Home Smell from the mouth Symptoms of skin diseases in humans. The most common skin diseases

Symptoms of skin diseases in humans. The most common skin diseases

Skin is an organ that covers the entire body of a person or animal. Despite its apparent external simplicity, the skin is a very complex system, because it takes part in the body’s respiration, thermoregulation, and also protects against environmental influences. Skin diseases can make a person’s quality of life worse, and some of them significantly change the patient’s usual lifestyle. In this article we will look at the most common skin diseases.

Skin is a complex structure that includes several layers, subcutaneous fat, hair roots, pores, small nerve endings, etc. The structure of the skin can be seen schematically in the following figure:

Skin diseases are widespread. Up to 15% of visits to a general practitioner are due to these diseases. The most common skin diseases are:

  • itchy dermatoses;
  • hyperkeratoses;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin;
  • acne, dermatophytosis, boils and carbuncles;
  • nevi and warts.

Pruritic dermatoses

This is a group of inflammatory skin diseases characterized by blistering, weeping, redness, itching and peeling. Itchy deramoses include urticaria, diffuse and limited neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, xeroderma, contact dermatitis.


Dermatophytosis is a group of diseases caused by fungi. These are one of the most common skin diseases. Thus, (onychomycosis) occurs in almost 18% of the population, and among older people - in 50%.
People over 70 years of age are a kind of reservoir for the existence of onychomycosis. Very often they do not go to the doctor and are not treated. In this case, the infection spreads among the family of such an elderly person. The infection is subsequently transmitted to others in swimming pools, baths, and showers. The prevalence of onychomycosis is high in fairly closed professional groups(military personnel, miners, athletes, metallurgists).
Fungal infection of smooth skin is somewhat less common, but is also highly contagious (infectious). It should be understood that dermatophytosis is unlikely to occur on nails. This disease is often a symptom of serious problems in the human immune, endocrine and vascular systems.

Thus, having considered the most common skin diseases, we can say that if detected early, they are all treatable. You just need to treat yourself and your loved ones with attention.

Which doctor should I contact?

Skin lesions are treated by a dermatologist, and the help of a cosmetologist is often required. At the same time, you should consult a therapist to see if the skin disease is a manifestation of illness internal organs. In some cases, an additional examination by an infectious disease specialist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, allergist, or endocrinologist is required.

On the adult human body, the skin covers an area of ​​about 2 square meters. It performs immune and protective functions and is responsible for regulating water balance and temperature. The list of possible ailments that appear on the skin is very long. Many of them are easy to treat without serious consequences. Others require more integrated approach and require long-term therapy.

General information about skin diseases

Skin diseases always occur under the influence of certain factors - internal or external. The severity of symptoms and duration of the disease depend not only on the type of pathogen or provoking element, but also on the general condition of the body. Strong immunity has high resistance, which reduces the risk of developing certain diseases. Any pathology has three main stages:

  • chronic, which is characterized by a long course of the disease in a latent form, with periodic exacerbations;
  • acute - occurs immediately after contact with the pathogen, after which the main, characteristic signs appear;
  • subacute - may reflect a variety of manifestations skin diseases, not related to the chronic form.

The most common internal provoking factors include: infectious diseases, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, individual intolerance to certain substances, allergic reactions, heredity. Hormonal imbalance is also a common cause, mainly in adolescence. Stress, excessive stress, nervousness and other disorders of the nervous system, along with other factors, can cause many skin diseases. These should be treated in conjunction with the restoration of the psycho-emotional background.

All types of skin diseases have their own specific development and treatment. Despite many common facts, dermatological pathologies differ significantly from each other. But even if they do not belong to the category of severe pathologies requiring immediate hospitalization, there is no need to engage in treatment. A qualified specialist will not only be able to make an accurate diagnosis, but will also prescribe the optimal treatment.

Fungal skin diseases

This type of skin disease is caused by various types of fungi. Many of them live in the environment, some are constantly in the human body, but become pathogenic only under the influence of certain factors. The main ones are: neglect of personal hygiene rules, increased temperature and humidity, various endocrinological disorders, weakened immunity. The most well-known fungal skin diseases include:

  • Tinea versicolor- belongs to the category of keratomycosis. The fungus that causes it may for a long time remain in an inactive form, the disease most often occurs due to a deterioration of the immune system. It consists of multiple pink spots on any part of the body, which gradually acquire a dark brown color and disappear completely. In some cases, peeling and itching are noted.

  • Trichospora nodosum or piedra. The fungus affects the hair on the body and head without causing hair loss. Externally it appears as a black or white rim around the hair. As a rule, it occurs in a chronic form and is subject to long-term treatment.

  • Trichophytosis. Unlike the above-mentioned diseases, the fungus affects the deeper layers of the skin, provoking inflammatory processes. You can become infected from a sick person or animal. Trichophytosis can be superficial, infiltrative and suppurative. The latter is the most severe and can cause severe, infectious complications. It is characterized by the appearance of pink or red spots, which subsequently become crusty.

  • Microsporia. The symptoms are very similar to trichophytosis, but the spots are smaller in diameter. The disease can affect the hair. The source of this type of mushroom is often sick animals. And it is mainly children who become infected.

  • Mycosis. The penetration of the fungus is facilitated by open wounds, abrasions and cracks. In addition to damage to the skin, nails are also very often affected. At the same time, they crumble or become rough, change shape and color. To recover, you must wait until the affected plate is completely cut off. One of the most severe types is considered to be deep mycosis, in which the fungus enters the bloodstream, lymphatic system provoking the development of secondary diseases.

