Home Prosthetics and implantation How to open a dental office in a private home. Business plan: how to open a dental office

How to open a dental office in a private home. Business plan: how to open a dental office


The decision to open a private practice often arises among practicing dentists. If you have start-up capital and organizational skills, it is not difficult to create a successful business in dental treatment and prosthetics. Typically, this may also include bleaching. Before you open dental office, it is recommended to study all the intricacies of doing business, plan finances correctly, and find qualified personnel.

Specifics of the dental business

Despite the decrease in the number of government dental clinics and the increase in the number of private offices and clinics, the level of competition in the industry is low. This is explained by the great need for treatment services, dental prosthetics, and preventive examination of the oral cavity.

In the field of providing dental services, three types of private organizations can be distinguished:

  • Small dental offices equipped with 2-3 dental units. By opening such an account, you can start a business; a minimum level of investment is required. They account for 60% of the market.
  • As the business develops, the small office expands and turns into a dental clinic with a wider range of services provided.
  • Large medical centers require maximum investment. Provide all kinds dental services: whitening, restoration, treatment, implantation, production of prostheses, sinus lifting operations, pulp removal, treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Depending on the focus of the dental business, it is possible to distinguish organizations with continuous service, with a focus on corporate or VIP clients. You can come to a dental clinic with continuous service around the clock, the prices are low.

Institutions aimed at a small circle of VIP visitors have high prices corresponding to the level of service.

Choosing a room for a dental office

A dental business does not necessarily require location in the city center. The exception is expensive medical centers. The specificity of the services provided ensures the greatest flow of clients in residential areas.

The operating mode is also important. The dental office should close several hours later than other organizations or work around the clock. Then more clients will be able to use the services.

To start a business, it is better to purchase premises for a dental office. This will minimize the risk of losing a license and closing a business due to a refusal to lease. The minimum office area for 1 working chair is 30 m2: 14 m2 to accommodate a dental unit according to SanPin, reception area - 10 m2, bathroom - 6 m2. The ceilings of the room are at least 3 m, one-sided daylight is required. For each additional installation, the area of ​​the workroom must increase by 7m2.

For a dental clinic with 5 workplaces, a premises of 180–200 m2 is required, including: a sterilization room - 6 m2, an X-ray room with a developing room - 17 m2, warehouse, administrative, and household premises - 30 m2.

Repair and communications

All rooms of the dental office must be in good repair and have the necessary communications: water, sewerage, ventilation. It is not recommended to involve unskilled workers in repair work. Supervisory authorities will need to provide copies of licenses of organizations performing design and finishing work.

Construction materials must be certified. You shouldn’t spend too much money on repairs; it’s better to purchase better equipment. The average cost of finishing 1 m2 is 6–12 thousand rubles. It is recommended to use neutral colors in the interior light colors, decorate the walls with paintings, hang a TV. This will create a relaxed atmosphere and minimize the discomfort that visitors often experience during dental treatment.

Obtaining a license

Before opening a dental office, you need to obtain a license from the authorized body executive power region. There are various areas of dental activity:

  • general practice;
  • pediatric dentistry;
  • orthopedic;
  • therapeutic;
  • preventive;
  • surgical;
  • orthodontics.

For each line of business, it is necessary to obtain a separate license certificate. Required documents:

  • charter, amendments, registration documents;
  • the conclusion of the SES on the satisfaction of the sanitary requirements of all services provided and work performed;
  • documents of employees that confirm their qualifications, experience in the field of treatment and dental prosthetics;
  • documents of the manager, confirming qualifications, work experience in the field of dentistry for at least 5 years:
  • documents for ownership or lease of premises, BTI floor plan;
  • copies of certificates of conformity, registration certificates for purchased and operated medical equipment.

Obtaining a license to provide dental services is not easy, so many entrepreneurs use the services of specialized organizations that will prepare the necessary set of documents and send them to the appropriate authority. The cost of services of such organizations is 40–80 thousand rubles, whereas if you apply on your own, you only need to pay the cost of certificates and the state fee - 7,500 rubles.

You can lose your dental license even for minor violations.

Necessary equipment

The basic rule for choosing equipment is that its cost corresponds to the level of the clinic. The most high-tech equipment requires expensive maintenance. An average doctor may not be prepared to work in such a facility, which will require training. The cheapest installations fail in the first year of service.

