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Yerevan State University address. Yerevan State University

Yerevan State University
original name

Երեվանի Պետական Համալսարան

Year of foundation
Bachelor's degree
Postgraduate studies
Legal address

Republic of Armenia, 0025, Yerevan, st. Alek Manukyan, 1


Coordinates: 40°10′53.91″ n. w. /  44°31′34.74″ E. d. 40.181642° N. w.40.181642 , 44.526319

44.526319° E. d.(G) (O) (I) Երեվանի Պետական Համալսարան Yerevan State University


listen)) is a higher education institution in Yerevan. Story In the first academic year, the university had one faculty of history and linguistics, 262 students studied and 32 teachers worked. To the credit of the first rector of the university, Yuri Gambaryan, it should be noted that from the very first year of its foundation, such eminent teachers who graduated from foreign universities and had work experience, such as Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abeghyan, Stepan Malkhasyants, etc., were invited to teach at the university. Armenia

In the 1920s, the university operated on the ground floor of a two-story black tuff educational seminary building on the street. Astafyan (modern Abovyan Street). The People's University had 2 faculties: social science and natural science. But already in October the university had 5 faculties: social studies, oriental studies, technical, pedagogical and Soviet construction. Subsequently, the Faculty of Social Science was reorganized into an agricultural one, and in March of the year the Faculty of Medicine was also opened. According to the government decision of October 20, the people's university was renamed into a state university. The status and responsibility of the country's main university have increased, but at the same time the requirements have become more complex. The university management, after a careful selection, invited scientists and teachers who graduated from foreign universities and speak several foreign languages.

In the 1933-1934 academic year, the university had economics, natural history, history and linguistics, physics and mathematics and pedagogy. In the year, the pedagogical faculty was finally separated and on its basis an independently operating pedagogical institute was created (currently the Armenian State Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan). In the same academic year, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was divided into 2 faculties: biology and chemistry. Thus, from 1935-1936 school year 8 faculties are formed and begin to operate at the university: history, philology, law, geology and geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics, and biology. The faculty was also opened in the year international relations, valid for up to a year.

The university is one of scientific centers Armenia.

Member of the Eurasian Association of Universities since 1989
(1st Congress of the EAU, October 20, 1989, Moscow)

On May 16, 1919, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Armenia decided to found a university in Yerevan. On January 31, 1920, the opening ceremony of the University of Armenia took place in the building of the trade school of Alexandropol (modern Gyumri).

The opening ceremony of the university was attended by both the leaders of the republic and numerous foreign guests. Classes at the university began on February 1, 1920 with a lecture by the outstanding Armenian scholar Stepan Malkhasyants.

In the first academic year, there was only one department of history and linguistics at the university; 262 students studied at the university and 32 teachers worked at the university. To the credit of the first rector of the university, Yuri Gambaryan, it should be noted that from the very first year of its foundation, famous teachers who graduated from foreign universities and had experience in teaching and scientific work were invited to teach at the university: Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abegyan, Stepan Malkhasyants and others.

After the establishment of Soviet power in Armenia, on December 17, 1920, by order of the first People's Commissariat of Education of Armenia. SSR Ashot Oganesyan “On the reorganization of the University of Yerevan” the University of Armenia was renamed the Yerevan People's University. Armenian scholar, Professor Hakob Manandyan was elected rector of the newly opened People's University.

In the 20s last century, the university operated on the ground floor of a two-story tuff black educational seminary building on the street. Astafyan (modern Abovyan Street). The People's University had only 2 faculties: social science and natural science. But already from October 1921, the university had 5 faculties: natural sciences, oriental studies, technical, pedagogical and Soviet construction. Subsequently, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was reorganized into an agricultural one, and in March 1922 the Faculty of Medicine was also opened.

According to the government decision of October 20, 1923, the people's university was renamed into a state university. The status and responsibility of the country's main university have increased, but at the same time the requirements have become more complicated. The university management, after a careful selection, invited scientists who graduated from foreign universities, speak several foreign languages ​​and have extensive teaching experience.

In the 1933-1934 academic year, the university had economics, natural history, history and linguistics, physics and mathematics and pedagogy. In 1934, the pedagogical faculty separated, and on its basis a pedagogical institute was formed (currently the Armenian State Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan). In the same academic year, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was divided into 2 faculties: biology and chemistry.

Thus, from the 1935-1936 academic year, 8 faculties were formed and began to operate at the university: history, philology, law, geology and geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics, and biology. In 1945, the Faculty of International Relations was opened, operating until 1953.