  • Candidiasis. This is a type of fungal skin disease that mainly affects the mucous membranes, as well as internal organs. Most often the oral cavity, pharynx, genitals, and skin folds are affected.

Infectious skin diseases

Among the diseases caused by bacteria, such as staphylococci and streptococci, pyoderma can be distinguished. The disease is characterized by purulent skin lesions, which are presented in the form of inflamed folliculitis, boils, and carbuncles. The reason for their appearance may be long-term use of cytostatics and corticosteroids. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of developing a complication such as sepsis. Staphylococcus aureus often causes staphylococcal impetigo. In this case, purulent rashes with a hair in the center appear on the body. The development of bacteria is promoted by excessive sweating and neglect of personal hygiene.

The microscopic scabies mite causes scabies. The pathogen multiplies very quickly, and the disease also develops rapidly. Main distinctive features numerous small white dots appear and severe itching. The herpes virus causes the disease of the same name. In this case, painful rashes with purulent contents appear on the body. Often secondary symptoms include fever and general malaise. Some types of human papillomavirus can cause the appearance of condylomas or warts. You can become infected through direct, often sexual contact.

Eczema and dermatitis

Some of the most common skin diseases are dermatitis and eczema. Not many people know how these diseases differ, quite often confusing one with the other. The main difference is that in most cases, eczema is the result of untreated or chronic dermatitis. In addition, other factors contribute to its appearance. The main symptom of dermatitis is frequent red to blue rashes, sometimes accompanied by swelling, burning, itching, and pain. With severe inflammation, it is even possible to increase body temperature. The causes of dermatitis may be:

  • response to infection entering the body;
  • a consequence of inflammatory processes in internal organs;
  • psycho-emotional factors;
  • individual reaction of the body to certain food products;
  • allergic reaction to drugs;
  • exposure to external irritants: chemicals, insects, herbs;
  • electric current discharge and critical temperatures - heat, cold.

In the absence of proper treatment, progressive dermatitis can provoke the formation of ulcers, atrophy the skin and even cause cancer. Eczema, as a consequence of dermatitis, occurs during a period of decreased inflammation. Its characteristic symptoms are the formation of scales, blisters, and spots of light, pink or red color. If the rash becomes weeping, we should talk about a severe form of the disease. Other causes of eczema may include injury, harmful production, inflammation caused by fungi or pathogenic bacteria, poor blood supply due to varicose veins, and allergies. There is also an idiopathic form, which does not have an exact etiology.


Psoriasis is a chronic disease of a non-infectious nature that primarily affects the skin. The reason for its appearance and development on the human body still remains unknown. Over the past decades, many theories have been put forward: some scientists believe that the disease develops due to a failure of the immune system, and also as a consequence nervous breakdowns and neurotic disorders, others are inclined to heredity or viral origin. To one degree or another, each of them has been proven during scientific research, however, the totality of this evidence does not provide grounds for making a final conclusion.

The key symptom of psoriasis is the appearance of characteristic pink or reddish plaques on the body. The size of the latter can reach the size of the palm of an adult and even more. The lesions are usually scaly and often accompanied by itching. In the advanced stage, cracks may appear, and subsequently suppuration. In rare cases, psoriasis affects the nail plates, joints, but mainly the skin.

Periods of exacerbation occur in winter. During the warm season, due to frequent exposure to sunlight, the plaques may become discolored or even disappear altogether. But after a while they will appear again. Modern treatment methods make it possible to increase the duration of remission. But it is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis. Cases of self-healing have been recorded, but this is a rare exception.

Psoriasis significantly affects the patient’s quality of life. Many people are very complex about their appearance, especially when the disease manifests itself on the face, neck, arms - in open areas of the body. Mental disorders are often recorded - depression, neurosis, psycho-emotional disorders. The situation is aggravated by constant itching, which makes performing the simplest daily tasks impossible. To reduce the severity of symptoms, you should regularly visit your doctor and follow all the recommendations he gives.

Pimples, blackheads, acne

Every person faces skin problems such as acne. And not only in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur, but also at an older age. Pimples, acne, comedones - all of these problems are united by one reason: inflammation of the sebaceous glands. When dead cells epithelial tissue the mouth of the hair follicle is clogged, a specific plug called a “comedone” is formed. When an infection gets inside, an inflammatory process inevitably begins, resulting in papules and pustules. When pus accumulates, acne or pimples become visible on the surface of the skin with the naked eye.

All facial rashes of this type can be divided into three main categories:

  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory;
  • acneiform rashes.

It is the inflammatory elements that were discussed above. A papule is a kind of nodule that rises above the skin, has a size of 1 to 3 mm, is distinguished by its red color and swelling around it. A pustule differs from a papule in that the element contains pus. It can reach a size of up to 1 cm. If the pus inside is yellow or green, then a secondary infection has occurred.

Non-inflammatory skin problems are blackheads and whiteheads. They are formed when the pores are clogged with sebum and dead cells in the upper part. Acneiform rashes include rosacea, which also results from progressive inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle. Treatment of pimples, blackheads, and acne is carried out both through the use of various medications and through the use of various cosmetic procedures.

Other skin diseases

In patients who, due to the state of their health, remain in a stationary position for a long time, bedsores begin to appear over time. At the beginning of their development, they have the appearance of blue-red erythema due to stagnation of lymph and blood. Then the skin begins to peel off, sometimes this sign is preceded by the formation of small pustules. The danger of bedsores lies in the fact that in most cases, with minor damage to the skin, significant destruction of deep tissue occurs.