Popular models of mid-level dental units are presented in the table:

In addition to purchasing dental units, the following equipment is needed:

  • Autoclave for sterilization – from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Dental chair – from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Dentist instruments – more than 50 thousand rubles for 1 set.
  • X-ray installation - from 300 thousand rubles.
  • Radiophysiographs, helioreflective lamps, apex locators - from 30 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture and cabinets for tools - from 40 thousand rubles.

Price medicines, materials for one workplace - 60–100 thousand rubles.


Dentistry as a business can only exist successfully if there are qualified personnel interested in their work. One dental unit requires 2 doctors, their working day is no more than 6 hours. A nurse works in tandem with a dentist. The cleaning of instruments and premises is carried out by a nurse. The dental clinic additionally hires an administrator, a security guard, and an accountant. In a small office, responsibilities can be combined.

The salaries of doctors and nurses are piecework-bonus. Receiving a percentage of business revenue motivates staff to provide quality work and service. It is necessary to attract specialists with specialized education. A dentist must have more than 5 years of experience in dentistry, an intern and resident diploma, and a certificate.

Stress resistance, balance and tolerance - necessary qualities dentist during dental treatment.

Marketing and advertising

Active advertising campaign business will help make the dental clinic recognizable. In the first months of work, incentive promotions, discounts, and additional free services: teeth whitening, tartar removal.

Flyers, dental office business cards, advertising leaflets can be distributed at bus stops public transport, near shops in the area where the dental office is located.

For a successful business in dental services, you need to choose the right pricing policy with a focus on the average income level of residents of nearby areas. Dental services that are too expensive will scare off clients, while cheap ones will make them doubt the quality.

In the first months of work, it is necessary to increase confidence in the dental clinic, for which copies of specialist diplomas, certificates, certificates of advanced training and internships are placed on the walls of the reception and work room. All this allows you to quickly recoup your business.

The book of reviews and suggestions will allow clients to be convinced of the high quality of dental services, and the owner to take into account all the wishes and shortcomings of the business.

Business payback

In order to estimate how much it costs to open a dental office, you need to create a plan for the income and expenses of the business. The table shows the estimated business costs of opening a small dental office with 3 installations. Prices are indicated in rubles in the last column, current for 2016.

1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year
Total business income, incl. 9800 11500 13000 13000
Dental treatment (20 people per day from 2 years old) 8800 10000 11000 11000
Additional dental services 1000 1500 2000 2000
Business expenses, total, incl. 16200 7670 8370 8370
registration, dental license 30
purchase of premises, 80 m2 6000
repair 400
purchase of equipment: dental units with chairs, x-rays, etc. 3300
furniture 100
Consumables 2100 2500 2700 2700
communal payments 170 170 170 170
salary (5 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 orderlies, administrator) 3100 3500 3800 3800
Insurance premiums, taxes 1000 1500 1700 1700
Profit, cumulative -6400 -2570 2060 6690

Full payback for the dental business occurs in 2.5 years. The profitability of the business in the 3rd year of operation is 16%, subsequently it increases.

Alternative business option

If you don’t have enough funds to open a therapeutic dental office, you can use the business idea of ​​opening a teeth whitening office as a franchise. To open such a business you do not need a license. Start-up capital from 150 thousand rubles goes towards the purchase of specialized equipment, dental cosmetics, and dental consumables.

For example, let's take the company White&Smile™. According to the franchisor’s forecasts, the profitability of the business is 150%, payback occurs in 3–5 months. The required area of ​​the dental office is from 10 m2. Technically, whitening occurs as a result of the breakdown of coloring pigments from tooth enamel. The main component of White&Smile™ dental products is sodium perborate at a concentration of 0.16%. Cold cycle LED lamps and atomic oxygen are used in the bleaching process. The average cost of a dental service is 3,300 rubles. In 30 minutes, the enamel will lighten by 2–8 tones. The procedure is painless and safe for tooth enamel.

Business in dental services is one of the most profitable areas of paid medicine. Quality services, use latest technologies, will allow you to recoup your business in just 2 years and get good profits in the future.

10 errors when opening dental clinic

Opening your own dental clinic is one of the most profitable ways to invest money. At the right approach the clinic pays for itself in 2-3 years, after which it begins to generate constant profit (the profitability of the best Moscow clinics is 40-45%).

That being said, any dental business owner will tell you that running a clinic is not easy. Prices for materials and equipment are rising, clients are becoming more and more demanding, and competitors' offices are opening more and more often.

