Home Prosthetics and implantation Air tickets for disabled people of group 2. Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

Air tickets for disabled people of group 2. Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

Also there, you need to get a certificate that a package has been issued for a disabled person social services, and he did not refuse it. In addition to the benefits approved by state law, there are other opportunities for people with disabilities to purchase cheaper air tickets. To do this, you need to check with the airline whether it participates in a preferential program and whether additional benefits are provided for people with disabilities. disabilities. Do they have additional social programs. A few tips

  • When purchasing an air ticket for disabled people, provide information (in the form of a request) about the need to create special conditions for the flight of a disabled person.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

The social package includes:

  • provision of necessary medications according to doctor’s prescriptions;
  • provision, if there are medical indications, of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

In the context of our conversation about benefits for air tickets for disabled people, we may be interested in the last point of the social package. Discounts for people with disabilities (if treatment is required) may be provided on air tickets to the place where this treatment is carried out.

Disabled people can count on the listed benefits only if they have a fully developed social package. Next, you need to find out the details at the pension fund branch, where, at a minimum, you need to get a certificate that a set of social services has been issued to the disabled person, and he has not refused it.


Answer As such, our legislation does not provide for discounts for pensioners and disabled people of group 2 on air tickets after 2005. Therefore, unfortunately, it won’t be possible to go to any airline at random and buy a ticket for the chosen flight. But every rule, and this too, has its exceptions. Firstly, the airlines themselves can set benefits, and different companies have these benefits may differ from each other.

Sometimes discounts are available during certain seasons and for certain holidays on certain flights. This happens rarely, but it still happens. Therefore, you can find out which airlines operate the flight you need and look for information on the website of a specific airline or on the hotline.
Perhaps you will be lucky, and preferential promotions will appear at exactly the time you need. Benefits also depend on the direction and geography of the flight.

Air travel for preferential categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine

Group III, therefore, more wide range benefits:

  1. Free use of public transport services. The benefit is not provided for travel in taxis and commercial minibuses.
  2. Free travel on public transport for passenger transportation in rural areas.
  3. Free use of services public transport suburban services, excluding taxi travel.
  4. A 50% discount on travel tickets when planning a trip on any type of transport abroad (by train, road, plane, river transport) during the period:
    • from 01.10 to 15.05 each year without restrictions on the number of international trips;
    • at other times with a limit of up to 1 trip.
  5. Free travel to the place of treatment and recovery once a year.

Discounts and benefits on air tickets for disabled people

Also, disabled people of the first group, disabled children of the second group, disabled people of the third group and people who accompany them can take advantage of this opportunity. In this case, a person applying for a discounted flight must be registered in one of the following regions:

  • Transbaikalia;
  • Far North;
  • Kaliningrad region;
  • Far Eastern region.

Since the state pays for the cost of the flight from budget funds, flight directions are limited.

As a rule, flights between subsidized regions, to Moscow, and also to St. Petersburg are permissible. Discounts are valid from April 1 to October 31. The procedure for purchasing cheap air tickets In order to have time to buy a ticket at a discounted price, you must make a reservation and purchase a week, two or even three weeks before the planned flight, since the offer is limited by quotas.

Benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3

The legislation of Russia and Ukraine is known to support people with disabilities. The logic of support is as follows: people with disabilities have the right to preferential living conditions, treatment, work and housing costs.

This list also includes discounts on the purchase of air tickets. So what kind of discount does a disabled person have the right to demand when buying a plane ticket? The legislation of Ukraine and the Russian Federation answers this question differently. Benefits for disabled people in the Russian Federation

  • General benefits throughout Russia Until recently, in the Russian Federation, people with disabilities had the right to purchase plane tickets with a 50% discount, and once a year - free of charge to the place of treatment and back. This right was confirmed by Article 30 federal law No. 181 “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”
    In 2005, this article became invalid.

Who is eligible for benefits and discounts on trains in 2018?

Conditions for 2017 have not yet been officially announced. It must be remembered that conditions change. They depend on the availability of free places and the demand for the destination.


Sapsan" Passengers of one of the most popular destinations can take advantage of special discounts. Sales of tickets for Sapsan will start 60 days in advance.


The first buyers get them at the lowest price. Then it grows, taking into account demand. This route is subject to a 20% price reduction for a round trip ticket.

If you purchase a road map, you can save: for schoolchildren and people over 60 years old - 50%, for young people - 30%. How to apply for a discounted travel Due to the fact that the budget pays extra for a travel pass, it is necessary to correctly register your benefit. To do this, you must present a package of documents at the railway ticket office.

Is there a discount on air tickets for group 2 disabled people?