Among older people, problems such as:

  • Actinic keratosis - develops due to overexposure sun rays, characterized by the appearance of compacted spots, plaques, and nodules on the skin. Counts benign neoplasm. There is always a possibility of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

  • Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the lower layer of the epidermis. It can spread very quickly over the surface of the skin and therefore requires immediate treatment. It looks like a kind of convex mound big size, which is often confused with a mole. In this case, carcinoma is not accompanied by other signs and pain.

  • Melanoma also belongs to a number of malignant neoplasms. It often occurs in women over 40 years of age, but can also occur in young people. The basis for its development are cells that produce melanin, so the tumor often has dark color. In 90% of cases, its localization is the skin.

A third of all young children are diagnosed with hemangioma - a benign tumor that, without timely intervention, can grow and occupy a significant area of ​​the skin. Consists of vascular tissues. The reason for the appearance is mainly pathological development blood vessels. Cutaneous hemangioma can affect absolutely any part of the body, including the scalp.


Treatment of skin diseases is carried out only by a qualified specialist, on an individual basis. Given the large number of dermatological diseases, a thorough diagnostic examination. During the examination, as well as after receiving the results of tests, tests and other studies, it is possible not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify the cause. The success of each treatment depends precisely on the elimination of the initial factor that provoked the development of the disease. Depending on the type of skin disease, observation and treatment can be carried out by the following specialists:

  • Dermatologist or dermatovenerologist. You can go to a doctor of this profile with any skin problem; if necessary, he will refer the patient to another, specific specialist. A dermatovenerologist deals with the treatment of skin diseases of viral origin.
  • Immunologist or allergist. If the reason skin rashes If you have an allergy, the dermatologist gives a referral to an allergist. The latter determines the reaction to various allergens, after which it can make a final diagnosis. An immunologist specializes in skin diseases caused by a malfunction in the immune system.
  • Cosmetologist. To make a diagnosis, as well as carry out adequate therapy, the cosmetologist must have medical education. It will help eliminate many external defects and cope with the main symptoms of diseases.

  • Trichologist. She studies and treats diseases of the scalp and hair. If rashes or other damage to the skin appear on the scalp, then, first of all, you should contact a trichologist.

Regardless of the severity of the symptoms and the nature of the manifestation of a particular skin disease, only a doctor can guarantee a speedy recovery or stabilization of the general condition. In the absence of highly specialized specialists, you should at least contact a therapist. When self-medicating or untimely application seeking medical help, it is possible that complications will develop, which will subsequently require greater financial costs and longer treatment.

Skin perform very important function– it protects the internal organs of a person. Not only the appearance, but also the health of a person directly depends on its condition. Very often, people are faced with skin diseases that bring not only physical suffering, but also enormous moral discomfort.

Causes of skin diseases

Almost all skin diseases have the same causes, the main ones being:

  • Infections
  • Problems with the functioning of internal organs
  • Allergic reactions
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Injuries
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Problems with the intestines, namely dysbiosis

Of course, the main cause of skin diseases is infections. They provoke various disorders in the body. However, in order to somehow protect yourself from skin diseases, you must carefully follow the rules of hygiene, which will help prevent the penetration of certain infections.
If you notice any changes in your skin, the appearance of strange spots on it, you should immediately consult a doctor who can accurately determine the cause and make a diagnosis, as well as prescribe all the necessary medications for a speedy recovery process.

Types of skin diseases

Like any other diseases, skin diseases can be divided into several types, which will include certain ailments:

Whatever the type of skin disease, it is not recommended to treat it on your own, since there are certain approaches to treating this or that disease. And if you solve the problem yourself, you can only harm the skin, which will subsequently lead to even greater troubles.

The most common skin diseases

We should also talk about those skin diseases that are most common. Typically, this list includes:

  • Psoriasis. This is one of the most mysterious skin diseases, the causes of which have not yet been precisely established. The only thing known is that the earlier psoriasis appears in a person, the worse it goes. The main symptoms are the appearance of peeling and inflammation on the skin. It often happens that the disease seems to have passed, but after some time it recurs again, and treatment has to be started again. There are three stages of psoriasis - progressive, stationary, recurrent. If we talk about treatment, it mainly takes place when prescribing external ointments, which include ichthyol, menthol, tar, various alkalis, sulfur, etc. In addition, the patient is prescribed a complex of vitamins that are necessary for the body. This or that type of treatment or ointment should be chosen only by a doctor who will do this based on individual characteristics, as well as the degree and progression of the disease

  • Fungal diseases. Fungi are common causative agents of skin diseases. They love dampness and warmth very much, and therefore reproduce very well on human skin. You can catch a fungal disease in a swimming pool, bathhouse, shower cabins in sports halls, etc. There are a lot of places. And since they spread very quickly, it sometimes becomes simply impossible to protect the body. cure fungal disease sometimes it's not that simple. It seems that the disease has gone away, but in fact it has “subsided” for an indefinite period of time
  • Candidiasis. Of course, this is a fungal disease, but it is isolated separately due to the difficulty of treatment, as well as due to its very rapid spread in the body
  • Herpes. Quite often you can find herpes in people of different ages. This disease does not have any age restrictions. It is transmitted through saliva or sexual intercourse. There is an opinion that you can become infected with herpes in early childhood, and at the same time it will worsen only at that moment (that is, make itself felt) when the immune system will be weakened (during influenza, ARVI, etc.). Herpes manifests itself as rashes on the skin, mainly on the lips. A person can fall asleep completely healthy and wake up with an ugly blister. Herpes is usually treated with tetracycline, as well as antiviral drugs.

