Home Pulpitis Exercises on prepositions. Prepositions of place

Exercises on prepositions. Prepositions of place

There is no need to inflect English words by case. With evolution, this place was taken by prepositions, of which there are many, and which are one of the main ways of expressing the interaction of words in a sentence. Let's first define what we mean by these little words.

Prepositions in English play a service role and are used as a link of words in a sentence. They can reflect both temporal, spatial, and causal, effectual and other relationships. Thus, we can say that these are secondary words that relate one member of the sentence to another. Like gray Cardinals, they influence the meaning of a phrase, and none of them can fully exist without their “instructions.”

Functions of prepositions in English

1. Paying attention to the Russian sentence, you will notice that coordination function with other members sentences mainly carry out endings that change according to persons and cases, which, perhaps fortunately, is not the case in English. This is what prepositions are for.

My sister lives in a big house. — My sister lives in a big house.

After breakfast we went to the garden. — After breakfast we went to the garden.

He came with his friend. - He came with a friend.

2. Some of these function words also serve grammatical function: of - possessive case, by (with) - in the passive voice describes the actor (object), to - shows to whom the action is directed.

The roof of the house is broken. - Roof Houses broken.

She explained the rule to the pupils. — She explained the rule students.

The documents were signed by the director. — The documents were signed director

They cut the paper with the knife. — They cut the paper knife.

Place in sentence

1. In most cases, the preposition can be either before a noun or a pronoun.

He works at the large library. — He works in a big library.

He was sitting under the tree. — He was sitting under a tree.

2. But, in direct and indirect matters it can take place before a question word or at the end if it refers to the pronouns what, whom, which.

What are you speaking about? (About what are you speaking?) - What are you talking about?

Whom did he speak to? (To whom did he speak?) - Who was he talking to?

3. In subordinate clauses of definition, if preposition refers to a relative pronoun.

The flat which he lived in was very small. — The apartment in which he lived was very small.

4. In some passive phrases.

My brother was laughed at. (They laughed at my brother.) - They laughed at my brother.

A doctor was sent for. (They sent for a doctor.) - They sent for the doctor.

Prepositions in English

  1. According to their composition, all English prepositions are divided into simple (in, at, on, for), compound (into, upon, throughot) and group (in front of, according to, instead of).
  2. In relation to events, they can be divided into:

Prepositions of time

Prepositions of direction

Prepositions of place

Unfortunately, learning only this functional part of speech and its translation is not enough. Some of them have several meanings, some are used in set expressions and so-called phrasal verbs (for example: on duty - on duty, on foot - on foot, to be interested in - to be interested in something, to be responsible for - to be responsible for ), some coincide in form with adverbs.

All this will have to be learned, trained and memorized. But all the subtleties can be understood if you read our articles of the same name about and. Plus, exercises on prepositions in English will help you establish contact with these “windy people.”

English prepositions in pictures

Instead of re-reading, for example, prepositions of place, your eye will remember the whole picture, and your brain will immediately distinguish between distinctive features in writing and use. That is, not just some of the remembered prepositions will remain in your memory, but all of them together. Try it!

Learn prepositions in English in pictures - and you will make the process of memorization easier for yourself. And you can do this with the help of our sign.

Prepositions of place
Prepositions of direction
Prepositions of time

So, in order to remember when and what preposition is used, first you should learn all the groups and their translation. Then, from sentence to sentence, from phrase to phrase, master the subtleties, features and comprehend the secrets.


  1. Our studies begin (in, on, at) autumn.
  2. My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes home late (in, on, at) night.
  3. The students are listening (for, at, to) a new text now.
  4. Take the book (out of, from) the shelf and show it (for, to) me.
  5. Which (of, from) the houses are yours?
  6. I think you can get there (on, by, in) bus.
  7. What is he afraid (of, by, at)?
  8. Don't turn (on, off, in) the radio. Father is working.
  9. I asked the librarian to show some books (for, to, -) me.
  10. Some (-, of, from) my friends are coming to see me tonight.
  11. What do you usually do (at, in, on) your English lessons?
  12. (At, in, on) Saturday I am (in, at, -) home at (at, in) 3.
  13. I live (in, at, on) Pushkina Street not far (from, of) the Institute of Foreign Languages.
  14. I'm (on, at, in) a hurry. John is waiting (to, at, for) me (in, at) the Institute.
  15. Would you like some coffee (to, by, for) breakfast?

