Home Tooth pain Government in Norway. Hidden costs of the Norwegian royal family

Government in Norway. Hidden costs of the Norwegian royal family

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NORWAY, The Kingdom of Norway, a Northern European state, in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Territory area – 385.2 thousand square meters. km. It ranks second in size (after Sweden) among the Scandinavian countries. The length of the border with Russia is 196 km, with Finland – 727 km, with Sweden – 1619 km. The length of the coastline is 2650 km, and taking into account the fjords and small islands - 25,148 km.

Norway is called the land of the midnight sun because 1/3 of the country lies north of the Arctic Circle, where the sun barely sets below the horizon from May to July. In the middle of winter, in the far north the polar night lasts almost around the clock, while in the south daylight lasts only a few hours.

Norway is a country of picturesque landscapes, with jagged mountain ranges, glacially carved valleys and narrow fjords with steep banks. The beauty of this country inspired the composer Edvard Grieg, who tried to convey in his works the changes in mood inspired by the alternation of light and dark seasons of the year.

Norway has long been a seafaring country, and most of its population is concentrated on the coast. The Vikings, skilled sailors who created a vast system of overseas trade, ventured across the Atlantic Ocean and reached the New World ca. 1000 AD In the modern era, the role of the sea in the life of the country is evidenced by the huge merchant fleet, which ranked sixth in the world in terms of total tonnage in 1997, as well as the developed fish processing industry.

Norway is a hereditary democratic constitutional monarchy. It gained state independence only in 1905. Before that, it was ruled first by Denmark and then by Sweden. The union with Denmark lasted from 1397 to 1814, when Norway passed to Sweden.

The area of ​​mainland Norway is 324 thousand square meters. km. The length of the country is 1770 km - from Cape Linnesnes in the south to the North Cape in the north, and its width ranges from 6 to 435 km. The country's shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Skagerrak in the south and the Arctic Ocean in the north. The total length of the coastline is 3,420 km, and including the fjords - 21,465 km. In the east, Norway borders with Russia (border length 196 km), Finland (720 km) and Sweden (1660 km).

Overseas possessions include the Spitsbergen archipelago, consisting of nine large islands (the largest of them is Western Spitsbergen) with a total area of ​​63 thousand square meters. km in the Arctic Ocean; Jan Mayen Island with an area of ​​380 square meters. km in the North Atlantic Ocean between Norway and Greenland; small islands of Bouvet and Peter I in Antarctica. Norway claims Queen Maud Land in Antarctica.



Norway occupies the western, mountainous part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This is a large block, composed mainly of granites and gneisses and characterized by rugged terrain. The block is asymmetrically raised to the west, as a result the eastern slopes (mainly in Sweden) are flatter and longer, while the western slopes, facing the Atlantic Ocean, are very steep and short. In the south, within Norway, both slopes are represented, and between them there is a vast highland.

To the north of the border of Norway and Finland, only a few peaks rise above 1200 m, but towards the south the heights of the mountains gradually increase, reaching maximum heights of 2469 m (Mount Gallhöppigen) and 2452 m (Mount Glittertinn) in the Jotunheimen massif. Other elevated areas of the highlands are only slightly inferior in height. These include Dovrefjell, Ronnan, Hardangervidda and Finnmarksvidda. Bare rocks, devoid of soil and vegetation cover, are often exposed there. Externally, the surface of many highlands more closely resembles slightly undulating plateaus, and such areas are called “vidda”.

During the Great Ice Age, glaciation developed in the mountains of Norway, but modern glaciers are small. The largest of these are Jostedalsbre (the largest glacier in Europe) in the Jotunheimen mountains, Svartisen in north-central Norway and Folgefonny in the Hardangervidda area. The small Engabre glacier, located at 70° N, approaches the shore of the Kvänangenfjord, where small icebergs calve at the end of the glacier. However, usually the snow line in Norway is located at altitudes of 900–1500 m. Many features of the country's topography were formed during the Ice Age. There were probably several continental glaciations at that time, and each of them contributed to the development of glacial erosion, the deepening and straightening of ancient river valleys and their transformation into picturesque steep U-shaped troughs, deeply cutting through the surface of the highlands.

After the melting of continental glaciation, the lower reaches of the ancient valleys were flooded, where fjords were formed. The fjord shores amaze with their extraordinary picturesqueness and are of very important economic importance. Many fjords are very deep. For example, the Sognefjord, located 72 km north of Bergen, reaches a depth of 1308 m in the lower part. The chain of coastal islands is the so-called. Skergaard (in Russian literature the Swedish term skjergård is more often used) protects the fjords from strong westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean. Some islands are exposed rocks washed by the surf, others reach significant sizes.

Most Norwegians live on the shores of fjords. The most significant are the Oslofjord, Hardangerfjord, Sognefjord, Nordfjord, Storfjord and Tronnheimsfjord. The main occupations of the population are fishing in the fjords, agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry in some places along the shores of the fjords and in the mountains. In the fjord areas, industry is little developed, except for individual manufacturing enterprises that use rich hydropower resources. In many areas of the country, bedrock comes to the surface.

Water resources

In the east of Norway there are the largest rivers, including Glomma, which is 591 km long. In the west of the country the rivers are short and fast. Southern Norway has many picturesque lakes. The largest lake in the country is Mjøsa, with an area of ​​390 square meters. km located in the southeast. At the end of the 19th century. several small canals were built connecting the lakes with seaports on the south coast, but are currently little used. The hydropower resources of Norway's rivers and lakes make a significant contribution to its economic potential.


Despite its northern location, Norway is characterized by favorable climate with cool summers and relatively mild (for the corresponding latitudes) winters - the result of the influence of the Gulf Stream. The average annual precipitation varies from 3330 mm in the west, where moisture-carrying winds primarily receive moisture, to 250 mm in some isolated river valleys in the east of the country. The average January temperature is 0°C typical for the southern and western coasts, while in the interior regions it drops to –4°C or less. In July, average temperatures on the coast are approx. 14°C, and in inland areas - approx. 16°C, but there are also higher temperatures.

Soils, flora and fauna

Fertile soils cover only 4% of the entire territory of Norway and are concentrated mainly in the vicinity of Oslo and Trondheim. Since most of the country is covered by mountains, plateaus and glaciers, opportunities for plant growth and development are limited. Five geobotanical regions are distinguished: a treeless coastal region with meadows and shrubs, to the east of it there are deciduous forests, further inland and to the north there are coniferous forests, above and even further to the north there is a belt of dwarf birches, willows and perennial grasses; finally, at the highest altitudes there is a belt of grasses, mosses and lichens. Coniferous forests are one of Norway's most important natural resources and provide a variety of export products. Reindeer, lemmings, arctic foxes and eiders are commonly found in the Arctic region. In the forests to the very south of the country there are ermine, hare, elk, fox, squirrel and - in small numbers - wolf and brown bear. Red deer are common along the south coast.



Norway's population is small and growing slowly. In 2004, 4,574 thousand people lived in the country. In 2004, per 1 thousand people, the birth rate was 11.89, the death rate was 9.51, and population growth was 0.41%. This figure is higher than natural population growth due to immigration, which in the 1990s reached 8–10 thousand people per year. Improved health care and rising living standards have ensured continued, albeit slow, population growth over the past two generations. Norway, along with Sweden, is characterized by record low infant mortality rates - 3.73 per 1000 births (2004) versus 7.5 in the USA. In 2004, life expectancy for men was 76.64 years and for women 82.01 years. Although Norway's divorce rate was inferior to some of its neighboring Nordic countries, the rate rose after 1945, and in the mid-1990s approximately half of all marriages ended in divorce (as in the United States and Sweden). 48% of children born in Norway in 1996 were out of wedlock. After restrictions introduced in 1973, immigration was directed to Norway for some time mainly from Scandinavian countries, but after 1978 a significant layer of people of Asian origin appeared (about 50 thousand people). In the 1980s and 1990s, Norway accepted refugees from Pakistan, African countries and the republics of the former Yugoslavia.