  • Warts. The causative agent of this disease is Panil, a human lomatosis virus. Warts do not look very aesthetically pleasing, which is why, as soon as a person notices it on himself, he tries to get rid of it immediately. Cryotherapy is the best way to get rid of a simple wart. It often happens that if you remove just one or two warts, the rest will disappear on their own. Of course, in most cases people have simple warts, but sometimes they also have genital and plantar warts, which are a little more difficult to get rid of
  • Acne. One of the most common skin diseases is acne. They cause great discomfort, as they mainly affect the skin of the face and look ugly. Acne in most cases appears due to problems with the intestines, as well as as a consequence of hormonal imbalance. That is why it is worth establishing the exact cause of acne, and only then starting treatment. In order to prevent the appearance of a rash, it is necessary to carefully monitor your skin and follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Skin diseases are found in almost every second person on earth, which is why a lot of time is spent studying them. If you suddenly notice any changes, growths, or redness in yourself, then there is no need to delay. It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist, because if you start treatment on time, you can avoid unpleasant consequences!

The most common types of skin diseases are urticaria, lichen, ulcers and psoriasis. The causes of some skin diseases are well studied, but the factors that trigger the development of others are still unknown, which complicates their treatment. There is a theory of the hereditary genesis of such diseases, but this has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

Skin diseases urticaria and lichen: signs and causes

It is characterized by the sudden appearance of pinkish papules (nodules) of varying sizes. Also a sign of this skin disease are spots that rise above the skin level, accompanied by intense itching. The nodules may disappear after a few hours and then appear on other parts of the body.

Acute form of urticaria lasts from several hours to several weeks, chronic, as a rule, lasts for several years.

The causes of this skin disease can be physical (sun, cold, water) or (insect bites, pollen, dust, medications, food) factors.

What other skin diseases are there, and what signs do they manifest?

The typical form of lichen planus is characterized by small, up to 2 mm in diameter, whitish-pearl or grayish-white nodules that merge with each other, forming a mesh, lines, arcs, a fancy pattern of lace or fern leaves.

Look at the photo of this type of skin disease: nodules often appear on symmetrical areas of the body (hands, feet, wrists, ankles, legs) and are accompanied by intense itching.

Also a symptom of the skin disease lichen planus is a whitish coating on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. Sometimes papules are located on the scalp, genitals and back. The nodules can remain on the skin from several weeks to several months, leaving persistent brown pigmentation of the skin after disappearing.

The cause of the development of lichen planus is still unknown. The first clinical manifestations of the disease occur between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

Ulcers: cause of skin disease, symptoms and treatment

This section of the article describes the symptoms and treatment of such skin diseases as trophic ulcers of the lower extremities.

Ulcer- these are types of skin diseases in humans, which are a deep inflamed defect in the epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane and underlying tissues. Ulcers occur as a result of infection, mechanical, chemical or radiation damage, but most often as a result of impaired blood supply and/or innervation.

Ulcers are usually very painful and prone to infection. Treatment should primarily be aimed at the cause of the ulcer, and also include long-term use of local remedies.

Trophic leg ulcers- this is common in clinical practice a collective term that does not have a register in the international classification of diseases. But, like thousands of years ago (this form of pathology was noted back in Ancient Egypt, among the dynasties of the pharaohs), it still exists today.

Trophic ulcers on the lower extremities are the result of a variety of diseases in which the local circulation of arterial or venous blood and lymph is disrupted. In addition to these factors, the cause of trophic ulcers may be various injuries skin, soft tissue and peripheral nerves.

Look at the photo to see what skin diseases there are and what they look like:

As a rule, ulcers form in the lower third of the limb and on the protruding part of the ankles. Ulcers caused by impaired venous circulation are relatively painless and are a consequence varicose veins or a complication of phlebitis. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, diabetes mellitus, and smoking can lead to the formation of painful trophic ulcers due to impaired arterial circulation.

Having identified the symptoms of this skin disease, treatment begins with addressing the cause of the ulcer. Then cleansing, disinfection, appropriate bandage, and sometimes skin grafting are performed. Treatment is possible only in a clinical setting.

Prevention: treatment of varicose veins; eliminating risk factors such as diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia.

Skin disease psoriasis: signs and treatment

Here are photos, symptoms and treatment of a skin disease such as psoriasis.

Psoriasis ( scaly lichen) is a chronic skin disease of unknown etiology (that is, the cause of psoriasis is not clear), characterized by the appearance of scaly red spots on the skin.

There is a theory of the hereditary genesis of the disease, but the gene for psoriasis has not yet been identified. Some scientists believe that the disease develops as a result of disorders of the immune system, metabolism, under the influence of various neuroses and mental illnesses. It is well known that stress, alcohol intake, and frequent anxiety contribute to the exacerbation of the process.

Psoriasis mainly affects the skin, but in severe cases it affects the nails and joints. The disease usually worsens in winter. In the summer, under the influence of sunlight, the symptoms of psoriasis weaken, and in some patients they disappear completely.

Signs of this skin disease are rashes in the form of reddish plaques, which vary greatly in size from the head of a pin to large areas the size of a palm or more. The rash is usually accompanied by peeling and mild itching. In severe cases, the rash can spread throughout the body, and the itching becomes unbearable. Sometimes cracks and suppuration occur in the area of ​​the affected skin.

