Home Prevention Order 268 sorms for telephony. New commands and messages

Order 268 sorms for telephony. New commands and messages

The abbreviation “SORM” is a complex of software and hardware designed for carrying out operational investigative measures in communication networks (system of operational investigative measures). SORM - 1 is a system that provides tracking of telephone conversations in landlines and mobile networks. Similar systems exist in many countries, as they help law enforcement agencies in investigating crimes. In our country, the description of the means for creating such a solution, the procedure for their installation and processing of information are determined by law.

Currently, the main law that defines issues related to SORM - 1 is Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 268 of 2012. N New requirements for stationary equipment. For those companies that already have a system, deadlines have been set for the transition to new technology until the end of 2013.All organizations that are just starting out must use the system in accordance with the new requirements.

Order 268 defines the rules for fixed communications, that is, for landline telephones.For mobile communications there are others regulations– their implementation is carried out by the operators themselves, while the heads of commercial organizations are concerned only with the new document.The new rules will help modernize system equipment more quickly and efficiently.

  • A more in-depth study of the rules and requirements. The new requirements are clearer.
  • The organization of data transmission channels can be done in two ways. The first involves the use of KI3, KI31 and the X 25 protocol. The second option involves the use of an Ethernet channel and the standard TCP / IP data transfer protocol. IN in this case two data transmission channels are organized using two software ports. Every data packet transmitted over TCP/IP must begin with a command or message. The same message or command cannot be transmitted in different data packets. In both options for organizing data transmission channels, the permissible time for placing objects under control and removing them from control is set to up to 15 s.
  • For terminal and transit-end communication nodes, the number of controlled objects remained at the same level (1024), and for large transit nodes this figure increased to 2048. The maximum number of primary digital streams for transit and transit-terminal nodes also remained at the same level (8) , and for the terminal ones there are fewer (4 instead of 8). The criteria for the dependence of the maximum number of controlled objects on the characteristics of communication channels have been revised.
  • The new requirements regulate only fixed communication lines; message 12 has been added, which was previously only in the mobile system.
  • Previously, to put an object under control, it was possible to specify a zone number as a sign of a telephone number. In SORM - 1, according to the new rules, you must indicate a 10-digit federal number.
  • The data packets exclude fields that act as counters and indicate the conditional object number, call number and other data. These values ​​are also used to indicate empty fields.

New commands and messages

The majority of commands retained their values ​​and parameters. However, there are still a number of changes:

  • In commands numbered 5, 6, 10 and 12, it is no longer possible to specify a zone number attribute in the number attribute
  • In command No. 5, the conditional object number can now only have values ​​in the range 0000H - FFFEF (previously, the value FFFFH could be used).

More changes occurred in the messages. Below are the changes for data link (DC) messages #1:

  • The maximum length of the “message content” section according to efficiency No. 1 is now no more than 245 bytes.
  • To make it easier to determine the protocol type when transmitting data, the last (10th) byte in the message header now has the value 02H (previously FFH).
  • An emergency code has been added for message No. 1.
  • For message No. 3, three designations have been added for the status of the subscriber set (03H - blocked, 07H - limited opportunities communications and FFH - information about the status of the kit is not available).
  • The remaining changes concern messages 4 to 8, as well as message No. 12. They involve the elimination of typos, the introduction of new commands and values, as well as other innovations, which can be found in the text of the Order.

The list of messages for the second data transmission channel (KPD No. 2) has also changed. Here are the main ones:

  • In the call number, after the value FFFFH there is the value 0H
  • There have been changes to the message header structure
  • The “zone number” value has been removed from the number attribute values, and the GSM standard identifier attribute has been added instead

Installation and configuration of equipment

The implementation of SORM is a mandatory requirement for any company operating in Russia. Implementation of these requirements requires technical knowledge, in-house or
It is very difficult for an organization to install and configure equipment.

