Home Oral cavity Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault. Odessa fairy tale “So about Little Red Riding Hood” (1 photo)

Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault. Odessa fairy tale “So about Little Red Riding Hood” (1 photo)

Charles Perrault

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said this about her:

Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!

One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.

She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.

Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.

I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live?

Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets. Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:
Knock Knock!

Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

“It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf answers, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!

Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:

It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door rope and opened. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

Grandma, why are your hands so big?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why are your ears so big?

To hear better, my child.

Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

To see better, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.

But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother - both safe and sound.

The fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" is familiar to everyone, but most people know it in a retelling adapted for children. Only a few have read translations of “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault or the Brothers Grimm that are close to the original text. But there were also folk versions of this fairy tale, which one would hesitate to call a fairy tale for children.
The plot that formed the basis of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” was already known in the 14th century. Most likely, it originated in Italy and from there migrated to France. The most severe version of this plot said that the wolf, having met a girl in the forest and found out where she was going, overtook her, killed the grandmother, prepared a dish from her body, and a drink from her blood, which he treated to the granddaughter who came, while dressing up as a grandmother . Grandmother's cat tried to warn the girl that she was eating her grandmother's remains, but the wolf killed the cat by throwing wooden shoes at her. Then the wolf invites the girl to undress and lie down next to him, and throw her clothes into the fire. The girl does so, asking in surprise why her grandmother has so much hair, such long nails and such big teeth. To the last question, the wolf answers: “This is to quickly eat you, my child!” and eats the girl.
However, there was a more optimistic version: the girl, realizing that this was not her grandmother at all, outwitted the wolf and ran away.
It was no coincidence that the wolf in folk versions spoke in a human voice and tried to disguise himself as a grandmother. It was not just a wolf, but a werewolf.

Lisa Evans. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

In 1697, the French writer Charles Perrault published the book “Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings,” which included the legend he processed about the girl and the wolf. In Charles Perrault's version, the girl got a red headdress, but not a cap at all, as in Russian translations, but a chaperon - something like a hood. Perrault left the ending with the death of the girl, and also retained the sexual overtones of the folk tale (in the folk tale, the wolf forces the girl to undress and lie with him), emphasizing it with a moralizing poem. At the same time, the French writer removed naturalistic scenes from the plot.
Next you can read the original version of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" (the translation is quoted from Eric Berne's book "Games People Play. People Who Play Games").

Charles Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there lived in a distant village a charming little girl. Her mother and grandmother loved her deeply. Her grandmother sewed her a red riding hood, which suited her so well that everyone began to call the girl Little Red Riding Hood.

Harriet Backer. Little Red Riding Hood

Felix Schlesinger. Little Red Riding Hood

One day my mother baked a whole tray of pies and said to her daughter:

Little Red Riding Hood, grandma is sick. Would you take her some pies and a pot of freshly churned butter?

Walter Crane. Little Red Riding Hood

Charles Sillem Lidderdale. Little Red Riding Hood

Maud Humphrey. Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood immediately got up and went to her grandmother. And her grandmother lived in another village, behind a dense, wild forest.

Walking through the forest, she met a wolf. The wolf wanted to eat her, but was afraid because woodcutters were working nearby. So he came up with a plan.

Where are you going, my baby? - asked the wolf.

“To see your grandmother,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “I have a pot of freshly churned butter and some pies for her.”

How far do you have to go? - asked the wolf.

Far away,” answered Little Red Riding Hood. - Her house is quite far from here, the first one on the other side of the forest.

“I also want to visit my grandmother,” said the cunning wolf. - I will take this path, and you will take another. Let's see which of us gets there first.

Emilio Freixas. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Gabriel Ferrier. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Jose Cruz Herrera. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Gustave Dore. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

The wolf ran with all his might along the shortest path, and Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest path. She collected flowers, sang funny songs, played with beautiful butterflies.

Francis John Deffett. Little Red Riding Hood

Meanwhile, the wolf ran to grandma’s house. He knocked on the door twice.

Who's there? - asked Grandma.

Grandmother was lying in bed because she was sick.

Open the door and come in,” she shouted.

The wolf burst into the room. He had not eaten for three whole days and was therefore very hungry. He immediately swallowed Grandmother. Then he pulled on his grandmother’s dressing gown, climbed onto the bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood, who after a while came and knocked on the door.

Carol Lawson. Little Red Riding Hood

Isabel Oakley Naftel. Little Red Riding Hood

It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood,” she said. - I brought you some pies and a pot of freshly churned butter.