In 1957, the Institute of Russian and Russian Studies joined the state university as a separate faculty. foreign languages, which was disconnected again in 1961.

In 1959, the Faculty of Physics was separated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and acquired independence, from which the Faculty of Radiophysics was separated in 1975.

In 1991, Yerevan State University already had 17 faculties that trained personnel in 32 specialties.

1960-1990s became unprecedented years of development in the life of the university: a number of new faculties were formed, new scientific laboratories were created, and a center for Armenian studies was founded. Publishing work was significantly revived: in addition to teaching aids and textbooks were published scientific works famous teachers, scientific journals, various collections, etc.

The 1995-1996 academic year marked the beginning of a new educational process Yerevan State University. In accordance with international criteria, in order to obtain a qualitatively new university educational status, YSU, like most Armenian universities, switched to a two-stage education system.

To date, YSU has produced about 90 thousand graduates. About 13 thousand students are studying specialties at 22 faculties currently operating at the university. Of the more than 1,200 university teachers, 200 are doctors of science, more than 500 are candidates of science. More than 3 dozen academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia carry out their scientific and pedagogical activities at the university. Thanks to highly qualified scientists, the university conducts fundamental and applied research in different areas modern science. As for educational and methodological works, then they are organized in more than 100 departments equipped the latest technology and equipment.

On May 16, 1919, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Armenia decided to found a university in Yerevan. January 31, 1920 The University of Armenia was inaugurated in the building of the Alexandrapol Trade School (modern Gyumri). Classes at the university began on February 1, 1920. lecture by the famous Armenologist Stepan Malkhasyants. In the first academic year, there was only one faculty of history and linguistics at the university, 262 students studied and 32 teachers worked.
On the initiative of the first rector Yuri Gambaryan, from the very first year of its foundation, such eminent specialists who graduated from foreign universities and had work experience as Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abeghyan, Stepan Malkhasyants and others were invited to the university for teaching work. By order of the first People's Commissariat of Armenia. SSR Ashot Oganesyan “On the reorganization of the University of Yerevan” the University of Armenia was renamed the Yerevan People's University.

Armenologist, Professor Hakob Manandyan was elected rector of the newly opened People's University. In the 1920s, the university operated on the ground floor of a two-story educational seminary building on the street. Astafyan (modern Abovyan Street). The People's University had 2 faculties: social science and natural science. But already from October 1921, the university already had 5 faculties: natural sciences, oriental studies, technical, pedagogical and the faculty of Soviet construction. Subsequently, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was reorganized into an agricultural one, and in March 1922 the Faculty of Medicine was opened.

According to the government decision of October 20, 1923, the people's university was renamed into a state university. In 1934, on the basis of the pedagogical faculty, a pedagogical institute was created (currently the Armenian State Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan). Thus, from the 1935-1936 academic year, 8 faculties were formed and began to operate at the university: history, philology, law, geology and geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics, and biology.
In 1945, the Faculty of International Relations was opened.
In 1959, the Faculty of Physics was separated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and acquired independence, from which the Faculty of Radiophysics was separated in 1975.

In 1991, Yerevan State University already had 17 faculties that trained personnel in 32 specialties.
Since the 1995-1996 academic year, Yerevan State University has switched to a two-stage education system. To date, YSU has produced about 90 thousand graduates. 13 thousand students study specialties at 22 faculties. Of the more than 1,200 university teachers, 200 are doctors of science, more than 500 are candidates of science. More than three dozen academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia conduct their scientific and pedagogical activities at the university. Educational and methodological activities are organized in more than 100 departments.
Yerevan State University has been operating since 1920 science Library, which is a first-class university library, with a book fund of 2 million copies. The library has a collection of ancient and rare literature - 20,770 items. The annual replenishment of the library's collections is 710,000 items, serving 12,000 readers, 9,000 of whom are students.
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Yerevan State University is today the oldest and, perhaps, the most prestigious higher education institution in Armenia. Although its history begins relatively recently by university standards, it is highly respected in the community, and its degrees are highly valued.

History of University

Before Socialist revolution V Russian Empire residents of Transcaucasia were forced to leave their native country to get an education. Most often, Armenians went to Russia or Europe. For a long time in Georgia there was a special university founded by immigrants from Armenia, in which their former compatriots could gain knowledge.