In July 2005, 4.59 million people lived in the country. 19.5% of residents were under 15 years of age, 65.7% were between 15 and 64 years of age, and 14.8% were 65 years of age or older. The average age of a Norwegian resident is 38.17 years. In 2005, per 1 thousand people, the birth rate was 11.67, the death rate was 9.45, and population growth was 0.4%. Immigration in 2005 – 1.73 per 1000 people. Infant mortality is 3.7 per 1000 births. Average duration life – 79.4 years.

Population density and distribution

Norway was once the world's leading whaling power. In the 1930s, its whaling fleet in Antarctic waters supplied the market with 2/3 of the world's production. However, reckless fishing soon led to a sharp decline in the number of large whales. In the 1960s, whaling in Antarctica ceased. In the mid-1970s, there were no whaling vessels left in the Norwegian fishing fleet. However, fishermen are still killing small whales. The annual slaughter of approximately 250 whales caused significant international friction in the late 1980s, but as a member of the International Whale Commission, Norway stubbornly rejected all attempts to ban whaling. She ignored and international convention 1992 ending whaling.

Mining industry

The Norwegian sector of the North Sea contains large reserves of oil and natural gas. According to 1997 estimates, industrial oil reserves in this area were estimated at 1.5 billion tons, and gas reserves at 765 billion cubic meters. m. 3/4 of the total oil reserves and fields in Western Europe are concentrated here. Norway is ranked 11th in the world in terms of oil reserves. The Norwegian sector of the North Sea contains half of all gas reserves in Western Europe, and Norway holds 10th place in the world in this regard. Prospective oil reserves reach 16.8 billion tons, and gas reserves - 47.7 trillion. cube m. More than 17 thousand Norwegians are engaged in oil production. The presence of large oil reserves has been established in Norwegian waters north of the Arctic Circle. Oil production in 1996 exceeded 175 million tons, and natural gas production in 1995 - 28 billion cubic meters. m. The main fields being developed are Ekofisk, Sleipner and Thor-Valhall to the southwest of Stavanger and Troll, Useberg, Gullfaks, Frigg, Statfjord and Murchison to the west of Bergen, as well as Drøugen and Haltenbakken further to the north. Oil production began at the Ekofisk field in 1971 and increased throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In the late 1990s, rich new deposits of Heidrun near the Arctic Circle and Baller were discovered. In 1997, North Sea oil production was three times higher than 10 years earlier, and its further growth was limited only by falling demand on the world market. 90% of the oil produced is exported. Norway began producing gas in 1978 from the Frigg field, half of which is located in British territorial waters. Pipelines have been laid from Norwegian fields to the UK and Western European countries. The development of the fields is carried out by the state company Statoil together with foreign and private Norwegian oil companies.

Proven oil reserves for 2002 – 9.9 billion barrels, gas – 1.7 trillion cubic meters. m. Oil production in 2005 amounted to 3.22 million barrels per day, gas production in 2001 - 54.6 billion cubic meters. m.

With the exception of fuel resources, Norway has few mineral reserves. The main metal resource is iron ore. In 1995 Norway produced 1.3 million tons of iron ore concentrate, mainly from the Sør-Varangägr mines in Kirkenes near the Russian border. Another large mine in the Rana region supplies the nearby large steel mill in the city of Mu.

The most important non-metallic minerals are cement raw materials and limestone. In Norway in 1996, 1.6 million tons of cement raw materials were produced. Development of deposits of building stone, including granite and marble, is also underway.


A quarter of Norway's territory - 8.3 million hectares - is covered with forests. The densest forests are in the east, where logging mainly takes place. Over 9 million cubic meters are being prepared. m of wood per year. Spruce and pine have the greatest commercial value. The logging season usually falls between November and April. The 1950s and 1960s saw rapid growth in mechanization, and by 1970 less than 1% of all employed people in the country received income from forestry. 2/3 of the forests are private property, but all forested areas are under strict government supervision. As a result of unsystematic logging, the area of ​​overmature forests has increased. In 1960, an extensive reforestation program began to expand the area of ​​productive forests in the sparsely populated areas of the north and west as far as the Vestland fjords.


Energy consumption in Norway in 1994 amounted to 23.1 million tons in terms of coal or 4580 kg per capita. Hydropower accounted for 43% of total energy production, oil also 43%, natural gas 7%, coal and wood 3%. Norway's deep rivers and lakes have greater hydropower reserves than any other European country. Electricity, almost entirely generated by hydroelectric power, is the cheapest in the world, and its per capita production and consumption are the highest. In 1994, 25,712 kWh of electricity was produced per person. In general, more than 100 billion kWh of electricity is generated annually.

Electricity production in 2003 – 105.6 billion kilowatt-hours.

Manufacturing industry

Norway developed at a slow pace due to a shortage of coal, a narrow domestic market and limited capital inflows. The manufacturing, construction and energy industries accounted for 26% of gross output and 17% of all employment in 1996. In recent years, energy-intensive industries have developed. The main industries in Norway are electrometallurgical, electrochemical, pulp and paper, radio electronics, and shipbuilding. Most high level Industrialization is distinguished by the Oslofjord region, where approximately half of the country's industrial enterprises are concentrated.

The leading industry is electrometallurgy, which relies on the widespread use of cheap hydropower. The main product, aluminum, is made from imported aluminum oxide. In 1996, 863.3 thousand tons of aluminum were produced. Norway is the main supplier of this metal in Europe. Norway also produces zinc, nickel, copper and high-quality alloy steel. Zinc is produced at a plant in Eitrheim on the coast of Hardangerfjord, nickel is produced in Kristiansand from ore brought from Canada. A large ferroalloy plant is located in Sandefjord, southwest of Oslo. Norway is Europe's largest supplier of ferroalloys. In 1996, metallurgical output amounted to approx. 14% of the country's exports.

One of the main products of the electrochemical industry is nitrogen fertilizers. The nitrogen required for this is extracted from the air using large amounts of electricity. A significant part of nitrogen fertilizers is exported.

The pulp and paper industry is an important industrial sector in Norway. In 1996, 4.4 million tons of paper and pulp were produced. Paper mills are located mainly near the vast forested areas of eastern Norway, for example at the mouth of the Glomma River (the country's largest timber rafting artery) and in Drammen.

The production of various machines and transport equipment employs approx. 25% of industrial workers in Norway. The most important areas of activity are shipbuilding and ship repair, production of equipment for the production and transmission of electricity.

The textile, clothing and food industries produce few products for export. They satisfy most of Norway's own needs for food and clothing. These industries employ approx. 20% of the country's industrial workers.

Transport and communications

Despite the mountainous terrain, Norway has well-developed internal communications. The state owns railways with a length of approx. 4 thousand km, of which over half are electrified. However, most of the population prefers to drive cars. In 1995, the total length of highways exceeded 90.3 thousand km, but only 74% of them had a hard surface. In addition to railways and roads, there were ferry services and coastal shipping. In 1946, Norway, Sweden and Denmark founded the Scandinavian Airlines Systems (SAS) airline. Norway has developed local air services: it ranks among the first in the world in terms of domestic passenger traffic. The length of railways in 2004 was 4077 km, of which 2518 km were electrified. The total length of highways is 91.85 thousand km, of which 71.19 km are paved (2002). The merchant fleet in 2005 consisted of 740 ships with a displacement of St. 1 thousand tons each. There are 101 airports in the country (including 67 runways with hard surfaces) - 2005.

Communication means, including telephone and telegraph, remain in the hands of the state, but the issue of creating mixed enterprises with the participation of private capital is being considered. In 1996, there were 56 telephone sets per 1 thousand residents of Norway. The network of modern electronic means communications. There is a significant private sector in radio and television broadcasting. Norwegian Public Broadcasting (NPB) remains the dominant system, despite the widespread use of satellite and cable television. In 2002 there were 3.3 million telephone subscribers, in 2003 there were 4.16 million mobile phones.

In 2002, there were 2.3 million Internet users.