Open the door and come in,” said the wolf in as gentle a voice as he could.

He pulled the blanket up to his eyes.

“Put your basket on the table and come to me,” said the wolf.

Walter Crane. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood came closer. She said:

Grandma, what long arms you have!

“This is to hug you better, my dear,” said the wolf.

Grandma, what long ears you have!

This is to hear you better, my dear.

Grandma, what big eyes you have!

This is to see you better, my dear.

Grandma, what big teeth you have!

This is to eat you! - said the wolf and swallowed Little Red Riding Hood.

For small children, not without reason
(And especially for girls,
beauties and spoiled girls),
On the way, meeting all kinds of men,
You can’t listen to insidious speeches, -
Otherwise the wolf might eat them.
I said: wolf! There are countless wolves
But there are others between them
The rogues are so savvy
That, sweetly exuding flattery,
The maiden's honor is protected,
Accompany their walks home,
They are escorted bye-bye through dark corners...
But the wolf, alas, is more modest than it seems,
The more cunning and terrible he is!

In 1812, the Brothers Grimm published a collection of fairy tales, which included the updated Little Red Riding Hood. There are many differences from Charles Perrault's version: the motive of the prohibition that the girl violates; the girl is not carrying pies and a pot of butter, but a piece of pie and a bottle of wine; grandmother lives not in another village, but right in the forest; In the end, the grandmother and the girl are saved by the woodcutter, and the wolf dies.
Next you can read the translation of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by the Brothers Grimm, made by P. N. Polev.

Brothers Grimm. Little Red Riding Hood

Wow, what a sweet little girl she was! She was sweet to everyone who saw her; well, she was the sweetest and dearest of all to her grandmother, who didn’t even know what to give her, her beloved granddaughter.

She once gave her a red velvet cap, and since this cap suited her very well and she did not want to wear anything else, they began to call her Little Red Riding Hood. So one day her mother said to her: “Well, Little Red Riding Hood, here, take this piece of pie and a bottle of wine and bring it to your grandmother; she is both sick and weak, and this will be good for her. Leave the house before it gets hot, and when you go out, walk smartly and don’t run away from the road, otherwise you’ll probably fall and break the bottle, and then grandma won’t get anything. And when you come to your grandmother, don’t forget to say hello to her, and not just look into all the corners first, and then approach your grandmother.” “I’ll handle everything as it should,” Little Red Riding Hood said to her mother and assured her of that with her word.

Sarah Ellen Sanf. Little Red Riding Hood

And my grandmother lived in the forest itself, half an hour’s walk from the village. And as soon as Little Red Riding Hood entered the forest, she met a wolf. The girl, however, did not know what kind of fierce beast it was, and was not at all afraid of it. “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood,” he said. “Thank you for your kind words, wolf.” - “Where did you go so early, Little Red Riding Hood?” - "To Grandma". - “What are you carrying there under your apron?” - “A piece of pie and wine. Yesterday our mother baked pies, and so she sent them to her sick and weak grandmother to please her and strengthen her.” - “Little Red Riding Hood, where does your grandmother live?” - “And here’s another good quarter of an hour further into the forest, under three old oak trees; That’s where her house stands, surrounded by a hazel hedge. Perhaps you will know now? - said Little Red Riding Hood.

And the wolf thought to himself: “This little, gentle girl will be a nice piece for me, cleaner than an old woman; I need to do this business so cleverly that I get both of them in the wrong.”

So he walked for a while with Little Red Riding Hood next to him and began to say to her: “Look at these glorious flowers that grow all around - look around! Perhaps you can’t even hear the birds singing? You walk as if to school, without looking back; and in the forest, just think, how fun it is!”

Little Red Riding Hood looked up, and as she saw the rays of the sun breaking through the tremulous foliage of the trees, as she looked at the many wonderful flowers, she thought: “What if I brought my grandmother a fresh bunch of flowers, because that would also please her; Now it’s still so early that I can always get to her on time!” And she ran off the road to the side, into the forest, and began picking flowers. As soon as she picks one flower, another beckons her, something even better, and she will run after it, and so she goes further and further into the depths of the forest.

Carl Offterdinger. Little Red Riding Hood

Gary Melchers. Little Red Riding Hood

And the wolf ran straight to grandma’s house and knocked on the door. "Who's there?" - "Little Red Riding Hood; I’m bringing you some pie and wine, open the door!” “Press the latch,” the grandmother shouted, “I’m too weak and can’t get out of bed.”

