Home Children's dentistry Fir in folk medicine. Fir - beneficial properties, applications, recipes and effectiveness

Fir in folk medicine. Fir - beneficial properties, applications, recipes and effectiveness

Recipes with fir needles will give you truly Siberian Health

The healing properties of fir, an evergreen coniferous tree from the pine family, have been known since ancient times. For many diseases, treatment with infusions of fir and fir oil. Almost all parts of fir are used in treatment: needles, buds, bark, resin. Fir needles, in addition to essential oil, contain manganese, zinc, copper, a little lead, and a high content of vitamin C. Fresh fir paws emit phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The room becomes almost sterile if there are fir branches in it.

The beautiful fir is considered practically a panacea. Its buds and needles are collected in March-April, young branches - in May - early June, resin - in the summer, and the bark can be taken all year round. If you pour a handful of young pine needles with hot water and let it sit for a day, you can rinse your mouth so that your gums are healthy and your throat doesn’t hurt. And if you drink a few sips of this infusion, your blood will become more fluid, clean, and your cold will go away. And if you rub 4-5 drops of fir oil into your chest, you can even tame an old cough.

Fir is a type of plant that belongs to the genus of trees. IN favorable climate it can grow up to 45 meters in height, and the crown diameter can be about 50 cm.

The shape of the tree does not change throughout the entire period of growth and has the shape of a cone. Fir branches are quite thin and lowered to the ground, especially if the tree grows alone and not in a group with its relatives. Fir needles (needles) are located throughout the branch in a spiral order, one at a time. Fruits (cones) - have a cylindrical or ovoid shape. Fir is different from other coniferous trees. The trees are considered long-lived; they delight with their greenery and aromas for 150 - 200 years.
The most interesting thing that distinguishes it from other coniferous trees is that the cones grow upward. The cones begin to crumble when ripe; they are long and dark brown in color.

Fir needles also have their own special properties. It is not prickly at all, it gives off a pleasant aroma. The needles are flat, long, rich green in color, delicate and soft to the touch. The tree is considered a long-liver, it can grow up to two hundred years. Excellent lumber is obtained from its wood, which is even used in shipbuilding and the production of musical instruments. The wood is well processed and does not have the usual resin pockets.

The light thin bark of most species contains resin containers protruding as nodules with transparent resin resin that looks like honey.

For medicinal purposes in folk medicine, bark, needles and buds are used

The astringent property of the bark is used in the form of decoctions as an external remedy for tumors and burns (in the form of compresses). For periodontal disease and toothache, apply steamed fresh Siberian fir buds. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, turpentine obtained from the resin of the plant will relieve pain and irritation.

Painkillers and distractions with turpentine.

Add to 100 ml. a tablespoon of alcohol, turpentine, camphor alcohol and table vinegar (9%), and you will get an excellent rub-in for joint diseases.

IN pharmaceutical industry fir oil is used to produce synthetic camphor. Its drugs are used in inflammatory processes, in acute and chronic heart failure, in collapse, to stimulate breathing and circulation in lobar pneumonia and others. infectious diseases.

Camphor alcohol is also used externally for rubbing against colds, myositis, neuritis, and articular rheumatism.

Fir needles

Many of us don’t even realize what healing power fir needles have. Here is a list of diseases for which pine needles can help:

Chemical composition

Siberian fir needles are a real storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. The needles contain from 250 to 350 mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and promotes accelerated oxidation of toxins and their removal from the body. Under the influence of vitamin C, elasticity and strength increase blood vessels. Together with vitamin A, it protects the body from infections, blocks and neutralizes toxic substances in the blood.

Needles are a source of beta-carotene. In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which provides and increases the body's resistance to infections.

Fir needles contain essential oil, macro- and microelements. The phytoncides present in the needles are antimicrobial substances. They have a detrimental effect on viruses, accelerate wound healing, regulate the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate cardiac activity, and purify the air. Coniferous aroma relieves bronchospasms in asthma and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, successfully treats headaches.

The most important healing product from fir is essential fir oil. But fir is not valuable for its oil alone. Fir (Florentine) water - a by-product in the production of oil, as well as resin (resin), pine needles, cones, bark and even sawdust - were widely used in medicine.
Resin (resin) has long been used to treat wounds, especially infected ones, ulcers, colds, coughs, and stomach ulcers. The bark containing tannids and resins (balm) is used externally for tumors and burns. Fir cones are an effective remedy for rheumatism and other colds in the joints of the legs. Why pour boiling water over the pine cones and steam your feet, covering them with a blanket. Steamed sawdust applied to sore spots also helps.
Old red fir needles (from fallen trees) together with fresh and dry cedar needles (1:1:1) are very useful for dry “warming” baths.
An aqueous infusion of buds and bark is an ancient antiscorbutic remedy; it is also used as a diuretic and analgesic for colds and rheumatic pain. A decoction of young pine needles is drunk as a diuretic and disinfectant for kidney diseases and Bladder. Needles and bark contain a large amount of phytoncides, due to which staying in a coniferous forest has a beneficial effect on health.

Healing drink from pine needles

Take fresh fir needles, pass through a meat grinder, package plastic bags 1 tbsp. spoon (make sure that the juice does not leak out) and store in the freezer. To prepare a healing potion, take out a briquette with pine needles, pour a glass of boiled chilled water and leave for 3 hours in a dark place. Then stir, strain, squeeze out the raw materials.

Drink the infusion 1/4-1/3 cup 3-4 times a day before or after meals.
This pine drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, useful for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious and inflammatory diseases, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, adenoma prostate gland, prostatitis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gall bladders, tinnitus, hernia, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, helps with impaired vision, mastopathy and uterine fibroids, treats hemorrhoids, and perfectly relieves fatigue.
A remedy made from pine needles regulates blood pressure, reduces increased level cholesterol and blood sugar, helps cope with excess weight, relieves shortness of breath, treats the musculoskeletal system.
In addition, the described infusion cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, protects against premature aging and prolongs life.

Fir oil for treating joints .
1. First, warm the joint with a sea salt compress.
I heat the salt in a dry frying pan, pour it into a canvas bag and apply it to the sore spot. Hold until the warmth spreads throughout the entire leg.
2. At this time, soak the compress paper with fir oil and apply it to the joint heated with salt.
3. Wrap a warm woolen scarf around the sore spot and keep the compress on for no more than 30 minutes to avoid irritation or even burns. If you have sensitive skin, a burn may occur, so for the first time you should set the procedure time experimentally: check every 10 minutes to see if the skin has reddened.

A few more recipes using fir oil.

For sore throat 1-2 drops of unstained oil will need to be pipetted onto the inflamed gland, or lubricated with oil using a tampon. This function will need to be done 2-3 times a day, every 4-5 hours for 2-3 days. At chronic form for sore throats, in addition to lubricating the tonsils, 1-2 drops of fir oil are instilled into the nose (if it does not cause allergic reactions). At bronchitis and pneumonia Rubbing the body with oil and inhalation give good results. In household terms, this is done as follows: pour boiling water into an enamel bowl or kettle, add 3-4 drops of fir oil, cover the head with a blanket or scarf and breathe in the steam-oil mixture for 10-15 minutes. After which the patient is rubbed and covered with a warm blanket.

For the flu, it was necessary to rub fir oil into the collar area of ​​the back, chest, massage the feet along the reflex zones 4 - 5 times a day (every five to six hours). After this procedure, the patient needs to drink an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic herbal mixture and cover himself with a warm blanket. In this case, it is recommended to drop 1 drop of oil into the nose. Improvement will come within a day. Chronic runny nose it can be cured like this: 3-4 times a day you need to lubricate and massage the area with fir oil maxillary sinuses However, it is preferable to instill fir oil into the nose, 1 drop at a time.

At severe cough Place 2-3 drops of fir oil on the tip of your tongue before going to bed. There is information about the cure of colitis and enterocolitis with fir water. For these purposes, take 0.5 cups of pine water 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before eating. For stomach ulcers and duodenum Coniferous water should not be consumed. Some authors recommend fir oil to cure angina pectoris: 2-3 drops of fir oil are rubbed into the area below the nipple 3-4 times a day. This can be especially useful to do on the eve of magnetic storms and sudden changes in weather pressure, which usually cause a shift in the state of well-being for the worse.

