Home Oral cavity Exercises for dogs for the back. Exercises for small breed dogs

Exercises for dogs for the back. Exercises for small breed dogs

How can you characterize a modern person in two or three succinct phrases?

A highly intelligent inhabitant of skyscrapers, moving in space with the help of high-speed cars, elevators and airplanes, using smart gadgets to communicate with others like him and maintaining energy with the help of dietary supplements, the main motive of which is material profit...

A little simplified, but, admit it, it’s similar to almost all of us.

What to do if there is not enough strength, time, or money for physical training and spiritual practices, and life, in parallel with the fulfillment of some hopes, is increasingly drawn into the funnel of new problems?

That's when yoga comes to the rescue! This is an excellent way to maintain vitality and spiritual balance for many years, and also a path to healing and rejuvenation. Ancient practice people who have always lived in unity with nature and have learned through certain fixations of the body - asanas - to overcome the heavy laws of gravity - namely, they subject the body and spirit to aging - to sharpen intuition and enrich the spirit. About one of these asanas, namely Downward Facing Dog Pose in yoga (in Sanskrit it is called Adho mukha svanasana) and we'll talk in our article.

Origin of the asana

As the Sanskrit name suggests, the Downward Facing Dog exercise comes from the distant and mysterious land of the White Lotus and Taji Mahal, where buffaloes and elephants are decorated with flowers on holidays, and newlywed teenagers have their wrists and palms intricately painted with henna. Of course, this is India, and its traditional spiritual practice is yoga.

Note, it is spiritual, not physical, although the body is involved in the process of performing all techniques, from simple to advanced. However, as you will see for yourself after the first exercise, its results appear not only and not so much on physical level(in the form of greater mobility, stretching, disappearance painful symptoms and so on), as much as on the spiritual.

Even after a short stay in one of the asanas, you You will instantly feel:

  • burst of energy
  • change of mood towards positivity
  • stress relief
  • detachment from problems
  • the ability to take a fresh look at life
  • and much, much more that will surely make you return to this technique and try to improve it.

Benefits of Downward Facing Dog - 12 facts

Speaking about the benefits of Downward-Facing Dog, we immediately note that the expected “bonuses” from any exercise can only be obtained if the correct technique for performing it is observed, as well as regularity. Below we have listed just some of the clearly proven positive effects of Adho Mukha Svanasana on the body:

  1. Increased bone density(solving the problems of arthrosis and arthritis, inability to absorb calcium and vitamin D, weak and “floating” joints).
  2. Gentle development of flexibility(with daily approaches, using warm-ups and lighter options, in a few months you will not only easily stand in the classic pose 20 times in one session, but will also be able to move to new levels of yoga).
  3. Improved blood supply absolutely all organs of the body, including the pelvic area and the brain (asana is especially indicated for diseases genitourinary system) Even greater effectiveness for this purpose is shown for capillary blood supply.
  4. Strengthening the Heart, a guarantee of its longevity - thanks to the partial removal of the work of pumping blood throughout the body.
  5. Strengthening the shoulder joints, increasing their mobility, getting rid of pain.
  6. Strengthening and healing elbows, wrists, hands and. But for these purposes it is better to train with.
  7. Relaxing your back, especially the scapular zone, with parallel relief of interscapular pain and problems of the cervical spine. Attention! For pain in the spine, it shows the greatest effectiveness.
  8. Gentle stretching of the spine, therapy and prevention of all kinds of displacements, intervertebral hernia. See also .
  9. Strengthening like abs, and all core muscles.
  10. Gentle and sustainable stretch hamstrings, hamstrings and Achilles tendons - the most problematic area for most people due to a sedentary lifestyle.
  11. Strengthening your ankles, feet and toes.
  12. Elimination of so-called “spurs” on the heels.

Here are just a few of the well-known rewards that you acquire by regularly performing the Adho Mukha Shvanasana asana, and most importantly, by strictly following the techniques and rules. Therefore, even if you have not yet tried any of the yoga asanas, and the word itself does not in any way associate you with self-identification, but you are interested in such an abundance of therapeutic bonuses - do not put it off until another time! Try it - the benefit of the classical asana there are many modifications, and with any physical preparation you can find something for yourself.

For working out and losing weight buttocks and thighs are perfect, included in.

Preparing for the exercise

This is a very important part of the lesson, on which, as in any sport, the success of the main exercise depends. You can start stretching immediately, or better yet, after some aerobic exercise, or in the middle of your regular workout, when the muscles throughout your body are warm enough that you are not in danger of a serious tear.

Standing stretch

This is the simplest and long-known method of stretching the back and back of the legs, used in any traditional morning exercises - so-called forward downward bends. Only, unlike dynamic jerks, you need to smoothly inhale and, as you exhale, bend forward with your legs absolutely straight, trying to at least touch the floor with your fingertips, or at least your toes.

Freeze for a while, breathe and straighten up on your next inhalation. Repeat ten times until you feel that the back muscles of your legs have become more pliable. While in a bent position, strive to relax your back muscles. If it is difficult to fix yourself by simply lowering your arms to the floor, grab them and pull your torso to your hips and your head to your knees.

Important! Already starting from the warm-up, listen to your body, do not work “through pain”. The path of yoga, like any practice, is gradual, so stop every time on the verge of slight discomfort, and do not force yourself.

Stretching while sitting on the floor

This is a very familiar stretching exercise for the back of the legs. Sit on the floor, or better yet, on a special mat. Extended legs are brought together (if it is difficult to keep them straight, you can slightly raise your legs at the knees), toes are raised up. Try to grab the ends of your feet with your hands and pull your torso towards your legs.

It's okay if at first you can't keep your legs straight and even roughly lie with your chest on the surface of your thigh. However, try to keep your back straight. The main thing is to experience the tangible relaxing the back of the legs. This is your progress at this stage.

Child's Pose

This technique is an asana in itself. It effectively and very gently promotes muscle relaxation shoulder girdle and back, elimination of tightness in the scapular and subscapular areas, emotional calm, internal spiritual concentration. This is not a completely inverted pose, but it is nevertheless a lowered position of the pelvis than usual. vertical position body, helps improve blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system, blood outflow, and getting rid of stagnation. That is why this pose is so popular among expectant mothers.

In the child's pose, the mobile but fragile shoulder joint, preparing to take on some of the weight of the upper body while performing Ardha Mukha Svanasana.

