Home Wisdom teeth A puppy harness is good or bad. What is better for a dog - a harness or a collar?

A puppy harness is good or bad. What is better for a dog - a harness or a collar?

There is now a dog in your house. Even if she is as small as a Chihuahua, she needs to go outside. And for this you definitely need a leash so that your tiny dog ​​doesn’t run away or get lost. And even if you carry the dog in your arms all the time, it must have the opportunity to run, naturally, under your supervision. That's what a leash is for.

Everything is clear about the leash, it is necessary. Why attach it to? Are there any collars that can hold a tiny dog? Of course, there are, and even two options - a collar and a harness. Each option has its pros and cons, and it's up to you to choose.

Leash - which one is better?

First you need to figure out what kind of leash you will use on your dog. This is very important for several reasons. A leash for a Chihuahua should, first of all, be safe for the dog, that is, light enough. After all, a dog weighing half a kilo cannot carry the same amount of leather with rivets or a thin metal chain.

The length of the leash is also important - it should not be too short, because the dog needs room to maneuver, it will not be able to walk as if glued next to your leg. A leash that is too long is also not good - if you are far enough away from you, the dog can run around the tree and get confused.

Which leash should you choose? There is always a way out!

These days, tape leashes are widely used among owners of small dogs. They provide the length you need, and with their help it is very convenient to practice some commands, in particular, the “Come to me” command.

Differences between a collar and a harness

There are unproven rumors that harnesses are harmful for Chihuahuas. It’s as if she’s ruining the dog’s fur, causing bald patches to appear, and so on. And that when carrying a Chihuahua by its harness, you can damage the dog’s back. In fact, there were no such cases. The harness is very convenient because the dog will not be able to get out of it, unless, of course, the size of the harness is too large. A special handle on the harness allows you to lift your Chihuahua when carrying it from place to place if, for example, the weather is bad and the dog gets dirty. Your clothes will remain clean when you return from your walk if you carry your dog by the harness. Another plus of the harness is that some dogs that are too fat have practically no neck, their head is smaller than the diameter of the neck, so it is impossible to keep them in the collar.

Buy only the lightest collar for your Chihuahua. No rivets, chains or rhinestones! They add weight to the collar, and it will be tiring for a small dog to carry such a weight around its neck. It is best to buy a very light nylon collar, and you can always choose the color that suits you.

If you choose a collar, always fasten it securely so that when you move it does not tighten around your Chihuahua's neck like a garrote. And never jerk the leash sharply! This way you can damage your dog’s fragile neck, or even break it.

Whatever choice you make, think first about your pet's comfort, not about your own preferences or fashion trends. The safety of your dog is the main thing when choosing walking equipment! And then your wonderful dog will enjoy every walk with you!

When choosing ammunition for their pet, every dog ​​owner is faced with the question: “Which is better: a collar or a harness for dogs?”

It is a system of belts and straps. Its main advantage is that it allows you to remove the load from the dog’s neck and distribute it to the shoulders and chest. There is no clear answer to the question of what you should buy: there is more than one opinion on this matter.

If your pet is a tiny toy terrier or chihuahua, it is definitely better to buy a harness. A leash can damage the animal's fragile neck. Harnesses for small dogs will properly distribute the load, and an interesting design will decorate your pet.

They often buy harnesses for puppies. However, experts do not recommend wearing a harness for up to 6-10 months, so as not to harm the animal during the period of formation of the body.

To choose the right harness, you need to remember a few things. The most important parameter is size. The harness should fit snugly enough to the dog’s body, but not squeeze or restrict movement. Pay attention to the fasteners: they should not dig into the animal’s body or stick out. The shape of the fastener should correspond to the dog's figure and be concave. Look at how the harness fits on your pet; the side strap should not be pressed against armpits, for large and medium-sized dogs, the distance between them should be at least the width of the palm, and for small dogs - about two to three fingers.

Initially, harnesses were used for dog sledding; this type of sports harness is still actively used today. They usually have a special design and are made of canvas or nylon. There are also special harnesses for tracking work, harnesses with weights, medical harnesses and others. To select such harnesses, it is better to consult a professional: each breed has its own characteristics.

The right decision on what to walk your pet in will be given to you by a veterinarian and other experienced dog owners, as well as by the pet itself: some refuse collars and are happy to walk in a harness, while others do the opposite.

The ZooFriend online store has a wide range of equipment for four-legged friends. It won’t take you much time, and your pet will definitely like this convenient and stylish accessory.

Chihuahua dog breeders have probably read a lot of books on caring for these cute creatures. Many authors argue that a harness for a Chihuahua can ruin the dog’s posture if the owner regularly carries the animal behind it. However, there are other opinions on this matter.

Many owners appreciate all the conveniences of collars and special harnesses that securely secure nimble dogs, preventing them from breaking free and running away. The main thing is to fix the clasp correctly so as not to injure the animal’s neck. For this purpose, the device has a special carabiner.

