Home Dental treatment Scottish Shepherd photos. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) - description, characteristics and characteristics of the breed

Scottish Shepherd photos. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) - description, characteristics and characteristics of the breed

Collie is a group of breeds of herding and working dogs, originally from Scotland and Northern England, including officially recognized, as well as a few indigenous breeds.

Collies are medium-sized dogs of harmonious build with an elongated head and a pointed muzzle. Active and hardy dogs, thanks to the genetically inherent herding instinct, still regularly herd livestock, but most breeds of modern collies are used as companions, guide dogs, and also show high results in various types cynological sport.

Thanks to its unique exterior, high personal qualities and excellent trainability, collies were widely used to develop new breeds of herding dogs, some of which have the word “collie” in their names.

Collie ( collie).

origin of name

There is an opinion that the dogs got their name by analogy with the Scottish word “coal”, meaning “coal”. The second, more logical justification sees the word “coolley” in the name of the breed - this is how the black-headed sheep that these dogs herded were called in Scotland.

In any case, most herding dogs of Scottish origin are called "collies", and breeds developed with them in other countries, such as North America and Australia, are called herding dogs or sheepdogs.

History of breeds

The distant ancestors of modern collies lived in England and were stocky, uniform dogs with shaggy, mostly black hair, somewhat reminiscent of border collies.

As a result of territorial conflicts, the Scots who attacked the Britons brought home trophies, including these very English dogs. Mixing of local blood Scottish breeds and imported British dogs laid the gene pool for modern collies.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the selection of individuals was carried out solely on performance indicators. They did not pay attention to appearance and the old-type collies were very reminiscent of their shaggy and short-legged ancestors.

The beginning of the 18th century, which united England and Scotland, did not ignore the collie: breeders decided to make the dogs faster and stronger, and also significantly improved the exterior of the collie by crossing them with Irish setters and greyhounds.

Modern collies got their height and long muzzle from greyhounds. Thanks to the Irish setters, the shape of the skull was changed and the jaws were strengthened, and in some cases a pure red coat color appeared, which was subsequently not recognized as the breed standard.

Sheltie and puppies.

Collie popularity

Collie owes its popularization to Queen Victoria, who visited her Scottish possessions in 1860. The royal lady immediately became interested in the beautiful dogs with a balanced character and took several of them with her to England. The dogs were presented at an exhibition in Birmingham, thanks to which they received recognition and wide popularity.

At the same time, they began to pay much more attention to the appearance of dogs, relegating performance characteristics to the background. In 1867, the first long-haired sable puppy named Old Cockie was born, and since 1895, a section dedicated to long-haired collies has been firmly established in the stud books.

From a simple working dog, the collie has turned into a fashionable show breed, which has become famous in Europe and America, and best puppies potential owners shelled out astronomical sums.

During the war, the collie population decreased significantly, but the best specimens were exported to America and other countries that did not participate in hostilities. In 1943, the stunning success of the film “Lassie Comes Home” elevates the collie breed to unprecedented heights and millions of people around the world dream of becoming the owners of a beautiful, intelligent dog.

General description of collie dogs

Most representatives of the breed group are medium-sized dogs with body weight from 22 to 32 kg. Mixing the blood of long-haired and short-haired specimens, prohibited in the 70s of the last century, “stretched” the dogs on their legs, thanks to which modern collies look slender and not as wide as their ancestors.

Each breed has its own color, but the predominant colors are black, red, sable, tricolor and blue merle. The coat can be long, smooth or harsh.

Collie character

In terms of learning ability and intellectual indicators, collies have no equal: representatives of this group occupy 4 places in the top twenty smartest dog breeds. Collies master training with ease and pleasure, and in their endless loyalty they try in every possible way to imitate their owner and take an active part in the life of the whole family.

Adult collies are classified as a protective-moderate type of dog, and despite their loyalty to people and other animals, aristocratic and friendly-looking collies will always defend their beloved owner in case of danger.

Australian Kelpie runs along the backs of sheep.

Breeds and varieties of collies

  • Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) is a breed of dog used for herding livestock, this breed is also popular as show dog because she is very beautiful.
  • or the Shetland Sheepdog is a breed of herding dog that looks like a long-haired collie.
  • or Aussie - a breed of dog that was bred as an assistant for the farmer and a friend of his entire family.
  • - a herding dog breed from Great Britain. Research conducted at the University of British Columbia has proven that the Border Collie is the most... smart breed on the planet.
  • - a medium-sized dog descended from herding dogs Scottish dogs. Currently popular as a companion dog.
  • – herding dogs with high intelligence, loyal and extremely efficient.
  • The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed of dog developed by crossing the Shorthaired Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) with the Australian wild dog, Dingo.
  • Blue Lacy - the basis of the gene pool of this breed is made up of English shepherds. The birthplace of the breed is the American state of Texas. Blue Lacy is a short-haired dog with floppy ears.
  • The English Shepherd is a breed created by American farmers who wanted to improve older breeds of shepherd dogs. In the creation they used: collie (old type), border collie and other breeds of herding dogs in smaller quantities.
  • The Cumberland Sheepdog is an extinct breed of the collie group that is closely related to the Border Collie and was probably absorbed by it. The Cumberland Shepherd is the predecessor of the Australian Shepherd. Cumberland Sheepdogs had erect or semi-erect ears, thick fur, and were black in color with white markings on the chest and muzzle.
  • The McNab or McNab Cattle Dog is a breed developed in the USA and named after its creator. The basis of the breed is made up of British representatives of the collie group. Dogs in the McNab breed can be of different heights and have both erect and semi-erect ears. The coat is short, colors: black or red, dogs usually have white markings on the chest and muzzle.
  • The New Zealand Collie is a descendant of the Border Collie breed. Grazes livestock without barking. Shepherds claim that the dog controls the flock with its gaze.
  • Smithfield (Smithfield Collie or Smithfield Sheepdog) - this name was originally used for an extinct breed of large dogs of the collie type. This breed was used for grazing cattle. The breed's name comes from the oldest meat market in London. Smithfield Collies were big and strong dogs with hanging ears, most often had a black or black and white color. Nowadays, the Smithfield Collie is an Australian breed of dog whose homeland is Tasmania. Externally, this breed is similar to bearded collies.
  • The Welsh Sheepdog is a local breed whose main range is Wales. The ears of representatives of the breed are erect or semi-erect. The Welsh Sheepdog can have either short hair or long and silky hair. The accepted colors in the breed are black, black and tan, red and harlequin with white markings.
  • The Australian Short-Tail Cattle Dog is a breed developed from European Shepherds with the addition of Australian wild dog dingo blood. Used for grazing cattle. The tail may be absent altogether or very small. Representatives of the breed have a light build, short hair and erect ears. Australian Shorttail Cattle Dog colors are speckled on blue or speckled on tan.