1. in
2. at
3. to
4. from, to
6. by
9. to
11. at
12. on, at, at
13. in, from
14. in, for, at

Prepositions of Place are used to indicate direction and position in space. Of all the possible prepositions, they are the most commonly used. Today we’ll look at prepositions in English, exercises that will help you learn the material more easily and consolidate the topic you’ve learned. But first, a little theory for general understanding or reminder.

Prepositions in English: table with examples

Every day we say that we are going somewhere, returning from somewhere, heading somewhere, etc. To correctly express your intention or talk about a trip, you need to know how to use prepositions of place in your speech. There aren't that many of them. In two or three days you can completely learn all existing prepositions and learn how to use them in conversation.

Reference: If you apply the theory with examples, then learning prepositions will be easy even for children, not just adults. So, let's learn what we need in English, and then consider the exercises.

Pretext Meaning Example
In Within a certain object, space, subject In the world, in the car, in the kitchen, in Spain
At Indicates being (on, with, in, behind, at something) At the cinema, at the party, at the table
On something, on some surface On the table, the picture on the wall
To indicate a side (left, right) On the left, on the right
On a specific floor of the building On the second floor, on the third floor
When we talk about television or radio On the radio, on TV
Beside, next to, by In close proximity to something Katherine was dancing next to the stage ( by, beside in the same meaning)
Under When an object is located below something or under something Her swimwear is under the shelf
Below Located one level below something The roots are below the soil
Over By moving up something, through something, above something The jacket over the dress, to fly over the river, to jump over the puddle
Above Above something A bridge above the valley
Across To the other side, to the other side To run across the field
Through Pass through Run through the tunnel
To Toward something or someone Go to Spain, go to the theatre, go to bed (meaning *go to bed*)
Into In the direction of something Go into the giant box
Towards Move towards something Move straight towards the city
Onto Moving to the top of something Jump onto the stool
From From somewhere, the preposition serves as a designation of the starting point From the village, from the river, from the lake.

Prepositions in English exercises:

Complete the tasks in the exercises presented. Write or substitute the correct answer. After completing the tasks, check the correct answers by clicking on “Check answers” ​​at the bottom of the exercises.

Exercise No. 1 (prepositions)

Fill in the necessary prepositions in the blank spaces:

I decided to move the town but my brother just returned it.

When we were little children we often ran the valleys.

You have to turn the left and then - the right. Don't miss the needed turn!

We were so happy! We were just the heaven!

We had to fly the deep river but my sister denied. She is afraid of depth.

We all were the party but she decided to see who was the kitchen.

She was standing him looking at his green-brown eyes.

Exercise No. 2 (prepositions)

Choose the correct preposition from in, at, on, to, above, below or through:

on to above at below

The cinema when I saw my father with that young girl.

I left my bag

at on to in below

His car. What to do? I have no phone, money or key from my house.

through in below on at

The kitchen? So yummy smell… Somebody is cooking something tasty.

They had to go

in at on above through

The jungles. I am sure they are afraid!

Can you see something

through in below to at

The icy surface? I see nothing as well as you see.

These guys have to swim

in at on through below

The river. I think whether it is injected with crocodiles…

The shoes were

in under on to above

The table but I asked to put it

above at in to on

Which side I have to turn -

at to through on below

The left or

at to through on below

The right? Go straight forward!

The vase was standing

to above below on through

The table. But what is

in below at to above


Exercise No. 3 (prepositions)

Choose the desired preposition from towards, into, from, to, onto, across:

Mary just came

towards from to across

The village but now have to go

into from across to onto

Your naughty children decided to jump

towards from to onto

How many steps left

into from towards to across

Your house? I'm really tired to walk so long.

across from to into

My eyes – you don’t have to be afraid of something.