International trade

In 1997, Norway's leading trading partners in both export and import were Germany, Sweden and the UK, followed by Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA. The predominant export items by value are oil and gas (55%) and finished goods (36%). Products of the oil refining and petrochemical, forestry, electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries, and food are exported. The main import items are finished products (81.6%), food products and agricultural raw materials (9.1%). The country imports some types of mineral fuels, bauxite, iron, manganese and chrome ore, and cars. With the growth of oil production and exports in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Norway had a very favorable balance of foreign trade. Then world oil prices fell sharply, exports declined, and for several years Norway's trade balance was in deficit. However, by the mid-1990s the balance became positive again. In 1996, the value of Norway's exports was $46 billion, and the value of imports was only $33 billion. The trade surplus is complemented by large revenues from the Norwegian merchant fleet, with a total displacement of 21 million gross registered tons, which according to the new International Shipping Register received significant privileges allowing it to compete with other ships flying foreign flags.

In 2005, the export volume was estimated at 111.2 billion US dollars, the import volume at 58.12 billion. Leading export partners: Great Britain (22%), Germany (13%), the Netherlands (10%), France (10 %), USA (8%) and Sweden (7%), in terms of imports - Sweden (16%), Germany (14%), Denmark (7%), Great Britain (7%), China (5%), USA ( 5%) and the Netherlands (4%).

Currency circulation and state budget

The unit of currency is the Norwegian krone. The exchange rate for the Norwegian krone in 2005 was 6.33 kroner per US dollar.

In the budget, the main sources of revenue were social security contributions (19%), income and property taxes (33%), excise duties and value added tax (31%). The main expenditures were allocated to social security and housing construction (39%), servicing external debt (12%), public education (13%) and healthcare (14%).

In 1997, government revenues amounted to $81.2 billion, and expenses - $71.8 billion. In 2004, state budget revenues amounted to $134 billion, expenses - 117 billion.

The government in the 1990s created a special oil fund using windfall profits from oil sales, intended as a reserve for when oil fields are depleted. It is estimated that by 2000 it will reach $100 billion, most of it placed abroad.

In 1994, Norway's external debt was $39 billion. In 2003, the country had no external debt. Overall dimensions government debt– 33.1% of GDP.



The most common agricultural unit is the small family farm. With the exception of a few forest holdings, Norway has no large land holdings. Seasonal fishing is also often family-based and carried out on a small scale. Motorized fishing boats are mostly small wooden boats. In 1996, approximately 5% of industrial firms employed more than 100 workers, and even such large enterprises sought to establish informal relationships between workers and management. In the early 1970s, reforms were introduced that gave workers the right to exercise greater control over production. At some large enterprises, working groups began to monitor the progress of individual production processes themselves.

Norwegians have a strong sense of equality. This egalitarian approach is the cause and consequence of using the economic levers of state power to mitigate social conflicts. There is a scale of income taxes. In 1996, approximately 37% of budget expenditures were directed to direct financing of the social sphere.

Another mechanism for leveling social differences is strict state control over housing construction. Most of the loans are provided by the state housing bank, and construction is carried out by companies with cooperative ownership. Due to the climate and topography, construction is expensive, however, the ratio between the number of residents and the number of rooms they occupy is considered quite high. In 1990, there were an average of 2.5 people per dwelling consisting of four rooms with a total area of ​​103.5 square meters. m. Approximately 80.3% of the housing stock belongs to the individuals living in it.

Social Security

The National Insurance Scheme, a compulsory pension system covering all Norwegian citizens, was introduced in 1967. Health insurance and unemployment assistance were included in the system in 1971. All Norwegians, including housewives, receive a basic pension upon reaching 65 years of age. The additional pension depends on income and length of service. The average pension is approximately 2/3 of earnings in the highest paid years. Pensions are paid from insurance funds (20%), from contributions from employers (60%) and from the state budget (20%). Loss of income during illness is compensated by sickness benefits, and in case of long-term illness by disability pensions. Medical care is paid, but social insurance funds pay for all treatment costs exceeding $187 per year (doctor services, stay and treatment in public hospitals, maternity hospitals and sanatoriums, the purchase of medicines for certain chronic diseases, and also, with full-time employment, a two-week annual benefit in case of temporary disability). Women receive free prenatal and postnatal care, and full-time employed women are entitled to 42 weeks of paid maternity leave. The state guarantees all citizens, including housewives, the right to four weeks of paid leave. In addition, persons over 60 years of age have an additional week's leave. Families receive benefits of $1,620 per year for each child under 17 years of age. Every 10 years, all workers are entitled to an annual leave with full pay for training to improve their skills.


Many Norwegians are involved in one or more voluntary organizations, catering to a variety of interests, most often related to sports and culture. Of great importance is the Sports Association, which organizes and supervises tourist and ski routes and supports other sports.

The economy is also dominated by associations. Chambers of Commerce control industry and entrepreneurship. The Central Economic Organization (Nøringslivets Hovedorganisasjon) represents 27 national trade associations. It was formed in 1989 by the merger of the Federation of Industry, the Federation of Craftsmen and the Association of Employers. The interests of shipping are expressed by the Association of Norwegian Shipowners and the Association of Scandinavian Shipowners, the latter is involved in concluding collective agreements with seafarers' unions. Small entrepreneurial activity controlled mainly by the Federation of Trade and Service Enterprises, which in 1990 had approximately 100 branches. Other organizations include the Norwegian Forestry Society, which deals with forestry issues; the Federation of Agriculture, which represents the interests of livestock, poultry and agricultural cooperatives, and the Norwegian Trade Council, which promotes foreign trade and overseas markets.

Trade unions in Norway are very influential, they unite approximately 40% (1.4 million) of all employees. The Central Association of Trade Unions of Norway (CNTU), founded in 1899, represents 28 unions with 818.2 thousand members (1997). Employers are organized in the Norwegian Employers' Confederation, founded in 1900. It represents their interests in collective bargaining agreements in enterprises. Labor disputes are often referred to arbitration court. In Norway, there was an average of 12.5 strikes per year during the period 1988–1996. They are less common than in many other industrialized countries. The largest number of union members is in the management and manufacturing industries, although the highest coverage rates are observed in the maritime sectors. Many local trade unions are affiliated with local branches of the Norwegian Labor Party. Regional trade union associations and the CNPC provide funds for the party press and for the election campaigns of the Norwegian Labor Party.

Local flavor

Although the integration of Norwegian society has increased with improved communications, local customs are still alive in the country. In addition to promoting the New Norwegian language (Nynoshk), each county maintains its own dialects, maintains traditional costumes for ritual performances, supports the study of local history, and publishes local newspapers. Bergen and Trondheim like former capitals have cultural traditions that differ from those in Oslo. Northern Norway also develops a distinctive local culture, mainly as a result of the distance of its tiny settlements from the rest of the country.


The close-knit family has been a specific feature of Norwegian society since Viking times. Most Norwegian surnames are of local origin, often associated with some natural features or with the economic development of land that occurred in Viking times or even earlier. Ownership of the family farm is protected by inheritance law (odelsrett), which gives the family the right to buy back the farm, even if it has recently been sold. In rural areas, the family remains the most important unit of society. Family members travel from far and wide to attend weddings, christenings, confirmations and funerals. This commonality often does not disappear in urban life. With the onset of summer, the favorite and most economical way for the whole family to spend holidays and vacations is to live in a small country house (hytte) in the mountains or on the seashore.

Status of women

in Norway it is protected by the law and customs of the country. In 1981, Prime Minister Brundtland introduced an equal number of women and men into her cabinet, and all subsequent governments were formed according to the same principle. Women are widely represented in the judiciary, education, health care and management. In 1995, approximately 77% of women aged 15 to 64 worked outside the home. Thanks to a developed system of nurseries and kindergartens, mothers can work and run a household at the same time.


The roots of Norse culture can be traced back to the Viking traditions, the medieval "age of greatness" and the sagas. Although Norwegian cultural masters were usually influenced by Western European art and assimilated many of its styles and subjects, their work nevertheless reflected the specifics of their native country. Poverty, the struggle for independence, admiration for nature - all these motives are manifested in Norwegian music, literature and painting (including decorative ones). Nature still plays an important role in folk culture, as evidenced by the Norwegians' extraordinary passion for sports and outdoor living. Big educational value have the means mass media. For example, periodicals devote a lot of space to events in cultural life. The abundance of bookstores, museums and theaters also serves as an indicator of the keen interest of the Norwegian people in their cultural traditions.


