Home Hygiene Installation of braces in a complex case. Stages of installing braces

Installation of braces in a complex case. Stages of installing braces

How braces are installed, whether it hurts or not, how long the procedure takes - most often these are the questions that concern those who decide to fix their smile. Orthodontists remind dental-phobic patients that beauty sometimes requires sacrifice, so you will have to be patient a little.

Also, be patient. Installing a brace system on the upper and lower jaw is not a quick task, with open mouth You will need to sit for 1.5 - 2 hours. This is precisely what worries patients the most, and not the fact that it will hurt. An orthodontist’s work is responsible and he doesn’t like to rush. Get distracted and your new smile may be at risk. An error of even 1 mm is critical! One by one, the doctor glues brackets to the teeth, which are then connected with a metal arch. This is a guide for crooked teeth, it shows the place to which they should move. Do not believe those who say that installing braces is very painful. The stage is responsible, but painless.

Contraindications for installing braces

  • If there are problems with the gums, installation of a braces system is possible only in the absence of an inflammatory process.
  • Caries is also considered a temporary limitation for the fixation of orthodontic appliances.
  • Poor oral hygiene is a serious barrier to starting treatment. If a person doesn’t brush his teeth well, then braces will only make the situation worse.
  • An increased tendency to caries, coupled with poor hygiene, is a contraindication to fixing braces.

Stages of installing braces on teeth

There are two ways to place braces: direct and indirect. The first is considered a classic and widespread. The indirect method of fixing the bracket system is more progressive, but is still considered new. Bye this method Not all clinics use it.

Direct method

If braces are installed using the direct method, the orthodontist glues one clasp to each tooth, that is, installs them individually. It is impossible to make a mistake, so the doctor checks his actions with panoramic photographs. This work can be compared to jewelry; accuracy of up to 1 mm is important here. Today this is the most common method of installing braces.

The process of installing braces using the direct method

  1. An expander is installed in the mouth, with which the orthodontist can clearly see all the teeth.
  2. Tooth surface polish, dry with a stream of air.
  3. First, braces are installed on the upper jaw. Locks are glued to the teeth, and dental cement is first applied to them. Then the cement residues are removed, and the solution hardens under ultraviolet light. Installation of braces on the lower jaw can be carried out immediately or after 1 – 8 months, depending on the indications.
  4. The mouth is freed from the expander, and arches are installed in the braces.

Indirect method

In this case, an accurate plaster model of the teeth is made where the clasps are placed. All this is transferred to a mouthguard, which is placed on the dentition. In this way the entire system is fixed at the same time. Very convenient: the installation time for braces is reduced to an average of 30 minutes, and the design details are installed more accurately. It is clear that the future lies with this technique.

Stages of installing braces using the indirect method

  1. A plaster cast of the jaw is first taken.
  2. A plaster model of the dentition is created.
  3. Locks are installed on the plaster model and connected with an arc.
  4. The finished structure is fixed on the teeth.

Installing lingual braces on the inner surface of teeth requires highly qualified orthodontist.

Photos before and after installation

Features of installing braces in adults, adolescents and children

Installing braces for a teenager is not much different from installing braces for an adult. Correcting the bite in children simply happens faster. The need for treatment with braces and suitable age determined by the orthodontist. For a teenager, the cost of braces in Moscow depends on the clinic and the chosen design.

Braces are not used on baby teeth. If they are placed too early, the child may be left without teeth. To install braces, you will have to wait at least 10 to 12 years until your teeth change. The age after 14 years is optimal for using braces. Treatment occurs faster than in adults and is easier to tolerate.

Parents often doubt whether teenagers should get braces. Crooked teeth can lead to health problems over time. Incorrect positioning of teeth provokes the development of caries, periodontitis, and digestive problems.

What should you do before installing braces?

    Pictures before installing braces. On initial appointment Before installing braces, the doctor will conduct an examination and draw up a preliminary treatment plan. To clarify, you will need to take x-rays and casts.

    Impressions before installing braces. They are done only if it is planned to fix the system using an indirect method.

    Sanitation of the oral cavity. The main rule is that braces are installed only on healthy teeth. All problems must be resolved before the responsible moment. Maintaining oral hygiene with braces will become more difficult; unattended caries will definitely take advantage of this. Individual braces will have to be removed; treatment will be difficult and expensive. Of course, caries can appear after installing braces on your teeth. In this case, treatment cannot be postponed until later.

