, and he is very proud of this, because it is his merit.

Astrologers believe that such an attitude towards work, on the verge of self-sacrifice, is unnecessary in the life of a Virgo man. They need to be more distracted, think about rest - this will bring noticeable results both in family relationships and in increasing self-esteem. As a form of relaxation, men of this sign are recommended to practice yoga and frequent jogging.


To understand with which other zodiac signs it will be easy for a Virgo-Snake man to go through life, start a family and achieve career growth, you need to consult with the stars and astrologers.

A sensitive and reasonable guy will be able to create a wonderful family with representatives of the following signs: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.

A Virgo man will create a long and lasting alliance with a Taurus woman: both are realists and do not make rosy plans, realistically assessing the circumstances. Both signs love to relax with their families and do not like to waste money, but some may consider them a little boring. This is not entirely true: the absence of intense passions and extremes does not mean that they are dying of boredom; on the contrary, the spouses are self-sufficient and feel good together.

The Cancer woman perfectly complements the reserved Virgo man. Yes, without intense passions, but firmly and reliably. Quarrels, of course, may be present, but both of these signs understand the need to restore peace and harmony, since the responsibility for the family and children is on their shoulders. In such a couple, the man is the breadwinner, and the woman is a wonderful housewife.

“Mirror” marriage - this is how the union of two Virgos can be called. Spouses see their own reflection in each other, so each of them tries to correct the shortcomings of the other half, which does not always go smoothly and peacefully. But two Virgos mean doubled rationalism, sober calculation. Both do not like sighing on the bench and aimlessly contemplating the Moon; their family has its own rules and traditions, which they value and adhere to the established order.

If a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man can find a common language, then their marriage will be quite successful. The spouses are connected by a heightened sense of justice; they are hardworking and honest, efficient and responsible. The ardent sensuality of Scorpio fully compensates for the rationalism of Virgo, but sometimes her outbursts of energy frighten her husband. But a woman will sometimes be surprised by her husband’s pedantry and economy, but together they will be able to understand and forgive everything.

A Sagittarius woman can become a worthy chosen one of a Virgo man if both learn not to violate the boundaries of each other’s freedom. But the physical closeness of these two signs is beyond all praise.

The Capricorn woman can raise Virgo’s already high self-esteem and help him in career growth. Spouses will cope well with various problems, and this despite the fact that there is no ardent passion here: work, family and responsibilities will be able to unite these people for many years.

Women Pisces and Aquarius, Libra and Leo, of course, can also make a worthy half for a Virgo born in the year of the Snake, but there are many conventions here. But relationships with Pisces and Gemini do not bode well - such marriages are short-lived and emotionally unstable.

For characteristics of a man born under the sign of Virgo, see below.

The Virgo-Snake sign includes people born from August 24 to September 23 in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Virgo-Snake is one of the most attractive signs. A person born with this combination is distinguished by external beauty and refined manners. This combination gives the individual determination, punctuality, and accuracy.

In addition, the Virgo-Snake has a good sense of humor and innate intelligence. Virgo-Snake is one of the most pleasant of all Snakes and Virgos. This combination gives the individual the best character traits that are characteristic of these signs. Virgo born. She is always beautifully and tastefully dressed, and both at home and at work, she has perfect order. A person born with this combination is completely harmonious, both outside and inside.

The Virgo-Snake has an easy-going and peaceful character, excellent intuition and good logical thinking. This is a stylish and intelligent person who is not devoid of artistry. She is wise, self-confident and will not get confused in any situation.

In love relationships, the Virgo-Snake shows great caution and very often tries to avoid serious relationships. This is due to the fact that she is afraid that she will not be able to combine relationships with work, which she gives greater preference to. True, if strong love appears, then it forgets all its fears, doubts and surrounds its loved one with care and attention.

A person born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is charming, attractive and original. This is an elegant and sophisticated nature that knows a lot about beauty. Her appearance is thought out to the smallest detail. She strictly monitors the combination of details, colors and styles, both in clothing and in the interior. A positive attitude allows her to adapt very easily to changing living conditions. Virgo-Snake is self-confident, knows how to think quickly and make decisions. And in combination with well-developed intuition, she can achieve success in any activity.

It is worth noting that a person born with the Virgo-Snake combination instantly recognizes lies and tricks. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you should behave sincerely and honestly with him. In general, the Virgo-Snake shows mercy and tolerance towards others, but reacts very painfully to any attempts to limit her freedom or demonstrate power over her. In this case, it becomes extremely dangerous. It is also not recommended to conflict with her - she will fight back very quickly, but she will harbor a grudge for a long time and at the most unexpected moment, she will take revenge. This is a person who has a goal and is able to subordinate his entire life to this goal. Virgo-Snake is very insightful, and this quality is the result of the painstaking work of her mind, which, one might say, does not stop for a minute.