The Scottish Sheepdog is a dog that once herded flocks in mountainous areas Scotland, today has become an excellent companion and star of the most famous exhibitions. Indeed, collies have an amazing character and gorgeous appearance. What do future owners of this beautiful dog need to know?

Scotland is considered the homeland of these dogs, where they quite successfully herded flocks of sheep. Their ancestors were more modest in size and most often had black fur. According to experts, they came to southern England along with nomadic tribes. Subsequently, breeding activities were aimed at further developing their herding abilities. They managed not only sheep, but also goats and pigs.

Collies received their further development thanks to the fact that Queen Victoria turned her attention to the dogs, and she brought several representatives of the breed to England. Here they quickly gained popularity, and many dog ​​breeders became interested in breeding them.

In 1860, this dog was presented at an exhibition as a universal Scottish Sheepdog. In the late 80s, collies came to the United States, and in 1986, the first club for fans of this breed was opened here.

Description of the collie breed

The Scottish Sheepdog is strong, active, beautiful dog with a harmonious physique. The body should not be rough or loose, and the standard pays special attention to the ratio of proportions:

  • Head the collie's is elongated, dry, narrowed; when viewed in profile, it is wedge-shaped. If it resembles the head of a greyhound, then this is considered a defect. The occipital tubercle and brow ridges are weakly defined.
  • The skull is flattened, with flat cheekbones and a weakly defined transition from the frontal region to the muzzle.
  • Back The nose is rounded, the lobe is large, with black pigmentation.
  • The mouth is equipped with large, white teeth that create a scissor bite.
  • Eyes small, almond-shaped, set slightly slanting. The expression “sweetish” is tricky. The iris is dark brown; in marbled collies, heterochromia is possible; the iris may have bluish or white inclusions.

The dog of this breed moves softly and gracefully. The coat is abundant, with a luxurious collar and feathering. In general, Scottish Shepherds look elegant and pleasant.

According to the standard, height males at the withers range from 56 to 61 cm, and females - from 51 to 56 cm. Body weight is not strictly regulated, but the minimum weight dogs 18 kg, maximum – 30 kg. Among the different varieties of collies, the long-haired representatives are the most common.

Coat and colors of the Scots

The collie's coat has two layers, the guard hair is elongated, straight, and hard. And the undercoat is abundant and dense. In the area of ​​the muzzle, tips of the ears and limbs, the coat is very short. There are three types of colors in Scottish Sheepdogs:

Collie character

Scottish Sheepdogs long time They lived side by side with humans, but for a long time they fully performed shepherd’s work. Today this is not required of them, and collies have quickly retrained as companion dogs and excellent family dogs.

Like other shepherds, Scots are extremely intelligent and responsive; very often they understand immediately what their owner expects from them. Collies are among the most trainable breeds, and if a person needs an intelligent four-legged friend who will perfectly follow commands, then the Scottish Sheepdog is what you need.

Collies are not aggressive, they are people-oriented. Therefore, if the owner is not ready to shower his pet with attention and affection, then you should not get a collie. Due to lack of communication, dogs of this breed can develop destructive behavior.

Longhaired Scots need stability and do not like noisy events. When excited, dogs are capable of for a long time bark loudly. All herding breeds, including collies, cannot live without intense physical activity, therefore, for their walking, spacious areas are needed where the pet could frolic without a leash.

A collie can be taken into a family with children; the dog will not harm the baby, and the grown-up child will become a friend and playmate for him. The Scots also find mutual language with other pets, including cats.

How to train a collie?

High intelligence, quick wit and curiosity are the qualities that are necessary for excellent learning ability; the collie has all this to the fullest. They are very inquisitive and observant. But the dog's abilities alone are not enough to get good results. The owner will need to properly organize the process, he must become a leader and friend for the pet, and find an approach.

The dog can learn the basic basic commands - “ ”, “ ”, etc. at home, and even a teenager can teach him. Train, raise a pet, accustom it to hygiene procedures It is recommended to start as soon as the puppy gets comfortable in the new home. But usually the baby gets used to new conditions within 2-3 days.

It is important for a collie to constantly learn and be challenged, otherwise the pet may become uncontrollable, capricious and stubborn for any reason. As soon as new pet adapts, gets used to its name, it is necessary to start socializing it. The puppy must communicate with its own kind, participate in joint games, and learn proper behavior in outdoor conditions. This will help avoid further difficulties when the dog grows up.

For training, it is advisable to select a separate area; the environment should be calm and familiar. If an inexperienced owner wants to participate with his four-legged friend in competitions or wants to teach him more complex skills, in addition to basic commands, then it is better to seek help from professionals for these purposes.

The main rule of training is consistency; you cannot give your pet many commands at once. You always need to be persistent, patient, it is important to encourage your pet in a timely manner and not be stingy with praise if he deserves it. The Scots do not tolerate pressure, so rough treatment and physical punishment will not only fail, but will make them worse.

Caring for Longhaired Collies

The first thing that future owners think about is the difficulty of caring for the luxurious coat of a collie. But the owners refute this opinion - their coat needs attention, but no more than that of other long-haired herding breeds.

These dogs shed, and this process usually occurs in the spring. In addition, the coat of shepherd dogs is an indicator of health: increased shedding can begin due to stress, after childbirth, against the background various diseases, during the rut, with poor nutrition.

The Scotsman will have to be brushed regularly, and during seasonal shedding, this should be done daily. Otherwise, tangles may appear. But such a dog does not require haircuts, trimming and other hairdressing services. At proper care The dog will not shed except once a year. For this, the pet must be properly fed, combed and walked for a long time.

