Home Dental treatment How they are treated in different countries of the world. European medicine: features and advantages Compulsory health insurance

How they are treated in different countries of the world. European medicine: features and advantages Compulsory health insurance

Hypertension – serious illness, which is also insidious in that before complications arise, it does not cause severe discomfort and, therefore, there is no rush to treat it. In addition, many patients believe that high blood pressure– a temporary phenomenon that will go away on its own after rest, without medical intervention.

This position is extremely dangerous. Arterial hypertension leads to irreversible consequences. The condition of the vessels becomes worse, hyalinosis of small arteries occurs, as well as elastobibrosis of large ones. Advanced disease causes renal failure, continuous headaches and nose bleed, weakness and dizziness, and as a result - myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

In Europe, the USA and other developed countries, the treatment of hypertension is taken seriously and responsibly. A thorough examination is carried out to exclude diseases that lead to hypertension: problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, blood vessels, heart. An individual regimen of medications, regimen, nutrition, and lifestyle is prescribed.

Why do patients go abroad for hypertension treatment?

Many foreigners go for treatment to other countries, where there are clinics specializing in this area and famous doctors who help defeat the disease even in its advanced state. Organizing such a trip is not difficult: there is international center ambulance https://avia.care/, which arranges individual air travel to a selected city in the world and provides turnkey legal support, solving numerous related issues.

Since the company is independent, it is not interested in promoting a specific clinic or country for treatment, and is equally loyal to clients from anywhere in the world. One request is enough to entrust the complete organization of a medical tour to the experts of this center.

Hypertension is difficult to treat, this is one of the reasons why people go abroad, desperate to get quality help in their homeland. In Europe and the USA, new methods are being used to classify the disease and eliminate it, taking into account the readings of diastolic and systolic pressure.

In advanced clinics, they even take care of those stages of hypertension when it is considered incurable: the kidney parenchyma is affected, in secondary hypertension with pheochromocytoma and adenoma, and in other severe cases. The scheme is applied individually, depending on the patient’s condition. Often produced surgical operations: aortorenal bypass surgery, renal artery stenosis, angioplasty. Long-term, versatile drug therapy is used.

Studying arterial hypertension and methods of its treatment are constantly being improved, Special attention devoted to this direction in the USA. New recommendations are being drawn up, innovative drugs are being introduced. Currently, the JNC American Hypertension Research Center offers the following major guidelines:

  • apply gentle methods of treating arterial hypertension in people with diabetes mellitus and kidney diseases,
  • combine thiazide diuretics with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,
  • use active therapy in patients over 60 years of age with systolic blood pressure above 150 mm Hg,
  • start treatment of hypertension in patients suffering from kidney disease or diabetes mellitus with blood pressure readings from 140/90 Hg,
  • do not use an AF inhibitor and an ARB in one patient,
  • if the desired effect of lowering blood pressure is not achieved within a month of using the drugs, you need to increase the dose or use a drug from another group, it is permissible to add a third drug to the two-component treatment,
  • if a positive result is not achieved with three-component treatment, it is recommended to completely change the group of drugs,
  • arterial hypertension of the first stage can be treated with lifestyle changes, diet, and the use of thiazide diuretics - if necessary,
  • the second stage is treated with thiazide diuretics in combination with inhibitors,
  • The goal of treating hypertension in people with diabetes is to reduce DBP below 85 mmHg. Art.,
  • the patient's salt intake should be reduced to 5 g per day,
  • it is necessary to constantly measure blood pressure in an outpatient setting,
  • for resistant hypertension, renal denervation should be used,
  • It is recommended to reduce the body mass index to 25 or less.

These are the main recommendations for the treatment of arterial hypertension abroad. The methods themselves are very different, and are prescribed after a high-quality comprehensive examination, including a thorough check of the functioning of the body's systems and the completion of many tests. Therapy is selected individually and requires a responsible attitude, first of all, on the part of the patient. Hypertension can be defeated forever if you tune in to a long, stubborn struggle.

15.11.2017 14:36


What is unusual for us is that they drink mineral water and walk a lot. Do not use antibiotics or cough syrups and are vaccinated

This fall the Center public health The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has compiled a list of medications that should not be used in case of influenza or ARVI for both children and adults. This list includes everything that we are used to going to pharmacies for most often - interferons, antiviral drugs(except oseltamivir and zanamivir according to indications); immunomodulators, combination cold medications.

It turns out that cough syrups are also not worth drinking, especially for young children, because they can cause complications. The effectiveness of vitamins has not been proven, as have herbal preparations, so you can use them, but no one guarantees effectiveness.

Photo from the site zdorov.online

This topic has caused a lot of controversy, since the period of acute respiratory viral infections has already begun. Most of the disagreements are among doctors who prescribe these drugs every day and believe in their effectiveness.

Ukrinform tried to find out what features of the fight against viral infections and influenza epidemics exist in other countries, what doctors and pharmacists advise, and what people listen to.


Let's start with Belgium, whose medical products are considered to be of very high quality and are in demand in Ukraine. The Belgians themselves have a reputation as the nation that consumes the most alcohol in Europe. different medications, and this is facilitated to a certain extent by the medical insurance system. However, there is no cure for viruses even here. A family doctor answered the correspondent's questions Aurelia Noriene, who practices in Antwerp. She explained that “interferons, antivirals, immunomodulators, combination cold medications” are not used in Belgium. And this does not depend on the country’s Ministry of Health, which does not give direct instructions to doctors and clinics in this area. “Regarding the recommendations that are used against viral infections, doctors should act in accordance with the latest scientific data, that is, treat symptoms and possibly complications. Antiviral treatment is not practiced,” noted the family doctor.