Which one to choose?

It is better to choose collars from light, practical material, such as nylon. These accessories are produced in different color scheme, so your dog will look very stylish on a walk. The length of the leash should be optimal so that the animal does not get entangled in it, but is able to move freely in any direction. A harness for a Chihuahua and a leash are more convenient without metal elements; roulette leashes are very popular. Their use does not cause discomfort either to dog owners or to the pets themselves. The only rule for dog owners is to never jerk the leash sharply, as this may cause pain and injury to the dog.

Harnesses are usually made of nylon, leather or leatherette. With its help, the load is equally distributed on the dog’s body, even if it unexpectedly runs forward sharply. They are very convenient when walking with puppies, when training animals or when working as sniffer dogs. And of course, this accessory is indispensable when you are the owner of a decorative breed dog.

The owner must ensure that the harness fits snugly to his body. four-legged friend, eliminating unnecessary pressure. Then walks will bring joy to you and your pet.

Dog owners want the best for their pets, but they face many questions. For example, what is better for a dog: a collar or a harness.

Benefits of harnesses

The disadvantages of a harness are that the dog quickly gets used to it; in the future, the pet may refuse to wear a regular collar.

A harness is a type of harness that consists of belts and straps. It is placed on the animal's chest and is used for walking and training. What are its advantages:

  • in case of sudden movements of a person or dog, the harness does not injure the animal or cause suffocation;
  • the animal cannot get out of it and run away, which happens with collars (this is especially true for dogs whose neck and head girth is almost the same);
  • the harness relieves the load from the cervical vertebrae, distributing it to the thoracic and shoulder regions;
  • it does not put pressure on the neck, the pet feels much more comfortable and calmer.

Pros of collars

The collar must have a soft padding on it inside product in contact with the dog's neck

A collar is a strap with a clasp and a carabiner to which a leash attaches. It is placed around the animal's neck and can be used for training, walking, strict or decorative purposes. Collars have the following advantages:

  • you don’t have to take it off after a walk;
  • Most often, collars are made of leather, so they are easy to care for and more hygienic than harnesses;
  • provides complete control over the animal, which is especially necessary for large and fighting dogs.

Which is better to choose?

There is no consensus on this matter. Basically the recommendations are as follows:

  • a collar is better for a puppy, since a harness can only be worn by animals older than 8 months, when their spine has already fully formed;
  • for fighting and guard dogs It is also worth choosing a collar, it helps the owner better control his pet;
  • for sledding and small dogs because of them physiological characteristics A harness is more suitable.

In any case, when choosing an accessory for a dog, you should not rely only on your own preferences. It’s better to find out what recommendations experts give specifically for your breed.

It is very important that the dog harness fits perfectly and is also designed for the temperament and physical strength dogs, taking into account its breed. In addition, the choice of type of harness depends on what it is needed for.

This could be regular walks, official investigative work, sports, or even driving.

Rules for choosing a dog harness

  1. The material from which it is made must be durable, but soft, wear-resistant and easy to wash.
  2. It is better to choose harnesses with not one, but several fasteners. It’s good when the procedure of putting on the equipment does not cause discomfort for the dog. Therefore, it is worth choosing models into which the dog does not need to be “squeezed”.
  3. The harness should fit tightly enough to the dog’s body so as not to move, but at the same time it should not restrict movement or squeeze. You can check the correct size of the harness by placing your palm between it and the animal’s body. If it fits in smoothly, the size is correct. If the harness sags, it must be adjusted to avoid injury.
  4. The strap at the top of the harness should fit the width of the dog's back and not be too narrow so as not to cut into the animal's body.
  5. It is better not to wear harnesses on the street all the time and it is unacceptable to leave the dog in a harness at home.

It should also not be worn for the sake of a harness, especially if the dog attends exhibitions. Having gotten used to the harness, he will begin to experience discomfort in the ring wearing a collar.

Before purchasing a harness, your dog must be measured

This is done using a tailor's meter. When taking measurements, the dog should stand straight. To determine the size of the harness you need to take three basic measurements:

  1. the main measurement is the length of the back from the base of the tail to the base of the withers;
  2. neck circumference at the location of the collar;
  3. girth chest behind the front paws at the widest point. You need to add 2 cm to it for a loose fit.

For large and medium-sized dogs, harnesses should be selected from strong material, braided braid or leather, with reliable fastenings and steel carabiners, solid (not detachable) rings. For miniature and decorative breeds, it is not so much the strength of the harness that is important, but its lightness and softness of the material.

For such dogs, it is better to choose velor or nylon harnesses. Dogs with a short muzzle - pugs, small bulldogs, chihuahuas and others - harnesses better than collars, since it is easier to breathe in them due to physiological characteristics.

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