    Cleaning before installing braces. Teeth should not only be healthy, but also clean. At least one day, or better yet several days before, teeth are cleaned before installing braces.

Adaptation after installation of braces

The first days after installing braces are the most difficult. May have problems.

  • Teeth hurt after installing braces.
  • The mucous membrane is irritated.
  • Diction has worsened.
  • Difficulty chewing food.
  • Braces interfere with the tongue.

All of the above is a natural reaction of the body to foreign objects. Teeth begin to move in the right direction immediately after treatment begins. It's painful, you'll have to be patient for a while. After installing braces, how much do your teeth hurt? frequently asked question orthodontist. If he calculated everything correctly, after a few days the discomfort will decrease. If you can't stand it, take a painkiller. Continuous unbearable pain is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Pain after installing braces can be caused by irritation of the mucous membrane, in this case orthodontic wax will help. At strong pressure staples on soft fabrics Rinse your mouth with a solution of 1 teaspoon of regular salt per glass of warm water. It is better to treat wounds in the oral cavity with disinfectants.

Gradually the teeth will change their correct position, and the orthodontist - a metal arch. After this, pain may appear again for a few days, but not as severe as on the first day after installing braces.

Caring for braces after installation

Caring for braces after installation is more difficult than caring for teeth without them. There are more hard-to-reach places in the mouth to clean, and plaque forms faster. It is necessary to responsibly follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that later, after straightening, you do not have to put fillings on all your teeth. You will need an orthodontic brush, brush, dental floss and irrigator.

How to care for braces after installation?

  • Teeth with braces must be brushed 3–4 times a day, slowly and thoroughly, ideally for 10–15 minutes. It is recommended to use a special orthodontic brush: you can recognize it by the inscription Orthodontic or Ortho. You will also need a brush to help clean your teeth around the braces. Dental floss can handle even the smallest food debris. An irrigator - a device that can clean the most inaccessible places - completes the care.

  • Sticky food is a no-no; it can get stuck under your braces. It is better to postpone sweets, especially toffees, until after treatment, as well as foods and drinks high in sugar and acids.

  • Sapphire, ceramic and plastic braces require an expanded list of limited products. Drinks with a high content of dyes - tea, coffee, soda, some juices - can affect the color of the orthodontic system.

  • In the first days after installing braces, it is not recommended to eat solid food. As for small children, everything should be pureed and liquid. This even applies to fruits. Anything that needs to be chewed is excluded. You can use meat, but be careful not to get stuck in the fibers. It is better to choose tender varieties and cut into small pieces.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth after eating, you should at least rinse your mouth. Even if you take care of your braces according to all the rules, periodically undergo professional cleaning and rinse your mouth with fluoride solution.

How to install braces inexpensively?

Of course, everyone wants to have beautiful, straight teeth. But in pursuit of perfect smile Last but not least is the question of where the installation of braces in Moscow is inexpensive. IN compulsory medical insurance policy Bite correction and teeth straightening are not included, which means you have to pay for them. Orphans, disabled children, children with disabilities have the right to preferential treatment. congenital pathology jaws. Free installation of braces in the clinic is provided for patients injured due to medical errors.

You can use tricks and look for great deals in dental clinics. Often, braces are offered as a gift during orthodontic treatment. There are also gifts from trial batches of new products. Many clinics actively use savings systems. The bonuses accumulated over the year may well be enough to pay for braces. The most profitable offers are in the turnkey format.

It is immediately clear how much you will have to spend, and in the future - to avoid mark-ups.

However, be prepared for serious financial costs. Orthodontic treatment is not quick; it takes from 1 to 2.5 years to correct a bite. The most economical braces are metal, from 15,000 rubles. Ceramic models will cost more - from 35,000 rubles and sapphire - from 40,000 rubles. For invisible lingual braces you will have to pay significantly more than for vestibular models - from 100,000 rubles. All prices are for installing braces on one jaw.


If you have malocclusion, then this is a problem that not only causes discomfort, but also does not allow you to feel confident and irresistible. The most popular and effective method To eliminate this defect is to install a bracket system.

It is worth understanding how the process of installing, removing, and adjusting them occurs. Find answers to numerous questions, as well as find out which systems are the most effective and affordable.

The method of installing the bracket system depends on its type. Braces are divided into two types based on their location in the oral cavity:

  • Lingual - installed from inside the dentition. The name comes from the word “lingua” - language. They are invisible to prying eyes.
  • Vestibular - the more popular type, are attached to the front of the teeth. Noticeable when worn.