Despite these factors, the dental services market is far from saturated: out of 1,200 Moscow offices, only a few can compare with European ones in terms of the range of services offered and the class of equipment. Accordingly, in the regions there are even fewer clinics of this level. IN major cities There are many more small offices than clinics, so the range of services offered is even more limited.

Thus, owning a dental clinic is a profitable business in which there are a large number of free niches, but when creating it, the owner faces obvious and not so obvious difficulties.

What are the 10 biggest mistakes clinic owners make when opening clinics?

Mistake 1. Opening a clinic without entrepreneurial skills
As a rule, people who open dental clinics are dentists who want to open their own business. Apart from the ability to heal and the desire to make money from it, they do not have the slightest entrepreneurial skills. The clinics they open mostly close due to bankruptcy.

The reason for their failure is that their business idea is described in one phrase: “I will treat well and earn a lot of money.” Unfortunately, the phrase is fundamentally incorrect.
Any business, including dental, is a system. A service, even if it is of excellent quality, is only an element of the system. The entrepreneur's task is to build the entire system.

There is a huge difference between a successful dentist and a successful businessman. A successful dentist is a person who knows everything about the business he is engaged in - that is, dental treatment. A successful businessman is a person who knows everything about the clients to whom he provides services. What they need, what they are willing to pay for, how convenient it is for them to visit the clinic.

When a clinic is created by an experienced entrepreneur who has decided to invest money profitably, then from the very beginning he views dentistry as a business. Such clinics are much more successful and stable.

A dentist can also build a successful business if he forgets about professional activity and get ready to build an integrated business system.
Mistake 2. Concentrating only on medical procedures Let's say that your clinic provides excellent treatment, but the clinic may not make any money at all if:
If you don’t have competent advertising, and patients go to other clinics.
If there is an administrator on the phone who cannot answer any question correctly, and more often than not smokes on the porch.
If you have spent all your money on expensive equipment, but the types of services it provides are not in demand.
If you have a small and dirty room.
If the patient cannot receive the full range of services due to the lack of necessary materials.
If for errors in management accounting you pay fines and penalties.
If you receive penalties from regulatory authorities for violations of licensing requirements.
If you set your prices too high and patients leave.
If you bet too low prices and you can’t pay for the clinic.
If you do not have strict records of work performed and Supplies, and the money for them does not go to the cash register.
This list can be continued for a very long time. As you can see, the ability to heal well is not everything. It is necessary to ensure a continuous conveyor of dental services.

Set up a marketing mechanism in such a way that in summer and winter, in clear weather and in rain, patients line up at your clinic. All parts of the conveyor must be debugged by you personally. They must operate continuously and have no financial leaks. Only then will the clinic be profitable.

Mistake 3. Lack of a well-thought-out business model The business model does not view the clinic as medical institution, but as a money-making enterprise. You describe all the channels for money coming in and all the channels for spending money. If you lose sight of any cost element, the clinic will go bankrupt very quickly, so there is no need to rush at this stage.

You need to write down in detail:
Range of services and pricing procedure
Functions and job descriptions employees,
Salary models
Work technologies
and the procedure for patient care;
The more detailed you describe the clinic’s business model, the faster and more accurately you will make decisions about choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring staff.

If production processes are not scheduled, then any failure in work turns into scandalous showdowns and a search for someone to blame. This takes time, and time, as you know, is money.

Mistake 4. Trying to do everything yourself
In a relationship service personnel It should be taken into account that the share of costs for each additional employee very high. This means that hiring any additional person directly reduces the clinic's profits.

In this case there is a problem. On the one hand, some non-core work must be performed (for example, accounting), on the other hand, maintenance costs become disproportionately large.

In this case, it is necessary to use outsourcing - the use of other people's resources.
There is a simple rule of outsourcing - transfer everything that customers do not pay you for to other companies.

The list of services that are recommended to be outsourced is quite long:
Computer support
Maintaining a website on the Internet
Cleaning the premises
In this case, you simultaneously receive higher quality, since you entrust the work to professionals, and reduce costs, since professional services take less time.
Mistake 5. Renting premises for a clinic
If you compare payments on a loan to purchase premises with payments rent, then it’s easy to see that rent loses on all counts.

The loan is taken for a clearly defined period and all payments are transparent. After repaying the entire loan, you become the owner of the premises and can dispose of it as you wish. Including the option that you can rent it out yourself if problems arise with the clinic. As a result, after spending a certain amount, you will eventually become the owner of the premises.