It is done simply:

  1. First, we sit with our buttocks on our heels, while keeping our hips together.
  2. We lift our buttocks off our heels and lean forward, trying to stretch our arms straight in front of us as much as possible. The fingers of the palms are closed and extended.
  3. The head drops between the shoulders, we try to bend at the shoulder blades. The position of the upper body resembles that when swimming with the so-called “arrow” or “rocket”.
Important! Use a yoga mat to avoid slipping, which can be dangerous for your back and more. You can even purchase special gloves and socks for yoga that prevent slipping, as well as special gel pads for your hands (they will also reduce tension in your wrists).

Technique for performing the classic version (PHOTO)

Downward Facing Dog pose can be entered both from a standing position and from the last warm-up exercise - child's pose. We will analyze the last option, since the first is best performed at an advanced level. So how to do this movement correctly?

Starting position: kneeling

From child's pose, move to a kneeling position. Make sure your palms are under your shoulders and at their level, the fingers of the palms were open, and there was an emphasis on the pads of the fingers, especially the index finger. Keep your back absolutely straight, your hips in this position are perpendicular to the floor, your feet are fixed on the floor with your toes curled, your heels are pointing up, and your face is pointing down between your arms, while your neck does not bend and continues the straight line of your back.

Breathe calmly in this position and mentally focus on completing the next step.

Transitional position – plank

It is very good if you have practiced doing the classic plank in advance. But if you haven't done this before, don't worry - you won't have to stand in it for too long. Use the plank only as a transition pose before the critical moment when it is necessary to raise the sit bones.

Note! Make sure that neither your legs nor your palms slip and remain in the initially occupied points. In this pose, you already experience more pressure on your wrists and feet, in addition, you isometrically train absolutely all the muscles of the body, which in itself is useful, and in in this case, optimally prepares the body to assume the Downward Facing Dog pose.

Classic pose

From the plank we lift the pelvic bones vertically upward. To do this, you may need to place your feet one or two small steps forward without taking your hands off the floor. The key point is to stretch your back absolutely straight, and create between your tucked in belly and hips. the angle is approximately 60 degrees. From the side, your body will look like an inverted English letter V. Now lower your heels to the floor, if and as far as you can, until your feet are completely attached to the surface. Happened?

If yes, great, if no, you are on the right track. Stay at what you have achieved without severe pain and evaluate the correctness of the technique:

  1. The arms are extended and are a direct continuation of the back, while the forearms tend inward, and the shoulders seem to turn outward. The fingers are still wide open and rest on the pads. Make sure that the weight of the front part of the body is distributed between the shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers of the palm.
  2. The head is a continuation of the straight line of the back and is located between the shoulders. Do not bend your neck upward to prevent injury.
  3. Try to move your shoulders away from your head.
  4. The sit bones stretch toward the palate, forming an acute angle.
  5. Hips and shins are straight.
  6. Feet are glued to the floor.

This is the description of the classic technique of performing the Downward Facing Dog, in which it is advisable to stand for 30 to 60 seconds, or, as yoga instructors say, 4-5 breathing cycles, focusing on breathing correctly. It is most convenient to exit the asana into a child’s pose, which will also be relaxing, after which you can repeat the exercise as many times as you think is useful.

Important! While in the classic Adho mukha svanasana pose, it is important to keep your back straight. This is a guarantee of correct technique and the opportunity to develop, even if other elements require improvement.

Lightweight options

For wrist pain

Very often in yoga groups, beginners complain about: after all, within 30 minutes they have to stand in both Dog poses up to 20 times!

In this case, you can change the classics a little and rely not in the palm of your hand, but in your fists(The hand should not bend, and the fist should continue the straight line of the arm. You stand on your knuckles and lower phalanges, just like you stand in a plank in martial arts).

You can alternate between palm stand and fist stand.

If it is difficult to stretch your legs and place your feet

It's okay if you stand like you're standing, on toes- either tucked forward or at their very tips, like a ballerina.

You can also stand on the base of your feet. The main thing is not to arch your back.

For severe pain in the hamstrings

If it is not possible to painlessly perform the classic Atha Mutha Shvanasana pose, take your time. Stretching will come over time if you exercise every day. Main - your straight back, which is completely indispensable for the proper effect of the exercise. In the meantime, bend your knees a little and don’t be shy if you’re the only one (or one) in the whole group.

Each person has their own level of stretching. It happens that even a coach naturally has a much lower level of stretching than his coachee. All goals are achieved gradually, and there is no need to break ligaments.

If it is absolutely impossible to bend down and reach the floor with your hands

Place a chair in front of you with the back facing you, rest it against the wall so that it does not slide, and do the asana, holding the back with your hands. A great option for beginners and novices.

Instead of a chair, you can use a wall: lean against it with open palms, keeping your arms, back and neck straight.

And one more complicated option

When we lift one leg off the floor in a classical pose, this pose will be called Eka pada adho mukha svanasana. But this option is only suitable for advanced yoga practitioners.

Possible harm and contraindications

While this technique has more than enough healing and strengthening effects, contraindications also exist, and they are so strict that it would be more correct to call them absolute prohibitions.

  1. Women are prohibited from performing any of the inverted poses. during menstrual cycle (during menstruation). In hatha yoga, this is explained by a simple argument - “there is no need to disrupt the natural flow of cleansing of the body, which naturally rushes down towards the earth.” Even traditional medicine confirms that such disorders are fraught with dangerous bleeding. This prohibition is also confirmed in religions, since women are not allowed to begin the prayer ritual during this period until purification.
  2. It is dangerous to perform this movement for those who suffer elevated or low blood pressure, due to the danger of a sudden surge in pressure.
  3. Contraindicated for those suffering glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure.
  4. People with a diagnosis chronic asthma or during periods of its seasonal manifestations, the Head Down Dog exercise is also not recommended due to the possibility of breathing problems.

You should ask directly either your doctor or instructor about other possible contraindications if you have concerns about a particular disease. In general, Adho mukha svanasana is available to almost every person who decides to master the technique of “inverted view of the world”, thanks to its many lightweight versions, which we will talk about later. The main thing is patience, self-confidence and daily effort.

Can this movement be performed during pregnancy?

It is especially worth adding about the benefits and contraindications for performing this asana by women during pregnancy. Many inverted poses are extremely beneficial for the baby at this time., since thanks to them blood circulation in the pelvis is normalized. That’s why during pregnant women’s courses, women even stand in birch trees. In addition, many experts argue that it is inverted positions that contribute to the correct presentation of the baby on the eve of birth - that is, head first.

However, almost the absolute majority It is not recommended to stand in this position after 30 weeks, or at least maintain the asana for no more than 30 seconds. This is explained by the pressure of the fetus on the mother’s diaphragm, which is dangerous for both of them to breathe.

For expectant mothers during all periods of gestation, and especially after 30 weeks, the child's pose is extremely useful, as it promotes the outflow of blood from the pelvis, without disturbing the usual respiratory cycle and without creating increased blood flow to the head.

