Home Hygiene Outdoor competition for adults. Funny and exciting competitions for a fun company

Outdoor competition for adults. Funny and exciting competitions for a fun company

What is the best way to organize outdoor recreation?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what real outdoor recreation should be like. That’s why it’s so difficult to please everyone. When choosing entertainment for leisure, people often go down four paths.

The first way is a “card picnic”. The simplest and most effortless choice. All you need for such an organization is to take a deck of cards with you. And while the kebab is grilling, you can safely play fool, poker or another popular game. But such a tournament is also possible in a cozy room: you don’t have to go out into nature for this. And indoors, you don’t need to constantly press down the cards with something so that the sneaky wind doesn’t carry them away.

The second way is a “sports weekend”" This option is not as simple as the previous one and requires preliminary preparation. You will need to take care in advance about sports equipment and a suitable place for active rest. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay races - this is a small list of what you can play big company. Such a vacation is certainly suitable for a company that loves sports and is in good physical shape.

The third way is “popular holiday”. Today, entertainment such as paintball and. It's interesting, exciting and convenient. It’s convenient because you don’t have to think through anything yourself. A couple of calls and companies that specialize in this will organize everything themselves. The only drawback of such a vacation, perhaps, is that you will have to spend a lot of money on it.

Path four – “competitive freedom”. The most accessible option for interesting and inexpensive leisure. Not needed here special conditions or complex equipment, both sports and non-sports people can participate. All you need to organize is a healthy imagination and a set of interesting competitions. And here are some of the most interesting versions website

1. Hot and cold

A wonderful competition, familiar to everyone since childhood. But, it is clear that there are no children in the adult company, and therefore we are talking about its modified version. It is best to do it at the moment when the kebab is skewered and placed on the grill, and there is still a lot of time before it is ready. Then the host, who has prudently hidden all the alcohol nearby, suggests finding it according to the “hot and cold” principle. That is, when the players approach the treasured hiding place, they will receive verbal prompts “warm”, “even warmer”, “very warm”. But if the search takes them in a completely different direction, then the phrases “cold”, “colder”, “very cold”, “freezing” will be heard. When the participants directly reach the destination, they will hear the words “hot”, “hot”, “now you’ll get burned”, “burned”. The prize, of course, will be the drinks found, which can be consumed immediately.

2. Question and answer

A wonderful competition-game that will require very little preparation, but will provide a lot of positivity and good mood. This entertainment will be appropriate at a time when the participants loosen up a little. The essence of the game is quite fast: the presenter reads questions to the participants from one type of card, and the participants answer by reading the answer from other cards. The trick is that the questions and answers are deliberately chosen to be quite frank or maybe even vulgar.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you like phone sex?
  2. Have you been caught stealing?
  3. Do you like bald men (women)?
  4. Do you wash often?
  5. Do you love yourself?
  6. Can I kiss you?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. Do you have the strength to give up drinking?
  9. Are you a sadomasochist?
  10. Do you often walk naked (naked) around the house?

Sample answers:

  1. Unless no one sees.
  2. I'm holding on with all my strength.
  3. This is my weakness.
  4. Only in a bikini and stockings.
  5. Since childhood.
  6. Only with a bad hangover.
  7. This is the only thing that gives me strength.
  8. I learned (learned) from you.
  9. And I'm proud of it.
  10. I'm a maniac at this.

It is clear that the level of frankness of questions should be chosen depending on how well everyone in the company knows each other.

3. Twister on the grass

Twister is a wonderful game that is familiar to everyone. But hardly anyone thought that it could be played not only at home, but also on soft young grass. How is this possible? Yes, very simple. To do this, you don’t even need to bring a ready-made playing field; it can be made right on the spot. To make it you will need grass and spray paint of the desired colors. It is applied to the grass through a round stencil and allowed to dry. And now everything is ready for a fun and playful game.

Such entertainment will help disperse alcohol and prevent you from getting too drunk. But the most important thing is that all participants will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and piquant photos.

4. Tricky food

There is no need to prepare anything in advance. You will have all the necessary equipment with you. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks that you will take with you on a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be conducted in two ways. In the first case, competitors must pour salted nuts or toast into a plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, you cannot spill the snack, and asking for help from those present is also prohibited. The one who completes the task earlier and better than the rest is declared the winner.

The second version of the competition is almost impossible, but very funny. Here chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual weight is placed on the toes of the participating shoes. The goal of the competition is to walk a distance of 3 m with cups, at the end of which there will be a glass of beer, which you need to drink and snack on the delicious food you brought. However, holding cups with your hands or attaching them to shoes or feet in any special way is prohibited.

The winner of the competition is the one who completes all stages first and without losses. If no one completes the task, then the consolation prize will again be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are guaranteed here.

5. Delivery service

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that today there is a competition for the best and fastest delivery service. To do this, everyone present is invited to unite into two or more teams (depending on total number). Teams line up parallel to each other. At the same time, team members must look at each other’s backs.

Next, the presenter says that today each team needs to deliver only one bottle of beer, passing it from the last participant to the first. But at the same time, you cannot touch the bottle with your hands, but you can only pass it by holding it between your knees.

The winner will be the team that completes the task faster than its rivals without dropping the load. The winners will receive all bottles of beer that took part in the competition. It is better to take 1 liter or 1.5 liter plastic containers for entertainment.