A person born with this combination lives by constant mental training, which brings him great pleasure. He simply loves to analyze everything, control and compare facts and systematize. These are his favorite activities, to which he devotes maximum free time. Virgo-Snake loves constancy and stability. Her whole life is calculated literally down to the smallest detail, and there is no room for surprises, adventures or new acquaintances. This is an extremely concentrated, businesslike and concrete person who knows how to very accurately study any problem posed to him.

In her work, the Virgo-Snake is hardworking and selfless, sometimes she can even forget about weekends and vacations. She doesn’t like to fuss and does all the work efficiently, slowly, but on time. In addition, he likes to take responsibility, and at the same time he studies all his life, acquires new knowledge and constantly reflects. This is a very responsible and educated employee who knows how to get along with colleagues and support them. Financial well-being is only of interest as an opportunity to feel free. For the Virgo-Snake, personal ambitions and success on a spiritual level are above all. Character flaws include excessive self-criticism. A person born with this combination often criticizes himself, which leads to sudden changes in mood. And in such a situation, he becomes sarcastic and is capable of saying many unpleasant things to others.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Virgo-Snake is charming and attractive. She can bewitch with her mystery and mystery. It is this combination that gives him a little charm and snake cunning, which makes him simply charming and intriguing. As a rule, the Virgo-Snake has many fans with whom she happily flirts and communicates. But he does not strive for a long and serious relationship, because he is constantly torn between home and work. Her emotional life, like all her affairs, is clearly organized, and her feelings are under control. She doesn't like change and is reluctant to start new relationships.

In love, as well as in everyday life, the Virgo-Snake prefers reliability and stability. She makes high demands on her partner, is restrained in expressing feelings, demanding and picky to the smallest detail. But, if he meets true love, he becomes a caring, faithful and understanding companion, devoted with all his soul to his loved one and his family.

Virgo-Snake woman

A woman born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is incredibly attractive, neat and positive. By nature she is friendly and sociable. She does not like scandals and has the ability to extinguish the beginning of a dispute. This is due to the fact that she is initially tuned to harmonious relationships with the whole world.

The Virgo-Snake woman is confident, ambitious and can achieve anything she wants. As a rule, this is a very lucky and happy woman who always turns out to be at the right time and in the right place. The main thing for her is to always remain herself. And then, the powerful energy that the Universe gives her will not pass by. Born in the year of the Snake, a high and responsible position. She always knows what she wants from life and confidently walks the straight path towards her goal. In addition, she is able to inspire others with her ideas and lead. The Virgo-Snake woman can achieve success in any field, but she will be best able to realize herself in the creative field. She can become not just recognized, but also very famous.

In love relationships, the Virgo-Snake woman is down to earth. Yes, she is charming and drives men crazy, but she keeps her feelings under strict control. She is a wonderful housewife, a caring wife and mother. But in her family she also expresses a desire to completely control her loved ones, which causes a violent protest from her husband and children, especially if they belong to the fire element. The Virgo-Snake woman, most often, occupies a leading position in the family, is distinguished by pedantry, love of order, neatness and increased attention to small details. Family is not an empty word for her. Like men of the same combination, the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is constant and faithful. In order for the marriage to become happier, she needs to learn to combine career and family, as well as give more freedom to her beloved man.

Virgo-Snake man

A man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is distinguished by reliability, stability and balance. He is very smart, insightful, persistent in achieving goals, but not always active. Everything about him is calculated down to the smallest detail, including his vital energy. Therefore, you should not demand active actions from him if he is not ready for them.

The Virgo-Snake man is a very calm and reasonable person, striving for comfort and stability in all aspects of life. He does not like moving, traveling, business trips, moving, changing his place of residence, work, etc. He is extremely cautious, circumspect, and often self-absorbed. Of course, with age, he reconsiders many things in his life and changes his style of behavior. In the team, a man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is valued for his practicality, attentiveness and constancy. In addition, thanks to his sociability and sense of humor, the Virgo-Snake man becomes a favorite at work, who not only works selflessly, but also knows how to brighten up the work atmosphere with some funny joke or story.

Also, it is worth noting that the character of this man is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he is strong in every sense, but on the other, he can demonstrate his weaknesses, for example, lack of will, the desire to go with the flow. Born in the year of the Snake, however, behind this appearance lies an iron character that helps him solve the most difficult problems in life. The Virgo-Snake man should pay more attention to self-development, since otherwise he will not be able to achieve great results in life. This will especially affect family relationships and financial well-being.