Our company is engaged in the supply, installation, configuration and maintenance of telecommunications equipment. We carry out work to organize the system according to new legal requirements, if necessary. When ordering the entire complex of turnkey works, the conditions are the most favorable. More detailed information and equipment characteristics you can contact our specialists by phone.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia has adopted new Rules for the use of equipment for transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network, including software ensuring the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities. These Rules define new requirements for fixed (stationary) SORM-1.

The Rules adopted by Order No. 268 concern SORM systems for fixed telephone communications; SORM requirements for other types of communication networks (mobile communications, data transmission) are established by separate requirements.
The new order has undergone a number of changes in accordance with the order No. 70 of April 20, 1999, which was previously in force. Some basic differences between order No. 268 and order No. 70:

  • A more in-depth study of the rules and requirements, the new requirements are clearer.
  • The organization of data transmission channels can be done in two ways. 1) using KI3, KI31 and X.25 protocol. 2) using an Ethernet channel and the standard TCP/IP data transfer protocol. In this case, two data transmission channels are organized using two software ports. Every data packet transmitted over TCP/IP must begin with a command or message. The same message or command cannot be transmitted in different data packets. In both options for organizing data transmission channels, the permissible time for placing objects under control and removing them from control is set to up to 15 s.
  • For end and transit-end communication nodes, the number of controlled objects remained at the same level (1024 subscribers), and for large transit nodes this figure increased to 2048 subscribers. The maximum number of primary digital streams for transit and transit-end nodes also remained at the same level (8), and for end nodes it became less (4 instead of 8). The criteria for the dependence of the maximum number of controlled objects on the characteristics of communication channels have been revised.
  • The new requirements regulate only fixed communication lines; message 12 has been added, which was previously only in the mobile system.
  • Previously, to put an object under control, it was possible to specify a zone number as a sign of a telephone number. In SORM-1, according to the new rules, you need to indicate a 10-digit federal number.
  • The data packets exclude fields that act as counters and indicate the conditional object number, call number and other data. These values ​​are also used to indicate empty fields.
  • The remaining changes concern the elimination of typos, the introduction of new commands from the SORM control unit and their values, the introduction of new messages from equipment and the addition of new values ​​to existing ones, as well as other innovations.

Telecom operators require Bring into compliance by December 31, 2013 with the requirements of the Rules, equipment used and put into operation in fixed telephone networks of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities.

SORM is designed to work as part of an automatic telephone exchange, which is a necessary condition full implementation of the requirements described below. SORM can be represented by a separate hardware and software complex SORM for passively retrieving information from PBXs of various manufacturers.
To comply with the new Rules of Order No. 268, converters of the SORM interface according to Order No. 70 into the new requirements of SORM in accordance with Order No. 268 can be used.

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated November 19, 2012 N 268
“On approval of the Rules for the use of switching system equipment, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities. Part II. Rules for the use of equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 29, 2012 N 26431)

Additional Information:

In order to implement the requirements of Articles 41 and 64 Federal Law dated July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2003, N 28, art. 2895; N 52, art. 5038; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; N 45, art. 4377; 2005, N 19, art. 1752; 2006, N 6, art. 636; N 10, art. 1069; N 31, Art. 3431, art. 3452; 2007, N 1, art. 8; N 7, art. 835; 2008, N 18, art. 1941; 2009, N 29, art. 3625; 2010, N 7, art. 705; N 15, art. 1737; N 27, art. 3408; N 31, Art. 4190; 2011, N 7, art. 901; N 9, art. 1205; N 25, art. 3535; N 27, art. 3873, art. 3880; N 29, Art. 4284, art. 4291; N 30, art. 4590; N 45, art. 6333; N 49, art. 7061; N 50, art. 7351, art. 7366; 2012, N31, art. 4322, art. 4328) and paragraph 4 of the Rules for the interaction of telecom operators with authorized state bodies carrying out operational investigative activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2005 N 538 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 36, Art. 3704; 2007, N 48, Art. 6010; 2008, N 42, Art. 4832), I order:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the use of switching system equipment, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities. Part II. Rules for the use of equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

2. Telecom operators, before December 31, 2013, bring into compliance with the requirements of the Rules the equipment used and put into operation in fixed telephone networks of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational operations. investigative activities.