Among dry inhalations for the prevention of viral infections and coughs, inhalations from paper and fabric are the most effective. Place 3-4 drops of oil on them and breathe in the aroma.
. Rubbing fir oil into the bruised area speeds up the healing process.
. For sore throat, apply pure oil to the tonsils using a pipette or cotton swab. Repeat 2 to 5 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours.
For radiculitis, it is good to rub fir oil into painful areas.
Fir oil contains biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, wound-healing and general strengthening effects. Camphor, obtained from fir oil, is used in medicine as a central nervous system stimulant. Camphor alcohol is widely used for rubbing in myositis, neuritis and articular rheumatism.
Contraindications for fir oil
Scientists at the Vladivostok Medical Institute discovered that the oil does not decompose in the gastrointestinal tract, but penetrates the blood and accumulates in painful areas of the body. And only two days after taking the oil is removed from the body. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary not to overload the body with oil, do not allow it to increase your heart rate!
In addition, a small proportion of people may experience allergic reactions. It’s easy to check your predisposition to allergies: put 10-15 drops of oil on the back of your hand, chest or leg and rub in. If the next day no red spots appear on the body, then treatment can begin.
Recipes using fir

Use of needles

Vitamin drink.

This drink is especially useful in winter.

1 way.

Take 2 tablespoons of pine needles, rinse in cold water, put in a bowl with a lid, add a glass of boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes. The drink is cooled and infused for half an hour.

Method 2.

5 tbsp. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos, leave overnight, strain in the morning and drink throughout the day.

You can consume 1 glass per day, dividing its use into 2-3 times.

3 way

You will need 1 tablespoon of bark and needles and 200 grams of hot boiled water. Let it brew in a saucepan with the lid closed until the broth cools completely. Strain and consume 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, then a break for 10 days and again repeated for 2 weeks.

4 way

You can brew tea from young branches of pine needles and small buds. This tea helps boost immunity.

Restoration of the vascular system:

Take five tablespoons of chopped pine needles, add 3 tablespoons of chopped rose hips, 2 tablespoons of onion peels. Pour 700 ml. water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Leave to infuse overnight, wrap in warm material. In the morning, strain and take from 0.5 to one and a half liters per day. Admission - 3 months.

For stroke, this recipe includes lemon, the recommended dose is up to 2 lemons per day, half a lemon at a time.

Pour boiling water over fir sawdust. Steam in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours, then squeeze and apply warm to the sore spot. Wrap with plastic wrap and warm cloth. Treatment should be carried out daily until noticeable improvement occurs.
. Make lotions with pure fir oil for 25-30 minutes. If the ends of your fingers are affected, it is better to place them in a container with oil for 20-25 minutes. Continue treatment until full recovery, it usually occurs within 7-10 days.
OSTEOCHONDROSIS. Crush and warm the fir branches, then apply to the sore spot. It is better to do this in a steam room. After a 30-minute compress, you should steam with a fir or birch-fir broom. For prevention, massage with fir oil 5-7 times a month.
ANGINA, ARRHYTHMIA, TACHYCARDIA. Rub 10-15 drops of oil externally in the area of ​​the heart, just below the nipple and to the middle of the lateral line on the left. After 1-2 minutes, the spasms will be relieved. If necessary, repeat. Even with the most severe attack, relief is sure to come after the first rubbing.
ANGINA. Lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab with fir oil or irrigate them with oil using a syringe. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
HERPES. At the first signs of illness (itching, burning), apply a cotton swab soaked in fir oil and hold for 25-30 minutes. Repeat after 5-6 hours. A good effect is achieved by alternating procedures using fir oil and delicate fine-grained (scientifically, lard-like) honey, preferably from acacia.

Treatment with infusion, decoction, fir resin.

For skin diseases:
Pour two glasses of hot boiled water over five tablespoons of crushed fir needles, leave for two to three days. Drink half a glass three times a day for 1.5 months.

Fir belongs to the pine family. It is distinguished from pine by its soft, shiny, flat needles and the ability long time save the lower branches. White stripes located on the underside of the needles give the fir an incredibly elegant look. Another advantage of fir is its vertically located cones.

Until 10 years old, trees grow very slowly, but after this time their development accelerates significantly, after which it does not stop until old age. Fir is a long-lived tree, and in comfortable conditions it can live up to 400 years.

The needles of these powerful plants with a pyramidal crown have enormous healing potential: baths and inhalations with it help get rid of radiculitis, polyarthritis, colds and scurvy.

Fir: chemical composition of the plant

Fir needles and young branches contain from 3 to 3.5% essential oil, which consists of 30 to 60% bornyl acetate, 10 to 20% camphene, 8 to 12% α-pinene, as well as α-phellandrene, bisabolene.

Fir needles contain vitamin C in an amount of 0.3%, and the plant bark contains 13% tannins and 15% fir balsam. The seeds of the plant contain vitamin E and more than 30% fatty oils.

What are the benefits of fir for the human body?

Fir has been used in folk medicine since ancient times; its medicinal properties are priceless, but the plant also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before using it.

Did you know? Fresh fir branches can be used at home to disinfect the air, as they emit great amount phytoncides. For therapeutic purposes, resin, pine needles and plant buds are used. In Rus', fir oil was used in cases where it was necessary to calm the nervous system, reduce the intensity of pain due to radiculitis and myositis, and relieve inflammation of the affected joints due to arthritis or gout.

And besides this, it contains a huge amount of phytoncides, which makes it an excellent remedy for the prevention of viral infections, influenza and sore throats, stimulates the immune system in various immunodeficiency conditions and relieves diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fir baths are a simple and effective way to get rid of increased sweating legs, they are also indicated for neuralgia, hysteria, skin diseases and bronchitis, but are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergies.

The medicinal properties of fir, how the coniferous plant is used

In folk medicine, extracts, infusions, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from fir. An aqueous infusion of fir buds and needles is often used to treat scurvy, and also as an excellent pain reliever and diuretic.

Fir steam heating helps relieve pain and inflammation from joints due to rheumatism. To do this, place the plant cones in a container with a lid and fill them with cold water, bring them to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove the dish from the heat, instead of a lid, place a wooden grate on it, on which you place your feet and cover them with a warm blanket or rug. The feet are warmed with fir steam for about 20 minutes, after which the limbs are rubbed with warming ointment and warm woolen socks are put on.

The famous Florentine water (fir extract) is prepared from the green needles of the plant by steaming the fir legs (the ends of young shoots covered in needles).

This part of the plant contains a huge amount of biologically active substances that have unique medicinal properties.

Florentine water has a powerful immunostimulating effect, which allows it to be used even during long-term stays in environmentally unfavorable areas. Among other things, this remedy does an excellent job of treating diarrhea and intestinal colic.

Fir extract stimulates blood formation, improves immunity and accelerates regeneration processes, which is why it is often used in the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers. In addition, fir extract has a pronounced antiseptic, antiviral and neuroprotective effect. Drinking Florentine water improves potency and reduces unpleasant symptoms hangover syndrome.

A decoction of fir needles and cones is used to treat diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as relieve inflammation in the small and large intestines. In Tibetan medicine, fir is used to treat tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. Inhaling the vapors of the plant allows you to quickly relieve bronchospasm and facilitate the discharge of sputum.

Powdered fir needles are an excellent remedy for burns. It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues and prevents their infection.

Use of needles

The pine needles contain essential fir oil, which is a source of camphor, the healing properties of which help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Did you know? Systematic bath procedures with a fir broom are an excellent remedy for many skin diseases; they reduce the manifestations of psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. Tinctures are prepared from fir needles to help get rid of insomnia, the effects of stress and increased nervous excitability. Vitamin drinks are prepared from it, which are considered an excellent remedy from vitamin deficiency, the use of which has a powerful immunostimulating and restorative effect.
Daily intake of vitamin fir drinks is indicated during the period of rampant seasonal viral infections and allows you to do without the use medications. To prepare such a drink, you need to take half a glass of pine needles and pour a liter of cold boiled water over them, simmer the drug over low heat for 30 minutes and leave for one hour, strain and add three tablespoons of lemon juice to it before use. Take half a glass three times a day. Before use, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

A decoction of green needles has a pronounced diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic and analgesic effect. Compresses made from pine decoction help reduce pain from frostbite and promote rapid recovery cold-damaged tissues. Dry crushed pine needles mixed with lard are used to prepare a remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers.

Application of fir oil

Fir oil is a miracle drug that is indicated in the treatment of many diseases. It contains a huge amount of bioactive substances, vitamins and phytoncides and has a pronounced sedative, tonic and rejuvenating effect, stimulates the adrenal glands and improves sputum discharge.

Did you know? In the pharmaceutical industry, fir oil is used to produce synthetic camphor, on the basis of which drugs are made that are used to treat infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, chronic and acute heart failure, as well as to stimulate respiration and blood circulation during collapse.

The composition of fir essential oil includes substances with a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect, such as borneol, terpinolene, camphor, myrcene, cineole, sabinene, as well as lauric, oleic and caproic acids. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of fir oil, consider how to use it and find out which diseases it is most suitable for treating.

Fir oil is used in medical purposes externally and internally, as in pure form, and in the form of inhalations. Often, various medicinal ointments, creams and balms are prepared on its basis. main feature oil is that when consumed orally it does not undergo decomposition under the influence of enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract, but, being absorbed into the blood, is delivered unchanged to the affected organ.

