Home Children's dentistry Determination of blood group using standard sera. Determination of blood group using standard sera - detailed information

Determination of blood group using standard sera. Determination of blood group using standard sera - detailed information

This article will discuss methods for determining blood group using the AB0 system, as well as an express method for determining the Rh factor.

First, let's talk about the purposes of determining blood type, as well as the history of studying this issue. Interest in blood transfusion dates back a long time. Also in Ancient Egypt doctors tried to transfuse it to the wounded, sick, and dying. Mostly young animals were used as donors. It was believed that they had special natural strength and, moreover, were not subject to vices, like people. Person-to-person transfusions were most often unsuccessful. The reasons for this were discovered much later by the Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner. He determined that humans have various antigens and antibodies that form a special immune system.

Currently, about five hundred different antigens have been identified, but in practice blood groups are determined using the ABO system.

According to this system blood contains:

  • agglutinogens A and B (antigens). Localization – erythrocytes;
  • agglutinins alpha and beta (antibodies). Localization – serum.

Their location in the blood:

  • Antigen A together with alpha antibodies;
  • Antigen B along with beta antibodies;
  • Only alpha and beta antibodies.

Antigens and antibodies of the same name cannot be present at the same time, since their meeting leads to the rapid manifestation of the so-called. isohemagglutination reactions, which will lead to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells and other pathological reactions.

The technique for determining blood group consists of applying knowledge of this feature.
  • Group 1: there are no agglutinogens, there are agglutinins in the serum;
  • 2nd group: there is A and beta;
  • 3rd group: there are B and alpha;
  • Group 4: there are A, B, no agglutinins.

Determination technique

Technique for determining blood group using the AB0 system based on visual observation of agglutination.

Research should be carried out when:

Ask your question to a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor

Anna Poniaeva. Graduated from Nizhny Novgorod medical academy(2007-2014) and Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

“People of blue blood”, “royal blood”, “blood brother” - there are many expressions that affect one of critical systems in the human body. It is responsible for tissue nutrition, respiration, metabolism, absorption and assimilation nutrients. Role circulatory system difficult to overestimate. There are no small details here. Thus, group affiliation and the Rh factor play a big role in a person’s life. This is especially important for women. Group determination, biochemical and other tests precede any intervention in the patient’s body. Treatment of almost every disease begins with the collection of biological material for research.

In Japan, they believe that a person's character depends entirely on his blood group. The owners of the first group are dominated by such qualities as self-confidence and determination. People with the second blood group are reliable, but withdrawn into themselves. Those who have the third are most often ambitious and intelligent. Demanding, balanced people have blood of the fourth group flowing in their veins. Based on this principle, many people start families, make friends, and employers look for employees.

Lives on the Australian continent amazing person James Harrison. During his 74 years, he managed to donate blood about 1000 times! Doctors say that at least 2 million newborn babies were saved by this unusual donor. He not only has the most rare group, but also boasts the presence of special antibodies that help infants with severe anemia successfully fight the disease.

AVO system

There are 4 blood groups in the world, each with its own characteristics. The first group does not contain proteins of antigens A and B, therefore it is universal as a donor. But a person who has such a blood type cannot be transfused with any other blood type except the first. The second group carries antigens A. It is compatible with the first and second. The third blood group contains B antigens. And the first or third are ideally suited to it. The fourth group contains antigens A and B, and is compatible with blood of any group. Currently, doctors try to transfuse recipients of the same group as their own.

This is a generally accepted system in which everyone works medical institutions peace. Determination of blood group and Rh factor is carried out for all newborn children and people before any surgical intervention, transfusion of blood and its components. Obstetricians-gynecologists especially monitor these indicators in women during pregnancy.

Methods for determining blood group

There are several ways to determine a person’s blood group in the laboratory and even at home:

  1. According to standard serums.
  2. Based on standard red blood cells.
  3. Using zoliclones.
  4. According to the blood type of the parents.

It is important to note that determining blood type and Rh factor using the latter method is not reliable. This method can be called “homemade”. It is suitable as entertainment for older children, for a better understanding of how such traits are inherited by a child.

How to determine blood type using zoliclones

The use of cyclones is simple and modern way determining a person's blood group and its Rh factor. The drug is obtained from biological material of mice and is widely used in the ABO system. The advantages of zoliclones are that they agglutinate faster, that is, they coagulate, with the blood and the reaction becomes more pronounced. Most often, laboratory technicians use anti-A and anti-B reagents, but in some cases they also work with anti-AB and anti-O. Determining blood type using zoliclones requires less time and preparation.