Collies are clean, their fur repels dirt. Therefore, dogs are not bathed often - 2-3 times a year. Dogs take a long time to dry, so it is advisable to blot the fur with a terry towel and you can use a hair dryer. It is important to avoid leaving a pet with wet fur in a draft.

If the dog belongs to the show class, and the owner is determined to exhibit his pet, then he will have to learn some grooming skills. You can seek advice or the services of a professional. Good advice can be given by the breeder from whom the puppy was purchased.

How to feed a collie?

Scottish Shepherds are not fussy eaters, but owners need to pay attention to what their dog eats. The following schedule should be applied to puppies:

  • babies up to 2 months are fed 5-6 times a day;
  • 3-4 month old puppies are fed 4-5 meals a day;
  • by 8 months the puppy should eat 3 times;
  • By the age of one and a half years, the pet eats like an adult - 2 times.

The owner has two options - feed the pet commercial food or natural food. In the first case, it is important to choose an appropriate high-quality diet suitable for large or medium-sized breeds. It is necessary to take into account that collies are long-haired dogs, which means that all the necessary additives must be present in the food.

At natural feeding the owner needs to select the right products, meeting the needs of the dog’s body. The following products should not be on the menu:

  • potato;
  • raw eggs, especially whites;
  • raw river fish;
  • high fat foods;
  • chicken and pork bones;
  • pasta;
  • bakery.

The basis of a dog’s diet is meat, it should be lean veal, beef, rabbit, turkey. Your pet will get the most benefit from a raw product. The dog is given fish no more than 2 times a week; it should be sea fish, boiled or steamed. Cereals are given daily, mixed with meat and vegetable ingredients. Fresh herbs and vegetable oil can be used as additives.

Small puppies can be given milk, but from 3 months it should be replaced with dairy products– cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. Important - this food should not contain sugar or artificial additives. You cannot give your puppy food from your table! The dog quickly turns into a beggar. In addition, such food will harm the animal’s body.

Health Features of Scottish Sheepdogs

If you look at the overall picture, collies have excellent health. However, among them there are individuals suffering from serious genetic ailments:

  • deafness;
  • blindness (representatives of the breed with a marbled color suffer);
  • eye abnormalities.

In addition, Scottish Shepherds are quite large dogs, so there is a risk of developing joint and bone diseases - dysplasia, chronic dislocations, subluxations, and loss of joint mobility. Collies suffer from intolerance to some medications, therefore, if it is necessary to take them, the veterinarian must order a series of tests.

Collie photo

Video about collie

How much does a longhaired collie puppy cost?

First of all, the owner needs to decide - does he need an elite puppy with excellent standard qualities, who can be a champion of exhibitions and an enviable producer, or is a companion dog and friend enough? Naturally, in the first case the price tag will be significantly higher.

But even when choosing a four-legged friend who does not claim a title, you should take into account that scammers often sell funny mixed-breed toddlers, passing them off as purebred Scottish Shepherds. No, a dog of unclean blood can become a wonderful pet, but you can buy such a baby for free.

When purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, you should know that the price can vary from 12,000 to 30,000 rubles - depending on the class to which the baby belongs, the title of his parents and other characteristics.

The Scottish Shepherd is not just a beautiful dog with a proud posture and a chic fur coat. Such a pet very quickly becomes the favorite of the whole family, finds a common language with everyone, and responds with devotion and love to a kind attitude. But collies are not for the lazy; if such a dog appears in the house, then it is necessary to give it what it needs.

Collie kennels

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(bearded collie) are recognized as independent breeds. There are heated debates among dog handlers about the other two varieties - long-haired (rough) and short-haired (smooth).

The international cynological organization FCI, which includes the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), considers these two varieties to be one breed, but in the UK, short-haired collies are identified as a separate breed. Since there are separate standards for both varieties, in order to avoid confusion, we will agree that further we will talk about the long-haired collie, popular in Russia.

Collies owe their name to Geoffrey Chaucer. Did "father" call English poetry“They are in honor of the black-headed Scottish sheep that the dogs grazed, or he meant the color of the dogs, in principle it doesn’t matter anymore. It is under this name that Scottish Cattle Dogs are known throughout the world.

The most common three versions of the origin of the Scottish Sheepdog are:

  1. Celtic. Even before the Romans came to the islands, the Scottish Celts used small shepherd dogs to herd sheep. Their ancestors were British dogs, Old Scottish greyhounds and sheepdogs.
  2. Southern or Roman. According to this version, the ancestors of the collie are the dogs that accompanied the Romans on British campaigns in the mid-1st century BC. and native Scottish dogs.
  3. Icelandic. It is believed that the dogs that served as “material” for future Scottish Sheepdogs were brought to Scotland by Icelandic settlers in the 17th century.

Each of these hypotheses has the right to exist, but with complete confidence we can only say that the blood of ancient wolves flows in Scottish Shepherds. different dogs, who lived in the Highland region bordering England and Scotland.

The spread of the breed in the British Empire was facilitated by Queen Victoria, who brought collies from her Scottish residence to Windsor Palace in 1860. By the beginning of the 19th century, Scottish Sheepdogs were already performing their herding duties not only in the British Isles, but also in the pastures of New Zealand and Australia.

There are three hypotheses about the origin of the Collie (Scottish Shepherd) dog breed.

Smart, gentle dogs were liked not only by shepherds; they were increasingly used as domestic companion dogs. And already by the 60s of the 19th century, the breed was divided into working border collie dogs and long-haired collies themselves.

Collies were first shown at the exhibition in 1860, and in 1871 the red Scottish Sheepdog male Old Cockie was presented to the public, which is considered the progenitor of all modern colored breed lines.

After breeders introduced blood into the breed, collies acquired the aristocratic elongated head shape, which was reflected in the first breed standard, published in 1881. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Scottish Shepherds conquered European countries and the USA. Nowadays, collies are one of the most popular breeds in the world.

Important. Herding dogs appeared in Russia in 1904, when the government purchased 400 collie nurses, who later participated in the Russo-Japanese War. After the revolution, Scottish Shepherds were bred as working dogs. To the Great Patriotic War Hundreds of collies served at the front as orderlies, sappers, and shell deliverers.

Appearance and breed standard with photographs

Long-haired collies are classified as herding dogs without mandatory working tests. The dog gives the impression of being harmoniously built, impressive-looking, and possessing a feeling self-esteem.

