Home Removal Children's drawings on the topic of healthy teeth. Research project “Healthy teeth”

Children's drawings on the topic of healthy teeth. Research project “Healthy teeth”

Results of the children's drawing competition

As part of the project"Stomatoshka" children's and parents' club"School of Preschool Sciences" To International Dentist Day, celebrated on February 9th GAUZ at the address: st. Communes, 109in the period from 02/09/2015 to 02/13/2015, a children's drawing competition was held among children attending MKDOU DS No. 19 “Firefly” on the topic: “Healthy teeth – Healthy me!”, and also voted for the children’s work in the group “Kindergarten “Firefly”on the Odnoklassniki website http://ok.ru/detskiysadyiksvetlyachok.

The competition was held with the aim of promoting proper and regular oral hygiene, attracting the attention of parents, teachers and children to current problem– prevention of dental diseases in children preschool age in our city, creating a positive image of a dentist, creating responsibility for their dental health in children.

    In accordance with the Regulations of the Competition, preschool children (and their parents) took part in the competition.

    Children's color drawings (watercolor, gouache, pencil) corresponding to the stated topic, and made on an A4 sheet of paper, in a photo frame, are accepted for participation. Drawings must be the author's, and not downloaded from the Internet. On back side drawing, you must indicate the surname, first name and age of the child, the title of the work. Each participant can submit no more than 2 works in different categories to the exhibition

    Competitive works were accepted in 4 categories:

2. Queen toothbrush

3. Good doctor dentist
4. The villain is tooth decay.

On February 16, 2015, the results of the competition were summed up inGAUZ"Mikhailovskaya Dental Clinic". The competition works were evaluated by a jury consisting of:

    Glazunova Tatyana Ivanovna,

head the children's department of the Mikhailovsky Dental Clinic;

    Vengerenko Anna Vasilievna,

teacher-psychologist MKDOU DS No. 19 “Firefly”, group administrator Kindergarten "Firefly" on the Odnoklassniki website;

    Kochetova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MKDOU DS No. 19 “Firefly”

Recognize as winners of the competition children's drawing“Healthy teeth – Healthy me!” based on voting results:

In nomination:"The most beautiful smile»

1 place -Efremov Kirill, 4 years old (73 votes)

2nd place – Mitya Semikov, 4 years old(23 votes)

3rd place - Artyom Abrosimov, 5 years old (17 votes)

IN nominations: "The villain is tooth decay"

1 place -Kirilicheva Vika, 4.5 years old (54 votes)

2nd place – Maxim Krasulin, 6 years old(17 votes)

3rd place – Vanya Skachkov, 4.8 years(14 votes)

In nomination : "Queen Toothbrush"

1 place -Boyarshinova Varya, 5 years old (25 votes)

2nd place – Sofia Krasikova, 5 years old(15 votes)

3rd place - Ovsyankina Milana, 6 years old(13 votes)

Awards winners and participants of the children's drawing competition took place at MKDOU DS No. 19 “Firefly” on February 26, 2015. Came to visit the guys fairy-tale heroes « Tooth Fairy”, who asked riddles for the children, and Carlson, who did not forget about the treat.The winners were awarded valuable gifts and diplomas. The rest of the competition participants were awarded certificates.
I would like to say special words of gratitude
Churyumov Andrey Alekseevich , to CEOLLC "Mikhailovsky Bakery Plant and its friendly and attentive team for sponsorship provided;

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Tarasova , to the head of the city club of young families “Luch” for help in holding a fun and educational holiday;

Tatyana Ivanovna Glazunova, head of the children's department GAUZ "Mikhailovskaya Dental Clinic" andUkustova Zoya Yakovlevna, dentist MKOU secondary school No. 7for active propaganda healthy image life among the child population of the urban district of the city of Mikhailovka and creating a positive image of a dentist, as well as popularizing the culture of dental care for children

Thank you everyone for participating in this project!

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Problem Many children in our class have toothache, but they don’t want to go to the dentist. Why do my teeth hurt? Do I need to go to the dentist?

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Hypothesis: If you take proper care of your teeth and visit the dentist, your teeth will not hurt.