Two inscriptions are made on a special tablet according to the names of the zoliclones used. A small drop of the blood being tested is placed under them, and a little reagent next to it. Using a glass or any other clean stick, mix both liquids, then slowly shake the tablet for two minutes to better connect and fold the proteins. The results are judged by the agglutination reaction. Complete absence adhesion indicates that the blood being tested belongs to the first group. Bonding with anti-A zolicone proves that it belongs to the second group. If a reaction with the anti-B reagent is observed, it means that the patient has blood type III. When agglutinated with both coliclones, it is clear that the material being tested contains antigens A and B. Therefore, it is blood of the fourth group.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor using cyclones is the most convenient and widespread at present. In order to find out the Rh factor, you need to apply a few drops of anti-D-super zolicone and one drop of the test one to the tablet. biological fluid. Next you need to mix them. The presence of a coagulation reaction indicates that the patient has a positive Rh factor. Accordingly, the absence of agglutination means that Rh is negative.

Determination of blood group using standard sera

In this case, standard sera of four known groups are used. Two batches of each reagent are used to ensure the most accurate result. To facilitate the work, the serums are each colored in their own color: O(I) - colorless, A(II) - blue, B(III) - red, AB(IV) - yellow. The sera of the first three groups are applied to a special tablet, two series of each. One drop of the test blood taken from a finger is dripped nearby. The tablet is gently rocked until completely mixed and the results are judged by the agglutination reaction. Determining blood type is always a scrupulous manipulation that requires care and concentration.

Standard red blood cells for determining blood group

Determination of blood group using standard red blood cells is another highly accurate method for identifying group affiliation. It is carried out using standard red blood cells obtained from donor material. Centrifuged blood serum is applied to the tablet in two rows of three drops each. Near each of them a little red blood cell mass is placed in the following order: O (I), A (II), B (III) - two series each. Just as when determining the group by other methods, in this case, drops of blood and reagents are thoroughly mixed and the results are judged by protein coagulation.

Determining a child's group affiliation based on the blood of the parents

Determining blood type by parents is perhaps the only “home” method. According to the law of inheritance, a child takes one antigen from his father and mother. The table below shows all possible options inheritance of a child's blood type.

Either I or II

Either I or III

Or II or III

Either I or II

Either I or II

Or II, or III, or IV

Either I or III

Any with equal probability

Either I or III

Or II, or III, or IV

Or II or III

Or II, or III, or IV

Or II, or III, or IV

Or II, or III, or IV

Determining a child's blood type using a table can give an idea of ​​the inheritance of genes and allow you to spend your time profitably. This method is not accurate. But it is quite informative. Of course, determining blood type based on parents is not the most best method, for a reliable result you should contact the clinic.

Blood collection

To determine group affiliation, material is taken from a finger and from a vein. For analysis, both whole blood and serum are used, which is obtained by centrifuging a tube with biological material. For children at birth, blood type and Rh factor are determined using material taken from the heel.

The analysis is taken in an outpatient clinic or hospital under conditions of complete asepsis and using antiseptic agents. The manipulation can only be done by a person with medical education, and the reaction must be carried out by a laboratory assistant. The analysis is carried out several times by different health workers to exclude the influence of the human factor on the result of the study. There are devices that can accurately and reliably determine blood type and Rh factor, but even after using the technology, a double check is always carried out, because you cannot make mistakes here.

Preparing to donate blood for analysis

Blood type and Rh factor do not change throughout life and do not depend on food intake, health status, external factors. Therefore, no specific preparation is required before taking the test. However, in order to reduce the risk of deterioration in the quality of the study, it is important to take the material on an empty stomach, and dinner should be light and definitely no later than 18.00.

Blood type on a sleeve

Happens in life different situations, no one is insured against injuries or accidents. Every person needs to know their blood type, because in the event of an emergency, this information can literally save lives. It’s not for nothing that health workers put a corresponding stamp on everyone’s passport. Take care of your health and that of your loved ones!

How is blood group determined using standard serum? Probably, watching the actions of the laboratory assistant and the chemical reaction taking place on a special tablet, many people asked themselves a similar question. There is nothing mysterious in this process, and the mechanism for establishing group membership is based on the agglutination reaction, which occurs during the interaction of blood components, agglutinogens, and serum elements.

Main characteristics of groups

The definition of a group based on standard sera is based on the fact that human blood contains agglutinogens (A and B) and agglutinins (a and b) in various combinations. When the same agglutinin and agglutinogen meet, rapid agglutination occurs, and on a tablet this process will look like the disintegration of a homogeneous blood stain into many small specks.

Sera containing agglutinins are used to determine blood group various groups, which react with agglutinogens contained on the surface of red blood cells:
  • 0 (I) - contains only agglutinins a and b;
  • A (II) - there is antigen A and agglutinin b;
  • In (III) - there is agglutinogen B and antibody a;
  • AB (IV) - there are no antibodies in the serum, and the agglutenogenic complex AB is located on the surface of the erythrocyte.

Blood type is determined using standard serum solutions within 5-10 minutes and does not require additional training patient for research. This method can examine both venous and peripheral blood, obtaining the same result.