6. Playful hands

The competition will go well in a well-warmed-up company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who must stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After this, each of them is given specially prepared equipment (sticks with red-painted tops and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the required positions and received game attributes, the presenter gives a signal warning about the start of the competition. And at this moment the participants must quickly remove the red paint with the provided skins.

The winner is the one whose hands turn out to be more “naughty”, that is, the one who manages it first. Laughter with tears in our eyes will be guaranteed for everyone.

7. Twelve notes

Becoming a treasure hunter is interesting not only as a child, but also as an adult. The “12 Notes” competition is a kind of quest that will allow you to plunge into an indescribable atmosphere of adventure and excitement.

The point of the game is to find the hidden treasure. And if in childhood sweets acted as treasures, then for adults a box of beer, a dish with crayfish or fruit is more suitable. But in order to find what was hidden, you need to go through a certain path, directions to which are found in 12 notes. 6 notes will simply indicate the location of the next note, and the remaining 6 will indicate different tasks.

You can come up with tasks yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

Task 1. “Nude” - you need to dance a striptease.

Task 2. “Are you weak?” - drink 1 liter of beer in 1 minute.

Task 3. “Armenian Radio” - tell 6 funny jokes.

Task 4. “Gourmet” - with your eyes closed, guess 6 proposed foods or drinks.

Task 5. “Balloon Hero” - burst 6 balloons without using your hands.

Task 6. “Who is the wisest in the world” - guess 6 riddles with a trick.

8. Silent system

A cheerful company will definitely like the game “Mute System”. It would be a good idea to film the progress of the game on a video camera, so that later the participants could watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the leader, passing behind them, slaps them on the back a different number of times. How many claps there were - this is the participant’s serial number. At the command of the leader, when everyone has already been assigned numbers, the participants must line up in one order in order, but at the same time talking or gesturing with their hands is strictly prohibited.

The catch is that the presenter can clap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the formation will be not just one, but several at once. Only the participants mooing and winking at each other do not immediately understand this, and therefore all their manipulations are very funny to watch.

9. Universal quest for outdoor recreation

If you don’t have enough time to prepare, but you want to entertain your friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, a quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with fun and excitement. See more details here.

More games and competitions in nature for adults.

Have you decided to go to the country? Or just have a picnic with friends, somewhere near the city? Or maybe barbecues are planned for the weekend? To relax in nature to the fullest, take with you not only delicious food and a variety of drinks, but also several fun games For the company!

Ready for a little physical activity?

Worth the company of adults, very cultured and probably drinking people to be in nature, how they immediately want to feel like children again! This includes being active. The patented tool is a fun and, importantly, compact game “Twister”. Spin the disk, see what you get, and strictly follow the instructions. Need to put right leg on the yellow circle? Place your bet. And the left one - to green? A little dexterity and you will succeed. So what if you have to slightly lie down on another player - this is the most fun moment of the game!

How about throwing some balls?

Are you familiar with the word "Pétanque"? Then your hands are itching to pick up the ball and deftly throw it: so as to be closer to the target or, conversely, to throw the enemy’s ball away from it. Never played? Then take my word for it: “Pétanque” requires accuracy, like bowling, strategic thinking, like billiards, and seriously captivates both children and adults. Don't want to believe? Then try it: a set of 6 balls takes up very little space in the trunk, buy it and take it with you on a picnic!

Take the hit, you won't go wrong!

Any of the games where you need to explain words to your partner can be played easily and with pleasure both at home and outdoors. Moreover, in an open space it’s even better: you can make noise without being embarrassed by your neighbors. Take a closer look at “Activity”, “Elias” and “Crocodile” and “Boom” - any of these games will easily become the highlight of the party.

Civilians fall asleep...

Another great game for outdoor recreation with a large group is “Mafia”. After all, eight, ten, or even twenty players can play it with equal success. The more, the merrier. In this psychological game civilians communicate during the day and try to figure out the mafia, and sleep at night while awake thugs choose their victims... In addition, the set includes many other interesting roles: for example, a commissioner, a doctor, a maniac, a lawyer and a werewolf. Plastic cards can be safely taken with you anywhere - they are difficult to get wet and almost impossible to tear or wrinkle.

A cheerful company in nature always needs alcohol. card game"Ruff". The small box is easy to throw into a glove compartment or a woman's bag, and if necessary, take it out and have fun playing with it. Essentially, this deck of cards is a set of fun tasks that you need to complete and, if you fail, drink. There’s even a little erotica there: for example, cards like “take your clothes off” and “swap clothes with your neighbor.”

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Finally, you can move not only from home to office, but also by deviating from the standard route and get your short happiness in nature. I am lucky to live in an accessible environment of forest and parkland with a lake. One evening, heading along the path to the lake, I noticed a very unusual picture that made me healthy smile. There are offices on the ground floor of the house closest to the forest. Near one of the offices, right on the sidewalk, there was a long table covered with a tablecloth. The table was bursting with treats: salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, sweets, wine. Around the table, people sat on chairs, stools, and lounge chairs, bending over their plates. Flowers in a bucket placed on the steps crowned the whole event. It was clear from everything that there was a celebration going on, perhaps the company was celebrating the birthday of one of its employees. “How nice,” I thought, “people are tired of spending for a long time in a stuffy room, and they moved to nature along with tables and chairs. Their faces and posture said one thing - they were enjoying this sunny Friday afternoon.” It was the beginning of summer. These people, like pilgrims, were the first to break free, inviting us all by their example to plan for maximum stay in nature.

