Home Prevention Correct use of the Kuznetsov applicator. What is Kuznetsov’s applicator: instructions for use

Correct use of the Kuznetsov applicator. What is Kuznetsov’s applicator: instructions for use

Nowadays, trust in traditional medicines and recipes, which have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness, has begun to increase, because classical medicine offers more and more medicines, which not only fail to cope with emerging problems and diseases, but also often create an additional threat to our life and health. And the qualifications and competence of some doctors are completely questionable.

More and more often we are turning to treatment, the effectiveness of which was experienced by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One of these therapeutic and health-improving techniques is massage, the benefits of which would be difficult to overestimate.

There are a lot of types of massage, but a special place among them is occupied by one of its oldest techniques - acupuncture, which began to emerge in the East, from where it later reached our lands. Acupuncture is based on influencing certain points located in a special way on the human body.

It’s good if you have the opportunity to attend such massage sessions in a professional office. But what to do in its absence? This is precisely why the Kuznetsov applicator was created, or as it is correctly called, the applicator. In general terms, this is a special massage mat, on the surface of which there are many plastic needles.

Of course, Kuznetsov’s applicator cannot simultaneously influence all the necessary points, being inferior in this regard to the procedure of professional acupuncture, but still it is an excellent alternative and saves people suffering from back pain. Many specialists have devoted their work to studying this device, proving its benefits for many diseases, without excluding, however, possible harm if the Kuznetsov applicator is used incorrectly.

Outwardly, this is a rather primitive device, nevertheless distinguished by its high
efficiency at low cost. It was created by Kuznetsov in the 80s of the last century. Kuznetsov's applicator looks like a small massage mat made of thick fabric, on the entire surface of which plastic plates with spikes are sewn. A more modern version is its one, made entirely of plastic segments with needles, fastened together like a puzzle. You can disassemble and assemble such an applicator to the size you need, getting a massager for the entire back or just for the feet.

There are many modifications of Kuznetsov’s applicators, but they all have one purpose – influencing the corresponding points on the body. This massager for the lazy is incredibly easy to use - unroll the mat (or assemble/disassemble it to the required size), place it on a flat surface and lie on top of it in the place that bothers you. The instructions that came with it immediately described its purpose and contraindications, which is why the massager became so popular. Almost every family has one or another modification of this miracle applicator.

After testing Kuznetsov’s applicator in practice for some time, many noticed a weakening of joint and muscle pain, increased performance and improved mood.

And the low price only stimulated the purchase of this unit, even in the absence of health complaints, but just like that, in reserve.

Kuznetsov's first applicator saw the world in 1988. This version has become a classic
and consisted of many small plastic plates with needles that were sewn onto thick fabric. They walked on it with their feet, put it under their back or wrapped it around sore spot, securing with bandages. The classic applicator was especially effective for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, initial scoliosis, flat feet and even heel spurs.

When creating this applicator, scientists had no information about the ancient Chinese theory of acupuncture, which provides for the relationship of certain points on the body with specific diseases. According to this theory, stimulating each such point helps get rid of a number of diseases and problems. A few years after the release of Kuznetsov’s first applicator, a connection was established between its mechanism of action and the Chinese theory of acupuncture. This became an incentive to expand the model range and improve applicators.

On this moment There are the following types of applicators:

  1. Classical. The simplest and most inexpensive model differs in the quality of the base material, its size and shape. The simulators also differ in the distance between the needles. It can be 5 mm (the so-called soft applicator) or 7.6 mm (hard, with harder needles). The classic Kuznetsov applicator is recommended by doctors who recognize the relationship traditional medicine from the east for treatment autonomic dysfunction accompanied by pressure changes, headaches and dizziness, fatigue. Positive results It was also possible to achieve increased performance, improved sleep and sexual activity, and in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Roller applicator. Externally, it looks like a roller massager with or without a handle. The size of the roller and the length of the needles may also vary, so you can easily choose a massager to relieve back pain, foot pain, joint and muscle pain, and to break up salts accumulated in the joints. It is especially good to roll it on the floor with your feet, because most of the most active points are located on the feet. It is convenient to place the cushion under the neck - this will help get rid of cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Belt applicator. It looks like a very wide belt inside of which there are several rows of spiked plates.
  4. Insole applicators designed for kneading feet.
  5. Disc applicator. Can be easily fixed on the hand with a strap to conveniently massage yourself or another person with plastic spikes.
  6. Magnetic applicators. Modern technologies offer an improved version of the Kuznetsov applicator, the efficiency of which is higher due to the magnets located inside each plate. Its effectiveness is growing, and along with it the price is growing - the cost of magnetic applicators starts from 1000 rubles. and higher.

By analogy with Kuznetsov’s massage applicators, silicone discs were created to combat cellulite, but they are much softer than the sharp needles on the applicator. Another type of Kuznetsov’s applicator is wood massagers with wooden spikes.

Kuznetsov applicators depending on color:

  • blue – for people who have a normal pain threshold;
  • green – for people highly sensitive to pain;
  • yellow – intended for people with a high pain threshold;
  • orange are specialized applicators that yogis use to prepare for the transition to boards with honeycomb nails.

The mechanism of action of the Kuznetsov applicator on the body

Its operating principle is based on knowledge from the field of acupuncture - a science that studies active points located throughout our body. At the same time, stimulating each of these points individually or several points simultaneously has a healing effect on the organs, thereby helping to get rid of various diseases.

The instructions for each type of applicator indicate the place where the massager must be applied to achieve the best results - back, feet, neck, head, arms.

Kuznetsov’s applicator works like this: when applied to the body, the needles begin to press into it, hitting the vessels and capillaries.

This stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout all organs and systems. And at the same time, the process of washing out accumulated fats, plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels, toxic substances, salts and other accumulated “garbage” is accelerated. This starts the processes of active renewal, restoration and regeneration.

But the applicator affects not only blood vessels. It also affects certain acupuncture points, as a result of which muscles relax, pain, irritation and fatigue go away, sleep normalizes, the body is filled with warmth and gets the rest it needs. After such a session, performance increases and brain activity improves.

How is Kuznetsov’s applicator useful and when can it cause harm?