When used externally, it is most often used to treat wounds to prevent suppuration and speed up their healing. The oil contains more than 35 substances that help restore the integrity of the skin. When mixing fir oil with pork, badger or goose fat It turns out to be an excellent remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, dermatitis, eczema and trophic ulcers.

This remedy is used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis and gout. Its systematic use helps improve local lymph and blood flow and increase trophic nutrition of tissues.

Aromatherapy and inhalations with fir oil are an excellent remedy for sore throat, bronchitis and viral infections. It is believed that it can cleanse space from pathogenic microorganisms no worse than incense, eucalyptus and lavender.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that fir oil has excellent healing properties, it also has some contraindications, and therefore you should consult your doctor before using it.

Important! For those who suffer from increased convulsive syndrome or are susceptible to epileptic attacks, it is better to avoid using medicinal purposes fir and its derivatives, since strong odors can trigger the onset of an attack. Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, fir oil is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, as well as for those who suffer from individual intolerance to it. In addition, when consuming it, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, since it greatly weakens the effect of the substances contained in fir, which will not allow achieving the desired therapeutic effect.

Fir is a unique plant with powerful healing potential. And if you use it correctly, you can do without the use of expensive pharmaceutical products.

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Useful properties of fir

Fir is an evergreen tree that reaches 35 - 45 meters in height and 50 centimeters in diameter and has a narrow cone-shaped crown that retains its shape until old age. The branches are thin, lowered to the ground, especially in solitary trees.

The needles of the tree are single, they are arranged spirally on the lateral branches. Cones are cylindrical or ovoid. Feature fir is that their cones, unlike other conifers, grow upward. The lifespan of the plant is 150 - 200 years.

Fir - types and places of growth

The tree is demanding of air humidity and prefers to settle in mountainous areas and along river valleys. In nature, fir trees are found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eastern and Central Europe, the Far East, Siberia, Central Asia and North America. Firs are also common in the Western Hemisphere.

Pure fir plantations are considered very rare these days; most often the tree grows as an admixture with cedar, spruce and other species. It often appears as a second layer in aspen forests, but is almost never found with Scots pine.

Fir - medicinal properties

Fir is called one of the most useful trees. Preparations with its extracts are used for rheumatism, inflammatory processes, chronic and acute heart failure, as well as infectious diseases.

Fir oil is used to treat radiculitis, neuralgia and myositis, to stop bleeding and heal wounds. A fir bath broom is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as an inhaler: steam can knock out the essential oil from the branch, which is then absorbed into the lungs and skin. They also store branches for the winter for bathing.

Fir needles, due to their vitamin C content, are known as an antiscorbutic agent. The medicinal properties of fir are also manifested in the reduction of swelling and pain in osteochondrosis, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. The essential oil is said to enhance visual acuity when the eyes are tired. It is often used to treat insomnia, as the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, rejuvenates the entire body and relaxes muscles well.

Fir - dosage forms

In medicine, fir oil is mainly used, which is a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid with a characteristic resinous odor. The oil is contained in fir paws and young branches, which serve as the main healing raw materials. Camphor is extracted from fir oil, which is used in medicine for heart failure.

Fir resin, which is collected from the bark of trees, is also used. The resin is mixed with boar or bear bile and used for stomach diseases. For healing baths and inhalations, branches are prepared that are characterized by high bactericidal activity. For example, fir branches brought into a room make the air almost sterile.

Fir - recipes

To treat radiculitis, plexitis, and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system, it is worth rubbing a few drops of fir oil into the lumbar area. Before the procedure, it will not be superfluous to take a hot bath. The course of treatment consists of fifteen procedures.

To relieve acute toothache, you need to moisten cotton wool with oil, apply it to the tooth and hold it for about 20 minutes. After an hour and a half, you can repeat the procedure. For periodontal disease, twenty applications with fir oil should be made: moisten a piece of bandage with the product and apply to the gums for 15-20 minutes.

For a sore throat, two drops of pure fir oil should be placed on the inflamed gland. It is recommended to do this procedure several times a day, every 4 hours. For bronchitis and pneumonia, a good effect was noted after rubbing the body with oil and inhalation: pour boiling water and 3 drops of oil into an enamel bowl, cover your head with a blanket and breathe for 10-15 minutes.

Fir - contraindications

The use of preparations with fir extract and essential oil is prohibited in case of acute kidney inflammation and pregnancy, because fir has a toxic effect on the fetus.

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Essential oils are obtained from fir, which serve as the basis for the production of synthetic camphor. It has wide application in medicine. Fir balsam is also used for medicinal purposes, the raw material for which is oleoresin (resin is the resinous secretion of coniferous trees).

Use of fir oil in medicine. Recognized benefits of herbal ingredients

Pharmacological potential plant substances, which are part of fir oil, speak of justified widespread use preparations based on fir traditional medicine. The most popular component of the oil obtained from fir needles is camphor. It is on the basis of camphor that medications are synthesized:

  • injection
  • alcohol, etc.

There is such a thing as “galenic preparations” (that is, extracts, extracts) from fir. These can be quite complex compounds of extractive substances from pine needles with other components that regulate and correct the basic properties of fir oil. Infusions and decoctions of fir are a kind of connecting link between recognized official medicine ways to combat various diseases and traditional healing techniques.

Fir: beneficial properties of oil and its practical application

Fir oil itself has a specific pine aroma and may have a slightly greenish or yellowish tint. Thanks to the above composition of fir oil, it can be argued that it is an almost universal remedy in medicine. Do not underestimate its medicinal properties, since many of its components are direct-acting substances (directly affecting the target organ), and therefore may have contraindications. A consultation with a specialist will dispel all doubts, and an allergy test can assure you of the ultimate safety of using this product.

The bactericidal properties of the oil make it possible to disinfect the room with its help. It is enough to warm up the aroma lamp with water and fir oil to carry out preventive actions to combat viral infections and many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fir: fight against various diseases

Fir, thanks to the efforts of both scientists and traditional healers, has today revealed many secrets of its healing abilities. The analgesic, anti-aging, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of fir oil have been proven and undeniable. A whole list of serious diseases can be treated using drugs based on chemical components obtained from them. various parts this coniferous plant. The unique medicinal properties of fir allow you to fight the following diseases and symptoms:


Properties and uses of fir

Properties of fir

The main component contained in fir that has a positive effect is its essential oil. Its greatest concentration occurs on the branches, which can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. It is from them that this oil is extracted and then used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. The amount of oil obtained is directly related to the situation and conditions in which the fir grows, plus the timing of collecting the needles, as well as the number of years they are in, influences. On average, the oil content will be two percent or more.

The needles and bark of this tree are rich in useful components and vitamins; the tinctures and decoctions obtained from them have a good antiscorbutic effect, and the resin of the tree is used to create a balm for healing wounds.

Scientists from various fields have proven healing effect, which is produced by the components contained in the fir tree, significantly ahead of other coniferous plants. The main concentration of useful substances is also found in the bark and needles. A well-known remedy that promotes the healing and tightening of wounds, cuts and skin damage is a balm created by biochemist Yakimov and Professor Petrov. For its preparation, Siberian fir resin was used. In addition, it turned out that the balm also kills bacteria; it is no coincidence that it was used in war time for wound healing.

Russian scientist Sh. I. Pavolotsky in his monograph, written in one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, taking into account all previously conducted research medicines based on fir, I came to the conclusion that their beneficial effects are quite great. As a result of their treatment, there was an improvement in diseases such as bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, diseases of the oral cavity, anemia, jaundice, etc., and the antibacterial and regenerative effect of the plant was revealed.

Previously, scientists also noted, and more than once, that the essential oil obtained from the fir tree can help where other chemotherapy drugs for treating diseases fail. The oil has a complex composition, but is a natural substance. And there is even information that it, just like the essential oils of any other coniferous tree, slows down or even stops the growth malignant tumor.

Also, researcher M.A. Komarova invented new option formation of a special alcohol extract from fir tree needles. It acts directly on various types of bacteria, pathogenic in essence, destroying them and preventing their spread. Examples of bacteria include various rods and bacteria belonging to the type of cocci: staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus, streptococcus, etc. The aerosol created on the basis of the extract is used by spraying in the air, since its bactericidal effect is quite large, which makes it possible to purify the air in the room .

For medicinal purposes, special fir water is also widely used, which is formed during the distillation of essential oil and is essentially its residue. It is used both internally and externally, depending on the disease itself. They drink it to increase the body’s performance, normalize the functioning of both the stomach and intestines, fir water will improve and get rid of diseases such as sore throat or flu and other colds, relieve pain in the joints, treat prostatitis, help with respiratory diseases character in acute form, and is also indispensable for increasing immunity and improving the response of the human body’s defenses. Water is used externally when it is necessary to tighten or heal wounds and injuries. skin, as well as for disinfection.

