Home Orthopedics Compatibility of Rat and Pig (Boar) – unbearable lightness of being. Compatibility of Rat and Pig (Boar) - the unbearable lightness of being Libra Pig and Rat compatibility

Compatibility of Rat and Pig (Boar) – unbearable lightness of being. Compatibility of Rat and Pig (Boar) - the unbearable lightness of being Libra Pig and Rat compatibility

Character of the Rat (Mouse)

Due to the similarity of temperaments, the compatibility of Rat and Pig has good prospects. Representatives of both signs are quite sociable, hospitable, and will not miss an opportunity to have a lot of fun. They will not have disagreements about the number of parties and entertainment.

Their previous social circles easily and quickly merge into one. Everyone feels in a natural environment, where there is a place for friendly parties and get-togethers, and for self-development. There is simply no time left to fight for leadership. The only reason for the quarrels may be irrepressible love.

As a rule, the spat does not last long. Both feel uncomfortable in a state of conflict, they always strive to preserve the relationship, since they value each other’s company, and are also too practical to start a divorce.

The pig knows a lot about romance

Often the Rat and Pig are forced to seek a balance between romance and pragmatism. The first sign may seem too calculating and superficial to the partner when it comes to feelings and experiences.

To be fair, it should be noted that the Rat Libra or Pisces is incredibly romantic and is ready to spend years searching for the ideal, which in the end will be the cheerful Pig. In most cases, developed intelligence and imagination help compensate for the difference in perception of the world around us.

Rat man, Pig woman

The horoscope highly values ​​the compatibility of the Rat man and the Pig woman in terms of love relationships. The Pig girl and the Rat man complement each other perfectly, inspire and teach. He discovers new horizons of emotions and feelings, and in return she receives a feeling of security and confidence in the future.

A practical husband may be somewhat irritated by his partner’s carelessness, as well as by the fact that she constantly makes him jealous with her behavior. Resourcefulness and worldly wisdom, as well as a mutual desire to find a common language, always help to balance relationships.

Pig man, Rat woman

Compatibility between a Rat woman and a Pig man may encounter some difficulties. The Pig is too soft and disorganized, the Rat believes, expecting decisive action from its companion.

He, in turn, feels partly deceived: the closest person does not want to understand and appreciate his creative nature. Compatibility between Pig and Rat is based on the husband’s ability to express admiration and respect, to be gallant and attentive.

The wife is ready to forgive the lack of business acumen and inability to adapt to life for this cozy family man who loves the warmth of home so much. She has no idea when he manages to find love affairs on the side. Moreover, every time he sincerely believes that it is not his fault, he simply could not resist the charms of the beauties. Being terribly jealous himself, he is ready to consider his wife as property if he does not receive a rebuff.

How to strengthen relationships

Astrologers note that compatibility in love between Pig and Rat is more often inclined in favor of the second sign. The one who is more pragmatic and purposeful pulls the blanket over himself. In addition, he is a born manipulator, deftly instilling feelings of guilt.

The ability not to take squabbles to heart also plays a role. The good-natured Pig and the aggressive Rat are forced to maneuver in the family boat between the mood swings to which both are subject. Sympathy and mutual assistance allow this union to stay afloat as long as necessary.

Options for developing relationships

The compatibility of the pair Rat and Pig provides for the following scenarios:

  1. Friendzone;
  2. Lovers;
  3. Family.

Nothing can overshadow a relationship that does not go beyond friendship. Easy-going, similar interests, and responsiveness will certainly bring them together. Falling in love will not prevent this couple from entering into arranged marriages and continuing to date.

They are not lacking in love, questions of morality are not too burdensome. But the compatibility of Pig and Rat in marriage will require accepting each other as they are: with whims, temper, cynicism, commercialism. If both invest at least a little effort into the development of family relationships and the sensory sphere, the chances of success are quite high.

Both are passionate and sexual creatures, they are brought together by the desire for pleasure. Perhaps this is the only thing they have in common. And they do not regret it, experiencing wonderful moments together. True, sometimes the Rat is annoyed by the Pig's naivety, especially in business and family matters. But if the Rat is overwhelmed by passions, she always admires the attention and tenderness of the Pig.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Pig and the Rat, for his sake she is ready to go through fire and water, trying to stir up and encourage her clumsy pet. She can teach him a lot, especially how to manage money.