The device is far from perfect - it does not have all the required capabilities to heal any ailment. But the list of diseases that can be cured with the help of Kuznetsov’s applicator is quite impressive. This massager helps get rid of:

  • radiculitis
  • muscle stiffness
  • arthritis
  • pinched nerves
  • osteochondrosis
  • lower back pain
  • numbness in the legs, tingling and twitching sensations
  • cellulite
  • overweight
  • sciatica
  • respiratory system diseases
  • spasms
  • fatigue and insomnia
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • headaches
  • digestive problems
  • endocrine diseases
  • diseases of the male and female reproductive system

Using the Kuznetsov applicator, you can achieve muscle relaxation, relieve pain, calm the nerves, speed up blood flow, metabolism and cell renewal, strengthen the immune system and tone the body, make the skin more elastic, and increase performance.

But not every type of massage is absolutely safe. The Kuznetsov applicator also has a number of limitations, in the presence of which it is undesirable to use it in order to avoid harm to the body. It is prohibited to use the applicator if you have:

  • papillomas, warts, tumors, moles in places where you need to apply a massager;
  • skin wounds, dermatitis;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • during pregnancy.

Pronounced side effects Kuznetsov's applicator does not. If you have a low pain threshold, then at first you can use a modification of the applicator with dull spikes - this way you can get used to it and learn how to relax your muscles correctly, because the whole possible harm often comes from misuse this device.

If during the procedure you feel heat, a surge in pressure, an increase in heart rate, noise in your ears, or “hammers” in your temples, take a break or shorten the duration of the session. With daily use, these side effects will go away over time.

The harm from using a needle mat is often associated with the fact that when acupuncture is performed by a specialist, the effectiveness of the procedure is much higher, because a trained master knows exactly which points need to be affected, with what force and for how long. Using the applicator at home, we do not have sufficient knowledge about ancient technique acupuncture, so we may unknowingly harm ourselves.

Correct use of the Kuznetsov applicator

The first thing you need to do is connect the applicator modules until it becomes the right size depending on the place you plan to work on.

After this, you can act according to the situation: press the applicator to the body and secure it with an elastic bandage; put on the floor and lie on top; just press on the sore spot.

Of course, the most effective way would be to lie on top of the massager and “squirm” a little on it, roll from side to side, and perform a shoulder-stand exercise. Some even managed to do press exercises on it.

It will take about 10 minutes to relax all the muscles.

If your goal is to tone the body, then the duration of the procedure should not be delayed more than 3-4 minutes.

If you plan to direct its action to the areas of the feet, temples, neck, back of the head, palms, then you need to follow the sequence: 1 minute of pressure - break for a few minutes. This should be repeated until the pain disappears. Duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

In other cases, the procedure can last from half an hour to an hour daily. But you need to do everything wisely, as this video confirms:

At the end of the session, you can take a warm or contrast shower.

Do not forget to follow these tips before purchasing the Kuznetsov applicator and its practical use:

  1. Mandatory consultation with a doctor.
  2. Carefully read the instructions and follow the rules set out in them.
  3. The massager can be used at least 1.5 hours after eating.

The human body is a complex system in which each organ interacts with each other and performs a specific function. With diseases of some organs, problems may arise in others. One of the methods of treating various pathologies is reflexology. By influencing active points of the body, you can get rid of many problems and prevent complications of existing diseases. Also, with the help of reflexology, you can significantly reduce pain, increase immunity, improve the body's metabolism and much more.

Very often in medical and home practice, the Kuznetsov applicator is used for treatment with reflexology. The device is quite easy to use in practice. In this article we will try to find out how to use the device in practice, as well as what diseases the applicator helps get rid of.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator?

The applicator is a small needle mat. The spikes on it are evenly spaced, which allows for an even impact on areas of the body. In most cases, medical polystyrene is used to make spikes. Sometimes a special alloy metal is used. However, in practice, mats with metal needles are rarely used.

Treatment with an applicator involves applying thorns to certain areas of the patient’s body. The effect of using the mat is similar to massage or acupuncture. So, how does the applicator work and what is it for? The fact is that there are many points (nerve endings) on the human skin, when exposed to which it is possible to influence the condition of many internal organs. The achievement of this effect is explained by the flow of blood to the sites of action of the thorns. By regularly using a massage mat, most patients can achieve the following effect:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • establishing metabolic processes in the body;
  • elimination pain syndrome;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • improving sleep and psychosomatic state in general;
  • improving quality of life.

Thanks to this effect, it is possible to normalize the patient’s condition in many diseases. In addition, an acupuncture mat is widely used to prevent many pathologies.

Important! Most often, the influence on reflex zones gives excellent results in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, in particular in osteochondrosis, hernias and other diseases of the spine.


So let's talk which one to choose acupuncture massager. To make the right decision, you should have a clear understanding of its varieties. The types and sizes of applicators should be selected depending on the disease and desired result.

This device is a belt with needles arranged unilaterally. The spikes have Blue colour. Often a needle applicator is used for the back, feet and other parts of the body. Massage with an applicator perfectly relieves pain and muscle spasm. The needle belt can also be used for, and.

In this version, the needles on the mat are arranged in a double row, which can be seen in the photo. It is recommended to use the device for the lower back and legs. Tibetan red applicator can have the following effects on the body:

  • eliminates muscle pain;
  • relieves pain in the spine in various pathologies;
  • normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • normalizes a person’s psychosomatic state;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Neck roll

A roller with a Kuznetsov applicator is one of the varieties of this device. What does a roller help with? This device is very effective for pain in the cervical spine, as well as for frequent migraines and.

In addition, the device is often used; the benefits for the feet are also quite great. The roller eliminates spasms, relieves muscle tone And painful sensations.

The yellow magnetic mat is based on the positive effect of the magnetic field on tissues and blood vessels. The principle of operation of the applicator is to stimulate blood circulation, open capillaries, and also establish metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level.

Important! A magnetic applicator is an excellent tool for normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and capillaries, as well as preventing the formation of blood clots.

