Home Stomatitis Clinics and hospitals in Israel. The best clinics in Israel Treatment in Israel clinics

Clinics and hospitals in Israel. The best clinics in Israel Treatment in Israel clinics

Best clinics Israel- These are medical institutions that are known all over the world. The authority of Israeli clinics is built on highly qualified doctors who are famous in Europe and the USA. The most modern medical equipment And the latest drugs are significant factors for choosing treatment in the best clinics in Israel.

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Medical Center "Ichilov"(Sourasky) is one of the three best Israeli public hospitals. It is located in the center of Tel Aviv. The medical center has 1,130 doctors on staff. 103 of them are professors, 215 are heads of departments.

The most famous and titled doctor Medical center "Ichilov" - . Patients from all over the world come to him for consultations, including from Europe and the USA. Work experience in oncology – about 40 years.

Honored Surgeons from Ichilov are popular among patients from all over the world.:, breast surgery specialist, neurosurgeon and others.

Many specialists teach at Tel Aviv University and are engaged in scientific work. On their account - more than 1200 clinical trials . In terms of income received from research activities, Ichilov ranks 1st in Israel.

Prices in Ikhilov

Hadassah is one of the 3 best public hospitals in Israel. The main part of its buildings is located in the suburb of Jerusalem - Ein Kerem. In 2005, the team was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for equal treatment of patients, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. IN different time 2 worked here Nobel laureate. This biochemist Avram Gershko And biologist Aaron Ciechanover.

Hadassah currently employs 850 doctors. 50 of them in 2016 were included in Forbes magazine top list as world-class specialists in various fields of medicine.

Forbes list of best doctors came in Professor Dina Ben-Yehuda, head of the hematology department. Dina Ben-Yehuda decided to become a hematologist when her brother died of serious illness blood. After graduating University named after Ben-Gurion in Beersheba and residency at Hadassah, Dina Ben-Yehuda was engaged in scientific work at the famous American Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Ben-Yehuda has headed Hadassah's hematology department for 16 years. In addition, she teaches at Hebrew University (Jerusalem).

Prices in Hadassah

Third best public hospital- "Shiba", is located in the small town of Kiryat Ono, in the center of the country. About 1,400 doctors work here. Here we have established close cooperation with the team of the famous American Oncology Center M.D.Anderson.

Patients from abroad seek treatment at Sheba Institute of Hematology. This department is headed by one of the leading Israeli oncohematologists - Professor Aaron Nagler, transplant specialist bone marrow and umbilical cord blood. The cord blood bank he created is considered one of the best in the world.

Among the leading doctors of the clinic are: oncologist professor Shmuel Ariad, geneticist professor Ohad Birk, pediatric specialist intensive care Professor Shaul Sofer.

Prices in Soroca

Wolfson Medical Center is located in the central part of Israel, in the city of Holon. It has medical care 650 doctors. 100 of them are teachers at Tel Aviv University, and some are heads of departments at this university. One of the teachers at Tel Aviv University is Professor Yakov Bar, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Wolfson Clinic.

Wolfson Hospital has one of the best orthopedics departments in Israel.. Doctors of the department under the direction of Dr. Rafael Lotan perform all types of modern joint surgeries, including.

Honored The cardio center is popular Wolfson Hospital. In 1996, doctors children's department Cardiocenter founded the organization “Save a Child’s Heart”. The initiator of the creation of this charitable organization became the then head of the department of pediatric cardiac surgery Dr. Abraham Cohen. As part of the activities of this organization cardiologists and cardiac surgeons at the hospital treat children from developing countries suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Prices in Wolfson

Kaplan Multidisciplinary Medical Center located in Rehovot. Doctors at Kaplan Hospital work closely with scientists at the Hebrew University.

The geriatric department of Kaplan Hospital is considered the best in Israel. The geriatric department is headed by a renowned specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics Dr. Sheri Tal. Treatment and rehabilitation take place here patients aged 80 years and older. They work with patients together with doctors social workers, nutritionists and other specialists.

