Home Stomatitis Treatment with sun rays.

Treatment with sun rays.

Our Sun receives its energy from the Central Sun of our visible universe. At the same time, most of the energy is absorbed by our Sun and a relatively small amount is absorbed by the planets. The energies that the Earth receives from the Sun are significantly transformed. After they penetrate into the earth's layers, the latter absorb all the nutritional elements contained in them. After this exchange, they contain only obscene residues that are no longer useful for development and are therefore sent into outer space. From there, along certain routes, they return to the Sun, which, for its part, sends them to the central Sun for further processing in order to restore their original rhythm.

Solar energy reaches the Earth in the form of a wide stream, encircling it in the direction from the north pole to the south, and returning back to the Sun. When plants feel the influx of this energy to the Earth and its beneficial influence, they prepare their buds, and when the flow intensifies, they bloom their leaves and finally bloom and set fruit, trying to collect all the incoming energy in order to be fertilized.

A person must keep in mind the following law: he is part of the earthly organism and for this reason receives energy at the same time as it. This explains why the first rays of the sun are the most powerful. Then human body most predisposed to perceive solar energy. As a rule, prana, or life energy, is much greater in the morning than at noon. It is in the morning that the body absorbs the strongest positive energies in the greatest quantities.
Since man is a physical being, he needs to do exercises - nothing more. He must get up early in the morning, go out into the clean air and meet the first rays of the sun, which contain specific energy useful for all living organisms.
No matter how much he basks in the lunchtime rays of the Sun, those who are too lazy to get up early and greet the first rays of the sun will still gain nothing.

The sun's rays do not act equally in all seasons. At the beginning of spring, the Earth (in a certain place) is most negative, i.e. takes in the most energy. For this reason, in spring the sun's rays have therapeutic effect per person. After March 22, the Earth gradually becomes positive. In summer it is positive and therefore receives less energy. Summer rays also affect humans, but much weaker than spring rays.

In spring and summer there is an influx of energy to the earth, and in autumn and winter there is an ebb. This explains why the most favorable influence of the Sun begins on March 22.

Just as bees collect nectar from flowers, so every year in spring and summer, from March 22, a person must go to bed and get up early to meet the Sun and thus receive his share of energy from it. Everyone can be convinced of the truth of this rule if they follow it for several years in a row.

Each day is divided into 4 periods: from 12 o'clock at night to 12 o'clock in the afternoon there is a surge of solar energy, and from 12 o'clock in the afternoon to 12 o'clock at night there is an ebb. The tide reaches its peak at sunrise, when the energy of the sun is most powerful and life-giving. The tide gradually decreases until midday, after which the tide begins to ebb and reaches its peak at sunset.

The more negative the Earth is, the higher its ability to perceive positive solar energy, and vice versa. From midnight to lunch, the Earth in a certain place is negative and therefore receives more energy, and from lunch to midnight it is positive and therefore gives out more. At midnight, the Earth begins to emit positive energy into outer space and gradually becomes negative. In the morning, at sunrise, the Earth is most negative, i.e. takes in the most energy. This fact explains the exceptional importance of the sunrise and helps us appreciate its significance.
One of the difficult tasks facing a person is the ability to regulate the energies of his body. They come from the center of the Earth and, in the form of a powerful stream flowing through the spine, reach the brain system. Another stream comes from the Sun and moves in the opposite direction - from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system or to the stomach. Modern man lost control over these flows. Just before sunrise, the sun's rays breaking through the atmosphere primarily affect the brain. During sunrise itself, the rays of the Sun arrive in a straight line and affect respiratory system and on human sensitivity. Around lunchtime they affect him digestive system.
This explains why the healing effects of solar energy change during the day: before sunrise it can be used to improve the brain part of the nervous system, and from 9 to 12 o'clock it can be used to strengthen the stomach. After lunch, as a rule, solar energy has little healing effect. This difference can be explained by the discrepancy between the abilities of the Earth and the human body to perceive energy.

The best healing effects of the sun's rays are in the morning from 8 to 9 o'clock. Early sun rays are good for the health of anemic people. Around lunchtime the rays are excessively strong and not beneficial to the human body.