Next, we’ll find out what color applicator to choose; it’s important to know the specific effects of each type of device on the body. This is the only way to achieve the desired result and alleviate the patient’s condition in a short period of time. Kuznetsov's color applicator helps the patient better understand its properties and application features. The main types include the following:

  1. Green. Here the needles are made in such a way that they can be used by patients with sensitive skin. The spines are not too sharp.
  2. Blue. The blue mat has a more intense effect on the skin. The thorns here are sharper. This applicator is suitable for patients with moderate skin sensitivity.
  3. Yellow. It is a device with rather sharp spikes. In addition, its effect is enhanced by a magnetic field.
  4. Red rug. The properties of this device are based on a very strong effect on areas of the skin. The thorns here are the sharpest. This applicator is suitable for people with a high pain sensitivity threshold.

Benefits of use

Among positive aspects The following advantages of the device can be noted:

  • ease of use;
  • availability and low price;
  • effectiveness proven in practice;
  • ease of storage;
  • safety.

However, we should not forget about some of the disadvantages of the device. Instructions for use prohibit the use of the mat in areas where the integrity of the skin is damaged. These may be wounds, burns, abrasions and other damage. Many patients find it difficult to bear the pain from thorns. This is explained by the low threshold of pain sensitivity.

Indications and contraindications

The list of diseases for which the Kuznetsov applicator is used is quite long. Indications for use are as follows:

  1. Pathologies associated with disruption of the human nervous system. This includes diseases such as migraine, neuralgia, sciatica, sleep disorders, depression and much more.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The device works well for high or, conversely, low blood pressure, for vegetative-vascular dystonia, and during the rehabilitation period after strokes and heart attacks. Also for vascular diseases, encephalopathy.
  3. Ailments of the musculoskeletal system. For diseases associated with dysfunction of the spine and joints, the applicator gives excellent results. These are pathologies such as osteochondrosis, various injuries ligaments, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia and much more.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of the applicator is recommended for diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatic diseases, dysbacteriosis.
  5. Disorders of the respiratory system. This could be bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, pneumonia, chronic inflammatory processes.
  6. For organ ailments genitourinary system. Indications here include cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and much more.
  7. In gynecology, the applicator also has quite wide application. Here the device is used to relieve inflammation in organs such as the uterus and ovaries; the mat helps to improve blood circulation in the female organs. The applicator is often used during pregnancy. During the postpartum recovery period, the mat helps eliminate lower back pain and normalize mental condition mother, promotes lactation.

However, the Kuznetsov roller applicator and its other types also have a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. The presence of birthmarks, papillomas, and various benign formations on the surface of the skin.
  2. Thrombophlebitis and other pathologies associated with disorders of blood composition and blood clotting.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Presence of epilepsy.
  5. Body temperature is above 38 degrees.
  6. Contraindications during pregnancy are very wide (the mat can only be used with a doctor’s permission).
  7. Contraindications for oncology are also determined by a specialist. In most cases, if available malignant tumors the use of a mat is prohibited.

Important! Many patients are interested in the question of how long can one lie on the applicator? Prolonged exposure to thorns can cause harm to the body. The recommended time is no more than 30 minutes per day.

Using the applicator on various parts of the body

Depending on the desired result, the applicator is recommended to be used on certain areas of the body. Impact areas may be as follows:

To eliminate pain

For diseases such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, various injuries to muscles and ligaments, the mat is recommended to be used in the lumbar region, neck, also in the shoulder region, thoracic spine, hips and shins.

For frequent headaches, the mat is recommended for use in the neck and back of the head. If the painful syndrome bothers you in the lumbar region, the applicator is placed in the spine. For lower back pain, the mat has an excellent pain-relieving and warming effect. For sciatica, experts recommend placing a mat in the lumbar area and securing it with an elastic bandage.

To improve the body's metabolism

Often, a device with spikes is used to improve skin tone and normalize its metabolic processes. The mat works especially well against cellulite; it can also be used to achieve fat reduction and weight loss.

Effect of the applicator on the feet and palms

It is very useful to stand on the Kuznetsov applicator or place your palms on the spikes. This effect has a beneficial effect on all organs and the body as a whole. With the help of such therapy, it is possible to improve a person’s psychosomatic state, improve mood, quality of sleep, increase performance and quality of life.

Important! Before using the device, it is imperative that you consult your doctor. This will help eliminate contraindications and relieve the patient from side effects.

Treatment of osteochondrosis using the Kuznetsov applicator

Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the spinal column. The use of the applicator for this pathology consists of a targeted effect on various parts of the body using special spikes. Thanks to this, it is possible to activate the nerve endings of the body, which allows you to achieve the following results:

  • pain relief;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • establishing nutrition of joints with essential microelements;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • normalization of sleep.

At various types osteochondrosis, the areas affected by the applicator may differ. And so, next we will try to find out how the mat works in case of lesions of one or another part of the spine.

Use for cervical osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to use a roller or a strap-shaped applicator. To eliminate pain, a person needs to place the device in the area of ​​the painful area and press the body tightly against it. Patients often ask the question: how to use it correctly and how long should you lie on the applicator? At cervical osteochondrosis The recommended exposure time is no more than 20-30 minutes per day. This time will be quite enough to relieve muscle spasm and pain.

During the procedure, you need to relax as much as possible. Also to achieve best effect you can do simple physical exercise. For example, alternately raise your arms and legs, or roll from one side to the other.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to use the applicator for cervical osteochondrosis. The duration of the procedure for each patient is individual and depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity, the severity of osteochondrosis, as well as other characteristics of the body.

When treating osteochondrosis with a mat, you should remember some safety rules:

  1. Do not use the product in places where integrity is damaged skin.
  2. If redness and severe irritation occur, further therapy should be discontinued.
  3. The session time should not exceed 30 minutes.
  4. When worsening general condition, headaches, dizziness, the applicator should also be discarded until consultation with a specialist.

The course of therapy is usually 2-3 weeks. After this, a break is necessary. Treatment is resumed if necessary.

Osteochondrosis often affects lumbar region. The use of this device helps relieve pain, muscle spasms, restore spinal mobility and improve the patient’s overall well-being. Patients are often interested in how long to lie on the applicator if they have lower back disease? It should be noted that the exposure time is individual, but should not exceed 20-30 minutes per day.

