Home Prevention All cat breeds with photos and names. Which cat breeds are the oldest? Cult of cats in Egypt

All cat breeds with photos and names. Which cat breeds are the oldest? Cult of cats in Egypt

The cat is the oldest domesticated animal, rightfully deserving the title of “companion”, living side by side with humans for at least 10 thousand years. The experience of coexistence between humans and cats was not always smooth: along with being revered as deities, these animals were classified as demons, considered the spawn of Satan, persecuted and mercilessly destroyed. There is something mysterious and incomprehensible in the gaze of these amazing creatures, which has nothing to do with evil spirits. Cats conceal something unearthly, mysterious within themselves that the human mind cannot comprehend.

Despite their “mystical” nature, cats have faithfully served humans for centuries, protecting their homes from rodents and bringing joy to their homes with their presence.

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    How cats appeared on Earth: ancestors

    The oldest ancestors of cats are miacids

    There are several theories about the appearance of cats on Earth. Some are based on scientific research and DNA analysis, others are like a flight of someone’s imagination, others follow from Bible stories. According to another version, these are God's creatures created on Noah's ark under the threat of the destruction of the ship's supplies by mice and rats.

    According to the scientific hypothesis of origin, the most distant ancestors of cats were miacids - the first predators of the Earth. Small creatures that look like martens, they lived and hunted 60 million years ago. They bear little resemblance to cats, but are the ancestors of modern carnivores (including dogs). After several million years, miacids gave rise to a new branch - dinictis, which in appearance resembled a cat, differing large sizes, but with a smaller brain volume and long fangs protruding from the mouth. Further transformation led to the appearance of neophelides, which are the ancestors of three groups of cats: small, large and cheetahs.

    Worship of cats in Ancient Egypt - interesting facts

    Wild steppe cats

    steppe cat

    All pets come from a subspecies of the steppe (or spotted) cat, domesticated in the Middle East about 10 thousand years ago. Geneticists who studied cat burials in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe were convinced that the species spread across the planet in two waves:

    1. 1. The first wave coincided with the emergence in the XII-IX centuries BC. e. agriculture: the result was the spread of individuals throughout the Middle East.
    2. 2. The second wave originates in Egypt, from where cats came to North Africa and Europe.

    Populations of steppe cats have survived to this day: these animals live in North Africa and on land areas from Mediterranean Sea to China, feeling great both in the desert and in the foothills.


    It was previously believed that the Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats in 2000 BC. But recent research has shown that this happened in the Middle East 9,500 years ago in an area called the Fertile Crescent. With the formation of the first settlements and the development of agriculture, people began to need to protect their food supplies from snakes, rodents and birds, which is where cats came in handy. Later, archaeologists discovered a joint burial of a cat and a human in Cyprus and dated it to 7500 BC. The cat came to Cyprus, as well as to Ancient Egypt, from the Middle East.

    It is still not known for certain whether cats were domesticated at all. They are freedom-loving animals by nature, and there is plenty of evidence that in earlier times they simply stayed close to human habitation for the convenience of hunting: excess food attracted birds, rats and mice, which were the main food of cats. It is assumed that this was an alliance of two parties who benefited from each other. Over time, people began to have a tender affection for animals - with the advent of cities and the loss of the need to hunt, cats became the pets they are now.

    Cult of cats in Egypt

    When talking about the history of cats, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the Egyptians worshiped these animals. There are three known species of individuals that lived in Ancient Egypt:

    • serval;
    • steppe cat;
    • jungle cat

    The Egyptians revered these animals not only for their grace, beauty and gentle disposition, but also as irreplaceable helpers in everyday life. They made people's lives easier by eliminating pests and preventing the spread of rodent-borne diseases.

    Goddess Bastet statue

    The favorites of the Egyptians were considered sacred animals: in the temples where they lived there was a special watcher. This rank was considered very important and was inherited. Causing harm to animals was prosecuted by law: from imposing a fine to deprivation of life. Bastet, the goddess of beauty, joy, love and fun, was depicted by the Egyptians as a woman with the head of a cat and they built a temple in her honor. Later, Egypt underwent another wave of worship: after the construction of the city of Bubastis by Pharaoh Shoshenq, the latter became a sacred place for the veneration of four-legged beauties. Celebrations were held here, drawing crowds, and thousands of pilgrims flocked to the city to pay tribute to Bastet. Then the goddess began to personify motherhood, fertility and the favor of the Sun.

    Cats in special cemeteries, mummies of animals in tombs buried with their owners, countless decorations in the form of cats found in burials - all this speaks of the value that pets represented for the people of Ancient Egypt.