With a rental, you pay a price at the landlord's discretion and after lengthy payments, you could end up on the street. In addition, changing premises may lead to the loss of established clientele. As a result, after spending approximately the same amount, you will eventually find yourself without a room.

To summarize, we can say that when renting premises in the long term, you are simply throwing money away.

Mistake 6. Underpricing
The most important decision you must make is choosing a price segment. The fact is that very often people who are far from business make mistakes in determining what is considered “expensive” and “cheap”. The fact is that high-quality treatment, by definition, cannot be cheap. For good treatment needed good doctors, good equipment and good materials, all this is very expensive.

A high price for a service does not mean that the clinic is “expensive”; it means that the price of the service includes high quality. If you are sure of this, then you can safely set a high price. Patients will come in a continuous stream, and bring all their relatives and friends. Trying to save on treatment at first will actually give you more patients, but after a while they themselves will no longer come to you and will advise everyone they know against it.
Mistake 7. Lack of a financial “airbag”
There was a sewerage accident, your administrator quit, you were fined because of an error in financial statements, in front of the entrance to the clinic, repairs to the heating main began. All these events increase costs and reduce the number of visitors, but you cannot compensate for them high prices. Patients will leave.

The best and richest clinic, which patients no longer visit, will instantly go bankrupt. To prevent such situations, you must include in the price some amount of insurance, an “airbag”. With such insurance, you can cope with an unpleasant situation with minimal losses. It is important that all these unpleasant events do not affect patients in any way.

Finally, adjust all your calculations for inflation. Material prices are slowly increasing, and this should be reflected in the prices of your services.
Mistake 8: Pricing games with patients
The pricing game is what they say on the phone minimum price, and after treatment they bill for a completely different amount. The mistake is that the patient will believe that he is being deceived.

The only way to work correctly with prices is for the administrator to tell you over the phone only the minimum price for installing a filling, adding that depending on the condition of the tooth, the price may change. During the visit, the doctor offers the patient various options treatments with an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

The patient himself chooses what exactly he pays money for. Only in this case will you look like a reputable and reliable clinic in the eyes of the patient.

The apparent complexity of this approach, however, will save you a lot of time and nerves that you can spend dealing with indignant patients.
Mistake 9. Insufficient attention to prevention
The traditional fear of the dentist has led to patients trying to come to the clinic as little as possible. Usually, when painful sensations appear.
In the West, the attitude is exactly the opposite. Most Americans regularly monitor their oral health and visit a hygienist twice a year for dental plaque removal and other procedures. preventive procedures. This practice begins at the age of five.

Although the demand for hygiene services is currently minimal, it should be borne in mind that the situation is changing and those clinics that work competently with patients will receive high and stable income in this area of ​​services.

To do this, it is necessary to invest in organizing training in oral hygiene, nutritional recommendations, and selection of oral care products.
Mistake 10. Passive attitude towards the patient
Typically, clinics view patient visits as one-time and independent. But this is a deep misunderstanding of the patient’s psychology.

The patient wants dentists, so to speak, to “think for him.” This means that the initiative for the visit must come from the clinic. One time a patient came and was treated full examination oral cavity and prescribed some treatment and preventive health maintenance plan. And then the patient regularly receives an invitation by mail to preventive examination or carrying out preventive maintenance.

Maintaining the oral cavity in excellent condition, especially in old age, requires the efforts of doctors of various specialties. It is necessary to coordinate the efforts of these doctors in one direction. Therefore, there must be a doctor who is assigned to the patient (“family doctor”), and he already directs the entire course of treatment.

The clinic provides the patient with information materials, procedures, and recommends certain aesthetic procedures. The same applies to all family members.
This practice has existed in the West for decades. Regular invitation cards are sent to patients, special family visits are organized, and special “family” accounts are set up to pay for services.

A faceless patient in a standard clinic becomes a welcome guest in a family clinic. They call him by name, remember his calls, follow developments, recommend certain procedures based on individual characteristics.

Statistics show that patients of family clinics rarely go to other clinics. Therefore, the high costs of organizing family clinic will pay off with a constant flow of patients over many years.

We will consider a more detailed analysis of these mistakes and other techniques for increasing the profitability of a dental clinic in the free online training “How to open a dental clinic.”

It is no secret that the most popular option for private medical practice is opening a dental office. AND main reason this is its profitability. But, if you would really like to know how to open a dental office, you definitely need to follow a set of rules and advice. They are the ones who will help you become successful in the future.