Pig Man and Rat Woman

Compatibility of the signs of a Pig man and a Rat woman promises a good, promising relationship. They are both very sociable, active, love to be in company and have all kinds of entertainment, they are comfortable enjoying life together. They are surrounded by a large number of acquaintances and friends. Their life together as a whole can be interesting and easy. The best part is that in such an alliance both partners will develop and they will not waste time sorting things out over trifles.

The Rat woman wants to meet a business man, but the Pig man will seem more interesting to her, because he is a creative person, so he is not always clear and a little strange. It may even seem to her that this man is not adapted to the harsh earthly life. But on the other hand, he is very caring and attentive, values ​​his family, strives to do everything for her in order to feel the warmth of loved ones all the time. The Pig man is jealous and wants to be the only owner of what he has. You shouldn’t confront him about this, you just need to give him a feeling of respect and honor (if a family has already been created).

Despite the instincts of the owner, this man himself can find love affairs on the side. He has natural charm and sensuality, but his lack of self-confidence allows women to easily manipulate him. Therefore, the Rat woman must increase his self-esteem in order to avoid betrayal.

Pig Woman and Rat Man

Compatibility between Pig woman and Rat man is very good and promising. Both partners are active and sociable, prefer to spend time in noisy companies, have fun and indulge in various pleasures together. They enjoy social life, socializing and big noisy meetings. In principle, their life together will probably be easy and interesting. The most important thing is that in this union the partners develop, and do not waste time on quarrels, bickering and defending their positions.

Both he and she are resourceful, smart and intellectually developed, but the Rat man thinks more superficially and prudently, while the Pig girl lives by feelings and seeks the deep essence of things, fearing being misunderstood and deceived.

The combination of the Rat and Pig signs is simply ideal for building friendly relationships when the Rat’s technicality does not intersect with the Pig’s feelings. It is actually easier for them to start with a friendship or business partnership and only then develop a love passion; if a spark arises between them, then everything will definitely work out for them.

In the Pig woman, the Rat man will find an ideological inspirer and a muse capable of expanding his horizon of worldview. Like him, she is quite wise and dexterous in everything that concerns everyday problems. The only difficulty is that the Rat man will be surprised and somewhat wary of the love of love and the magnitude of female potential in his partner. He is not used to talking about his feelings and emotions, while she perceives life through feelings and emotions. It is important that he does not see this as a problem, but finds how to use it for himself, so that it will be pleasant for both him and her. Then their relationship will become completely harmonious.

A family union in compatibility between a Pig (Boar) man and a Rat woman can rightfully be considered one of the best and most promising unions.

Both partners are committed to interaction and try to take into account each other’s interests and mood. Despite the fact that they are attracted to each other, they do not become isolated in their relationship, but happily lead an active social life, showing themselves as sociable and energetic individuals.

These people are united by a thirst for travel, learning new things and self-development. As a rule, in this union, spouses help each other to activate hidden resources, opportunities, individual creative impulses and aspirations.

The innate charm and sensuality of the Pig (Boar) man attracts women, and his catastrophic lack of self-confidence is aggravated by the fact that women skillfully manipulate him and easily achieve what they want. Therefore, the Rat woman should seriously engage in developing her feminine qualities, accepting herself and increasing self-esteem in order to avoid betrayal.

Pig (Boar) man and Rat woman - compatibility

A man born in , is a positive person with a great sense of humor. He has a wide soul and a big, kind heart. Always and everywhere he is guided by his feelings, and not by reason, as a result of which he can be offended and harmful if his pride, principles and morals are hurt. And also an emotional person. She clearly knows what she wants from life, she is demanding of others and herself. She loves entertainment and fun, and cannot stand boredom and routine. She needs a constant change of impressions like air. However, the Pig (Boar) man is also not against having fun. They are healthy and comfortable together. They are happy to organize their leisure time and do not want to waste precious time on quarrels and bickering.

The main problems that may arise between a Pig (Boar) man and a Rat woman are largely related to the internal state, and not due to external factors and circumstances. One of the difficulties of interaction may be that the Rat woman is looking for a business and enterprising partner who will achieve everything under her strict guidance, and also finds an emotional friend. As a result, the Rat woman may become disappointed in the relationship, and then the preservation of the family will depend entirely on her. But there is also a plus in this character of the spouse. The Pig (Boar) man can help the Rat woman significantly expand the boundaries of her worldview and become the only inspiration for the implementation of her plans.