These photos show the symptoms of psoriasis skin disease:

In approximately 10-20% of cases, skin manifestations of psoriasis are combined with psoriatic arthritis. This chronic inflammatory joint disease may begin before, during, or after the first skin manifestation of psoriasis. The joints of the extremities are most often affected, much less often the spine.

Signs of psoriatic arthritis:

  • Pain;
  • joint deformity;
  • gradual loss of joint mobility (ankylosis).

As the first step in the treatment of psoriasis, local treatment is prescribed with certain ointments, creams or solutions applied to the affected areas of the skin (corticosteroids, salicylic acid, vitamins A and D, resin products, emollients). If local treatment does not provide desired result, next step will be phototherapy (irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays of type A and B in combination with the use of chemical photosensitizers (PUVA therapy). If this turns out to be ineffective, the third step is to prescribe medications orally or by injection. This method is called systemic treatment.

Among the latest tools treatment of psoriasis - drugs that affect immunocompetent cells (T cells), as today it is known that in the development of psoriasis, immunocompetent cells play a role that infiltrate the skin, interact with each other using chemical signals, which ultimately causes inflammation and increased proliferation of skin keratinocytes.

Psychotherapy methods also play an important role in the treatment of psoriasis.

Because psoriasis can become resistant to a particular treatment over time, it is recommended that you change treatments periodically.

Phototherapy is used to treat a range of conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seasonal depression and neonatal jaundice. The essence of the method comes down to the effect on the skin sunlight or bright light from artificial sources with certain wavelengths (ultraviolet, infrared).

When treating psoriasis, ultraviolet light blocks the proliferation of skin cells and reduces inflammation in psoriatic plaques. Despite the good results, infrared rays do not cure the disease itself, and after a few months new plaques appear on the skin, requiring a second course. In such cases, we should not forget about premature skin aging and the possible development of skin cancer.

Due to certain structural features of the skin and a large number of certain factors influencing its condition, the skin is caused by a variety of diseases of one nature or another. Let's look at skin diseases in more detail.

The main function of the skin is to protect internal organs human body from one or another pathology. Not only a person’s appearance, but also their health depends on the condition of their skin. And often people, faced with the problems of skin diseases, suffer from their manifestations not only physically, but also morally, enduring discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience.

The specifics of the development of skin diseases are represented by inflammatory processes affecting one or another area of ​​human skin. The type of any skin ailment is determined by the causes of a particular disease with problems that have both internal and external roots.

Treatment of dermatological diseases alleviates the external manifestations of skin diseases, but does not relieve a person from the causes that cause them. Therefore, when remission is replaced by an exacerbation of a particular disease, such a problem only causes a person to feel depressed and concerned about his state of health.

Therefore, if any specific skin condition occurs that is previously unfamiliar to a person, it is recommended to seek help and advice from a dermatologist.

Main causes of skin diseases

There can be many reasons for the appearance of skin diseases. Medical science groups them into diseases of endogenous (internal) manifestations and exogenous (external) manifestations. Based on the problem of provoking a particular skin ailment, the treatment necessary for the person is selected.

The causes of internal manifestations of skin ailments are indicated:

  • problems of metabolism– metabolic disorders in the human body;
  • destabilization of hormonal balance- a common disorder of adolescence, manifested on the skin in the form of rashes and pimples;
  • intestinal dysbiosis- insufficient absorption nutrients, so necessary for the human body;
  • gastrointestinal diseases along with poisoning of the whole body;
  • stressful situations– constant emotional and physical tension with the expenditure of all available forces of the body and further vulnerability of the person to other diseases.

So to speak, the following may be involved in the development of any skin diseases: individual characteristics of a particular person - genetic predisposition, various allergic reactions, for example, to medications, as well as possible infection with a particular infection.

In medical science there is such a conceptual phenomenon as psychosomatics. It is based on the psychogenic origin of certain skin problems. A person who has been under psycho-emotional stress for a long period may respond to such stress with the manifestation of any skin diseases. And here medicine will be practically powerless; only psychotherapy courses will help.

From the above, we can conclude that skin ailments can have different etiologies and knowing the very cause of the disease can really help in preventing a new outbreak of the disease.


You need to know how to skillfully and timely respond to the primary signs of skin diseases accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching and an increase in its intensity as the disease progresses;
  • rashes, differing in shape, color and scale of distribution, depending on the reasons for their occurrence;
  • possible burning sensation and tingling;
  • peeling of the skin– most common symptom most skin diseases.

And of course, insomnia, which accompanies almost all dermatological diseases. It can be difficult for a person to fall asleep, especially when, for example, the affected skin comes into contact with clothing or something else.

Types and subtypes of skin diseases

Fungal skin infection.

Diseases of this type include:

Scab a disease caused by a fungus that affects the hair, internal organs and nails. The disease is indicated:

  • hair loss;
  • small reddish spots.

Microsporia or in another way ringworm, a disease often transmitted to humans from sick animals.

The disease is indicated by mild itching, red spots that have clear boundaries with a slight elevation above the skin.

Note! The listed skin diseases are contagious and are transmitted through infection from another person.

Pustular skin lesion.

This type of disease is caused by staphylococci and streptococci, as well as infection as a result of hypothermia and the presence of psychological trauma.

Diseases of this type include:

Pustular rash, which can be infectious, non-infectious and allergic in nature.

Boils – indicated by a dense infiltrate, with further opening of the pustule, discharge of pus and subsequent scarring.