This is the option that most novice entrepreneurs lean towards when choosing between renting and buying premises. Firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, until you have a guarantee that the business will become successful, you should not waste money.

For such activities, the premises must have water, electricity and sewerage. Over the past few years, many have begun to look for accommodation in small hotels, which are not in the very center of cities, but also not on their outskirts. Why? Hotels of this level are not often fully occupied, so they are always happy to sign a long-term rental agreement. Well and additional output to all communications - another plus.


The success of the entire enterprise primarily depends on the professionalism and qualifications of the personnel. There are several basic requirements for dentists:

  • Diploma of completion of residency and internship;
  • certificate in therapeutic dentistry;
  • work experience of at least five years.

Many entrepreneurs also include a surgeon and an orthodontist on their list. For such areas, an additional license is required, and there is a separate list of requirements for such personnel. The dental office may employ nursing staff whose task is to carry out hygiene procedures and administer various drug injections to patients. For this, a secondary medical education, as well as a certificate of “preventive dentistry” is sufficient.

Regarding the number of medical staff: according to the standards, a dentist cannot work more than 6 hours a day, so to begin with, your office must have two doctors and two nurses, a cashier administrator, and a nurse to clean the room.


So, the list of required equipment:

  • Dentist chair;
  • hygiene products;
  • filling composition;
  • replaceable tips;
  • tools;
  • apex locators;
  • special lamps;
  • radio videographer;
  • sterilizer;
  • drugs;
  • furniture.

A fully equipped chair costs at least $10,000, and its monthly maintenance costs approximately $100. A set of handpieces will cost $1,500, fillers and hygiene products - another $1,500, lamps - 300, tools - $1,000, radio videographer - $8,000 sterilizer and antibacterial treatment - $3,000, furniture - $3,000. Taking into account that you will have at least two chairs, you will spend approximately $30,000 on equipment alone.

How much does it cost to open a dental office?

  • Renting premises: it all depends on its location and area. In fact, the price can vary greatly.
  • Licensing: V in this case minimum expenses – from 50,000 rubles.
  • Repair: initial amount – from 100,000 rubles. The indicators increase if you plan to make the room not just beautiful or neat, but chic.
  • Salary: the total amount includes salary and interest. It can be very different. At first, when there are few clients, it will be less, and as popularity increases, the salary will also increase.

Add to this expenses for utilities, advertising, Internet, telephone, etc. total amount To open your own dental office, you need a contribution in the amount of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Documents for opening

First you register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The registration procedure is established by the Federal Law of August 8, 2001. If you individual, then to register you must submit a signed application, a copy of your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a document confirming payment of taxes.

You receive a license to practice medical activities, according to the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 - “On licensing individual species activities." To do this, you submit a number of additional documents along with your application:

  • Copies constituent documents, if you are a legal entity;
  • copies of documents confirming medical education, length of service of the manager and his deputies;
  • copies of documents confirming the medical education of specialists, who are on staff and will be hired to work;
  • copies of documents confirming the work experience of specialists;
  • copies of documents that indicate the presence of a license on a legal basis for premises, technical equipment, etc.;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with all sanitary rules and standards of activities carried out;
  • copies of registration certificates and certificates of conformity for all equipment;
  • a document confirming payment of the state fee for consideration of the application for the provision of a fee.

All copies must be certified by a notary, but are provided only upon presentation of the original. Licensing authorities may also additionally require you to provide a number of other documents besides those indicated.

Possible risks

  • Risk 1- lack of clients. The problem is quite common at the first stage of work, immediately after opening. You can avoid this situation if you choose the right office location in advance, and also select a staff of highly qualified employees.
  • Risk 2– missing licenses. If you do not want to pay fines in the future, consult with specialists and order an audit indicating everything you need about the document, research, measurements and certificates.
  • Risk 3– impolite employees. The administrator is the face of your enterprise. It is important that he is as polite and communicative as possible. He can be motivated by bonuses. If you want doctors to be more accountable, pay them a percentage of the check, which ranges from 20% to 35%.
  • Risk 4- lack of prestige. To earn popularity, you need to additionally invest in advertising. Then you will be known and heard on every corner, which will attract customers, making you a prestigious place.
  • Risk 5– discrepancy between quality and price. To do this, you need to regularly and as carefully as possible monitor the quality of work of all employees, order the best means and substances for work.

How much can you earn?

Speaking specifically about the dental office, it is worth pointing out that its profitability is about 30%. If you furnish only one chair, then it will bring you about $12,000 per year. The amount of net profit will be $ 4,000. The more chairs there are, the greater the amount of profit.

