Home Orthopedics Presentation for primary school on the topic "healthy teeth - a beautiful smile." Mbow sosh with

Presentation for primary school on the topic "healthy teeth - a beautiful smile." Mbow sosh with

“So that your teeth don’t hurt.” Presentation for children 4 -5 years old. Frantsuzova I. A. State Budgetary Educational Institution kindergarten No. 36 Frunzensky district, St. Petersburg

Goal: Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of the importance of dental care and oral hygiene. Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the need to follow the rules of dental care. 2. Develop speech, attention, practice solving riddles. 3. Instill a desire in children to take care of their teeth. 4. Consolidate children’s knowledge about useful and harmful products nutrition for teeth

Guess a riddle. She lives in a tube and crawls out of it like a snake. Often inseparable from the brush. Mint toothpaste...... (paste).

S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba’s” Like our Lyuba’s Teeth hurt: Weak, fragile Children’s, milk teeth. . . The poor thing has been moaning all day, driving her girlfriends away: “I have no time for you today!” The mother feels sorry for the girl, warms the rinse in the cup, and does not take her eyes off her daughter. Dad feels sorry for Lyubochka, he glues a doll out of paper, something to keep his daughter occupied, to relieve toothache!

Hurry to rid yourself of plaque on your teeth. This is so easy to fix if you have a brush in your hands. For exactly three minutes, brush the top and sides, fight plaque from the inside - the evil enemy of your teeth. And when the work is finished - rinse with water - then there will be no trace left of the nasty residue!

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth. Do this twice a day. Prefer fruit to candy. Very important products. So that the tooth does not bother you, remember the rule: “We go to the dentist twice a year for an appointment. And then we will preserve the light of smiles for many years! »

Didactic game(Interactive) “What do our teeth like? »

The history of toothpaste! Since time immemorial, ancient people had to resort to various improvised means to remove food debris from their teeth. For oral hygiene they used ash, powdered stones, crushed glass, charcoal, gypsum and many other exotic-looking modern man Components.

Ancient methods of cleaning teeth. According to the testimony of ancient chroniclers, about five thousand years ago, the Egyptians achieved pearly white teeth using powder from dry incense, myrrh, mastic tree branches, ram's horn and raisins. The Ebers papyrus recommends only rubbing the teeth with onions for oral hygiene, which made them white and shiny. Myrrh Mastic Tree Branch

Continuation of the story... In the Middle Ages, dental elixirs came into fashion, which were made by doctors and monks, and the recipe was kept secret. Most big success fell to the lot of the tooth elixir of the Benedictine fathers. It was invented in 1373, but at the beginning of the twentieth century it was still sold in pharmacies. Tooth powder, and then toothpaste, which are closest to modern ones, first appeared at the end of the 18th century in Great Britain.

Toothpaste Toothpaste is a jelly-like mass for cleaning teeth. Previously prepared on the basis of chalk, modern toothpastes are mainly based on silicates. Active components toothpastes are substances that have medicinal - preventive action aluminum lactate, fluorides, compounds with antimicrobial activity, individual micro-, macroelements and polymineral complexes, extracts medicinal herbs, enzymes, propolis, etc. Both natural and identical to natural compounds act as flavoring agents. Among the natural ones, aromatic components are most often used. essential oils(terpenoids) menthol, thymol, carvacrol, limonene, squalene, etc. The use of synthetic flavors allows us to reduce the cost of the final product.

Toothpaste Toothpaste should contain fluoride, calcium and phosphorus. Fluoride is known to prevent tooth decay. However, it is worth noting that many fluoride compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpaste is strictly limited. Toothpaste should not contain sugar, as it is harmful to teeth. Therefore, xylitol, a sugar substitute, is added to modern toothpastes, which prevents the development of microorganisms. But you should be wary of the presence of triclosan in toothpaste. This compound actually kills most microorganisms, including the natural microflora inherent in the human body.

Tooth powder Advantages and disadvantages Therapeutic prevention for periodontal disease It is difficult to introduce any therapeutic additives into a similar form (powder) Reduction of swelling and bleeding of the gums Normalization of acid-base balance oral cavity Increased abrasive properties of powders can cause damage to the integrity of tooth enamel Reducing the likelihood of caries Strengthening gums and enamel Loosening tartar Whitening teeth from tea, coffee, cigarettes... polishes teeth and cleans them

Gel paste Gel pastes convey their beneficial features, however, they cleanse teeth of plaque less well than regular toothpastes. Modern gel pastes do not contain abrasives. They contain substances that do not clean off, but dissolve plaque. Typically, gel pastes foam well, making them very economical and easy to use.

Social survey We decided to survey modern youth about what they use for oral hygiene, and this is what we came up with... 1. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2. What type of toothpaste do you prefer? What type of toothpaste do you prefer? 3. How often do you visit the dentist? How often do you visit the dentist? 4. What flavor of toothpaste do you prefer? What toothpaste flavor do you prefer?

Types of toothpastes Check for phosphates Check for carbonates Check for acids Toothpaste added AgNO 3 and distilled water. Phosphates are present. We added HCl and during the reaction we were convinced of the content of carbonates. We acted as indicators, there are no acids. Tooth powder was added with AgNO 3 and distilled water. A light precipitate formed yellow color(Ag 3 PO 4) HCl was added and we observed the evolution of gas and water. They acted as indicators, there were no acids Gel paste There are no phosphates in the gel paste, and we were convinced of this through experiments. There are no carbonates in the composition of the gel paste, we were convinced of this through experiments. There are no acids in the gel paste, since the reactions did not pass EXPERIMENTS

Conclusions: 1. During the research, we analyzed the composition of toothpaste, powder and gel paste, and made sure that people are attracted to advertising of toothpaste, which contains fewer useful substances and more harmful ones. 2. Recommendation: It is better to buy an expensive paste than to use a cheap paste with acids and carbonates!

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