Cough syrups are very popular and must be obtained with a prescription, but they can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy after consulting with your pharmacist. He will offer medicine to thin sputum, from a wet or irritating dry cough, but you can’t buy a “panacea” for ARVI here.

In general, the highly developed medicine of Belgium is aimed at prevention - vaccination is actively promoted here. Regardless of the epidemiological situation, vaccinations are always recommended for the most vulnerable segments of the population, especially the elderly. The country's Supreme Council of Health issues official document, where strains of influenza viruses and vaccines against them are identified.

In Germany, doctors advise if the body temperature reaches 38 degrees (even for small children) to walk outside

In Germany, the question: “What do you have for colds and flu” also causes considerable surprise among pharmacists. But there are many symptomatic medications - for gargling or washing the nose, antipyretics, anti-cough. Drugs to strengthen the immune system are not cheap and are almost not represented on the shelves of local pharmacies. They also have little faith in the power of vitamins in tablets; rather, they suggest monitoring your diet and eating foods rich in vitamin C, lactobacilli and probiotics.

Photo from the KP archive

In general, in Germany a lot of attention is paid to information on how to recognize the flu and distinguish it from a common cold, so as not to self-medicate. Although Germans, for any advice, immediately turn to their family doctor, who will write a prescription and help with treatment. If symptoms of ARVI appear, the patient is advised to drink as much as possible and rinse his nose saline solution, ventilate the room, at a body temperature of up to 38 degrees (even for small children) - walk outside and, most importantly, avoid stress.

It is impossible to purchase serious medications, in particular antibiotics, without a prescription. If the disease gives complications, the patient is hospitalized and continues to be treated in inpatient conditions under the supervision of specialists.

Vaccination is considered the most important in Germany effective means prevention, but doctors warn that it does not provide 100% protection against the disease. At the same time, except for the reminder on the website of the German Ministry of Health (which is unlikely to be read by many people) and other specialized websites dedicated to vaccinations, you will not see any other persistent calls to immediately go to the clinic; there are none even in doctors’ offices.

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. To maintain and restore it, many try to choose the best methods, medications, doctors and clinics. One of the most popular destinations in medical tourism today are European countries. This is due to many factors, ranging from the level of development of medicine, ending with comfortable living conditions and a climate favorable for recovery. What treatment provides in Europe and how to choose a medical institution worries patients from different parts of the world.

Why is spa treatment in Europe in demand?

As soon as a disease creeps into our body, the question of finding a suitable clinic and good specialist. And although the result of treatment will also depend on the patient’s genetics, it is still better not to make a mistake with the choice.

Healthcare systems in some European countries (in particular Germany and Switzerland) have reached a high level of development, covering all areas of medicine and affecting diseases of any part of the body. Such successes are due to sufficient funding from the state, which makes it possible not only to treat, but also to conduct all kinds of research, putting the results into practice.

European medicine is characterized by:

  • interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of diseases;
  • application of the latest scientific achievements;
  • use of advanced equipment;
  • attracting the world's best luminaries in the field of medicine.

Particular attention is paid to the training of medical personnel. Employees of clinics and hospitals constantly undergo advanced training courses. Almost all large medical universities Europe has clinics operating on their research base.

The geographical location of some countries and their natural resources make it possible to speed up the process of recovery and rehabilitation. Those who need recovery at sea can look for a sanatorium in Spain, Italy, Greece, and France. If the situation requires a stay at balneological resorts, you can choose the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries rich in thermal and mineral springs and mud.

The cost of undergoing a course of treatment or rehabilitation in European clinics is difficult to classify as an advantage. Not everywhere prices are affordable for ordinary citizens.

But if we compare, for example, with programs in the USA, or consider the price-quality ratio, then the cost of medical services in Eastern and Central Europe, where our compatriots most often go, is quite moderate and affordable. But in the western and northern parts of Europe, not everyone can afford to restore their health.

What is treated in which countries?

When choosing a medical institution, you need to pay attention to specialization, capabilities and resources, and the natural conditions of the region. It would be a big mistake to choose a resort based only on your own preferences and indicators such as comfort. To prevent this from happening, let’s consider where and what disease should be treated.

Skin diseases

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and therefore there are a lot of diseases associated with it. For their treatment they are used mineral water, climatic conditions, dirt. Find necessary resources possible at the following resorts:

  1. Harkany (Hungary) – here they treat psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, inflammatory processes chronic skin. This area should be chosen by those who need treatment at the Dead Sea, but cannot afford it. The effectiveness of treatment with local waters is unlikely to be inferior to Israeli sanatoriums. In Harkani, a large number of springs containing carbon sulphide come to the surface.

Leading health resorts use them in a variety of methods to influence the disease:

  • baths based on thermal waters;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydromassage;
  • carbon dioxide baths.
  1. The city of Smrdaky (Slovakia) - people come here with psoriasis, chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, dermatomycosis, various forms of acne, scleroderma and neurodermatitis. The resort is located at the foot of the Carpathians. Treatment is carried out on the basis of mineral waters with a high level of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur. Sulfur mud is also mined here, which is formed underground due to the flow of hydrogen sulfide sources through the soil.