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Purpose of work: Find out why teeth hurt? Give recommendations for saving healthy teeth.

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Research methods: Collection of data on the condition of children's teeth from the school dentist; Carrying out tests; Analysis of results; Identifying the causes of dental disease; Development of a set of recommendations and advice on dental care

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Objectives: to find out whether our peers know how to properly brush and care for their teeth; study the impact of dental health on emotional condition students, give students the information necessary to improve their health, and develop, on the basis of this knowledge, the necessary hygienic skills and habits that are needed for life and work.

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What diseases are most common for teeth? Caries is the formation of cavities in hard tissues tooth Pulpitis is inflammation of the pulp. Periodontitis is inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, leading to tooth extraction.

Slide 9

Questions: Often Rarely Never Difficult to answer How many times a day do you brush your teeth? (Write down your answer) How often do you rinse your mouth? How often do you eat fruit? Do you often eat candy, ice cream and other sweets? Do you eat raw vegetables? How often does it torment you? toothache? How often do you change your toothbrush? How many times a year do you go to the dentist? What toothpaste do you use?

10 slide

To keep your teeth healthy! Follow a daily routine, go in for sports, exercise. Eat what is good for your teeth. Prefer fruits to sweets, very important products. Once you've eaten, brush your teeth. Do this twice a day. We go to the dentist twice a year for appointments. Thirty-two brothers are dressed in white armor.

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What dental care rules do you know? Rinse your mouth with warm boiled water after meal. Rinse the brush thoroughly after use. Never brush your teeth with someone else's brush. Store the brush in saline solution

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Brush your teeth correctly! Every tooth needs to be brushed upper tooth and the lower tooth, Even the farthest tooth, is very important tooth. Inside, outside three, three outside, inside... We brush, brush our teeth and live happily, And for those who don’t brush them, we’ll sing a song... Hey, come on, don’t yawn, don’t forget about your teeth, From bottom to top, from top to bottom, Don't be lazy about brushing your teeth. To live without caries. We need to be friends with our teeth, brush our teeth in the morning, to all the kids and friends. Samosvat Sasha 1 "A" class

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Dentist treats teeth. The wolf cub had a toothache, he went to the doctor. He sat down in a chair, but suddenly jumped up shouting: “I don’t want to!” He growled and in the heat of the moment almost bit the doctor! I started running away from doctors and was left without teeth! It’s difficult for a wolf cub to catch prey, well, you need to treat your teeth on time! And when receiving treatment, be able to be patient, so that healthy teeth have.

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Let's keep our teeth healthy. To strengthen our teeth, we will eat: Onions, cabbage, oranges, Let’s not forget vitamins, Butter, buckwheat and peas, Milk, tomatoes, juice.

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« Useful tips“To avoid toothache and gum inflammation, you need to eat well: eat a lot of green vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, drink plenty of milk. At your age, you should drink at least 3-4 glasses of milk a day. If you eat all these foods regularly, you will get all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

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Sinkwine: Teeth, Bite, decorate. Healthy, white, beautiful, Our friends, Helpers. (Alex A.)

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Allowed Prohibited Rinse your mouth after eating. Gnaw seeds and candies for a long time. Nibble on an apple, carrot. Bite off threads and wires with your teeth. Brush your teeth. There is ice cream with hot tea.

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Review questions How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Why is it necessary to brush your teeth? What is the name of dental disease? How old have you been brushing your teeth? What should you do after every meal? Who takes care of the safety of your teeth? How many times a year should you visit the dentist? What foods are good for teeth? What do you need to brush your teeth?

21 slides

1. I’m not at all lazy about brushing my teeth every day. Cleans quickly, cleans clearly in my hands... 2. I am round, I am smooth, But not ruddy and not sweet. They look at me and see themselves. 3. He will cure measles, bronchitis, and sore throat, and prescribe pills and vitamins. 4. Two supports for the body - call them boldly. 5. Waffle, striped, smooth and shaggy, Always at hand, what is it? 6. There are “Mint”, “Blendomed”, “Forest”. Puzzles.