At all levels, education costs are covered by the state. The education reform launched in 1993 was supposed to improve the quality of education. The compulsory education program is divided into three levels: from preschool to 4th grade, 5–7 grades and 8–10 grades. Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 can complete the secondary education necessary to enter a trade school, high school (college) or university. In rural areas of the country there are approx. 80 higher public schools where general education subjects are taught. Most of these schools receive funds from religious communities, private individuals or local authorities.

Higher education institutions in Norway are represented by four universities (in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø), six specialized high schools (colleges) and two state art schools, 26 state colleges in the county and courses additional education for adults. In 1995/1996 academic year 43.7 thousand students studied at the country's universities; in other higher educational institutions – another 54.8 thousand.

Education at universities is paid. Typically, students are provided with loans to obtain an education. Universities train civil servants, religious ministers and university teachers. In addition, universities almost exclusively supply doctors, dentists, engineers and scientists. Universities also engage in fundamental scientific research. The University of Oslo Library is the largest national library.

Norway has numerous research institutes, laboratories and development bureaus. Among them, the Academy of Sciences in Oslo, the Christian Michelsen Institute in Bergen and the Scientific Society in Trondheim stand out. There are large folk museums on the island of Bygdøy near Oslo and in Maihaugen near Lillehammer, where one can trace the development of the art of construction and different aspects rural culture since ancient times. In a special museum on the island of Bygdøy, three Viking ships are exhibited, clearly illustrating the life of Scandinavian society in the 9th century. AD, as well as two ships of modern pioneers - Fridtjof Nansen’s ship “Fram” and Thor Heyerdahl's raft Kon-Tiki. On Norway's active role in international relations evidenced by the Nobel Institute located in this country, the Institute of Comparative cultural studies, Peace Research Institute and International Law Society.

Literature and art

The spread of Norwegian culture was hampered by a limited audience, which was especially true for writers who wrote in the little-known Norwegian language. Therefore, the government has long begun to provide subsidies to support the arts. They are included in the state budget and are used to provide grants to artists, organize exhibitions and directly purchase works of art. In addition, income from state-run football competitions is provided to the General Research Council, which funds cultural projects.

Norway has given the world outstanding figures in all fields of culture and art: playwright Henrik Ibsen, writers Björnstern Björnson (Nobel Prize 1903), Knut Hamsun (Nobel Prize 1920) and Sigrid Undset (Nobel Prize 1928), artist Edvard Munch and composer Edvard Grieg. The problematic novels of Sigurd Hull, the poetry and prose of Tarjei Vesos and the pictures of rural life in the novels of Johan Falkberget also stand out as achievements of Norwegian literature of the 20th century. Probably, the writers who write in the New Norwegian language stand out most in terms of poetic expressiveness, among them the most famous is Tarjei Vesos (1897–1970). Poetry is very popular in Norway. Relative to the population, Norway produces several times more books than the United States, and many of the authors are women. The leading contemporary lyricist is Stein Mehren. However, the poets of the previous generation are much better known, especially Arnulf Everland (1889–1968), Nordahl Grieg (1902–1943) and Hermann Willenwey (1886–1959). In the 1990s, Norwegian writer Jostein Gorder gained international recognition with a philosophical story for children. Sofia's world.

The Norwegian government supports three theaters in Oslo, five theaters in large provincial cities and one traveling national theater company.

The influence of folk traditions can also be seen in sculpture and painting. The leading Norwegian sculptor was Gustav Vigeland (1869–1943), and the most famous artist was Edvard Munch (1863–1944). The work of these masters reflects the influence of abstract art in Germany and France. Norwegian painting showed a tendency toward frescoes and other decorative forms, especially under the influence of Rolf Nesch, who immigrated from Germany. The leader of the representatives of abstract art is Jacob Weidemann. The most famous promoter of conventional sculpture is Duret Vaux. The search for innovative traditions in sculpture was evident in the works of Per Falle Storm, Per Hurum, Yusef Grimeland, Arnold Haukeland and others. The expressive school of figurative art, which played an important role in the artistic life of Norway in the 1980s and 1990s, is represented by such masters as Björn Carlsen (b. 1945), Kjell Erik Olsen (b. 1952), Per Inge Björlu (b. 1952) and Bente Stokke (b. 1952).

Revival of Norwegian music in the 20th century. noticeable in the works of several composers. Musical drama by Harald Severud based on Peer Gynt, the atonal compositions of Fartein Valen, the fiery folk music of Klaus Egge and the melodic interpretation of traditional folk music by Sparre Olsen testify to the vital trends in contemporary Norwegian music. In the 1990s, Norwegian pianist and classical music performer Lars Ove Annsnes gained worldwide recognition.

Mass media

With the exception of the popular illustrated weeklies, the rest of the media are kept in a serious spirit. There are many newspapers, but their circulation is small. In 1996, 154 newspapers were published in the country, including 83 daily newspapers; the seven largest ones accounted for 58% of the total circulation. Radio broadcasting and television are state monopolies. Cinemas are mainly owned by the communes, and sometimes Norwegian-produced films subsidized by the state are successful. Usually American and other foreign films are shown.

In con. In the 1990s, there were more than 650 radio stations and 360 television stations operating in the country. The population had over 4 million radios and 2 million televisions. Among the largest newspapers are the daily Verdens Gang, Aftenposten, Dagbladet, etc.

Sports, customs and holidays

Outdoor recreation plays a big role in national culture. Football and the annual international ski jumping competition in Holmenkollen near Oslo are very popular. At the Olympic Games, Norwegian athletes most often excel in skiing and speed skating competitions. Swimming, sailing, orienteering, hiking, outdoor camping, boating, fishing and hunting.

All citizens in Norway are entitled to almost five weeks of paid annual leave, including three weeks of summer leave. Eight church holidays are celebrated; on these days people try to go out of town. The same applies to two national holidays - Labor Day (May 1) and Constitution Day (May 17).


Ancient period

There is evidence that primitive hunters lived in some areas on the northern and northwestern coast of Norway shortly after the ice sheet retreated. However, naturalistic paintings on cave walls along the West Coast were created much later. Agriculture spread slowly to Norway after 3000 BC. During the Roman Empire, the inhabitants of Norway had contact with the Gauls, the development of runic writing (used from the 3rd to 13th centuries AD by Germanic tribes, especially the Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons for tombstone inscriptions as well as for magic spells), and the settlement process territory of Norway was carried out at a rapid pace. From 400 AD the population was replenished by migrants from the south, who paved the “path to the north” (Nordwegr, hence the name of the country - Norway). At that time, the first tiny kingdoms were created to organize local self-defense. In particular, the Ynglings, a branch of the first Swedish royal family, founded one of the most ancient feudal states west of the Oslofjord.

Viking Age and mid-Middle Ages

Period of peaceful development (1905–1940)

The achievement of complete political independence coincided with the beginning of accelerated industrial development. At the beginning of the 20th century. The Norwegian merchant fleet was replenished with steamships, and whaling ships began to hunt in Antarctic waters. The liberal party Venstre was in power for a long period, which carried out a number of social reforms, including the full granting of voting rights to women in 1913 (Norway was a pioneer in this regard among European states) and the adoption of laws limiting foreign investment.

During World War I, Norway remained neutral, although Norwegian sailors sailed on Allied ships that broke the blockade organized by German submarines. As a sign of Norway's gratitude for the country's support, the Entente in 1920 granted it sovereignty over the Svalbard archipelago (Spitsbergen). Wartime anxieties helped bring about reconciliation with Sweden, and Norway subsequently played a more active role in international life through the League of Nations. The first and last presidents of this organization were Norwegians.