You will make a profit only if everything is organized as correctly as possible. Remember that you are being evaluated directly by your customers, and your first task is to please them.

Video - how to open a dental office?

There is no doubt that opening a dental office is a profitable business. Because toothache- this is what a person cannot tolerate for a long time and therefore be sure to seek professional help. And you have to pay for hygiene procedures even for healthy teeth.

Private medical practice divided into three classes: highest ( multidisciplinary centers), medium (clinics), economy (dental offices). They differ in the size of the premises, range of services, cost, equipment and financial capabilities of clients.

For information! As practice shows, the average profit per month in a small clinic is $40,000 - $50,000. A dental office may have revenue for the same period of at least $15-20,000. But these financial opportunities are not available to all private institutions, but only to those who conduct thoughtful and correct financial activities, focusing on the needs of clients.

When implementing a project to open a dental office, the main thing is to take into account all the details and pay attention to important nuances.

Which is better: opening or buying a dental office?

Starting from scratch is much more difficult, because you have to think through everything down to the smallest detail in order to avoid serious problems in the future.

You can buy a ready-made business, where the dental office is already “promoted”, with a client base, dental equipment, and possibly staff. But it’s worth thinking about, for what reason is it being sold? It is not profitable either due to problems with regulatory authorities or insufficient client flow. In this case, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons and make a purchasing decision.

Purchasing a ready-made project is not as difficult as opening it yourself. It is enough to have a certain amount, be able to understand the constituent and financial documents, and correctly assess the profitability of the project.

It is important to know! A ready-made business will cost more than one opened from scratch. This is due to the fact that the seller sets the price, trying not to make a mistake and get the maximum profit from the sale. And by opening a dental office on your own, you can save on repairs (using linoleum rather than floor tiles), dental equipment (preferring domestic manufacturers), and furniture. By starting a project on your own, you do everything “for yourself” and additionally gain undeniable experience, which will be the basis for further financial activities and proper conduct of business.

How to open a dental office and what to pay attention to

When thinking about starting a business, answer three main questions:

  1. What services will be provided (list, assessment of capabilities).
  2. How the business will be carried out (premises, location, office equipment, etc.).
  3. For whom the services are intended (clients with what financial capabilities will be served).

After a clear understanding of your goals and desires, you can begin to implement them, guided by your own knowledge and intuition.

First, it is necessary to determine the financial capabilities (investments) on the basis of which the project will be built and begin its phased implementation.

Business registration

You can register an individual entrepreneur with the tax service and provide medical services, having professional education and work experience in this field. Or you can do it differently, choose the legal form of LLC and issue a license for an employee whose professional level meets the licensing requirements.

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS, (codes according to OKVED: medical practice- 85.12; dental - 85.13). Opening a bank account, purchasing and registering a cash register and cashier's journal, drawing up a business book and ordering a seal for a legal entity, concluding contracts for servicing cash registers are mandatory stages of starting a business.

Selecting a room

The first step is to select the right premises for opening a dental business, suitable for cost and requirements regulatory documents(SANPIN 2956a-83 and SANPIN

To open an office with one dental unit, you will need about 30 m²:

  • doctor's office - 14 m²,
  • sanitary area - 4-5 m²,
  • hall of at least 10 m².

The ceilings in the room are not lower than three meters, and the width of the room from the window to the opposite wall is six meters. For each additional dental chair with installation, to 14 square meters of the office where medical manipulations, seven more are added.

In the case of installing three or more dental units, it is necessary to equip a special room - a sterilization room, its minimum area is 6 m².

Advice! If the initial investment does not allow you to purchase real estate with sufficient space, then you can rent or buy a one-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building. This is the simplest and least expensive option, but it will be necessary to transfer it to non-residential status, and this will take time and patience.

What to look for when choosing a room

A dental office can be opened in the city center or in a residential area. But it is important to comply with some conditions:

  • convenient location, medical institution must be located close to public transport stops and metro stations;
  • availability, the best option- first floor of administrative or residential premises;
  • availability of free parking spaces.

When a premises opened for a dental business does not meet the requirements of government agencies, it must be re-equipped: change the electrical wiring, replace the pipeline, sewerage, and ventilation systems. In specialized structures, order a draft technological plan for the premises, coordinate it with fire authorities, consumer supervision and architectural planning service.

