Home Wisdom teeth Exercises with a fitball: the best complexes for weight loss. A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss - exercise for joy

Exercises with a fitball: the best complexes for weight loss. A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss - exercise for joy

Extra pounds bother many people. They are caused by an inactive lifestyle, poor nutrition, pregnancy and many other factors. Not everyone has time to go to the gym, and many are interested in weight loss programs at home. This is quite possible if you use, for example, a fitball. This Swiss ball once made a real revolution in the fitness industry. It is convenient, mobile and affordable, and the effectiveness of training with it can be no worse than the loads in gym. Exercises on a fitball for weight loss will make losing weight easy and fun. In addition, in the process of performing them, twice as many muscles are involved than during regular training.

Fitball owes its popularity to a woman named Susan Kleinvogelbach. This is a physiotherapist from Switzerland, who in the 50s of the last century began to use fitball for the rehabilitation of patients who had suffered spinal injuries, stroke or heart attack. Basic exercises can be used for both weight loss and rehabilitation.

She was the first to notice that even the simplest workout with a fitball for weight loss provides the following:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increasing the elasticity of skin and muscles;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • burning excess fat.

Moreover Both men and women can use the fitball. Subsequently, it began to be actively used by various fitness trainers, and a large number of exercises appeared that can be performed at home.

Gymnastic balls are produced by the manufacturer in various design variations, and positive appearance He’s already setting himself up for training. But these are not all the advantages. Also, exercises on a fitball for losing belly fat have the following advantages:

  • The ball is light, it can be used at any age.
  • When studying with him the risks of sprains and other injuries are minimal.
  • Exercises with a gymnastic ball for weight loss help to work several muscle groups at the same time.
  • Thanks to the instability of the fitball, we We train coordination and improve body balance. Even just sitting on the ball you are already burning calories and losing weight. After all, in order to stay on it, you need to tense your muscles well.
  • In class There are almost no contraindications. They are useful for varicose veins, a number of diseases of the joints and limbs, since during training the load on the legs is low. Fitball exercises are also useful for losing weight after childbirth - they will help a young mother quickly get into shape without unpleasant consequences.

Women who have tested the effectiveness of fitball on themselves claim that only 20-30 minutes regular classes allow you to get rid of several in a couple of months extra pounds, tighten your waist, buttocks and thighs. Now let's look at an effective set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss.


Any workout should begin with a warm-up, and exercise on a fitball is no exception.

Starting position - standing, the ball is in your hands in front of you. With one foot you need to take a step to the right, while simultaneously turning the fitball in the same direction. Place your other foot. Then do the same, but in reverse side. Try to turn your body with the ball along one trajectory so that it does not rise above your shoulders. Repeat this exercise 30 times.

Now you can put the ball down and walk in place for a couple of minutes with your knees raised as high as possible. Enough for a good workout 50 steps.

You can finish your warm-up with squats. Do them on outstretched arms with a fitball. They can also be replaced by jumping while sitting on the ball.

While squatting, try to keep your shoulders and back straight. If the area allows, you can jump while moving.

Fitball for slimming thighs

Exercises with a fitball help tighten your hips and buttocks, make your skin firmer and more sculpted, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

You can start the main workout standing. Hold the ball with your feet so that it is above your knees. Try to tense your muscles and stay in this position for a minute. Pull your stomach in, try not to lean back with your pelvis. It may not be easy, but the muscles will get a serious workout, similar to a gymnastic plank.

Stand on your toes, without releasing the ball, and jump in place 30 times. Do it for your workout 2-3 approaches such exercises.

Now do squats on one leg. Let the second one stand on the ball at this time. Do it according to There are ten squats on both legs.

Exercise with a fitball for the abdomen

Weight loss exercises with a gymnastic ball help remove excess fat. body fat, help fight stretch marks and sagging skin.

There are a large number of exercises on a fitball for the abdomen. You need to lie on the floor or sports mat and hold the ball between your shins. Now you need to raise your legs so that the fitball touches the floor behind your head. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again. To begin with, 10-15 repetitions are enough, then this number can be increased.

This exercise is one of the most effective, since the work includes the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and buttocks. Thus, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also achieve beautiful relief.

Chest and Shoulder Workout

In this case, exercises on a fitball for weight loss are quite simple, and they resemble regular push-ups. First, lie on your stomach on the ball and do push-ups with your hands. Try to keep your legs at the same level so that they do not fall in time with your hands.

Once you learn how to keep your body on the ball well, you can make push-ups a little more difficult. To do this, place your feet on a fitball and do push-ups from the floor. If the center of gravity shifts, it will be more difficult for you, and the effectiveness of your training will increase significantly.

The first five push-ups can be done with your arms spread wider than your shoulders and your elbows out to the side. The next five are with palms shoulder-width apart and elbows behind the body.