So, how to use the applicator for lumbar osteochondrosis? To eliminate symptoms, it is recommended to use a roller or large mat. The patient is recommended to lie on the device, evenly distributing the load on all areas of the body. To ensure the effect, you can make several slow rolls from side to side.

The mat can also be used in the form of a bandage for osteochondrosis. To do this, the applicator is applied to the diseased area and tightly fixed with an elastic bandage. To stimulate blood circulation and increase muscle tone, the patient is recommended to bend, squat or twist.

Important! You should not perform exercises without consulting your doctor. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous to your health and lead to serious complications.

Very often, a mat with spikes is used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In case of intervertebral hernia, the following effects can be achieved using the applicator:

  1. Eliminate pain.
  2. Relieve muscle spasm in affected areas.
  3. Improve blood circulation.
  4. Stimulate the renewal of cartilage tissue.
  5. Improve the general well-being of the patient.

Use for spinal hernia, and its features depend on the location of the disease.

Use for cervical disc herniation

You can also secure the mat in the neck area with a towel or bandage. The duration of the procedure for this type of treatment should not exceed 40-60 minutes. The benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator for the cervical spine are very great. The device relaxes muscles and helps relieve pain. Thanks to the rush of blood, the tissues of damaged areas are enriched with essential microelements, which promotes their regeneration and restoration.

For lumbar hernia, the mat is placed on the floor or bed. The person must lie with his back on it. The session can last 15-20 minutes. It is very important for the patient to monitor his own well-being. When discomfort, such as dizziness, severe pain, the procedure must be stopped.

Important! The use of the applicator for spinal hernia should be carried out after the doctor’s permission. Using a mat on your own can cause considerable harm to the body if you have this disease.

Benefits of the applicator for weight loss

Further in the article we will find out how to use the Kuznetsov applicator for weight loss. Often, a massage mat is used to eliminate excess fat deposits, as well as cellulite. Many patients are interested in the question of how to use a device for losing belly fat? So, what are the benefits and harms of a weight loss mat and what does this device do to eliminate cellulite?

Thanks to its massage effect and ability to stimulate blood flow to tissues, the mat provides excellent results for weight loss. To obtain the result, use the mat as follows:

  1. Place the tool on a hard surface.
  2. Lie on your stomach and make yourself as comfortable as possible.
  3. Afterwards, you should roll your body slowly so that the action of the spikes covers as large an area as possible.

Answering the question about how many minutes to lie on the mat, it should be noted that the massage time can be 10-15 minutes. After this, it is forbidden to use cosmetic creams and lotions with an irritating effect. It is best to use a mild moisturizer or baby cream to moisturize your skin.

The benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator for sciatica

The device works great when the sciatic nerve is pinched. So, how to properly use a mat for sciatica? To alleviate the patient's condition, you should spread a mat on a hard surface and lie on it so that the impact of the spikes is directly on the lower back. You can also place the device on the lumbar area and secure it with a bandage or cloth. Patients with this disease often wonder how often the applicator can be used? The course of treatment should last from two to three weeks, but a doctor must still prescribe therapy. The specialist will help you choose the duration of the session individually for each patient and tell you in detail how to treat sciatica with an applicator.

For back pain, a needle mat is a real salvation. Often, pain in the lumbar region is caused by a disease such as radiculitis. The way to use the mat for this disease is to perform simple exercises. To begin, the applicator must be secured with an elastic bandage in the back area. Afterwards, the patient is recommended to perform the following movements:

  1. Tilt your body to the left, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat the tilt to the right.
  2. Place your hands on your shoulders, your back straight, turn your torso to the left, while your hips should remain motionless, return to the starting position. Repeat the turn to the right.
  3. Lift up left hand above your head, stretch up, leaning slightly to the right. Return to the starting position. Repeat the bend on the other side.

Patients who cannot perform gymnastics or have contraindications for doing it can simply lie on the mat. A rug with 152 needles or bigger size. The first procedures should not last longer than 5-10 minutes. Gradually, the duration of the procedure can be increased. This treatment is very useful for the back with radiculitis. However, don't overdo it. The duration of the course should be discussed with your doctor.

Using the applicator for heel spurs

For such an unpleasant disease as a spur in the heel area, you can also use a massage mat. For feet, this device has important. With the help of needle massage, it is possible to activate the metabolic process in tissues, improve blood circulation, and stimulate local immunity.

Important! Use the mat when heel spur is possible only in cases where there are no skin lesions on the feet and open wounds. Otherwise this type treatment is strictly prohibited.

Many patients are interested in how the applicator is useful for flat feet? The fact is that this disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Stimulating the nerve endings in the legs helps prevent the development of flat feet in children and adults.

To prevent and treat this pathology, it is recommended to choose a rug with soft spikes. Exercises can be as follows:

  • walking in place;
  • slow transfer of body weight from heels to toes and vice versa;
  • walking on the outside of the legs;
  • steps on the outside of the feet;
  • stand for 5 seconds on your left leg, then on your right leg.

Daily exercises with the help of a massager will certainly bring results. It is especially important to treat flat feet in children, since in adulthood the pathology is practically incurable.

Features of use during pregnancy

Very topical issue Today the question is: is it possible for pregnant women to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator? Many patients, experiencing back pain, swelling of the legs, headaches, resort to using a massage mat. However, this is quite risky, since this type of therapy has a contraindication such as pregnancy. The device can only be used on early stages and with the doctor's permission. It is strictly forbidden to apply the massager to the abdomen and back. These actions can provoke an increase in uterine tone, which can lead to the threat of premature birth.

In modern medical practice In addition to the Kuznetsov applicator, there are also its analogues. The Lyapko needle mat is used quite often. Patients often wonder which applicator is better than Kuznetsov or Lyapko? Let's try to understand this issue.

Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicator: differences

  1. Kuznetsov's rug is a device in the form of fabric on which plastic spikes are placed. The Lyapko applicator is a rubber mat on which metal needles are located.
  2. The Lyapko rug gives a more intense sensation. According to patients, it is more painful.
  3. Lyapko metal applicator. Its needles can be made of an alloy of gold and silver. Kuznetsov's rug is predominantly made of plastic.
  4. The Kuznetsov applicator was the first to be manufactured. The Lyapko massager was released later.