Sunbathing should be taken in the morning from 8 to 10 o'clock, and you can expose your entire body to the sun. They act especially effectively on the spine, brain, and lungs. The brain can be compared to a battery. If this battery receives solar energy and accumulates it in the right way, it is subsequently able to send it to all parts of the body, where its therapeutic effect occurs.

The more sunlight you can absorb into yourself, the higher your level of softness and magnetism will be. When studying and using the sun's rays for treatment, one should keep in mind that in addition to healing rays, there are also so-called black, negative rays. Both they and certain waves of earthly origin have a harmful effect on the human body. Although a person can expose his body to the sun at any time of the day, his mind should be focused, positive and receive only the positive rays of the sun. While concentrating yourself, you need to be careful not to fall asleep. Before you learn the laws of protection that protect you from harmful effects rays and waves, it is recommended to beware of afternoon sun rays. If you decide to use sun rays, it is best to bask in the morning - from 8 to 10 o'clock, when they primarily have a beneficial effect.
The energies of the sun, which reach the Earth just before dawn, have a special healing effect on a person, providing him with a supply of vitality. This impact is comparable to the amount of energy that can be accumulated by exposing yourself to the sun for an entire day. To use these energies wisely, you need to expose your back to the early rays of the sun. This can be done even in cloudy weather, since clouds hide the sun only from our eyes. No forces or natural phenomena can prevent the spread of its energies. You only need to leave the house and concentrate your thoughts towards the rising sun. Since the dawn gives a person such energies that he is not able to receive from any other source, anemic and weakened people are recommended to leave the house half an hour before dawn in any weather in order to use the early solar energies to strengthen their body.

Expose your back to the sun's rays both when you are positioned and when you are not positioned, observing and comparing the results in both cases. When you need treatment, expose your back to the early rays of the sun. When you want to achieve inner peace, turn your back to the setting sun. A person must learn to talk to the light. Your back hurts, expose it to the sun, think about what contains light, and after a while the pain will disappear.
At the same time, watch what time of day you take sunbathing so that you receive only its beneficial rays. When a person is forced to stand in the sun at any time of the day, he can prevent himself from harmful energy by wearing a polygon-shaped hat that breaks the sun's rays.

If you are able to stand in the sun from morning to afternoon, you are healthy. If you cannot stand in the sun for long periods of time, you are not healthy.
The most favorable time for updating begins on March 22 and continues until June 22.
It has been proven that there is a specific time for the treatment of each of the diseases that can be treated with solar energy. Some of them should be treated in May, others in June and July - throughout the year. Every morning go out into the Sun and turn your back first to the south, then to a short time north, then a little east and sit like this for an hour from 7 to 8 am. In your mind, turn to God and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind. Give health to all people, and with them, to me.” Then focus your thoughts on the best things you know. Do this throughout the year and you will find that the experience will be 99 percent successful.
When you sunbathe, your mind should be focused. You can't think about extraneous things. It is best to use a special formula, which should be repeated often during each sunbath: “Lord, I thank You for the sacred energy of Divine life that You send to us with the sun’s rays. I vividly feel how it penetrates all my organs and brings strength and life everywhere. and health. This is an expression of God's love for us. Thank You."
A person can cure neurasthenia by leaving the house early in the morning at dawn and turning his back to the east. To a healthy person you can do this to harden nervous system. Tuberculosis should be treated with clean air in combination with sunlight. Patients need to expose their back and chest to the sun for at least four months in order to feel the transformation that occurs in them under the influence of the Sun. All this time, however, the mind must be focused and keep the formula: “Lord, help me to fulfill Your will, to serve You.”
If you have eczema or clubbing, if you suffer from rheumatism in the joints and swelling in the abdomen, build yourself a glassed-in veranda or balcony with a sunny aspect and lie on the bed with your head to the north and feet to the south. Expose your chest to the sun, protecting your head from it, and lie like that for half an hour, then expose your back for another half hour, then your chest again for half an hour, and then your back again for half an hour, etc. until you are drenched in sweat. If you take 20 to 40 such baths, everything will disappear - both eczema and rheumatism.