3. Send this order to state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Minister N. Nikiforov

Rules for the use of switching system equipment, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities. Part II. Rules for the use of equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities

I. General provisions

1. Rules for the use of switching system equipment, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities. Part II. Rules for the use of equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), were developed in accordance with Articles 41 and 64 of the Federal Law of July 7 2003 N 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 28, Art. 2895; N 52, Art. 5038; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; N 45, Art. 4377; 2005 , N 19, Art. 1752; 2006, N 6, Art. 636; N 10, Art. 1069; N 31, Art. 3431, Art. 3452; 2007, N 1, Art. 8; N 7, Art. 835 ; 2008, N 18, article 1941; 2009, N 29, article 3625; 2010, N 7, article 705; N 15, article 1737; N 27, article 3408; N 31, article 4190; 2011 , N 7, Art. 901; N 9, Art. 1205; N 25, Art. 3535; N 27, Art. 3873, Art. 3880; N 29, Art. 4284, Art. 4291; N 30, Art. 4590 ; N 45, Article 6333; N 49, Article 7061; N 50, Article 7351, Article 7366; 2012, N 31, Article 4322, Article 4328), paragraph 4 of the Rules for interaction of telecom operators with authorized government bodies , carrying out operational investigative activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2005 N 538 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N36, Art. 3704; 2007, N 48, art. 6010; 2008, N 42, art. 4832), in order to implement the tasks assigned to them by authorized state bodies carrying out operational investigative activities.

2. The rules establish mandatory requirements for the equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes using circuit switching technology and (or) switching of information packets included in the communication network common use and dedicated fixed-line telephone communication networks, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities (hereinafter referred to as ORM technical means).

3. Equipment of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities, is identified as equipment of switching systems, including software that ensures the implementation of established actions during operational investigative activities, and in accordance with paragraph 27 of the List of communication means subject to mandatory certification, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2009 N 532 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 26, Art. 3206), is subject to mandatory certification in the manner established by the Rules for organizing and carrying out work on mandatory confirmation of the conformity of communications equipment approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2005 N214 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 16, Art. 1463; 2008, N 42, Art. 4832; 2012, N 6, Art. 687).

II. Requirements for technical means of operational management of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of a fixed telephone network

4. Technical means ORM of transit, terminal-transit and terminal communication nodes of the fixed telephone network provide:

1) access to information transmitted in the connection and (or) telecommunication message of subscribers - users of communication services, in respect of which a decision was made to carry out operational investigative measures (hereinafter referred to as the object of control);
2) the ability to maintain a list and enter into it data about subscriber numbers and (or) identifiers with control parameters specified by a command transmitted from the authorized control point government agency carrying out operational investigative activities (hereinafter referred to as the ORM control center);
3) formation of a data transmission channel N 1 (hereinafter - KPD1) for receiving control commands and transmitting messages to the ORM control point in response to commands, as well as for transmitting telecommunication messages to the ORM control point, the reception or transmission of which is carried out with the participation of control objects;
4) formation of a data transmission channel N 2 (hereinafter referred to as KPD2) for transmitting messages about connections involving monitored objects to the ORM control point (hereinafter referred to as a controlled connection);
5) transmission to the ORM control point of messages about controlled connections, as well as information transmitted in telecommunication messages, the reception and transmission of which is carried out with the participation of control objects (hereinafter referred to as statistical control);
6) transmission to the ORM control point of messages about controlled connections, as well as information transmitted in controlled connections (voice, fax messages, data transfer) and (or) in telecommunication messages, the reception and transmission of which is carried out with the participation of controlled objects (hereinafter - full control);
7) formation of control trunk lines (hereinafter referred to as CSL) for transmission to the ORM control point with full control of voice information, as well as information transmitted in fax messages with the participation of control objects;
8) transmission to the ORM control point of voice information of the participants of the controlled connection via one CSL (hereinafter referred to as CSL-A) - full combined control mode;
9) transmission to the ORM control point of voice information of participants in a controlled connection via two CSLs (hereinafter referred to as CSL-A and CSL-B), while the information of one participant is transmitted via CSL-A, the other - via CSL-B - complete separate control mode;
10) transfer to the ORM control point of information transmitted in controlled connections and (or) telecommunication messages during the establishment of a connection and (or) transmission of a telecommunication message;
11) transmission of messages to the OPM control point and allocation of CSL for each subscriber in the case when two control objects are involved in one connection;
12) control over the use of commands or service programs that allow access to information related to objects of control, and transmission of messages about unauthorized access attempts to the ORM control center;
13) control over the ability to access information transmitted between ORM technical means and the ORM control point, with the transmission of messages about unauthorized access attempts to the ORM control point;
14) control over access to random access memory communication center containing information related to control objects, both from workplaces service personnel telecom operator, and using remote access, and transmitting messages about unauthorized access attempts to the ORM control center.