Fitball rolls

Rolls are a great exercise for those who want to get in shape quickly. If you believe the reviews, then positive results will be visible after 10-12 days of classes.

Rolls can be performed on the back and on the stomach. Sit on your knees with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms in front of you on the ball. Sit tight and try to tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Now gently lean forward so that your elbows on the fitball take the place of your palms. Try not to relax your abdominal muscles. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. It is recommended to do no less 15 reps.

If rolling from palms to elbows is too difficult for you, you can simplify the task. Having taken the starting position, rest your elbows on the ball and lean forward.

Walking on a ball

You need to lie down on the fitball so that your arms and legs rest on the floor, then move your palms forward along the floor, simulating walking. The ball should roll under your hips in the process.

This exercise is difficult because you need to constantly keep your legs together and constantly tense your abdominal muscles. The body in this position is extended in one line. According to women, it is more difficult than the plank.

There is also a complicated version, when the ball is initially located at the level of the shins, and your task is to roll it to the toes.

Fitball training is very useful. In addition to helping in the fight against excess weight and strengthening muscles, they provide an opportunity to get rid of stress and improve well-being.

When choosing a fitball, it is important to choose the right size. To do this, you need to take into account your height:

  • If it is less than 154 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 45 cm.
  • 154-170 cm – 55 cm in diameter.
  • 170-182 cm – 65 centimeters.
  • 182-190 cm – 75 cm.
  • 190 cm or more - you need a fitball with a diameter of 85 centimeters.

To achieve maximum results, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Exercise at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Repeat each exercise at least 10-12 times.
  • Try to combine exercise with a stability ball with another cardio activity, such as jumping rope or running. This way you can burn twice as many calories.
  • Remember to warm up, because by loading unwarmed and unprepared muscles, you risk getting sprains and other injuries.
  • If you want to lose weight, take care of proper nutrition. Only in combination these factors will give excellent results.

Fitball – great way achieve weight loss in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. It beautifully and evenly tightens the entire body, effectively loads the muscles and makes you actively burn calories. Plus, these workouts are fun and enjoyable and will help you relax and relieve stress.

We suggest watching several videos demonstrating exercises on a fitball.

Fitball: exercises on video

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You perform the exercises in a shaky position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great on the thigh muscles and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Bottom part Place your shins and heels on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on the ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Ab exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain hold the towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12–15 reps on each side.

20. Bend to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

Hello our dear fans healthy image life. In today's article we will tell you about such an amazing sports equipment as the Swiss ball. People often call it fitness ball or fitball, and so as not to confuse you, we will also call it that.

A fitness ball is a universal sports trainer, and it proved this when in 2008, at one of the world sports exhibitions, the fitball was named the most useful invention in the entire history of the fitness industry. And the results achieved by those training with fitball confirm this high-profile title. Just imagine, doing just one exercise on a fitness ball, almost all your muscles work, plus your coordination and flexibility develop, and your posture will become ideal after a couple of months of training.

In general, if you delve into history, fitball has been used in aerobics since the 1950s, but it was used mainly by doctors and physiotherapists. They actively used ball exercises in the treatment of patients with paralysis. Then, in the 1970s, physiotherapists from the USA became interested in fitball. They borrowed it from their Swiss colleagues and began to use it in the treatment of their patients. It was American doctors who gave impetus to the popularization of exercises with fitballs. And already in the 90s, the Swiss ball was firmly entrenched in the fitness industry.

Below we will tell and show you the most popular set of exercises on fitball that will allow you to lose weight and become slimmer, and we will also tell you which fitball to choose if you buy it in a store.

Exercises with a fitness ball

Well, let's now look at why we have gathered here. Namely, let's look at the most popular exercises with a fitball that will help you lose weight, strengthen your posture, make your abdominal muscles more prominent and simply lift your mood.

The set of exercises on a fitball presented below consists of the most effective movements. We have collected them specifically in one place so that you no longer need to surf the Internet on dubious sites that contain very strange exercises. Well, enough words, let's see what exercises with a fitness ball will help you lose weight.

Be sure to warm up before your workout. Jump rope, dance or just do the usual circular movements arms and legs.

Pelvic lifts

The first exercise works the core muscles, that is, it makes your abdominal and lower back muscles stronger. The muscles of the buttocks and legs are also involved here. Place the ball, lie on your back in front of it, and put your feet on the fitball. In the starting position, the feet should not touch the gymnastic ball (A). Now lift your pelvis up, rolling the ball towards you with your feet. Having reached highest point, stay there for a couple of seconds (B) and return to the starting position.

At first, help yourself keep your balance by resting your hands on the floor. Perform 10 of these lifts.

Side bends

Lie on your back again, place the fitball between your legs and lift your legs up with it, rest your hands on the floor (A). Now tilt your legs to the left without lifting your shoulders off the floor (B), then tilt to the right and return to the starting position (A). You've done one repetition.