Despite the great variability in the appearance and conformation of the collie dog, the description of the breed, officially approved in 2011 by the FCI, lists the required breed characteristics:

Coat type and color

Scottish Sheepdogs are herding dogs adapted to work in harsh conditions, their water-repellent and self-cleaning coat provides excellent protection from the elements and is simply beautiful.

Their straight or slightly wavy coat follows the contours of the body. The undercoat is abundant, thick, fluffy, very soft, it lifts the straight, hard guard hairs, giving the hair additional volume.

There are six short hairs on the head, muzzle, and tips of the ears. The hair lengthens towards the base of the ears. The luxurious mane, frill, feathering on the legs, and fluffy tail add special beauty to the collie.

The Scottish Shepherd standard allows only three colors, but within each there are many variations that are difficult to describe:

Any color requires white markings (Irish spotting). White markings on the chest, collar, paws, tip of the tail, marks or stars on the forehead, nose and muzzle are typical. They can vary in size and shape.

Important. During the formation of the breed, the original black and white color without tan was considered unspectacular and was removed from the standard. But in the USA the rare white and red harlequin colors are recognized, which are classified as unacceptable in FCI partner countries.

Character and temperament

Scottish Sheepdogs were originally selected for herding qualities. They were not required to be aggressive, like larger wolfhounds; preference was given to dogs with a balanced type nervous system. The shepherds instilled in their helpers an instinct that did not allow them to be the first to attack animals and people, but, at the same time, they cultivated in the collie the character of a guard, capable of standing up for himself, his charges and his owner in case of danger.

When collies began to be used as companion dogs, they tried to preserve their innate qualities: gentleness and balanced character. IN modern description The breed and character of the dog are characterized as calm, moderately friendly, reserved.

Collies are balanced, calm and non-aggressive dogs.

Such qualities, coupled with high trainability, make it possible to use Scottish Shepherds as guides, orderlies, and companions for the elderly. Thanks to their built-in protective instincts, they make vigilant, but not evil watchmen.

Collies are oriented toward their owner and his environment. He is a wonderful companion for children who are cared for with care. Often, when living in an apartment with children, some of the responsibilities are removed from the adults, becoming a kind of nanny for the child.

If there are other animals in the house, they also fall into the dog’s “herding” circle. Scottish Shepherds are reserved and somewhat wary of strangers.

In modern realities, collies rarely perform their direct duties of herding livestock, so they are not required to have great endurance and physical activity. However, without active exercise, walks, games with the owner or relatives, dogs become depressed. This often manifests itself in loud barking, irritability, etc. If the dog is given enough attention, it does not bother its owners, adapting to the rhythm of family life, and feels equally at home both in a rural house and in a city apartment.

Scottish Shepherds have innate cleanliness, accuracy and delicacy. They are full of dignity and proud, so a sharp shout or a jerk with a leash may be perceived as undeserved punishment and they may be offended.

Collie dogs take care of all family members, including other pets.

Subtleties of education and training

Scottish Shepherds are highly intelligent and trainable. Thoughtful, correct, consistent upbringing makes it possible to raise a pet that understands its owner perfectly, is devoid of bad habits, and follows the rules of behavior at home, on walks, and at exhibitions.

Accustoming to order and observance of the rules of the hostel begins from the first minutes of the puppy being in the house. To begin with, the pet is accustomed to its name and its place. For every correctly performed action, the baby is rewarded with a word, stroking, a toy, or a treat.

Important. When training collies, they rarely resort to physical punishment (slap, jerk with a leash). In order to let the dog know that it has made a mistake, a stern tone is enough.

After the baby firmly grasps the nickname, they begin to develop the skill of cleanliness:

  • at the first sign that the puppy wants to go to the toilet (sniffs the floor, spins around in one place, whines), he is taken outside;
  • The puppy is taught a routine: taken for a walk in the morning, after meals and in the evening.

It is advisable to punish a dog for puddling only if you caught it directly at the crime scene. Delayed punishment doesn't work. The dog simply does not understand why he is being punished.

Raising a long-haired collie puppy begins at 1.5-2 months.

Once the puppy reaches 1.5-2 months, he is taught to be patient when washing his paws, cleaning his ears, teeth, eyes, combing, and blow-drying.

Training begins with the simplest commands (, “walk”,). To, “stand”, “cannot” begin when the puppy is at least 2 months old. At the same age, the baby needs to be socialized - to provide him with the opportunity to contact other dogs. Otherwise, he will not develop the skills to communicate with his own kind, which can lead in the future to improper sexual behavior, cowardice, excessive caution, and unjustified aggressiveness.

Upon reaching the age of 13-16 weeks, the puppy begins to make claims to leadership. By not placing the dog at the lowest hierarchical level in the family during this period, the owner runs the risk of getting many problems in the future.

By the age of six months, a collie puppy should firmly grasp basic commands. After this, you can begin serious training. All types are available to Scottish Shepherds, with the exception of guard and guard. You can choose a general training course (GDC), a companion dog course (VN), a controlled city dog ​​course (UGS), obedience, sports herding, dancing with dogs (freestyle), Frisbee, a search and rescue service (SRS) course, coursing.

Collie dogs can be used for agility and other sports.

In the case of collies, we have to agree with the saying that beauty requires sacrifice. If care and maintenance are quite simple, then maintaining the luxurious coat of a Scottish Shepherd in proper order will require a lot of effort.


One of the problems collie owners face is shedding.

Hair change occurs for various reasons:

To avoid matting of the fur, go over it daily with a massage brush. Start in the direction of hair growth, then scratch against. The fur behind the ears, inner thighs and underpants should be combed with special care.

The dog is combed more thoroughly on “bath” days. The collie's coat does not require frequent washing; the Scottish Sheepdog is usually washed in cases of heavy soiling, during shedding and before shows.