In addition, there is some modification of the Adho mukha shvanasana technique - a transition from static to dynamic. It is recommended to expectant mothers up to 30 weeks: namely, walking on maximally straightened legs and arms with the sit bones raised up. But this, of course, is no longer yoga, but gymnastics for pregnant women!

Spiritual meaning of inverted asanas

What is so special about all inverted yoga asanas that puts them almost on the same level with the prayer practices of Orthodoxy and Islam, in which being in a prostration position is the physical culmination of the believer’s communication with God?

As the yoga masters themselves explain, by standing in an inverted pose, a person changes the usual arrangement of organs, the most important of which are the head and heart.

It is the elevated position of the heart above the head in all inverted asanas that puts spiritual over intellectual and practical, and with regular repetition of practices and their complication - up to the daily performance of the classic pose of standing on the head (Shirshasana) - lead a person to absolute spiritual leadership and at the same time harmony with his own body, which appears as a pliable and laconic part of nature, and not as the iron armor of a conqueror.


The Adho mukha svanasana technique is not one of the simplest yoga exercises, so not everyone can immediately master it in its classical form. However, this is a basic element, and if you want to continue practicing yoga further and learn new asanas, you definitely need to master all the intricacies of this pose. And if you consider how many health benefits you will get from repeating “Downward-Facing Dog” every day at least once, and preferably more often, then rest assured: you will not have to regret the effort!


To consolidate knowledge about a dog and its baby - a puppy.
To form stable ideas about the concepts of “big and small”,
Learn to distinguish colors (red, yellow, green, blue).
Expand lexicon on this topic.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the poem.
Continue to learn how to stick image details in the right place, draw with your fingers, and sculpt by straight and circular rolling.
Develop concentration, stability and the ability to switch attention.
Continue to work on developing proper speech breathing and voice strength.


Dog toys, bowls, balls, bones, rugs - scraps of fabric.
A picture of a dog, paper images of balls and suns, a glue stick.
Finger paint. Metallophones.
Red and green booths glued to a sheet of white cardboard; triangles-roofs and squares-doors for each booth of the same colors.
A picture of a dog's head and neck, without a nose. Plasticine, beads or pasta “wheels”. Pictures of a dog.
Small building material.
Large and small bones cut out of white cardboard, sheets of paper with large and small circle-plates glued on.
Bowls cut out of thick cardboard, multi-colored clothespins.
Cotton swabs, bandages.
Equipment for dynamic pause: path, bench, tunnel, “puddles”.
Audio recordings: dog barking, “My puppy whines all day long” (Zheleznova), “About the puppy.”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting “Hello, golden sun!”

Hello, golden sun!
(Hands up with fingers spread - imitation of sun rays)

Hello, blue sky!
(Hands draw “clouds” in the sky)

Hello, free breeze!
(Parents blow lightly on the babies’ heads)

Hello little friend!
(Stroke the child's head)

We live in the same region, I greet you all!
(The teacher offers his hand to each child and greets)

Surprise moment “Recognize by voice”

Our today's guests hid in a chest here. Listen and try to guess from the voice who our guests are. (A dog barks.)
Yes, we have dogs visiting us today. Open the chest and choose your dog.

Didactic game “What does a dog have”

Here comes the dog - our Barbos -
White forehead, black nose.
The faithful dog did not sleep at night -
Fearlessly guarded the yard,
And now he really wants
Taste the juicy bones.

Here is the dog Barbos. He has a rug. Why does a dog need a rug? To sleep on it.
The dog also has a bowl. Why does a dog need a bowl? To eat from it.
The dog also has a bone. Why does a dog need a bone? To chew on it.
The dog also has a ball. Why does a dog need a ball? To play with him.

Children place the corresponding objects in front of them one by one.

Application “Stick on the sun and the ball”

Children are asked to stick on a sun and a ball.

Both the sun and the ball are round. Glue the sun at the top of the picture, and the ball near the dog’s paws.

Didactic game “Complete doghouses”

Here are the doghouses, but they are unfinished. Let's finish them. Match each booth with a roof and door of the same color. Like the booth itself.

Pick up a picture of a dog and put it in a red booth. The dog ran into the green booth.

Finger painting “Spots on fur”

Children dip their fingers in black, brown, and orange paint and leave fingerprints.

Dynamic pause “Puppy training”

Small puppies also need to be taught and trained. Guide the puppy along the bridge-bench, jump over the puddle, walk along the path, climb into the tunnel with him. (Performed to the music “My puppy looks a little like”).

Reading the poem “Dog” by A. Barto

There's a shaggy dog ​​at the porch
He lay down with his nose buried in his paws.
Quietly, peacefully he snores,
Maybe he's dozing, maybe he's sleeping.
And try to get in there, thief -
Instantly he barks throughout the yard.

Didactic game “The dog barks”

Listen to the big dog bark: “Af-af-af!” When a dog barks, it opens its mouth wide.

The teacher uses a toy to imitate the movements of a dog trying to climb onto the table. He shakes his finger at a toy dog ​​and says sternly: “Ugh. Ugh!".
Then the dog once again “tries to climb onto the table”, the children repeat the prohibition “ugh!” together with the teacher and independently.

But the little puppy quietly yelps “tap-tap.”

Bas-relief sculpture “Nose and beautiful collar”

Children roll out a ball-nose in a circular motion and press it to the place in the drawing where the dog’s nose should be. Then, by straight rolling, they make a sausage-collar and press it horizontally to the dog’s neck, and then decorate the collar by pressing in beads or pasta.

Breathing exercises “Dogs”

It smelled like sausages and the dogs smelled them. We sniff the air like dogs - noisy, fast. We sniff twice (“sniff-sniff”) and rest. Look at me and listen to me sniff.
The chin is slightly raised, inhale, during which you can hear the sound of air and see how the nostrils come closer to the nasal septum.

Didactic game “Feed the dog bones”

In front of you is a picture with plates. Count the plates. One, two.
How many plates? Two plates. Are these plates the same? No, the plates are different. One plate is large and the other is small. Show me a big plate. Show me a small plate.
And here are the treats for the dog - bones. The bones are also different - large and small. Place large bones in a large plate and small bones in a small plate.

Musical dramatization game “My puppy whines all day long”

To the song of the same name, children pet and pity the puppy, lubricate the sore paw with a cotton swab, and wrap it in a bandage.

Game with clothespins “Bone for the dog”

Here is a dog bowl with bones and clothespins. Feed your dog bones. If the dog ate a bone, remove the clothespin.