IN in case of emergency(preparation for an emergency operation or the need to immediately replace blood loss), mixing is carried out by dripping blood from a puncture on the patient’s finger directly onto a tablet with standard serums poured onto it.

Analysis technique

For research, a flat tablet with recesses in it is used. The recesses are arranged 3 in a row (there are 2 rows) and there is one at the bottom.

Above each pair of recesses, for the convenience of the laboratory technician, I, II or III is written and for applying the corresponding standard sera to the cells.

The analysis is carried out as follows:
  1. In the first row, a few drops of serum solution of types I, II and III (in accordance with the name of the recess) are poured into the corresponding cells.
  2. In the second row, similar solutions are duplicated, but from a different production series (necessary control to avoid false agglutination due to low-quality serum).
  3. A drop of venous or peripheral blood is added to the solutions using a glass rod.
  4. To avoid accidental damage to red blood cells, mixing is done by gently rocking the tablet.
  5. Next, the material is left for 5 minutes, after which the result is assessed.

The type and structure of liquids is assessed based on the type of solution, and compliance with a similar solution in a nearby cell is also checked.

If, for example, agglutination occurred in one well with the number II, but not in another with a similar reagent, then determining the blood group using serum compounds is considered incorrect. It must be repeated using serums from 2 other series.

Evaluation of results

Blood type is determined by standard serum reagents based on the visible agglutination reaction, and the result may be as follows:

  1. I - the main and control drops on the laboratory plate remained unchanged.
  2. II - chemical reaction occurred in cells I and III.
  3. III - agglutination is observed in depressions I and II.
  4. IV - there are changes in all containers of the laboratory plate.

When determining type IV, a control with IV serum is always carried out to prevent false positive result. There should be no change in the control mix after 5 minutes.

The method of determining blood type using standard serum reagents is used in almost all laboratories. Fast and affordable way allows you to identify a group within a few minutes.

The data obtained are taken into account only when the agglutination is clearly pronounced. A weak chemical reaction may be due to old reagents or due to incorrect analysis. The result cannot be considered reliable. In doubtful cases, in addition to testing with standard serum compounds, tests with coliclones or “erythrotest” can be done to clarify the group.

Using standard serum formulations, group determination is possible in a few minutes. The method is very simple and does not require special skills from the laboratory assistant.

Blood has special immunogenetic properties, according to which all people can be divided into certain groups. Every person must know which blood group he belongs to. This may be necessary in case of emergency medical care when it is impossible for any reason to carry out reliable definition blood groups. It was confirmed by researchers. By determining your blood type, a person will be able to find out the characteristics of his health and prevent diseases in time.

The AB0 group system was revealed to the world by Landsteiner back in 1900. Later, other differences between human and animal blood were studied (for example,).

Belonging to a blood group is fixed in the genetic code and is inherited with other individual characteristics. The formation of antigen occurs in the prenatal period, and it does not change its specific properties throughout a person’s life.

Elements of the blood system

In liquid mobile blood plasma, cellular elements are evenly distributed: erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Shaped elements occupy up to 35-45% of the total blood volume. In addition, the plasma contains fatty particles of cells, the so-called “blood dust” (hemoconia). may contain specific antigens (agglutinogens A and B). Antibodies (agglutinins α and β) can be detected in blood plasma. Combinations of antigens and antibodies allow blood groups to be classified according to the ABO system.

Other types of group blood systems select only the presence of antigens in red blood cells. Antibodies to them usually appear when the recipient is infused with inappropriate blood, immunological and fetal.

According to the AB0 system, all people are divided into the following groups:

  • First 0 (I) () – there are no antigens in red blood cells, and agglutinins α and β are found in the serum
  • The second A (II) – contains agglutinogen A
  • Third B (III) () – agglutinogen B is present
  • Fourth AB (IV) – erythrocyte agglutinogens A and B are fixed together.

The AB0 system makes it possible to avoid dangerous consequences with improper blood transfusion. For perfect compatibility blood, it is necessary that the donor’s blood corresponds to the same group in the ABO system as the patient’s blood. Transfusion of a foreign blood type can cause immunological incompatibility and lead to transfusion complications. Before the procedure, the composition of the blood must be studied and a series of compatibility tests performed.

Laboratory components

To determine the blood group type, the patient does not need special training, you just need to abstain from drinking alcohol and not taking any medicines on the eve of the analysis.

Take a referral from a doctor with you to the laboratory. It is good to purchase a disposable blood collection kit or syringe in advance - this will reliably protect against possible infection during the sampling process. or veins. U infant blood is usually taken from the heel.

The determination of blood type is based on the agglutination reaction, which produces flakes of red blood cells glued together. Set for laboratory research for blood group includes standard serum and red blood cells in the form of a solution, control reagents, physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride) and special white plastic or porcelain plates, pipettes.