Do 12 more reps and move on to the next exercise.

Crunches with a fitball

Continue lying on the floor. Hold the gymnastic ball between your legs, as shown in figure (A), with your hands behind your head. Do crunches by lifting your legs and pelvis up (B). While doing this, pull in and tighten your stomach. This is a great abdominal exercise on a fitball.

Complete 12 repetitions and move on.

Reverse push-ups

Place your hands on the exercise ball as shown in (A). Be careful not to put your hands on the very edge so that your hands don't slip off the ball and you get injured. Push up (B) slowly. This exercise works your triceps well.

Do 12 reps.

Push ups

Take a lying position, place your feet on a fitball (A). Push up slowly (B). As you progress, you can make the exercise more difficult by placing your feet closer to the edge of the exercise ball. This is a great exercise with a fitball for weight loss.

Do 10 push-ups.

Leg raises

Take the starting position as in the previous exercise, only you should place your feet as close to the edge of the ball as possible (A). Now lift up left leg up as far as possible (B). Then return to the starting position (A). This movement works great on the buttocks.

Do 15 lifts on each leg and move on to the last exercise.

Crunches on a fitness ball

Lie down on the exercise ball with your arms crossed over your chest (A). Now rise up, continuing to keep your hands on your chest (B). When rising, you should roll back slightly on the ball, this will allow you to avoid falling off the ball.

Do 10 repetitions.

Perform all the exercises one after another, in the order in which we have written them. The entire training takes place in the " circuit training" That is, do the exercises one after another, with the number of repetitions indicated. After completing all the exercises, you will do 1 circle. Now rest 3 – 4 minutes and start a new circle. Between exercises, try rest as little as possible. Ideally, don't rest at all.

Exercises with fitball on video

Which fitball to choose?

Let's figure out how to choose the right fitness ball. What should you pay attention to first?

Certainly, huge difference, when doing exercises on an expensive or cheap fitball, you won’t notice, but still, we would like to teach you how to choose a quality ball. After all, you see, quality things always please our eyes. So, the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a Swiss ball is the abbreviation ABS. This is an indicator of the quality of the ball, ABS from English means " anti-explosion system", that is, if you accidentally puncture your fitball, it will not explode, but will slowly descend. This will allow you to avoid injury if you fall if the ball explodes during practice. Cheap balls, as a rule, are made from low quality materials and cannot boast of such a system.

The next thing we pay attention to is the diameter of our ball. There are six types of balls different diameters: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 centimeters. To choose among them a ball of exactly the diameter you need, you just need to know your own height. For example, if your height is 163 centimeters, then you need a fitball with a diameter of 65 centimeters. That is, when choosing a ball, you must subtract the number 100 from your height and then you will find out what diameter suits you.

Well, the last point that we pay attention to when choosing a fitness ball is its color. Choose a ball of a color you like, otherwise, if you don't like the color of the ball, it may negatively affect your mood.

Fitball is a popular sports equipment. This elastic ball with a diameter of 45-75 cm can withstand loads of up to 300 kg. Developed by Susan Kleinvogelbach (Swiss psychotherapist) and originally used for rehabilitation exercises.

Very soon, the scope of application began to expand, as doctors began to note the obvious healing effect. Today, this practical equipment is indispensable in fitness and aerobics. It is necessary for weight loss, figure correction, and also the formation of beautiful posture.


A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss allows you to achieve desired result faster than normal charging.

A more pronounced fat burning effect is achieved for the following reasons:

  1. Each physical exercise becomes significantly more complicated due to the additional static load. Relying on a fitball, a person has to maintain balance and balance every second. This requires many muscles to be used. Even those that do not work during regular exercises are activated. As a result, the most problematic areas are worked on, and extra pounds disappear.
  2. Exercising for weight loss on a fitball involves a constant combination of static and dynamic exercises. This helps get rid of not only visceral (internal) fat, which is burned most quickly in the process of losing weight, but also from subcutaneous deposits. Getting rid of the latter is much more difficult.
  3. Exercise activates metabolism ( metabolic processes). As a result, fat continues to be burned even after the end of the workout.

An additional effect from exercise is increased muscle elasticity, improved coordination, and self-control.

Indications and contraindications

Exercises with a fitball for weight loss are especially recommended for people who are contraindicated for intense exercise. physical exercise due to health problems or overweight(V in this case there is an excessive load on the joints and heart).

This equipment minimizes the impact load on the musculoskeletal system. Since all exercises are performed smoothly, the likelihood of injury to ligaments and joints is eliminated.

Fitball training for weight loss is suitable for obese people suffering from varicose veins veins, after joint injuries, as well as for pregnant women. Such exercises are great for losing weight after childbirth, as they guarantee quick results.