If we mean that inside the table there is a drawer for stationery and other supplies. When translating, you need to look specifically at the context, which will help translate the desired sentence correctly. Are you at an intermediate level? Great! You will completely cope with the task! And if you are still a little confused, then do exercises with translation. This way the classes will be more effective.

Note! The whole meaning of a sentence can depend on a preposition, especially if it is small! Over the river/under the river- a clear example. The second striking example is on the left/to the left. On the left means on the left, on the left side, to the left- to the left. To correctly compose a sentence and help a person get to the right place, the ability to distinguish between these two prepositions will be very useful to you.

Improve your knowledge and do at least one exercise with prepositions every day. Remember: systematics are the key to success! Don't miss classes and enrich yourself with knowledge! Good luck!

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Exercises on English prepositions of place will be useful to everyone, because even confident language users from time to time have difficulties in using prepositions of time. I recommend repeating it. After completing the exercises, you can check the answers.

Prepositions of place English exercises.

Exercise 1 . Let us recall the placement of prepositions in addresses.Complete the sentences. Use on, at or in

  1. Gary Clench lives ____ Brighton.
  2. He lives _____ Clifton Street.
  3. He lives ____ 33 Clifton Street.
  4. His flat is ___ the second floor.
  5. Carlos lives____Barcelona.
  6. I live____Main Street.
  7. I live ____109 Main Street.

What about you? Where do you live? Make true sentences.

Exercise 2. Insert a suitable preposition of place.

  1. There's a strange woman standing ____ a tree. (under)
  2. There's a motorbike ____ the car (in front) and a bicycle ____ it (behind), so the car is _____ the yellow motorbike and the bicycle.
  3. There's a bus waiting ___ a bus stop.
  4. There"s a briefcase____ the desk. (under)
  5. Can you see a camera ____ the drawer?
  6. There"s a large picture _____ the wall___ two small
  7. There are two bedrooms ____ the flat.
  8. Santa Monica is ____Southern California.
  9. I"ve got a poster of Kevin Costner_____my wall.
  10. Heidelberg is____the River Neckar.

Exercise 3. Insert a suitable preposition of place.

  1. There's nobody waiting____the bus stop.
  2. Meet me___the bus station.
  3. I often have a coffee____the Calypso Cafe.
  4. I"m a student____Brighton College.
  5. Molly is____work at the moment.
  6. He saw a nest... the tree.
  7. How many misprints are there... this book?
  8. Don't sit... the window.
  9. Is the post-office close...your house?
  10. What subjects do you study ... school?

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, under.

I am ____ the classroom. I am not ___ the blackboard. I am ___ the desk. There is a book ___ my desk. My pens and pencils are ___ my pencil-box. The pencil-box is ___ my bag. The bag is ___the desk.

We’ve got flowers ____ our school park. Two pupils are sitting ___the tree ___ this park now.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

next to his house, among us, between two big houses, around the table, by the window, by the door, far from school, in front of our office, under the bed, on the other side of the river, in front of her house, behind me, above her head, above table, underground, at school, in the house, outside the house. on the table, on the wall

Exercise 6. Make up sentences.

America and Africa. Europe.

America and Asia.

Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with Prepositions of time.

  1. What did you do ... your history lesson?
  2. How many pupils are there ... your class?
  3. Is there anybody ... the classroom?
  4. Would you like to live...another country?
  5. We sometimes stay ... school late.
  6. There were 20,000 people... the football match.
  7. My mother is not ... home, she is ... work.
  8. Were there many familiar people… the concert?
  9. I have seen a brilliant play… the theatre.
  10. My friend won the first place... the 400-meters race.
  11. You can watch hockey match...TV today.
  12. Glasgow is ... the River Clyde ... Scotland.

Answers to Prepositions of place Exercises.