The priority areas of the hospital’s work include cardiology and cardiac surgery. The employees at the hospital are of the highest qualifications. One of them - famous Israeli doctor and Russian TV presenter. It's no coincidence Kaplan Hospital selected to build the Middle East's largest heart center, which will open here in the near future.

Prices in Kaplan

Assuta is the largest private clinic countries. Leading specialists from public hospitals in Israel practice here. Interns and trainees are not invited to Assuta, only experienced doctors.

The hospital specializes in oncology and surgery.

Assuta has one of the best oncology clinics in Israel. Leading oncologists practice here, and modern diagnostic and treatment equipment is located (including a PET-MRI machine - about 30 in the world).

The most in the country are held in Assuta. Surgeons of the highest qualifications perform operations of any level of complexity. Patient recovery is faster than in others medical institutions because doctors always try to use minimally invasive surgical methods.

Prices in Assuta

Medical tourism is a combination of recreation and treatment abroad. IN last years This area of ​​tourism is showing rapid growth, namely 10% per year, which is twice as high as the growth of all tourism areas in general. According to forecasts, by 2017 the global medical tourism market will reach $678.5 billion, which will account for 16% of the total tourism market. Treatment abroad is popular both in countries with developed medicine and in those countries where the level of medicine leaves much to be desired. For example, in the USA, despite high level medical care, the prices for treatment are prohibitive, so many US citizens prefer to undergo treatment in other countries, where the level of medicine is no worse, and the prices are several times lower. In Russia and other countries former USSR The main problem is the quality of medical care, which is still far from world standards, so both celebrities and simple people quite often they prefer to undergo treatment, undergo surgery, and even simply give birth to a child in countries such as Israel or Germany. Israel is especially popular among residents of the countries of the former USSR; about 25 thousand people a year go there for treatment from Russia alone. This popularity is due to the fact that Israel is one of the world leaders in the field of medicine, especially with regard to surgery and in vitro fertilization (IVF), while the cost of treatment in Israel is lower than in Germany and many others European countries, and when compared with the United States, the difference is even more noticeable: for some types of services, Israel is 7 times cheaper than the United States. In addition, treatment and holidays in Israel are comfortable for Russians because, thanks to the large number of immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, there is no shortage of Russian speakers in Israel medical personnel and tourism workers in general. We should not forget about the healing water of the Dead sea, on the shores of which there are many medical centers.

Those who are thinking about undergoing treatment in Israel or another country will inevitably be faced with choosing a suitable clinic, specialists, fees necessary documents for treatment, obtaining a medical visa (if required). You can deal with this issue yourself, but it is better to entrust these preparatory procedures professional intermediaries, especially considering that such services will be free for the patient, because intermediary companies receive commissions directly from clinics, while for the patient the price does not change, regardless of whether he contacted the clinic directly or through an intermediary company. One of the leading intermediary companies in Russia is DocLand. The website docland.ru provides data on more than 260 clinics and more than a thousand doctors in Israel, Germany, Poland, Spain, South Korea, India. Based on hundreds of patient reviews, as well as the availability of various medical certificates DocLand publishes ratings of the best clinics and doctors different countries, which can be contacted through the website docland.ru.

10th place. Shaare Zedek Medical Center(Jerusalem) - ten-story medical complex with the following medical capabilities: Tomography scans the beating heart in HD resolution, allowing doctors to detect heart defects in initial stage their development, implantation aortic valve through femoral artery. The clinic has a state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care unit. This clinic also houses the only MRI machine for infants in Israel. Every year, about 250 thousand Israelis and citizens of foreign countries are treated at Shaare Zedek, and 20 thousand complex operations are performed.
The leading areas of the clinic: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology.