In domestic politics, the interwar period was marked by the growing influence of the Norwegian Workers' Party (NLP), which originated among fishermen and tenant farmers in the far north, and then received the support of industrial workers. Under the influence of the revolution in Russia, the revolutionary wing of this party gained the upper hand in 1918 and for some time the party was part of the Communist International. However, after the breakaway of the Social Democrats in 1921, the ILP broke off relations with the Comintern (1923). In the same year, the independent Communist Party of Norway (KPN) was formed, and in 1927 the Social Democrats again united with the CHP. In 1935, a government of moderate representatives of the CHP was in power with the support of the Peasant Party, which gave its votes in exchange for subsidies to agriculture and fishing. Despite the unsuccessful experiment with prohibition (repealed in 1927) and the mass unemployment generated by the crisis, Norway has achieved success in the fields of health care, housing construction, social security and cultural development.

The Second World War

On April 9, 1940, Germany unexpectedly attacked Norway. The country was taken by surprise. Only in the Oslofjord area were the Norwegians able to offer stubborn resistance to the enemy thanks to reliable defensive fortifications. For three weeks, German troops dispersed throughout the interior of the country, preventing individual units of the Norwegian army from uniting. The port city of Narvik in the far north was retaken from the Germans within days, but Allied support was insufficient and when Germany offensive operations in Western Europe, Allied forces had to be evacuated. The king and government fled to Great Britain, where he continued to lead the merchant marine, small infantry units, navy and air force. The Storting gave the king and government the authority to govern the country from abroad. In addition to the ruling CHP, members of other parties were introduced into the government in order to strengthen it.

A puppet government was created in Norway led by Vidkun Quisling. In addition to acts of sabotage and active underground propaganda, the leaders of the Resistance secretly established military training and transported many young people to Sweden, where permission was received to train “police forces”. The king and government returned to the country on June 7, 1945. Proceedings were initiated in approx. 90 thousand cases on charges of treason and other offenses. Quisling, along with 24 traitors, was shot, 20 thousand people were sentenced to prison.

Norway after 1945.

The CHP received a majority of votes for the first time in the 1945 elections and remained in power for 20 years. During this period, the electoral system was transformed by repealing the constitutional clause providing 2/3 of the seats in the Storting to deputies from rural areas of the country. The regulatory role of the state was expanded to national planning. Was introduced state control for prices of goods and services.

The government's financial and credit policy helped maintain fairly high growth rates of economic indicators even during the global recession in the 1970s. The necessary funds to expand production were obtained through large foreign loans against future income from oil and gas production on the North Sea shelf.

Norway has become an active member of the UN. Norwegian Trygve Lie, a former leader of the ILP, served as the secretary general of this international organization from 1946–1952. With the outbreak of the Cold War, Norway made its choice in favor of the Western Alliance. In 1949 the country joined NATO.

Until 1963, power in the country was firmly held by the Norwegian Workers' Party, although already in 1961 it lost its absolute majority in the Storting. The opposition, dissatisfied with the expansion of the public sector, was waiting for the right opportunity to remove the CHP government. Taking advantage of the scandal surrounding the investigation into the coal mine disaster on Spitsbergen (21 people died), she managed to form the government of J. Lynge from representatives of “non-socialist” parties, but it lasted only about a month. Returning to office, Social Democratic Prime Minister Gerhardsen took a number of popular measures: a move towards equal pay for men and women, an increase in government spending on social security. Introduction of monthly paid leave. But this did not prevent the defeat of the CHP in the 1965 elections. The new government, consisting of representatives of the Center, Høyre, Venstre and Christian People's parties, was headed by the leader of the centrists, agronomist Per Borten. The Cabinet as a whole continued social reforms (introduced a unified social security system, including a universal old-age pension, child benefits, etc.), but at the same time carried out a new version of tax reform in favor of entrepreneurs. At the same time, disagreements in the ruling coalition on the issue of relations with the EEC intensified. Centrists and some liberals objected to plans to join the EEC, and their position was shared by many in the country, fearing that European competition and coordination would deal a blow to Norwegian fishing and shipbuilding. However, the social democratic minority government that came to power in 1971, led by Trygve Bratteli, sought accession to the European Community and held a referendum on this issue in 1972. After the majority of Norwegians voted against it, Bratteli resigned and gave way to a minority government of three centrist parties (HNP, PC and Venstre) led by Lars Korwald. It concluded a free trade agreement with the EEC.

Having won the 1973 elections, the CHP returned to power. The minority cabinets were formed by its leaders, the Bratteli (1973–1976). Odvar Nordli (1976–1981) and Gro Harlem Brundtland (since 1981) - the first female prime minister in the country's history.

Center-right parties increased their influence in the September 1981 elections, and the leader of the Conservative Party (Høyre) Kåre Willock formed the first government from members of this party since 1928. At this time, Norway's economy was booming due to rapid growth in oil production and high prices on the world market.

In the 1980s, environmental issues became important. In particular, the forests of Norway have been severely damaged by acid rain caused by the release of pollutants into the atmosphere by UK industries. As a result of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 significant damage was caused to the Norwegian reindeer herding industry.

After the 1985 elections, negotiations between the socialists and their opponents reached a dead end. Falling oil prices created inflation and problems arose with financing social security programs. Willock resigned and Brundtland returned to power. The results of the 1989 elections made it difficult to form a coalition government. The conservative government of the non-socialist minority under the leadership of Jan Suse resorted to unpopular measures, which stimulated an increase in unemployment. A year later, it resigned due to disagreements over the creation of the European Economic Area. The Workers' Party, led by Brutland, again formed a minority government, which in 1992 resumed negotiations on Norway's accession to the EU.

Norway at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century.

In the 1993 elections, the Workers' Party remained in power, but did not receive a majority of seats in parliament. Conservatives - from the very right (the Progress Party) to the very left (the People's Socialist Party) - were increasingly losing their position. The center party, which opposed joining the EU, received three times as many seats and moved into second place in terms of influence in parliament.

The new government has again brought up the issue of Norway's accession to the EU. This proposal was actively supported by voters from three parties - the Workers, Conservative and Progress Party, living in cities in the south of the country. The Center Party, which represents the interests of the rural population and farmers, who are mostly opposed to the EU, led the opposition, receiving support from the far left and Christian Democrats. In a national referendum in November 1994, Norwegian voters, despite positive results in Sweden and Finland a few weeks earlier, again rejected Norway's participation in the EU. A record number of voters took part in the voting (86.6%), of which 52.2% were against EU membership, and 47.8% were in favor of joining this organization.

In the 1990s, Norway came under increasing international criticism for its refusal to stop commercial whale slaughter. In 1996, the International Fisheries Commission confirmed a ban on the export of whaling products from Norway.

In October 1996, Prime Minister Brundtland resigned in the hope of giving her party a better chance in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The new cabinet was headed by the chairman of the NRP, Thorbjörn Jagland. But this did not help the CHP win the elections, despite the strengthening of the economy, falling unemployment and lower inflation. The prestige of the ruling party was undermined by internal scandals. The planning minister, who was accused of previous financial manipulation during his time as a trade manager, resigned, the energy minister (she sanctioned illegal surveillance practices while she was justice minister), and the justice minister, who was criticized for her position on the issue of entitlement. for asylum for foreign citizens. After losing the elections in September 1997, Jagland's cabinet resigned.

The center-right parties still did not have a common position on the issue of participation in the EU. Progress Party, opposed to immigration and for rational use oil resources of the country, this time acquired more seats in the Storting (25 versus 10). Moderate center-right parties refused any cooperation with the Progress Party. HPP leader Kjell Magne Bundevik, a former Lutheran pastor, formed a coalition of three centrist parties (HNP, Center Party and Venstre), representing only 42 of the 165 deputies of the Storting. On this basis a minority government was formed.

In the early 1990s, Norway achieved increased prosperity through large-scale oil and gas exports. The sharp fall in world oil prices in 1998 took a heavy toll on the country's budget, and the government was so discordant that Prime Minister Bundevik was forced to take a month's leave to "restore his sanity." In the 1990s, Norway came under increasing international criticism for with a refusal to stop commercial whale slaughter. In 1996, the International Fisheries Commission confirmed a ban on the export of whaling products from Norway.