Organized holiday

The above example can be called an unorganized vacation. Of course, the guys did their best: they took the furniture outside and prepared salads, but still it was just a feast. We will talk about outdoor recreation, which involves not only food, but also entertainment. An organized vacation is a planned event that includes an extended program of activities. Nothing enhances outdoor recreation more than games and competitive programs. Play is something that captivates a person from childhood. Outdoor games make your vacation more fun and unforgettable. Organized recreation is more accessible to large companies, which, when going out into nature, negotiate in advance with representatives holiday agencies who organize entertainment for them. If the company’s budget does not allow such a luxury, then the employees themselves come up with activities for themselves on vacation, trying to bring it closer to an organized one. WorldofSovetov, promoting healthy image life, I’m ready to expand your horizons and replenish your knowledge with those games that will be useful to you on any vacation, for any budget, status and age. And most importantly: they will make your vacation memorable for long working days.

Types of games

Games on summer vacation can be divided into four types:
  1. Sport games.
  2. Entertaining games.
  3. Team games.
  4. Banquet games.

Sport games

This is the most common and famous type of entertainment on vacation. A soccer (volleyball) ball in the trunk of the car and badminton rackets will never hurt. While the kebabs are grilling, men can “drive in football", and women and children jump for the shuttlecock ( badminton).

To unite the whole team of vacationers, we recommend playing volleyball. The volleyball can be thrown over the net, but you can do without it. Then the participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to anyone standing opposite. The main thing is to hit the ball in time, not letting it fall to the ground.

If you are going on vacation where there is a body of water, you will also need a volleyball for playing in the water. It can be water volleyball And water polo.
Water polo is hand football. The group is divided into two teams. Each team must have its own identification mark: for example, different color headbands. At a signal from the self-proclaimed referee, the teams begin the game from the center of the pond. Goal: throw the ball into the opponent's goal. Gates can be symbolic, such as sticks placed in the ground on a shoreline or objects placed at the edge of a pool. The team that scores more goals into the goal wins.
It should be noted that water games are now becoming very popular, especially in Europe. Mass swimming in pools also gives rise to new games, such as frisbee, boomerang, water tennis, water balls:
  • Frisbee- this is tossing a flying saucer or ring. You can play in pairs, standing opposite each other, or as a team in a circle. One player throws the plate to the other. The goal of the game is to catch the plate and prevent it from falling onto the water. This game may not have a winner;
  • boomerang– can be played by one to several people. You need to take turns throwing out a boomerang, which should return to the player. The one whose boomerang lands on the water the least number of times wins;
  • water tennis is a new generation of sports equipment designed for water. The essence of the game is the same as in table tennis, only here the ball bounces off the water, and not from the table;
  • water balls- this is a game similar to our “pancakes”, when you look for a flat, not heavy pebble on the shore and throw it parallel to the plane of the water. Such a stone flies far from the shore, bouncing off the surface of the water. And you need to have time to count how many “pancakes” you got, i.e. how many times did the pebble hit the water? You need to do the same with special balls.

If we started talking about popular games in water, we also note beach (or shore) games that have European roots. This Frenchball(or bocce ball) petanque And bowls. All of these are similar games with metal or plastic balls. The rules of the game are similar to curling, but there are no brushes. Each team must roll their heavy metal balls as close as possible to a pre-installed small, distinctive ball, which in each game has its own name (and this is perhaps the only difference between these three games). Typically, each team has four players. With their balls they can aim and bounce the opponent's balls away from the central ball, which must remain untouchable. The game ends when all the balls are thrown out. The winner is the player or team whose balls are closest to the main ball.

Sports beach games in our country and abroad do not require special preparation, their rules are known to everyone, and they can be played both before and after the banquet, which is why they are so popular on summer holidays.

Entertainment games

These games are aimed at entertaining vacationers. They are distinctive in that their rules are unknown to most, which represents an element of surprise. And if in the team there is creative person, he will not be lazy and will search in advance on the Internet for games that are not known to his employees. This same person most likely becomes the host when these games are played on vacation. MirSovetov has in its arsenal several original games that you can take note of.
If you go on vacation not only with your team, but also with members of their families, or with another little-known company, then the first game we advise you to play is “Getting Acquainted”. If you don’t get to know each other at the beginning of your vacation, it won’t work out have a nice rest.
Game "Dating". The rules are as follows: the whole group stands in a circle, including children (if present). The presenter is the first to say his name and make his distinctive movement, for example, raising his hands up. After his introduction, everyone standing in the circle repeats his name and action. Then, in a clockwise direction, the next guest says his name and makes his own movement, for example, putting his palm to his heart. Now everyone repeats two names and two movements, starting from the leader. It looks like this: everyone says “Nikolai” and raises their hands up, then “Anyuta” and puts their palm to their heart. Next, the third player calls his name. Everyone again repeats both the name and the movement, starting from the leader. And so, having reached the last participant in a circle, the whole team will not only remember the names that were repeated many times, but will also have a lot of fun, inventing and repeating different movements. The last circle must be pronounced at high speed; the presenter must warn the players about this in advance. The high tempo will set the mood for the final game.