Construction of “House for Barbos”

Let's just play with you:
We are building a house for Barbos.
A strong home, a warm home,
Barbosik will live in it.
To have some fun there,
We invite everyone to a housewarming party.

Children are offered a set of small building materials from which they build a house for Barbos.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “About a puppy”

Children beat out the rhythm on metallophones to the music of the same name.

Regular training is the key proper development dogs. They help strengthen muscles and bones, as well as train breathing and cardiovascular system. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load. Especially when it comes to dogs small breeds. The health status and age of the animal are also important. To make the task easier, we offer a selection of exercises for small breed dogs of different age categories.

When choosing a set of exercises for your pet, you should focus not on size, but on breed and body type. If an animal has well-developed muscles, it needs regular physical activity. These include dogs of such breeds as the Toy Fox Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Bichon, Bolognese... They are characterized by high activity and excellent hunting abilities.

The best exercises for such small breeds of dogs are:

  1. Walk for 10-15 minutes in a park or garden in areas with dense soil. By walking on a dense surface, the puppy will learn to “gather his fingers into a ball.”
  2. Alternating fast and slow walking paces. The intensity of the fast pace should be determined based on the fact that during movement the puppy does not go into a gallop, straining all his strength to the maximum. Gallop during training small dogs It should be used only as a way to obtain emotional release.
  3. Long jump and jumping over low obstacles. These exercises perfectly improve coordination of movements and well strengthen the muscles of the hind legs and back.

If we talk about elegant representatives of decorative breeds such as Chinese Crested, Rabbit Dachshund, Papillon, Pomeranian Spitz... Such little ones require a minimum set of movements in order to maintain their muscles in good shape and at the same time feel quite comfortable.

The main thing for them is communication with the owner and their own kind, an abundance of information that can be “collected” with their own nose, and, of course, quiet rest. And since dogs do not receive information like humans, in order to satisfy their information hunger in the form of new sounds, smells and flashing objects, it is important to regularly take them out for at least short walks.

But it is worth remembering that, regardless of the breed, growing dogs always have vulnerable ligaments. Any kind of overload can negatively affect the condition of the joints. Therefore, until the growth period is completed, no heavy loads should be given.

The best way to determine the best option is to focus on the puppy’s well-being. He should not come from a walk tired. Ideally, after a short break, he should have a snack with appetite and demonstrate a desire to continue playing with the owner.

There should not be another extreme, in which the puppy, even after crossing the threshold of the house, continues to jump, demanding that the fun continue. This indicates that the baby “didn’t have enough time.” Regular low activity leads to the fact that the puppy begins to “spread wide”. The reason lies in the fact that the muscles of puppies are still weak and prone to obesity.

Exercises for an adult dog

Young dogs are considered to be animals between 2 and 8 years old. IN sufficient volume physical activity able to provide walks on a leash and swimming lessons. Exercises for small breed dogs in this age range should be aimed at maintaining muscle tone.

This approach will protect tendons and ligaments from microtraumas that are so common in small animals.

Some people mistakenly believe that a win-win option in this regard for small dogs is walking without a leash, when the animal sets its own pace of movement.

In fact, according to research by leading American dog trainer Rachel Paige Elliott, the muscle corset develops best when taking regular walks on a leash, but using different paces of movement. This is due to the fact that when running in “free flight”, the animal loads its body to a minimum, since by its nature it is very rational both in actions and movements.

For adult dogs, time for morning and evening walk It’s worth setting aside at least 15 minutes. When walking a dog on a leash, you should move at such a pace that the animal moves at a fast trot without stopping. In addition to development muscle corset This exercise creates an aerobic load aimed at maintaining the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Walking exercises

Before you start physical exercise, it is worth giving the animal the opportunity to walk on its own in order to relieve itself and run a little in a mode convenient for it. Interesting fact: so that the male can completely empty his bladder, during a walk he should raise his paw 10 to 12 times.

Classes for small dogs should not be complicated by difficult tasks. Long runs over long distances should be replaced with a set of several short-term exercises.

  1. Apportation is an exciting game based on the commands “search/give/fetch”. It is aimed at teaching the animal to grab and return the retrieval object to the owner. To involve the dog in this idea, you must first attract attention to the toy and then throw it a short distance away from you. When the dog grabs the object, force him to release the burden from his mouth. To do this, bring your open palm to your muzzle and say a confident “give.”
  2. Movement on an inclined surface. During this exercise, the muscles of the hips and shoulder girdle work well, but joints and ligaments may suffer. To minimize the risk, the inclined surface should be used specifically for lifting to the top. It is better to go down the slope as gentle as possible. If the animal wants to speed up the pace, allow it to do so.
  3. Shallow water games. Running in low water develops the muscles of the back and forearms well, but the risk of injury to the animal’s joints is reduced to zero. In addition, swimming and playing in shallow water teaches the animal to breathe with its mouth closed. If the dog is initially afraid to go into the water, you should not deliberately push it. It’s better to first throw your favorite toy near the water and go ankle-deep into the water yourself - the dog will be wary at first, but then will happily follow the owner.

Any physical exercise should please the animal and not exhaust it. When selecting tasks, remember that during training, the heart should not be subject to excessive stress.

Puller games

When conducting training for small dogs, it is convenient to use a puller. The training apparatus in the form of a ring flies well and rolls on the ground, does not sink in water. It is convenient for the animal to take the puller in its teeth without fear of injuring its teeth and gums, or to wear it around its neck. For small breed dogs, you should choose products “S” size D19 cm. They are produced in the form of sets of two identical rings in bright colors.

Exercises using a puller:

  • Throw or launch the ring along the ground. The dog will happily chase it and bring it back.
  • If the dog grabs the ring tightly, try to lift the projectile off the ground along with the “trailer”.
  • A game of ring tug-of-war between dog and owner. In a fit of excitement, a dog may growl, but this is not a manifestation of anger.

When working with this simulator, remember that the puller is not intended for the dog to play independently. You chased your pet on the street, came home - put it out of sight.

Loads for the “oldies”

Age dogs include animals 10 years and older. It is worth choosing a special regime for them. This is due to the fact that in the second half of life, animals’ mobility decreases, problems with coordination more often appear, and orientation, vision and hearing deteriorate.

The volume of selected loads should ensure sufficient mobility of the animal. It includes daily walks 2-3 times lasting 15 minutes, depending on the dog’s health and mood. It is better to do this in the evening and morning hours. Heat has a debilitating effect on older dogs.

Hydrotherapy helps well: swimming, playing in shallow water. The only condition is to maintain a comfortable water temperature for the animal.

If, while walking and doing exercises, the animal begins to cough or lose its breath, this indicates that you are giving it an impossible task. If symptoms such as loss of orientation or blurred vision appear, always keep an eye on your dog while walking. It is better to walk him on a leash with a long harness, away from highways and accompanied by a sighted partner.