The center’s specialists use the following methods to combat skin diseases:

  • warming and wrapping;
  • baths using parchment;
  • whirlpool and pearl baths;
  • electrotherapy;
  • underwater massage.
  1. Spa Jáchymov (Czech Republic) - in this region they deal with the problem of psoriasis, as well as for patients who have undergone plastic post-burn surgery. Jáchymov is the first radon resort on the world map. Radon is a radioactive gas that is considered a source of soft alpha radiation that has unique effects on the body.

The methods used in local sanatoriums can rightfully be called unique. One of them is brachycobalt therapy - treatment with Jáchymov boxes. The method is based on the use of gamma radiation as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

The list of resorts where you can go for skin diseases is quite extensive:

  • hydrogen sulfide baths: sanatoriums on Lake Heviz in Hungary, Lendek and Zdroj (Poland);
  • radon baths: Loutraki (Greece), Lake Heviz (Hungary), Swieradow-Zdrój (Poland), Baile Felix (Romania), Kreuznach (Germany);
  • iodine-bromine baths: Busko-Zdrój (Poland), Debrecen (Hungary), Galzignano Terme (Italy);
  • thermal waters with naphthalan: Ivanić Grad (Croatia), Moravske Toplice (Slovenia);
  • eczema and neurodermatitis: Prolom Banya (Serbia), Loutraki (Greece), Thalasso Strunjan (Slovenia), Kolobrzeg (Poland).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Almost all European resorts treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are sanatoriums specializing in this problem (Teplice and Jachymov in the Czech Republic, Piestany in Slovakia, Hungarian Heviz, Italian Abano Terme), and those where this direction is related.

All of them are distinguished by different therapeutic factors in their content:

  • in Slovakia - hydrogen sulfide water and sulfur mud;
  • in Hungary – silt peat mud and thermal water;
  • in the Czech Republic - radon and sulfate-hydrocarbonate-sodium water;
  • in Italy - iodine-bromine water.

Classic treatment methods in combination with physiotherapy are followed in Jáchymov, Piešťany and Teplice. Italian specialists focus on mud wraps and thermal baths. But they are building in Heviz healing process on swimming in a lake with thermal water, mud applications and stretching of the spine.

With a disease such as scoliosis, the choice of a German or Belgian blade will be unmistakable. It is here that excellent results have been achieved through the use of the latest surgical and non-surgical methods. Attention should be paid to the network of medical centers “Nord Alliance”, the Solengen clinic, the network of clinics “Helios” and the academic clinic at the University of Hamburg.

It is advisable to choose any other sanatorium to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system in cases where it is necessary to combine treatment of several diseases in different parts of the body.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

  • moderate climatic conditions;
  • a large number of mineral springs;
  • clean air and ecology;
  • preparing Austrian centers to receive cardiac patients.

The most famous resorts: Baden, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Bad Ischl, Bad Hall.

An excellent choice would be Czech sanatoriums located in Teplice and Marianske Lazne, Poděbrady.

  • heart surgery;
  • hypertension;
  • post-infarction state;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of small blood vessels;
  • angina pectoris and many others.

You can also pay attention to the sanatoriums of Hungary (Balatonfured) and Germany (Ban Kissingen). People come here if they have:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • headache;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
  • damage to the heart muscle.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Spa treatment is an excellent alternative to drug treatment for organ diseases digestive system. There are many centers in Europe that deal with this problem.

Let's name the leading sanatoriums that you should pay attention to:

  1. Slovenia, Rogaska Slatina - this resort has surpassed even Karlovy Vary in terms of the healing properties of its mineral waters. Everyone can be treated here - there are no contraindications to drinking water from the springs. And most importantly, patients do not complain about getting used to it. All types of intestinal tract diseases are treated here, and also deal with the problem excess weight and diseases such as diabetes.
  2. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – this part of Europe does not need advertising. Anyone who suffers from diseases of the digestive system has either already been here or heard that this needs to be done. At the local resorts you can combine treatment of diseases different departments body. There are 12 springs here, the water of which is indicated for patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus of both types, with impaired metabolic processes in organism.
  3. Italy, Montecatini Terme - sanatoriums in this region successfully treat gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. The resort has five springs, the waters of which are used for drinking courses. This place is popular with politicians, actors, and famous personalities.
  4. France, Vichy is one of the most famous balneological resorts in Europe. Here they treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, and also help to lose weight, get rid of food allergies, normalize metabolism.

In all centers and sanatoriums, the start of treatment is preceded by intestinal diagnostics, consultations with specialists, necessary tests. Assign drinking cure Patients with this type of disease can only be treated by a health care specialist.

Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis

Joint diseases in Europe are treated in almost every country. The countries that have succeeded most in this regard are Austria, Greece, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Finland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. The latest developments in the field of orthopedics, rheumatology, arthrology and physiotherapy are actively used here.

To cure rheumatoid arthritis, they use:

  • cryogenic effect on joints;
  • therapy with biological products;
  • ultrasound;
  • cleansing the blood of autoimmune bodies;
  • medications.

When choosing a resort, pay attention to the following regions:

  • Austria, Bad Gastein - an intensive program has been developed here, including radon therapy procedures, treatment with thermal waters under the watchful supervision of specialists;
  • Slovenia, Strunjan – seaside resort, whose health resorts offer individually designed techniques in combination with water procedures and aerotherapy.
  • Germany, Salzschrif – here is located the unique Tomez sanatorium. Treatment of joints is based on the optimal combination of salt water and sun, the mechanism of action of which is very similar to the healing properties of the Dead Sea.
  • Slovakia, Piestany – famous for its mineral waters and mud.