However, after the Russian Revolution and the closure of the university in Georgia, the question of creating an independent university in Armenia became acute. The issue of organizing Yerevan State University was resolved on May 16, 1919. Then the government of the first Republic of Armenia established a new educational institution, in which at first there were four faculties.

Already on January 31, 1920, the university accepted its first students. In the first year of its existence, however, only one faculty was fully functioning, with 262 students studying and 32 teachers. The rector invited famous Armenian scientists with an impeccable academic reputation from European countries.

University during the USSR

In the twenties, there were five faculties at Yerevan State University: social science, technical, oriental studies, Soviet construction and pedagogy. In the thirties the number of faculties increased to eight. Being the first higher education institution in the republic, Yerevan University served as the basis for the creation of other universities in the country.

Thus, on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine, already in the early thirties, the State Medical Institute was formed, the first rector of which was Hakob Hovhannisyan, who had previously headed the University of Yerevan.

By the time the republic gained independence, the university already had seventeen faculties. In independent Armenia, the status of the university remained very high, which was also due to the innovative efforts undertaken by the university management. Since 1995, the university switched to a two-tier education system, which allowed it to enter into closer relations with European and American universities.

Other prestigious universities in Armenia

One of the highest educational institutions created on the basis of the faculty of Yerevan University, became the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction. This university was created on the basis of the technical faculty of the country's main university, after which it began to actively develop.

The first graduation of the university consisted of only seven people who left the walls alma mater in 1928. Subsequently, on the basis of the University of Architecture, the Polytechnic Institute was created, to which the Chemical Technology Institute was attached. Thus, Yerevan State University acted as the founder of a whole family of higher educational institutions in Armenia, each of which changed its orientation, expanded its profile and developed according to its own logic.

Modern education system of Armenia

Today, the higher education system of the Republic of Armenia is a very complex structured education, which includes numerous universities, academies, institutes and a conservatory.

Despite the fact that the transition to a two-level higher education system was made back in the mid-nineties, today students can still choose whether to study in a specialty or bachelor's and master's degrees.

In general, it is worth saying that modern higher education in the republic is organized in accordance with generally accepted world standards and inherits the Soviet value system. Diploma of higher education is considered prestigious and helps graduates with employment.

44.526319° E. d.(G) (O) (I) Երևանի պետական համալսարան ) - higher education institution in Yerevan founded in 1919.

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    In the first academic year, there was only one faculty of history and linguistics at the university, 262 students studied and 32 teachers worked. To the credit of the first rector of the university, Yuri Gambaryan, it should be noted that from the very first year of its foundation, such eminent teachers who graduated from foreign universities and had work experience, such as Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abeghyan, Stepan Malkhasyants, etc., were invited to teach at the university. Armenian Soviet power On December 17, by order of the first People's Commissar of the Armenian SSR Ashot Oganesyan “On the reorganization of the University of Yerevan,” the University of Armenia was renamed the Yerevan People's University. Armenian scholar, Professor Hakob Manandyan was elected rector of the newly opened People's University.

    In the 1920s, the university operated on the ground floor of a two-story tuff black educational seminary building on Astafyan Street. The People's University had 2 faculties: social science and natural science. But already from October 1921, the university had 5 faculties: social studies, oriental studies, technical, pedagogical and Soviet construction. Subsequently, the Faculty of Social Science was reorganized into an agricultural one, and in March 1922 the Faculty of Medicine was also opened. According to the government decision of October 20, 1923, the people's university was renamed into a state university. The status and responsibility of the country's main university have increased, but at the same time the requirements have become more complex. The university management, after a careful selection, invited scientists and teachers who graduated from foreign universities and speak several foreign languages.

    In 1930, by decision of the Government of the Armenian SSR, it was created on the basis of the medical faculty of the university, the first rector (director) of which was Hakob Hovhannisyan, who in 1922-1930 served as rector of Yerevan University and had extensive experience in university management.

    In the 1933-1934 academic year, the university had economics, natural history, history and linguistics, physics and mathematics and pedagogy. In 1934, the pedagogical faculty finally separated and on its basis an independently operating pedagogical institute was created (currently -). In the same academic year, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was divided into 2 faculties: biology and chemistry. Thus, from the 1935-1936 academic year, 8 faculties were formed and began to operate at the university: history, philology, law, geology and geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics, and biology. In 1945, the Faculty of International Relations was opened, operating until 1953.

    The university is one of the scientific centers of Armenia.

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