5. The time from the moment of registration of an event at the communication center to the moment of recording information about this event to the transmission port of the ORM technical means is no more than 200 ms.

6. Technical means of ORM exclude the possibility of recording information related to the functioning of technical means of ORM and revealing objects of control in system logs, in files, information arrays and on other media.

7. Technical means of operational intelligence exclude the possibility of detection by participants in a controlled connection or participants in the transmission of telecommunication messages of the fact of carrying out operational investigative measures.

8. Requirements for the interaction of ORM technical means with the ORM control point are established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Rules.

9. Requirements for the functions of ORM technical means at the terminal communication node are established in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Rules.

10. Requirements for the functions of ORM technical means at a transit communication center are established in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Rules.

11. Requirements for the functions of ORM technical means at the terminal-transit communication center are established in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Rules.

12. Requirements for the format of control commands are established in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the Rules.

13. Requirements for the parameters of control commands and their execution are established in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to the Rules.

14. Requirements for the sequence of execution of control commands are established in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to the Rules.

15. Requirements for the format of messages transmitted by ORM technical means via data transmission channel No. 1 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the Rules.

16. Requirements for message parameters and their transmission by ORM technical means via data transmission channel No. 1 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to the Rules.

17. Requirements for the format of messages transmitted by ORM technical means via data transmission channel No. 2 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

18. Requirements for message parameters and their transmission by ORM technical means via data transmission channel No. 2 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to the Rules.

19. The list of abbreviations used is given in Appendix No. 12 to the Rules (for reference).

Appendix No. 1 to the Rules

Requirements for the interaction of ORM technical means with the ORM control center

1. ORM technical means to ensure interaction with the ORM control point form control trunk lines (CCL) and data transmission channels (DTC).

2. CSLs are formed by using channel intervals (hereinafter referred to as CI) 1÷I5, 17÷29 of the zero primary digital stream with a transmission rate of 2048 kbit/s with channel intervals of 64 kbit/s. KI 16 is not processed by ORM control room equipment.

3. To synchronize ORM hardware with the ORM control point, a synchronization signal is used, received from the generator of the network synchronization unit of the communication center.

4. The organization of the KPD provides two options.

4.1. In the first option, efficiency1 and efficiency2 are formed by using KI30, KI31 of the zero primary digital stream, respectively. In the remaining primary digital streams (if used), KI30, KI31 are reserved for data transmission in the event of failure of the used KPD1 and KPD2 or failure digital system transmission, forming reserve capacity of data transmission channels. The numbering of primary digital streams starts from zero.

4.1.1. Technical means of ORM provide monitoring of the serviceability of KPD1 and KPD2. If any channel from a pair of efficiency factors or communication lines between the ORM control point and technical means of the ORM are damaged, data transmission over this pair of efficiency factors is blocked and an automatic transition to a healthy backup pair of efficiency factors is provided in the next primary digital stream and its use before moving to the next serviceable backup pair of efficiency factors or termination of operation of ORM technical means. In the absence of serviceable KPD pairs, the transmission of all data to the ORM control point is stopped, while the untransmitted data is destroyed, and the transmission of voice information is not blocked.