So, Kuznetsov’s or Lyapko’s applicator, which is better? There is no clear answer to this question. Each model may be suitable differently for each patient, taking into account his individual characteristics and type of disease.

Today, it is not a problem to purchase a massage mat at a pharmacy. However, you can make a massager with your own hands. Further in the article we will talk about how to make a rug at home and how to properly sew spikes to the fabric. One common applicator material is the common metal caps used to seal bottles. For the device you will need the following materials:

  • a piece of leatherette measuring 30 by 40 cm;
  • 152 covers;
  • fishing line;
  • 152 washers (for fastening covers on the reverse side).

The first step is to mark the fabric. This is necessary in order to sew the covers evenly. Next, you need to make 2 holes in each of the lids, like in buttons. This is necessary in order to sew them to the canvas. Each of them is attached with fishing line and a washer on the reverse side.

You can also simplify the option of making a rug. The covers do not need to be sewn to the fabric, but simply glued. So, how to glue the Kuznetsov applicator to the material? It should be noted that it is very necessary good glue, since during use the spikes will be subject to quite strong impacts. For these purposes, you can use Moment glue.


Kuznetsov's applicator is quite effective means for the treatment of many diseases. Further in the article we will try to answer questions that often arise among patients.

  1. How to choose an applicator? Choose a massager for various diseases the doctor will help. If you decide to purchase a rug yourself, you should first use a product with soft spikes.
  2. What does the Kuznetsov applicator treat, what is its purpose and what are the benefits of its use? The massager helps with many diseases associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic processes, colds, also for migraines and many other health problems.
  3. Where can I buy the device? You can purchase the product at a pharmacy or specialty store. It is also possible to order a rug online.
  4. What is the price in pharmacies? The cost of the applicator is relatively low. You can purchase goods from 250 rubles and above. The price depends on the size and type of device.
  5. How long can you lie on the mat? The duration of the session is determined by the doctor. The duration of the procedure depends on the disease and individual characteristics patient. On average, a session lasts from 10 to 30 minutes.

The human body is an integral system of interconnected organs, each of which performs a specific function and is in constant contact with each other and external environment. Activate defense mechanisms such a complex structure can be achieved through the use of reflexology methods. One of the effective tools for implementing this task is the Kuznetsov applicator. Harm and benefit of this device will be discussed in this article, but first you need to understand what the design is, healing properties which have been appreciated by more than one generation.

The phenomenon of Ivan Kuznetsov

At one time, almost every Soviet family had a small miracle rug with sharp needles. Kuznetsov’s applicator was sold in the pharmacy of almost every microdistrict, and was incredibly in demand abroad: in the USA, Scandinavia, and Eastern European countries. The main purpose for which Ivan Kuznetsov, a modest music teacher from Chelyabinsk, came up with the applicator was to eliminate muscle pain and improve joint flexibility. It has been established that such a product helps with migraines, depression, and can also improve immunity.

The impetus for the invention of the applicator, which has gained popularity all over the world, was the desire of I. Kuznetsov to heal himself from a lung burn (severe), which he earned by carelessly using a very toxic dust against cockroaches.

At one time, Ivan Ivanovich was fond of Chinese medicine, was interested in the principles of acupuncture. In an effort to help himself, Kuznetsov created a rubber mat with sharp pins - a sort of modern variation on the old yoga mat. The experiment turned out to be very successful, in just six months from dangerous disease, which professional doctors gave up on, there was no trace left. X-rays confirmed complete cure.

A panacea for all ills?

Inspired by his victory, the teacher began to test his unique invention on other people. Kuznetsov described each case in detail in his diaries. When there was more than enough material, and the mat helped more than a dozen patients (among whom there were patients with very complex cases), Ivan Ivanovich patented his brainchild as the Kuznetsov applicator.

At that time, the harm and benefits of the miracle device were studied very carefully by distrustful medical officials. But still, 20 years of experience in successfully curing people from diseases against which official medicine was powerless outweighed the issue of introducing this invention to the general public. As soon as the country allowed private work activity, Ivan Ivanovich created a cooperative engaged in the production of applicators. The needles for the rug were made from flexible plastic at a factory near Moscow. The staff included doctors who consulted patients from all over the Soviet Union at an appointment or by telephone.

By the way, Kuznetsov did not consider his creation a panacea for all ills, but he still called it a whip for the human body.

Personal tragedy

The enormous demand for the applicator became the cause of Ivan Ivanovich’s family tragedy. Certain individuals, wanting to take possession of the patent for this invention, insisted on its sale, constantly threatened and eventually kidnapped Kuznetsov’s wife, demanding a patent in exchange for her freedom. The outcome was tragic: the woman was killed. Kuznetsov was very upset by what happened, but continued to work painstakingly on his life’s work. IN last days he was developing a suit equipped with needles on the inside. When put on, the air was pumped out of it, and the needles dug into the person’s body. During another test on such a device, Kuznetsov’s heart stopped. It was 2005.

Iplicator or applicator?

An interesting fact is that Kuznetsov patented his own invention as an iplicator. The common name “applicator” (from Latin “to apply”) is considered incorrect because it implies a completely different effect on the body.

Description of the miracle rug

Kuznetsov's applicator (there is a photo of it in the review) is a flexible plate that consists of plastic tapes, movably fastened together and equipped with a large number of needles. It seems to be nothing complicated. At least at the first “acquaintance” with such a popular item as the Kuznetsov applicator.

“How to use such a needle device?” - those who want to experience the miraculous properties of the applicator and at the same time improve their health ask themselves.

Applicators differ from each other in shape, material, size, needle sharpness and spacing between them. Which model to use for treatment depends on the disease, diagnosis, age of the patient and his physical characteristics. Only if such conditions are met and after mandatory consultation with a doctor who determines the intensity and duration of the device’s effect, Kuznetsov’s applicator, the harm and benefits of which are still the subject of much debate today, helps to heal.

Kuznetsov applicators are produced in different forms; these are plates, belts, bolsters, insoles. Using a product in the form of a mat helps with spinal pathologies, especially in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Rollers are appropriate for acupressure of the dorsal and cervical area, lower back, and limbs. Insoles have a positive effect by pressing on the reflexogenic areas of the feet.