In addition to well-chosen exercises, older dogs should follow a low-calorie diet. A balanced diet will prevent the development of obesity, which is so common at this age.

(Part 2).
Two main rules of training.
As with any person, with dogs, cats, horses, and all animals in general, when it comes to exercise, two basic rules apply. The first rule can be called the “Rule of Two Ps”. It's about consistency and consistency.

By “Sequence” we mean that all physical exercises begin with the easiest, preparatory variations, and the load increases gradually, taking into account physical condition dogs and her physical capabilities. That is, you start with the easiest option, and only when the dog copes with it “Excellently”, do you complicate it and increase the resulting load. "Excellent" means that your dog feels comfortable, shows no signs of fatigue, and is generally cheerful and cheerful. Only if the dog looks tired, overwhelmed, and is working without enthusiasm, there is a high probability that he is not yet copes with the current load level, and there is nothing to talk about moving to the next one.
By "Consistency" we mean that if you want to achieve results, then your exercises must be constant, that is, performed according to a strict schedule. Let's say three times a week. A scenario where a dog kicks its tail in the apartment all week is completely unacceptable, and on the weekend you break out into a cross-country run with it. Evenly and constantly, it is desirable that there be equal intervals between training sessions, and that it really be a schedule, that is, “This Week Once, and Next Week We’ll Work Four” - this is very bad.
The second rule is “Remember to Warm Up”. Before you start training, play a ball with your dog for 5 minutes (just a ball, don’t throw it too far) or run for 10 minutes and let your dog warm up. After your training has come to an end, a good solution would be to give your dog a “Cool-down” - jogging at a calm pace or walking quickly for about 5 minutes.
So, as a reminder: warm up at the beginning, cool down at the end, consistency and consistency. Only if you cannot follow these simple rules, it is better not to start doing anything at all.
By the way, this applies equally to people - if fitness trainers read us, I think they will agree with me.

And one more thing: dogs that receive stress on a regular basis eat food from the “Active” line, or, if you are on a natural diet, you create a diet taking into account the loads they receive.
When training a dog may be contraindicated.
It is quite obvious (I hope) that for dogs with any health problems, the stress is immediately removed and does not continue until the veterinarian says: “let’s go!” With any deviations, it means that even if your dog just has a cold, he does not receive stress, she has "Exemption" from physical training for the period of illness and a week after, everything is like in humans. After injuries, after vaccinations, after any manipulations with the participation of a veterinarian - in all these cases, the loads are temporarily limited. But only temporarily. When your dog recovers or is on the mend, you are gradually returning to your usual pace of study.
A little less obvious to owners is that strength training and heavy cardio are not recommended for puppies under one year old and older dogs. They are not even undesirable, but practically contraindicated. That is, run with a person - please. But running faster than running average person(that is, a bicycle, etc.) - this is already superfluous. Carrying tires, sleds, or carrying anything at all - no! Jumping, galloping, any sport that involves stress on the joints - no! This is explained very simply: puppies begin to change teeth at about three to four months, and, as a rule, it is during the period from three to four months to a year that the phase begins intensive growth. In older dogs, the joints are simply not as strong as in young animals. Thus, if you are not a professional with years of experience in sports and physical therapy with dogs, don’t interfere, let the dog’s body grow and develop on its own. It is extremely easy for unbalanced loads to break the entire dog and ruin the joints.
To be fair, it is worth noting that it is also impossible to avoid any stress at all during the period of growth, because the joints need them for normal development. But by load in this case we mean simply running with a person. Without unnecessary additives, without bicycles, the dog does not drag the owner on a leash, but runs freely. As an option - active games, but, again, without jumping and pushing with the paws, without unnecessary stress on the joints.
Swimming is recommended for all dogs of all ages. As much as you like. Running in deep snow (where the dog has to make its way) too.
Cardio exercises for dogs.
Actually, natural cardio for a dog is running. Special attention Please note that dogs do not wear sneakers, and their pads are not designed for constant running on asphalt. Yes, your dog walks every day, including on asphalt, but running is not an ordinary walk, you will simply rub the dog’s paws bloody. Run in park areas or anywhere where the dog can run on grass, dirt or snow.
Running can be an "Easy" version, that is, just running with a person: for most medium-sized dogs this is not very strenuous. You can start running from a very young age, and you definitely need to teach the puppy to run next to you (the main thing is always on one side, and not wag in front of you on a leash. Attention! Only in case you have forgotten, the maximum time for such a load for a puppy is his age in months multiplied by five (10 minutes for a puppy of two months, 15 minutes for a puppy of three months, etc..

Running next to a person is the only exercise that you can give to a puppy during the period of teeth change and in the phase of intensive growth, as well as to older dogs. With great care, observing how the animal feels, completely excluding jumping and sudden jumps.
The next stage in difficulty will be running downhill, that is, running uphill. This is already quite difficult for a puppy, and it is better not to do this with puppies until at least eight months. The closest analogue of this type of load would be running up the stairs, which, for the same reasons, is contraindicated for puppies and older dogs. If your puppy at most goes down from the first floor when he goes outside, this is normal, but if he runs several flights of stairs every day, this is a very, very serious risk. If you live even on the second floor, either carry the puppy in your arms or take the elevator to the first floor.
For healthy adult dogs, running uphill is very beneficial (of course, if you start gradually and do not immediately climb a sheer cliff.