In May 1996, the largest outbreak of Lately labor conflict in shipbuilding and metallurgy. After an industry-wide strike, trade unions managed to achieve a reduction retirement age from 64 to 62 years old.

In October 1996, Prime Minister Brundtland resigned in the hope of giving her party a better chance in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The new cabinet was headed by the chairman of the NRP, Thorbjörn Jagland. But this did not help the CHP win the elections, despite the strengthening of the economy, reduced unemployment and lower inflation. The prestige of the ruling party was undermined by internal scandals. The planning minister, who was accused of previous financial manipulation during his time as a trade manager, resigned, the energy minister (she sanctioned illegal surveillance practices while she was justice minister), and the justice minister, who was criticized for her position on the issue of entitlement. for asylum for foreign citizens. After losing the elections in September 1997, Jagland's cabinet resigned.

In the 1990s, the royal family attracted media attention. In 1994, unmarried Princess Mertha Louise became involved in divorce proceedings in Great Britain. In 1998, the King and Queen were criticized for overspending public funds on their apartments.

Norway is actively involved in international cooperation, in particular in resolving the situation in the Middle East. In 1998 Bruntland was appointed director general of the World Health Organization. Jens Stoltenberg served as UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Norway continues to be criticized by environmentalists for ignoring agreements to limit fishing for marine mammals such as whales and seals.

The 1997 parliamentary elections did not reveal a clear winner. Prime Minister Jagland resigned because his ILP lost 2 seats in the Storting compared to 1993. The far-right Progress Party increased its representation in the legislature from 10 to 25 deputies: because the other bourgeois parties did not want to enter into a coalition with it , this forced her to create a minority government. In October 1997, HPP leader Kjell Magne Bondevik formed a three-party cabinet with the participation of the Center Party and the liberals. Government parties had only 42 mandates. The government managed to hold on to power until March 2000 and fell when Prime Minister Bondevik opposed a gas power plant project that he believed could have adverse effects on the environment. The new minority government was formed by CHP leader Jens Stoltenberg. In 2000, the authorities continued privatization, selling a third of the shares of the state oil company.

Stoltenberg's government was also destined to have a short life. In the new parliamentary elections held in September 2001, the Social Democrats suffered a heavy defeat: they lost 15% of the vote, showing their worst result since World War II.

After the 2001 elections, Bondevik returned to power and formed a coalition government with the participation of conservatives and liberals. Government parties had only 62 seats out of 165 in parliament. Representatives of the Progress Party were not included in the cabinet, but provided support to it in the Storting. However, this union was not stable. In November 2004, the Progress Party refused to support the cabinet, accusing it of insufficient funding for hospitals. The crisis was averted as a result of intensive negotiations. The Bondevik government has also been criticized for its handling of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia, which killed many Norwegian tourists. The left opposition intensified its agitation against the government in 2005, condemning the project for the development of private schools.

In the beginning. In the 2000s, Norway experienced an economic boom associated with the oil boom. Throughout the entire period (except 2001), stable economic growth was observed; a reserve fund of 181.5 billion US dollars was accumulated from oil revenues, the funds of which were placed abroad. The opposition called for using part of the funds to increase spending on social needs, promised to reduce taxes on people with low and middle incomes, etc.

The left's arguments were supported by the Norwegians. The parliamentary elections in September 2005 were won by the opposition left coalition consisting of the CHP, the Socialist Left Party and the Center Party. CHP leader Stoltenberg took over as prime minister in October 2005. There are still differences between the winning parties on the issues of joining the EU (the CHP supports such a step, the SLP and the PC are against), on NATO membership, on increasing oil production and the construction of a gas power plant.


Andreev Yu.V. Economy of Norway. M., 1977
Andreev Yu.V. Economy of Norway. M., 1977
History of Norway. M., 1980
Sergeev P.A. Oil and gas industry in Norway: economics, science, business. M., 1997
Vachnadze G., Ermachenkov I., Kats N., Komarov A., Kravchenko I. Business Norway: Economy and relations with Russia 1999–2001. M., 2002
Danielson R, Dürvik S, Grenley T, et al. History of Norway: from the Vikings to the present day. M., 2002
Riste U. History of Norwegian foreign policy. M., 2003
Krivorotov A. Linguistic and regional studies of Norway. Economy. M., 2004
Karpushina S.V. Norwegian language textbook: From the cultural history of Norway. M., 2004
Russia – Norway: Through the Ages. Catalog, 2004

Norway is one of the four located in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and in the North of Europe, respectively. The kingdom also owns: the Spitsbergen archipelago, Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic Ocean, Bear Island and Jan Mayen in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

The area of ​​the territorial borders is 385 thousand square kilometers. Along the eastern border of Norway are the Scandinavian Mountains, which are the natural border with. Also in the far north the country borders with Russia and. The population of the kingdom, as of 2013, is 5.064 million people. For comparison, St. Petersburg alone has 5.192 million inhabitants. The capital of Norway is Oslo, the largest city in the country with a population of 624 thousand people, that is, an eighth of the population of the entire kingdom.

The form of government in Norway is a constitutional monarchy. From January 17, 1991 to this day, the ruler is Harald V. The previous king with the name Harald ruled in the first half of the twelfth century from 1130 to 1136. Norway is divided into 19 regions. The official language is Norwegian, a language of the Germanic group closest to Faroese and Icelandic. Although in remote northern regions the Sami language is used in everyday life.

History of Norway

Modern Norwegians are descendants of the formidable Vikings. Which in the early Middle Ages kept half of Europe in fear. Mostly they came from poor peasant families. But, meanwhile, the Vikings were famous for their skilled shipbuilders and fearless warriors.

At the end of the fourteenth century, in 1397, the Kalmar Union was created, a union of the kingdoms of Norway and Sweden. All union territories were ruled by Danish kings. The union lasted for more than 100 years until 1523. The main reason for the collapse is dissatisfaction within Norway and Sweden with the current rule of the Danes.

However, after the collapse of the Kalmar Union, Denmark and Norway formed a new Danish-Norwegian Union in 1536. Once again, all supreme power belonged to Denmark, and Norway was only a province in the Danish kingdom. But, after the Anglo-Danish war in 1807 - 1814, Denmark collapsed and ceded Norway to Sweden, thus forming a new Swedish-Norwegian union, which lasted until 1905, after which Norway gained independence.

Norway on the map

Most of Norway's territory consists of the Scandinavian mountains and plateaus, heavily indented by river and lake valleys. The most picturesque sea bays protruding deep into the land with steep rocky shores are world famous. The kingdom is extremely mountainous and Norway's average surface altitude above sea level is almost 500 meters.

Weather in Norway

The climate of Norway over most of its territory is temperate maritime. Despite such a northern location, even in winter the temperature in the kingdom rarely drops below zero, with the exception of the highlands and the far north. So in Moscow the average temperature in February is -7 degrees, and in the more northern Bergen it is +2.

Such warm and mild weather is due to the proximity of the Gulf Stream, a current that carries heat to Europe. So at 59 degrees north latitude there is a Norwegian tropical garden.


There are several international airports in the country, the most important are located within the borders of the capital - Oslo; direct flights from Moscow to Oslo and back are made quite often. There is constant public transport between the main airport and the capital, and buses also go to other major cities in Norway, which is very convenient for the traveler.

Video about the nature of the kingdom

Modern setting

Norway can be talked about as a mono-national country, because almost 95 percent of the population are native Norwegians - a North Germanic people.

Since 2009, Norway has been a leader in the Human Development Index. The Kingdom is a developed and urbanized country with significant natural resources. And at the moment it is also the largest oil and gas producer in Northern Europe.

One of the ancient and traditional industries in Norway is fishing. Both large companies and individual family farms engage in fishing. Fish is a traditional dish in Norway, served in a variety of variations. And plays a significant role in the Norwegian diet.

The kingdom is rich in forests, mostly coniferous, although in the south there are also mixed and purely deciduous forests. Forests serve as a home for such animals: bears, lynxes, wolverines and deer. Birds nest there, forming numerous bird colonies. And lemmings found refuge in the tundra.