Kuznetsov applicator: benefits for the body

The most popular applicator is a set of round piercing “buttons” measuring 2-3 centimeters, attached to the fabric at a certain distance from each other. Despite its apparent simplicity, Kuznetsov’s applicator, the harms and benefits of which are of interest to many people, is surprisingly effective. Therapeutic effect is achieved by applying needles to active points connected to internal energy channels. In other words, the principle of acupuncture (acupuncture) and acupressure is applied.

Moderate pressure of the applicator on the surface of the skin can normalize the functioning of all systems of the human body. Thus, the applicator ensures blood flow to the area of ​​pressure and is a kind of stimulator, the effect of which is aimed at:

  • strengthening of recovery and metabolic processes;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • relief from pain in the spine, joints, muscles;
  • increased tone of the skin and muscles;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • increasing immunity and vital energy levels;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • general relaxation of the body.

Applicator as a means to treat diseases

How effective is the Kuznetsov applicator for the body? Benefits and harms (patient reviews confirm this) are on different scales. The product was created to heal people. The man who created it lived his life with the goal of helping everyone who needs it. After all, you can’t buy health for any amount of money, so preserve it, find it in complex system entitled " human body“unclaimed resources is the task that I. I. Kuznetsov set himself.

Kuznetsov's applicator is effective in treating many pathological conditions organism, including diseases:

  • nervous system - insomnia, headache, neurasthenia, neuritis, radiculitis, polyneuropathy, neuralgia;
  • cardiovascular - hypo- and hypertension, angina pectoris, varicose veins, stroke, encephalopathy;
  • musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthrosis, muscle strain, damage to ligaments and joints, injuries;
  • digestive organs - pancreatitis, gastric hypotension, constipation;
  • respiratory system - rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, chronic runny nose, colds, sore throat, pleurisy;
  • genitourinary system - urolithiasis disease, glomerulonephritis, renal colic, cystitis, prostatitis;
  • endocrine system - diabetes, hyperthyroidism, obesity;
  • gynecological - infertility, disorders of the reproductive system, inflammatory processes in the uterus and others.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Kuznetsov applicator are:

  • ease of use;
  • low price;
  • effectiveness proven by time and people;
  • small product sizes;
  • no chance of infection;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin.

The product also has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • pain during the procedure, depending on the type of device and individual sensitivity;
  • the effect is not on a specific point, but on the body area as a whole.


When working with the Kuznetsov applicator, it is important to use the “right points”. To do this, you need to be able to use a unique device that has saved the health of many people who believed in its power.

Contraindications to the use of the Kuznetsov applicator are:

  • skin pathologies in the area of ​​application;
  • the presence of moles, neoplasms, papillomas, warts;
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • heart and pulmonary failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant tumors.

Do not abuse the frequency and duration of use of the applicator. The procedure should be carried out no longer than 30 minutes for 2 weeks with a further break of 1-4 weeks. This is exactly the course of treatment and prevention recommended by Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov.

Applicator: instructions

IN official instructions for the needle therapeutic and prophylactic massager, the sequence of actions in its use is indicated. The product must be pressed to the surface of the skin with your hands; when treating feet or back, use body weight. An elastic bandage or rubber belt will help secure the Kuznetsov applicator.

The instructions for use explain that the force of pressure should cause a piercing effect (within the limits of pain tolerance), which is often accompanied by a feeling of burning and warmth. It is the feeling of warmth that indicates the high effectiveness of the effect. Sometimes it appears after several procedures. In any case, you can induce a feeling of warmth by slightly moving the rug. This is what Kuznetsov advised.

The applicator, the instructions for which clearly explain the rules for using this device, can give an exciting effect with short-term exposure (up to 3 minutes) and an inhibitory effect with significant pressure for 10 minutes. The best health results occur when the use of the applicator is combined with water procedures and sports exercises. It is recommended to complement the foot massage with cool foot baths lasting 20-25 seconds with the water level up to the ankle. This procedure is aimed at hardening and enhancing venous circulation. In a similar way, you can use the Kuznetsov applicator to massage your palms.

Applicator for different areas of the body

The Kuznetsov applicator, the contraindications of which are described in this article, can be used for various parts of the body, depending on the location of the accumulation of pain. Applying the device to the shoulder area, forearms, lower legs, thighs, painful areas of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine will help with joint and muscle pain.

To get rid of headaches, it is recommended to apply the device to the occipital-parietal zone, the cervical region of the spine, in some situations - on the palms and feet, pressing the product with your hands for 45-60 seconds and then loosening it, or fixing it motionless in the problem area for 20-30 minutes .

If there is back pain, it is recommended to place the applicator along the spine, ensuring its close contact with the body. Lying on your back, hold for about half an hour.

For sciatica (disease of the sciatic nerve), the Kuznetsov applicator should be applied to the lower back, wrapped with an elastic bandage, provided with heat and left for half an hour.

To restore the normal tone of the skin, improve its elasticity, reduce cellulite, and get rid of excess fat deposits, it is recommended to apply the miracle mat to the problem area of ​​the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis helps normalize blood supply, stimulate metabolic processes, and improve the elasticity of the posterior wall.

The result of using this device is a reduction in pain, improved functioning of internal organs, increased mobility and energy, increased range of motion, normalized sleep and potency, and increased sensitivity. For osteochondrosis thoracic It is recommended to use a product with spikes; a roller or belt is suitable for treating the cervical area; a roller applicator will save the lumbosacral region.


U modern man headaches caused by problems with the cervical spine have become almost natural state, due to a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect position when working at the computer, birth injuries. The need for daily massage for relaxation is growing, and the Kuznetsov applicator can help fill it: according to reviews, if handled correctly, it benefits the entire body. How does this device work and how to choose the optimal shape?

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

This method of reflexology was not discussed yesterday - back in Soviet time it was actively used at home and during spa treatment. At the Priorov Institute, the Neurosis Clinic, the Central Research Institute of Reflexology and the Institute of Neurosurgery, a needle applicator created by the inventor I.I. Kuznetsov was tested, which showed that there was no deterioration in the condition of the patients to whom it was applied. However, no one talked about high efficiency, even after Western research. The device may be sold as a “Lyapko massager.”