In order to understand how the process of installing braces proceeds, it is important to know what elements the system consists of. There are many elements, however, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • braces;
  • rings;
  • locks;
  • arc;
  • elastic traction.

Once the braces are installed, they cannot be removed.

How to install vestibular braces

Among vestibular apparatus The most popular is the installation of sapphire braces; they help to avoid speech defects and do not spoil the aesthetic component of the smile.
Installation on the outside of the teeth takes place in several stages:

  • First stage. All diseases of teeth and gums are eliminated. Place fillings in all carious cavities and remove tartar. A photo of the teeth is taken.
  • Second phase. Each tooth is lubricated with a special dental glue. Then clasps are attached to the component, one for each tooth. During production, they are marked by numbers so that there are no problems and confusion when gluing.
  • Third stage. An archwire is placed on the braces. Rubber bands called ligatures are put on each installed tooth. There are rubber bands different colors, but most often transparent ligatures are preferred.
  • Fourth stage. Orthodontic rings are installed on “sixes” or “sevens”.
  • Fifth stage. This stage is not always used. If necessary, a special hook is installed to secure the elastic traction.

How long does the installation take?

The duration of the braces installation process depends on the skills of the dentist and the characteristics of your teeth. But on average it takes about two hours. In some situations, the process takes longer. For example, when increased salivation patients often experience problems with the composite overlay.

As was written earlier, each brace is glued to the tooth using a special dental glue. The removal procedure consists of removing the adhesive and removing each bracket. Dentist uses special solutions and tweezers. If the system cannot be removed with tweezers, a drill is used. But this happens when ceramic devices are removed. Metal products are easy to remove. After all the clasps are removed, the dentist professionally cleans the tooth enamel and applies a strengthening compound. However, after dismantling the structure, the treatment does not end. Your doctor will install retainers for you, which you will have to wear for at least a year.

Does it hurt to get braces?

Every person who plans to correct their bite is interested in the question of whether painful sensations after installing braces? The answer to this question is clear - no, it doesn’t hurt at all. After all, the whole process comes down to just attaching small elements to glue. The only stage that can cause slight discomfort is the moment of fixing the arc, when it snaps into the grooves. Otherwise there will be no pain. It is worth talking about pain after installation. Since the system is aimed at changing the bite, it immediately begins its work of shifting teeth to the desired positions. For several days after installing braces, you will experience discomfort. From discomfort to toothache. But don't be alarmed, it's natural process. And the severity of pain depends on the pain threshold of each person. All you have to do is endure, because these are minimal sacrifices on the road to a beautiful smile.

If your teeth hurt, this indicates that the process has started and the first results will soon be visible. You should not take painkillers unless prescribed by a doctor. If you find it difficult to pull yourself together and endure the pain, then use some tips to ease your suffering:

  • If the pain is absolutely unbearable, then you can take a painkiller. However, ask your dentist in advance which medications are most effective and will not cause negative reactions in the body.
  • If your tongue or gums rub against parts of the braces system, you will have to purchase a special wax that attaches to the problem elements and softens the friction. Don’t forget to tell your doctor about the problem, he will help you eliminate similar situations in the future. As a preventive measure, you can rinse your mouth with a salt solution.
  • If after a week the pain does not subside, consult a doctor, perhaps he will correct the deficiencies or loosen the tension of the arc.

After installing the system, the dentist provides the patient with accompanying products that will ensure proper care of the braces. Among them are special toothbrushes, brushes and special wax. This wax is a real salvation for all owners of braces, especially when grinding in with the device. Some parts may stick out into the braces system, which, when in contact with your gums and tongue, rub them very hard. Sometimes wounds, ulcers appear and bleeding occurs. Therefore, if you notice an uncomfortable area of ​​the structure, immediately cover it with a piece of wax. For a more rigid adhesion, it is advisable to glue on a dry surface, so soak the part that causes discomfort with cotton wool. Do not press too hard on the wax, otherwise it will be difficult to remove. Before eating, the wax is removed. The adaptation period lasts about a week; in addition to discomfort in the oral cavity, headaches may be observed. If migraines do not go away, talk to your doctor about this topic, he will help you correct the situation.