If we remember again about fir essential oil, then along with wide range effects on the body and despite the positive effect, it must be remembered that it tends to enter directly into the blood, collecting in the foci of the disease in the human body, without passing through the digestive organs - the stomach and intestines, and therefore without decomposing. And then it will take about forty-eight hours for it to completely disappear from the body. Therefore, it is important to avoid overdoses, which can cause overload in the body, otherwise the oil will accumulate and, without having time to be eliminated, can cause an increase in pulse, and therefore heart contractions. This is due to the presence of substances in fir oil that help in the formation of camphor, which can affect the activity of the heart.

In the monograph by Sh. I. Pavlotsky you can find advice on taking and using fir essential oil, which obviously will not be superfluous for those who are planning treatment.

If we talk about what the dosage should be when taking essential oil, then everything is personal and prescribed for each person depending on their characteristics. The amount per dose ranges from three to ten drops, and the number of doses per day is three. In general, it is initially advised to drink three drops per dose, which will be equal to nine drops per day, and then add one drop every other day.

During administration, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the number of heart contractions, i.e., pulse, taking into account the fact that the number of drops taken increases by one every other day. In this case, it is necessary to measure the pulse at rest, before taking it, and then after two and a half or three hours, having already taken the composition. If the difference between these two indicators is more than ten contractions, it is necessary to reduce the dosage by one drop. This is, so to speak, the maximum permissible quantity drops per dose, which is no longer exceeded.

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Application of fir

Kidney decoction. To prepare it, you need to mix two hundred milliliters of hot water with a tablespoon of fir buds, put it in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes, then squeeze it out, and then add boiled water to the same amount as at the beginning. The composition should be taken two or three times a day, a third of a glass after meals.

Infusion of young shoots. Mix a liter of boiling water with thirty grams of shoots and leave for ten minutes. Then pass the composition through gauze or a strainer and take one and a half glasses three times a day.

Fir oil. You need to use a regular pipette to drip three or four drops of fir oil onto the root of your tongue in the morning and evening before going to bed. This remedy relieves cough - both weak and strong. Just remember: the dosage at a time is less than ten drops, otherwise it will lead to bad consequences for the body due to an overdose. Pure oil is also used to treat arthritis caused by colds, myositis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, radiculitis, etc., while rubbing painful areas of the joints, which are preheated by applying a compress or taking a bath.

Contraindications to the use of fir

There is a risk of allergic reactions, although in rare cases. Itching, reddish spots or swelling may occur, but will disappear after three days. But this can be prevented by finding out in advance whether there is a tendency to allergies, for which you should drop ten to fifteen drops of fir oil on the back of the leg, arm, etc. and rub in. If no spots appear in the morning or during the next day, then there is no allergy.

Reception is prohibited only in case of personal non-acceptance or intolerance to fir.

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Fir is an evergreen plant with beautiful needles that are very useful for traditional medicine. Its inability to grow in dusty cities, where there is not enough oxygen, and disgusting ecology, suggests that it has truly healing properties. Fir is characterized by the presence of so-called resin reservoirs, which are not always found in other conifers. The beneficial properties of fir needles were discovered by people several centuries ago, and today in folk medicine there are several hundred recipes using fir that help cure many diseases.

Fir needles contain a special essential oil, which serves as a source of camphor. In turn, the beneficial properties of camphor are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, maintaining the cardiovascular system in case of diseases and disorders. For such medicinal purposes, a camphor-based solution is used, which is administered as an injection.

Camphor, obtained from fir needles, is also used to normalize the nervous system and have a calming effect. It is known that simply being next to this tree, people received a huge charge of positive energy, healed the soul and cleared their thoughts. And the ancient healers were also convinced that being near a fir tree allows you to feel inspired to creative work and awaken interest in life. With the help of medicines containing fir needles, chronic insomnia can be cured by normalizing the functioning of the nervous system and eliminating psycho-emotional disorders. Using fir essential oils for a bath before bed allows you to relax, forget about fatigue, and relieve hypertension. muscle tissue. Hence, night sleep will be deep, calm and continuous. The beneficial properties of this tree help you feel rejuvenated after just one bath.

Fir needles are known for their use in preparing recipes for gallbladder disease. It helps restore fluid excretion from the body, because it has a diuretic effect.

It is well known that fir is one of the few trees whose beneficial properties are considered bactericidal. It is enough to simply fill the room with the aroma of fir needles to immediately feel a surge of strength and vigor, to feel improved well-being and calmness. To create the natural aroma of a fir tree in your home, you need to take its needles, place it in a bucket or other large container, and add boiling water. You should not use a lid, as the spread of aromas with essential oils will quickly fill the entire room and disinfect it. Such natural inhalations not only help cleanse the lungs and respiratory tract, but also saturate the skin with beneficial vapors, making the skin smooth and look fresh. That's why fir brooms are so popular in bathhouses.

Taking advantage of the beneficial properties of fir needles, in ancient times they learned to make oil from it, which is used as an external remedy. Camphor in solution is mixed with any vegetable oil, and then the product can be stored and used in cases of exacerbation of rheumatic diseases, arthritis, myositis, arthralgia, sciatica. The resulting oil can be used as an excellent remover. pain syndrome, which has a soothing effect on inflamed areas of the skin and joints. A product made from fir needles is used for skin diseases, irritations, rashes and itching. It is capable of producing an antimicrobial effect and having an anti-irritant effect. Fir helps in the treatment of eczema, with an increased tendency to sweat, to rejuvenate and soften rough skin.

The content in the needles of a large amount of triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, apigenin, as well as beneficial microelements - manganese, zinc, lead and copper, makes it an unusually valuable natural medicinal product. The beneficial properties of fir also lie in the ability of its needles to produce an antiscorbutic effect on the body. This property is characteristic of it due to the fact that nature has saturated it with a large amount of the most valuable vitamin C. Therefore, infusions and decoctions can be prepared from pine needles, which are used not only externally, but also internally.

The oil prepared using pine needles contains components that help relieve swelling, relieve pain felt during osteochondrosis, neuralgic diseases, and also relieve inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract. Fir tree is useful for sore throat. It is recommended to lubricate an inflamed throat and tonsils with fir oil using a piece of cotton wool, or drop a drop of oil directly from a pipette. Fir oil helps relieve nasal congestion and relieve a runny nose. For the same purpose, inhalations are also carried out, during which you need to breathe pine needle vapors.

Fir needles can help reduce tooth pain. Apply a cotton wool soaked in fir essential oil to the aching tooth several times a day. You should use the oil in your mouth carefully as it may cause burns on the delicate surface of your gums.

Needles are considered an excellent remedy that is used for the prevention of treatment eye diseases and decreased visual acuity. Fir oil is not contraindicated for children, as it does not have an allergic effect. In children, the oil helps get rid of diathesis, diaper rash and bedsores.

Particularly valuable medicinal raw materials considered to be the needles of a young fir tree. Its essential oil contains a fairly large amount of acids - ascorbic, non-abistic, abietic. This amazing natural remedy with all its properties proves that nature is ready to take care of a person, if only he knows how to properly use her gifts.


Fir in folk medicine

Fir is a green coniferous tree. Flowers in the form of earrings. The cones grow upward. Blooms in May. There are more than 50 species. Grows up to 20 meters. Life expectancy is about 200 years, as the trunk begins to rot. Fir does not grow near industrial plants and enterprises. Withstands severe frosts. There are no resinous substances in the wood. Wood is widely used in the construction of ships and the manufacture of musical instruments. Fir balsam is made from the bark, and fir oil is made from pine needles and branches.

Useful properties and uses of fir

A decoction is prepared from the needles and bark of this ornamental tree, which reduces the acidity of the stomach. Fir decoction also increases efficiency and immunity, treats colds, helps with toothache, sore throat, and prostatitis. To prepare a decoction of fir you will need 1 tablespoon of bark and needles and 200 grams of hot boiled water. Let it brew in a saucepan with the lid closed until the broth cools completely. Strain and consume 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, then a break for 10 days and again repeated for 2 weeks. When used externally, fir decoction is used to make compresses for arthritis.

In medicine, the most common is fir oil, which helps with bleeding. In pharmaceuticals, it is used to obtain camphor and camphor oil, which also has beneficial properties. In folk medicine, this oil is used to treat rheumatism and radiculitis, as well as colds. In gynecology and urology, fir oil is used in the treatment of trophic ulcers. The oil of this tree can be used to disinfect rooms as it has a pleasant, refreshing scent. It is thanks to this smell that fir helps to remove chronic stress and improved mood. Fir oil is also valued as a natural antibiotic. Fir essential oil helps people who suffer from heart disease, with low blood pressure and in the prevention of oral diseases. For kidney and gallbladder diseases, it is a diuretic and cleansing agent. Removes toxins from the body.