    Since these animals were of undeniable value as rat hunters, sailors began to take them with them on ships, giving them the opportunity to spread throughout the world. The export of cats was smuggling and was punishable by law with the death penalty.

    Cats in Rus' and in modern Russia

    On Russian soil, cats were revered no less than in overseas countries. According to some sources, they got here in the 2nd century AD, although the main sources date back to a later date - the 11th century. Having quickly spread throughout Rus', cats gained popularity in the hearts of commoners and nobles, and the nickname “goddess of the hearth” was immortalized.

    The cat was a welcome inhabitant of any peasant hut

    Cats were valued very dearly: the expression “worth their weight in silver” had a direct meaning in relation to these animals, which no one could replace on the farm. At that time, when furry mouse hunters had not yet proliferated, but rumors about their existence were already spreading, everyone dreamed of having a gray evil spirits exterminator living in the hut and barn. It is difficult to imagine how people in “pre-cat” times coped with rodents, but with the advent of four-legged helpers, it became much easier for them.

    Even Orthodox Church took cats under protection, allowing them to live in churches and monasteries. This is not surprising - after all, mice are found everywhere. The church's loyalty to cats is confirmed by the fact that in many Russian cities holes have been made in the doors of churches.

    Breeding of individuals began as soon as people saw that cats differ from each other in character, health, agility and beauty. Kittens from a mother-hunter were most valued: this is how the abilities of the best felines were strengthened. Peter I himself issued a decree that “thunderstorms should be kept at the barns to intimidate pests,” and Peter’s daughter, Elizabeth, ordered the most hunters from Kazan of the best blood local breed.

    Real breeding work began in Russia in the eighties of the last century, when clubs for cat lovers began to be organized, holding exhibitions, demonstrating outstanding pet data, and offering kittens for sale. Currently, there are 9 new breeds in Russia:

    1. 1. Kurilian Bobtail.
    2. 2. Karelian Bobtail.
    3. 3. Thai Bobtail.
    4. 4. Ural rex.
    5. 5. Don Sphynx.
    6. 6. Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx).
    7. 7. Neva Masquerade.
    8. 8. Russian Blue.
    9. 9. Siberian.

    All of them are no less beautiful and intelligent than other breeds from all over the world, and are an effective indicator of the painstaking work of felinologists.

    Interesting fact: on the first day of spring - March 1 - Cat Day is celebrated in Russia. The holiday was proclaimed in honor of the Russian people’s worship of these animals and was first held in 2004 on the initiative of the Cat and Dog magazine and the Moscow Cat Museum.

    Known and Unknown

    During the existence of cats, many legends and interesting facts about these amazing animals:

    • Cats' ears can rotate 180 degrees.
    • Having climbed a tree, inexperienced pets often get stuck there for a long time: their claws are designed in such a way that they can easily climb up, and can go back down the same way, but not upside down.
    • They make ten times more sounds than dogs.
    • The same sectors of the brain are responsible for emotions in cats, unlike in dogs, as in humans.
    • Capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km/h.
    • Cats are record holders for high jumps: they are able to overcome a distance five times their own height.
    • Black cats in some European countries, unlike Russia, are given honor and respect.
    • They know how to squint their eyes.
    • There are already cloned individuals in the world: one of them cost the owner $50,000.
    • Their unique ability to find their way back home has not yet been thoroughly studied.
    • The meowing of cats is only for people. For their own kind, they have other sounds in their arsenal.
    • A fascinating look into the soul has led to the fact that more than half of the people surveyed believe that their pets can read minds.
    • Everyone knows that if a cat’s head fits through a hole, then everything else will go through. It's true: they don't have collarbones.
    • Their heart beats almost twice as fast as a human's.
    • They are extremely prolific: in 7 years, a pair of cats and their offspring can give birth to almost half a million kittens.
    • They see poorly at close range: their natural visual acuity is expressed differently than that of humans.
    • When a pet, arching its back, rubs against its owner’s legs, it is not so much showing love and respect as it is leaving a secret secreted by its glands on it: this is how the animal secures the status of “one of its own” for the person.
    • Magic glow cat eyes in the dark is explained by the ability to reflect some of the light from the retina.
    • The incredible ability of cats to stay alive after falling from a height is due to the ability to group and change direction during the fall: cats land on all four paws.

    Cats are smart, sometimes capricious, affectionate, capricious, and beautiful. Some show devotion, others happily live on their own. They have such facets of character and behavior that they sometimes resemble humans. They cannot be broken - only love and respect will help you live in harmony with them for many years.

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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: hairless and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can adopt a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite nursery.