How to consolidate the result of treatment

The treatment result is fixed using retainers. This can be a silicone tray, a plate, or a structure that is attached to the back of the teeth. Therefore, they are removable and non-removable. The installation of each type is different. In the first case, everything is simple. An impression is made, which is used to produce future retainers. In the second case, the fastening procedure is similar to the installation of a lingual brace system. Fixed retainers are difficult to care for. Therefore, it is important not only to preserve the results of orthodontic treatment, but also to avoid the occurrence of dental problems: caries, tartar, periodontal disease. You cannot do without installing retainers, since your teeth are accustomed to constant pressure on them. When the braces are removed, they relax and the process of moving them to their original places can begin. Therefore, retainers gently consolidate the results obtained.

Question age group people who can get braces have several answers. Many people believe that systems need to be installed in childhood, when baby teeth have not yet been replaced by molars, but in adulthood after forty years, braces are no longer useless. This opinion is completely wrong. There can be only one answer to this question. Children are given braces only after their baby teeth have been completely replaced by molars. permanent teeth, before doing this is simply pointless. This is due to the fact that during a change of teeth, the bite can return to normal without orthodontic intervention. In adulthood, there are no restrictions. However, the optimal time during which the results of treatment will be most effective is between the ages of twelve and eighteen years.

If you have braces, don't forget to take precautions to keep your braces in order. Among such measures, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Do not eat very cold food. For example, ice cream or iced drinks.
  • Hot foods are also prohibited. If you are a tea and coffee drinker, wait until it cools down a bit.
  • Do not eat rough or hard foods (crackers, nuts, caramel)
  • Forget iris.
  • Eat as little sweets as possible.

Braces will bring you closer to your dream of a beautiful smile. It's never too late to find perfect teeth. The main thing is to have patience, because beauty, as we know, requires sacrifice. In qualified clinics, professional orthodontists will provide you with services to improve your teeth. Ask to take photos of your teeth before and after treatment, so you can fully see the results of the treatment. Remember that installing braces is a long but completely painless process. Decide on the type of system and don’t put off bite correction for too long. Remember to take good care of your braces. Be healthy and smile as often as possible!

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And how to get a tax deduction for them

How to treat teeth in private clinic for free

In 2013 I got braces.

I thought it would be expensive, long and painful. It turned out that this is not entirely true. I paid for the installation of braces in stages, wore them for a year and a half, and the pain turned out to be quite bearable. In 2016 I issued tax deduction and returned part of the amount spent.

I'll tell you how to do the same.

Marina Safonova

wore braces and received a deduction


Before installing braces, you need to do three things: put fillings, take a panoramic photo of the jaw and remove teeth as prescribed by the orthodontist.

Seals can be placed in any clinic, regardless of where your orthodontist sees you. You can treat your teeth before visiting the orthodontist - in any case, this will have to be done before installing braces. If dental services included in your health insurance at work, treat under your insurance.

Shot of the jaw- aka orthopantomogram - you will need it in any case. It is convenient to do it in advance, before you go to the orthodontist. The photo costs about one and a half thousand rubles, it can also be done in any clinic. An orthopantomogram is usually not included in insurance.

Go to the orthodontist with the photo. Ideally, you should go to at least three specialists in different clinics. Most likely, the cost and treatment plan will vary for all three. Choose what suits you best in terms of price and number of teeth to be removed.

The average cost of an initial consultation in Moscow in 2017 is about 2,500 rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles for the first appointment. Sometimes clinics hold promotions where the initial consultation is free, but they need to be monitored.

Choose a clinic that is convenient for you to travel to, because you will have to do this regularly for at least a year. I was lucky and found an excellent orthodontist in a clinic 10 minutes from home.

Tooth extraction- the final stage of preparation before installing braces. Usually, the incorrect position of the teeth is formed precisely because of their crowding. Removing a wisdom tooth is one of the most common recommendations from orthodontists before starting treatment.

Before installing braces, I had to remove three wisdom teeth and another tooth on lower jaw.

The cost of tooth extraction depends on the complexity and the clinic:

  • ordinary single-rooted tooth - from 1500 rubles;
  • multi-rooted tooth - from 2500 rubles;
  • complex removal if the tooth lies horizontally in the jaw - from 5,000 rubles.

Additionally, factor in the cost of anesthesia. One injection with an anesthetic drug - from 500 rubles.


This entire preparation phase takes time. After tooth extraction, the jaw will take at least a week to heal. Don't expect to go to the orthodontist and immediately leave with braces. Most likely you will have to wait a month or more.