For diathesis in children, you can mix 1 tablespoon of fir oil with 3 tablespoons olive oil and lubricate the desired areas of the skin for 1 week.

Fir balm can be taken internally and externally. It is taken internally for diseases such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, ulcers and stomach cancer, and is also used to remove stones and sand from the kidneys. When used externally, it helps to cure gout, hernia, lichen, burns and wounds. For hemorrhoids, apply tampons soaked in fir balsam.

During treatment skin diseases Ointments containing fir are mainly used. And fir needles are used in the treatment of many cancer diseases. You can also brew tea from young branches of pine needles and small buds. This tea helps boost immunity.

In cosmetology, fir is used to strengthen hair and also helps restore the structure of damaged hair after dyeing. With regular use, it helps get rid of stretch marks and scars. And medicinal creams are made from fir balsam, which are used in cosmetology to care for the skin of the face and body.

For insomnia, take fir baths. To do this, add 3-5 drops of fir oil when bathing. The bath should not last more than 30 minutes. It is not recommended to take such baths every day; breaks are necessary.

Fir contains a huge amount of vitamin C, essential oil, ascorbic acid, camphene, painless, santhen and tannins. Fir seeds are rich in vitamin E and fatty oils. All preparations made from fir are considered environmentally friendly.

Fir in folk medicine, contraindications

During treatment with fir oil, you must limit yourself in drinking alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol ones, since there will be no result. Cannot be used if there is an intolerance to fir, and use is also contraindicated for pregnant women and during lactation. It is also not recommended to take fir for patients with epilepsy and seizures. Fir can cause an allergic reaction if misuse.



Fir is a type of plant that belongs to the genus of trees. In a favorable climate, it can grow up to 45 meters in height, and the diameter of the crown can be about 50 cm. The shape of the tree does not change throughout the entire period of growth and has the shape of a cone. Fir branches are quite thin and lowered to the ground, especially if the tree grows alone and not in a group with its relatives.

Fir needles (needles) are located throughout the branch in a spiral order, one at a time. Fruits (cones) are cylindrical or ovoid in shape. Fir is different from other conifers. Its cones grow with a sharp tip towards the top. The trees are considered long-lived; they delight with their greenery and aromas for 150 - 200 years.

This tree, like many other conifers, prefers air saturated with moisture. That is why Fir can be more often found in mountainous areas or along the banks of reservoirs. Most often, Firs are found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Central and Eastern Europe. In the Far East, along the rivers of Siberia, in Central Asia and North America. Fir also feels ideal in the climate of the Western Hemisphere. These trees rarely grow only in coniferous forests. Fir welcomes the neighborhood of Cedar, the second tier of Aspen and other plant species. But they are extremely rare with pine trees.

Preparation and storage

The most suitable time for procuring Fir raw materials is winter. The collection is carried out simultaneously with timber harvesting. Only the tips of the branches, up to 30 cm long, are cut off. The collected raw materials are sent to factories, where essential oils are prepared from them, for the subsequent production of technical and medicinal camphor. Before sending the Fir raw materials for processing, they are stored in tents, on decks made of poles, alternating a layer of Fir branches with a layer of snow. This storage method allows you to better preserve the quality of the essential oil in the needles.

Use in everyday life

In the domestic sphere, fir oil can be used to repel many insects and provide good air disinfection. Fir oil can protect against all kinds of diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets and from staphylococci. It effectively purifies indoor air from dust, allergens and mold.

Fir oil is one of the best remedies for treating boils and acne. It quickly relieves swelling.

The deodorizing effect of the oil helps during long journeys or swimming in bodies of water with unknown water.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. The needles and small branches of the Fir tree contain more than 3% essential oil, which contains: bornyl acetate 50%, borneol, camphene 20%, apinene 10%, dipentene, a-phellandrene, santhene, painless. Fresh needles may contain about 0.30% ascorbic acids. The seeds found in Fir cones contain up to 30% fatty oils enriched with vitamin (E). The tree bark contains 12% tannins and 16% fir balsam.
  2. Fir camphor is widely used for medicinal purposes. Its 20% solution mixed with peach or olive oil is used for injection. For arthritis and rheumatism, a 10% solution of camphor with sunflower oil is used for rubbing. Camphor is included in the composition of Denta drops, which are used for toothache. Fir essential oils are part of the drug "Camphocin", which is used for injection in acute cardiac and respiratory failure. This is just a small list of products that use Fir oil.
  3. Fir oil balm, which contains 35% fir ether and 75% castor oil, is used for rapid healing of wounds and burns, as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Preparations from Fir are used during acute depression of the functions of the medulla oblongata, in case of poisoning with narcotic substances and carbon monoxide.
  5. Essential oil can enhance visual function when your eyes are very tired. It is used in the treatment of insomnia and the nervous system. Products based on Fir oils have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body and relax muscles well.
  6. Extracts of this plant are used for rheumatism, various inflammatory processes, chronic and acute heart failure, and infectious diseases.
  7. Fir oil is one of the best remedies for treating frostbite. It promotes rapid relief from stress and has an analgesic and restorative effect.
  8. This is an excellent source of phytoncides and provitamins. Fir oil has a general strengthening effect, supports and strengthens the immune system. Fir camphor is a strong pain reliever for neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis. At the same time, the effect of the oil not only relieves pain, but also relieves swelling.
  9. The oil constricts blood vessels, tones the cardiac system, increases blood pressure and restores blood circulation.
  10. Fir oil has a positive effect on emotional sphere– the tonic aroma of essential oil allows you to achieve deep relaxation and calm down after severe stress. It is recommended to be used when nervous exhaustion, obsessive anxiety and nervousness. Fir essential oils help get rid of passivity, depression, and bring a person out of a state of emotional stupor.

Use in folk medicine

The healing properties of Fir oil have been used since Ancient Rus' and during American Indian rituals. Today, these remedies have become more widely used in aromatherapy and the treatment of various ailments.

Fir infusion decoction for skin diseases

You need to take 2 glasses of hot boiled water and pour 5 tablespoons of pine needles. This mixture is infused for three days. Use 100 g for 6 weeks.

Decoction of oleoresin infusion for arthritis

10 g of fresh fir needles are poured with half a glass of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then you need to add boiled water until entry level. This compress is applied to sore spots.

Fir tincture for removing old calluses

First you need to steam the rough area in 1 liter of hot water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of soda. Then the body is wiped dry, and a patch with a hole for the callus is applied. From fresh raw resin, a few drops of juice are squeezed out, which are applied to the hardened area. The patch is again glued on top. This procedure can be carried out with a break of 1 day.

Decoction of Fir resin for sore throat

You need to take 10 g of salt and dissolve it in 100 g of alcohol. Then this composition is poured into 1 liter of crushed Fir needles and infused for about 5 days in a dark, cool place. The contents must be shaken daily. Strain the prepared solution through cheesecloth.

To do inhalations - dissolve the prepared mixture in water in a ratio of 1/10, breathe over the steam for about 15 minutes.

Tincture for diseases of the lungs, prostate and kidneys

Chopped Fir bark 1 tbsp. l., pour in 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and then cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Leave the broth for 1 hour and add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.

This decoction should be taken 4 times a day, 50 g, half an hour before meals.

A decoction infused with Fir resin for Raynaud's disease

Mix 2 tablespoons of young needles with 5 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of onion peels and 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips. The resulting composition is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour the prepared broth into a thermos and leave for about 12 hours.

Take the decoction 4 times a day, 100 g.

Fir oil for the treatment of trophic ulcers and rotting wounds

Mix Fir oil and any animal fat in equal proportions. Place the prepared ointment on gauze and apply to the sore spot. This dressing needs to be changed every 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts up to 3 weeks.

Fir oil for psoriasis

Place 0.5 liters of water and 30 g of baby soap on the fire and cook until the soap is completely dissolved. Add 500 ml of fir oil to the resulting decoction. Add 30 g of the mixture to a bathtub with hot water and lie in this water for about 20 minutes. For each subsequent bath, the amount of infusion should increase (up to 85 g).

Fir oil during an angina attack

The chest area on the left side is rubbed with 6 drops of oil. The attack should stop very quickly. Continue rubbing every 2 hours until complete recovery.

Fir - medicinal properties and use in medicine

Fir - general description

Fir is an evergreen tree that reaches 35 - 45 meters in height and 50 centimeters in diameter and has a narrow cone-shaped crown that retains its shape until old age. The branches are thin, lowered to the ground, especially in solitary trees.

The needles of the tree are single, they are arranged spirally on the lateral branches. Cones are cylindrical or ovoid. A characteristic feature of fir trees is that their cones, unlike other conifers, grow upward. The lifespan of the plant is 150 - 200 years.

Fir - types and places of growth

The tree is demanding of air humidity and prefers to settle in mountainous areas and along river valleys. In nature, fir trees are found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eastern and Central Europe, the Far East, Siberia, Central Asia and North America. Firs are also common in the Western Hemisphere.