If you come on vacation with a team you know well, then we suggest making the “Telegram” game first.
Game "Telegram". The presenter tells in a playful way that the players must send a telegram home to their relatives. To do this, he calls one “code” word, for example, “field”. All participants must come up with the text of the telegram using the letters of the word “field”. For example, someone might get the following text: “Very helpful. Better - the euro." The task is distributed at the beginning of the game, and telegrams will be collected later, depending on the overall scenario. It is prohibited to swap letters in the code word. At the table, during the first toast, the winner can be announced. This is the player whose telegram turns out to be the funniest. A fun start to the holiday is guaranteed.
After lunch you can play very interesting game, which is especially suitable for children and also for mixed groups. It's called "Golden Gate".
Game "Golden Gate". You need to choose two people who don’t really like to move, these could be older people, for example. They stand opposite each other, take each other's wrists and raise their arms up. This is the gate. The remaining players stand in a “snake” position, pointing their faces at the back of the head of the one in front. The presenter stands at the beginning of the “snake” and begins to lead it, saying: “The Golden Gate sometimes lets you through. The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden, and the third time we will not let you through!” The snake passed through the gate several times while the saying was being read. At the last phrase, the “gate” should close (put your hands down), and one or two people from the “snake” will remain inside it. Those who "enter" the gate become the Golden Gate. They take the hands of the first two players to form a circle. The remaining participants again line up in a “snake” and walk, holding each other by the shoulders or waist towards the gate, passing and exiting through it. At the last phrase of the proverb, the “gate” closes again, leaving people inside. The game is repeated until the last player is left in the “gate”.

This game is very interesting with a lot of people. And especially if among the vacationers there are children with their parents.
It will be good later in the evening music game“Day-Night” for knowledge of songs.
Game "Day-Night". This game is suitable for those vacationers who have a guitarist or accordionist on their team. Everyone sits around the fire. Players are divided into two teams, for example, men's and women's. The ladies start first. They sing any song that contains words for which antonyms can easily be invented. For example, the girls sang a verse of a song with the words “girls.” Then the men remember the song with the words “guys.” The following antonyms can be examples: day-night, summer-winter, blizzard-heat, white-black. One team starts singing, the other remembers a song with the opposite word. The team that can remember the most songs wins. But everything is provided.

Team games

These are all types of relay games designed to create a competitive atmosphere. Team games should also include the currently fashionable trainings Teambuilding (team formation) and Teamspirit (team spirit), designed to create a favorable environment in the work team. Such games have become an integral part of corporate offsite events.
Teambuilding And Timspirit– these are team-building trainings that include a set of scenario games, in which each person is given the opportunity to express themselves both in a team and individually.
Now it has become fashionable to carry out themed team games. For example, you come with your employees to an island purchased by your company (a camp site, a sanatorium, a river bank), and there you are met by a pirate costumed crew led by Captain Flint. Half of your team falls into the hands of pirates, and the rest become warriors who must free the hostages and find a pirate chest with stolen provisions for your entire team.

And the game begins, which includes many difficult tasks. This may include quest- this is the completion of certain tasks on the map, to which the following description can be attached: “Stand by a tall pine tree, move east five steps, turn north and walk another ten steps, find a hint near the juniper bush that will orient you further in the area "

When a treasure is found using a tricky map, new tests begin, for example, paintball is a paramilitary game in which there is an instructor whose duties include giving safety instructions and telling the rules of the game. In this game, unlike a quest, you will see your opponent and start a real war with him. Only the cartridges will be filled with paint, not gunpowder. The winner here is the team whose camouflage has fewer paint stains.
Then “fate” throws you into the jungle, where you need to make your way through improvised vines (ropes) stretched like a spider’s web on trunks, branches, stumps and pillars. The main thing is not to touch the rope with your body. Those who pass this test move on, the rest are taken captive to the ship. There they will have to solve the real mysteries of Captain Flint. I guessed it right - free! Questions could be:
  1. Where is the end of the world? Answer: where the shadow begins.
  2. Two fathers and two sons found three treasures, but each had one. Why? Answer: they were grandfather, father and son.

When the whole team reunited, they were holding a bottle with a note indicating where the chest was buried. But the found missing item is not so easy to obtain. You must first cross the log to the other side, and there the “pirate” will give you the chest if you guess what is in it by asking the “pirate” leading questions.
Instead of " mysterious island"your team may end up on a "submarine", in the "distant past" or in the "future", on " hot-air balloon", and in the "dragon's cave". The scenery may change, but the games remain pretty much the same.
If you are planning to spend your vacation without involving specialists in organizing holidays, MirSovetov offers you a list of simpler team games:
  • long jump– two teams start jumping. The first players jump from the line, and all subsequent players from the place where the player in front landed. The team whose jumps make the longest path wins;
  • ball on a tray– players line up as in the previous game. The first players are given a tray and a tennis ball is placed on it. All other players hold a ball in their hands. The player must run to a certain mark and return back to the team, passing the tray with his ball to the next player. The second players place their balls on the tray and run to the mark with two balls on the tray. And so on until the last player. The point: you need to run so that the balls do not fall from the tray. The team that makes the least mistakes wins;
  • find the treasure– this game is similar to a quest, but here each team hides its treasure and draws up a description map for the enemy. The point: find the treasure on the map. The team that finds the treasure first wins;
  • throw a ring on the bottle– the presenter arranges the bottles in a row or like skittles. Each team in turn must throw three rings on their bottles. The team that completed the task more accurately wins. The ring can be made from wire or cut out of thick cardboard;
  • don't spill the water– each team lines up in a line parallel to the line of the other team. In the left hand of each player of each team is a glass of water, in right hand Each player has empty cups. The point: at the leader’s signal, each team must pour water from its own glass into the opponent’s empty glass. At the same time, the opposite team does the same. The winner is the team that fills the opponent's glasses with water without spilling a single drop;
  • pantomime- each team prepares a theatrical pantomime, depicting the word or phrase that the presenter asked them. The opposing team must guess the word in pantomime. The one who guessed right wins.