The dog is combed before and after bathing:

  1. Use a metal comb to comb the hair on the entire dog, starting from the head. Supporting the top layer of wool with one hand, comb the undergrowth and the bottom layer of wool, and then proceed to the upper layers.
  2. The procedure is repeated using a slicker brush.
  3. Using scissors or a clipper, cut off excessively long hair on the belly, inside thighs, at the base of the tail, around the anus, on the paws.
  4. Pluck the fur with your fingers ears and on the tips of the ears.
  5. The dog is washed using shampoo, which is then thoroughly washed off.
  6. Apply lanolin to the coat, allow the dog to shake it off well, and wipe it off.
  7. Direct the warm jet of a hairdryer at the dog and style the fur with a massage brush.
  8. Allow the dog to dry completely and repeat the entire brushing procedure from the beginning.
  9. The coat is powdered with talcum powder, thus removing the yellow tint on the face and paws.

The thick, luxurious coat of the Scottish Shepherd requires regular grooming.

Important. After a walk in the rain, snow, or swimming in a pond, the wool must be dried with a hairdryer and sprinkled with talcum powder.

Hygiene procedures

In addition to caring for your dog's coat:

Fleas, lice, and lice can cause serious damage to the rich coat of a collie; in addition, from spring to autumn there is a threat of tick attacks.

To eliminate the threat of helminth infection:

  • worm the bitch and the dog 14 days before mating;
  • the dog that has given birth is given anthelmintic drugs again;
  • according to a scheme that can be suggested at a nursery or clinic;
  • deworming of dogs is carried out 7-10 days before each scheduled vaccination;
  • To prevent infection with helminths, dog bowls are washed after each feeding, raw meat is given only after freezing for at least 3 days, the dog is not allowed to communicate with stray dogs, or eat food picked up from the ground during a walk.

Feeding collie dogs

Scottish Shepherds are unpretentious eaters. Their menu may consist of natural products or industrial feed. The main thing is that the diet meets the dog’s needs for fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.

Collie dogs being fed raw meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits.

With a natural feeding scheme, the menu includes:

  • beef, lean lamb, meat poultry, offal;
  • cottage cheese, fermented milk products, hard cheese;
  • stale black bread, cereals, eggs;
  • ready-made soybean pastes;
  • fruits (large apricot pits, drains removed first);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli);
  • vitamin and mineral supplements (Polidex, Calcidee, Brewers Yeast).

Collies must be limited in fatty foods.

In addition, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • raw pork meat and lard, which can cause infection with incurable Aujeszky's disease;
  • raw river fish, often affected by helminths;
  • sea ​​fish with small bones;
  • tubular bones;
  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • smoked products;
  • sweets.

The diet is limited to pasta, wheat, pearl barley and barley porridge.

The daily portion of Scottish Shepherd meat or offal is 300-500 g. Meat can be replaced with fish and cottage cheese 1-2 times a week.

When feeding dry food and industrial canned food, pay attention to the composition. For collies, choose food containing no more than 26% protein (proteins) and 15% fat. It is better to choose premium and super-premium food (, Egle Pak,).

The food packages always indicate the dog’s age, lifestyle and calculation of the daily diet. Premium class food is balanced and does not require vitamin and mineral supplements to be added to the diet.

Collie dogs can be fed ready-made dry food of at least premium class.

With any feeding regimen, the dog must have constant access to fresh water. With a diet consisting of dry food, the daily volume of water is increased.

Feeding mode

During the first days of the puppy’s stay in the house, they adhere to the feeding regime and diet established by the previous owners.

Then they are gradually transferred to a scheme convenient for the owner, adhering to the frequency:

  • up to 3 one month old— 5-6 times a day;
  • from 3 to 5 months - 3-4 times;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 3 times;
  • from 9 to 12 months - 2 times;
  • after a year - 1-2 times.

Important. Puppies are fed from a bowl placed on a stand to avoid spinal curvature.

Health and Diseases of Scottish Sheepdogs

Collies are active, energetic dogs, average duration Their lifespan, like that of all shepherd dogs, is 12 years; rare individuals live up to 15 years.

Unfortunately, in the process of formation, the collie breed acquired a predisposition to genetic diseases:

Collie dogs with congenital deafness are not allowed for breeding.

Important. A number of drugs (derivatives of ivermectin and loperamide) often cause severe allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity to antibiotics, oncology drugs and cardiac glycosides is less common.

Cost and rules for selecting a puppy

The cost of collie puppies can vary greatly. If the future owner’s plans do not include a desire to participate in competitions and exhibitions, then you can buy a middle-class puppy. Their cost varies from 17,000 to 50,000 rubles.

It should be noted that prices for Scottish Shepherd puppies not intended for exhibitions with a pedigree and a veterinary passport, purchased “from hand”, practically do not differ from the prices of the kennel. The price of puppies without documents starts from 5,000, but there is no certainty that some crossbreed will not be sold as a collie.

Elite puppies with excellent pedigree, champion parents, and show prospects cost significantly more - from 50,000 rubles.

When buying a puppy you should definitely:

  • check pedigree, veterinary passport;
  • examine the puppy, compare its appearance with the requirements of the standard;
  • observe the puppy’s behavior, check his hearing by clapping his hands loudly;
  • find out the diet and feeding regime.

The long-haired collie is one of the most beautiful and is also called Scottish Sheepdogs. These are good and kind dogs, which are liked by many people, especially children. In this article we will look at the history of this breed. The character of the dogs, their appearance and much more will also be described.

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

Collie has always been considered Although it is called 400 years ago, it was brought from Iceland to Scotland. Therefore, by right the breed should be called Icelandic.

Even earlier, a long-haired collie was needed to guard the herd. And indeed, these dogs did the job very well. Therefore, today many parents are not afraid to entrust their child to a collie, especially if she is trained.

In 1860, the fortunes of Scottish Sheepdogs changed. From England I went on a trip. When she was in Scotland, she noticed a collie there that was very beautiful and noble in appearance. The queen returned home with several shepherd dogs.

Everyone in the royal residence fell in love with this breed. Moreover, the excellent qualities of the collie were noted: intelligence, kindness, tenderness, delicacy, good upbringing. To this day, collies have many fans, from young children to old people.

The Longhaired Collie became more popular after the famous, interesting film called "Lassie" was released. Then they released a series where they showed a collie that was not only educated, but also devoted to its owner. By the way, it is worth noting that in the film the dog was not idealized, but was shown as it really is.

Collie: description and color

The Scottish Sheepdog is loved by people all over the world. The dogs have very beautiful colors. Collies can be marbled blue-gray, tri-colored, or red and white.