The cost of real estate for a dental office depends on the region where you plan to open a business. On average, a room with an area of ​​30-40 m² can cost 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 rubles. After repair work, medical equipment is purchased and installed.

Purchase of equipment

This is the next largest expense item after the purchase of premises. You can also purchase an outdated dental chair for a reasonable price. Or you can do something new, with modern devices, but it will be expensive, so you need to be guided by the possibilities and choose the golden mean. And changing equipment after promoting a business will be much easier than installing expensive equipment, paying up to 3,000 rubles for its maintenance. monthly, and not yet having a constant profit and client base.

Below is a list of equipment indicating the average prices for its purchase:

  • dentist chair. It must be equipped with installations for an air or water supply gun, a turbine, a micromotor and an ultrasonic scanner designed to remove plaque and tartar. The average cost of such a chair is 250,000 - 300,000 rubles, and its monthly maintenance will cost about 3,000;
  • a set of replacement tips for a dental unit; they must be kept in reserve. average price for one set - 4,000 - 4,500 rubles;
  • consumables for a month of office operation (sealing pastes, mixtures, napkins, cotton swabs, etc.) - 5,000 rubles;
  • dental instruments - 25,000 rubles;
  • apex locators, solar-curing lamps - 40,000 rubles;
  • autoclave and sterilizer - 90,000 rubles;
  • cabinet for storing tools and drugs - 65,000-70,000 rubles;
  • other furniture for the office (tables, chairs) - about 55,000 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that you need to spend about 590,000 rubles on the purchase of dental equipment.

Additional costs for starting a business

These include:

  • repair costs, in fact simple version can amount to at least 100,000 rubles;
  • costs for obtaining a license - from 50,000;
  • utility bills, telephone, Internet, business advertising will require monthly costs of at least 10,000-15,000 rubles;
  • employee salaries, which at the initial stage may be small, but with an increase in the client base, volume of work and profits, will be increased.

It is not easy to calculate the exact cost of opening a dental office; you can only roughly estimate the costs. But as practice shows, such a business project with minimal costs for equipment and repairs, and with the acquisition of real estate ownership, will require from 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

A little about the staff

The success of the project depends on the qualifications and experience of the personnel. In addition to a comfortable environment in a medical institution, dental staff must complement it with their friendliness and professionalism. The client who received a full range of chosen services, you will be satisfied with their quality and will definitely share your impressions with your loved ones. And this is a kind of additional advertising for the business and an increase in the flow of customers.

You should approach the issue of personnel selection with great care. Even a small dental office will require 3 employees: a qualified dentist, an assistant, and a technical worker. After registering personnel as staff, information on them is submitted to Pension Fund, fund social insurance, mandatory fund health insurance. In case of violation of the deadlines established by law for the provision of data, penalties may follow, and for a newly opened, not yet stable business, this is an unexpected and unwanted expense.

Business pitfalls

  • It is important to note that before legal registration apartments into commercial real estate, you need to obtain the consent of the owners of adjacent apartments for such a neighborhood. Official permission must be written and notarized. Otherwise, after the clinic opens, some of the neighbors may be disturbed by noise. Ignoring comments is illegal, but closing a business is not an option, so it’s better to insure yourself in advance.
  • It is not recommended to use rented premises to open such a specific business. You will have to do repairs, redevelopment and modernization, spending quite a lot of money on it. And it will be a big failure if the tenant, due to some circumstances, decides to sell it. In cases where renting is the only option for starting a business, it is better to conclude a contract for the premises for 5 years. During this time, the project will pay for itself and begin to make a profit.
  • You should not neglect advertising, trying to minimize the costs of a business that is not yet stable. As practice shows, advertising is the engine for recognition, demand and profit.

It is a mistake to think that the money spent will pay off with interest in a year or two. The dental business is reliable, but it is not a get-rich-quick guarantee unless clients are provided with expensive and unique services. Therefore, you need to be patient and go to the end, gradually gaining experience, increasing service and customer loyalty.

To be competitive means to be in demand and recognizable in your business environment. Proper organization financial activity and customer flow will ensure stability and confidence in the future.

Useful video: The most common information about pitfalls when opening a dental clinic

Many years of work in state clinics, clinics and hospitals does not bring the desired material result. Doctors do not have the pleasure of working for low wages wages. Most quit and go to work in private clinic or opens his own business. One of the most profitable medical industries is dentistry. Owning a luxury car is prestigious, just like having a beautiful and healthy smile.

