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Anna Sparrow biography. Kotuy history

Anya Sparrow is a young singer, a native of the city of Vorsma, Nizhny Novgorod region.
She graduated from a professional music school in accordion class. He has been singing since childhood.
She worked with Vladimir Zakharov. She has released several albums in pop music, Russian chanson.

Since 2000 he has been collaborating with the Soyuz Production company. There was a big tender for the main role in the audio series “The Kotui Story”. An audio series with the participation of Vladimir Zakharov (Rock Island) and Anya Vorobey was published.
All albums! This story is about the selfless, all-conquering love of a prisoner named Snake and a young beautiful girl nicknamed Crow. The script is life itself.
After the first lines of the first song were performed, it was immediately approved.
She released several solo albums with the company. She went on charity tours to camps and prisons in Russia for free, and takes an active part in the Kalina Krasnaya movement.
We hope to collaborate fruitfully with Anya in the future.


The main theme is the love story of a prisoner named Snake and a young beautiful girl nicknamed Crow, who goes through trials of difficulties, separation and time. Events unfold from the beginning of perestroika to the present day.

Part 1. Crow

The action begins in a prison colony located on the Kotui River, where prisoners float timber.

In the spring, the head of the zone (“Kum”) brought a young, very beautiful wife to the colony, who was given the nickname Crow for her black hair. One day, prisoner Lekha (Snake) accidentally met Vorona when he was returning from logging and recognized her as the girl he loved when he was free. At first he was very angry that she did not wait for him and got married, but as it turned out, Vorona did this on purpose in order to legally enter the camp territory. The Snake and Crow decided to escape by rafting down the river, but they were overtaken. The girl was seriously wounded and then the Serpent, deciding that she was dying, jumped off the cliff with her. Geologist Ivan, who heard screams and shooting, found Vorona's body and went with him into the taiga. He was leaving her. As it turned out, she was pregnant from Lekha Zmeya. When Ivan and Vorona were making their way through the hills, a hungry pack of wolves followed them. To save the girl, Ivan hid her, half-frozen, in a sheepskin coat under the snow, and he shot himself so that the flock would eat him and leave him behind.

Years have passed. Vorona gave birth to a son and lived in Moscow.

Part 2. Shaman

As it turned out, the Serpent also survived and lived all these years in the taiga. The “northern people” considered him a shaman. Lekha returned to Moscow along with a detachment of geologists working in the taiga. At home, he met his mother and left for St. Petersburg, where he was taken in by an authoritative thief in law, whom Lekha had met back in the colony on Kotui. Since then he has a new nickname Shaman.

Several more years passed. The shaman became one of the prominent figures in the criminal world. News came from Moscow about the murder of the authority of Lysy. Lech went to the capital.

Part 3. Son

It turns out that Bald was killed by the son of Crow and Shaman with Kum’s signature pistol (which was stolen from him during his escape) because he hit his mother. Everyone understands that for killing an authority figure, the boy and his mother will be persecuted, so they asked him to tell everything he knew, but he refused. In criminal circles, everyone was excited by what had happened: Alik, Baldy’s brother, demanded reprisals, but the Shaman spoke out against it. The godfather, now with the rank of colonel, worked in Moscow. He was shown his personalized pistol as evidence. The colonel decided to save the boy.

Part 4. Godfather

The shaman came to the Chinese Chen so that he could perform a ritual on him. During the session, the Shaman had a vision that the Crow had been saved. The shaman remains in Moscow and begins searching for Vorona. Godfather suggested that Vorona save her son. He arranged for him to escape from Matrosskaya Tishina, during which he himself was killed. Crow asks a monk from a Mordovian monastery to hide his son.

Part 5. Beller

The Shaman is being watched by Alik's people. Vorona went with her son to the Mordovian monastery to hide him, but they stopped for four days in the Church of John the Baptist. The shaman, as it turned out, also went to this church. There they met with Vorona and their son. Alik was informed that the killer of his brother was the son of the Shaman. He took the Shaman to an unknown direction. Lech returned three weeks later.


In 2001, the leader of the Rock Islands group, Vladimir Zakharov, received an offer from Soyuz Production to make arrangements for the project “Kotui History”, from which the promotion of Anya Sparrow was supposed to begin. Subsequently, Zakharov became a performer of male vocals. Initially, it was planned to release only one album, but after the release of part of “The Crow”, letters began to arrive at Soyuz Production asking them to tell us what happened next - as a result, in addition to the first, four more albums were released.