Please note that this benefit does not apply to the person accompanying a disabled person. So, travel benefits for group 2 disabled people on trains long distance can vary from 50% to 100% (if the disabled person is sent to the place of his treatment).

Travel benefits for disabled people of group 3 Citizens assigned to the third disability group have relatively fewer transport benefits. For 2018, the following list of travel benefits for disabled people of group 3 in public transport is provided:

  • free travel for disabled people of group 3 on public transport of urban and suburban services;
  • discounts on railway tickets for disabled people of group 3 amount to 50% of its cost in the period from October 1 to May 15; as well as a 50% discount on one trip at other times of the year.

Important! Travel benefits are provided upon presentation of a social travel card.

Get compensation and benefits

Why? The fact is that in that year the monetization of benefits was carried out in the Russian Federation. The consequence of this was monthly EDV payments, compensating the right of specific categories of citizens to benefits, including air tickets. This monetary payment differs for different categories of beneficiaries. So, for labor veterans, disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, these amounts will differ. It is up to the person himself to decide which article to receive the EDV, based on the amount that is most beneficial to him. For example, disabled people of group 3 receive an increase in pension in the amount of 1534.85 rubles, group 2 - 1917.33 rubles monthly, disabled people of group 1 - 2684.75 rubles. But the additional income of labor veterans is only 630.85 rubles (all data are given as of April 2013). Where is the price of air tickets? And it is included in the social package of services; its amount in 2013 was 92.89 rubles per month.

Discount air tickets for pensioners

So, we can list the following disadvantages of cheap flights:

  • The ticket price does not include luggage; sometimes only hand luggage or small bags are allowed;
  • during the flight the passenger is deprived good service from the company; lunches in low-cost airlines are usually not provided;
  • a cheap air ticket cannot be returned or exchanged for another date.

Conditions for receiving discounts on air tickets You can get reliable information about whether a pensioner has the opportunity to take advantage of benefits from the state when planning flights on the official websites of airlines and government programs. To date, lists of regions have been compiled whose elderly residents can take advantage of these benefits. Thus, benefits for pensioners on air tickets are valid for men after 60 years of age and for women after 55.

The disability group is established by a medical and social examination, which is carried out by authorized federal medical institutions. During the examination, the disability group is determined taking into account the conditions specified in part 2 (clause 5). Conditions for recognizing a person as disabled are:

  • the need to receive social protection (including habilitation and rehabilitation);
  • restrictions in life activities(partial or complete loss of the ability to move independently, navigate the terrain, self-service);
  • health problems caused by a physical defect, injury, or disease.

Benefits for housing and utilities

Benefits for disabled people of groups 3 and 2 provided for payment of utilities Federal Law No. 181 (Article 17). They provide:

  • (gas, water, electricity, garbage removal, cleaning of the local area) and payment for housing according to the rental agreement;
  • 50% discount for the purchase of solid fuel - for houses that do not have central system heating;
  • 50% compensation contribution for major repairs of public property of an apartment building - provided to a disabled person of group 2.

The benefit is calculated based on the established standards for the consumption of utility services per person. You should contact the social security department, providing a passport, a disability certificate, a certificate of family composition, and a registration certificate for housing.

Providing housing for disabled people of groups 2 and 3

Approved by government decree scroll cases that are the basis for disabled people of groups 3 and 2:

  • the person does not have his own real estate for a period of time long period lives in an apartment (house, room) on a sub-rental basis in a building of a public, municipal, state housing stock or for rent in a building owned by citizens or housing cooperatives on the right of ownership;
  • a disabled person lives in a dormitory (except for the case of living due to training or performing seasonal work);
  • a disabled person lives in the same apartment (owning a room) with another family with whom he is not related;
  • a citizen lives in an apartment owned by several related families, and one of the family members is sick chronic disease, having reached severe form, which makes it impossible to continue living with such a patient;
  • the disabled person’s apartment where he lives does not meet the established technical and sanitary requirements;
  • the family of a disabled person is provided with housing below the level approved by the authorities of the constituent entity of Russia.

Peculiarities providing housing for disabled people from childhood and persons who received disabilities of groups 3 and 2 in the process of life, have been established Federal Law No. 181, Article 28.2 and Article 17. Peculiarities provision of housing persons registered before 1.01.05 :

  1. Provision of living space is carried out at the expense of the housing stock of the subject of the federation.
  2. Housing space for a disabled person is provided based on 18 m2 for each family member.
  3. Instead of living space, equivalent sum of money to buy an apartment(the same opportunity is provided to war invalids).