There is an increasing trend in the opening of dental offices. Figures say that more than 60% of doctors engaged in private practice open just such a business. It is generally accepted that the most important thing in business is the location; it determines the profitability of opening. Most often, dental offices are opened in residential areas of the city, where the population density is higher. This allows you to as soon as possible build a client base, which accelerates the influx of clients. The remoteness of the clinics also speaks in favor of the small format of the dental office, because a person with acute toothache is more likely to go to his place of residence or to a neighboring area rather than look for a private medical clinic somewhere in the center multidisciplinary clinic. Another argument in favor will be the fact that prices for services in a dental office are several times lower than in private medical centers and clinics. So how to open a dental office?

Cost calculation for opening a private dentistry

Let's consider the question in more detail. Mini-dentists are opening in residential areas of the city. This applies to both the capital and the regions. This means that the future owner will need office space. Let us note that the sanitary and epidemiological service is not asleep, demanding that entrepreneurs strictly comply with the regulations regarding the squaring of the office. For one dental chair - at least 7 meters, for the second - 14, and so on by analogy. For medical centers and medical clinics, the calculations are twice as high. Work will require communications, so it is more convenient to rent or buy premises with provided amenities; for this, renting an apartment on the ground floor is suitable. The second factor is cost. For example, the average cost in Moscow is 90 thousand rubles/sq. m, in the regions - from 52 thousand rubles/sq.m. The cost of renting housing in Moscow is close to 30-35 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, the price may decrease depending on the area and distance. Let's ask ourselves how much it costs to open a dental office. As a result we have the following:

  1. Dental chair - 180-360 thousand rubles,
  2. A set of tools at the rate of one set per one chair - 45-75 thousand rubles,
  3. Consumables - 60-90 thousand per month,
  4. Enclave for sterilizing instruments - 150-210 thousand rubles,
  5. Equipment for a prosthetic laboratory - 450-750 thousand rubles,
  6. X-ray installation - 300-450 thousand rubles.

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Legal aspects and registration

You need to start working by submitting documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The registration procedure is established by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs."

According to the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 “On licensing of certain types of activities”, it is necessary to obtain a license to engage in medical activities. To obtain it, the following must be submitted to the licensing and certification body:

  • application for a license (the application form is approved by a letter from the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and social development dated July 27, 2005 No. 01I-374/05);
  • certificates for installed equipment, personal medical passports of employees, copies of documents on their education and qualifications.

PS. In the office or medical clinic equipment must be located with strict requirements prescribed by the BTI.

Let's imagine for a moment that you have opened your own clinic. We purchased equipment, rented or purchased premises, carried out repairs on it, and received the necessary certificates for work. The moment of licensing comes. It is strongly recommended to study all government documents, acts and regulations before submitting to the SES to purchase a license. Please note that when expanding the range of services, you need to go through the procedure for obtaining a license again. You can obtain a license yourself or entrust the labor-intensive process to a specialized company. If you are not confident in your abilities, trust the professionals. For a nominal fee of 30 thousand rubles. the company will prepare and carry out all the necessary activities to obtain a license.

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Personnel and advertising are powerful business assistants

In every enterprise, employees play a key role. The most expensive resource is personnel. You need to select people carefully; the quality of the services provided and your future profit depend on this. Personnel selection is carried out on the basis of one dentist per dental chair. The doctor may need a nurse. The standard working time for a doctor is about 6 hours. If you plan to open a 24-hour office, you will need at least 4 doctors per chair. The clinic requires more staff, based on this, the figure will be proportional. When hiring a person, check whether the employees have documents on education, qualifications, international internships and trainings. Introduce a competitive basis into the enterprise charter before hiring workplace test practical skills based on the competitive principle. The higher the qualifications of the employee, the higher the quality of his work, and, accordingly, the more positive customer reviews.

When starting your business, you will need an effective advertising campaign. You shouldn't skimp on advertising. You can promote different ways, use different marketing moves and strategies. Can be published advertisement in the newspaper, run the slogan on television, order banners and hang them around the city. Keep a journal of suggestions and reviews so that visitors to your office respond to the quality of the services provided to them. It would be a good idea to display diplomas and certificates (if any) in the reception area. People gain confidence in a company with a name. The system of discounts will be no less effective. For example, 5-10% discounts on various dental services. The clinic can also introduce a system of discounts aimed at VIP clients. Promotions have a positive effect on the flow of people; clients, having heard the word “promotion,” will definitely come to you, this cannot but affect the attendance of your dental office.

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