We are in website We became interested in how much the rarest cat breeds cost, and, to be honest, we were surprised. We invite you to find out prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but different blue eyes and color-point coloring (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm nature. A kitten of this breed will cost $500–$1,300.

Scottish lop-eared

The calling card of this breed is its cute ears, which do not stick out upward, like those of ordinary cats, but hang down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with everyone in the family and are never averse to playing. Another one distinctive feature of this breed - they know how to stand on their hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.


The Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, a long head shape and large, set-back ears. The body may be bald or covered with down. Cats have an affectionate and sociable character and are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400–1,200.

Egyptian Mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3,000 years - since the times of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500–1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, these are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600–$1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to their curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200–2,000.

Russian Blue


This breed was developed in 1994 in California. It refers to big cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build big ears, spotted color and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600–$2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable amount - $2,000.


This large breed The cat's color resembles a tiger, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the Toyger was bred to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in wildlife. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500–$3,000.

American Curl

This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life their ears curl back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the curl enthusiasts for $1,000–$3,000.


This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto their owner’s shoulders. You can buy a mini leopard for $1,000–$4,000.


This rare breed appeared due to the crossing of an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is on average 11 kg. You can become the owner of a pet predator for $4,000–$8,000.


The earliest mention of this breed is in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book of Poems (1350–1767). In ancient Siam, the Kao-mani lived only in royal families and were considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. You can buy an oriental talisman for $7,000–$11,000.

It is generally accepted that cats were domesticated in Ancient Egypt around the 20th century BC (Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty). However, discoveries made in Cyprus show that everything happened much earlier. 9,500 years is the age of the remains of domestic cats found during excavations of Neolithic settlements.

Cyprus has always been an island, the distance between it and the nearest shore ranged from 60 to 80 kilometers. There is no evidence that there were native wild cats in Cyprus. This means they got here along with people. Were these cats already domesticated? Archaeologists believe so. During excavations of the ancient settlement of Shillourokambos, 6 km from Limassol, a cat was found buried next to a man.

Shillourokambos was a fairly large settlement, in which life did not stop for a thousand years - from the end of the 9th to the end of the 8th millennium BC. Most of the buildings from those times have not survived, but numerous ditches, pits and wells are literally teeming with stone artifacts and animal bones. There are also human graves - both group and single.

In one of these graves, located under an ancient dwelling, a joint burial of a man and a cat was found. Stone axes, polished stones and flint tools were laid out around the human skeleton. And at his feet, carefully covered with a layer of twenty-four sea shells, rested a cat - or she-cat - of the breed Felis Silvestris Lybica. Osteological analysis showed the cat’s age to be approximately 8 months. The gender could not be determined.

The age of the grave would be approximately 9500 – 9200 years. The rich (by the standards of that time) decoration of the grave indicates the high social status of the deceased. It is possible that the kitten could have been killed in order to be buried next to its owner. Honestly, if it weren’t for the “high status” of the burial, nothing would have remained of the kitten’s bones over 95 centuries.

Cats may actually have had a high status among the pets of the Middle East during the early Neolithic era. Their stone or clay figurines were found during excavations in Turkey, Syria and Israel. The carved stone head of a cat found at Shillourokambos (and which became its archaeological symbol) is even older than the remains of the kitten.

Their distinguishing feature- an unusual golden-red color, reminiscent of the color of a wild rabbit (in Great Britain, Abyssinians were once called “rabbit cats”). Abyssinians are usually small or medium in size, they have large ears and short hair. They are very playful and active and get along easily with dogs.

This is a real little leopard. IN natural conditions wild bengal cat lives in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Burma, as well as in the Ussuri taiga. Body length (including tail) ranges from 50 cm to a meter. The abdomen of this cat is usually white, although spotted colors are also found.

This the oldest of all domestic cats. The age of this breed is at least 3000 years old (that is how old the drawings in which its image first appears). The Egyptian cat has a pattern between its ears in the form of the letter “W” (or, as it is called, “scarab”). The eyes seem to be lined from below - dark stripes emphasize the eyes and go down to the cheekbones.

This largest breed of domestic cat. There is evidence that several of its representatives weigh about 15 kilograms. These cats are quite robust, with a relatively small head, and very fluffy. Despite their impressive appearance, they are very playful and affectionate. They have an unusual voice.

These cats are completely or partially hairless. They have dense bones and a strongly developed croup (in this they differ from the Canadian Sphynxes, which have a fragile build and thin bones). The eyes are set obliquely and almond-shaped. By nature they are playful, affectionate and sociable; do not show aggression towards humans, i.e. will never scratch or bite.