This disease is better known as leprosy It has chronic course diseases with changes of a mutational nature, which mainly affect the mucous membrane of the skin. It has a latent period from 12 months to 10 years.

Symptoms reveal themselves after a latent period - nosebleeds, dryness oral cavity, swelling of the lymph nodes.

Skin tuberculosis – People with existing tuberculosis lung disease are more often susceptible to this type of disease.

The symptoms of this disease are due to:

  • spread of spots on the skin;
  • tubercles;
  • sores.

If the disease is not completely cured, it leads to the process of scarring of existing ulcers on the skin.

Pediculosis or in another way - phthiriasis, is a disease that can be easily cured .

  • gray rashes about 3 mm in size;
  • possible blisters on the skin;
  • red nodules or watery crusts.

Important! It is necessary to undergo treatment in a timely manner so that the disease does not develop into eczema.


Acute and chronic skin disease. Eczema is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • reddish nodules, which subsequently burst and form a weeping surface - erosion;
  • itching - constant and severe.

Treating eczema is a long and difficult process.


The disease has another name - scaly lichen. The disease is characterized by a chronic form, with characteristic rashes in the form of papules.


Ringworm pink - has an acute course of the disease along with inflammatory and painful processes.

Symptoms manifest themselves:

  • flaky red spots;
  • seasonal course of the disease (manifesting in autumn and spring).

Ringworm red - has a chronic course of the disease.

The disease is caused by the following symptoms:

  • rashes similar to nodular rash;
  • severe itching.

Diseases of the skin glands.

Acne is characteristic of adolescence, and is also another sign of existing seborrhea.

In addition, acne can occur due to an imbalance in the sweating process as a result of stressful situations and other severe psychological shocks.

List of skin diseases

At this stage, medical science knows skin diseases in the form of:

  • skin abscess;
  • acrodermatitis atrophic;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • epidermolysis bullosa;
  • freckles;
  • wine stains;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • herpes of the skin;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • calcification of the skin;
  • carbuncles;
  • keloid scar;
  • epidermal, trichodermal cysts;
  • rhombic skin in the occipital part;
  • urticaria of various etiologies;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • lichen planus;
  • red monoliform lichen;
  • lentigo;
  • leprosy;
  • livedoadenitis;
  • lymphatoid papulosis;
  • lipoid necrobiosis of the skin;
  • depriving atrophic;
  • mycoses;
  • calluses and calluses;
  • coin-shaped eczema;
  • mucinosis of the skin;
  • pigmentation incontinence;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • neurofibromatosis;
  • burns;

Necessity and main methods of treatment

Before you begin to cure a skin disease, it is necessary to conduct certain studies in the form of tests that will help identify the cause of the disease and determine the necessary treatment.

The therapeutic cure of skin ailments is determined by the following methods of relieving certain diseases:

  • dietary nutrition– aimed at the necessary absorption of nutrients by the body;
  • medications– used to boost immunity;
  • antibiotics– prescribed for severe forms diseases;
  • local therapy- treatment with ointments, creams and sprays prescribed to influence the disease externally.

For particularly severe forms of skin diseases, hormonal therapy is prescribed, which effectively affects the source of the infection itself and the body as a whole.

Basic preventive measures

Often myself healing process to cure skin diseases is not only difficult, but also quite long. Therefore, in order to avoid such therapy, it is more advisable to take all available measures in advance. preventive measures to prevent the onset and development of any skin disease.

It is necessary to boost immunity, especially in the off-season, to cleanse the liver, blood and the entire body of toxins, waste, and allergens.

Compliance with everyone hygiene standards, the rules of a healthy diet (food should be rational and balanced), maintaining a normal and healthy lifestyle is the key to clean and beautiful skin.

And in conclusion, based on the origin and symptoms of any type of skin disease, it is possible not only to promptly identify the disease, but also to stop it without aggravating consequences and complications for the person.

What factors are associated with the increase in the number of skin diseases in Lately, how self-medication affects the health of patients, whether failure to comply with the work and rest regime can cause dermatological ailments - dermatovenerologist V.V. Suchkov will answer these and other questions that concern many.

Any skin disease is characterized by a number of specific symptoms and signs. They can be common to several diseases, or unique to certain species.


How can skin diseases manifest themselves? What signs should you look out for?


If a person’s skin begins to itch, in most cases this is a sign of an incipient disease. The skin may itch slightly, but it can cause a lot of inconvenience, disrupt a normal lifestyle, interfere with sleeping and wearing certain clothes. Difficult to tolerate this symptom In children, they often scratch their skin until they become wounds.


Rashes on the skin are characteristic of many diseases. The rash varies.

Types of rashes:

  • Spots are changes in the skin without changing its structure. There are different shapes and size.
  • A blister is a formation that rises above the skin. It has a round, oval or irregular shape. The surface is smooth and even. The size can reach several centimeters. Formed in the upper layer of the dermis.
  • Bubble. Occurs as a result of separation of the skin. Fluid accumulates in the epidermis, causing the skin layer to rise. Can form on mucous membranes. The shape is round or oval, the size varies. The contents of the bladder vary depending on the disease, which allows for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Bubble. A small formation filled with serous or bloody contents. Gradually the bubbles dry out and a crust forms. Under certain conditions they may burst, the contents will spread over healthy areas skin, eczema forms.
  • Ulcers (pustules). A formation rising above the skin with purulent contents. Appears as a result of cell death. Size may vary. They may appear from blisters when they become infected.
  • Nodules (papules). It is a changed area of ​​skin without a cavity. The color may vary depending on the disease.
  • The bumps occur as a result of infection entering the skin.
  • During the healing process, scales may appear. They can be small or large, sometimes very noticeable.
  • Erosion is a violation of the skin layer. In certain cases they reach quite a large size. The surface is smooth and wet. The formation can be painful.
  • Scratching. They appear when there is severe itching, when a person cannot stand it and scratches the wounds.
  • Cracks are a violation of the skin layer, sometimes accompanied by bleeding and causing pain.