When sunbathing, it is best to wear white or light green clothes - these are good colors. It is very important to sweat. If you are in open place, cover yourself with a thin rubber raincoat. When you heal yourself in this way, you need to focus your thoughts and heal yourself according to the laws of Nature. A tan caused by the sun's rays shows that the sun has removed all sediment, dirt and all thick matter from the human body. If a person does not tan, this thick substance remains in his body and causes a number of painful conditions. If you are tanned by the Sun, it means that you have accumulated its energies.

The energy of the Sun accumulated through exercise can be used to heal yourself, relieve pain, and rejuvenate. There are some general points for doing the exercises.

All exercises are performed sitting on a stool facing the Sun; the back is straight, the feet are parallel to each other. And also for better perception and concentration of Solar energy, all its movements must be accompanied by prayer: “Our Father” is more suitable for men, “The Most Holy Theotokos” is more suitable for women. The prayer is said during the exercises.

Directing energy to the diseased organ directly from the Sun

Raise your open right palm and point it towards the Sun, as if receiving its rays. Left palm apply to a weakened or diseased organ.

Retransmission (transfer) of solar energy to a weakened organ through the solar plexus or heart

First, receive energy from the Sun to the solar plexus. To do this, raise your open right palm and turn it towards the Sun, as if receiving its rays. Place your left palm on your solar plexus or heart. Then place your right palm on the solar plexus or heart, and your left palm on the weakened or diseased organ.

Relieving headaches, eliminating dizziness, normalizing low blood pressure

Place your right palm on the solar plexus, your left palm on the back of your head. Mentally direct energy from the solar plexus to your head, increasing its energy. Sit with your eyes closed for 10-15 minutes.

For throat diseases (sore throat, tonsillitis)

Place your right palm to your throat, your left palm to the back of your head. Do this several days in a row for 15-20 minutes

With a runny nose

Place your right palm on the solar plexus, place your left palm on your nose and forehead. After 15 minutes there will be an improvement or the runny nose will go away completely.

For chills

Place your right palm on the solar plexus, your left palm on the base of the brain (cerebellum). Breathe deeply and rhythmically. Hold your palms like this for 10-15 minutes.

For pain in the stomach, kidneys, bladder

Place your right palm on the cerebellum, your left palm on the sore spot. Follow your diet.

Rejuvenation and success in all matters

Revealed right palm- fingers do not touch each other - do circular movements clockwise in the face area without contact for 15 minutes. Eyes closed. Before your inner gaze, keep the image of your youthful face: it is fresh, young, your eyes are clear, shiny, and so on. Smile internally to yourself, tuning into Kindness, compassion, Love for your neighbor, Intuition, Wisdom, Truth. Imagine that you are accompanied by Health, Joy, Memory. you have high level Intelligence and Attention. You look closely at the image of your young face. You are Young and Rich. You will experience success in scientific knowledge, work, and business.

International Journal The World Astrology Review, No 7 (55), July 30, 2006

Astrology and medicine


Beins Duno

Translation from Bulgarian by Tatyana Jordanova (Sofia, Bulgaria


Solar energy descends to the Earth as a vast stream, covering it from the north pole to the south and returns again to the Sun. When plants feel that this energy begins to manifest itself and enter the Earth, they swell, prepare, and when the energy intensifies, they open their leaves, bloom and rush to collect all this energy in order to be fertilized.

We must keep in mind the following law: we are part of the earthly organism and therefore when the earthly organism accepts, the human body accepts, and vice versa. That is why the first rays of the sun are the most powerful. Then the human body is most receptive to solar energy. There is always more prana, or vital energy, in the morning than in the afternoon. Then the body absorbs the most and most powerful positive energies.

As a physical being, man must do exercises - nothing more. He must get up early in the morning, go out into the clean air, meet the first rays of the sun, which contain specific energy useful for all living organisms. Anyone who is lazy to get up early and greet the early rays of the sun, no matter how much they bask in the lunchtime rays of the Sun, will not achieve anything.