Kuznetsov’s applicator (in some sources – an applicator, combined “needles” and “applicator”) works in a similar way to acupuncture, only there is no damage to the skin: there is only a slight pressure that can cause mild pain. The effect on the human condition is determined by the impact of needles on nerve endings at certain points responsible for blood circulation and oxygen transport in tissues. A similar effect can be obtained from massage, but it requires a specialist, and with this device you can improve your health on your own.

Kuznetsov’s invention brings many benefits to the body:

  • Positively affects metabolic processes.
  • Increases immunity with long-term use.
  • Increases skin elasticity by increasing blood circulation in the upper layers.
  • Relaxes the muscles of the back and neck.
  • Increases brain performance.
  • Improves blood circulation in the cervical region, which contributes to a positive effect on overall well-being and blood pressure.
  • Normalizes sleep and nervous system function.

Indications for use

Reflexotherapy helps to influence all internal organs and systems, so Kuznetsov’s massage mat and other forms of this device can be used to treat almost any disease: from gynecological to nervous. Doctors say that it makes sense to use this prickly massager if a person suffers from:

  • obesity, diabetes and other diseases caused by metabolic disorders;
  • inflammation in the uterus;
  • gastric or intestinal colic;
  • muscle pain;
  • migraine, blood pressure;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • problems with thyroid gland;
  • mood swings, seizures panic attacks, sleep disorders;
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • neuralgia.


According to doctors, reflexology is not the most in a safe way treatment, since the reaction of each organism is individual: in one person it relieves pain, while in another, with the same scheme of use, it worsens the condition. The use of Kuznetsov's applicator can provoke the appearance of hematomas, if there is a tendency to bleeding, cause irritation of the skin, so it is not advisable for people with sensitive skin and problems with blood clotting to use this device.

The applicator is also contraindicated for:

  • presence of wounds and burns at the site of use;
  • pregnancy (only on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • epilepsy;
  • accumulation of moles, warts, papillomas in the application area;
  • presence of tumors;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator

The essence of this device is a fabric or metal base on which there are:

  • magnetic plates;
  • short needles.

The latter cannot be plastic (this is typical for Chinese counterfeits): the original version called for metal ones, since only they can give the desired effect. There are several applicator shapes: the classic one is a plate-mat, the sizes of which can be chosen - small for the cervical region, larger for the lumbar region. There is also a Kuznetsov massager, presented in the form of a roller, and for a number of diseases a belt can be used.


The traditional form of Kuznetsov's invention looks like a rectangular flexible plate studded with short needles. There are small narrow rugs and larger ones. Initially, they were used in the treatment of sleepwalking: for this they were placed in front of the bed so that the person would take a step and wake up. Now the device is known as a mat with needles for Kuznetsov’s back, since it is used primarily for reflexology aimed at the spine area, although it can also be used for the abdominal area.


If a person suffers from lower back pain or gynecological diseases, doctors advise turning to the Kuznetsov belt - this is almost the same mat, but is fixed at the waist with Velcro. It is made of dense material, under which a soft pillow with needles is hidden. Even taking into account the fixation, experts do not recommend moving while wearing the Kuznetsov belt so that the needles do not slip on the skin.


If the applicator is to work for the benefit of your joints, you should choose a roller: a rotating cylinder with short spikes is convenient to use on your knees, elbows, and, if desired, you can roll it over your neck. Some people use the Kuznetsov roller as a trainer for the feet: this way it also becomes useful for the whole body, since there is a high concentration of points associated with the feet on the feet. internal organs and spine.


A variation of Kuznetsov’s classic invention is the Tibetan massager, which also has a mat format, but between the needles (made of plastic, so the impact is weaker than metal ones) there are magnetic disks. There are 3 versions of this applicator on sale:

  • yellow - will actively act on the magnetic field, calm the nervous system;
  • red – it improves cell regeneration, eliminates dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • blue – improves muscle tone, mainly used for legs, prevention of thrombophlebitis.

Instructions for use of the Kuznetsov applicator

The key point in using this device is maintaining hygiene: it is advisable that the purchased applicator is only yours, since needles, even with slight pressure, can cause microdamage to the skin. If you plan to use the Kuznetsov applicator with someone else, you need to disinfect it with alcohol.

Several Yet important nuances how to use the Kuznetsov applicator:

  • In order to minimize harm, it is advisable to conduct the session after emptying Bladder and no earlier than 1.5 after a meal.
  • For a relaxation-oriented session, after using the applicator you need to save horizontal position another half hour.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room in which the procedure will be performed.
  • If you have moles or warts, but in small quantities, but you are afraid of damaging them, cover them with a band-aid.

You should decide how long to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator based on your own feelings, or based on the numbers recommended by doctors:

  • Lower back pain, spinal problems, osteochondrosis, sleep disorders, fatigue, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction – 15 minutes.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, premenstrual syndrome – 7-10 minutes.

For the back

Spread a blanket or thick blanket on a flat surface, open the Kuznetsov rug with the needles facing up, and lie on it so as to feel the injections in the problem area. It is important to maintain a perfectly horizontal line of the body, so the surface should not sag under you (choose the floor, not the bed). You need to lie down without clothes, since the applicator needles are short and do not penetrate through layers of tissue well. Try to relax, you can close your eyes. The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, frequency – 3 times a day.

For the neck

For surges in blood pressure, headaches around the circumference and nagging nature, a feeling of fatigue in the neck and after prolonged work at the computer or papers, experts advise applying a needle applicator to the neck area every evening. For a strong effect, lie on the mat for 15 minutes; for a less pronounced effect, roll the roller for the same time, but with weak pressure and touching the shoulders.

For legs

Doctors recommend using a Kuznetsov rug (necessarily a classic one, with metal needles) to treat flat feet. To do this, a person needs to walk barefoot on the needle surface for 15 minutes every day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime. Basic exercises will help increase the effectiveness of therapy: walking on your heels, transferring weight to each zone of the foot. Additionally, you can roll the roller under the arch for 5 minutes, being sure to feel the pressure on the needles. The duration of the course of treatment is a month, after which a break is needed.