4.1.2. Damaged channels are considered faulty (blocked) until the efficiency of KPD1 and KPD2 of the primary digital stream is restored and the technical means of the ORM at KPD1 of this digital stream receive any command from the ORM control point with a valid password (either the initial one or specified by command No. 3, given in paragraph 3 of the appendix No. 6 to the Rules).

4.1.3. The exchange of data on KPD1 and KPD2 between the ORM technical means and the ORM control point is carried out using the X.25 protocol.

4.1.4. Technical means of ORM when transmitting data to KPD1 and KPD2 provide installation and configuration of variable parameters of the X.25 protocol of the second and third levels of the 7-level basic reference model of interaction of open systems.

4.2. In the second option, KPD1 and KPD2 are organized over a dedicated Ethernet channel using the TCP/IP protocol and two software ports.

4.2.1. Port 1 is used to organize efficiency factor1. Port 2 is used to organize efficiency factor 2.

4.2.2. Each TCP/IP protocol packet of transmitted data begins with a command or message header. It is not allowed to place the same command or the same message in different packages.

5. The permissible time for placing objects under control and removing them from control at terminal, terminal-transit communication nodes when using the X.25 protocol is no more than 15 s.

6. The permissible time for placing objects under control and removing them from control at transit communication nodes when using the X.25 and TCP/IP protocols is no more than 15 s.

Appendix No. 2 to the Rules

Requirements for the functions of ORM hardware at the terminal communication node

1. Technical means of ORM at the terminal communication node perform the following functions:

1) control of outgoing calls from control objects that are subscribers of the terminal communication center;
2) control of incoming calls to control objects that are subscribers of the terminal communication center;
3) control of outgoing calls from subscribers of the terminal communication center to subscribers of public telephone networks (hereinafter referred to as PSTN) of the Russian Federation and foreign countries that are objects of control;
4) control of connections when objects of control use communication services that change the direction of a call or provide the possibility of simultaneous conversation with several subscribers. At the same time, the information transmitted by all participants in the connection is controlled;
5) transfer to the ORM control point of information about the provided communication services to subscribers of the terminal communication center;
6) control of fax messages, telecommunication messages and data transmission received or transmitted by control objects;
7) control of connections when objects of control of the terminal communication node use access codes for telecommunication services (hereinafter referred to as the CDU).

2. The number of control objects, simultaneously monitored connections with full control and the number of primary digital streams between the ORM technical means and the ORM control point, depending on the installed subscriber capacity of the terminal communication node, is presented in Table No. 1.

Appendix No. 3 to the Rules

Requirements for the functions of ORM hardware at a transit communication center

1. Technical means of ORM at a transit communication center perform the following functions:

1) control of automatic and semi-automatic calls to specified telephone numbers (full or incomplete) or identifiers of calling and (or) called control objects who are TSSN subscribers;
2) control of calls arriving at a transit communication node via certain channel bundles (a set of switching channels directly connecting two nodes of the communication network). The number of controlled channel bundles does not exceed 10;
3) control of fax messages, telecommunication messages and data transmission received or transmitted by control objects.

2. Technical means of ORM at the transit communication center provide control of no more than 2048 telephone numbers of control objects that are subscribers of TSSNOP.

3. Technical means of ORM at a transit communication center with complete separate control provide simultaneous control of up to 112 connections, while the number of primary digital streams does not exceed 8.