To be reliable, the laboratory must have an air temperature between 21-24° C and bright lighting. All consumable components must be checked for compliance with a single series, terms of use and storage conditions. The presence of suspension, sediment, or turbidity in erythrocyte solutions and serum is unacceptable.

Determination by serums

On a white plate, the names of blood groups 0, A, B are marked in order. Large drops of standard serum of groups 0(I), A(II), B(III) are applied to the plate opposite its inscription, and next to serum of another series: two rows are obtained drops

The use of different series of reagents is used to eliminate errors. Each drop of standard serum is carefully mixed with a small drop of the patient's blood. All manipulations are performed with a pipette or glass stick. Then the plate is shaken a little and the result of the study is assessed in each drop. If flakes of agglutinated red blood cells form within five minutes, the result is considered positive.

To eliminate possible errors, each drop of blood on the plate is mixed with a drop of saline and waited for another five minutes. If flakes begin to settle in all drops, then the reaction is monitored by mixing the test blood and a standard solution of group AB(IV) serum. In the latter case, red blood cell aggregation should not be recorded.

Determination of blood group based on the results obtained:

  • Group 1 – red blood cells did not stick together in any of the drops
  • positive reaction blood with sera of groups 0(I) and B(III)
  • Third group – blood agglutination with standard sera 0(I) and A(II)
  • – positive result in three drops and negative with control serum AB(IV).

There is a cross method for determining the type of plasma, in which standard red blood cells are additionally used. This method of determining blood group helps to identify plasma group antibodies α and β and opens up more full description blood. The cross method is used before blood transfusion. Venous blood samples are taken in advance, it is settled and the plasma is separated from the formed elements.

Sometimes, instead of standard serums, Tsoliklon solutions with monoclonal antibodies are used. They are obtained with the participation of genetic engineering technologies.

When, the qualification level is very important medical worker, his accuracy and attentiveness. An erroneous result can be caused by the wrong order of applying reagents, the use of dirty or wet pipettes, unsuitable reagents, and neglect of a control study.

Rarity of results

When analyzing medical statistics, it turns out that the first blood group is the most common - up to 65% of the total population of the Earth. It is followed by the second with a result of 25% and the third (about 8% of the population). The rarest result when determining blood groups is the fourth group, especially with a negative Rh factor.

Blood typing results are recorded medical officer who carried out the analysis, in outpatient card or an identity document (passport). The date of the study and the signature of the responsible medical professional must be entered.

Determination of blood group using standard paired isohemagglutinating sera.

1Introduction: We carry out blood typing with standard sera in the treatment room as prescribed by a doctor. I'm wearing a cap, glasses, mask, robe, apron, gloves. Hands are pre-treated in a hygienic manner.

2 Equipment:

    Standard serums of two series

    Test blood in a test tube

    Plate for determining blood group.

    Four sterile glass rods (in a glass, Petri dish)

    Isotonic sodium chloride solution (test tube)

    Sterile pipettes 2 pcs.

    Container with 3% chloramine solution.

3 Carrying out the manipulation

    Add a drop (0.1 ml) of standard sera into separate wells.

    Place a large drop of blood on a plate next to the 4th group well, at a distance of at least 1 cm from it.

    Using separate ends of glass rods, add blood to the serum (ratio 10:1), mix

    Shake the plate for 5 minutes and observe agglutination.

    Add saline solution (0.1 ml) to the wells in which agglutination has occurred.

    Shake the plate and observe agglutination.

Response form:

When determining blood group with standard sera

    Agglutination is not observed in any of the wells - first group

    Agglutination is observed in the first and third wells - second group

    Agglutination is observed in the first and second wells - third group

    Agglutination is observed in all wells - probably the fourth group

We determine the result with serum of the fourth group (similarly)

Response form:

With serum of the fourth group, agglutination is not observed - fourth group

With serum of the fourth group, agglutination is not observed - it is impossible to determine the blood type; the serum should be replaced.

After the manipulation, soak all blood-contaminated objects in a three percent chloramine solution for one hour.

4 Possible errors:

Gross mistakes:

    Failure to use health worker protective equipment.

    Reusing chopsticks.

    Transfer sticks that have come into contact with blood over a tray of clean sticks.

    The agglutination pattern does not correspond to the conclusion about group membership.

    Objects in contact with blood are not disinfected


    Agglutination waiting time is less than 5 minutes.

    No saline solution was added to the wells in which agglutination occurred.

    Hold the sticks by the ends and not by the center.

5 Evaluation criteria:

Passed – no major mistakes, no more than two minor mistakes.

Did not pass - presence of blunders, presence of more than two non-blunders.

If a serious mistake is made, the teacher may ask you to repeat the corresponding stage of the manipulation. If the error repeats, you fail. No more than one repetition is allowed.

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