Despite its high safety, there are a number of contraindications. The following activities are not recommended:

  • in the presence of dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there are pathologies internal organs, since they are very actively influenced during classes;
  • in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs.

If there are health problems, weight loss exercises on a fitball are best done under the supervision of a qualified trainer who can select the optimal load and regulate it, constantly monitoring the condition of the trainee. When there are no contraindications to playing sports, you can safely exercise on your own at home.

There is a wide variety of gymnastic balls on the market. Before purchasing, it is important to understand how to choose a fitball for weight loss so that exercising with it is convenient and safe. When considering your options, pay attention to the following details.

  • Material

Durable fitballs are made from ledroplastik, PVC or latex. It is better to give preference to ledraplasty.
The surface of high-quality products is perfectly smooth, there are no seams, and the nipple is pressed inward.

  • Color

The shade of the product should be chosen taking into account individual preferences. It's important that you like him. This will help form a positive emotional attitude towards classes.

  • Elasticity

The ball should be as elastic as possible. When, after pressing, it instantly returns to its normal shape, it means the product is good. If there are folds and dents on the surface, it is not worth buying.

  • Hygiene

Antistatic properties are important. They are needed to prevent dust from accumulating on the surface of the fitball and to prevent the absorption of sweat, which is certainly released during exercise.

  • Size

In order for fitness on a fitball to bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to select equipment taking into account the height of the person planning to exercise on it. The following table will help with this:

Another option for choosing a size is that a suitable fitball should correspond in diameter to the distance from the floor to the knee. This is the easiest way to select equipment in the gym, when there is no way to know the exact diameter.

  • additional characteristics

In addition to the standard (smooth) ones, models with additional characteristics are available. The main ones:

- with handles - they are easier to hold on to, so it is easier to do jumping and other exercises on a fitball; the model is suitable for beginners and those who find it difficult to maintain balance;
- with spikes - guarantees an additional massage effect, provides active stimulation on the body, which accelerates the weight loss effect.

Please note that the ball is equipped with a reliable anti-bursting safety system. It is necessary so that in case of damage to the integrity, the fitball does not rupture, but begins to gradually descend. This will minimize the risk of injury. The presence of a system against rupture is confirmed by the ABS marking. It is applied directly to the surface.

Effective classes

Training sessions with fitball are popular among people of different generations. Finding correct posture, healthy spine, strengthening the spinal corset - the main properties of the usefulness of gymnastic equipment. In addition, exercises with a fitball at home can strengthen all muscle groups, relieve stress on the vertebrae, and ensure joint stability.

For the pelvis

This task is indicated for the development of motor capabilities of the pelvic bones. We take a sitting position on the fitball. And we alternately perform rolling movements according to the trajectory forwards, backwards, and to the sides. Then we execute rotational movements hips on the ball. Let's finish lung exercise jumping.

For the press

The task of the next complex is determined by the strengthening of the muscular part of the organs that provide extension spinal system and abdominal pumping. We lie on our backs on the mat. We hold the ball between our legs. Palms rest on the floor. Raise the ball up as you exhale, trying to lift your pelvis and move the ball behind your head. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Next, we lie down with our shoulder blades on the fitball, with our legs bent at the knees and resting on the floor. Straightening right hand and left leg. As you exhale, reach your hand towards your leg, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg and arm.

Buttocks and legs

Now let's move on to the buttocks and legs. To do this, lie down on the mat on your back, shin on the ball. As you exhale, raise your pelvis and lift your left leg off the ball, right leg pulls the ball closer to the pelvis. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Same thing with the other leg.

Next exercise. We lie down on the fitball on our stomach, resting our elbows on the floor. We keep our legs suspended and lift them up one by one.

Stretches and balance on a fitball

An important point final stage Any workout at home involves stretching the working muscles. To do this, we lie down on an elastic ball with our backs, stretch our legs forward and slightly spread them. The feet are pressed tightly to the floor. We stretch our arms up and hold, breathing evenly. Proper, calm breathing promotes a feeling of stretching in tense muscle fibers. There is no need to overexert yourself, especially for beginners.

The second task involves developing the ability to maintain balance. Having fixed a sitting position on the ball, we spread our arms to the sides, raise one leg, and the second performs a supporting function. We begin to carefully spring in place. Then we perform the familiar body rolling. You should repeat the movement technology with support on the other leg.


The load should be increased gradually. It is important to learn to feel your body, and, having felt sharp pain, stop the exercise, and start repeating it after a while.

An important condition for any exercise considered is monitoring your breathing. Knocking down its rhythm causes an increase heart rate, shortness of breath, racing blood pressure, headache. Of course it is temporary effects, but not pleasant. It is best to consult with your doctor in advance and select exercises during which corrections and additions are allowed.

Frequently asked question: how to deflate a fitball at home? It’s very simple: you open the valve, put some weight on the ball (for example, a book) and it deflates on its own in 20-30 minutes.

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