Dental services

Dental treatment and prosthetics in Europe are of excellent quality and high prices. Germany, which is famous for using the latest achievements in this field, using high-quality equipment and professional doctors.

Germany's competition is from Hungary. Not only Russians come here, but also residents of other European countries: dental services can be obtained at a fairly high level and much cheaper than in German, Austrian or Swiss clinics.

You can go on a dental tour to any country in Europe, but if you intend to save money, then it should be:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Hungary.

For example, Greek dentists provide services for a fairly modest fee, but the materials themselves will cost no less than in other countries.

Dental treatment is not the only procedure for which foreigners come to Europe. Implantation is very popular. The price range is very wide:

  • Hungary – from 750 euros;
  • Germany – from 1100 euros;
  • Ireland – about 3000 euros.

And this is only for the implant itself; the doctor’s work will cost about the same.

Treatment of asthma and bronchitis

One of the key factors that influence the recovery process for diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma is clean air. Most European countries are excellent places for patients with such diagnoses. The air here is truly clean, free of dust and toxins, and saturated with oxygen and microelements from natural sources.

Where to go:

  • Poland, treatment center at the Wieliczka Salt Mine. The treatment here is based on a specially developed breathing exercises, which is carried out in the specific microclimate of salt adits. Sanatorium "Salt Mines Bochnia" provides treatment for children suffering from respiratory diseases.
  • Hungary. One of the most famous resorts here is the town of Tapolca. It contains a natural cave in which therapy is carried out respiratory system.
  • Romania. The speleotherapy clinics located at a depth of 120 meters underground brought popularity to the state. Treatment rooms, a playground, and rest rooms are equipped for patients. All this allows you to carry out the required 4 hours of treatment comfortably.
  • Slovenia. The impact on pulmonary diseases in this region is exerted by the sea air, saturated with the aromas of the pine forest. The climatic resort in the town of Strunjan has become very popular.
  • Italy. You need to pay attention to the Fiuggi resort, where there is an inhalation center, treatment in which is carried out on the basis of a nationally certified thermal water Telese. People come here with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic inflammatory diseases, otosclerosis, tuberculosis.
  • Germany. Some of the largest inhalation facilities in Europe are located here. They can be found in the resorts of Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen, Bad Reichenhall.

Treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases

Urological diseases are the main specialty of many Czech spas. You need to pay attention to Marianske Lazne. Methods of influencing diseases are based on the use of peat mud, physiotherapy, natural carbon dioxide, and electrical procedures. When treating only the kidneys, a drinking course of mineral water is used.

But the Czech Republic is not the only country where you can go if you have diseases of this order:

  • Bulgaria, Hisar resort. The healing water of the region is used in the treatment of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, conditions after lithotripsy, and prostatitis.
  • Italy, Fiuggi resort. Even the great Michelangelo called the water that comes to the surface here from springs moisture, which is capable of crushing stones.
  • Slovakia, resort Turčansky Teplice. Local health resorts base treatment on the use of thermomineral water. Basic techniques: drinking course, massages, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.

In Austria, the resort of Laa an der Thaya is popular, in Germany - Baden-Baden, Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen.

The best countries for the treatment of epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia

Europe is also one of the best places to treat mental disorders and depression. In almost every state you can easily find a clinic that deals with neurological problems.

In Germany, medical institutions have succeeded in this area:

  • Charité clinic,
  • Berlin Vivantes Center,
  • Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Freiburg.

The following methods are preferred:

  • classes in therapeutic groups, individual sessions;
  • working with obsessive fears;
  • art therapy;
  • safe medicines.

British experts structure the process of influencing the disease somewhat differently. Neurasthenia and depression are treated here with:

  • acupuncture, aromatherapy, physical education;
  • complete refusal of even the weakest drugs.

Such methods are followed in the English Wellington Hospital and London Bridge Hospital. In many sanatoriums in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain, patients with depression are saved through natural resources (sea, air, mineral waters), moderate physical activity, walks fresh air, building positive thinking.

Schizophrenia is another mental disorder, which is practiced in European clinics and centers. Let's name just a few institutions:

  • Poland, Gdansk – Clinical center medical university;
  • Germany, Berlin – Charité clinic and Havelhee hospital;
  • Spain, Barcelona – Teknon Medical Center;
  • Spain, Pamplona – University Hospital of Navarra.

At the end of the 19th century, leading neurologists in Europe proved that the best results in treatment neurological diseases can be achieved in resort conditions in mountainous areas. That is why patients diagnosed with epilepsy, cerebral disorders and other work abnormalities nervous system choose sanatoriums located at the foot of the mountains. Most often these are health resorts in the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

Top 5 best European resorts

The choice of a medical institution is greatly influenced by its reputation and position in various ratings. Therefore, it is quite difficult to clearly indicate the best sanatoriums.

Let's name the five most popular regions for restoring health:

  1. Italy, Montecatini Terme (Tuscany). Located between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Florence. There are 5 springs here mineral water, 3 – with iodine waters, thermal mud. People come here with diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous disorders.
  2. Hungary, Budapest, Szechenyi Bath. It is considered the largest in Europe. Water rises from the depths of the earth from a depth of 1256 meters. Holidays in this region are recommended if you have gynecological, rheumatic, skin diseases, as well as with deviations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary. The largest thermal resort in the country: 12 springs, the water temperature of which ranges from 41-73 degrees. Doctors recommend coming here for diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, stress and depression.
  4. Austria, Baden. Located in the vicinity of Vienna. Attracts patients with sulfur springs and is very popular among the creative intelligentsia. Treatment in Baden is indicated for gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders.
  5. Germany, Baden-Baden. Famous resort located in the shade of the trees of the no less famous Black Forest. Many tourists prefer this place due to the high quality of service, variety of procedures, and picturesque nature. The emphasis here is on procedures for cleansing the body, rehabilitation after operations, treatment of diseases of the blood, respiratory system, and nervous disorders.