BIOGRAPHY - Anya Vorobey is a young singer, a native of the city of Vorsma, Nizhny Novgorod region. She graduated from a professional music school in accordion class. He has been singing since childhood. She worked with Vladimir Zakharov. She has released several albums in pop music. Since 2000 he has been collaborating with the Soyuz Production company. There was a big tender for the main role in the audio series “The Kotui Story”. After the first lines of the first song were performed, it was immediately approved. She released several solo albums with the company. She went on charity tours to camps and prisons in Russia for free, and takes an active part in the Kalina Krasnaya movement. Anya Vorobey Discography...

BIOGRAPHY - Anya Vorobey is a young singer, a native of the city of Vorsma, Nizhny Novgorod region. She graduated from a professional music school in accordion class. He has been singing since childhood. She worked with Vladimir Zakharov. She has released several albums in pop music. Since 2000 he has been collaborating with the Soyuz Production company. There was a big tender for the main role in the audio series “The Kotui Story”. After the first lines of the first song were performed, it was immediately approved. She released several solo albums with the company. She went on charity tours to camps and prisons in Russia for free, and takes an active part in the Kalina Krasnaya movement. Anya Vorobey Discography 01. RCD 3-53 02. Unlucky 2-50 03. Frozen matches 2-47 04. Marukha 3-01 05. Prospectors 4-53 06. Bad weather 4-10 07. Hooligan 3-53 08. River stage 3-20 09. Musician 3-21 10. Ice drift 3-58 11. On the Kolyma River 4-00 White Rose 2003 01. Without You 3-43 02. Filevskaya Side 3-32 03. Tramp 2-48 04. Love of a Hooligan 4-57 05. I want to see you 4-27 06. Around the city 4-49 07. Road to the North 3-14 08. Indian summer 6-46 09. State house 3-39 10. Ticket 4-07 11. Eternity 4-24 12. White Rose 4-26 New and Best 2003 01. Home 3-00 02. Crane 3-22 03. Winter on the Heart 3-48 04. Marukha 2-56 05. Mother's Tears 4-51 06. Musician 3-31 07. Bad weather 4-10 08. Unlucky 2-46 09. Autumn in the north 2-43 10. Letter 3-51 11. Conversation with my son 3-34 12. River stage 3-20 13. Christmas snow 3- 10 14. RCD 3-46 15. Silence 4-16 16. Meeting 3-42 Alyoshkina Lyubov 2004 01. Alyoshkina Lyubov 4-20 02. Polar Star 3-25 03. Evening 3-05 04. Where do the trains go 4-23 05. Every night 3-30 06. What happened is what happened 3-21 07. A twig in a glass 3-36 08. Faithful 3-13 09. Strange love 3-34 10. Steamboat smoke 2-56 11. Tramp-love 3-48 12. Three roads 2-22 Mood chanson 2004 01. Tramp - love 3-48 02. On the Kolyma River 4-00 03. White Rose 4-26 04. Polar Star 3-25 05. Musician 3-31 06 Ice drift 3-58 07. Hooligan 3-53 08. Crane 3-22 09. Unlucky 2-46 10. Frozen matches 2-47 11. Bad weather 4-10 12. Letter 3-51 13. Home 3-00 14. Three roads 2-22 Steamboat smoke 2005 01. Steamship smoke 2-53 02. Tramp 2-46 03. Crane 3-22 04. Frozen matches 2-44 05. Marukha 2-56 06. Bad weather 4-08 07. Autumn on North 2-43 08. Letter 3-51 09. Polar Star 3-21 10. River Stage 3-16 11. Christmas Snow 3-10 12. State House 3-37 13. Unlucky 2-46 14. The Road to the North 3 -12 15. Around the city 4-47 16. Hooligan 3-49 17. Meeting 3-42 18. Home 3-00 19. RCD 3-46 20. Filevskaya side 3-30 21. Conversation with son 3-34 22. In Kolyma 3- 58 23. Musician 3-28 Camp 2007 01. On the Kolyma River 4-01 02. Crane 3-25 03. Autumn in the North 2-44 04. Musician 3-30 05. Unlucky 2-49 06. Marukha 2-59 07 . Hooligan 3-51 08. River Stage 3-18 09. Mother's Tears 4-50 10. Letter 3-53 11. Tramp-Love 3-46 12. White Rose 4-16 13. North Star 3-23 14. Conversation with son 3-36 15. Three roads 2-22 16. Rtsd 3-47 17. Frozen matches 2-46 18. Prospectors 4-53 19. Ice drift 3-58 20. Home 3-02 21. Love of a hooligan 4-54 22. Peak Fate (together with V. Zakharov) 2-51 Kotuyskaya story Part 1. “Crow” 01. Crow 4-41 02. Raskonvoy 5-14 03. Meeting 3-44 04. Escape 4-26 05. Ivan 3 -42 06. Autumn in the north 2-51 07. Wolves 4-18 08. Christmas snow 4-40 09. Conversation with my son 3-31 10. Lullaby 2-01 11. Meeting (dream) 3-23 Part 2. " Shaman" 01. White silence 5-30 02. Shaman 4-05 03. Lyokha the serpent 3-21 04. On the road 3-33 05. To Krasnoyarsk 3-33 06. At the "Eaves" 4-25 07. Mother's tears 4-51 08. Parable 6-04 09. Hello, Peter! 3-51 10. In the restaurant 4-21 11. Gangway 6-28 Part 3. “Son” 01. Old leaves 4-20 02. Winter on the heart 3-49 03. Son 3-45 04. On Matrosskaya Tishina 3- 38 05. Four walls 3-37 06. Route 4-54 07. Crane 3-28 08. Letter 4-02 09. Analysis 5-02 10. Kum 3-24 11. Forever 4-18 Part 4. "Kum" 01. Wu Chen 4-03 02. Great City 4-25 03. Whole Life 3-35 04. Conversation with Godfather 3-10 05. Silence 4-13 06. Shara 2-56 07. Decision 2-22 08. Hotel "Balchug" 3-28 09. Transmission 2-38 10. Father Luka 3-09 11. Colonel 6-07 Part 5. "Ringer" 01. Ringer 4-08 02. Mom, everything will be fine 3-34 03. By city ​​4-54 04. Let's live 3-23 05. Ration of happiness 3-38 06. Communion 3-37 07. June heat 3-54 08. Alik 3-22 09. You wait for me 4-19 10. Eternity 4-29 11. Kotuyskaya story 4-48 Kotuyskaya story 2 “Unforgiven” Part 1. “From...