In the marbled version, the dog's chest and head are painted light gray, and the back and tail have a blue tint. The tricolor collie is predominantly black. There are very few beige and white colors, but they exist.

Sable is a color that contains red and white colors. There is much more of the first than of the second. Collies with this color can be found more often in Russia than, for example, in England or Scotland.

The coat of Scottish Shepherds is not only beautiful, but also very long, double-layered. Only on the muzzle and lower parts of the paws is there very short hair.

These dogs do not live as long as we would like. Typically, life expectancy is no more than 12 years. However, these are just statistics. As you know, with good care they can live for 15 or even 17 years.


The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful, kind, sympathetic dog. She is easy to train and quickly becomes a friend and family member. This breed is irreplaceable for children. As a rule, the child is not afraid to play with the dog, and the parents are calm about their baby, since he is under good supervision.

The Scottish Shepherd is kept not only in their own homes, but also in apartments. After all, these dogs are wonderful both as guards and as nannies for children.

The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful family dog. These dogs should not be kept in empty apartment or at the dacha, since they cannot stand loneliness. Even if there are cats, birds or other animals in the family, the collie easily gets along with everyone and even looks after the kittens, which is very interesting to watch.

A collie has no idea that it has one owner. She treats each family member equally. He loves everyone, waits for them from work, from school, and is very happy that finally everyone is home and doesn’t have to wait for anyone. This is why they love the collie breed. Her characteristics are only positive. No one has anything bad to say about this breed.

Predisposition to diseases

In fact, collies are very healthy dogs; they rarely get sick. However, like any living creature, they have a predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Congenital collie eye syndrome. This is a hereditary disease that affects vision. The dog cannot see in the dark because the retina of the eyes is destroyed. Over time, if sick, the collie begins to see poorly during the day.
  • Entropion. This is a disease in which the edge of the eyelid and all eyelashes are turned to the side eyeball. This causes the dog to have constant irritation and redness of the eyes.
  • Distichiasis. This is an abnormality in which an extra row of eyelashes grows. They affect some parts of the eyelid, causing not only irritation of the eyes, but also gradually loss of vision.
  • Yeast dermatitis. This is a fungus that multiplies quickly, causing your dog to itch.
  • Congenital deafness can be inherited. This disease does not appear on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dog’s heredity.
  • Epilepsy. This is a neurological dysfunction. This disease is extremely rare in dogs, and not only in purebred dogs.

To avoid the above diseases, it is necessary to get all vaccinations and, at the slightest suspicion, contact a veterinarian, who will immediately find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Choosing a collie puppy

These cute fluffy little balls will not leave any person indifferent. Collie puppies are sold in markets. However, remember that they can be half-blooded. Therefore, always ask the sellers for pedigree.

Most right choice is a certified kennel where collie puppies are sold with all necessary documents. Here you will be shown the parents, their pedigree and given advice on care and upbringing. In no other market will you receive such comprehensive information as in a nursery.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its build and jaw. The body should not be too massive, nor should the jaws. The collie is very gentle and graceful, so it cannot have rough limbs. The puppies' paws are straight, without curvature, and the tail is moderately long.

Wool is an important aspect when choosing. Even in puppies it is straight, bright, long and smooth, but not curly or dull. The coat of small dogs is very pleasant, and the color is rich. White color in puppies it may indicate a mixed type. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to both pedigree and color.

The puppy from a real purebred Scottish Shepherd is very kind, affectionate, and playful. He has no aggressiveness. Pay attention to friendliness. It's very important factor in a dog. The friendlier she is, the faster she will become a member of your family. Very beautiful puppy collie. The photo above shows what color they come in.

What nickname to choose for a collie puppy

It is described above that this is a service dog. Therefore, it is more acceptable to give short nicknames so that the dog reacts quickly. It is important that the letter “R” is present in the nickname. After all, then the name is more sonorous, which is important for a dog.

Dog handlers recommend the following nicknames for collies: Arnes, Astra, Kirka, Cedric, Lycra, Mink, Laura, Frant, Laur, Lard, Dark, Roy, Bravo, Curry, Sarri, Freda, Madeira, Gerka, Rona. These names will help you name your puppy something that the whole family will like.

Many people name their dogs based on color range. If a collie's color is predominantly black, then it is called English language- Black. When there is more red color, the dog is called Orange. Many owners use this method to make it easier to choose a name for their dog.

Collies need a calm atmosphere. They love to bask on the mattress. Long walks are not for her. For this breed, it is enough to get out into the forest once a week. The rest of the time the collie will be happy to walk near the house. Two walks are enough for her (in the morning and evening).

Collie hair is required regular care. It needs to be combed every evening to avoid tangled hairs. Infrequent brushing is bad for the coat. It becomes dull and ugly.

To care for the coat, you need to use a special shampoo that maintains color and shine. If there is very long hair on the paws or belly, trim it, trim it so that the silhouette becomes more harmonious.

Collie food

Puppies up to six months old need to be fed 6 times a day. Then you can gradually switch to three meals a day. Closer to 12 months, the dog is fed 2 times a day. The water needs to be changed every morning to keep it clean.

Collies need to be fed diet food. This is beef, lean chicken, milk, egg, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables. Porridge is the basis of nutrition; you need to add meat, offal, milk, vegetables, fish, and vitamins to it.

Do not overuse dry food, as it is harmful to health. Try to alternate it with cereals. Frequent feeding of dry food becomes addictive, and the dog refuses other food.


The Scottish Shepherd dog easily follows any command. They grasp everything very quickly. The main commands that a collie should know are “fu”, “fetch”, “near”, “to me”, “bring”, “place”. After training, your pet will easily learn to fetch slippers or a newspaper, stand on hind legs kah, ask to go outside and much more.

A collie will not make a vicious guard, since she has no aggression at all. Therefore, she will not be able to attack the enemy. However, if he sees danger, without any training he will sacrifice himself for the sake of his owner.

Pros and cons of the Longhaired Collie

Scottish Shepherds are very good and friendly dogs. However, there are both positive and negative aspects to such breeds. The advantages include the dog’s kindness, devotion, and lack of aggression. Therefore, you can safely leave your children with a collie, and you will be sure that the kids are under reliable supervision.