The wolf pressed the latch, the door swung open, and he entered his grandmother’s hut; He immediately rushed to his grandmother’s bed and swallowed it all at once.

Then he put on his grandmother’s dress and her cap on her head, got into bed and closed the curtains all around.

Little Red Riding Hood, meanwhile, ran and ran for flowers, and when she had collected as many as she could carry, then she again remembered about her grandmother and headed towards her house.

She was very surprised that the door was wide open, and when she entered the room, everything there seemed so strange to her that she thought: “Oh, my God, why am I so scared here today, but I’m always with you?” It was such a pleasure to visit my grandmother!” So she said: “Good morning!”

No answer.

She went up to the bed, pulled back the curtains and saw: grandmother was lying there, and she had pulled her cap down over her nose, and it seemed so strange.

“Grandma, what about grandma? Why do you have such big ears? - “So that I can hear you better.” - “Oh, grandma, your eyes are so big!” - “And this is so that I can look at you better.” - “Grandma, what big hands you have!” - “This is so that I can grab you easier.” - “But, grandma, why do you have such a nasty big mouth?” - “And then so that I can eat you!” And as soon as the wolf said this, he jumped out from under the blanket and swallowed poor Little Red Riding Hood.

Having thus had his fill, the wolf went back to bed, fell asleep, and began to snore as loud as he could.

The hunter was passing by his grandmother’s house just at that time and thought: “Why is this old woman snoring so much, has something happened to her?”

He entered the house, went up to the bed and saw that the wolf had climbed in there. “That’s where I caught you, you old sinner! - said the hunter. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been getting to you.”

And he wanted to kill him with a gun, but it occurred to him that the wolf might have swallowed his grandmother and that she could still be saved; That’s why he didn’t shoot, but took the scissors and began to rip open the sleeping wolf’s belly.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a little red riding hood flashing there; and then he began to cut, and a girl jumped out of there and exclaimed: “Oh, how scared I was, how I fell into the wolf’s dark womb!”

And the old grandmother somehow got out behind Little Red Riding Hood and could barely catch her breath.

At this point Little Red Riding Hood quickly brought large stones, which they piled into the wolf’s belly and sewed up the cut; and when he woke up, he wanted to sneak away; but could not bear the burden of the stones, fell to the ground and died.

This made all three happy: the hunter immediately skinned the wolf and went home with it, the grandmother ate the pie and drank the wine that Little Red Riding Hood brought her, and this completely strengthened her, and Little Red Riding Hood thought: “Well, now I’ll never in the forest, run away from the main road, I will no longer disobey my mother’s orders.”

A short tale about a gullible girl and a cunning gray wolf. Having disobeyed her mother, the girl turns off the road and starts talking to a stranger - a gray wolf...

Little Red Riding Hood read

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said this about her:
- Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.

She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.

- Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.

– I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.

– How far does your grandmother live?

“Far,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

“Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets.

Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:
Knock Knock!

- Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

“It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf answers, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!”

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!

Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:

- It’s me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.”

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door rope and opened. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

“Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!”

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?

- This is to hug you tighter, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?

- To hear better, my child.

- Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

- To see better, my child.

- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

- And this is so that I can eat you quickly, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.

But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house.

They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother, both safe and sound.

(Illustration by G. Bedarev, ed. Speech)

Published by: Mishka 10.11.2017 11:32 29.04.2018

(4,21 /5 - 33 ratings)

Read 5565 times

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Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said this about her:

Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!

One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:

Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.

She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.

Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.

I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live?

Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.

Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.

And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets. Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped up to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door: knock-knock!

Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

“It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf answers, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”

And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!

Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:

It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.

Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door rope and opened. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

Grandma, why are your hands so big?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why are your ears so big?

To hear better, my child.

Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

To see better, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.

But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother - both safe and sound. That's

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said this about her:
-Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day my mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:
- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.
She walks through the forest, and a gray wolf meets her.
- Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.
- I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.
- How far does your grandmother live?
“Far,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.
“Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.
The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.
And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them into bouquets. Before she even had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door:
Knock Knock!
- Who's there? - asks the grandmother.
“It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” answers the Wolf, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”
And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:
- Pull the string, my child, the door will open!
The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.
The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!
- Who's there? - asks the Wolf. And his voice is rough and hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:
- It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
- Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door rope and opened. oskazkah.ru - website The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:
- Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?
- To hear better, my child.
- Grandma, why are your eyes so big?
- To see better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
- And this is to quickly eat you, my child!
Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.
But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by her grandmother - both safe and sound.

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