These cats are completely hairless. Externally they differ from the Don Sphynxes in that they are more fragile in build and smaller in size. They also have a shorter head, and the transition from the nose to the forehead is more pronounced. The character is calm, affectionate, non-aggressive.

Munchkins - very unusual cats. In terms of their physique, they are more reminiscent of a dachshund than a typical feline. They have an elongated body and short legs. Munchkin kittens are born with their paws turned towards each other and, at first glance, completely unsuited for walking. However, it is not. Munchkins are very sociable and playful and get along easily with other animals and small children.

Perhaps it was this cat that became the progenitor of all modern long-haired breeds. They differ from others in having long, thin hair without undercoat. The Angora cat has fluffy pants on her legs, and a wool collar on her neck.

This breed appeared about 200 years ago in Siberia. Only the most hardy and cold-adapted cats were able to survive in the harsh Siberian conditions. The Siberian cat shows its character from childhood, which is not surprising. Siberians are excellent rat catchers; they are usually silent, but when they see an “enemy” they begin to growl menacingly. They are very smart and consider only one family member to be their master.

This ancient breed appeared in the 16th century in Siam; Siamese cats lived at the royal court, and were revered as sacred animals in temples. Locals They called them “moon diamonds.” The color of Siamese cats is light sand with dark spots on the face, dark tail and paws. Siamese cats playful, affectionate, very attached to their owner and require increased attention from him, jealous. They are wary of strangers and reluctant to get along with other animals.

Which cat breeds are the oldest?

Which dog breeds are the most ancient? What cats were there in Ancient Egypt? After all, there was a lot

And that’s why they often ask: “Where did these amazing animals come from?” Oddly enough, this is one of the most ancient cat breeds. Many legends are associated with it. According to one of them, in ancient times, this breed was bred by monks in one of the monasteries in Britain. They also say that british cats for a long time used by sailors as rat catchers. If we take them into account powerful jaws, then you can easily believe it. And they also have a wide, muscular body on thick short legs. This probably helped to stay on the deck while rocking. Of course, in recent decades, felinologists have worked on appearance British shorthair breed, and, in my opinion, very successful. At the moment, this is a luxurious animal with plush (mouton) fur, a round, cheeky head, a powerful body and orange eyes. And one of the most valuable qualities is that this breed has good health and requires virtually no personal care. In addition, they are calm and balanced, have an easy-going character and are surprisingly intelligent. The fact that currently, this is one of the most popular breeds cats speaks for itself.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cats also belong to one of the most ancient breeds of domestic cats. The ancestor of the breed is considered to be the Zula cat, brought to England in 1868 from North Africa, presumably from Ethiopia (formerly called Abyssinia).
There is a version according to which Abyssinians come from ancient Egypt, where cats were considered sacred, divine creatures that only pharaohs had the right to possess. However modern research have facts confirming the similarity of the Abyssinian cat with native breeds from southeast Asia.
In 1896, the Abyssinian breed was officially registered with the National Cat Club of Great Britain and received further development in England and then in the USA.
Nowadays, Abyssinians are very popular in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, but are still very rare in Russia. Fortunately, in last years Our interest in these wonderful cats has increased. Were imported elite producers from Europe and America, which creates good prospects for further breeding of this breed in Russia.

Angora cat

As historical evidence shows, Angora, or Ankara, cats are also the oldest breed of semi-longhaired cats that arose naturally and has long been known to our ancestors.

The first historical mention of Turkish Angoras dates back to XVI century, when they were first taken to Europe, namely to France, and from there to other countries.
Once in France, Angora cats were at one time called French and crossed with early Persians, as a result of which the heavier type and some traits characteristic of the Persians of that time began to predominate in the breed.
The true Angora type gradually began to be lost in pure form remained only in Turkey, but in the USA the breed was revived again, taking cats directly from the Ankara Zoo. But to this day you can find Angoras with a heavier build - descendants of those same “French” ones.

The Turkish Angora is very beautiful. This is a graceful, elegant animal with graceful features and a memorable appearance. By nature she is rather phlegmatic. Angora is calm and calm, somewhat slow, and reluctant to switch from one activity to another. This cat loves to run around the house. She is infinitely devoted to her owner, “taciturn,” very smart and friendly, and feels great in the company of other pets. In addition, the Turkish Angora is excellent at showing off at an exhibition and showing off in front of people.

The homeland of this breed is Türkiye, where white semi-longhaired cats have been bred for many centuries. The name of the breed - Turkish Angora - comes from the name of the capital of Turkey, Ankara (early

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