The sun's rays do not act in the same way at all times of the year. The earth at the beginning of spring is more negative and therefore more accepting. That is why in the spring the sun's rays have the most healing effect. From March 22, the Earth gradually becomes positive. In summer it is most positive and therefore takes less. And the summer rays act,

but weaker.

In spring and summer there is a surge of energy to the Earth, and in autumn and winter there is an ebb. Therefore, the most favorable influence of the Sun begins on March 22.

In spring and summer, from March 22 of each year, it is recommended to go to bed early so that a person can meet the Sun and receive his part of its energy, just as bees collect nectar from flowers. Everyone must carry out experiments for a number of years to be convinced of this truth.

Solar energy goes through 4 periods every day: from 12 midnight to 12 noon, when there is a high tide of solar energy, and from 12 noon to 12 midnight there is an ebb. The tide reaches its highest point at sunrise. This tide is the most powerful and life-giving. It gradually decreases until midday. After this, the tide begins to ebb, which is strongest at sunset.

The more negative the Earth is, the greater its perceptive capacity for positive solar energy, and vice versa. From midnight to lunch the Earth (for a given place) is negative and therefore receives more; from lunch to midnight it is positive and therefore gives more. From midnight, the Earth begins to emit negative energy into outer space, and receives positive energy from the Sun. After lunch, the Earth emits positive energy into outer space and gradually becomes negative . In the morning at sunrise, the Earth is the most negative, that is, it receives the most.

This fact is especially important for assessing the value of sunrise .

One of the difficult questions is THE ABILITY TO REGULATE YOUR ENERGIES. These energies come from the center of the Earth, pass along the spine and flow into the central system brain Above these currents modern world lost my control. There is also another current that comes from the Sun. It goes in the opposite direction - from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system or to the stomach.

Before sunrise, the rays that are refracted in the atmosphere have a major effect on the brain. During sunrise, the rays of the Sun, which travel in a straight line, have an influence on the respiratory system and on our sensitivity.And the closer to noon, the same rays have an influence on our digestive system. Because therapeutic effect solar energy various: before sunrise - for improvement nervous system of the brain, and from 9 to 12 o’clock – for strengthen the stomach. After lunch, solar energy generally has little healing effect. The reason for this difference is the different perceptual abilities of the Earth and the human body.

THE MOST HEALING RAYS OF THE SUN IN THE MORNING FROM 8 TO 9 HOURS. By lunchtime the rays are very strong and do not have a good effect on the human body. Early sun rays work well on anemic people,

You can expose your whole body to the Sun. Take sunbathing in the morning from 8 to 10 o'clock. These baths produce an effect on the spine, brain, lungs. The brain is like a battery . As soon as this batery begins to perceive, if its replenishment with solar energy arrives correctly, it begins to send it to all parts of the body, and this energy begins to heal .

The more sunlight you take into yourself, the more softness and magnetism will develop in you.

When you study the influence of light, note that there are hours of the day when the Sun sends beneficial rays to the Earth, mainly from morning to afternoon. There are daytime hours when the sun's rays do not reflect beneficially on the body. These are the so-called black, negative rays


A person can expose himself to the sun's rays at any time of the day, but his mind must be focused and positive in order to perceive only the positive rays of the Sun. You will concentrate and try not to fall asleep. With the black, negative waves of the Sun come earth waves, which are reflected harmfully on the human body. While you are learning the laws of “blocking”, beware of these waves, it is better to bask in the Sun in the early hours, at the latest - before lunch. Beware of afternoon sun rays. When you want to be treated with the sun's rays, best watch- from 8 to 10 o'clock.

The energies that emanate from the Sun conceal within themselves a supply of vitality and healing energies. If a person wants to use the energy of the Sun wisely, he must expose his back to the early rays of the sun, even before the sun rises. The energies that he will receive at this time are equal to the energies that he would receive if he were in the Sun all day. Even in cloudy times, you can go out before dawn and concentrate your thoughts in the direction of the rising Sun. Clouds only prevent you from seeing the Sun, but its vital energy passes through them. None external force unable to counteract solar energy.

Therefore, I recommend that all anemic and weakened people, in any weather, go outside for half an hour before sunrise in order to perceive the early solar energies. THE DAWN GIVES A MAN SUCH ENERGIES THAT NO OTHER POWER IS ABLE TO GIVE HIM.