Swelling and redness

These signs are almost always observed in skin diseases. When seized by edema subcutaneous tissue possible appearance of Quincke's edema - dangerous condition, which can lead to death.


Painful sensations do not occur with all skin ailments. Sometimes they are noted when touched by hands or clothing.

Change in skin color

This sign indicates that the cause of the disease was ailments of the internal organs or metabolic disorders.

General signs

Such symptoms include general weakness, apathy, and depression. With certain diseases, the temperature may rise, headaches may appear, and appetite may disappear. In most cases, skin ailments include insomnia, increased nervousness, and irritability.

Thus, the symptoms of skin diseases are quite diverse. When diagnosing, the specialist pays attention to each sign in order to obtain the most reliable result.

Diseases and signs

Each disease has its own characteristics.

Below we will describe in more detail the signs characteristic of a particular disease.



  • Severe itching
  • Rapid appearance of rashes
  • Skin redness,
  • Swelling, in severe cases – Quincke's edema,
  • Temperature increase,
  • Breathing problems
  • Nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction,
  • Weakness,
  • Headache,
  • The pressure drops sharply
  • There may be pain in the joints.






What is characteristic:







  • Flat or protruding formation on the skin,
  • There are no painful sensations,
  • No redness, inflammation,
  • Various shapes (regular) and colors, clear boundaries,
  • The shades are uniform over the entire surface of the formation,
  • May have a "leg"
  • The surface can be smooth, lumpy, with a skin pattern,
  • Presence of hairs.

Moles do not cause trouble to their owner. But there are signs that you should pay special attention to.


  • Fast growth,
  • Discharge from a nevus,
  • Stopping hair growth
  • Blurred boundaries
  • Irregular shape
  • Soreness, itching,
  • Uneven coloring
  • Lack of symmetry.

If you have at least one such sign, you should visit a specialist. Basic in adults and children.


Characterized by:






What happens:

  • Small bubbles containing clear liquid appear
  • The skin becomes inflamed and red,
  • The rashes burst within three days,
  • After the liquid comes out, yellow crusts form on the wounds.
  • Itching, burning at the site of inflammation,
  • Painful sensations at the stage of crust formation.



  • Burning and itching on the skin,
  • The appearance of blisters, other types of rashes,
  • Swelling, redness,
  • Peeling, scaling,
  • Cracks, dry skin,
  • Sensitivity in affected areas decreases,
  • Seasonality - the disease manifests itself more strongly in cool weather,
  • At acute forms There is abundant exudation - the release of fluid present in bubbles or blisters.

As you can see, many symptoms are characteristic of almost all skin diseases. However, there are signs that appear only in certain diseases. Skin ailments will not occur if preventive rules are followed.


  • Compliance with hygiene rules,
  • Washing hands after going outside, traveling on public transport,
  • Don't touch stray animals
  • It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, exclude allergenic foods from the diet,
  • Giving up bad habits will help improve the functioning of the whole body,
  • It is better not to share shoes and clothes,
  • All diseases must be treated on time.

By following simple safety rules, you can avoid the occurrence of skin ailments.

Symptoms of skin diseases - video

The skin is the most large organ in humans. Therefore, the condition of your skin directly speaks to your overall health. Skin diseases occur for various reasons, but the main thing is to know the main causes and methods of treatment.

Common dermatological problems and causes

The skin protects the entire body, affects the process of thermoregulation and metabolism. Different skin problems are localized in different parts of the body. You need to understand that many skin diseases go away with almost no symptoms and can be easily gotten rid of.

For example, mechanical damage occurs due to friction of the skin with any materials. For this reason, dermatitis or hemorrhages often appear. Thermal injuries occur due to excessive exposure of the skin to low or high temperatures. Dermatoses appear as a result of chemicals. For example, this happens in adults who are forced to work with chemicals(doctors, technologists). Pyoderma, skin tuberculosis, leprosy are often due to harmful bacteria.




Skin problems are often due to endogenous causes. The functioning of the endocrine glands may change or excessive pigmentation may appear. Dermatological diseases can also be caused by problems in the central or peripheral nervous system.

Common skin diseases:

  1. – among skin diseases, this problem occupies a leading position. Most often it occurs in adolescence. But in the absence proper care may develop into a chronic form.
  2. and often occurs in children. They suffer from severe itching. Common reason this disease - allergic reaction body.
  3. Herpes – exist various shapes, but herpes simplex is common.

Acne: causes and treatment

Photo and description of acne.

This disease begins due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation of the hair follicles. There are many reasons for the appearance of skin rashes. Dermatologists note that this can occur at any age. Acne is characterized by open or closed comedones, papular acne and nodular formations.

Why do rashes appear?

Acne can be caused by problems with two hormones: testosterone or progesterone. Testosterone is male hormone. With excessive synthesis of this hormone, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, as a result of which too much sebum is released. It leads to the development of bacteria. Progesterone is also produced in both men and women. Significantly increases the work of the sebaceous glands, and with an excess of the hormone, the skin becomes swollen and less elastic. It is because of a sharp surge in hormones that acne appears in teenagers. Although other factors also play a role.