Appendix No. 4 to the Rules

Requirements for the functions of ORM hardware at the terminal-transit communication center

1. Technical means of ORM at the terminal-transit communication center perform the following functions:

1) control of outgoing calls from control objects that are subscribers of a given communication center;
2) control of incoming calls to control objects that are subscribers of a given communication center;
3) control of outgoing calls from subscribers of a given communication center to control objects that are subscribers of the PSTN;
4) control of connections when the control objects of a given communication center use communication services that change the direction of the call, or provide the possibility of simultaneous conversation with several subscribers. In this case, all subscribers participating in the connection are controlled;
5) transfer to the ORM control point of information about the communication services provided to subscribers of this communication center;
6) control of calls when using the control objects of a given communication center with telecommunication services using KDU access codes;
7) control of calls coming through certain channel bundles. The number of controlled channel bundles does not exceed 10 for any capacity of the terminal-transit communication node;
8) control of automatic and semi-automatic calls to specified telephone numbers (full or incomplete) or identifiers of calling and (or) called control objects who are TSSN subscribers;
9) control of fax messages, telecommunication messages and data transmission received or transmitted by control objects.

2. The number of control objects, simultaneously monitored connections with full control and the number of primary digital streams between the technical means of the ORM of the terminal-transit communication node and the ORM control point depends on the installed subscriber capacity and the number of channel bundles of the terminal-transit communication node and is determined based on the total data given in Table No. 1 and Table No. 2.

Appendix No. 7 to the Rules

Requirements for the sequence of execution of control commands

1. All control commands, with the exception of commands NN 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, are executed sequentially. ORM technical means do not accept the next command until message No. 7 with the sign “command rejected” or message No. 8 with any sign of execution of the previous command is transmitted to the ORM control point.

2. Commands NN 2, 7, 8, 13, 14 are accepted for execution at any time, including against the background of another executing command, and are executed with priority.

3. The command is not accepted for execution until the ORM technical means are launched. In this case, the ORM technical means transmit message No. 7 with the sign “command rejected” to the ORM control point.

4. The command is not accepted for execution if the command format is incorrectly specified or if the command parameters are incorrectly specified from the ORM control point. In this case, the ORM technical means transmit message No. 7 with the sign “command rejected” to the ORM control point.

5. A command accepted for execution is executed only if the password in the command matches the current password in the ORM hardware.

6. A command received by the ORM technical means with an incorrect password or with an incorrect number of the ORM technical means is accepted for execution, but is not executed. In this case, message No. 7 with the sign “command accepted for execution”, message No. 8 with the reason for non-execution of the command, and message No. 6 are transmitted to the ORM control point.

Appendix No. 11 to the Rules

Requirements for message parameters and their transmission by ORM technical means via data transmission channel N 2

1. Message No. 1.1 “Receiving the full telephone number of the called user.”

1.1. Message code N 1.1 is 41 N.

1.2. The format of message No. 1.1 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 11 to the Rules.

1.3. Message N 1.1 is transmitted to the OPM control point after determining the possibility of establishing a connection if the connection information contains a telephone number or identifier of the connection participant, or a conventional number of the channel bundle that is the object of control, that is, entered in the table of OPM technical means.

1.4. For connections selected with the “full control” category, message N 1.1 is transmitted to the ORM control center immediately after the CSL is allocated/not allocated for the selected call. The moment of connecting the CSL to the ORM control point for the monitored connection, established both automatically and semi-automatically, is selected in such a way that the transmission of acoustic buzzer signals to the ORM control point is ensured.

1.5. For connections selected with the “statistical control” category, message N 1.1 is transmitted to the ORM control point immediately after identifying the control object.

1.6. For connections established semi-automatically at a transit communication center, selected with the “full control” category, message N 1.1 is transmitted at the stage of the call by the telephone operator to the called subscriber, immediately after the allocation of the CSL. In this case, for outgoing semi-automatic connections, message N 1.1 contains the telephone numbers of both subscribers participating in the connection.

1.7. Contents of the fields “telephone number or caller ID (A)”, “telephone number or caller ID (B)”, “conditional number of the channel bundle”, “KSL-A number”, “KSL-B number”, “number of the current month", "station system time" and "priority label" are filled in in accordance with the standard message format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

1.8. If there are no available SCLs in the group for connections involving control objects with the “full control” category, the “selection sign” takes the value “statistical control”, and the “priority label” takes the value FFH or 02Н, if this value is used for statistical control.