Anya Vorobey (real name - Marina Evgenievna Vorobyeva). Born on August 13, 1971 in Vorsma, Nizhny Novgorod region. Russian singer.

She started singing since childhood. At school I attended a music school - I learned to play the piano and accordion.

She graduated from a vocational music school in the accordion class, although initially the girl entered the directing department of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional School of Culture.

Anya (then Marina) had to reconsider her plans due to family circumstances - she got married, gave birth and had to finish her studies in absentia.

Marina Evgenievna worked as a simple teacher for seven whole years - she taught children the basics of playing the accordion.

She worked with Vladimir Zakharov. She has released several albums in pop music.

Anya Sparrow - Crow

Since 2000 he has been collaborating with the Soyuz Production company. At the same time, Marina Vorobyova turned into Anya Vorobey. Anya passed a big tender for the main role in the audio series “The Kotui Story”. After the first lines of the first song were performed, it was immediately approved.

She released several solo albums with the company. She went on charity tours to camps and prisons in Russia for free, and took an active part in the Kalina Krasnaya movement.

Anya Vorobey - Friend

Anya Sparrow's height: 160 centimeters.

Personal life of Anya Vorobei:

Married. Has a daughter

Discography of Anya Vorobey:

2001 - Kolyma stories
2001 - Kotuyskaya story part 1. Crow
2002 - Kotuyskaya story part 2. Shaman
2002 - Kotuyskaya story part 3. Son
2002 - Kotuyskaya story part 4. Kum
2003 - Kotuyskaya story part 5. The bell ringer
2003 - Unforgiven part 1. Father
2003 - Unforgiven part 2. Love of a bully
2003 - Unforgiven part 3. The verdict
2003 - Unforgiven part 4. Camp
2003 - Unforgiven part 5. Ban
2003 - White Rose
2004 - Aleshkina's love
2011 - Girlfriend 2011

Anya Vorobey (real name - Marina Evgenievna Vorobyeva) is a Russian singer, chanson star. She collaborated with the composer, arranger and leader of the Rock Islands group. Before getting on stage, she worked as a music teacher. In the 2000s, Anya Vorobey took up charity tours of Russian colonies. Her songs became close and understandable to prisoners.

Childhood and youth

Marina Vorobyova was born on August 13, 1971 in the city of Vorsma, Nizhny Novgorod region. Initially, a stage legend was invented for the singer: a girl was born in a small village near Yakutia, was brought up in an orphanage, from where she often ran away to earn money by playing the accordion in the passage. But soon Marina dispelled these rumors, saying that she grew up in a full-fledged family and not in Yakutia.