1 in, 2, in (Br) or on (Am), 3 at, 4 on, 5 in, 6 in (Br) or on (Am), 7 at

1 under, 2 in front of / behind / between, 3 at, 4 under, 5 in, 6 on / between, 7 in, 8 in, 9 on, 10 on

1 at, 2 at, 3 at, 4 in, 5 at, 6 in, 7 in, 8 near / by /at /beside, 9 to, 10 at

In, at, at, on, in, in, under / near / beside, in, under, in

beside his house /next to his house/ near his house / by his house, among us, between the big houses, round the table, by the window /next to the window / at the window, at the door, far from the school , in front of our office, under the bed, beyond the river, opposite her house, behind me, above her head, over the table, below the ground, in the school / at school, inside the house / in the house / at home, outside the house, on the table, on the wall

Exercise 6. Different variants are possible

1 at, 2 in, 3 in, 4 in, 5 at, 6 at, 7 at/at, 8 at, 9 at, 10 in, 11 on, 12 on/in

I hope you now feel more confident in topic prepositions of place English exercises.

Prepositions of place and motion are fairly easy to demonstrate in the classroom. Even at the elementary level, students can easily guess their meaning. We have prepared interesting games and exercises that will help students learn or repeat this topic.

Use the warm-up to review vocabulary that will be used in conjunction with preposition exercises: book, desk, chair, table, pencil, pen, teacher. To do this, ask students to stand up. Pick up one object and ask: “What is this?” Those students who know the answer raise their hand. Choose a student and, if he answered correctly, allow him to sit down. Continue the warm-up until you have reviewed all the vocabulary and all students are seated.
Then write the prepositions of place and motion on the board:
– in
– in front of
– on
– behind
– under
– between
– next to
– around
Demonstrate the pronunciation of each preposition and ask students to repeat after you. Then ask students to try to guess the meaning of each. Use examples to help students guess, for example: “I am standing in front of the table. The book is on the desk. I’m walking around the classroom.” Illustrate examples using objects and movements.

1. Simon says
The presenter says commands using prepositions of place and movement, for example: “Simon says: stand on the chair.” Simon says: put your books next to the table. Simon says: walk around the classroom.” Students should follow commands only if the leader says “Simon says” first.

2. Preposition Bingo
Give students bingo cards with prepositions of place and motion, or have them prepare the cards and fill in the prepositions themselves. Then take two objects, such as a pen and a book. Use them to show different prepositions. Place a pen on the book - students mark the preposition on on their card. Stand near the window - students mark the preposition next to on the card. Walk around the class - students mark the preposition around on the card. The one who ticks three prepositions in a row is the winner.

3. What is it?
Choose any subject in the class. Without naming it, tell students where it is, for example: “It’s next to the window.” The student who first correctly named the object becomes the next leader.

4. Where is it?
Bring some interesting object to class, such as a souvenir. Students try to guess where in the class you put it and ask questions: “Is it in your bag?”, “Is it behind the cupboard?” The one who guessed correctly becomes the leader in the next round.

5. The Best Picture
Students play this game in pairs. Give one student in each pair a picture of people and different objects. One student describes a picture, for example: “There is an apple on the table”, “There is a sofa next to the fireplace”, and the other listens to him and draws. Then the “artist” compares his “work” and the original. The pair that reproduces the picture more accurately wins.

6. A Messy Room
Show students a picture of a messy room. Ask them to tell you where things should actually be. For example, “The books should be on the table”, “The carpet should be next to the sofa”.
This activity can be used for individual lessons. The structure of “Should be” can be simplified depending on the level. For example, simply replace it with the verb “to be”.

7. A City
Students work in small groups. Together they must come up with a fairy-tale city and decide where to be, using prepositions of place, for example: “The castle is next to the forest. The library is in the school.” Students then introduce their city to their classmates. Classmates ask them questions, for example: “Why is the castle next to the forest?” Why is the library in the school?” Students explain their decisions, for example; “The castle should be next to the forest so that the princess can go riding there. The library should be in the school so that the students can get the books they need.”

8. Classroom Clue Hunt
Pupils work in pairs. Give each pair 10 sticky notes, a different color for each pair. Using prepositions of place, students write instructions that the other team must follow in order to receive the prize. Each clue leads to the next, for example: “Clue 2 is on the bookshelf.” Students place a clue on the bookshelf that says: “Clue 3 is on the teacher’s table,” etc.