In love relationships, as in work, the Virgo-Snake man is faithful and constant. This is an ideal option for a woman who values ​​family and wants to marry a permanent and reliable man. Romantic relationships with him are stable and simple. He is sensitive to the woman he loves and strives to help her in every possible way. However, if the companion turns out to be too strong a person, he will actively look for her vulnerable points. Such internal confrontation can extinguish love.

In general, the family life of a man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake develops quite well, but he cannot always appreciate this. With close people, he shows his authoritarian traits, even trying to suppress them. The Virgo-Snake man should devote himself more to feelings, rather than calculation or the desire to prove his power, and also learn delicacy and tolerance, especially in relationships with children.

Virgo is not the simplest sign of the Zodiac, because behind the external attractiveness and sociability of such a lady hides a rather complex character. A Virgo born in the year of the Snake is a completely extraordinary woman, and this article will tell about her character traits.

Character Basics

The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is an incredibly sociable person, with her own shortcomings and quirks. So, for example, such a lady can be literally obsessed with cleanliness. She loves when everything in life goes according to a well-calibrated plan and tries not to change it even in force majeure situations.

A woman born in the year of the Snake, and even under the shadow of Virgo, usually turns out to be strikingly attractive. Such a lady can seduce any man, which she successfully uses for her own purposes. A pragmatic character helps a lady use men without a twinge of conscience, using them to achieve everything she can in life.

When it comes to building relationships, Virgo usually turns out to be quite constant. Such a lady tries in every way to keep her beloved man, creating an ideal family hearth in the house. Virgo is used to everything in her life working out perfectly and without complaints. That is why, if a relationship suddenly breaks down, it hurts the Virgo-Snake’s pride, awakening in her not the best feelings.

Usually such a lady turns out to be successful in many areas, including in building a career. The Virgo-Snake is ready to go to great lengths to achieve career success, but at the same time she will never compromise her principles. Often Virgo is not seen as a serious and ambitious worker because of her external attractiveness. That is why a lady has to defend her own right to a successful career.

Often they do not see intellectual potential in such a woman, although Virgo herself is very smart. She can wisely hide her intellectual level in order to ultimately get what she needs.

Virgo can have an ideal relationship with Cancers and Scorpios born in the year of the Dog or Ox. Usually men are ready to tolerate Virgo’s character flaws because of her beauty and intelligence, and the lady herself needs to know about the presence of a strong man in her life.

Love in the life of the Virgo-Snake

The Virgo woman (year of the Snake) is a person who pays insufficient attention to her personal life. For many years, such a lady has put her career first. Only after achieving everything she can in her career does the Virgo woman begin to look for a serious relationship.

That is why such ladies get married quite late, and throughout their lives they doubt whether they have chosen the right partner. It is very important for the Virgo-Snake that her lover be a serious, adult person. The wealth of a man is a priority for such a lady, and she herself is not used to needing anything. Typically, Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, quickly achieves success in her career and financial independence, and therefore it is important for her that her partner is no less successful.

If a Virgo wife falls in love, she is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her partner. Sometimes such a woman forgets about her career and friends, devoting all her free time to her beloved man. Virgo views marriage as a serious step and decides to take it only with full confidence in the future success of the relationship. If such a lady falls in love, she will jump down the aisle in just a couple of months, whatever she wishes for later.

Losing her head from feelings, Virgo forgets about her personal principles. If such a relationship ends, it literally kills Virgo. In the future, it turns out to be very difficult for her to start a new relationship.

The Virgo woman very rarely cheats on her partner, because she deeply respects his feelings. However, men are persistently jealous of the Snake Virgo, because she always finds herself in the center of attention of the opposite sex, and never experiences a shortage of admirers.

The Virgo-Snake is considered to be quite resourceful in bed, and this is another reason why men are crazy about her. But Virgo can only start a sexual relationship with someone out of love, because she respects her own body.

It is possible to build a relationship with Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, only if the woman is sincerely in love with her partner. For such a lady, her career almost always comes first, and she can rebuild her usual way of life only because of a great feeling.

Virgo-snake is one of the most refined natures. Its beauty is verified: all sorts of nuances are provided and all the little things are polished. In other words: her appearance is impeccable! Although this is not always the case...

Insightful, meticulous. She loves accessories and uses them skillfully.

Eastern horoscope: year of the snake
Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

Such a Snake has well-developed intuition and analytical thinking. Virgo-Snake is a sophisticated, stylish, sometimes too “theatrical” nature; may seem calculating. She is very serious and careful in matters of the heart.