If you add your own sack jumping and blind man's buff to our games, then your holiday will be filled with a healthy competitive spirit, ingenuity, creativity and good mood.

Banquet games

These are table games. There are situations when outdoor games are impossible or they need to be “diluted” with games outside. festive table. And then banquet games come to our aid.
Words– the presenter names the letter. You need to come up with a word that denotes a gastronomic item on the table. For example: starting with the letter “S” – salt. Goal: get ahead of the enemy. Whoever comes up with the word first becomes the leader.

Deaf phone– the presenter whispers a word into the ear of the person sitting next to him. He passes it to another, and so on until the end of the table. The last player says the word out loud. The presenter checks the correctness of the named word. If the word is returned incorrectly, the presenter begins to look for the “weak link”, starting from the person to whom he entrusted his word. The one who made a mistake becomes the leader.
Questions– the presenter asks comic questions prepared in advance. For example: “What should you do if, while parking at the office, you broke the headlight in your director’s car?” The point: come up with the most original and funny answers.

Toast song– each participant is given a poetic text, for example, congratulations to the birthday person. The text may be the same for everyone. During the entire feast, guests rise and sing their text (like a toast) to various music, prepared in advance and turned on by the host. There is no need to look for a winner here, but in the name of the result, you need to demand high-quality completion of the task.

The final

It is customary to end any organized celebration with a concert. MirSovetov offers you the idea of ​​the final game, namely a concert. But it won't be quite ordinary. In advance, within a month before the corporate vacation, specialists in dance, vocals, original genre and balancing act will come to your company. They will conduct master classes with those employees of your company who have talent and want to perform in these areas. The issue of costumes will also need to be decided in advance. And when the company comes on vacation, the magnificent final stage will be a concert held on its own, but its quality may not be inferior to the skill of the invited “stars”.

A sure way to get a good boost of cheerful mood for at least six months is the opportunity to spend a well-thought-out, organized vacation in the company of your friends. Your ingenuity, talent and agility will “reveal” a different side of you, and your colleagues will become even closer to you. And so that the friendship does not fade away, take a piece of paper, a pencil and begin to slowly sketch out a plan for the next one. summer event

Anyone in their life has gone with a large group to nature, on vacation, to a camp site. But, unfortunately, not everything always goes according to plan. The expected fun vacation suddenly turns out to be a boring, quiet get-together. So, to prevent this from happening, you just need to find ways to have fun yourself, and that’s what various competitions are. These are exactly what we will talk about.

The most important thing in competitions is thoughtfulness, everything must be planned in advance, all the details are packed, all texts are written out. Also, do not forget about the age category. It is inappropriate to hold competitions that will be uninteresting or even incomprehensible to a group of people. Therefore, in order for the vacation to be a success and the birthday to go well, it is necessary that each of the participants can feel “at ease” and in no case feel awkward.

What kind of competitions are there?

In general, competitions are divided into several types:

  • Intelligent. Such competitions are usually attended by people of the older generation who love to show off their knowledge, show intelligence and erudition. Chess can also be considered an intellectual competition if the winner is awarded a prize.
  • Cheerful. This type implies fun, laughter, tomfoolery. They bring positive emotions not only to the participants, but also to the audience. Concerning age group, then these competitions are suitable for everyone, because everyone loves to laugh at themselves and their comrades.
  • Physical. These competitions are distinguished by their manifestation physical strength, involve fights using sports props (weights, rope, jump rope, etc.) Age is not limited, preferably males take part.

The most popular outdoor competitions

Let's start with the most interesting and frequently used outdoor competitions for birthdays, which are popular in any company, and no vacation trip is simply complete without them.

Of course, one of these competitions is “Tug of War”. It has many variations. It brings out team strength.

"Tug of War"

All participants must be divided into 2 teams, it is desirable that the forces are approximately equal. You can choose 2 captains, who will recruit companions one person at a time, or in another way, this is at your discretion. The two resulting groups stand opposite each other and take the rope. It is necessary to make marks on the ground, for example, drive a stick into the ground where the middle of the rope is and where each team is located, and tie a ribbon on the rope itself exactly in the middle so that the winner can be determined. After these actions, at the command of the leader, the participants begin to pull the rope. The winner is the group that quickly matches the ribbon on the rope with the mark on its side. It is better to hold such a competition when the company is already a little tipsy, it will be more interesting and funnier.

The next, no less popular competition, which is suitable for corporate outdoor recreation on a birthday, is “Treasure Hunt”.