Top 5 European cancer treatment clinics

Patients diagnosed with cancer very often choose European medical institutions to combat this disease. And this is no coincidence, because it is here that some of the strongest and most progressive centers in the world operate today. Among the leading ones are:

  1. Germany, Nuremberg clinic. Unites several structural divisions: Institute of Breast Cancer, Lung Oncology, Prostate Cancer Institute and many others. The hospital has been awarded the quality seal of honor from the German Cancer Society.
  2. Germany, University Hospital Freiburg. The history of the medical institution has been going on for more than 230 years. Index successful treatment Metastases in the liver and lungs, blood cancer, female oncology and tumors in the brain are among the highest in Europe. Over 200 transplants take place here every year. bone marrow and about 25 thousand chemotherapy procedures.
  3. Germany, Asklepios hospital chain. Every year about 2 million patients come here from all over the world. Oncology centers located in Hamburg enjoy the greatest authority.
  4. Austria, Vienna, Central Clinical Hospital. The hospital has existed for more than 320 years. Its specialists not only treat oncological diseases, but also conduct active research work.
  5. Spain, Barcelona, ​​Teknon clinic. It is believed that the largest number of world luminaries in oncology work here: Antonia Russi (neurologist), Bartolome Oliver (neurosurgeon), Antonio de Lacy (oncology surgeon) and others.

We open a visa

Once a medical institution has been selected, you can proceed to request a visa permit at the consulate. To submit it, you will need an invitation from the hospital, a doctor’s report with a diagnosis, insurance and financial support for the trip. You need to contact the representative office of the country in which the clinic or sanatorium is located.

To travel for treatment you will need a visa category C – tourist. Based on this, it will be possible to spend 90 days in Europe within six months.

If this is not enough, you can apply for a visa extension, attaching to the application confirmation of the circumstances forcing you to stay for longer. long-term treatment.


Many patients choose European resorts and clinics due to the high level of development of medicine, rich natural resources and excellent quality of service. People come here with diseases of the skin, respiratory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and mental disorders.

Europe is also known for its leading cancer centers that use the latest developments in the fight against cancer.

Treatment in Germany without intermediaries // how to organize treatment yourself: Video

Health care is one of the most significant expenditure items in national budgets. But the health of patients in which countries is valued most highly and where? medical systems work most effectively? In this article we compared different approaches to the healthcare of the world's leading powers.


Advance payments: yes.

Briefly: There are a large number of doctors in France general practice and fairly high medical costs relative to GDP. However, this country, according to the latest data, ranks only 11th in the Commonwealth Fund’s international comparison reports.

How it works: Although France has a public health care system, most patients must pay the doctor up front out of pocket. Then the amount spent is reimbursed partially or completely. It is noteworthy that patients can choose their own doctor and clinic.

All medical payments are made using a special compulsory medical insurance policy card - Carte Vitale. For example, a visit to a therapist in France costs 23 euros: this amount is paid at the terminal using Carte Vitale, after which the money is returned to the client’s account within five days.

Typically, reimbursement ranges from 70% to 100%. People with low incomes are reimbursed 100% of medical services.

Also, part of the money that the state does not cover is reimbursed by the companies for which the French work. If a patient ends up, for example, in intensive care, the state completely takes care of his health.

In November 2017, the system will change somewhat: the state and companies insuring their employees will have to pay doctors directly, and advance payments will be abolished.

The French also pay in pharmacies using Carte Vitale. State coverage here ranges from 15 to 100%.

Angelique Chrisafis


Advance payments: yes.

In short: Ireland has more nurses per capita than other countries with high level life, however, other indicators in the health sector are at an average level.

How it works: A visit to a GP in Ireland usually costs between €40 and €60. Poor people can visit general practitioners free of charge. And in 2015, the Irish government abolished treatment fees for children under 6 years of age.

Medical cards also cover the cost of medications. True, for each prescription item a “tax” of 2.5 euros is collected (maximum 25 euros per month per person/family). If the cost of medicines exceeds 144 euros per month, the patient pays the difference himself.

For calling an ambulance, the patient is charged 100 euros. But if the patient is immediately admitted to the hospital after this, the patient does not pay for an ambulance, but he will need to pay for days in the hospital - 75 euros per night in state hospital(maximum 750 euros per year).

46% of the population, as of September last year, also bought voluntary health insurance policies, which allow them to choose whether to be treated in public or private clinics.

Pamela Duncan


Advance payments: yes.

How it works: The price of one visit to a therapist varies in this country depending on the region, ranging from 10-18 euros. Treatment of children is paid only in case of calling an ambulance (about 12 euros). A visit to a specialist costs 40 euros, the same cost for first aid medical care. A day in the hospital costs 10 euros: you can choose a private or public clinic - there will be no difference in price.

The maximum price for medical care during the year is 110 euros. Prescriptions for the purchase of drugs are also subsidized, but patients pay a maximum of 220 euros per year out of pocket, everything higher is reimbursed.