1.9. The “operation code” field (KSL connection code) takes the following values:

1) 00N - normal connection of the CSL;
2) 01N - there are no available CSLs in the group;
3) FFH - statistical control.

1.10. The “service description” and “additional code” fields in message N 1.1 have the value FFH.

2. Message No. 1.2 “Response from the called subscriber.”

2.1. Message code N 1.2 is 42Н.

2.2. The format of message No. 1.2 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

2.3. Message N 1.2 is transmitted after the called subscriber answers.

2.4.1. If commands N 7, N 8 are used, the values ​​change:

b) when using command N 8, the numbers of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B change to the FFH values.

3) 31st byte of the message content - “priority label”:

A) when using command N 7, the value 01H or FFH changes to the value 00H;
b) when using command N 8, the value 00Н changes to the value FFH.
Note: for technical means of ORM of terminal nodes and terminal-transit nodes with local communication and the use of equipment for automatic identification of the calling subscriber’s telephone number, the telephone number of subscriber “A” may not be contained in message N 1.1, but must be contained in message N 1.2.

3. Message No. 1.3 “Disconnection”:

3.1. Message code N 1.3 is 43Н.

3.2. The format of message No. 1.3 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

3.3. Message N 1.3 is transmitted when the connection between subscribers is completed:

1) after one of the subscribers hangs up when the connection is established;
2) after the caller hangs up if the connection fails;
3) if it is impossible to establish a connection.

3.4.1. If commands N 7 and N 8 are used, the values ​​change:

1) 10th byte of the message header - “sign of selection of the control object”:

A) when using command N 7, the values ​​02Н, 08Н, 20Н, 80Н (statistical control) change to the values ​​01Н or 03Н, 04Н or 0СН, 10Н or 30Н, 40Н or С0Н (full control), respectively;
b) when using command N 8, the values ​​01Н or 03Н, 04Н or 0СН, 10Н or 30Н, 40Н or С0Н (full control) change to the values ​​02Н, 08Н, 20Н, 80Н (statistical control), respectively;

2) 25th and 26th bytes of the message content - “KSL-A number” and “KSL-B number”:

A) when using command N 7, the FFH values ​​are changed to the numbers of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B;
b) when using command N 8, the numbers of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B change to the FFH values;

A) when using command N 7, the value 02Н or FFH changes to the value 01Н (priority control object);
b) when using command N 8, the value 01Н (priority control object) or 02Н (regular control object) changes to the value FFH or 02Н, used for statistical control.

1) 01Н - disconnection for technical reasons;
2) 02Н - disconnection after incomplete dialing (used for technical means of ORM of terminal and terminal-transit communication nodes);
3) 03Н - disconnection when the called subscriber is busy or there are no free communication lines;
4) 04Н - disconnection when subscriber B does not answer;
5) 05Н - disconnection after a conversational state. 4. Message No. 1.4 “Use of communication services”:

4.1. Message code N1.4 is 44Н.

4.2. The format of message No. 1.4 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

4.3. Message N 1.4 is generated and transmitted to the ORM control point when ordering, checking, or canceling communication services by the control object without establishing a connection. When using communication services during the connection process, message N 1.4 is transmitted to the OPM control point after the formation of message N 1.1 and before the formation of message N 1.3.

4.4. The “service description” field (bytes 33 to 35) contains the code of the service provided to the control object.

4.5. The 36th byte defines the "complementary code".

4.6. The remaining fields of message N 1.4 correspond to the contents of similar fields of message N 1.1, with the exception of cases when, before receiving message N 1.4, commands N 7, N 8 were used, which change the parameters of the control object. In this case the values ​​change:

1) 10th byte of the message header - “sign of selection of the control object”:

A) when using command N 7, the values ​​02Н, 08Н, 20Н, 80Н (statistical control) change to the values ​​01Н or 03Н, 04Н or 0СН, 10Н or 30Н, 40Н or С0Н (full control), respectively;
b) when using commands N 8, the values ​​01Н or 03Н, 04Н or 0СН, 10Н or 30Н, 40Н or С0Н (full control) change to the values ​​02Н, 08Н, 20Н, 80Н (statistical control), respectively;