9th place. Edith Wolfson State Hospital(Holon). This clinic has been a leading medical center in Israel since 1980. Today there are 60 multidisciplinary departments and divisions, as well as the Institute plastic surgery and the Voice and Speech Center. All of them are equipped with last word technology. Every year, more than 120,000 Israelis and foreigners turn to the clinic’s doctors for help. The Edith Wolfson hospital has a capacity of 700 beds, including an additional 460 beds for patients requiring one-time procedures.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, diagnostics, phlebology.

8th place. Meir Medical Center(Kfar Saba). Meir Medical Center was founded in 1956. It is accredited by JCI and is part of Israel's largest medical network"Clalit" (unites 14 of the best hospitals in the country). Almost all doctors of the Meir organization have different academic degrees and successfully combine clinical practice with scientific activities. During the year they operate on more than 20 thousand patients. Many of the staff oversee top Israeli athletes, including the Olympic team. Thanks to their professionalism, the Meir clinic was named the best in 2007-2011.
Among the priority areas of the organization: gastroenterology, oncology, spinal surgery, orthopedics, nephrology, Maxillofacial Surgery and radioisotope medicine.

7th place. Schneider Clinic- Children's Hospital (Petah Tikva). It is the largest and most modern children's hospital in the Middle East. Children from all over the world receive treatment here. The institution’s doctors work in such areas as internal organ/tissue transplantation, pediatric oncology, surgery, cardiology and immunology. Innovative treatment methods are also used at the Schneider Hospital diabetes mellitus. To accurately and quickly make correct diagnoses, advanced computer imaging methods are used. After therapy, young patients can undergo a rehabilitation course that will help them return to their normal lifestyle in a record short period of time. The rooms at the Schneider Hospital are decorated in such a way that they resemble cozy children's rooms. Each of them has a separate bed for the parent so that he can stay with the child throughout the course of treatment.

6th place. Ichilov of the Sourasky Medical Center(Tel Aviv). It is Israel's main public hospital, treating more than 400,000 local residents and the same number of foreign patients every year.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, plastic surgery, dentistry, transplantology.

5th place. Psychological Center Matzpen(Tel Aviv). This is a private medical institution that provides detection and treatment different types neurological and mental disorders, psychological and physical dependencies. Treatment of addicted people is carried out confidentially here.

4th place. Medical Center Ramat Aviv(Tel Aviv). Since 2003, it has been owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. Service at Ramat Aviv is provided at the VIP level, so most of the organization’s patients are wealthy individuals who prefer to undergo treatment in the most comfortable conditions.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, diagnostics.

3rd place. Melanoma Unit Clinic(Tel Aviv). It is one of the divisions of the Assuta private clinic, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma (skin cancer).

2nd place. Hadassah Medical Center(Jerusalem) - honorary member of the American Hospital Association (American Hospital Association), nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The center is known all over the world for its large number of events. medical research and unique discoveries. The country's first child conceived through IVF was born here, and the first double coronary bypass surgery and cardiopulmonary complex transplantation in Israel were also performed here. The clinic performed the world's first hip replacement.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, hematology and hematology-oncology, neurology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, urology and nephrology, sexually transmitted diseases, dentistry, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology.

1 place. Assuta Clinic(Tel Aviv). This is the largest private clinic in Israel. It was the first in the country to be accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI). Every year, the Assuta clinic treats several hundred thousand patients from around the world, performs about 85,000 operations and more than 650,000 diagnostic studies. Everyone who comes here has the right to independently choose their own attending physician. Among the most advanced equipment used in the Assuta clinic is the Da Vinci Surgical System surgical robot, which allows performing the most complex surgical operations at the highest level. In the hospital, all patients are accommodated in comfortable single rooms, where all amenities are available. The menu is available to choose from.
The clinic received extremely positive reviews from patients, and spinal surgeon Ilya Pekarsky, who works at the Assuta clinic, this moment leader in the ranking of the best doctors in Israel on the website docland.ru.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, transplantology, neurosurgery.