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Slide captions:

Project for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “Healthy teeth - a beautiful smile” Compiled by: Asekretova O.V., teacher of the 1st quarter. category, Nikityuk S.G., teacher 1st quarter. categories

The goal is to give children the information necessary to improve their health; develop, based on the knowledge gained, the necessary hygiene skills and habits

Objectives: to expand children’s knowledge about oral hygiene and the causes of caries; teach how to properly and consistently brush your teeth and use a toothbrush; cultivate a friendly attitude towards visiting dental office, to a meeting with a dentist; bring up careful attitude to your health.

Type of project Educational - creative, group, short-term from 02/02/15 to 02/13/15 Project participants: children of the senior group, teachers, parents

Expected results Initial skills of independent search activity. Children's knowledge about teeth and how to care for them. Consultations for parents: “Five rules for healthy teeth”, “To prevent teeth pain”, “Oral hygiene”. Collage " Healthy smile" Didactic games: “Collect a picture”, “Good for teeth - bad for teeth” Plot - role-playing game: « Dental clinic" A card index of poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about teeth. Book of fairy tales about teeth Little book “Fairy tales about teeth” Open event: “Just a little bit.” Teeth"

Speech development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Reading fiction: 1. B. Kornilov “It’s like honey made a bear’s teeth hurt.” 2. I. Gurina “Five things to do before bed,” “A Tale about Bad Teeth.” 3. V. Korostylev “Queen” Toothbrush" Etc. Learning proverbs and sayings about teeth. d/i “Collect a picture”, “Helpful - harmful”; S/R – game “Dental Clinic”. Drawing: “Beneficial – Harmful for teeth”, Collage: “Healthy smile”; Teamwork (Application) Physical development Interaction with parents and social partners Cognitive development Physical exercises, P/I “Catch a Microbe” Consultations for parents, Memo for parents “Five Rules for Healthy Teeth”, Help in designing a photo newspaper, Publishing children’s books “The Adventures of a Tooth”, Open event “A Little Bit. Teeth" with group 11 Excursion to the medical office of the NOD: "Why you need to brush your teeth", Experience with chicken egg, Conversation “Teeth from baby to permanent” using ICT, Conversation “Nutrition and healthy teeth.”

Project implementation

Transfer of experience to group No. 11

Conversations using ICT

Didactic games

Conversation about teeth

Chicken egg experiment

S/R/game “Dentistry”

Construction from Cuisinaire sticks

Excursion to the medical office

Final result

Baby books

Collage “Healthy Smile”


“Just a little bit.” Teeth" open event with parents and group 11

Thank you for your attention

Svelana Kopach

Research project preparatory group children "Sun"

Saha Republic (Yakutia) Mirny

D/s No. 1 "Fawn" Educator: Kopach S. A.


Why do my teeth hurt?

Do I need to go to the dentist?

Isn't it scary in the dentist's office?


If you take proper care of your teeth and visit the dentist, your teeth will not hurt.

Target project:

Expand and clarify the idea of ​​maintaining cleanliness in oral cavity.

Tasks project:

Cognition: to form children’s cognitive interest in teeth, to cultivate a desire to actively study the world, to form in children activity, curiosity, desire for research and experimentation.

Communication: develop coherent speech, grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech, enrich lexicon children.

Safety: to form a skill in children proper cleaning teeth and their care, give children the information necessary to strengthen health, develop the necessary hygiene skills and habits based on this knowledge.

Implementation deadlines project: 1 month

List of participants project activities :

Teacher, preparatory group children, parents.

Distribution of activities by stages

Implementation stages project

Stage 1 Statement of the problem

1st week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Educational game - competition “How many ways can you eat bread?”

2. Cognitive - research activities"Let's get to know our teeth".

3. Role-playing game “Did you call the doctor?”

4. Working with parents “How does your child take care of his teeth at home?”

5. A selection of home photos "How I brush my teeth"

Stage 2. Organization of work on project

2nd week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Discussion of the cartoon "Doctor Hare and Doctor Smile".

2. Situational conversation “What can you do to scare germs?”

3. Didactic game "Collect a picture medicinal plant» .

4. Memorizing a poem by O. Krynina "To my teeth didn't hurt»

Stage 3. Practical activities.

3rd week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Self-examination of children in preparatory group kindergarten.