"Treasure Hunt"

This competition will require different items from each of the two teams, the same amount. It is advisable that all items be approximately the same size, such as various jars, chocolate bars, small packages of cookies, candies - everything that you don’t mind giving away. While the participants are not looking, the presenter hides all the details in the recreation area, choosing two different places. You can hide it anywhere: in a hollow tree, under a pile of leaves, behind a stump, in a hole, etc. interesting places. Each team, in its assigned territory, looks for the opponent’s things, which at the time of the competition are treasures. The host announces the start of the game, and the teams begin their search, trying to find all the things faster than their opponents. And when all the treasures are found by one of the groups, they are automatically awarded to the winners as the main prize, and naturally, they also take their things. The competition is very interesting, exciting, everyone will be glad to become a participant in this game.

A very common, good old game from a series of catch-up games that will evoke a sea of ​​emotions is “colors”. Anyone who is not afraid to run a certain distance will want to take part in this competition.


This game follows a script. All participants stand in a line and guess any color, preferably it should be rare, so it will be more difficult to guess. The presenter (buyer) goes a short distance away from them and turns away. The following dialogue occurs:

  • Presenter (B): -Knock-knock-knock?
  • Participants (U): - Who is here?
  • Q: - I am a monk.
  • U: Why did you come?
  • B: - For some paint.
  • U: - What color?
  • Next, the presenter says any color that comes to his mind.
  • B: - (for example) behind the blue one.
  • If this paint is missing, then the answer sounds something like this:
  • U: - She’s gone, now jump around on one leg.
  • And then the buyer jumps in a small circle. But if such a beauty is among those wished for, then the participants answer:
  • U: - There is one, you need to pay for it...

Names the age of the owner of this color.

The buyer quickly counts out loud to the named number, and at this time the little beauty tries to run far away from him. Having counted, the presenter runs for the paint, and then the catch-up begins, this can last a long time, everyone supports the runaway with a loud shout. The point is for the paint to return to its place without being caught. If the presenter still catches her, then they change places and the game starts again, only with a different buyer. This competition is very fun and interesting, especially when there are many participants.

Very popular outdoor competitions on birthdays are relay races, when all the vacationers ate, got drunk and decided to have fun. Here are some options for such active recreation.


Participants are divided into 2 teams, stand in equal columns one behind the other. The captains of each team are given a lighted candle. Usually the distance of the race is chosen to be short so that each player can run his own path without a long wait. A route is selected along which the participants run in turn. For example: you need to run to a tree that is the same distance from each team, run around it and return. But the main thing is that the candle never goes out. If suddenly this happens, the participant must return to the team, light a candle and start all over again. If the fire does not go out, then the candle is passed to the next person on the team, and he runs under the same conditions. The game continues until each participant has completed his or her own path.. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.


This competition also requires 2 teams, the same formation of participants, only instead of running with a candle, each of the group will need to jump on one leg to a certain place and back. To complicate the task a little, you can choose an area on a slope so that the jumper goes up there, and back down the hill. The more the players fall, the funnier it will naturally be for the audience. The winner is the team that finishes the relay first. As a prize in this competition, you can make any remedy for abrasions and bruises, it will be quite useful. By the way, instead of jumping on one leg, as an option, you can equip the participant with skis, give out sticks and send them along the same path, it will be no less funny.

Outdoor recreation in general is very popular nowadays, people are charged with positive emotions, are not afraid to open up and be funny, and just have fun without remembering everyday problems. But you can relax not only in nature, but also, for example, at the dacha, celebrating, a reunion of graduates, or simply for no reason.

As a rule, the dacha is usually located outside the city, and no one except your friends will see you in the coming days, so you can hold a similar competition.

"Bright Bottle"

For the props, you will need all the cosmetics that the girls took with them from home: nail polishes, lipsticks, eye shadow, blush, etc. Everything is neatly laid out in a circle, with a bottle placed in the center. All participants sit around and start the game. They take turns spinning the bottle, whichever object it points to, the participant will have to use it (paint nails, cheeks, lips). It's very funny, especially when both genders are involved. The main thing in such a competition is to capture everything in photographs, so that later you can laugh together at the resulting images.

The game can continue until all participants are decorated. The one whose makeup turns out to be the best and most beautiful will win; it will be fun if the winner is a young man. Or you can do it another way: play until one of the participants remains untouched by cosmetics, and he will be the winner. You can give away some of the cosmetics as a prize.

A very interesting comic competition will improve the mood in any bored company. Everyone loves to play pranks on people, but not everyone wants to be a test subject.


No more than 5 people can take part in this competition. From a newspaper or large sheet of paper you need to twist a bag with a hole at the end. Participants must insert it into their pants or trousers, always in the front. Each player is given a coin, which he must place on his forehead, raising his head up. After the actions have been completed, the rules of the game are announced to the participants. The point is that the players can get the same coin from their forehead into the bag. But which pant leg the coin gets into will decide further development games. While the presenter explains the rules and the participants look up, one of the spectators brings a container of water. After warning the host about the start of the game, when the participants with their heads raised try to aim at the bag, the host pours the prepared water into it. All the spectators will simply die of laughter from such a prank, and the participants will not be too offended, but will simply laugh along with everyone.

The presence of competitions at the camp site will improve your mood

If you decide to relax, celebrate your birthday or any other holiday at a camp site, then many competitions will also be useful to you. After all, in the absence of games, you can get bored, and to prevent this from happening, we offer the following options.


Several people can be involved in this fun competition at the same time. Participants sit in a circle, and any prize is placed in front of them, in the center. The entire competition is held in verse. The presenter begins:

  • If you hear the number three, then quickly take the prize.