This has an advantage: payment also extends over time.

Installation of braces

So, you have cured your teeth, taken a picture, chosen an orthodontist and removed any extra teeth, if any.

After this, an impression of your teeth will be made. Using it, the doctor models a treatment regimen. A cast costs 2.5-3 thousand rubles. At the end of treatment, the impression is usually returned to the patient as a keepsake.

After this, you will be given a date to have your braces installed. Braces are the main expense when correcting teeth.

You will need to install two braces: for the upper and lower jaw. A single bracket system is not installed: it is believed that treatment should be comprehensive and correct the entire bite. Therefore, it will not be possible to correct curvature, for example, only in the lower jaw.

At first, braces will be placed on only one jaw, usually the upper jaw. In a couple of months you will get used to the braces, and the doctor will look at your progress and how your teeth move. At this time, you will wear the thinnest archwire. After this, braces will be placed on the lower jaw.

The most common types of braces in Russia are metal, ceramic, sapphire and lingual.

Metal braces Orthodontists love them most because they are the most effective: they move teeth faster. But they are ugly, so many are embarrassed to wear them. Metal braces are also the cheapest. In 2013, I paid 30 thousand rubles for one arch of metal braces.

Prices for braces depend on the manufacturer and clinic. I give examples of prices based on my experience. Find out exact prices in clinics

Ceramic braces They match the color of tooth enamel, so they are practically invisible on the teeth. But it is believed that they are less effective than metal ones - you will have to wear them longer. And they cost more. Another disadvantage: light ceramic ligatures are stained. Therefore, doctors recommend not drinking red wine, strong black tea, or eating beets if you wear ceramic braces. One arc of ceramic braces in 2016 cost me 40 thousand rubles.

Sapphire braces made from artificial crystal, completely transparent, expensive. One arc costs from 50 thousand rubles.

Lingual braces- This is another type of braces system. Such an arc is installed with reverse side teeth, so they are completely invisible to others. Lingual braces reduce oral cavity, so you might start to have a lisp. Lingual braces are the most expensive option. One arc costs from 70 thousand rubles.

Can be combined different types braces: for example, put ceramic ones on the upper jaw, and iron ones on the lower jaw, which is less visible. I did so.

Different clinics pay differently. I know that some dentists ask you to pay for everything at once complex treatment. I paid in stages, after each brace system was installed and after each visit to the orthodontist.

Equipment does not count

Braces are equipment, not treatment. You will not be given a tax deduction for their cost.

Scheduled visits to the orthodontist

Further expenses are usually less than the cost of braces, and are even more extended over time.

Every month you need to come to the orthodontist for a scheduled appointment. The orthodontist evaluates the progress, makes a lift or changes the arches (for example, installs a tighter arch). Scheduled appointment An orthodontist costs an average of 2,000 rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles every month for a regular appointment.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe additional procedures and devices, for example:

  • wear elastic bands that tighten the upper and lower jaw;
  • install a spring that accelerates the movement of teeth in the jaw;
  • place the screw on the tooth;
  • install the Herbst apparatus.

Because of all these appointments, treatment costs may vary. They put a spring on me and told me to wear rubber bands. The spring cost 3,000 rubles, and the elastic bands cost 100 rubles per package, which lasted for two months. A friend of mine was fitted with a Herbst apparatus. She wore it for six months and paid 40 thousand rubles.

Unscheduled visits

One day my brace broke. I unsuccessfully bit off a steel chain, and the “lock” to which the arch is attached flew off the tooth. The next day I went to the doctor. I thought that I would have to pay a large sum for restoration, but it turned out that this is a typical breakdown for everyone who wears braces. The replacement cost me 500 rubles.

Removing braces

The final stage is removing braces, ordering aligners and cleaning your teeth.

Removing braces takes about an hour. I paid 7 thousand for withdrawal.

On the same day, teeth are usually cleaned using the Airflow apparatus. Cleaning after wearing braces is considered mandatory: you need to clean all the places that have been covered by the braces system for a year or more. Airflow costs 3-5 thousand rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles for this procedure because there was a promotion at my clinic.

Airflow cleaning is often included in VHI at work, if dentistry is included in it. You can usually do cleaning with this program once every six months. Check your insurance.

After removing braces, there will be another major expense - aligners. They are needed so that the teeth do not move apart again in different directions when the doctor removes the arches.