Another running option is running behind a bicycle. Please pay attention: behind the bicycle or next to the bicycle, but not the option where the dog drags this bicycle, because working with weights is no longer just cardio. Start with a kilometer at an average pace and gradually increase the distance, adding, for example, 500 meters every week or two, depending on how often you exercise and how well your dog maintains the current load. This type of exercise is also contraindicated in dogs under one year of age.
All games with a dog from the “Run after the Ball” series are a so-called explosive load. We also turn it on only after eight months, and gradually. No, rolling a ball on the floor or throwing something a couple of meters away (in an apartment, for example) is not the same, even a puppy can do this. We are talking about those games where a ball or plate is thrown as far as you can throw it, and the dog immediately rushes after the thrown object. You don't need to play games like this with puppies. Also be very careful with older dogs: only those dogs that were active and healthy image life, can afford this kind of stress without harming their health. Start with three to four throws. Gradually increase until you reach, say, fifteen. There is no need for anything more.
And, as a reminder: swimming is possible for everyone!
Strength training with a dog.
By power, we most often mean those types of loads where the dog works with weights: dragging a sled, dragging a tire on a harness, or, for example, dragging something on wheels (such as a stroller or bicycle), this also includes towing a skier , as well as canicross. All this is a professional canine sport, in each version there are countless small nuances.
Important! This article is not about professional sports at all: if you want to seriously engage in Veit - pulling, riding sports, bike - joring or cany - cross, then you should look for a community of professionals in your city, where you will get detailed information, and most importantly, in practice , will show you how to properly prepare your dog for this. How to use equipment, how to choose it correctly and fit it to your dog, how to plan loads - the instructors will tell you all this. I will not undertake to give universal recommendations here for one simple reason: universal recommendations do not exist. Each case is unique because each dog has unique set starting characteristics, “Toolbox” (breed), temperament and health. What works for one may cause disability for another. Literally. Thus, if you are an adequate and healthy person, you will not learn serious sports from articles on the Internet and experiment on your dog.
But what if winter has come and you just want to harness the dog in a sleigh and, for example, take the children for a ride? Actually, nothing new. Buy a harness and gradually begin exercising your dog, very carefully increasing the weight. Start with a kilometer, and there should be nothing on the sled that weighs more than middle child up to 10 years old. Over time, increase the distance, and even later you can increase the weight, but I’ll say right away: if you don’t live in a region where winter lasts most of the year, you shouldn’t expect that in one winter you can bring your dog to such a state that he will be able to carry a sled with an adult alone without any problems. It will take more than one or two months of constant training for a dog to drag an adult man without harm to its health. So, if you want to ride a dog, I’m afraid you should go to sled-sport instructors. The same applies to any sport where the dog needs to pull something. This kind of stress is either a professional sport or completely unnecessary for your dog.
Another common practice is to load dogs with special weights on a harness in order to “Build Relief.” Perhaps this seems funny and beautiful to some, but about perversions of this kind you should, first of all, remember the following: these are unnatural loads for a dog, for which the animal, most often, is simply not suited. This is unnecessary, completely unnecessary, most often people just amuse their vanity with this. I can advise these people to realize themselves independently, and not at the expense of their animals. Go to the gym and build some muscle for yourself, by God. There will be more sense.
Too much load.
Certain signs will let you know that your dog is tired and whatever you are doing needs to stop and give your dog a break. After the exercise, these signs indicate that you have overtrained the dog, and next time the load should be reduced.
These signs include:
* very heavy breathing during or after the exercise;
* strong thirst;.
* any lameness or hesitation when performing movements that used to be a dog did it without problems;.
* the dog looks extremely tired and sleeps longer and more often than usual;
* the dog does not want to go anywhere, goes for a walk without enthusiasm and does not play with you;
* the dog “freezes” during the process and does not follow even those commands that it knows very well.
If your dog exhibits any of the above, it is likely that he is very tired and you have overdone it.
At any age and in any condition, a dog or a person can play sports. Only the intensity and variety varies. The main thing is to follow the rules: warm-up, cool-down, consistency and consistency.
Remember that any sport and exercise, with the exception of cases when it comes to physiotherapy and rehabilitation, should never be forced on a dog, it should bring pleasure to the dog, not suffering. We hope that your desire to exercise with your dog is dictated solely by concern for the health of your pet, and not by attempts to assert yourself at the expense of your dog. Only if the goal of your sports activities is health, joy and spending time together, you will not chase the result to the detriment of your health and the health of your pet, you will simply enjoy the process. A little later, when we manage to catch our athletes and interrogate them with passion, we will try to tell you more about various types canine sports, in the meantime - good luck to you in your sporting endeavors, and happy holidays! dogsfordarticles.

Dog exercises for hind legs. Exercises for show dogs on stable surfaces

Single-level exercises: statics with handling elements:

Exhibition stand in one plane for a time (from 30 seconds to 2 minutes). Use a stopwatch or set a timer and control the dog in the stance. This is very tiring for the dog, so if the pet can stand for 2 minutes, you have achieved great success. The pet can be fed at this time.

Multi-level exercises: active muscle contraction

  1. Squats (30 seconds to 1 minute). In terms of quantity, be guided by the dog’s capabilities. The height of the second level is the height of the hock or carpal joint (the front legs stand on an elevation). If the height is greater, the dog will experience discomfort, and the training will no longer be for active muscle contraction, but for stretching. The pace of squats should be as slow as possible.
  2. Push-ups (30 seconds to 1 minute). This time the hind legs are on the elevated surface. The height of the step is the same as for the previous exercise. You can guide your dog with a treat to help him do push-ups correctly. When doing push-ups, the dog's elbow should be directed along the body.

Multi-level exercises: coordination load

Climbing to the surface (from 15 seconds to 1 minute). Steps are used (approximately 6), but not a slide. Speed ​​is not important, but it is necessary to maintain a fairly slow pace both when ascending and descending. The height of the step is approximately equal to the height of the hock joint.

Dog fitness exercises to strengthen your puppy's back. 3 types of basic fitness for show dogs

1. On stable surfaces (anything that does not wobble). It is very difficult for a dog to be stationary, so if you have success with working on stable surfaces, that's great, but you need to move on and include other simulators in your work. Exercises can be:

  • Single-level: static with elements of handling (for example, an exhibition stand on a flat surface for quite a long time).
  • Multi-level: active muscle contraction, coordination load.

2. On special unstable simulators (anything that wobbles). Exercises can be:

  • Single-level (statics with handling elements, coordination load). The height of the machine should not be higher than the dog's wrist joint. This could be a sofa pillow, a mattress, etc.
  • Multi-level (active training of deep muscles).
  • Multiaxial (strengthening small muscles, articular-ligamentous apparatus).

3. On mixed simulators (a combination of both). Exercises are divided into:

  • Single-level (static with elements of handling).
  • Multi-level (active work of all muscle groups, strengthening of the joint-ligamentous apparatus).

It is important to include “switching” loads in your training! You cannot do several exercises aimed at one part of the body in a row.

There are exercises aimed at working the muscles and joint-ligamentous apparatus, and there are exercises that work the show trot itself (mainly cavaletti - bars that are at a certain height and distance from each other, a minimum of 4 bars and a maximum of 20 - 5 times 4).

“Switching” loads are needed after every 3 exercises. Those. We worked on the chest, back, neck - “switched” to working on the trot. We worked some more and “switched” again.

You can use gymnastics sticks as slats for cavaletti, or you can use improvised material (for example, sticks from brooms or mops - whatever you find at home). You can lay them out on books to create the desired height. The main thing is that they are not traumatic, i.e. so that the dog can easily knock them down with his paw in case of a mistake and not harm himself. If the slats are static, there is a high probability of bruising or other injury.

The distance between the bars for a comfortable trot is equal to the distance from the shoulder-scapular joint to hip joint your dog.