If a GP refers a patient to a specialist, the patient must pay a minimum fee of 10 euros (but not more than 1000 euros per year if the doctor is seen regularly).

About 600 thousand Swedes have voluntary health insurance policies, which are usually covered by the employer. This type of insurance allows you to see a doctor, perform procedures or have surgery without waiting in line.

Helena Bengtsson


Advance payments: yes, but small.

Briefly: China's medical indicators, compared to other countries, are low, with the exception of rising healthcare costs relative to GDP.

How it works: Hundreds of millions of Chinese people lost access to free healthcare after the country introduced economic reforms in the late 1970s. Today, the cost of consulting a doctor is still very low.

In any case, for those who have so-called “blue” cards social insurance. With these cards, a visit to a therapist costs only 2 yuan (0.3 euros), and an emergency call or a night in the hospital costs about 100 yuan (almost 13.5 euros).

On the other hand, the high cost of drugs or the hefty price of long-term treatment is enough to bankrupt a typical Chinese family.

Officials say they hope to improve the health care situation by 2020: 95% of the population currently has health insurance different types, but in practice very often cannot cover their bills on top of it when necessary.

Often, Chinese doctors, who are paid a small salary, enter into contracts with pharmaceutical companies and prescribe unnecessary drugs to patients. As a result, one call to a specialist can result in a bill of several tens of euros.

Dissatisfaction with this policy of doctors in Lately has made the medical profession in China quite dangerous, with harassment, physical attacks and public accusations.

Tom Phillips


Advance payments: yes.

How it works: In fact, the American healthcare system does not operate according to such rigid Darwinian laws as it is often seen by foreigners. Hospitals are required to admit a patient no matter what in case of emergency. The government also pays a significant share of bills for visiting doctors and purchasing medicines through special programs: Medicare for the old, Medicaid for the poor and Chip for children. Also, after Obama's health insurance reforms, the percentage of people without insurance dropped to 10%—"only" 33 million people.

Otherwise, American standards, of course, are generally high, in some respects even the best in the world. But no matter what type of insurance, few Americans can avoid paperwork when paying for treatment due to fear of lawsuits from medical institutions.

Almost always, visits to specialized specialists are accompanied by additional payments from patients and allow doctors to earn additional income. This often leads to an unreasonably large number of recommended tests and procedures, thus commercializing healthcare.

Due to high health care prices, Americans pay less attention to preventive medicine. Many do not treat mental illness or, for example, obesity, preferring to save money in case emergency medical help is needed.

This approach to medicine, despite innovative techniques and well-trained specialists, has turned the United States into a country with the highest health care costs, but with some of the lowest health indicators in some areas.

Dan Roberts


Advance payments: no.

In short: Every year, the percentage of GDP spent by Japan on healthcare increases significantly. In 2008, Japan spent 8.6% of GDP on healthcare, but by 2013 this number had risen to 10.3%.

How it works: Every Japanese person must buy a health insurance policy. Typically, employers cover more than 80% of the cost of their employees' policies.

Those who are unemployed and those who are self-employed are required to join the national health insurance system. Fees for compulsory medical insurance policy depend on income level, property value and other factors (for example, having someone as a dependent). Under this scheme, citizens typically cover up to 30% of their treatment bills on their own. People over 70 pay 10% of their checks.

Medical payments above a certain cost (for each individual: calculations are made based on income and age) are paid entirely by the state. Also, medicine is free for people with low incomes who receive government subsidies.

Medical insurance includes not only examination by specialists, but also hospitalization, visits to doctors with mental problems, prescription medications, physical therapy, and even most dental services.

The role of the state in health matters in Japan is a level higher than in many developed countries. For example, in 2012, 82% of health care spending was financed by the government, compared with an average of 72% for developed countries.

Powerful government support is especially impressive because Japan has a very high life expectancy. True, the growing number of elderly people significantly increases the cost of medicine.

Justin McCurry


Advance payments: no.

In short: Spain has relatively many doctors per capita, but few nurses. However, the amount of money spent on health care began to fall as the crisis began in the country.

How it works: Medicine is free in Spain. Moreover, both for residents of the country, legal and illegal, and for tourists. However, since 2012, foreigners without documents began to be accepted only in emergency cases. About 90% of Spaniards use free healthcare, and about 18% visit specialists in private clinics. Consultations with dentists and ophthalmologists are generally only possible for money.

The quality and availability of healthcare services in the country varies depending on the region. In this regard, Spain is developing an internal medical tourism: 9 out of 10 best hospitals are located either in Madrid or Barcelona. In some areas, such as Catalonia, falling health care costs have led to long queues at medical institutions and to the forced choice of private medicine.

Stephen Burgen


Advance payments: optional.

Distinctive features: Many doctors per capita, high number of prescriptions.

How it works: Italy's national health care system, the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, offers universal, free or low-cost insurance that covers most prescribed medications.

According to reports from independent experts, medicine in Italy is accessible and of fairly high quality, although in some regions the healthcare situation is worse (in particular, in the south of the country). Italian citizens can also purchase a VHI policy, which allows them to avoid queues.

The national insurance system applies to all citizens of the European Union and includes: standard procedures, as well as tests, medications, operations, calling an ambulance, pediatrics and consultations with a family doctor. According to the Italian Ministry of Health, the list of drugs covered by insurance is the most comprehensive in Europe: only people with non-serious illnesses should pay for their medications themselves. Italy is also the only country in Europe where families can choose a pediatrician for children under 14 years of age free of charge.