Mouthguards are made individually, based on a cast. The wearing period is determined by the orthodontist. You will need to wear the mouthguards every night - just put them on and go to bed.

The mouth guards cost me 5,600 rubles: 2,800 per mouth guard for one jaw.

How to get a tax deduction

Correcting a bite with braces is a treatment. You can get a tax deduction for it. But the amount with which the deduction is made takes into account only healing procedures: tooth extraction, caries treatment, installation of braces or additional equipment, removal and tightening of arches, Airflow cleaning. There will be no deduction for the cost of the braces themselves, because they are considered equipment.

Who can receive a tax deduction

A tax deduction for dental treatment and installation of braces can be obtained if:

  • you receive a salary or have income on which you pay 13% personal income tax;
  • you paid for your treatment or the treatment of your parents, spouse, children under 18 years of age;
  • no more than three years have passed since treatment. In 2017, you can receive a deduction for 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Before concluding a treatment agreement with a clinic, check whether you can receive a tax deduction. The clinic can be both public and private - the main thing is that it has a state-issued license. In normal clinics they will immediately ask you about the deduction and help you prepare documents. If the clinic refuses to issue a tax certificate, do not contact it. Most likely, such a clinic operates under illegal schemes and evades taxes.

The maximum cost of treatment, which is taken into account when calculating the deduction, is 120,000 rubles. This amount includes all social tax deductions: for treatment, training, charity and others. The maximum deduction that can be received in one year is 15,600 rubles (13% of the amount spent).

If you've had braces for more than a year, break up your payments and file deductions for each year. Suppose you spent 120,000 rubles on dental treatment and installation of braces in 2014, and another 30,000 rubles in 2015. You will be able to apply for deductions from both of these amounts: 15,600 rubles for 2014, 3,900 rubles for 2015.

The mechanism for receiving a deduction for treatment by an orthodontist is the same as for any other medical treatment. We wrote about it in detail in the article “How to get a tax deduction for treatment.” I collected all the documents and took them to the regional Federal Tax Service. Two months later I received 7,306 rubles.

If during the treatment you lose any receipts for payment for procedures, they can be restored at the clinic

I spent 130,000 RUR on braces and returned 7306 RUR

Initial consultation1500 R
Snapshot1500 R
Cast2600 R
Removal of a difficult wisdom tooth5500 R
Removal of two multi-rooted teeth4400 R
Removal of a single root tooth1600 R
One filling4000 R
1 arch of ceramic braces40,000 Requipment
1 arch of metal bracesRUB 30,000equipment
14 visits to the orthodontist21,000 R
Spring for correcting bite3000 Requipment
Three packs of rubber bands to correct your bite300 Requipment
Replacing a broken lock on braces500 Requipment
Removing braces7000 R
Making trays5600 R
"Airflow"1500 R

Everyone dreams of having beautiful smile and straight teeth and installing braces will help with this. Straight white teeth are a necessity for a person who wants to succeed in life and feel comfortable. But 80 percent of people have some kind of bite problem.

Today there are many methods and types of dental treatment. Irregularities can be corrected using orthopedic structures (crowns, veneers), therapeutic treatment (restoration). The most basic and effective way is orthodontic teeth straightening.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that studies the causes, methods of preventing and treating anomalies of the dentition and individual teeth. There are several methods of treating bite in orthodontics: hardware, myogymnastics and massage: prosthetic, physiotherapeutic and complex. The most popular and effective method treatment is instrumental. The bracket system is one of the types of fixed orthodontic structures.

Which doctor puts braces on: an orthodontist or an orthopedist

Treatment of pathologies of the dental system is carried out by various specialists in the field of dentistry: orthopedist, surgeon, therapist, orthodontist, implantologist. An orthopedist and an orthodontist make appliances for the oral cavity, collaborating with dental technicians.

An orthopedist is also called a prosthetist, as he makes dentures and restores defects in the dentition in the absence of teeth. An orthodontist specializes in correcting misaligned teeth and bites. To do this, he installs braces, orthodontic plates, mouth guards and other structures.

The doctor’s job is not only about installing the structure. To choose the right treatment device, it is necessary to make a diagnosis. To do this, the orthodontist collects anamnesis, examines the jaws and teeth, finds the root cause of the development of the pathology and selects the necessary treatment.