2. Examination of a human jaw model.

3. Drawing « Healthy teeth»

4. Compiling a baby book from children’s drawings “ Healthy teeth

Stage 4. Presentation project. Exhibition of children's photographs

4th week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Organization of presentation based on the results project activities.

2. Organizing an exhibition of children's photographs « Healthy teeth»

3. View the presentation « Healthy teeth»

4. Presentation of diplomas "Schools of Purity".

What types of teeth are there?

Food can be liquid or solid, so the teeth in your mouth are also different. There are eight incisors located anteriorly - four on upper jaw and four on the bottom. With their help you can easily bite off a piece of carrot or apple. Behind the incisors are the fangs. You only have four. The fangs of predatory animals can be very large. Remember what a roaring tiger looks like. He doesn't have fangs, but fangs!

Your fangs aren't that big, but they're still there. They are convenient for digging into a piece of fried meat or squeezing a delicious cutlet. All your other teeth are called molars. There are twenty of them - eight small radicals and twelve large ones.

Teeth are the only human bones that are not covered by skin. How many of them does a person have? Count and check. It should be 32. But you will end up with a little less in your mouth, don’t worry, you’re still a child. During childhood, baby teeth gradually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. And four permanent molars appear late - only at the age of 20-22. It is no coincidence that they are called "wisdom teeth"!

Your teeth work conscientiously

Every day they rub, grind and chew something.

Teeth are the most hard bones your body. Each tooth is covered on top with a thin protective layer of enamel. In terms of strength, it can be compared to cast iron. Enamel is similar to porcelain - rapid heating and cooling causes cracks to appear on it.

This can happen when you eat ice cream and wash it down with very hot tea.

Microbes can penetrate into cracks in the enamel. First, they destroy the enamel, and over time, the inner part of the tooth - dentin.

This is how the most common dental disease begins - caries.

While eating, teeth perform very important work. They crush, grind, and rub food.

In order for your teeth to last a long time, you need to take care of them. Be sure to clean yours every day, morning and evening. teeth.

To live without caries, you need to make friends with teeth. Clean in the mornings and evenings we need teeth!

In the very middle of the tooth is soft fabric- pulp. It contains nerves and blood vessels. They bring tooth cells nutrients and oxygen.

If the microbes reach the pulp, the pain pierces the gums like a needle.

To protect yourself from caries, you need to brush your teeth every day and go to the dentist every six months.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the condition of your teeth. Don't wait until they get sick. It is better to visit the dentist twice a year than to suffer for weeks from toothache and delay going to the doctor.

Using a drill "drill" teeth. The bur in the drill rotates very, very quickly - with a frequency of several thousand revolutions per second.

To make it convenient for the doctor, the bur should be small in size. Therefore, the compressor that compresses the air is located next to the patient’s chair, and the air is transmitted through thin hoses. This air rotates the boron.

You need to brush every tooth, top tooth and bottom tooth,

Even the farthest tooth is a very important tooth.

Hey, come on, don't yawn, don't forget about your teeth,

Svelana Kopach

Research project preparatory group children "Sun"

Saha Republic (Yakutia) Mirny

D/s No. 1 "Fawn" Educator: Kopach S. A.


Why do my teeth hurt?

Do I need to go to the dentist?

Isn't it scary in the dentist's office?


If you take proper care of your teeth and visit the dentist, your teeth will not hurt.

Target project:

Expand and clarify the idea of ​​maintaining cleanliness in the oral cavity.

Tasks project:

Cognition: to form children’s cognitive interest in teeth, to cultivate a desire to actively study the world around them, to form children’s activity, curiosity, and desire for research and experimentation.

Communication: develop coherent speech, grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech, enrich children’s vocabulary.

Safety: to develop in children the skill of proper brushing and caring for their teeth, to give children the information necessary to strengthen health, develop the necessary hygiene skills and habits based on this knowledge.

Implementation deadlines project: 1 month

List of participants project activities:

Teacher, preparatory group children, parents.

Distribution of activities by stages

Implementation stages project

Stage 1 Statement of the problem

1st week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Educational game - competition “How many ways can you eat bread?”