Is the Snake symbol considered to be a smart, resourceful and confident sign in ancient Chinese astrology? with a charming character. Snake-Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

The Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic and can easily adapt and settle anywhere. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hard workers, they need to be reminded about vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps them achieve their goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people can be difficult to persuade into long-term personal relationships. Sometimes it seems to them that they simply will not be able to keep up both in their personal lives and at work. Achieving their ambitions is a very important point for them. However, when they fall in love, they direct all their care to the object of love, becoming thoughtful, faithful and devoted partners.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in choosing friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as them.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, when they become sharp-tongued and can begin to manipulate people.

The snake under the zodiac sign Virgo is one of the most beautiful representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope in manners and appearance. Using the gift given to her from above, the snake maiden finds a magic word and vibration frequency for everyone, skillfully resonating them with the chosen one.

The Virgo Snake is a meticulous, pedantic person who prefers thoroughness and punctuality to everything else. When solving any problems, he prefers to carefully calculate everything so that he can hit without a miss.

One of the unpublicized features of the Virgo snake is its amazing insight. She is able to see the background of any phenomenon. It is not recommended to deceive her. Even if the deception passes, it will only be an appearance. In fact, the snake maiden will either pretend that she doesn’t know anything, or, if she doesn’t know something, she will find out later. It seems that the guesses of this “soothsayer” in the guise of a maiden snake come easily, but in fact, they are the fruit of her long thoughts. Going through her mind, analyzing and comparing facts is her favorite hobby, which she enjoys doing from morning to night.

The Virgo Snake man does not like to change partners, both in business and in his personal life. The snake maiden does not pose a danger to others. The only exceptions are two situations - when someone tries to “pin her tail” or when she begins to take revenge. Resentment is not the least characteristic of a Virgo snake woman—having harbored a grudge, she remembers it all her life.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope, is an impeccable combination of sophistication and pedantry, intelligence and optimism. She is not deprived of perfectionism and self-demandingness, which are characteristic of this zodiac sign, but in Virgo-Snake these traits do not give rise to tediousness and rejection of any changes.

According to the Eastern Zodiac horoscope, Virgo-Snake is a lively, sociable person with a pleasant sense of humor who attracts others. In company, she knows how to have a heart-to-heart talk and have a lot of fun, but at the same time she almost never loses the ability to think soberly and does not blindly follow other people’s lead.

The Virgo-Snake's prudence saves her from many mistakes and worries - being a frivolous heroine of adventurous adventures is definitely not her path. For her, stability and constancy are of great importance, which give her a sense of confidence in the future and help in achieving internal comfort. If the Virgo-Snake makes a choice, no matter whether it concerns work, place of residence or personal life, it will last for a very long time. Perhaps forever.

Without exaggeration, for many who know her, the character of the Virgo-Snake can become an ideal role model. In her life, neatness reigns in everything - from an impeccable manicure to business papers laid out on shelves. It doesn’t matter what you entrust to her - organizing important negotiations, decorating a festive table or drawing up a business plan for a million euros - rest assured that she will scrupulously approach any task and complete it even better than you expected.

Virgo-Snake Love

The Virgo-Snake love horoscope characterizes her as a person capable of reaching a state of exaltation in love experiences! Few other signs are able to discern such a wide range of emotions. That is why for the Virgo-Snake, even a trifling love turns into a romance that completely captures all her thoughts and feelings. Fortunately, Cupid is not so often able to take the collected and serious Virgo-Snake by surprise, because such intensity of passions is not easy to experience.

After a stormy beginning, the Virgo-Snake dreams of a calm continuation; she has no need for daily Spanish passions. A woman under this sign will become an excellent wife, wisely and gently leading her household, and sometimes her husband. The Virgo-Snake man, although he may sometimes seem too demanding, will never leave his family for the sake of a momentary hobby.

Virgo-Snake Sexuality

Virgo-Snake prefers leisurely sensual sex in comfortable conditions. Erotic extreme is not her day.

Celebrities of the Virgo sign born in the year of the Snake:

Alexander Radishchev, Russian poet and prose writer.
Bashar al-Assad, Syrian politician.
Bill Kaulitz, German singer.
Bogdan Stupka, Soviet and Ukrainian actor.
Goethe, German poet and thinker.
Greta Garbo, Swedish and American actress.
Dmitry Medvedev, Russian politician.
Elizabeth I Tudor, Queen of England and Ireland.
Igor Petrenko, Russian actor.
Irakli Pirtskhalava, Russian singer.
Lennox Lewis, Canadian and British boxer.
Luigi Galvani, Italian doctor, physicist and physiologist.
Mickey Rourke, American actor.
Rocky Marciano, American boxer.
Sergei Dovlatov, Russian writer and journalist.
Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslav politician.
Charlie Sheen, American actor.

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