How to install braces in dentistry - stages

Treatment of malocclusion with braces consists of several stages:

  1. Consultation;
  2. Survey;
  3. Preparation;
  4. Choosing a bracket system;
  5. Installation of braces in the oral cavity;
  6. Treatment and correction;
  7. Removing braces;
  8. Retention period.

After deciding to install braces, you need to visit an orthodontist. At the first visit to the doctor, an examination and assessment of the condition of the bite is carried out. Determine the presence of indications and contraindications for braces. If treatment with braces is not possible, another orthopedic design is selected.

The orthodontist also tells how treatment is carried out using the braces system, about the advantages and types of braces. At the second stage of orthodontic treatment, a comprehensive comprehensive examination of the maxillofacial system is carried out.

The doctor examines and assesses the condition of the teeth and prescribes examinations: x-ray, biometric, teleradiography, orthopantomography. Based on the test results, assesses the condition of teeth, jaws, joints, bone tissue. If necessary, the jaws are scanned and the results are downloaded to a computer.

Review (Anna, 26 years old): “I got braces 2 months ago. It took me a week to get used to metal braces; for the first 3 days my teeth ached. Then I got used to it and the pain disappeared. There are already changes in my teeth for the better.”

By using special programs predict the treatment plan and outcome. The orthodontist takes impressions from both jaws using a special, precise impression material. Using the impressions, plaster models of the jaws are cast and the doctor conducts a bite examination. And also, at this stage of treatment, a history is taken and a search for the cause of the bite pathology is carried out in order to eliminate it.

The next stage involves preparing the oral cavity for installation of braces. To do this, a complete sanitization of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes is carried out. If there are diseases, treatment is carried out. They replace old fillings, treat caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases.

This need for treatment is due to the fact that after installing the structure on the teeth, access to them will be difficult or impossible. If necessary, at this stage surgical interventions: cutting of the frenulum, plastic surgery of the vestibule of the oral cavity, tooth extraction.

After examinations and preparation of the oral cavity, the patient is given the opportunity to choose a brace system. The dentist talks about the types of braces, the advantages and disadvantages of each type, the cost and effectiveness of treatment.

Depending on the location, braces can be external (classic, on the vestibular side of the tooth) and internal (hidden, fixed on the lingual side of the tooth). According to the mechanism of action, braces are ligature and self-ligating (the arch is attached to the braces without the use of ligatures).

Depending on the type of material, the staples can be: metal, sapphire, ceramic, plastic and even gold. Each type of braces is produced by several manufacturers and it is possible to choose the more suitable ones in each clinical situation. Metal braces are classic, come in a variety of sizes, and are the most affordable.

Review (Sergey, 30 years old): “I treated my bite with sapphire braces for about two years. The doctor said that metal ones would be faster, but I wanted transparent and unnoticeable ones. The treatment was not difficult, my teeth ached several days a month, but that’s okay. Very I’m glad that I straightened my teeth and bite, and now I’m not embarrassed to smile.”

Treat the surface of the tooth to which the bracket is attached. special gel, then apply glue and illuminate it ultraviolet lamp. After these manipulations, the braces are fixed with a special material. Braces are set at a certain angle and in a special direction so that after installing the arch, they move the teeth in the right direction.

There are two ways to install braces: direct and indirect. With direct braces, the brackets are placed on the teeth; with indirect braces, they are positioned on a model of the jaw and only then transferred to the teeth. After fixing the braces, a power orthodontic arch is installed, depending on the type of system (with or without ligatures).

Treatment with braces is the period from installation of the system on the teeth until removal. During this period, gradual alignment of the dentition and correction of dental anomalies occurs. Approximately once a month it is necessary to visit the orthodontist to monitor and correct the treatment. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the dental situation and the type of braces.

After achievement desired result, straightening the dentition and setting the jaws in the correct position, the braces are removed. To do this, the orthodontist removes the dental arches and removes each bracket one by one. On the surface of the tooth where the lock was located, there may be dental material (glue) on which the bracket was fixed. The doctor cleans the teeth of glue and dental plaque.

After removal of braces, teeth require a retention period. During this period, the results of treatment are consolidated and repeated curvature of the teeth is prevented. There are several ways to strengthen teeth: making a mouth guard and fixing a ligature.

To make a mouthguard, an impression of the jaws is taken and an individual design is made. The mouthguard is a transparent plate with an exact imprint of the teeth and is worn at night. Fixation with a ligature is carried out by a dentist. A small wire is glued to each tooth on the lingual surface of the teeth, which creates pressure and holds the teeth in the correct position.