Treatment in Israeli clinics deserves special attention worldwide. Doctors in Israel can provide their patients with a very high level of examination, the most various diseases. In addition, here you can receive the most modern and effective treatment. In many countries there is medicine of a fairly high level, but only here it is available to a wide range of people. It's just amazing, but Prices medical services there is much less here than in European countries.

Every year, about 85,000 operations, 650,000 outpatient examinations and medical procedures, 235000 diagnostic examinations(such as MRI and CT), 5,000 cardiac catheterization procedures and 5,000 in vitro fertilization procedures.

The actively developing and extremely popular field of medical tourism today gives millions of people the opportunity to receive quality medical services abroad.

The international class clinic “Herzliya Medical Center” (HMC), located on the Herzliya Pituach embankment, was opened more than 25 years ago. From the day of its foundation until today, the clinic has been internationally famous and receives patients from all over the world.

The hospital was founded in 1961. Located in the center of the capital of Israel. By agreement with the Israeli government in 1973, the hospital was given the middle name "Souraski". The hospital serves as the scientific base of the University of Tel Aviv. Has a helipad for emergency resuscitation.

Children's medical Center Schneider is the only largest clinic, not only in Israel, but throughout the Middle East, which provides medical care exclusively to children and adolescents. It was established in 1991 as a medical research institute.

The Schneider Center has 250 inpatient beds, 43% of which are dedicated to intensive care, including neonates and burn patients under 18 years of age.

Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center is both a hospital and a research and educational base for Tel Aviv University. Assaf HaRofe is the third largest health care provider in Israel. The medical center has 900 beds. It is central to an area where the population reaches one and a half million people.

The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, named after its founder, Professor Chaim Sheba, is located in close proximity to Tel Aviv in the Tel Hashomer area of ​​Ramat Gan. Initially - in 1948 - it was a military hospital, and already in 1953 it was transformed into a hospital serving both military and civilians.

The Chaim Sheba Hospital consists of 150 departments and clinics and is designed for 1990 hospital beds. It employs more than 1,000 doctors and about 5,800 paramedical, administrative and technical personnel.

Ramat Aviv Medical Center was founded in January 1999. The northern district of Tel Aviv, Ramat Aviv, also known as one of the most respectable and beautiful areas of the city, was chosen for its opening. Good infrastructure and convenient transportation make the Ramat Aviv clinic very convenient for newly arrived foreign patients.

The medical center occupies 2400 sq.m. This is a luxurious modern building equipped with the latest technology. Inside the building, everything is subject to the laws of functionality and ergonomics, so in the Ramat Aviv Medical Center both staff and patients feel free and comfortable.

Reuth Rehabilitation Center is a modern facility that provides long-term and short-term hospitalization and rehabilitation in Israel, including rehabilitation after stroke.

Reuth Center is one of the largest hospitals in Tel Aviv, designed for simultaneous treatment 350 patients of all ages, including infants, adolescents, young adults and the elderly. People come to the rehabilitation center not only from Israel, but also from all countries of the world.

Rabin Medical Center (RMC) is named after the now deceased Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Officially, the medical center began to exist in 1996. The basis for the formation of the largest medical institution was two functioning hospitals - Golda Hasharon and Beilinson.

The merger of the two hospitals has produced excellent results - Rabin Medical Center is now a leader in the Israeli healthcare system. Here, not only do hundreds of thousands of patients receive professional care, but also the best interns and fellows of the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Medicine are trained.

What are the features of clinics and hospitals in Israel?

There are many cases that, for example, Russian doctors considered hopeless, were successfully treated in Israeli clinics. And this is not a miracle, everything is quite understandable. The thing is that Israeli hospitals provide very high service and high-quality care for patients; do not forget that in the place of treatment in Israel there are many resorts that provide optimal rehabilitation for those recovering.

The clinics have a lot of the most modern equipment, which was sometimes invented in Israel, and has not yet spread to other countries.

In Israeli hospitals it is possible to get to the best doctor to a reception that specializes in one or another disease. If we compare prices for treatment, in Israel they are almost two times lower than in the United States of America or European countries. Therefore, the treatment that the patient cannot afford there, he can receive in Israeli hospitals, and the quality will certainly not be inferior.