9. Describe the room
Prepare a list or pictures of famous characters from books and movies. Give students a character or ask them to choose from a list. Students must imagine this character's room and describe it in writing using prepositions of place. Collect all the essays, mix them up and distribute them to other students. Each student reads a paragraph written by someone else. Then he must guess which character this room belongs to.
This task can also be adapted for one-on-one work.

10. Google Maps
Choose any city in the world. Ask students to go into Google Maps satellite+panorama mode and enter the starting address that you wrote on the board. Tell the students that if they follow your directions, they will come to a famous landmark in the city. Give students some instructions, for example, “go straight”, “turn left”, etc. Then ask everyone where they came from.
This activity is also perfect for individual learning.



Location(inside something) - IN

Location(near something) - U

Location(about the surface of something) - ON

Direction(Where? To what? To whom?) - TO

Removal(Where from? From whom?) - FROM

WITH(tea with milk; you and me)

Prepositions of time

On Sunday, on the 10th of February

in - in, through

in two days, in September

At 7 o'clock, at noon

from…till - from…to

From early morning till late night

since - since (since)

since midnight, since 5 o'clock

for - during

for an hour, for ages

during - during

during the lecture, during the break

before - before (before)

before winter, before the bell

after - after

after classes, after the breakfast

between - between

betwwen one and two o’clock

till (untill) - until

till May, till the end of the year

Prepositions of direction

to - to, on, in

towards - in the direction towards

towards the forest

from - from, from, with

into - into (inside)

out of - from (from within)

out of the house

off - from (with), from

Prepositions of place

on the desk, on the wall

in the room, in the street

at - at, in, on, near

at the window, at the meeting

near - about

near the door, near the wall

over the table, over the sofa

under the table, under the bed

between - between

between the chairs

among - among

among the students

behind the house

across - through, along, across

across the street

in front of - opposite

in front of the house

through - through, through

through the window

above - above, above

above the clouds

beside - next to, close

beside me, beside the river

beyond - on the other side, beyond

beyond the bridge

    Our studies begin (in, on, at) autumn.

    My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes home late (in, on, at) night.

    The students are listening (for, at, to) a new text now.

    Take the book (out of, from) the shelf and show it (for, to) me.

    Which (of, from) the houses are yours?

    I think you can get there (on, by, in) bus.

    What is he afraid (of, by, at)?

    Don't turn (on, off, in) the radio. Father is working.

    I asked the librarian to show some books (for, to, -) me.

    Some (-, of, from) my friends are coming to see me tonight.

    What do you usually do (at, in, on) your English lessons?

    (At, in, on) Saturday I am (in, at, -) home (at, in) 3.

    I live (in, at, on) Pushkina Street not far (from, of) the Institute of Foreign Languages.

    I'm (on, at, in) a hurry. John is waiting (to, at, for) me (in, at) the Institute.

    Would you like some coffee (to, by, for) breakfast?

No. 3. Insert the prepositions on, in or into.

1. Where is the book? - - It is... the table. 2. Where is the tea? - It is... the cup. 3. Put the plates...the table. 4. Put the book ... the bag. 5. There is a beautiful picture... the wall. 6. He went...the room. 7. I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room. 8. Mother is cooking dinner... the kitchen. 9. She went ... the room and sat down ... the sofa. 10. There are many people... the park today. 11. Why is she crying? - She has dropped her doll... the water. 12. There is no tea... my cup. 13. Pour some tea...my cup. 14. Put these flowers...the window-sill. 15. We went ... the garden and sat down ... a bench. 16. I opened the door and went ... the classroom. The teacher was writing some words... the blackboard. The pupils were writing these words... their exercise-books. There were some books and pens ... the teacher's table. There were two maps ... the wall and some flowers ... the window-sills. I saw a pen ... the floor. I picked it up and put it ... the table. 19. He put his hand ... his pocket, took out a letter and dropped it ... the mail-box which hung ... the wall of the house. .his car and drove away.

№ 4. Pasteprepositionsinorto.