Then the presenter pronounces rhyming phrases, one after another, where logical conclusion there should be word three. The participants, who are expecting to hear the treasured word, are already beginning to reach for the gift, but the ending turns out to be unexpected.

  • The lights were turned on - there were exactly eight of them.
  • We waited for her inside, maybe an hour, or even five.

And the presenter can say many similar phrases, but word three should be where no one expects to hear it, for example:

  • On a special occasion, I wrote you three words.

In this phrase, participants may not even hear the right word, and wait further, and whoever first understands that it has sounded will receive a prize. The winner will be the most attentive of the participants.

If suddenly there are children on vacation, then they can also be involved in the competition, even as a prop.

“Can’t pull its load”

How many children are on vacation, there will be as many teams in this competition. Each player must place one child on their shoulders. Next to each team there will be a container, and at the distance that will be measured for the race, a bucket of water. The task is for the runner, with a glass in his hand and a child on his shoulders, to reach the bucket, took some water, returned just as quickly and poured the water into the container. Then the next player in the group takes the child, the glass, and repeats the actions of the previous participant. The winner is not the team that finishes the competition ahead, but the one that has in their allotted capacity more water. It is better to hold this competition after the first drink so that the children do not get hurt.

Very interesting and popular competitions at the camp site are also competitions from the series of throwers and tossers.

It is better to divide those who want to participate into two equal teams of 6 people, more is possible. A bucket of potatoes is placed next to the team; it is better if they are small, and each group must have an equal number. Another bucket is placed at an average distance from the participants, only this one is empty; it will be the target. A line is marked that cannot be stepped over; if the player does step, the throw will not be counted. The task is simple - get potatoes into a bucket, each player has 3 attempts. The team that ends up in the bucket will win larger number potatoes. The winners take potatoes as a prize.

Wherever you relax, wherever you celebrate holidays, wherever you gather in a large friendly company, your fun and good mood Contests and games will enhance your experience, no matter what age you are.

In conclusion, the article can highlight the types of competitions listed above.

In conclusion, I would like to say, no matter how old you are, at heart you always remain a child. And a birthday is the best holiday when you can feel like a child. And only on vacation, in competitions and games, can you show your true self and sincerely enjoy the little things.

Everyone loves outdoor recreation. Fresh air, tasty food and lively entertainment will make a simple picnic a great pastime. If everything is clear with the first two points, then you will have to work hard with the third. How to choose and organize leisure time correctly in order to have fun and not get discouraged? This is what we will talk about now.

In order to properly organize your vacation and choose suitable entertainment, you need to decide how exactly you want to spend your time. There are many different variations of outdoor recreation.

The first option is the simplest - relaxation without entertainment. It is enough to organize a picnic and just enjoy the surrounding beauty and clean air. But only after all the goodies have been eaten and there is nothing to do - the vacation will quickly become dull and will not bring bright impressions. However, such a pastime cannot be ruled out - after all, everyone has different tastes and sometimes you just want to relax.

The second option is suitable for lovers of active recreation. It is enough to dilute your leisure time in nature with different sports games. You can play volleyball, football or badminton.

The third option is somewhat unusual, but very interesting. Various quests, paintball and airsoft will give you unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions.

The fourth option is the most popular and interesting. Diversify your leisure time with competitions. Absolutely everyone can take part. It is enough to prepare an exciting program.

It is the last option that we will talk about in more detail. Below are interesting competitions outdoors for adults, which will be a pleasant addition to a picnic.

Competition "Guess Who"

Perfect for a noisy and cheerful company. The competition goes like this. One of the guys needs to be blindfolded. Girls are hardly lined up. The guy must determine who is in front of him using any available funds. Girls, in turn, are not allowed to say a word or do anything that could give them away.

All the guys are blindfolded in turn, and the girls are swapped. After all participants have voiced their answers, the number of points for each player is calculated and the winner is determined.

Then we do the opposite - we blindfold the girls.

Competition "Beer Checkers"

To carry it out, you need to draw a kind of chessboard with chalk or paint on the asphalt or grass. In each cell you need to place a small glass of beer (for the more daring, you can put cans or bottles of beer). Of course, the packaging should be different.

The players take on a real game of checkers, where the checkers themselves are beer. And when one of the players hits the checker, he must drink its contents as a reward. You cannot refuse your prize - this is perceived as a personal insult.

DIY tent game

This game is perfect for playing somewhere in the forest. All those present must be divided into two teams and given the task of building a real hut. The time should not be stretched, but it is better to limit it to 20-30 minutes. The hut must have strong walls and a roof. Required condition– all team members must fit into it. You can use any materials - sticks, leaves... The team whose hut will be more stable, stronger and can accommodate all participants will win.

“Pass the bag” relay race

Good old relay races can also be in a great way have fun.

You need to prepare a small bag of peas or sand. At the venue, draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Or simply designate them conditionally, where two trees can become the starting point. Next, you need to divide everyone present into 2 teams. Players from both teams line up next to each other near one of the lines. The first participant is placed on his head. Players from both teams start at the same time. The participant must walk with this small bag on his head to the second line, sit down, turn around three times around his axis, return to the team and pass the bag to the next player. If the bag falls during the task, the player returns to the team and performs all the actions again. The team whose members complete the task first will win.