A woman born in , can therefore easily manipulate her husband at her discretion. In addition, she is very hot-tempered and often shows aggression, but she is easy-going, thanks to which she quickly returns to normal and calms down. For the Rat woman, accustomed to calculating and analyzing everything, love relationships are also more of a calculation, while for the Pig (Boar) man it is something deep, mysterious and vital.

In this couple, problems can also arise for the reason that the Pig (Boar) man is jealous, wants to be the only owner of what he has and tries to control every step of his wife. And the Rat woman is a freedom-loving nature and does not like any restrictions. In response, she can show her aggressive character, which will greatly hurt the vulnerable soul of the Pig (Boar) man. To avoid conflicts on this basis, you just need to give your spouse an even greater sense of respect and honor.

The Rat woman captivates at first sight with her kindness, politeness and sociability; she knows how to choose the right words, although her kindness is rarely sincere. More than anything else, a woman born in the year of the Rat fears poverty and instability in financial matters. It is extremely important for her to ensure her old age. Therefore, she always saves money and has difficulty parting with things that are no longer needed. And the Pig (Boar) man is simple-minded, generous and does not know how to stock up at all. In addition, it is completely impractical, so the Rat woman has to take on all the responsibilities, worries and chores around the house. She is much wiser and more logical in everyday matters, and in the role of a mother she simply has no equal. The Pig (Boar) man appreciates these character traits of his wife. He is attentive, patient, caring and literally idolizes his beloved for her ability to maintain the warmth of the home. Next to him, the Rat woman can feel like a real queen, desired, unique, magnificent. The Pig (Boar) man is generous and forgives his beloved all her shortcomings, and even smooths them out as best he can. And the inquisitive mind of the Rat woman helps her skillfully manage the household and give advice on arranging the space to the man - the Pig (Boar).

Pig (Boar) man and Rat woman - compatibility in love

Sexually, everything is fine in this couple. Male Pig (Boar) – ardent, hot, passionate. This is exactly the kind of man the temperamental Rat woman dreamed of.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple of Pig Man (Boar) and Rat Woman

In order for the relationship in this couple to be long-term and happy, the Rat woman needs to learn to support her chosen one, become his muse and inspirer. The Pig (Boar) man, thanks to the support and sensible advice of his wife, can achieve significant heights in his professional activities. To do this, she just needs to show her husband that he has a reliable rear, then he will be able to show his confidence and determination to the maximum.

Whether to believe horoscopes or not, a person decides for himself. But even skeptics notice how accurately it reflects a person’s character. It doesn’t hurt to check horoscope compatibility for those who are thinking about a serious relationship with a partner. Astrologers do not call for breaking off a relationship if compatibility is zero, but suggest what to pay attention to in order for the marriage to be long. Let's talk about the relationship between such signs as the Pig (or Boar) and the Rat.

The generous Pig forgives all shortcomings

Woman - Rat and man - Pig

To determine character compatibility, let's study the characteristics of people born at this time. Then it becomes clear whether we can talk about a successful relationship.


Rat Woman.

  • The first impression of her is positive: she captivates with her politeness and sociability. She knows how to find the right words, although her kindness is rarely sincere.
  • The Rat woman is afraid of poverty, instability in financial matters. For them, the main thing is a secure old age, so they like to save money and have a hard time parting with even damaged things. They seem to be stingy. But they don’t spare money for loved ones.
  • They are open, inquisitive, and at the same time curious, they love gossip.
  • Movable, strives to gain new experiences, emotional.
  • The Rat is not easy to please, because it is demanding.
  • One of her qualities is entrepreneurship.

Man - Pig.

  • A man born this year is honest, decent, and follows the rules of decency.
  • The Pig is polite, courteous with other people, charming and witty.
  • He easily forgives the shortcomings of other people, forgets grievances, and does not like to judge or gossip.
  • Such people make the best friends.
  • The boar does not like to deceive.
  • Generous.
  • In marriage, they are faithful to their half, support and help her.
  • They can cheat because they are sensitive, love increases their self-esteem.

Development of a relationship

It’s not for nothing that they say that opposites attract, and in this case the compatibility is complete. The Rat woman and the Pig man make a happy couple.

The generous Pig forgives all the shortcomings of its partner and even smoothes them out. And the inquisitive mind of the Rat helps her give the right advice on housekeeping. In addition, this couple also has common traits - sociability. This is an excellent union; even if it doesn’t come to marriage, they will still understand each other perfectly and become best friends.