Everyone has long known the high qualifications and extensive experience of Israeli doctors. After all, the names of some Israeli doctors are already known throughout the world. What else are the features? Israeli medicine? There's no fear here complex cases neither in diagnosis nor in treatment. The more unique the situation, the more doctors will be interested in it, and coping with it will be a matter of professional pride. Another feature is that climatotherapy is widely used, the possibilities of which are quite large.

In Israel there are many clinics, hospitals and centers that specialize in all kinds of medical services: internationally proven diagnostic methods, surgical and conservative treatment, rehabilitation, cosmetic services. In any clinic, doctors will not only answer any patient’s question if it concerns his treatment, but will also present all documents.

Israel has 373 hospitals scattered throughout the country - from Nahariya in the north to Eilat in the south - 46 general clinics, about 300 hospitals for the treatment of chronic and elderly patients, 13 psychiatric and 2 rehabilitation centers.
The largest multidisciplinary leading clinics in Israel are mainly located in the center of the country; all large cities have several hospitals. For example, Tel Aviv has nine major hospitals, Jerusalem has five major hospitals.

The Izmed coordination center organizes treatment in the best clinics in central Israel, which are able to provide any type of treatment at a high level international standards. Central hospitals in Israel, as a rule, they are better equipped than peripheral ones, have a strong research base, world-famous doctors on staff, and most foreign patients prefer to undergo treatment there.

What Israeli clinics can offer to foreign patients

In Israeli medical institutions, foreign patients are treated on the same basis as Israelis, despite the fact that the cost of treatment for foreigners is 40-50% higher than for citizens of the country. This ensures equality for all patients, regardless of how much someone pays. Medical tourists who have independently organized their treatment occupy common queues for diagnostics and surgical operations, and therefore their time in a foreign country becomes very expensive. The problem of queues is solved by cooperation with medical providers who organize treatment in Israeli clinics in a shorter time.

Most in demand best hospitals in Israel among Americans, for whom treatment here is sometimes half the price than in the United States, and citizens of the CIS countries, who expect better quality treatment than in their homeland.

Some hospitals have the international JCI accreditation level, which is very authoritative in medical tourism. Today JCI has seven clinics in the country, including the private Assuta Medical Center, Schneider Children's Hospital, Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center, and 6 more clinics are at certain stages of obtaining accreditation.

Choosing a hospital in Israel depending on the disease

Choosing a clinic with our help will help you get rid of exhausting wanderings in search of the right and best clinic, save you from unnecessary expenses and save time, and most importantly, ensure the best treatment result.

The fact is that, despite the versatility, all clinics in Israel have a certain specialization in which they are especially strong. This specialization is not written on the facade of the clinic, but can be seen in the directions scientific activity, in the level of qualifications of specialized doctors, in the accumulated experience in treating a particular disease.

Depending on the specific disease, Izmed recommends to its patients a clinic in Israel that has experience and all the capabilities to treat this particular disease. Unlike international departments of hospitals, we are not committed to one clinic, but work in the interests of the patient, therefore we can choose the most optimal treatment option for you, also taking into account your wishes and financial capabilities.

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Which is better - public or private clinics in Israel?

Almost all hospitals in Israel are owned by the state and the Clalit Health Insurance Fund; several are privately owned. It is impossible to say unequivocally which hospitals are better - public or private, it all depends on the needs of the patient.

Private clinics have a higher level of comfort, they can offer you a room similar to a five-star hotel room, they have fewer queues, since their services are somewhat more expensive than public clinics, and many well-known doctors in Israel work in them in private practice.

But in private clinics they do not perform neurological examinations or operate on children with severe pathologies. Only public hospitals in Israel have all the necessary conditions for this. Large public hospitals in Israel are not only medical institutions, but also research and university centers that move medical science forward.

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The best clinics in Israel

We present to you a list of the best, in our opinion, hospitals in Israel that deserve the attention of foreign patients.

Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center recognized as one of the most successful in the field. It is the second largest clinic in Israel, employing more than 6,000 staff. The structure of the center includes famous hospitals in Israel: Beilinson, Golda Hasharon, Schneider Children's Hospital.
More than 70% of all liver and kidney transplants are performed at the Rabin Medical Center annually.

Asaf HaRofe Clinic- another Israeli clinic, widely known throughout the world. It is located in the very center of the country, just 30 minutes from Jerusalem, and no more than 15 km from Ben Gurion Airport, located in the vicinity of Tel Aviv. They work in this hospital the best specialists countries in the field of gynecology (in particular artificial insemination and infertility treatment), orthopedics and plastic surgery. In addition to the fact that this medical center is included in the list of the best clinics in Israel, Asaf HaRofe is a university hospital - many of the specialists working in this clinic are engaged in research activities and conduct international research projects.

Sourasky Medical Center, until 1973 bore the name Ichilov, which was retained for one of the center’s hospitals - another medical institution that belongs to the best clinics in Israel. Located in Tel Aviv. It is sometimes called an entire medical city. About 4,000 specialists work here, including more than a hundred professors and 15 academicians. There are 20 laboratories in Ikhilov, the equipment of which allows for the most accurate research and diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases. The equipment and technology here are the most modern of those that Israel currently offers. Medical institutions of such a level as Ichilov provide treatment in Israel at the highest level. A few years ago, Ikhilov even entered the top ten best clinics in the world.

Dana Dweck Children's Hospital - structural subdivision Ikhilov. She treats all diseases in children. Has a strong department of pediatric oncology and oncohematology, center treatment of cerebral palsy. It recently opened a treatment center congenital pathologies skeleton in children.

Assuta Clinic- the largest private clinic in Israel, known far beyond its borders. It is the country's leading hospital in the field of surgery. various diseases and pathologies. Many famous Israeli doctors operate here in private practice; access to them in Assuta is more real than in public clinics, where they occupy high positions. In terms of the cost of services, this is not a cheap hospital, but it is preferred by many foreigners, especially from Western Europe and the USA.

is the largest public hospital in Israel with international accreditation. Many famous Israeli doctors work here, about 100 of them are on the Forbes list. This is a very popular hospital among Israelis, which is why there are often long queues. The cost of hospital services is higher than in Asaf HaRofeh and Ichilov.

Ramat Aviv- private modern clinic, specializing in general surgery, gastroenterology, radiotherapy and cosmetology. It has moderate prices, good service.
Meir- a clinic owned by the Clalit Health Insurance Fund, specializing in urology, gynecology, and pulmonology. Has international accreditation, Prices are higher than the national average.

Schneider- the largest children's nursery in the Middle East multidisciplinary clinic, which deals with everyone known diseases in children, including oncology, hematology, neurosurgery. Children of any age are treated here, including newborns. Patients come here from all over the world, as this clinic is a leader in many areas of pediatrics.

Clinics in Israel - prices

The pricing policy of Israeli hospitals, although under state control, is determined by the medical institution itself. There is a price list for medical services from the Ministry of Health, but it is advisory in nature. Clinics were given a certain financial independence, which benefited them and allowed them to accumulate funds and spend them on modernizing equipment and improving the quality of service. And medical tourists are an additional source of income for both public and private clinics; hospitals are interested in them, but do not have the right to give them advantages, so foreigners are treated with Israelis on a common basis, although they pay much more for treatment.

The cost of services is more liberal public clinics, private - Assuta and especially Herzliya, differ more high prices, but are able to provide a higher level of comfort, the right to choose a doctor, and the absence of queues.

We organize treatment in Israeli clinics at official hospital prices and our participation will help you save money. We will select a more profitable treatment option, organize procedures in several medical institutions, and ensure that there are no queues. As official representatives of many hospitals, we are sometimes able to provide better conditions than the clinics themselves, as well as provide many other services.

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