It is interesting to conduct a relay race when everyone present has had a little drink and it will be more difficult to complete the task.

Game "Bring it whole"

For this fun game It is necessary to divide all those present into teams of 2 people. One of them will be a cook, and the other a courier. Roles can be assigned by drawing lots. The chef's task is simple. He needs to stand with a conventional frying pan (or a real one) and wait for the courier. But for a courier the task is more difficult. He is given a spoon and a raw egg. The task is to bring the egg, lying in a spoon, which is clamped in the teeth, intact to the cook. The distance between team members must be at least 5 meters. But the more, the better. The team whose courier brings the whole egg first will win.

Game "Time to Jump"

This entertainment is analogous to jumping over a fire. But if jumping over fire is quite dangerous, then jumping over a “log” is very simple, and most importantly, safe for health. For the role of a log, you can choose a person who is fast asleep, who will definitely be found not far from strong drinks. Just remember that you definitely need to jump over the newly made “log” an even number of times, because otherwise it won’t grow J

The main thing in the game is to have time to capture each participant during the jump.

Raffle game “Let’s get into formation together”

Before the start, one leader is selected. Next, all players line up in one line with their backs to the leader. The presenter must walk along all the participants and pat each one on the back or shoulder with his palm. The number of times a person claps is the serial number of a person. After everyone has received their share of claps, participants must line up in a row following their serial number. At the same time, no one has the right to utter a word. The whole catch is that the presenter can give the same number of claps to some participants.

It looks very funny when all the participants, winking, stamping their feet and whistling, try to create a formation. So be sure to film it - it will be interesting for the players to watch themselves later.

Game "Pass it to someone else"

You can play it during a meal, when guests are already starting to get a little bored. All participants sit in a circle. One of the players is given a button. He puts it on forefinger. Next, he must pass it to the next player without touching this button with his hands - only from finger to finger. And so on in a circle. The participant who was unable to pass the button is eliminated. The game continues until one winner is determined.

At first glance, the game is simple, but in reality it is quite difficult to pass the button. Especially in a noisy, cheerful company that whistles and shouts trying to knock down the players and distract them.

Game "Who's missing?"

It is best to play when the company is large and people in it are unfamiliar. But even when everyone knows each other well, this will not make the game any less interesting. One of the participants is blindfolded. At this time, someone present is hiding. Next, the person who was blindfolded has their eyes untied. He must guess which of the participants is missing, and when he succeeds, he must also describe what he was wearing. You can make the task more difficult. While guessing the missing guest, everyone else should not stand still, but constantly move in order to distract the guessing player.

Game "Matches"

A box of regular matches is poured onto the table. The player must take one match at a time without touching the other. As soon as a match, other than the one the player is pulling, shakes, the right to draw matches passes to another participant. And so on until there is nothing left from a handful of matches. The one who ultimately draws the most matches wins.

Competition "On the contrary"

One leader is selected. Everyone else lines up in a row. The point is to do the opposite. The leader performs a command, and the participants must repeat it exactly the opposite way. For example, if the leader raises left leg up, you must lower your right leg down. The participant who makes a mistake becomes the leader. But he will not be able to become a participant again. This is a knockout competition. The winner is the one who does not make a single mistake.

Game "Unusual Figure"

This game is a variation of the well-known charades. One person is selected to be the judge. All those present are divided into teams of two. One of the team members must draw a figure on the back of another participant with his finger. You can make the figure simply imaginary, or you can glue a regular piece of paper on which to draw the figure with a pen, and then simply trace its contours with your finger on the player’s back. Reporting what is depicted is strictly prohibited. Next, the participant must dance, or simply step forward, to depict this figure. All other players must guess what was depicted on the participant’s back. The team whose figure is recognized by the majority of those present wins.

Game "Can you?"

This game also does not require any additional training. You just need to take an orange or an apple. Participants must pass it around in a circle, but only their shoulders and chin are allowed to be used. Taking the edible “ball” with your hands is strictly prohibited. The one who loses the “ball” or breaks the rules (touches it with his hands) is eliminated from the game. This continues until there are two winners left.

Game "Spin the Bottle"

You will need a regular bottle and several small sheets of paper. It is desirable that the number of leaves be slightly greater than the total number of all participants. Each player writes 1-2 tasks on a piece of paper, rolls it up and puts it in a bottle. Tasks should be interesting and funny. For example, climb a tree stump and depict an animal drawn in a picture or depict your friend who is present here drunk, etc. Next, spin the bottle and the one to whom it will point must take out one task and complete it.

Game "Interesting dance"

It is advisable that you take part as much as possible more people. Everyone is divided into pairs, preferably a guy and a girl. Each couple is given a newspaper. They must stand on it so as not to go beyond the limits. The music turns on (you can use your phone) and the couples start dancing. Then the newspaper is folded in half, the music is turned on again and the couples continue to dance. The couple who speaks outside the newspaper leaves the competition. Play tracks with different rhythms.

Game "Lucky"

Suitable for a company that loves strong drinks. The participant is blindfolded. Take three stacks or plastic cups. Vodka is poured into two of them, and into the third plain water. The player's task is to drink the contents of one glass and wash it down with another. It’s very funny to watch these, because not everyone is able to drink water with vodka.

If you don’t have enough time to prepare, but you want to entertain your friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, a quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with fun and excitement. See more details here.

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