Stephanie Kirchgaessner


Advance payments: no.

Briefly: Average level. It is in fifth place in the Commonwealth Fund’s international comparison reports list. The country spends more money on healthcare than other EU countries.

How it works: According to the insurance rules developed in the country by Otto van Bismarck in 1880, every resident of the state is required to purchase a health insurance policy. About 85% of the population chooses insurance from one of 124 non-profit insurance companies (Krankenkassen). About 15% of the monthly salary is spent on paying for the health insurance policy, but half of this amount is paid by the employer.

Those who earn more than 4,350 euros per month can purchase insurance from private companies that specialize in serving freelancers and small entrepreneurs. For the poor, the cost of insurance is covered by the state.

Insurance includes visits to a general practitioner, specialists and basic dental services. In the hospital, insurance covers any services over 10 euros per day. This rule does not apply to private clinics, homeopathy or complex dental procedures.

Philip Oltermann


Advance payments: yes.

Briefly: In the Commonwealth Fund’s international comparison reports list, Australia ranks quite competitively in 4th place. The country has a high number of doctors per capita and an average health care spending to GDP ratio compared to other developed countries.

Most pay to see a therapist (30 to 40 euros). About half of this money is covered by insurance.

Some clinics with general practitioners operate on the “bulk-billing” principle, that is, the cost of their services corresponds to the payments borne by the state. In particular, only such clinics serve people with low level income or prisoners.

Most recipes for medications subsidized by the national pharmaceutical program Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Treatment in public hospitals is almost entirely covered by Medicare, although many who have VHI policies prefer paid clinics.

Insurance does not cover emergency care. In some regions, an ambulance call is paid, and in some the price for an urgent call to a doctor varies from 200 to 1300 euros. And an ambulance helicopter in Victoria will cost almost 7 thousand euros. For some, partial payment for calling an ambulance is included in their insurance.

In 2011-12, 57% of Australian adults purchased private health insurance, but it was predominantly affluent, older people and women of childbearing age who used insurance during pregnancy.

Kate Lyons

Great Britain

Advance payments: no.

Briefly: the UK ranks, according to experts from the Commonwealth Fund’s international comparison reports, first in terms of the level of healthcare services among developed countries, although the assessments of specialists from other organizations are not so flattering. The percentage of GDP spent on medicine falls below average. The country also has an aging population, plus obesity and alcoholism are serious problems. England is a country with low survival rates for cancer patients.

How it works: The free healthcare system, founded in 1948, is under threat like never before. Although the British can still visit a therapist for free (however, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make an appointment with a doctor). The state covers both ambulance calls and first aid, as well as chemotherapy and complex operations. Despite this, 11% of the population prefer private medicine.

Mark Rice-Oxley


Advance payments: no.

Briefly: Russia has quite a lot of doctors per capita, but a small percentage of GDP is spent on healthcare, the quality of which also leaves much to be desired.

How it works: Amounts allocated for financing national system healthcare in Russia is an order of magnitude less than that of its neighbors in Eastern Europe.

In theory Russian medical care free for everyone. In practice, due to the fact that doctors and nurses receive public clinics low salaries; in Russia they often give medical staff extra money for treatment or send them to private clinics.

The monstrous tragedy that occurred last December, when a Belgorod doctor beat a patient to death, drew public attention to the quality of medical care.

In Moscow there are many good modern private clinics, but in the regions this is much more difficult: hospitals exist within the framework of the Soviet infrastructure and often treatment methods are also noticeably behind the advanced ones.

Russians spend a lot of money on medicines and it is noteworthy that many medicines that can be purchased, for example, in England only with a prescription, are on free sale here.

Calling an ambulance is free, but private carriages arrive faster, and paramedics often ask for money to refer a patient to hospitalization. Most middle-class Russians prefer to buy VHI policies or simply visit private clinics.

ggoriy in European medicine is a beautiful myth.

A friend called me: “Have you read it? In an English hospital, the staff killed 1000 people! Horror! How can this be - this is enlightened Europe!” But for some reason I wasn’t surprised. Alas. Stories about the splendor of European medicine turned out to be the myth that was most painful to part with.

Oh, you will immediately see the difference with Russia! Yes, we can tell you everything with one blood test! - a Viennese friend assured me, who, like all Austrians, believed that there was no better medicine than theirs.

My husband was the first to turn to the miracle doctors - his leg hurt for some reason.

You only have general social insurance, right? - they asked him. - then go to the family doctor at your place of residence!

“Finally, I will find out what kind of family doctor you are, about whom all Russian patients dream!” - I thought dreamily, waiting for my husband.

By that time, I was surprised to discover that there are no clinics in Austria. At all. And if you are sick with something, you must first go to a general practitioner: there are several of them in the area (although you may not be tied to your place of residence.). And he will either prescribe treatment himself, or refer you for tests and then to specialists. A small detail - all the laboratories are also private and scattered throughout the city: in one place they take blood, in another they do X-rays and ultrasounds, in a third they check the heart... Well, specialists also opened their offices wherever they liked. Not every patient can run around them all...! But what a professional level!

The husband returned discouraged.

There, there... - he stuttered slightly. - Well, in general, I won’t go there again!

It turned out that our family doctor’s waiting room was the size of a closet, with nowhere to even sit (and in the Moscow clinic, I remember, there was a harpist playing in the marble hall!). And there were a lot of people. Someone is sneezing and coughing, some old woman is humming slightly, shaking her head, and a dark-skinned guy is dripping blood from his bandaged hand...