2. Cognitive - research activities"Let's get to know our teeth".

3. Role-playing game “Did you call the doctor?”

4. Working with parents “How does your child take care of his teeth at home?”

5. A selection of home photos "How I brush my teeth"

Stage 2. Organization of work on project

2nd week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Discussion of the cartoon "Doctor Hare and Doctor Smile".

2. Situational conversation “What can you do to scare germs?”

3. Didactic game “Collect a picture of a medicinal plant”.

4. Memorizing a poem by O. Krynina "To my teeth didn't hurt»

Stage 3. Practical activities.

3rd week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Self-examination of children in the preparatory group of kindergarten.

2. Examination of a human jaw model.

3. Drawing « Healthy teeth»

4. Compiling a baby book from children’s drawings “ Healthy teeth

Stage 4. Presentation project. Exhibition of children's photographs

4th week

Activities of a teacher:

1. Organization of presentation based on the results project activities.

2. Organizing an exhibition of children's photographs « Healthy teeth»

3. View the presentation « Healthy teeth»

4. Presentation of diplomas "Schools of Purity".

What types of teeth are there?

Food can be liquid or solid, so the teeth in your mouth are also different. There are eight incisors in front - four on the upper jaw and four on the lower jaw. With their help you can easily bite off a piece of carrot or apple. Behind the incisors are the fangs. You only have four. The fangs of predatory animals can be very large. Remember what a roaring tiger looks like. He doesn't have fangs, but fangs!

Your fangs aren't that big, but they're still there. They are convenient for digging into a piece of fried meat or squeezing a delicious cutlet. All your other teeth are called molars. There are twenty of them - eight small radicals and twelve large ones.

Teeth are the only human bones that are not covered by skin. How many of them does a person have? Count and check. It should be 32. But you will end up with a little less in your mouth, don’t worry, you’re still a child. During childhood, baby teeth gradually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. And four permanent molars appear late - only at the age of 20-22. It is no coincidence that they are called "wisdom teeth"!

Your teeth work conscientiously

Every day they rub, grind and chew something.

Teeth are the hardest bones in your body. Each tooth is covered on top with a thin protective layer of enamel. In terms of strength, it can be compared with cast iron. Enamel is similar to porcelain - rapid heating and cooling causes cracks to appear on it.

This can happen when you eat ice cream and wash it down with very hot tea.

Microbes can penetrate into cracks in the enamel. First, they destroy the enamel, and over time, the inner part of the tooth - dentin.

This is how the most common dental disease begins - caries.

While eating, teeth perform very important work. They crush, grind, and rub food.

In order for your teeth to last a long time, you need to take care of them. Be sure to clean yours every day, morning and evening. teeth.

To live without caries, you need to make friends with teeth. Clean in the mornings and evenings we need teeth!

In the very middle of the tooth there is soft tissue - pulp. It contains nerves and blood vessels. They bring nutrients and oxygen to the tooth cells.

If the microbes reach the pulp, the pain pierces the gums like a needle.

To protect yourself from caries, you need to brush your teeth every day and go to the dentist every six months.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the condition of your teeth. Don't wait until they get sick. It is better to visit the dentist twice a year than to suffer for weeks from toothache and delay going to the doctor.

Using a drill "drill" teeth. The bur in the drill rotates very, very quickly - with a frequency of several thousand revolutions per second.

To make it convenient for the doctor, the bur should be small in size. Therefore, the compressor that compresses the air is located next to the patient’s chair, and the air is transmitted through thin hoses. This air rotates the boron.

You need to brush every tooth, top tooth and bottom tooth,

Even the farthest tooth is a very important tooth.

Hey, come on, don't yawn, don't forget about your teeth,

Bottom up, top down, brush your teeth

do not be lazy!

What kind toothpaste should I choose?

I chose - with calcium

And my toothpaste contains calcium and a little fluoride!

I like dental pastes: “Mint” and “Forest”!

And you guess - what is mine? riddle: “Cleans quickly! Cleans clearly!

In my hands is a dental...?

How much we were able to find out!

I need to draw urgently!

Let’s sketch out how to save a tooth And then we won’t forget!

After you eat it, clean it teeth, do this twice a day! And we go to the dentist twice a year for appointments.

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