The disadvantages of this breed, although insignificant, still exist. Scottish Sheepdogs have very long hair that requires regular grooming. It is not very convenient to keep such a dog in an apartment. After all, fur is hard to get rid of. People with allergies should not own collies. Plus, these dogs have a very hard time being separated from their owner, even for a few hours.

Look at the collie puppies. The photo shows what a kind and gentle look they have. Is it possible to refuse such a beautiful dog?

A little history

Scottish Sheepdog and Longhaired Collie (official name) are synonyms. The word "colley" was used to describe black-headed sheep.

After moving to the British Isles, people quickly reduced the wolf population. Then the need for evil large dogs, capable of protecting livestock from predators. But it was impossible to do without light and playful herding dogs.

Historians have not come to a single version of the origin. Greyhounds, Old English Sheepdogs, dogs of the Roman conquerors and Scottish Celts - these are just small part genetic "cocktail" known today as the Rough Collie.

Their ancestors were already widespread on the border between Scotland and England by the 15th century. One of the first detailed descriptions dates back to 1570. The common ancestor of the entire group is dogs of medium height with fairly thick hair of medium length. They were mainly used to herd sheep, often without human help.


Natural proportions, constitution not too dry, but without traces of looseness or coarseness. Strong back, slightly arched loin, fairly deep chest with well sprung ribs. The height of males is from 56 to 61 cm, females from 51 to 56 cm.

The Longhaired Collie is described as moving at a creeping trot. Brings its front paws far forward, barely lifting them above the ground. The push of the hind legs is strong, but invisible to the eye. At the same time, the back seems motionless.

The muzzle is well filled, not pointed. The ears are triangular, small, semi-erect (a third hangs down). The eyes should be of medium size, slanted, almond-shaped. The look is attentive, lively, “sweet” (definition from the standard).

In the photo from left to right: Collie tricolor, sable and blue merle

The fur coat is very thick, luxurious - mane, feathers, fluffy tail. There is so much undercoat that it is difficult to see the skin through it. The spine is straight and rough.

Possible colors

  1. sable
  2. tricolor
  3. blue marble

For any color, white areas are required: collar, shirtfront, lower part of the paws, tip of the tail. The nose is always black, the eyes are dark brown (blue irises are acceptable in merle dogs). See the photo above for examples of coloring pages.

Classic and modern

There are two types of Longhaired Collies. As a rule, the breeder gives preference to one of them. Even before choosing a nursery, it is worth understanding the difference - this will make it easier to find your ideal. It makes sense to visit a large dog show to see different dogs in action.

Classic type

  • drier constitution;
  • stronger ligaments and topline;
  • more elegant neck;
  • drier head;
  • longer limbs.

The advantages are that the ideal “classic” moves more freely, is less susceptible to joint diseases, and remains active longer.

Photo of an old-type collie. For comparison, the modern version is slightly lower in the description of the type.

Disadvantages appear if dryness is “off scale” - a tendency towards lankyness, flattening chest, lengthening the muzzle.

Type modern

  • constitution is rather strong, tends to be loose
  • weak ligaments, sagging back
  • the neck is shorter, down to the “head on shoulders”
  • excessively curved ribs (barrel), turned elbows, wide forehead
  • shorter paws, body, muzzle
  • excess undercoat

Pros: “sweet” facial expression. Classic has a more serious look, modern has an almost puppy-like cuteness, which many people like.

Cons: constrained movements, frequent problems with ligaments and skeleton. Coupled with the looseness, the “sweet” eyes look like swollen slits (as if bitten by bees), and the fleshy ears are widely spaced and almost lie on the head.

A typical representative of modernity (pictured is an American-bred female, Barbara Rini Edmores, 2006)

The standard is uniform, and it is to this standard that a competent breeder adapts. And only a professional will be able to recognize the signs of one type or another in an excellent Longhaired Collie.

Not all classics are ideal, and not all modernism is short-legged, doughy invalids.

Character, relationships

A bright representative of the shepherd group - playful, affectionate, affectionate. Selects the leader, but loves the whole family. With a lack of attention, he shows nervousness. Values ​​the cohesion of the pack: frequent scolding of family members leads to the consolidation of problematic, cowardly-aggressive behavior.

The long-haired collie is suitable for the role of a companion, friend to a child, family dog. They are naturally delicate, patient and sociable. In an apartment, keeping it will not cause problems if you provide your pet with exercise and are not lazy in caring for its magnificent coat.

The best option keeping a collie in an apartment - get leather furniture.

They easily accept any other pets into the “pack” if they do not show aggression. They graze small animals, rightly considering the mouse-birds to be the property of the owner. Long-haired collies are distrustful of strangers, but without overt aggression. Although they can stand up for themselves very effectively!

Of course, the best qualities are revealed only with proper upbringing. They are suitable for the role of the first dog only if they have free time, strong nerves and the support of a competent breeder.

Education, nuances of training

Long-haired collies grasp everything on the fly, remember quickly and for a long time, and are very intelligent by nature. But the owner must act according to the dog’s intelligence level: consistently, persistently, in a timely manner.

If your child has done something wrong, you need to show dissatisfaction right away. Followed the command - praise instantly. Bad habits are reinforced as quickly as positive skills! You need to establish rules from the first day, without being touched by the little ones’ pranks.

Collies get along well with pets, including cats.

The nervous system of many collies is excitable. Therefore, from a young age it is important to get used to the street, transport, noise, strangers and animals. If you miss the moment (and time flies quickly!), the baby can grow a shining example the most unflattering opinion about the breed: hysterical windbag, incapable of work, aggressive.

To achieve perfect obedience, gain the trust of a naturally independent dog. A real leader does not shout, does not show nervousness, and always radiates confidence. And it’s even more interesting with him than with a flying package or a running cat!

A long-haired collie will catch every gesture of a person if he managed to interest him. The best option is learning in the form of a game, in a positive way, without drills and tedious repetitions. Perceiving their owner as a source of fun (work is fun too!), they grow up to be reliable and obedient.

What to do with your pet?

Long-haired collies are not suitable for hunting, defense or guarding. But with them you can practice agility, freestyle, frisbee, and almost any other sport.