The height of the bar should not be higher than the dog's wrist joint.

“Switching” loads also work well for coordination. For example, you ran 4 cavaletti bars, turned around and ran them in the opposite direction - this is how the dog learns to “carry” itself around turns. You can offer turns around your axis both on a stable surface and on an unstable simulator.

The muscles of the back include spinal column- cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal regions.

Almost all of these muscles belong to the dorsal muscles of the spinal column - that is, they are attached to the vertebrae from the back. Only some muscles of the neck are attached ventrally (from the abdomen), which perform the function of turning the neck to the sides.

The back muscles are formed by several layers of muscles.

The superficial layer of the neck and back muscles is formed by the splenius capitis muscle. It runs from the level of the atlas wing (the first cervical vertebra) to the spinous processes of T3 - T4 (thoracic vertebrae). With its participation, bending of the neck, raising and straightening of the head occurs. She is partly involved in rotational movements neck.

The middle layer is formed by the iliocostalis and longissimus muscles. These two muscles completely fill the space between the spinous and transverse processes of the vertebrae from the occipital bone to the sacrum. The longissimus muscle, depending on the place of attachment, can be divided into sections - the longissimus muscle of the head, neck, chest, and lower back.

The deep layer includes the semispinalis and spinalis muscles and the multifidus muscles. The multifidus muscles are multi-layered, connecting every two vertebrae in series, the next layer connecting the vertebrae through one (the first and third), and another layer connecting the vertebrae through three (the first and fifth).

The muscles of the back also include short muscles - the intertransverse, interspinous and rotator cuff muscles.

The most mobile in dogs is the cervical and lumbar regions. Thoracic region The spine is less mobile, limited in the amplitudes of flexion and twisting, the vertebrae are additionally stabilized by the ligamentum flavum. Therefore, most often injuries or disease of the intervertebral discs are diagnosed in the cervical or lumbar regions.

For the muscle group that rehabilitation therapists or athletes work with, there is a collective name “paraspinal muscles”. This group includes the multifidus, semispinalis and spinalis muscles, and partly the longissimus muscle. Exercises for the cervical spine are discussed separately.

Spinal walking exercises for dogs. Pathological physiology

Ruptures, most often observed during injuries, have more serious consequences, since in this case there is an actual violation of the integrity of the nervous tissue, that is, truly complete injury. Prognosis of functional recovery from injuries of this type in animals with complete functional dysfunction spinal cord more careful. In some cases, surgical treatment of the underlying disease is not feasible due to financial limitations of the owner or other medical conditions. For example, after an injury that causes a spinal fracture, the animal may develop severe arrhythmia that prevents long-term anesthesia, or the owner may not be able to afford surgical stabilization. In such cases, recovery from rehabilitation is still possible as long as there is no further damage. The underlying mechanisms of subsequent injury include instability leading to repeated concussion and spinal cord compression, and ongoing severe spinal cord compression. However, spinal instability can be managed with simple external splints and treatment, but the physiotherapist should always be aware of the risk of further injury. In addition, the effect of ongoing compression of the nerve roots at their exit from the intervertebral foramina should always be considered. Nerve root compression can cause severe pain and be a limiting factor in the treatment of such cases.

Exercises to strengthen your dog's hind legs. Exercises to develop and strengthen a dog’s hind legs

  1. Stand on your hind legs. Executed by the “serve” command. In order for the dog to rise on its hind legs, you can lure it with a piece of treat (for example, a dog food pellet). The number of repetitions and duration of standing must be increased gradually. For the first time, time how many seconds the dog stands, then each time add a second for repetition. You can start with three executions of the “serve” command.
  2. Jumping up can be done by tossing a dog object or luring it with a treat. The dog needs to swim so many times until he gets tired.
  3. Swimming. If you have access to ponds in the summer or to a pool year-round, exercise in the water will perfectly help strengthen the muscles of the limbs. The activity should be in a playful way. You can throw a stick or ball into the water and command them to bring it back. You don’t need to throw it far right away until you are 100% sure that the dog can swim to the shore on its own. With each workout, gradually increase the distance for swimming and the number of times.
  4. Running uphill. It is carried out in the same way as swimming in a playful way, by throwing the dog’s favorite object up the mountain. The dog must bring it every time. Repeat as many times as possible until the dog gets tired.
  5. Climbing stairs. You can walk with your dog together multi-storey building. But the best option would be a long city staircase, for example in a park. The exercise is carried out in the same way as running uphill. The owner throws a dog toy up the stairs, the dog runs after it and then returns it to the owner. Then the item is thrown again.

Video Exercises for dogs. What to do with a puppy.

Recently the topic physical development dogs has become very popular. Most owners have heard that dogs can use special exercises to strengthen their muscles to maintain health. Therefore, many people want to try dog ​​fitness with their dogs. You can find many exercises online, ranging from simple to very complex, that are only suitable for advanced dogs. Very often I am asked about where it is better to start, and what exercises are suitable for beginners.

First you need to go to the vet and check if your dog is healthy and ready for the stress that you are going to give it. If you have the opportunity to see a veterinary physical therapist, I recommend consulting with one to make sure your dog is healthy enough to exercise. So, if your dog is healthy and your veterinarian has allowed you to do dog fitness, then you can start exercising. Where is the best place to start?

Below you will find 6 basic exercises. They are suitable for almost all healthy dogs (again, check your dog’s health with a veterinarian). Once your dog has mastered these 6 exercises, you can continue doing them, but you will need to increase the difficulty level.

Rules that are important to remember:

  • Work slowly, this is not a race. You need to make sure that the dog does not harm itself.
  • Quality is more important than quantity! Many thanks to Debbie Torraca at Wizard of Paws for constantly reminding us of the importance of quality.
  • Watch for signs of fatigue. If you see them (the dog turns its elbows inward or, conversely, outward; position in a half-squat, etc.), then stop the lesson immediately!

1. Most important exercise- balance in a standing position. Start working on a standing position on a flat surface for 30 seconds. The dog must stand still, without shifting its weight, changing position (sitting down), or moving its paws. It's not as easy as it seems! This exercise is the foundation for everything else in fitness, so give it plenty of time and don't rush it! When standing on a flat surface no longer poses a problem, try adding an unstable surface. This could be a bulky dog ​​bed or a special balance pad.

2. Change of position: sit-stand and stand-sit. Teaching your dog both types of shifts is very beneficial. The fact is that when changing position, the hind and front legs work different groups muscles, and this requires various skills. Pay attention to whether the hind or front legs remain motionless. a) Change on the hind legs. With this shift, the dog puts its weight on its hind legs when sitting down, and when it gets up, it moves forward. b) Change at the front. When a dog sits down, it pulls its hind legs towards its front legs, and when it gets up, its front legs remain in place, only its hind legs move.