Submit your back to the Sun both when you are in good health and when you are not, and observe what results will be in one and in the other case. At the same time, a person must know at what hours of the day to appear in the Sun in order to perceive only its beneficial rays. When a person is forced to appear in the Sun at all times, in order to protect himself from the harmful rays of the Sun, he must wear polygon shaped hat to refract the sun's harmful rays.

If you can stand in the sun from morning until lunch, you are healthy. If you can't stand being in the sun for a long time, you're not healthy.

When you want to be treated, expose your back to the early rays of the sun. When do you want to buy inner world, expose your back to the setting Sun.

I have often said that a person must talk to the light. My back hurts. Turn your back to the Sun, the light, Think about it, about what it contains, and the pain will disappear.

Sunbathing in the mountains is preferable, because... the rhythm of the Sun's rays is not disturbed by the astral thought cloud that covers the city.

Many diseases can be treated with solar energy. Moreover, it has been proven that every disease has a certain time when it is cured. Some diseases are treated in May, others in June, July, in general the whole year.

Go out into the Sun every morning, turn your back first to the south, then a little to the north, a little to the east and stand like that for one hour from 7 to 8 a.m. Send your mind to the Lord and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind. Give health to all people, and with them to me." After that, start thinking about the best thing you know. Carry out these experiments for a whole year. You will see that 99 percent of your experience will be successful.

When sunbathing, your consciousness should be focused and not think about extraneous things. We can use the following formula, which is often spoken during sunbathing: “Lord, I thank You for the sacred energy of Divine life that You send to us with the Sun’s rays. I vividly feel how it penetrates all my organs and brings strength, life and health everywhere. This is an expression of God's love for us. Thank you."

To heal neurasthenic, he must go out early in the morning at dawn and turn his back to the east. And those who are healthy and do this strengthen their nervous system.

Tuberculosis is treated with clean air, as well as sunlight. Patients should expose their back and chest to the Sun for at least 1-2, 3-4 months to see what revolution the Sun will make in them. At this time, however, the mind must be concentrated. Say: “Lord, help me to do Your will to serve You.”

If you have eczema, if your hair is falling out, if you have rheumatism in the joints or a swollen belly, make a veranda, a terrace facing the Sun and enclose it with glass, take off your shirt to the waist, lie down on the couch with your head to the north and your feet to the south, frame your chest to the Sun, while protecting your head from it, and stand like this for 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour with your back, 1/2 hour again with your chest, 1/2 hour with your back, etc., until you sweat. If you do 20-3

0 -40 such baths, everything will go away - both eczema and rheumatism.

When sunbathing, it is good to wear white or light green clothes - these colors are good . It's important to sweat. If you are in an open area, wrap yourself in a thin cloak. When being treated in this way, you should focus your thoughts on healing directly by Nature. The blackness caused by the Sun's rays shows that the Sun has removed all toxins, impurities, all thick matter from the human body. If a person does not turn black, this thick matter remains in the body and creates a number of painful conditions. If you turn black in the Sun, it means you have accumulated its energy.

Alternative medicine Articles

Heliotherapy, or sun treatment


Heliotherapy- a method involving the use of the radiant energy of the Sun for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the form of sunbathing, in which the naked body is exposed direct influence sun rays.

How it works?

The active factor of heliotherapy is the energy of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, the white spectrum of which is divided into ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared parts. Infrared rays, penetrating into tissues, cause them to heat up, that is, they mainly cause a thermal effect. Visible (light) rays have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. UV irradiation causes photochemical and biophysical reactions, which result in melanin in the skin and dark pigmentation (tanning). UV rays, among other things, have a bactericidal effect.

Sunbathing is a powerful means of hardening and strengthening the body.. During such sessions, the naked body is inevitably exposed to fresh air, whose temperature is lower than body temperature. As a result of alternating this gentle cold irritation with a powerful surge of solar heat, a strengthening effect is achieved. Meanwhile, such a bath is a powerful procedure, before taking which a person must be properly prepared. For example, for people who are sick or weakened after a recent illness, heliotherapy is recommended after a preliminary air bath. Children cannot be exposed to irradiation of a large area of ​​the body at once; solar energy treatment begins for them gradually, with a small but systematically increasing area of ​​the body. The course of treatment consists of 20-30 sunbathing, while children receive a radiation dose 2-3 times less than adults.