Pure fir plantations are considered very rare these days; most often the tree grows as an admixture with cedar, spruce and other species. It often appears as a second layer in aspen forests, but is almost never found with Scots pine.

Fir - medicinal properties

Fir is called one of the most useful trees. Preparations with its extracts are used for rheumatism, inflammatory processes, chronic and acute heart failure, as well as infectious diseases.

Fir oil is used to treat radiculitis, neuralgia and myositis, to stop bleeding and heal wounds. A fir bath broom is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as an inhaler: steam can knock out the essential oil from the branch, which is then absorbed into the lungs and skin. They also store branches for the winter for bathing.

Fir needles, due to their vitamin C content, are known as an antiscorbutic agent. The medicinal properties of fir are also manifested in the reduction of swelling and pain in osteochondrosis, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. The essential oil is said to enhance visual acuity when the eyes are tired. It is often used to treat insomnia, as the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, rejuvenates the entire body and relaxes muscles well.

Fir - dosage forms

In medicine, fir oil is mainly used, which is a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid with a characteristic resinous odor. The oil is contained in fir paws and young branches, which serve as the main healing raw materials. Camphor is extracted from fir oil, which is used in medicine for heart failure.

Fir resin, which is collected from the bark of trees, is also used. The resin is mixed with boar or bear bile and used for stomach diseases. For healing baths and inhalations, branches are prepared that are characterized by high bactericidal activity. For example, fir branches brought into a room make the air almost sterile.

Fir - recipes

To treat radiculitis, plexitis, and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system, it is worth rubbing a few drops of fir oil into the lumbar area. Before the procedure, it will not be superfluous to take a hot bath. The course of treatment consists of fifteen procedures.

To relieve acute toothache, you need to moisten cotton wool with oil, apply it to the tooth and hold for about 20 minutes. After an hour and a half, you can repeat the procedure. For periodontal disease, twenty applications with fir oil should be made: moisten a piece of bandage with the product and apply to the gums for 15-20 minutes.

For a sore throat, two drops of pure fir oil should be placed on the inflamed gland. It is recommended to do this procedure several times a day, every 4 hours. For bronchitis and pneumonia, a good effect was noted after rubbing the body with oil and inhalation: pour boiling water and 3 drops of oil into an enamel bowl, cover your head with a blanket and breathe for 10-15 minutes.

Fir - contraindications

The use of preparations with fir extract and essential oil is prohibited in case of acute kidney inflammation and pregnancy, because fir has a toxic effect on the fetus.


Fir in folk medicine

Fir is a green coniferous tree. Flowers in the form of earrings. The cones grow upward. Blooms in May. There are more than 50 species. Grows up to 20 meters. Life expectancy is about 200 years, as the trunk begins to rot. Fir does not grow near industrial plants and enterprises. Withstands severe frosts. There are no resinous substances in the wood. Wood is widely used in the construction of ships and the manufacture of musical instruments. Fir balsam is made from the bark, and fir oil is made from pine needles and branches.

Useful properties and uses of fir

A decoction is prepared from the needles and bark of this ornamental tree, which reduces the acidity of the stomach. Fir decoction also increases efficiency and immunity, treats colds, helps with toothache, sore throat, and prostatitis. To prepare a decoction of fir you will need 1 tablespoon of bark and needles and 200 grams of hot boiled water. Let it brew in a saucepan with the lid closed until the broth cools completely. Strain and consume 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, then a break for 10 days and again repeated for 2 weeks. When used externally, fir decoction is used to make compresses for arthritis.

In medicine, the most common is fir oil, which helps with bleeding. In pharmaceuticals, it is used to obtain camphor and camphor oil, which also has beneficial properties. In folk medicine, this oil is used to treat rheumatism and radiculitis, as well as colds. In gynecology and urology, fir oil is used in the treatment of trophic ulcers. The oil of this tree can be used to disinfect rooms as it has a pleasant, refreshing scent. It is thanks to this smell that fir helps relieve chronic stress and improve mood. Fir oil is also valued as a natural antibiotic. Fir essential oil helps people who suffer from heart disease, with low blood pressure and in the prevention of oral diseases. For kidney and gallbladder diseases, it is a diuretic and cleansing agent. Removes toxins from the body.

For diathesis in children, you can mix 1 tablespoon of fir oil with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and lubricate the desired areas of the skin for 1 week.

Fir balm can be taken internally and externally. It is taken internally for diseases such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, ulcers and stomach cancer, and is also used to remove stones and sand from the kidneys. When used externally, it helps to cure gout, hernia, lichen, burns and wounds. For hemorrhoids, apply tampons soaked in fir balsam.

In the treatment of skin diseases, ointments containing fir are mainly used. And fir needles are used in the treatment of many cancer diseases. You can also brew tea from young branches of pine needles and small buds. This tea helps boost immunity.

In cosmetology, fir is used to strengthen hair and also helps restore the structure of damaged hair after dyeing. With regular use, it helps get rid of stretch marks and scars. And medicinal creams are made from fir balsam, which are used in cosmetology to care for the skin of the face and body.

For insomnia, take fir baths. To do this, add 3-5 drops of fir oil when bathing. The bath should not last more than 30 minutes. It is not recommended to take such baths every day; breaks are necessary.

Fir contains a huge amount of vitamin C, essential oil, ascorbic acid, camphene, abolene, santhen and tannins. Fir seeds are rich in vitamin E and fatty oils. All preparations made from fir are considered environmentally friendly.

Fir in folk medicine, contraindications

During treatment with fir oil, you must limit yourself in drinking alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol ones, since there will be no result. Cannot be used if there is an intolerance to fir, and use is also contraindicated for pregnant women and during lactation. It is also not recommended to take fir for patients with epilepsy and seizures. Fir can cause an allergic reaction if used incorrectly.

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Essential oils are obtained from fir, which serve as the basis for the production of synthetic camphor. It has wide application in medicine. Fir balsam is also used for medicinal purposes, the raw material for which is oleoresin (resin is the resinous secretion of coniferous trees).

Use of fir oil in medicine. Recognized benefits of herbal ingredients

The pharmacological potential of the plant substances that make up fir oil suggests justified widespread use of fir-based preparations in traditional medicine. The most popular component of the oil obtained from fir needles is camphor. It is on the basis of camphor that medications are synthesized:

  • injection
  • alcohol, etc.

There is such a thing as “galenic preparations” (that is, extracts, extracts) from fir. These can be quite complex compounds of extractive substances from pine needles with other components that regulate and correct the basic properties of fir oil. Fir infusions and decoctions are a kind of connecting link between methods of combating various diseases and folk healing techniques recognized by official medicine.

Fir: beneficial properties of oil and its practical application

Fir oil itself has a specific pine aroma and may have a slightly greenish or yellowish tint. Thanks to the above composition of fir oil, it can be argued that it is an almost universal remedy in medicine. Do not underestimate its medicinal properties, since many of its components are direct-acting substances (directly affecting the target organ), and therefore may have contraindications. A consultation with a specialist will dispel all doubts, and an allergy test can assure you of the ultimate safety of using this product.

The bactericidal properties of the oil make it possible to disinfect the room with its help. It is enough to warm up the aroma lamp with water and fir oil to take preventive measures to combat viral infections and many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fir: fight against various diseases

Fir, thanks to the efforts of both scientists and traditional healers, has today revealed many secrets of its healing abilities. The analgesic, anti-aging, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of fir oil have been proven and undeniable. A whole list of serious diseases can be treated using drugs based on chemical components obtained from various parts of this coniferous plant. The unique medicinal properties of fir allow you to fight the following diseases and symptoms:


Properties and uses of fir

Properties of fir

The main component contained in fir that has a positive effect is its essential oil. Its greatest concentration occurs on the branches, which can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. It is from them that this oil is extracted and then used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. The amount of oil obtained is directly related to the situation and conditions in which the fir grows, plus the timing of collecting the needles, as well as the number of years they are in, influences. On average, the oil content will be two percent or more.

The needles and bark of this tree are rich in useful components and vitamins; the tinctures and decoctions obtained from them have a good antiscorbutic effect, and the resin of the tree is used to create a balm for healing wounds.

Scientists from various industries have proven the healing effect produced by the components contained in the fir tree, significantly ahead of other coniferous plants. The main concentration of useful substances is also found in the bark and needles. A well-known remedy that promotes the healing and tightening of wounds, cuts and skin damage is a balm created by biochemist Yakimov and Professor Petrov. For its preparation, Siberian fir resin was used. In addition, it turned out that the balm also kills bacteria; it is no coincidence that it was used in wartime to heal wounds.