When, after an hour of waiting, the husband came into the office right after the boy and saw bloody bandages on the floor, he felt sick. An elderly, tired doctor in a blood-stained robe silently wrote out a prescription for painkillers - and that was the end of his first meeting with advanced European medicine.

Well, you should have gotten private insurance! - an Austrian friend immediately stopped our complaints. -The service is completely different there! Best clinics, professor!

We took heart. But then it turned out that good treatment in Europe can only be absolutely healthy people. That is Insurance Company First of all, it requires you to prove that you are not sick with anything - for this you undergo a mini-examination at your own expense.

What if they find me sick? - I was amazed. - Well, for example, gastritis? Am I not going to be insured?

Why not? They can insure for the treatment of everything except gastritis,” a friend explained to us. - Well, if it’s something more serious, they’ll refuse.

But people want to treat what hurts?

You never know what they want! A car won't be insured against damage if it's already damaged? Why should a company risk its funds? - the crown convinced us.

And we set out to prove that we never get sick, but simply want to give our money to the insurance company for free.

The polite doctor himself took blood from our finger and immediately wrote out a check: 120 euros for the appointment and 100 euros for the blood test. From everyone.

And a week later he told us by phone that we were healthy and eligible for medical insurance.

I was surprised, but terribly happy! Because these Moscow doctors found so many things in me that they forbade me to eat and drink anything tasty!

For several months, despite various ailments, we were afraid to disturb Austrian medicine. They will also think that we are sick. They'll get angry...

But then chance intervened. My temperature rose to 39 and lasted for five days. Local doctors - both we and the insurance company called about five people - refused to visit me at home. They just didn't want to. They have the right - they have no responsibilities to their patients. There is no ambulance in our understanding either - you can call a car with a doctor for 500 euros to take you to the hospital. But I’m not ready for the hospital yet.

I had to go on my own with the temperature. Fortunately, through private insurance, we found a center that saw various specialists and had its own laboratories. But we are not the only ones so smart! It turned out that here you have to make an appointment with doctors a month in advance!

But I have a fever now! - I begged.

And what? And it's our turn! Okay, once you've arrived, wait! - the receptionist had mercy. And after two hours of waiting, I saw a doctor.

The doctor listened to my tale of woe for a few minutes and immediately began to write something.

Here is a prescription for an antibiotic, take it for 10 days!

But what do I have? Maybe you'll listen to me? Maybe I should take some kind of test?

For what? Whatever it is, it will go away with an antibiotic!

I didn’t know then that it was here main principle medicine. On the tenth day the fever actually went away. And who cares what hurt there...

I went to this elite clinic several more times. And tired. Wait an hour or more for an appointment, although you have an assigned time. So that later the always busy doctor, barely looking at you, immediately sends you out of sight to donate blood. To find out the results, you need to sign up for next appointment. A month later... Once I received a consultation from an ENT professor. He immediately clicked his tongue: he needs to have a nasal septum operation!

I won't! - I resisted.

The annoyed professor immediately lost interest in me.

Do you have 150 euros with you? - asked businesslike.

Eat! - I was taken aback.


He took my money, quickly wrote out some kind of receipt and immediately showed me out the door without talking. I have never spent 150 euros so quickly - it all took less than three minutes.

But maybe we are so fatally unlucky? I talked to my friends. A friend of mine sat outside the doctor’s office for three hours with a child who had just broken a finger. And she left - despite the expensive insurance, they were never accepted. Another friend had her teeth inserted at the clinic for a lot of money. Beautiful. Only she could not talk or eat.

There were also life-affirming examples. Our friend worked as a chief engineer at an Austrian plant. And suddenly he was diagnosed with heart disease. Need bypass surgery. The company fired him immediately so as not to pay expensive insurance. A hospital without insurance refused to operate on him. He borrowed money. Had surgery. To spite his former bosses, he opened his own company. And he became a millionaire. Yes, medicine can work miracles!

I went on the forums. It turns out that many Russians travel from Vienna to Moscow for treatment. They can’t stand the local order.

Understand, there is no good and bad medicine! There are good and bad doctors - and in any country you need to look for them, - a Russian friend who has lived in Vienna for a long time instructed me.

Of course it is. Yes, yes good doctors in Austria. I just never got caught. But still...

I cursed our medicine for a very long time. And now I’m just sure: the Soviet healthcare system was the best. It is precisely as a system of serving the population that Europe has never dreamed of. Yes, there was a lack of modern equipment, there were no new drugs. Well, this is how these issues had to be resolved.

Instead, we are trying to adopt the best European experience of family doctors, which will destroy the remnants of what was good we had. I'm afraid that our sick population will not survive such a battle for health!

Because the secret of the myth of brilliant European medicine was revealed to me. There are great medicines here. Modern. No fakes. They do the main work for doctors. Maybe that's why they are not sold without a prescription.

Well, a very conscious population. I kept thinking: where does such a craving for physical education and sports come from? Everyone, young and old, rides bikes, skis down the mountains, plays golf, walks through the forests with sticks... But they are simply afraid of their European medicine!

P.S. according to acquaintances, it’s not far from the truth; in Holland, an ambulance only arrives if you convince them that you’ll be off the hook in half an hour; When the body temperature is below +39, they don’t begin to treat at all, they say the body will cope on its own. In the USA, friends of mine prescribed their child to drink... water when they have the flu, since the disease is viral and an antibiotic will not help (they didn’t forget to take the money for the appointment)

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