For face

For cosmetic purposes, magnetic mats are used, which must be applied to a cleansed face for 10 minutes every other day to improve the condition of the skin with dermatitis, eliminate inflammation, tighten the oval and increase tone. However, some women also use a classic needle applicator, mainly a roller or plastic mats, performing massage along ascending lines from the center to the periphery. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, the pressure is minimal so as not to damage the skin.

For osteochondrosis

Application area of ​​the applicator in case of osteochondrosis – cervical region and chest. Here doctors recommend 2 options:

  • ask someone at home to roll the roller over these areas, applying slight pressure for 10 minutes;
  • lie on the mat for about 15 minutes, and after the session, maintain a horizontal position for another half hour.

For sciatica

Pinching of the sciatic nerve requires sessions with the Kuznetsov applicator every other day or daily (determined by the strength of the pain syndrome), while the pressure of the needles is average, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The working area is from the lower back down the buttock and from the side to the knee along the outer side of the thigh. The inner and rear zones must not be touched. Ideally, use the Kuznetsov roller, slowly walking down and up the designated areas. The session ends with a manual massage.

For herniated spine

The scheme for using the applicator in case of intervertebral hernia is the same as the general one for the back: lie down with the affected area on the mat, having first undressed. However, the session lasts half an hour, and after it, doctors recommend treating this area with camphor oil, covering it with food paper, and wrapping it with a bandage. The person must spend the next hour under a blanket. After a course of 5 daily procedures, a month-long break is taken.

For radiculitis

Acute forms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, firstly, require up to 3 sessions of reflexology with Kuznetsov’s invention per day. Secondly, their duration at the moment severe pain should be less than with classical therapy. In the case of radiculitis, doctors advise applying the applicator to the affected area for no longer than 6 minutes, and if the disease proceeds in chronic form, the duration of the session can be increased to 15 minutes, but only 2 times a day. You can first rub the affected area with vodka.

For coxarthrosis

Persons with damage to the hip joint should use the applicator daily, if possible in the morning and evening. Sessions last about 10 minutes, during which you need to apply a Kuznetsov mat, or move a roller along the side (on the side where the sore joint is located), buttock (similarly) and yourself. hip joint. The pressure is average, the skin should remain reddish after the procedure. Ideally, wear something warm afterwards to maintain the warming effect and increase blood circulation.

For headaches

If you often experience migraines, use the roller on the base of the skull and throughout your head. The pressure is medium or weak, determined by your sensitivity. It is advisable to make movements in a circle and downward, “driving” the pain to the heels. Experts call the optimal duration of the procedure 10 minutes, but it can be reduced to 5 minutes, or carried out until the pain completely disappears. Alternative method Place a magnetic mat at the base of your neck and lie on it for 15 minutes.

Price for Kuznetsov's applicator

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price picture for this massage device is almost the same: a classic mat in pharmacies can be found for 150-350 rubles, a roller will be more expensive - about 300-450 rubles, depending on the size. As for how much the Kuznetsov applicator costs when buying online, it all depends on the online store - some of them charge a lot of money, so don’t be surprised by options for 1000-1500 rubles.

How to choose a Kuznetsov applicator

There are no particular difficulties in buying this device: the main point that doctors focus on is the shape. Classic mats are used for the back and neck, a belt is needed to work on the lower back, and a roller can work on all areas, including the head, so it is universal. Magnetic influences mainly on blood vessels and does not relieve pain well.

The material from which the needles are made is also easy to choose:

  • Metal gives a more obvious effect, but can injure the skin.
  • Plastic applies less pressure and is good for massaging the face and abdominal area.

Oddly enough, but, the benefits and harms of which are much controversial, were originally created as a remedy for the treatment of sleepwalking - it can simply bring you out of a state of sleep if you put it near the bed under your feet. Its action is based on the method of reflexology, which many scientists consider meaningless. On the other hand, he has many fans who benefit from the applicator.

The secret is that this is a massage, not only regular, but also acupressure. According to Eastern doctors, human skin is a set of points that are channels and paths to various bodies and systems. The skin is simply interconnected with them, so you can influence your health from the outside. If you influence these areas of the skin with small needles, you can influence the functioning of different systems and organs and correct it. In addition, the applicator tones the functioning of all organs, eliminates pain and inflammation. There is also an opinion that this simple device stimulates metabolic processes inside intervertebral discs, reduces inflammation of the nerve roots and improves blood supply to the brain and all organs. Thanks to all this, it is actively used to treat the spine and musculoskeletal system.

How to use it?

It is easy to use: just press firmly against the skin using your body weight, arm strength or an elastic bandage. If there is pain, you need to apply the applicator to the place where it is localized and press to the limits of pain tolerance. Be patient for about a minute.

To treat osteochondrosis, you can use different modifications of this device. So, if the neck suffers the most, use a small cushion or a belt with fasteners; if the worst thing is in the lower back, you need a larger cushion; and if you have thoracic osteochondrosis, you need a mat on which you lie down, pressing down with your entire body weight, and remain in this position for 30 minutes. . The optimal duration of treatment is 14 days, after which you need to forget about the mat for 10 days and resume the procedure.

Is Kuznetsov's applicator useful? According to those who have experienced it firsthand, its benefits are obvious. Perhaps this is self-hypnosis, but the point is that oriental medicine- this is a completely different view of the body, and if it is not entirely clear to European doctors, this does not mean that such a method cannot be effective. And the flow of blood to the sore spot will never be superfluous.

Harm and contraindications

Indeed, this device can be harmful. The famous doctor M. Ya. Zholondz does not deny the presence of points on the skin associated with the organs of the body, but assures that the applicator can be harmful, if only because the points that negatively affect the body are located very close to the points responsible for health, and influencing all of them at the same time is simply dangerous. At best, instead of a tonic effect, you can get a sedative, and at worst, you can lose consciousness and seriously undermine your health.

Indeed, the needles on the applicator are located very close. That is why you need to know exactly where and at what points it needs to be placed. Besides, . So, it should be used if the body temperature is elevated (even slightly), there are papillomas, moles or warts on the skin, especially at the site of exposure. It should also not be used for any skin diseases, thrombophlebitis, any infections or tumors.

In addition, we must not forget that the applicator is intended for individual use only. It must be washed after each use, and dull or broken needles or modules must be replaced.

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