It is believed that the name of this distinctive country and one of the most breathtaking places on our planet comes from the Old Norse word Norðrvegr, literally meaning “the way to the north.” The Norwegians themselves call themselves this: nordsmenn, i.e. northerner or person from the north.

General information

The main part of Norway is located in the “head” and then stretches in a narrow strip cut by fjords along the entire ridge or “back of the tiger” for 2 thousand kilometers. It is with him, this harsh and beautiful, but rather southern predator, that we have been accustomed since our school days to compare the outlines of the Scandinavian Peninsula and thus recognize it on the map of Europe.

For more than one and a half thousand kilometers, Norway borders with Sweden, its border with Finland stretches for 736 km, and about two hundred kilometers of the border line separates the country from Russia.

State and administrative structure

Norway has a constitutional monarchy, the country is nominally ruled by King Harald V. The seat of government is in Oslo.

The country covers an area of ​​385 thousand square meters. km. The main administrative unit in Norway is the county (some kind of analogue of regions, provinces or governorates in other countries), which are divided internally into communes. There are 432 communes in the country.


At one time, it was the first capital with a royal residence and the main Christian landmark of Norway, Nidaros Cathedral. An architectural sign of the new era is a tall TV tower with a revolving restaurant. There are many suitable places for excellent fishing in the surrounding rivers and lakes. The city of Trondheim is described in detail in.


An ancient Norwegian city, mentioned in ancient sagas. In modern times it has become a winter sports center. In 1994, the Winter Olympic Games were held here, which gave another impetus to the development of mass sports in the country and made it possible to update its infrastructure. In 2016, the Winter Youth Olympic Games were held here. Read .


The top of the 15-kilometer Geirangerfjord pierces the high mountains like an arrow. And in the place where the waters of the mountain river Geirangelva flow into it, near the mountain road, clinging to the rocks overgrown with forest, a picturesque village with only a few hundred inhabitants clings. A deep bay, high mountains - all this splendor, like many other places in Norway, is on the UNESCO list of world natural heritage sites. Geiranger is visited annually by thousands of tourists from around the world. Read .

Preacher's Rock (Preikestolen)

From the outside, the almost square, huge stone platform really looks like a professor’s chair. But people did not put any effort into its creation - nature did everything. From the 604-meter-high cliff, thrill-seekers will see stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. You can only get to the plateau on foot along a picturesque but difficult mountain path. For details on how to do this, see.

Fish is the basis of the Norwegian diet

Rakfisk - fermented trout

Fish and seafood have been the main food on the Norwegian table since time immemorial. In Norwegian coastal waters, more than two hundred species of them are caught and bred - a wide variety of fish and shellfish. If we list in alphabetical order only the common ones, those that are well-known, the list will turn out to be impressive: from Arctic char and catfish to common and silver pollock. You can count about two dozen valuable and tasty varieties of fish that are found in sea and river Norwegian waters.

Norwegian cod, crabs and smoked salmon are famous throughout the world. And, of course, herring, salmon and trout. Whale meat is also eaten here, for which there are quotas for Norwegian whalers.


NOK - Norwegian krone, the monetary unit of Norway. 1 crown = 100 ore (ore). Coins in circulation: the largest is 20 crowns. In addition: 10, 5, 1 crown and 50 ore. Paper banknotes are issued in denominations of 1000, 500, 200, 100 and 50 crowns.

There are exchange offices in banks, airports and train stations, in all Forex offices and post offices, but not in all hotels. You can pay with bank cards, but you also need to have some cash with you.

There are ATMs even in the smallest villages. We accept Visa and MasterCard, as well as Diners and Amex.

Tipping in Norway is usually 5-15% of the order price.


You can travel around the country by air, rail, road and sea transport.


Domestic air traffic is one of the most important in passenger transportation across a country stretching over 2.5 thousand km and with such difficult terrain. In winter, a plane is sometimes the only way to get to the islands or mountains.

53 airports serve international and domestic routes in Norway. The most significant ones are in big cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Ålesund and Tromsø.

The website of the air port service (www.nor-way.no) provides detailed current information about each of them and flight schedules.

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Roads and road transport

Atlantic Ocean Road

Norwegian roads are some of the best in the world. Their total length is more than 100 thousand km. All highways have a hard surface and are cleared of snow drifts in winter. The roads are often winding and there are many sharp turns in the mountains. Here at any time of the year you need to drive with your headlights on; in some areas there are restrictions on driving with trailers. The maximum permissible speed on the highway is 80 km/h, at populated areas 30-50 km/h.

18 national tourist roads with a total length of about 2000 km run through picturesque landscapes in the fjord region, along the west coast, in the mountains in the south and in the north of Norway. They have convenient infrastructure, original engineering and architectural solutions with observation decks and recreation areas.

Car rent

If you have an international license, you can rent a car in Norway. You also need an ID and health insurance. The approximate rental cost is 780 NOK and depends on the class of the car. Required condition– use seat belts and have a warning sign in the trunk. Norway has the highest fines for traffic offenders in Europe.

Parking lots are paid. On about 50 sections of the highway there is also a toll, on average about 20–30 NOK, on ​​some even more.

Buses in Norway

Bus routes connect all big and small cities, all the country's airports and ferry terminals. 200 large and comfortable buses with air conditioning, dry closets and comfortable seats transport passengers to the farthest corners of the country. On some routes, the trip can last more than a day.

Routes, fares and schedules of all bus carriers have a single Norwegian booking network (www.nor-way.no) Bus tickets are expensive, sometimes they include the cost of the crossing, but more often, anyway, it is cheaper than traveling by train or the cost of an air flight. In addition, there is a system of identical discounts and travel tickets that are valid throughout the country. In addition to the possibility of purchasing a ticket at the ticket office and travel agency, you can simply buy it from the driver before departure.

Railway transport

The infrastructure of Norwegian railways lags slightly behind the level of technical equipment of other modes of transport in the country. Therefore, one and a half times more funds were allocated for the modernization of this area in 2014-2023 than in the previous decade.

The total length of Norwegian railways is 4114 km. Slightly more than half of them are electrified. On the high-speed line Oslo – Oslo Airport – Eidsvoll (64 km), the Flytoget express train moves at a speed of 210 km/h.

On the railway lines of the NSB - State Railways, 775 tunnels were laid and 3,000 bridges were built, many of which are tolled.

The trains are equipped with 1st and 2nd class carriages and run in four main directions:

  • to the south: Oslo-Stavanger;
  • to the north: Trondheim-Bodø (Nordlandsbanen);
  • to the central regions: Oslo-Trondheim (Dovrebanen) and the Dombås-Åndalsnes side line (Raumabanen).

There are rail connections to Sweden along two lines.

Traveling by train in Norway is not a cheap pleasure, but the company constantly sells tickets for various promotions. There are also discounts for early booking and for preferential categories of the population.

You can also save money by purchasing travel tickets: they can be purchased for 3 days, a week and 3 weeks. Tickets are sold at railway ticket offices at stations and on www.nsb.no. You can pay by credit card.

Important. Smokers should be patient. Smoking is strictly prohibited in trains and railway station buildings in Norway.

Water transport in Norway

All islands, small towns and large cities along the entire Norwegian coast are connected by car ferries and express boats.

There are about a dozen large ferry companies operating in the fjord region. Everywhere at the piers there are private boats, they also take travelers on fishing and excursions. Tickets are available at the ticket offices of ferry terminals or on the websites of carrier companies.

Leading carriers: Senja Ferries, Kolumbus, Tide, Rodne Fjordcruise, Fjordline, and Hurtigruten. The price is high, but there are ways to save: early booking, sales and promotions.

Lovers of sea travel can choose the most beautiful things to suit their taste on this website - www.hurtigruten.com.

Public transport

The capital has 5 metro lines with 101 stations, there is a developed network of bus, tram and ferry routes, just like in other big cities. For all types of transport, a one-time ticket is the same price (approximately 15 NOK), daily 40, for a week – 140 NOK. Passes are not valid at night.