The Russian scientist Sh. I. Pavolotsky, in his monograph written in one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, taking into account all the previously conducted studies of fir-based medicines, came to the conclusion that their beneficial effects are quite great. As a result of their treatment, there was an improvement in diseases such as bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, diseases of the oral cavity, anemia, jaundice, etc., and the antibacterial and regenerative effect of the plant was revealed.

Previously, scientists also noted, and more than once, that the essential oil obtained from the fir tree can help where other chemotherapy drugs for treating diseases fail. The oil has a complex composition, but is a natural substance. And there is even information that it, like the essential oils of any other coniferous tree, slows down or even completely stops the growth of a malignant tumor.

Also, researcher M.A. Komarova invented a new option for the formation of a special alcohol extract from fir tree needles. It acts directly on various types of bacteria, pathogenic in essence, destroying them and preventing their spread. Examples of bacteria include various rods and bacteria belonging to the type of cocci: staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus, streptococcus, etc. The aerosol created on the basis of the extract is used by spraying in the air, since its bactericidal effect is quite large, which makes it possible to purify the air in the room .

For medicinal purposes, special fir water is also widely used, which is formed during the distillation of essential oil and is essentially its residue. It is used both internally and externally, depending on the disease itself. They drink it to increase the body’s performance, normalize the functioning of both the stomach and intestines, fir water will improve and get rid of diseases such as sore throat or flu and other colds, relieve pain in the joints, treat prostatitis, help with respiratory diseases character in acute form, and is also indispensable for increasing immunity and improving the response of the human body’s defenses. Externally, water is used when it is necessary to tighten or heal wounds and damage to the skin, as well as for disinfection.

If we recall again about fir essential oil, then along with a wide range of effects on the body and despite the positive effect, we must remember that it has the ability to enter directly into the blood, collecting in the foci of the disease in the human body, without passing through the digestive organs - stomach and intestines, and therefore not decomposing. And then it will take about forty-eight hours for it to completely disappear from the body. Therefore, it is important to avoid overdoses, which can cause overload in the body, otherwise the oil will accumulate and, without having time to be eliminated, can cause an increase in pulse, and therefore heart contractions. This is due to the presence of substances in fir oil that help in the formation of camphor, which can affect the activity of the heart.

In the monograph by Sh. I. Pavlotsky you can find advice on taking and using fir essential oil, which obviously will not be superfluous for those who are planning treatment.

If we talk about what the dosage should be when taking essential oil, then everything is personal and prescribed for each person depending on their characteristics. The amount per dose ranges from three to ten drops, and the number of doses per day is three. In general, it is initially advised to drink three drops per dose, which will be equal to nine drops per day, and then add one drop every other day.

During administration, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the number of heart contractions, i.e., pulse, taking into account the fact that the number of drops taken increases by one every other day. In this case, it is necessary to measure the pulse at rest, before taking it, and then after two and a half or three hours, having already taken the composition. If the difference between these two indicators is more than ten contractions, it is necessary to reduce the dosage by one drop. This, so to speak, is the maximum permissible number of drops per dose, which is no longer exceeded.

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Application of fir

Kidney decoction. To prepare it, you need to mix two hundred milliliters of hot water with a tablespoon of fir buds, put it in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes, then squeeze it out, and then add boiled water to the same amount as at the beginning. The composition should be taken two or three times a day, a third of a glass after meals.

Infusion of young shoots. Mix a liter of boiling water with thirty grams of shoots and leave for ten minutes. Then pass the composition through gauze or a strainer and take one and a half glasses three times a day.

Fir oil. You need to use a regular pipette to drip three or four drops of fir oil onto the root of your tongue in the morning and evening before going to bed. This remedy relieves cough - both weak and strong. Just remember: the dosage at a time is less than ten drops, otherwise it will lead to bad consequences for the body due to an overdose. Pure oil is also used to treat arthritis caused by colds, myositis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, radiculitis, etc., while rubbing painful areas of the joints, which are preheated by applying a compress or taking a bath.

Contraindications to the use of fir

There is a risk of allergic reactions, although in rare cases. Itching, reddish spots or swelling may occur, but will disappear after three days. But this can be prevented by finding out in advance whether there is a tendency to allergies, for which you should drop ten to fifteen drops of fir oil on the back of the leg, arm, etc. and rub in. If no spots appear in the morning or during the next day, then there is no allergy.

Reception is prohibited only in case of personal non-acceptance or intolerance to fir.

Fir-based recipes have been used since ancient times for youth, beauty and health. Needles, resin, bark and fir oil help cope with inflammation in the body. Fir is rich in essential oils and tannins, as well as vitamins. Her drugs are used to improve appearance and healthy skin and hair, weakening the symptoms of ARVI, as a remedy for pain in muscles and joints. The oil of this plant is used not only for health, but also for furniture. The beneficial properties of fir are known very widely throughout the world.

What kind of plant is this

Fir is an evergreen coniferous tree with soft, dense needles. Fir leaves are not as hard as those of pine or even spruce. They are flat and very soft.

Externally, fir is similar to spruce, only much taller - some trees grow above forty meters. The trunk diameter is 40-60 centimeters.

Like branches, they start from the ground itself. The tree has a pyramidal shape.

The root system of fir is quite developed and consists of one main root, which goes deep into the ground for several meters, and several additional roots near the surface of the earth. This arrangement of the root system makes the tree incredibly resistant to weather conditions.

Thin and smooth, it has small thickenings in which fir resin or resin is produced. Moreover, fir is the only coniferous tree that does not have resin and resin passages inside its trunk. Resin is produced exclusively in the bark.

Fir cones, like the leaves, are slightly different from the cones of other coniferous trees. Firstly, their location on top of the branches is slightly different from the location of pine or spruce cones. And also the cones that ripen do not just fall off, but partially. The stem of the pine cone remains on the branch while the seeds fall to the ground.

Fir seeds have wings so that they can be carried far by the wind. Fir also has the ability to reproduce using shoots in a vegetative manner.

This is a very dry tree, so it is better not to light a fire near fir trees.

Types of fir

There are several types of fir that differ in appearance, size and some properties. The main ones are the following:

  1. Balsam has short needles, half-bent and as if “protruding” upward. On the branches, a clear parting can be seen in the needles. Trees have a height of 7 to 15 meters depending on the variety, location and conditions environment.
  2. European is a relatively short tree with short soft needles, reaching a height of 2 meters after a couple of years of growth. The maximum height is about 10 meters. The beneficial properties of this type of fir needles allow it to be used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs.
  3. Noble is a tree that natural conditions grows very tall and grows in bushes in a cultivated environment. It is distinguished by thick comb-like needles with a bluish tint and large cylindrical cones. Some varieties of noble fir have distinct blue needles.
  4. Vicha fir reaches 40 meters in height. It grows slowly, has oblique, comb-like, short needles and resinous purple buds.
  5. Koreana is a relatively tall coniferous tree, the height of which can reach more than 20 meters in the wild. It also grows slowly. It is characterized by short, rounded needles and small buds, almost not impregnated with resin. It has many subspecies and varieties.
  6. The Caucasian is very tall. Some trees grow above fifty meters. Fir is characterized by very dark green needles that quickly fall from the branches, leaving them half naked.
  7. Monochromatic - a tree with bluish-green needles. The leaves are curved upward, like umbrellas, quite long and thick. Some varieties are blue or yellow-green in color. The beneficial properties of fir needles of this type are also taken into account in the manufacture of certain medications.
  8. Whitebark is a plant with light bark and dark green shiny needles. IN wildlife reaches about twenty meters in height. It grows most often in temperate or subtropical climates. She can be found on Far East, in China or South Korea.
  9. Sakhalinskaya — tall tree with thick but not long needles. The leaves are round, soft, dark green.
  10. Beneficial features Siberian fir known far beyond Siberia. This is a very tall tree with soft coniferous leaves and small resinous buds. The bark, buds and leaves of this tree species are very fragrant. Contains a lot of essential oil.
  11. Alpine is a long and narrow tree, reaching more than fifty meters in height. It has very light bark and bluish-green comb-like needles.
  12. Black - a tree with very dark bark and light yellow-green needles. It contains a lot of oils and tannins, so it is fragrant. The beneficial properties of fir branches are widely known. Contraindications for using branches in bath brooms are the same as for visiting a bathhouse.

Where does fir grow?

Fir is a hardy tree that tolerates frost, cold, heat, bright sun and shade. Many species are demanding of air humidity, but too much soil moisture has a detrimental effect on the tree. It grows well in the wild and does not take root well in big cities.

Firs are most often found in North America, as well as in Russia, Western Siberia, China and Korea.

There are species that grow on the Pacific islands closer to Australia, as well as on the shores Mediterranean Sea in Greece, Croatia, Albania and even Italy.

Useful properties of fir

Fir is very often used for medicinal purposes: resin, cones, pine needles, bark and branches.

Fir branches are rich in vitamin C, and needles have an amazing ability to remove harmful substances: heavy metals and salt. Also, flavonoids in pine needles have bactericidal beneficial properties.