Problems with skin clarity can occur if the nervous system. This can be caused by both stress and lack of sleep, as well as changes in the body. For example, after the birth of a child.

One of the most significant factors is the active work of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is important for protecting the skin, it prevents premature aging of the skin. But in large quantities it is not distributed evenly, but accumulates in sebaceous gland. This is a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. They influence the appearance of acne.

Poor skin defenses lead to acne. Their reduction is influenced misuse cosmetics, the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Worth keeping an eye on proper nutrition and fight with bad habits. It is worth paying attention to the hereditary factor. Indeed, in some cases it is worth paying special attention to skin care.

If your skin condition worsens, the first thing to do is take a general analysis blood and visit a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the digestive system lead to a deficiency of nutrients. In addition, in adults, toxins accumulate in the body, so this immediately affects the condition of the skin (excretory function).


It is worth understanding that acne is a disease, and not just periodic rashes on the skin. Among medical appointments the predominant products are those containing tretinoin. These can be various gels or creams.

In some situations, taking antibiotics is relevant. They help destroy bacteria and reduce inflammation. But antibiotics have a number of contraindications. There is individual intolerance to certain components, and they are also undesirable during pregnancy. Special injections show good results. Drugs are selected that accelerate the process of skin regeneration and minimize inflammation. In the early stages, home treatment is acceptable, but it is better to approach the issue comprehensively. This is necessary to avoid scars and acne marks.

What you need to know about eczema

This chronic inflammation upper layers skin. The treatment of eczema should be based on its type. Photos and names will speed up the process of diagnosing eczema.

There are these types:

  • idiopathic variety;
  • atopic type;
  • professional;
  • microbial

In any case, pathogenetic therapy is the main type of eczema. This is necessary to minimize exposure external factors. Sometimes biostimulants are prescribed.

Current hormone therapy. This should be fully supervised by a specialist. Taking corticosteroids is fraught with exacerbation of chronic diseases, and an infectious disease may develop. The immune system is also weakened, which makes a person vulnerable to infectious diseases. The names of such antibiotics can be found on the Internet, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

With eczema, the body's defenses weaken, so vitamin therapy is carried out. But recent studies show that synthetic vitamins do not always have a positive effect on your general condition. The diet should focus on vitamin E and folic acid. Antihistamines also necessary for any type of eczema.

What causes eczema:

  • exposure to chemicals;
  • immune system disorder;
  • central nervous system disorders;
  • allergic reaction.

The above describes the fundamental principles of treating eczema. But each type has its own specific features that must be taken into account.

Causes of herpes and its treatment

To date, doctors have not found an ideal remedy to combat herpes. The cause of this problem is a virus. A significant amount of time may pass after it arrives and before it manifests itself. Stimulus for the emergence external manifestations may be due to stress or weakened immunity.

There are 3 routes of infection: airborne, household contact and sexual transmission. A incubation period takes from 2 to 7 days (depending on immunity). Herpes affects almost the entire population on Earth. However, not everyone has it actively. The weaker the immune system, the higher the chances of getting this disease. Genetic predisposition also plays a role. An interesting fact is that most children become infected through airborne droplets. And many people become infected with herpes while breastfeeding.

Basic principles of treatment

Medicines developed on the basis of abnormal nucleotides can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Most often they come in the form of an ointment. Abnormal nucleotides as a means of combating herpes were developed more than 20 years ago. They are especially effective in the early stages. Of course, it is not possible to completely get rid of herpes, but it is quite possible to forget about its manifestations.

A person may experience persistent colds on the face. In this case, the entire treatment process should be entrusted to doctors. The immunologist will prescribe everything necessary tests, and based on them will select a course of therapy.

Applicable in the early stages of the fight against herpes home treatment. For example, tea tree oil has a strong antifungal and antibacterial effect. Inflammation is reduced and painful sensations. This essential oil disinfects wounds well. The healing process takes much less time; it is enough to lubricate the affected area with oil several times a day. A similar effect can be obtained from fir oil.

The use of fir tincture is popular. Propolis has strong antibactericidal properties. It also produces a general strengthening effect. Propolis is often used internally. But this option requires external influence. Propolis must be added to alcohol and left for several days in a dark place. Afterwards, locally lubricate the areas where herpes appears. Thanks to its good antibacterial properties, the infection will not spread further.

Lemon is a source of vitamin C, which provides good prevention from the manifestation of herpes. They are also recommended to lubricate their lips when they have a cold. This is due to the fact that it resists viruses well.

Prevention of skin diseases

There are different kinds skin diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about their treatment only after a thorough diagnosis of the body. But since the skin takes part in the metabolic processes of the whole body, and performs protective function, this issue needs to be taken seriously.

There are a number of basic recommendations for preventing skin problems. You need to carefully select cosmetics. They should not violate the water-lipid barrier. Otherwise inflammation will begin. In addition, existing chronic skin diseases are exacerbated.

Facial skin diseases are often the result of improper care. This problem is especially acute in adolescence. In the absence of the correct hygiene procedures bacteria are actively developing. Pyoderma or other diseases may begin.

It is important to avoid stress and saturate the body with sufficient oxygen. Regular exercise or meditation are suitable for this purpose. fresh air. It is worth paying attention to your diet. A deficiency of vitamins and microelements immediately affects the condition of the skin. And with poor nutrition, toxins accumulate in the body, which leads to the occurrence of.

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