For tourists, the “Oslo Card” is beneficial, which can be bought at the hotel, at the travel agency and newsstand for 150 – 200 – 250 NOK for a day, two or three, respectively. Children's Oslo Card is half the price. It is beneficial because in addition to travel by all types of public transport (except for some ferries), holders of such a card visit museums for free and pay only half the cost for car rentals, buses and most ferry excursions. In addition, the card has a discount on purchases in some stores and payment for orders in restaurants.

Here this is an expensive form of transport and only works within the city limits. You can pay by card. A 1 km journey costs 1.3 euros, and the price upon boarding is 5. Very expensive waiting fee. According to tourists, taxi prices are highest in Trondheim, and lowest in Bergen.

The largest taxi company in Norway is NorgesTaxi. Its website contains detailed tariffs and telephone numbers for ordering a taxi in any city.

Visas (for citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)

Citizens of Russia and Belarus must have a valid Schengen tourist or visitor visa to enter Norway. Citizens of Ukraine who have a biometric passport do not need a visa to visit Norway for up to 90 days (for any purpose other than work and study).

All foreign citizens must obtain medical insurance before traveling.

Cellular communications and Internet

Roaming is available from all major operators, but it is not cheap. It is better to buy a local SIM card; they are sold in all types (regular, mini- and nano-) in the offices of local operators, in mobile phone stores, and in mini-markets (7-Eleven chain).

In Norway, GSM 900/1800 standards apply. The three most famous Norwegian cellular telephone companies - Telenor, Tele2 and Lebara Mobile offer two types of cards to non-resident tourists: with a prepaid tariff and without a contract. You do not need a passport to purchase cards.

The latter company has 4 types of cards:

  • Lebara Mobile World: beneficial for international calls
  • Lebara Mobile Norgespakken: within Norway
  • Lebara Mobile EU-pakken: across Europe
  • Lebara Mobile Norden: for calls to Denmark, Sweden and Finland

With a World card (250 NOK), a call to Russia costs 0.99 NOK/min. to mobile and 0.69 NOK/min. to a landline number. A call within Norway is also 0.99 NOK/min.

The tariffs of the other two companies are not very different in cost from Lebar Mobile. Except that the communication quality of the Norwegian giant Telenor is always at its best: and high mountain, and on the subway. You can top up your balance with a scratch card or by bank card on the Lebara Mobile website.

You can also call using Skype, Wi-Fi is available in almost all restaurants, cafes, hotels, Internet cafes, but it is not free everywhere.

You can use a desktop computer in libraries for free (within 30 minutes): read mail, look up the information you need.

You can also access the network from your mobile phone; Beeline and Megafon have GPRS roaming. But at the same time, it is cheaper to connect to an Internet package; you can consult about them in communication shops on site.

They are considered one of the most prosperous in the world. Their level of development and social security can be the envy of many states on the planet. Therefore in this article we'll talk about a country called Norway, whose name translated from Old Norse means “road to the north.” The state is located in the western region of Scandinavia, and also absorbed many neighboring small islands and the Spitsbergen archipelago. We will also find out what the area of ​​Norway is and the population.

Geographical features

The territory of the state stretches in a narrow strip along the coast in the north-west of Samaya wide part The country is only 420 kilometers. Also, the Norwegians own all the rocks and islands located in its territorial waters. The area of ​​Norway is 3850186 square meters. km. At the same time, the water surface occupies only 5%.


In the east and southeast, Norway neighbors Sweden (the length of the border is 1630 km), Russia (the crossing area is 196 km) and Finland (736 km). In the south, Norway is washed by the North Sea, in the northwest by the Norwegian Sea, and in the northeast by the Barents Sea.


The area and population of Norway are insignificant. The country has a population of only 5,245,041 people as of 2015. According to this indicator, the state is one of the smallest. As for the population density, it is equal to 16 people per square kilometer. At the same time, the distribution of people is very uneven. Almost half of the citizens live near the Oslofjord and Trondheimsfjord, on a rather narrow coastal strip. Another 20% of the population lives in the southern part of the country.

78% of people live in cities, of which a fifth live near the capital. It is important to note that the area of ​​Norway provides for the name urban area of ​​such a settlement where more than two hundred people permanently live. In addition, houses should be no more than 50 meters apart from each other.

In terms of gender and age, the country is very employable, since the majority of people are aged between 16 and 67 years. 90% of the population are Norwegians, and the largest national minority are considered to be immigrants from Arab countries, of which there are hundreds of thousands of people. Also living are the Sami (about 40 thousand people), Kvens, Swedes, Gypsies, Russians and others.


The area of ​​Norway is divided into 19 counties, which in turn are united into five large-scale regions:

  • Northern Norway (Noor-Norge):



  • Central Norway (Trøndelag):



  • Western Norway (Vestland):



Sogn og Fjurane;
- Møre o Romsdal.

  • Eastern Norway (Ostland):

- Headmark;






  • Southern Norway (Sørland):



In turn, the county is divided into communes, of which there are 432 in the state.

Economic life

Norway, whose territory excluding Spitsbergen and the island of Jan Mayen is 385,186 km2, is one of the largest oil and gas producers in Europe. The country obtains most of its required energy from hydropower, which in turn makes it possible for it to export the lion's share petroleum products. Compared to other European powers, Norway has very low inflation and unemployment rates (both 3%).

The northern country is also rich in quite significant deposits of copper, zinc, titanium, nickel, silver, granite, marble, iron, and has an impressive forest area. In addition, Norway is the largest producer of magnesium and aluminum in the Old World.

Also the leading European supplier of saltpeter, urea and fertilizers is the Norwegian company Norsk Hydro.

In fact, the entire area of ​​Norway is involved in the economic sector. Mechanical engineering is also quite developed in the state, which specializes in the production of machines for the oil and gas industry. Shipbuilding plays a significant role, since Norway is a maritime power with a powerful fishing fleet.

Speaking about agriculture, one cannot help but note the fact that its share in the country’s economy has largely decreased significantly due to the development of the industrial sector. It is also worth understanding that the development of farmland in Norway is very difficult due to the harsh climate. Therefore, even the allocation of significant subsidies by the government does not help to fully revive agriculture, in which livestock farming is in the first position, providing 80% of the total production of the state’s rural workers. In this regard, Norway is forced to purchase a variety of grain crops and many other products from other countries, with which it is not able to fully provide itself.

NORWAY - a country in Northern Europe

Norway Square– 324.2 thousand km 2 (67th place in the world, see map of Norway)

Population of Norway– 5.23 million people (data for 2015, 117th place in the world),
incl. urban population – 79%

Official language– Norwegian

Ethnic composition: about 88% are Norwegian; 11.4% - migrants (Pakistanis, Iraqis, Swedes, Poles, Vietnamese, etc.)

Number of Russians permanently residing in Norway: 14 thousand people

Number of Russian citizens who visited Norway: 178.3 thousand people (data for 2014)

Capital of Norway: Oslo (59º56´ N, 10º45´ E; 613 thousand inhabitants)

Big cities: Bergen (252 thousand inhabitants), Stavanger (123 thousand inhabitants), Trondheim (170 thousand inhabitants)

Climate: temperate marine in the south, subarctic in the north, arctic in Spitsbergen

Landscape: mostly mountains; the coastline is deeply indented by fjords

Lowest point in the country: sea ​​coast, 0 m

Highest point in the country: Galhöppigen, 2,469 m

Norway GDP (purchasing power parity):$345 billion (data for 2014, 49th place in the world)

GDP per capita: 66 thousand dollars

National currency of Norway: Norwegian krone (NOK, code 578)

Time Zones: GMT+1. Time is 2 hours behind Moscow

Telephone code: +47 (8-10-47)

Internet domains:.no

Official holidays in Norway:

moving date in March-April – Palm Sunday,

moving date in March-April - Maundy Thursday,

moving date in March-April – Good Friday,

moving date in March-April – Easter (celebrated 2 days),

moving date in May - Ascension of Christ,

moving date in May-June - Trinity (celebrated after 2 days),

Road traffic: right-handed

Electrical voltage: 230V/50Hz, socket types: C, F

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