Since childhood, Marina dreamed of singing, so her parents sent her to a music school to study accordion and piano. Not a single school evening was complete without Marina's performance. True, after graduating from music school, she put the accordion away and swore not to touch it again, she was so tired of the “musical school”. That is why she decided to enter the Nizhny Novgorod Regional School of Culture in the directing department.

The competition was great, but the girl, who had been accustomed to being an audience since childhood, showed all her talents without fear: she read poetry, sang, danced and even played a composition of her own composition on the piano. Vorobyova was immediately accepted into the first year. But soon she had to transfer to correspondence, and at the same time change the department from directing to orchestral. Here I had to get the “hated” accordion again.


Sparrow began her musical career, oddly enough, as a music teacher. She taught accordion to children for 7 years.

One of the most important acquaintances happened during school. Her friend Sveta began dating local musician Vladimir Zakharov, a little later he created the group “Rock Islands”. But at that time he played at dances and, as it turned out, studied in the same group as Marina at the school.

In Vorsma, Zakharov created the women’s group “Glass Wings”, where he invited Marina to sing. But in 2000, Vladimir and Svetlana Zakharov moved to Moscow. Soon Vladimir introduced Marina to the management of the Soyuz Production studio. At that time, a female vocalist was being selected to perform parts in the audio series “The Kotui Story”. Despite the large number of candidates, Marina was approved after the audition. And she immediately received a stage name - Anya Vorobei. According to the producers, in the chanson “Sparrow” is a person with freedom in his soul, who does not “bend in” to others.

“The Kotuy Story” is the first audio series in the history of Russian music. It consists of five albums, which are united by a single plot. This is a love story between a prisoner named Snake and a young girl named Crow. In parallel with the work on “The Kotui Story”, she and Vladimir Zakharov are recording solo albums for Anya Vorobey - “Kolyma Stories”, “Aleshkina Love”.

Anya Vorobey traveled to a huge number of Russian prisons, the tours were for charity. The singer gave concerts absolutely free. She also actively participates in the Kalina Krasnaya movement, an annual song competition among convicts. Many of the singer’s videos were filmed directly during her trips to the colonies.

Sparrow more than once had to perform on the same stage with. They were close friends. At a joint concert in a prison camp in Kirovo-Chepetsk, the singers received gifts from prisoners: Katya - a coffee table, Anya - a hanger. The singer talked about this in one of her interviews.

Everyone’s favorite duet compositions were recorded with the group “Rock Islands”: “The snow will melt soon”, “Mom, everything will be fine”, “If you love”. In addition to collaborating with Vladimir Zakharov, the singer recorded the song “Pigeons” with. And in 2003 they released a joint album “Father Arseny”. The singer’s most famous solo compositions were “Aleshkina’s Love”, “RCD”, “Three Roads”, “Musician”.

Personal life

Anya met her husband Alexander Vorobyov during her school years in Vorsma. He was a local DJ. She married early and gave birth to a daughter, Sophia. For this reason, she had to switch to the correspondence department; there was no way to study full-time. Now the couple live in Moscow.

According to the singer, it is easier for her to travel to concerts from the capital. But the Vorobievs do not forget their hometown; they often come to their small homeland. In an interview with the Nizhegorodsky Rabochiy publication, Anya said:

“You are always welcome to speak at City Day.”

The family of the chanson star understands her constant travel. According to her, her family knows that her family is always a priority.

Anya Vorobey now

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.”

In 2013, the singer became a participant in the “Field of Miracles” program, where she presented a new song “Why are you stupid.” Sparrow appeared on air with her granddaughter Anastasia.


  • 2001 – “Kolyma Tales”
  • 2001 – “The Kotui Story part 1. Crow”
  • 2002 – “Kotui story part 2. Shaman”
  • 2002 – “The Kotuy Story part 3. Son”
  • 2002 – “Kotui history part 4. Kum”
  • 2003 – “The Kotui story part 5. The bell ringer”
  • 2003 – “Unforgiven part 1. Father”
  • 2003 – “Unforgiven part 2. The love of a bully”
  • 2003 – “Unforgiven part 3. The verdict”
  • 2003 – “Unforgiven part 4. Camp”
  • 2003 – “Unforgiven part 5. Ban”
  • 2003 – “White Rose”
  • 2004 – “Aleshkina Love”
  • 2011 – “Girlfriend”

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