Does it hurt to put

Some people are afraid to get braces because of the possible pain. But the process of installing braces on your teeth is completely painless. Braces are attached using glue to the enamel of the teeth. The enamel does not contain nerve endings, so toothache cannot occur.

The braces procedure takes about two hours, so opening your mouth for a long period of time can lead to discomfort. To do this, a mouth opener is installed, which itself holds the mouth open, while saliva can be swallowed or it can be collected with a saliva ejector.

How long does it take to place

The procedure for fixing the bracket system lasts 1.5-2 hours. The period of time during which braces will be installed depends on the type of braces (metal, sapphire, lingual), as well as on the complexity of the individual dental situation. If crowding is severe, installation may take a longer period of time.

Lingual braces are installed longer than on the vestibular surface. This is due to difficult access to the teeth. During the braces installation procedure, the dentist treats each tooth and prepares it for fixation of the system. After this, the doctor must set the correct position of each brace; this must be done very carefully and without haste.

In order for the glue to harden, it is illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp for 30 seconds and this manipulation is carried out on each tooth. After fixation, an orthodontic arch is installed and strengthened in each bracket. Installing the system on the teeth is a long and very important stage in treatment.

Therefore, it should be carried out slowly, taking into account all the features of the clinical situation. Patients should not be afraid of treatment; after fixing the structure on the teeth, some painful or unpleasant sensations are possible, but the procedure for installing braces is painless.

What teeth are removed

Before correcting a bite with braces, comprehensive examination and preparing the patient for treatment. One of the conditions for treatment with braces is the formation permanent dentition. To speed up this process, sometimes milk teeth are removed, which should soon be replaced by permanent ones.

Before installing braces, the orthodontist may recommend removal of wisdom teeth (third molars). The doctor conducts an examination and biometric diagnosis of the jaws, and if there is a lack of space in the jaw, removal is necessary. If wisdom teeth are not removed and the bite is corrected, then as they erupt, the teeth may shift and become crooked.

This occurs due to additional pressure on the dentition. The extraction operation is a prevention of tooth displacement. It is also possible to remove the fourth teeth (first premolars) on one or both sides. This operation is performed when there is a mismatch in the size of the jaws.

If the lower jaw is large and the upper jaw is small, the premolars on the lower jaw are removed and thereby reduced. When large upper jaw remove the top fours. This method of correcting the bite is used when it is impossible to eliminate the anomaly in another way.

Doctors try not to remove teeth, but there are situations when this cannot be avoided. If there is facial asymmetry, the center line between the teeth is displaced, then premolar extractions are performed on one side.

It is very rare that a supernumerary (extra) tooth occurs; then it is also removed so that the outcome of the treatment can be predicted. It should be noted that the third and sixth teeth are never removed; they are the key to occlusion and are very important for building a correct bite.

How long do teeth hurt after installation?

Many people do not treat malocclusion due to fear pain. People associate toothache With acute pain with inflammation of the nerve. But the pain from braces is completely different, they are insignificant and you should not be afraid of them.

Immediately after installing braces on your teeth, the first few days occur aching pain in the jaw. This is due to the beginning of tooth movement, but after 3-4 days the pain will decrease and after another week it will disappear altogether. It is worth noting that the degree of pain will depend on the individual sensitivity threshold.

The pain after fixing braces will most often be tolerable, but to alleviate the condition in the first days, you can take painkillers. During the treatment period, teeth may hurt for 1-2 days after correction of the system, which occurs every 3-6 weeks.

Feedback (Karina, 18 years old): “I wore ceramic vestibular braces for a year and a half, my teeth were completely straightened, I was very pleased with the treatment. The first days after installing braces, my teeth hurt a lot, and on the day after tightening the braces I also felt pain. The rest of the time, the treatment was painless.”

During treatment, patients most often associate pain not with unpleasant sensations, but with the joy that their teeth will become straighter faster. Because discomfort will result from tooth movements. There are situations when the teeth do not hurt at all, but this does not mean that the bite is not aligned. This is due to individual sensitivity or a milder effect of the system.

How long do braces last?

Treatment with a braces system consists of many stages and takes a long period of time. Braces are placed for a period of several months for minor pathologies and up to 3 years for very serious disorders.

On average, treatment lasts 1-2 years. Due to long period treatment and the need to visit a doctor every month, it is advisable to choose an orthodontist in your city of residence.

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