Indications for the use of fir are diseases of the upper respiratory tract, decoctions and inhalations help well with acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and bronchitis. Also, decoctions and infusions of branches and pine needles are used as an immunostimulant. But there are some contraindications.

The beneficial properties of fir needles are also important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Fir oil and infusion of cones are used to treat joint pain, especially in old age.

Fir needles have beneficial properties. Inhalation recipes are often beneficial not only for breathing, but also calm the nervous system.

Medicinal forms of the plant

In medicine, fir oil is mainly used, which is a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid with a characteristic resinous odor. The oil is contained in fir paws and young branches, which serve as the main healing raw materials. Camphor, which is used for heart failure, is extracted from the oil. Fir also has beneficial properties for joints and muscles, as well as for normalizing the respiratory tract.

The resin that is collected from the bark of trees is also used for medicinal purposes. It is mixed with boar or bear bile and used for stomach diseases. For healing baths and inhalations, branches are prepared that are characterized by high bactericidal activity. For example, fir branches brought into a room make the air almost sterile.

Fir for the treatment of respiratory diseases

Fir essential oil is indicated for various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as:

  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough of various etiologies;
  • ARVI.

Inhalations help reduce inflammation and swelling of the upper respiratory tract, which significantly alleviates the patient’s condition after the first use.

They also alleviate the condition of pronounced dryness of the laryngeal mucosa, which occurs as a result of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

How to inhale with fir oil

In order to carry out the procedure, you need to heat a small amount of water in a convenient container. There should be about a liter of water. You should add about five drops of fir essential oil to it and breathe in the steam emanating from the container for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can cover yourself with a blanket or towel.

Afterwards you need to drink a glass of milk or tea with honey and lie down to rest.

Treatment of the upper respiratory tract

The following recipe will help with a sore throat. Half a teaspoon of salt should be dissolved in one hundred grams of alcohol. Grind fresh fir needles and pour about one spoon of the resulting mixture. The composition must be infused for a week in a dark and cool place, shaking every day. Then you need to strain it with gauze or a sieve. The resulting mixture is used for inhalation, adding to hot water in a ratio of one to ten.

For bronchitis and pulmonary diseases The following composition will be effective if used internally. One tablespoon of crushed fir bark (which can be purchased at a pharmacy) should be poured into a glass of cold water and brought to a boil, then simmer for about seven minutes. The broth should be infused for an hour, and then water should be added to a volume of two hundred milliliters. The composition should be taken four times a day on an empty stomach (strictly before meals) fifty grams at a time.

Treatment of joint pain

Fir oil is rich in beneficial and healing properties. This is very good helper to alleviate the condition of diseases of the joints and muscles.

  1. Camphor - has a pronounced analgesic effect, as well as natural antiseptic.
  2. Bornyl acetate is an ester that gives the oil a specific pine smell. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, soothing.

Fir oil is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which the body absorbs when applied externally directly through the pores of the skin. This helps to improve the condition of a damaged or diseased joint and restore it.

Thanks to proper use, the beneficial properties of fir and recipes will allow you to get back on your feet even with severe pain. Here are some recipes:

  1. Fir baths for arthrosis. Add a little decoction of fir needles to a bowl of warm water or make a solution of water and fir oil in a ratio of 10 drops of oil per liter of water and warm your feet or hands in the solution for about 15 minutes.
  2. You can first warm up the joints with a blue lamp, bags of salt, a heating pad, and then rub fir oil into the affected areas.
  3. Massage is also helpful. You need to add fir essential oil to the base oil. Do not use in pure form.
  4. Fill a half-liter glass bottle one third with turpentine, one third with sunflower oil with ten drops of fir oil, and another third with alcohol. You can also add a little camphor to the solution. You can rub your joints with this mixture every evening before going to bed, and then wrap them in something warm or cover them with a blanket.

Strengthening the immune system

Fir also contains substances that strengthen and improve immunity. Fir needles are especially rich in vitamins, antioxidants and other components beneficial to the body.

To improve your immune system, you can make the following cocktail: pour about five tablespoons of fresh pine needles into two glasses of hot water overnight, and in the morning, strain and drink throughout the day, a couple of sips at a time.

In spring, immunity also decreases due to a lack of vitamins. A decoction prepared according to the following recipe will help cope with vitamin deficiency. Pour two tablespoons of dry fir needles with a glass of boiling water. Steam in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Then leave to infuse for about an hour. Take during the day after meals, dividing the contents into three parts. This drink will saturate the body with vitamins and increase resistance to various viral strains.

If you do not like the specific taste of fir decoction, then you can try making an aromatic mixture to boost immunity. To do this you will need:

  • fir oil;
  • rosemary oil;
  • geranium oil;

The basis (the basis can be anything pleasant for you vegetable oil, flaxseed or corn oil are often used) add two drops of fir oil, one drop of rosemary oil and one drop of geranium oil. The resulting mixture can be used for massage, as well as for aromatherapy. An aromatherapy session should last about 20 minutes.

Fir for cleansing the body

Fir decoction also has medicinal properties for youth. To rejuvenate the body, first of all, you need to cleanse it. Vitamin C, which is contained in large quantities in young fir needles, promotes the oxidation of toxins and their rapid removal from the body. The needles also have a mild diuretic and antiseptic effect.

To cleanse the body, you can prepare a preparation for external and internal use in a comprehensive manner. Firstly, you can take a bath enriched with fir decoction every day before bed. This has a beneficial effect on both circulatory system, and on the nervous, calming and promoting good sleep. Through the pores, the skin is also saturated with vitamins and flavonoids.

Fir decoction is prepared as follows. Pour boiling water over five to six tablespoons and leave overnight. Then add the decoction to the bath or drink it in small portions throughout the day.

The cleansing course should last at least two weeks. It is not possible to cleanse the body in one day.

For skin beauty

Fir components are often used in the preparation of masks and face creams, as they have many beneficial properties:

To reduce the severity of acne and inflammation, you can wash your face with a fir decoction prepared according to the same principle as the decoction for oral administration. You can also make ice cubes from the broth to wipe your face. This will not only even out skin tone and reduce swelling and inflammation, but also promote face lifting and cleansing.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, use fir oil added to a light base, such as peach or grape seed oil. Add two to three drops of fir oil to a few tablespoons of base oil and gently apply to the skin around the eyes.

You can also make a mask that will restore your facial skin after a sleepless night, smooth out wrinkles and remove swelling. To a tablespoon of olive oil, add one drop of fir oil, one drop of lemon and a couple of drops of rosemary. Mix and massage onto face, avoiding the eye area. Leave for about 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

For hair beauty

Fir oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, as it contains many active substances and also helps improve blood circulation.

Fir has the ability to:

  • cure dandruff using antiseptics in the composition;
  • help in the treatment of hair loss;
  • improve the condition of the scalp, make it smooth and healthy;
  • normalize the functioning of the scalp sebaceous glands.

The oil can be added to ready-made balms, masks and hair conditioners, which enhances their beneficial properties. Fir needles are indicated for use in decoctions that can be used to rinse your hair to enhance shine and give an antistatic effect.

You can also make your own masks and balms using the following recipes.

Hair masks with fir oil

Anti-dandruff. To prepare you will need:

  • green clay;

Dilute a couple of tablespoons of green clay with water and add 3 drops of fir essential oil to the resulting pulp. Stir. This mask should be rubbed into the scalp for twenty minutes. It helps get rid of dandruff very quickly short term. After a couple of procedures, the severity of dandruff spots will decrease significantly, and after a month of use they will not remain at all.

Another effective anti-dandruff mask based on burdock oil. You will need:

  • Burr oil;
  • lemon juice.

You need to mix burdock oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add 10 drops of fir essential oil to the resulting mixture. Apply the resulting composition to the scalp, actively massaging it. Cover your head and leave the mask on for an hour. Then rinse thoroughly.

To strengthen your hair, you can make a mask of onion and honey with fir oil. You will need the following ingredients:

  • liquid bee honey;
  • juice made from grated onion (the fresher the better);

Mix two teaspoons of honey with 3 drops of fir oil, and then add a teaspoon of juice onions. Stir until mushy and homogeneous. Rub into hair roots. The mask should be kept on the hair for more than half an hour, wrapping the head in plastic or cling film and covering with a towel or cap. It fights hair loss well, and also nourishes it along its entire length, saturating it with vitamins and useful substances. All this happens thanks to the beneficial properties of fir.

Contraindications for use

Fir-based preparations should not be used if you:

  • pregnant;
  • suffer from acute pyelonephritis or have renal failure;
  • have a stomach ulcer or gastritis in the acute stage.

Use fir preparations with caution, especially essential oil, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions. Before use, test by applying a little oil to your skin.

When using oil, bark or using the beneficial properties of fir needles, contraindications should also be taken into account.

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