Therapeutic effects of sunbathing:

  • Vitamin-forming (provitamin D is formed).
  • Metabolic (normalizes metabolism).
  • Bactericidal (kills germs; for good reason medical offices and wards, especially infectious diseases ones, are “quartzed”, that is, treated with UV rays).
  • Immunostimulating (increases immunity).

Sunbathing is quite strictly timed. The duration of the initial procedures for central Russia is 5 minutes. In this case, one half of the time the person lies on his back, the other half on his stomach. Subsequently, the irradiation becomes longer, taking another 5 minutes every day (or every other day) and gradually reaching 1 hour. By the way, many experts are sure that the dosage by the clock is inaccurate, since a different number of rays reach the earth’s surface every day. This depends on the transparency of the atmosphere, the time of day, and the geographic location. That is why at special sites equipped for sunbathing, a special device is used - an actinometer or pyranometer. It measures the intensity of the sun's rays in absolute units - calories, beeping for every 5 units. A calorie is the amount of solar radiation per 1 cm 2 of skin surface in 1 minute. Sometimes this indicator is calculated using ready-made dosimetric tables. In general, sunbathing is done in aerosolariums, on beaches and other open areas, on balconies or in special climate pavilions.

It is recommended to take sunbathing 1-1.5 hours after breakfast. Overheating on an empty stomach or immediately after eating can negatively affect your health. It might be recommended to go sunbathing after lunch, but the most convenient time for sunbathing is from 9 to 13 o'clock in the afternoon. The fact is that the thicker the layer of air through which the rays pass, the fewer of them reach the surface of the earth. This parameter depends on the angle of the Sun above the horizon, that is, on the time of day. Moreover, life-giving energy is partially absorbed, dissipated and reflected by the air and the particles of dust, gases, smoke and water it contains. B is so high that the effectiveness of heliotherapy is close to zero. And, for example, in mountainous areas Sunbathing can be done all year round, even in the shade. At high altitudes, sunlight reflects off the snow cover, so even if you are not exposed to direct sunlight, you always get your dose of scattered energy. By the way, before going out into the sun, in any case, you need to rest in the shade for 10-15 minutes. Make sure that the skin is dry, as it is easy to keep your head away from direct sunlight during heliotherapy procedures.

The completion of solar procedures must also be correct. After the air bath, you need a “classic” bath: bathing, showering, or simply dousing with water at a temperature of 26-28 0 C. Repeated rest in the shade will again be useful, and it is recommended to make it longer (up to half an hour) than before the heliotherapy session.

WITH late XIX centuries, sunbathing was prescribed by doctors as an invariable component of therapy for all visitors. However, this was more in the nature of aerotherapy, since aristocratic pallor was in fashion at that time. The habit of returning from the seashore tanned was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous trendsetter Coco Chanel. Heliotherapy itself as a science dates back to the discovery by English scientists J. Down and R. Blunt in 1877. medicinal properties ultraviolet rays in therapy skin diseases and rickets. An equally significant contribution to the promotion of sun treatment was made by the Danish physiotherapist N. Finsen.

What is sun treatment used for?

  • For general strengthening body;
  • to increase resistance to various diseases;
  • for hardening;
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin, glands, peritoneum, bones;
  • for treatment;
  • for the treatment of pyoderma and;
  • for working with the consequences of various traumatic injuries;
  • for long treatment non-healing wounds and ulcers;
  • for the treatment of bone fractures with delayed callus formation;
  • as rehabilitation after serious illnesses;
  • with hypovitaminosis D and;
  • during light starvation.

Some complications can arise from improper use of sunbathing. An unjustified increase in their duration, inattention to increasing the dosage in portions, overheating of the body - all these mistakes can cause a deterioration of the condition instead of improving the health of the body. In this case, heliotherapy must be interrupted for a while by contacting a specialist.

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