2) 25th and 26th bytes of the message content - “KSL-A number” and “KSL-B number”:

A) when using command N 7, the FFH values ​​are changed to the numbers of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B;
b) when using commands N 8, the numbers of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B change to the FFH values;

3) 31st byte of the message content - “priority label”:

A) when using command N 7, the value 02Н or FFH changes to the value 01Н (priority control object);
b) when using command N 8, the value 01Н (priority control object) or 02Н (regular control object) changes to the value FFH or 02Н, used for statistical control.

4) 32nd byte of the message content - “operation code” (KSL connection code):

A) when using command N 7, the value 01Н or FFH changes to the value 00Н;
b) when using commands N 8, the value 00Н changes to the value FFH.

5. Message No. 2.1 “Connecting the control trunk line”:

5.1. Message code N 2.1 is 51 N.

5.2. The format of message No. 2.1 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

5.3. Message N 2.1 is transmitted as a result of executing command N 7.

1) 10th byte of the header - “object selection sign” - the values ​​02Н, 08Н, 20Н, 80Н (statistical control) change to the values ​​01Н or 03Н, 04Н or 0СН, 10Н or 30Н, 40Н or С0Н (full control), respectively;
2) the 25th and 26th bytes of the message content - “KSL-A number” and “KSL-B number” - the FFH value changes to the number of the actually allocated KSL-A and KSL-B;
3) 31st byte of the message content - “priority mark” - the value FFH or 02Н changes to the value 01Н (priority);
4) The 32nd byte of the message content - “operation code” (KSL connection code) - takes the value 00N - normal connection.

5.6. The contents of all fields of message N 2.1 in the absence of available CSLs in the group (under statistical control) correspond to the contents of similar fields of messages NN 1.1, 1.2 or N 1.4, depending on the moment of receipt of the N7 command - before or after the subscriber’s response, with the exception of the 32nd byte , the value of which is equal to FFH or 02Н for statistical control, changes to the value 01Н - “there are no available CSLs in the group.”

6. Message No. 2.2 “Release of control trunk line”:

6.1. Message code N 2.2 is 52Н.

6.2. The format of message No. 2.2 corresponds to the standard format given in Appendix No. 10 to the Rules.

6.3. Message N 2.2 is transmitted if the CSL is released for any reason.

6.5. The 32nd byte of the “contents” of message N 2.2 defines the “KSL release code” and takes the following meaning:

1) 01Н - by command No. 8;
2) 02Н - according to the priority of the control object;
3) 03Н - by priority, as a result of the actions of command No. 7;
4) 04Н - malfunction of station equipment;
5) 05Н - by command No. 6;
6) 06Н - by command No. 2.

7. Messages No. 2.3 “Test response message”:

7.1. Message code N 2.3 is 53Н.

7.2. The format of message N 2.3 is shown in Figure 1.

7.3. Message N 2.3 is transmitted over all existing KPD2 as a response to command N 14 received via any of the organized KPD1, no later than 200 ms from the moment command N 14 arrives at the station port.

7.4. Bytes from 5 to 12 of the message header (“call number”, “type of control object”, “conditional object number”, “sign of selection of control object”, “communication parameters” and “service phase code”) take the value FFH .

Appendix No. 12 to the Rules

For information

List of abbreviations used
1. KDU - Telecommunication services using access codes.
2. CI - Channel interval.
3. Efficiency - Data transmission channel.
4. KSL - Control connecting line.
5. ORM - Operational search activities.
6. Software - Software.
7. SPRTS - Mobile radiotelephone communication network.
8. TS ORM - Technical means of operational-search activities.
9. TfSSOP - Public telephone network.
10. IMSI - International Mobile Subscraiber Identif (international mobile subscriber identifier).
11. GSM -Global System for Mobile communications (global system for mobile communications).

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