Skiing, cycling or rollerblading in the company of an active pet is great fun! Of course, in order to be able to let him off the leash, you first need to take an OKD course - we highly recommend it.

Watch a video of a collie from an agility competition. He does not show record speeds, but he passes technically.

In addition to regular physical activity, you need “food” for the mind. They naturally strive to analyze, study, and solve problems - set by the owner or invented for entertainment by the collie himself. In the latter case, problems cannot be avoided!

Without proper stress, behavior rapidly deteriorates. Some “slide” into phlegmatic couch potatoes with problem joints and a weak psyche. Others “go” into aggression, destroy the apartment, and howl endlessly.

The absence of any activity is not as obvious as, for example, in. But loads are still extremely important! It’s better to choose another breed if you don’t have the time or desire to take long walks every day, come up with new tasks, and regularly exercise the dog.

The Myth of Genius

Don't believe the stories about the natural genius of Scottish Shepherds. They are smart but high intelligence– this is just the base with which you need to work.

Barbara Steinwyck and Pel (photo taken during the filming of the famous film).

The legendary Lassie star had a collie named Pal. serious problems with behavior: endless barking and aggression. The first owner abandoned the dog with the words “He cannot be fixed.”

Once in the hands of a professional dog handler, Pel was transformed.

In other words, the puppy on its own will not become the ideal “Lassie,” even if it has the makings.

Having problems? Don't go to extremes - contact a professional.


Seasonal molting usually occurs in the spring. But this breed “knows how to undress”: stress, childbirth, illness, sexual arousal (in males). After such molts, the fur coat takes a long time to grow back, especially with an unbalanced diet.

Regular bath procedures are also required.

According to many breeders, the coat is easy to care for, does not mat and hardly sheds. How so? After all, a luxurious long fur coat, a rather large dog, thick fluff... Let’s decipher:

  • “easy” – no need to cut (almost), trim, curl up;
  • “does not shed” - because they are brushed, fed correctly, and walked a lot. Take away one condition, and undercoat will be everywhere, from the floor to the bowl of soup;
  • “doesn’t tangle” - only with proper care for the Longhaired Collie. If you miss the moment, the fluff will roll into a solid felt boot, which will have to be cut off completely.

It is unknown why this Longhaired Collie was shorn, but they look so strange without a fur coat (photo found on the Internet).

Young pets are brushed weekly, adults less often. Do not scratch “dry”, only using a spray (conditioner, water). Regular “stroking” from above is impossible to comb through a thick fur coat. There are two ways to get to the very roots:

  • put the dog on its side. Visually mark the ridge line. Lift the top strand and comb against the direction of hair growth. Then the next strand, and so on in layers until the very bottom.
  • put the dog sideways to you. Use your hand to lift all the wool, releasing only the lowest layer. Go over the growth of the coat with a single-row or slicker, and release the next strand. Layer by layer up to the ridge.

In the same way, layer by layer, we comb out the chest, hips, tail and under it. We carefully remove the tangles with our hands, and then go through them with a comb. You can’t pull, otherwise the next time the dog will run away or resist. If the wool has already felted, you need to generously spray it (water + conditioner 1:1) or cut the lump lengthwise.

In this photo, the arrows show the direction of proper brushing of a collie.

Not a role model, but nevertheless, you can do the same with wool.


They say this breed is very athletic. I am looking for just such a pet – tireless, active. But the difficulties of leaving scare me.

Check out the Border Collie. They are smaller, hardier, and much easier to care for. In the photo: a collie surrounded by borders :)

History of the breed in Russia

Scottish shepherds were brought to Russia by order of Nicholas II in 1878. The emperor had his own factory (that’s what nurseries were called before, hence the word “breeder”).

Despite their origins, for decades “our” collies... were service dogs! Along with German Shepherds, they found application in guard, search and other services. They passed the ZKS standards, sometimes even taking first place.

Gradually they became more and more angry and massive - some reached 75 cm at the withers! They forgot about the shepherd past, putting protective qualities at the forefront.

Of course, when working in defense, collies demonstrate a soft, “labrador” grip, but nevertheless...

Add to this the crowds of greedy breeders who came to the breed with the release of Lassie. And also those who bought a fashionable “movie” puppy, knowing nothing about the specific character of the Longhaired Collie. It is not surprising that soon they were universally considered angry, nervous and stupid.

“ZKS activities are abnormal for them, since these are herding dogs, which, in principle, should not show aggression... Among them there were many cowardly ones, constantly barking, squeaking...”

R.R. Khomasuridze, national expert

With the decline in popularity, amateurs left breeding, leaving enthusiasts to restore the tarnished reputation of the Collie Longhair. Today's population is strikingly different from those "not at all Lassie" ones. Most lines demonstrate the absence of causeless anger and a stable psyche.

The imperial couple in Peterhof, 1896.


The breed has a number of dangerous, frequently encountered genetic diseases. Therefore, a puppy can only be purchased from a well-known nursery. A competent breeder must test future sires, which greatly reduces the chances of getting sick offspring.

  • deafness, blindness of marbled collies. Congenital defect. Double merle is a double hazard, in which the color appears almost white. In this case, hearing and/or vision defects are often accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of one or another body system;
  • CEA, collie eye abnormality. With age, it leads to decreased or complete loss of vision;
  • hip/elbow dysplasia. Lameness, chronic dislocations, subluxations, loss of motor ability.

Because of genetic mutation Many collies (we are talking about the whole group) cannot tolerate a number of drugs. This feature does not affect general health and does not manifest itself externally. It is highly advisable to conduct a test to know the status.

If the status is unknown or the MDR1 mutation is confirmed, you need to be careful when choosing drugs. The reaction can be extremely violent, even to the point of death! Before using any new product, consult the breeder (veterinarians do not have this information).

List of drugs

You should always have a list of medications prohibited for collies with you in case emergency veterinary care is needed.

  • Vincristine, Doxorubicin, Vinblastine;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Imodium, Loperamide;
  • Butorphanol;
  • Sparfloxacin, Grepafloxacin;
  • Acepromazine;
  • Quinidine;
  • Ebastine;
  • Cyclosporine;
  • Ivermenctin, Eprinomectin, Doramectin, Selamectin, Moxidectin;
  • Digoxin
  • Ondansetron, Domperidone, Motilium.

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