Problems arise only because the husband will control his wife’s every move, and she will not like it. You will also have to work on your intimate life and diversify it. Although the Pig is a virtuoso and an entertainer in bed, if you awaken her feelings. Also, the Rat does not like the creative nature of the Pig, because... she is looking for a business man. She sometimes thinks that her partner is too weak. But these are all little things, the couple is suitable for marriage, compatibility is high.

Man – Rat, woman – Pig

If the compatibility of the couple woman - Rat, man - Pig was considered good, but there were also “buts”, then in this case the relationship is impeccable. This union is suitable for marriage.


Woman - Pig.

  • Trusting, devoted.
  • In family life she is reliable, calm and optimistic, caring and kind, not talkative.
  • She cannot be happy without money, she will always find someone who will earn it, and she can provide for herself. Loves to go shopping.
  • Attractive and seductive, sexy.
  • Romantic by nature, shy, but loves noisy companies.

Male Rat.

  • They conquer other people with their charm and charm.
  • Practicality and pragmatism are characteristic of them, as well as authority.
  • The character of the Rats man is strong, sometimes aggressive.
  • They love to communicate.
  • They easily cope with any situation; cunning and perseverance help them in this.

Development of a relationship

The couple, as already mentioned, has ideal compatibility, which is suitable for marriage. The Rat will help the slow Pig make the right decisions. They balance each other well. The restless Rat needs the optimism of the Pig. And he is a reliable support for her. Cheating can destroy a marriage. Both love adventure. The wife is especially loving. To prevent this, you need to find some common cause for two. The relationship will be long-term. The Pig woman will inspire her man and become his muse.

Yana Volkova

It happens in life that a strong friendship, after several years together, develops into serious romantic feelings. It happens the other way around - love fades, passion goes away, but partners maintain warmth and friendly relations even after a divorce. Eastern astrologers cannot decide in any way in which relationship the Rat and the Pig will feel more comfortable. After all, the general compatibility of signs is very high.

Compatibility horoscope for Rat and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope - let's be happy together!

A Rat love relationship with a Pig will most likely begin somewhere in a large and noisy company. The Rat loves parties. There she receives attention from the opposite sex and finds useful acquaintances. The pig is a party girl by nature. She is good-natured and naive. She just likes it society of people without benefits for myself.

The young couple will spend a lot of time in the company of friends. Warm evenings at home for two are a rare occurrence in the lives of Rodent and Piggy. But this is not a frivolous pastime. This couple develops harmoniously together. They are open to everything new and ready to catch all perspectives in life.

Sometimes the Pig's naivety in relations with the Rat plays a cruel joke on her.

Sovronya is afraid of deception and expects a dirty trick from the Rodent, who sees absolutely no sin in manipulation and hiding the truth

But if the Rat convinces his partner of his honesty, selflessness and does not take advantage of the Pig’s good nature for his own benefit, then their relationship will work out just fine. Rat loves in Pig:

  • reliability, calmness and optimism,
  • devotion and trust,
  • attractiveness, sexuality, romance.

The Pig appreciates such qualities of the Rat:

  • love of wealth and ability to earn money,
  • charm and sociability,
  • strong and domineering character, but with a tendency to compromise.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Rat and the Pig (Boar)

A marriage between a Rat and a Pig is unlikely to end in divorce. Husband and wife endure cannot quarrel with each other. The Soft Pig will try to get out of the conflict without harsh statements and curses. And the Rat, who is prone to mutual concessions, will also prefer to find a middle ground and dot all the I’s.

Often their problems are a reason to laugh and joke with each other

But as in any marriage, there is always something that can shake even an impeccable union:

  • . She is able to put pressure on her partner with her feelings. Sometimes this fetters the freedom-loving Rat, who is pressured by both her partner’s jealousy and her own feeling of jealousy. It manifests itself in the case when the breadth of the Pig’s soul is excessively attracted to the opposite sex and is perceived as flirting.
  • A rodent may be annoyed by the simplicity of Khavronya. And although they are both highly intelligent individuals, the Rat does not understand why the Pig is friends with everyone. And not just with those who bring benefits.
  • Commercialism of the Rat and her ability to manipulate people often frightens Pig. Khrushkin's gullibility has led to deception in the past. And it will happen more than once in the future. The Rat should convince his partner of his truthfulness and promise him his protection from the evil thoughts of people around him.