3. Walking backwards Walking backwards, rather than hopping like a hare, is a great exercise. Firstly, it shows well how the dog moves, and you can see many of the nuances when moving backwards. When moving backwards, it is better to reward the dog closer to the ground so that his topline remains natural.

4. Head up! We teach the dog to raise its head while standing. This is a very useful exercise for the core muscles. First, the dog must learn to do exercise #1 (standing balance). When the dog is in a standing position, take a treat and lure the dog so that his head lifts slightly up. When a dog raises its head, the core muscles contract and automatically more weight is transferred to the hind legs. Do this several times in a row. The dog in the photo is experienced, this is not its first activity.

5. Weight transfer Standing balance (see point 1) is the basis for this exercise. Apply light pressure with your open palm to your shoulder, hip, or both. You can gently press on the chest. The force with which we press with our palm must be selected in such a way that the dog does not move from its place, and, of course, we cannot push it so that the dog falls! We need the body not to move, but the muscles to work intensely!

6. Raise your paw! This is “Give me your paw” from a standing position! Yes, again it's all about standing balance. Teach your dog to lift his paws one at a time, ideally both front and back. While one paw is in the air, the rest must remain motionless. To make this exercise more challenging, you can use unstable surfaces.

Remember: each exercise must be performed slowly and carefully. Do not hurry! And please make sure that your dog enjoys dog fitness exercises!

The main rule can be called the very mood of the training. It should always be a pleasure for both the dog and its owner. This is another type of communication with your pet, which should always be positive. If the owner is not in the mood, it is better to postpone the training altogether until a better time.

One approach to learning new team should be short enough, literally 5-10 minutes, so that the dog’s attention does not wane. If the dog does not follow commands after several attempts, it simply does not need to be rewarded. First, remember a couple of simple commands that you have learned a long time ago, and then repeat the new “material” again.

She also needs to end the training on a positive note, that is, on a command that she knows well and will therefore receive a reward for doing it. After class, release her with the command “Walk.” There is no place for coercion and negative emotions in training. It is harmful to shout, hit, or pull at a dog. This will not make her remember commands better, but will only be afraid of her owner and confused, not understanding what he wants.

Every dog ​​needs to know the basic commands of obedience: “Come”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Stand”. You can also teach her additional commands: “Stop”, “Give”, “Enough”, “Quiet”. During training, the dog must be well motivated. If you reward him with pieces of food, then the dog should be hungry before training.

If you encourage her with praise and play, then the training should be timed to coincide with the meeting with the dog after separation. For example, when the owner came home from work. When a puppy is taught such commands as “Lie down” and “Stay” on a leash, this should be done after he has run around and frolicked on a walk, “blowing off steam.” Otherwise, it will be very difficult for a hyperactive baby to sit still.

Selected exercises and meditations by Nishi Katsuzo

Exercise "Dog"

Exercise "Dog"

Connect the nose and the back of the head with an imaginary axis. We rotate the head around this axis, as if around the nose, the chin goes to the side and up (like a dog listening to its owner).

The exercise is performed in three versions:

Head straight;

The head is tilted forward;

The head is tilted back.

Exercise "Dog"

This text is an introductory fragment.

The observer position is a basic exercise. Exercise No. 11 1. Stand near a wall and lean your back against it.2. The legs should be joined together, straightened and moved slightly forward by 15-20 cm.3. The sacrum, the entire back and preferably the back of the head should fit snugly against the wall.4.

WHITE DOG, BLACK SPOTS On the wrong side of black paper, draw 2 pairs of ears, 4 pairs of paws, two tails, circles of different sizes and cut them out. Glue the paired parts, folding them with the wrong sides inward. Glue the paws and tail to the dog's body, and to

Second exercise - breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Shoulders and elbows are slightly pushed forward. The head is slightly tilted forward. Exhale (Fig. 3). Execution. 1. Smoothly straighten and spread your arms and sides.

The ninth exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. Shoulders, elbows and head are moved slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 19). Execution. 1. Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up. Turn your palms up. Bend the body. head

Tenth exercise - breathing exercise Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. Shoulders, elbows and head are moved slightly forward, exhale (Fig. 21). Execution. 1. Move your elbows, shoulders, and head back a little and bend your body. Inhale (Fig. 22). 2. Go to the starting position.

The eleventh exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Standing. Feet together. The arms are lowered along the body. Exhale (Fig. 49). Execution. 1. Raise your arms straight forward. Inhale (Fig. 50). 2. Spread your arms to the sides. Turn your palms down. Continued inhalation

The twelfth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Exhale (Fig. 52). Execution. 1. Pull your elbows, shoulders and head back a little. Bend the body. Inhale. 2. Go to the starting position. Exhale.Instructions. Exercise

The thirteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the side. Inhale (Fig. 82). Execution. 1. Lower your arms down. Tilt your head slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 83). 2. Return to the starting position. Inhale (see

The fourteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Hands along the body. Exhale (Fig. 84). Execution. 1. Understand hands forward. Inhale (Fig. 85). 2. Raise your hands up. Continue inhalation (Fig. 86). 3. Spread your arms to the sides. Exhale (Fig. 87). 4. Lower your arms down.

The fourteenth exercise is a breathing exercise with “grouping” Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms raised up. Inhale (Fig. 127). Execution. 1. Sit down smoothly. Relax your arms and body downwards. Exhale (Fig. 128). 2. Smoothly transition to

The fifteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms are raised to the sides. Inhale (Fig. 129). Execution. 1. Slightly tilt your body forward and cross your relaxed arms in front of your chest. Exhale (Fig. 130). 2. Smooth

Exercise IV. Hatha Yoga Eye Exercise This is a classic, very effective approach to improving vision. It is very beneficial to do the exercises in a relaxed state of mind. Using this complex, you can carefully work out the muscles of the eye, moving the eye

Exercise “Gypsy: main exercise” Circular movements of the shoulders back. Performed alternately with the right and left shoulders. Starting position: standing with a straight back and straightened shoulders. Take a short, noisy breath in through your nose at the exact moment your shoulder drops.

Third health exercise: exercise " gold fish“But this is a real exercise. Therefore, let's start with its description, and then we will explain how it works and what it affects. The “Goldfish” exercise is performed as follows. Starting position: lie on your back with your face

Eye Exercise 1: Egyptian Black Dot Technique (Eye Muscle Exercise) The Egyptian Black Dot Technique is a series of effective exercises designed to comprehensively solve vision problems. First, draw black on a white sheet of paper.

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