1. We did not want to stay ... town on such a hot day, so we went ... the country. 2. It is very late: Go ... bed at once. 3. Where is your little sister? - - She is... bed. 4. .....summer my mother does not go ... work and I don't go ... school. We live ... the country. My father goes ... work every day, so he stays. .. town. But sometimes he comes ... the country after work and goes back ... town early in the morning, when I am still ... bed 5. In winter I usually go ... bed at ten o. "clock because I learn ... school and have to get up early.

Are you going away on holiday ..... summer?

We're moving to a new house ..... two months.

Can you put the book ..... my desk, please?

We can have the meeting ..... my office.

Children like to get up early ..... Christmas Day.

I live..... Vienna.

Mary isn't available ..... the moment.

Paul works.....a school.

There are lots of managers ..... my company.

The picture is ..... the wall.

He bought the furniture ..... April.

The banks close ..... 5pm.

Ernest works ..... an office.

I saw Mrs Jones waiting ..... the bus stop.

Prepositions in, at, on, to And from can express both spatial and temporal relationships.

1. Prepositions of place and time:in, at, on

Prepositions of place in, at And on answer the question Where?
Pretext in denotes the presence of an object on the territory or within a specified place and is usually translated by the preposition V. For example:

We studyin Leningrad. We are learning V Leningrad.
The students livein tents in summer. Students live in summer V tents.

Pretext at means: a) being at or near the specified object. For example:

I sitat the table. I am sitting at table (at the table).
The tram stops at the mill. The tram stops near plant

b) staying in a certain place, associated with participation in the process of action characteristic of this place. For example:

We studyat the Institute["institju:t] We are learning V Institute.
We make paperat the paper mill. We make paper on paper mill.

Pretext on denotes the presence of an object on any surface and is usually translated by the preposition on. For example:

The lamp standson the table. The lamp is standing on table.

Prepositions of time in, at and on answer the question When? The preposition in means that the action expressed by the verb is performed within the specified time:

Notrestsin June. He's relaxing V June.
The students go homein summer. In the summer, students go home.

In a temporary sense in usually translated by preposition V. When used with names of parts of the day or year in Russian language no preposition matches it:

in summer in summer
in winter in winter

Pretext at indicates a specific point in time when an action was performed. For example:

I get upat 8 . I get up V eight hours).

Pretext on used with the names of the days of the week (and indicating the day of the month).

We rest on Sundays
["sʌndеiz]. By On Sundays we rest.
On the 6th of July she goes home. On July 6 she goes home.

2. Prepositions of place and timetoAndfrom

Prepositions of place to And from associated with the idea of ​​moving from one place to another: to answers the question Where?, from - where? Both of them can be translated into Russian using different prepositions.

Pretext to indicates movement in the direction indicated by the following noun. For example:

I go to the Institute. I'm coming V institute
I go to the mill. I'm coming on factory.
I go to the table. I'm coming To table.

The preposition from indicates movement away from the place indicated by the noun. For example:

I go from the Institute. I'm coming from Institute.
I go from the mill. I'm coming With plant
I go from the table. I'm coming from table.

Preposition of time from indicates the time from which the action begins; preposition of time to- at its final moment. In meaning to a preposition may be used till. For example:

from six With six (o'clock) - (from what time?)
to (till) ten before ten (o'clock) - (until what time?)
from five to six With five before six (hours)

3. Prepositionwith

Pretext with serves to indicate compatibility of action and answers the question with whom?, with what? For example:

I go to the mill with Pete. I'm going to the factory With Peter.
I go to the Institute with my bag in hand. I'm going to college With briefcase in hand.

As can be seen from the translation of the examples, between English and there is no direct correspondence with Russian prepositions. When translating into Russian, it is necessary to take into account the content English pretext. Compare:

in Leningrad - V Leningrad with Jim - With Jim
at the Institute - V institute from the mill - With plant
to the Institute - V institute from six - With six (hours)
at six - V six o'clock) to the mill - on factory
at the mill - on factory
on the table - on table

IN English language After a preposition, the noun has the general case form.

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