Husband and wife in the union of the Pig and the Rat - good parents. The rodent will teach the offspring how to be independent, count on their strengths and develop, even in difficult situations. The Pig will instill in them a love of communication, an active lifestyle and show them how to look at the world positively and optimistically.

Friendship between the Rat and the Pig according to the Chinese calendar - there is nothing better in the world than friends wandering around the world (c)

According to oriental astrologers, the friendly compatibility of the Rat and the Pig is much higher than average. Once they get along, the couple will be friends for many years. The pig, as an idealist, often does not notice the shortcomings of the Rodent. And the Rodent accepts the Pig’s naivety and good nature and appreciates her loyalty in relationships. Friends feel good together.

She is satisfied with this position in friendship. Both signs adore a social lifestyle. They have a good sense of humor and a sense of beauty. Rat and Pig are easy to communicate. The Pig is one of the few signs for which the Rat has real warm feelings and is ready to be friends to the end.

Compatibility in the work of Rat and Pig is no less high. They carry over their wonderful friendly relationships into financial life. The Pig is a very lucky sign in money. Many of his ideas and enterprises are profitable. And Rat is an excellent manager in all pig projects. In addition, the Rat has many useful and necessary connections that help the common cause. On the Pig lies the reputation of the company. But the Rat, with its perfect nose for people, will always protect a business partner from dishonest and vile individuals.

Compatibility between Rat men and Pig women – sex as the highest level of communication

The compatibility of a couple, where he is a Rat and she is a Pig, will rely on the wisdom of the Pig girl. She is charming, beautiful, takes care of herself, and is a good housewife. Pig optimistic and always supports her partner, if he sees a loss of strength and mood. Such a partner is more than suitable for a Rat guy. He is happy and inspired by his beloved.

The Rodent and the Pig are attracted to each other sexually as well. The couple spends a lot of time indulging in lovemaking. And sex on the first date is quite common and doesn’t bother anyone. This will be a sensual, passionate romance.

Although the Rat is prone to more refined pleasures, he still tries to satisfy his partner. He teaches her to be more inventive and sophisticated.

But the Rat in this union is more active in society than his partner. Sometimes this leads to irritation and conflicts. But given the fact that Khavronya, who loves a well-fed and rich life, is satisfied with the prosperity that the Rodent gives her, she will find ways to reassure her beloved. The Pig Girl will not limit the Rat guy’s freedom, but will become part of his social life. Moreover, Rat is smart. She will be happy to learn necessary and useful things from him.

A couple in which he is a Rat and she is a Pig is doomed to love and many years together if the partners learn not only to have fun and actively spend time together, but also develop mutual respect and attention for each other.

Compatibility of Rat woman and Pig man – when you want to repeat something unique

The relationship in which she is a Rat and he is a Pig will develop interestingly and easily at first. Development is also a key point here. This couple is also active outside the home - friends, trips, travel, parties. A good sense of humor allows the Pig guy and the Rat girl not to get hung up on little things and treat problems lightly, with laughter.

Finding out the relationship between them is more likely an exchange of jokes and jokes than serious quarrels and conflicts

Despite the shortcomings of the signs, they can make a good couple with a relationship that will be the envy of others. Rodent is an active, enterprising, interesting woman. Good hostess. And although the Pig is not an exemplary example of a workaholic, the Rat girl will find a way to attract her partner to interesting work and stable income. Their relationship is extremely romantic. Sometimes this state of affairs does not suit the Rat. She's bigger loves pragmatic and calculating people of people. Yes, she herself belongs to this type. A pig, with the breadth of his soul, sometimes causes attacks of anger and aggression in his beloved. This jeopardizes the integrity of the entire relationship. But his care, attentiveness, love for family and loved ones captivates the Rat and makes her treat her partner more gently. The Rodent must certainly increase the Pig’s self-esteem.

She is a Rat, he is a Pig - enough promising combination according to Chinese astrologers. It is enough to just slightly correct your partner’s shortcomings and carefully monitor your reaction to problems and misunderstandings.

When building a relationship with a loved one, it is better to look into the forecasts of astrologers when they promise you happiness and prosperity. But in case of a bad horoscope or unsuccessful compatibility, remember that all people can make mistakes, even if these people are Eastern sages.

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love.

15 February 2018, 18:19

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