Features of providing housing to registered citizens after 1.01.05 (Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181):

  1. Housing is provided taking into account the health of all residents and in the order of priority established by the registration list.
  2. The living space provided to a disabled person under a social tenancy agreement may exceed the approved standard for living space per person.
  3. Housing transferred to disabled people must be equipped with special devices prescribed by the individual rehabilitation program.
  4. A disabled person is allowed get a piece of land for the construction of individual housing.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of disabled people of groups 2 and 3

Disabled people can, based on general disease exercise the right to treatment at a dispensary (). The basis for getting a ticket to a dispensary to undergo resort and sanatorium treatment is the decision of the medical commission at the place of residence of the disabled person (clause 1.2 of the Procedure for the medical selection of patients in the sanatorium, approved). The voucher is provided to disabled adults for a duration of 18 days, disabled children – 21 day, and for patients with head trauma or spinal cord24-42 days. Issues are regulated Federal Law No. 178, as well as relevant departmental orders.

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact your local doctor at your local clinic. The doctor issues a certificate indicating the name of the sanatorium and the basis for obtaining a voucher. With a certificate, pension certificate, passport and a document confirming the right to use social assistance (issued by the Pension Fund), you should contact the Social Insurance Fund of Russia. A fund employee will inform you of the date of departure to the dispensary within 14 days.

Medical benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3

Articles 6.1 and 6.2 (clause 1, clause 1) Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 provided providing disabled people with medicines necessary for treatment. It is possible to receive medications:

  • an unemployed disabled person of the 3rd group and a working citizen of the 2nd disability group receive 50% discounts on the purchase of medicines.

The procedure for the doctor to prescribe medications and write a prescription is established.

Disabled people have the right to benefit from prosthetic limbs at state expense, based on the received individual rehabilitation program (Article 11 of Federal Law No. 181). Full list services and types of prostheses installed.

To obtain a prescription for medications, you should contact your local doctor. In the prescription, the doctor will indicate the name of the medicine and the pharmacy where it can be obtained. At the pharmacy, medications are issued upon presentation of a prescription (no other documents need to be presented).

Transport benefits

Transport benefits for disabled people of group 2 provided by the state, consist of:

  • free travel by rural, urban surface or underground transport (bus, metro train, tram, trolleybus), with the exception of private minibuses and taxis;
  • annual (once a year) free transportation (in both directions) to the sanatorium and health complex - this benefit does not apply to an accompanying person;
  • exemption from fees transport tax – the benefit applies to a disabled person’s car with special devices and an engine power of no more than 100 hp.

Transport benefits for disabled people of category 3 include: 50% discount on train tickets and travel by sea, river, road and air transport. This benefit is provided once a year between September 1 (of the current year) and May 15 (of the next year).

To apply for benefits for travel You will need to contact your local PF office with an application and documents confirming your right to receive benefits. Pension Fund employees will check the documentation and issue a certificate (personalized ticket in the applicant’s last name) authorizing the use of transport benefits.

Responsibilities of employers

Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995(as amended on December 29, 2015) employers are prohibited from concluding employment agreements with disabled people of groups 3 and 2 that worsen their working situation or working conditions in comparison with other employees of the company. The same article provides for working disabled people of group 2 shortened work week, which should not exceed 35 hours, with full salary retained.

For disabled people of group 3, the legislation does not provide for the right to use an abbreviated working week. However, if the medical report of such an employee recommends performing work on a part-time basis, then the employer must reduce the working day and pay wages in proportion to the time worked.

Employers are also allowed to involve disabled employees in overtime work activities ( Labor Code of Russia Part 5, Article 99) or to work on weekends or at night ( Labor Code of Russia Part 5, Article 96), but provided that such activities are not prohibited by existing medical certificates of health and the involved employees voluntarily agree to perform the work.

Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ disabled persons are provided with annual paid leave of at least 30 calendar days(it is calculated based on a six-day work week). Additionally, disabled people are allowed to take unpaid leave of up to 60 days (Article 128 of the Labor Code of Russia).


In conclusion, here are a few key points:

  1. What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have? Benefits are provided: medical, housing, educational, transport, on taxes.
  2. The disability group is assigned during a medical and social examination for 1 year. After this period, re-examination is carried out.
  3. Disabled people receive a 50% discount for rent.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Irina Pavlovna. In 2016 I was injured at work. I was assigned disability group 2. I have a question: What benefits does a group 2 disabled person have? regarding cash payments?

Answer: Hello, Irina Pavlovna. Federal Law No. 181 (Article 28.1) provides for monthly cash payment in the amount of 1544 rubles. This amount is subject to annual indexation.

Moreover, the number of such travel documents for each flight is limited. Subsidies for air tickets are provided by air carriers that have signed a special agreement with Rosaviatsiya, which specifies a specific tariff for air tickets, taking into account seasonal factors. Therefore, discounted plane tickets can only be purchased at certain times of the year. So, in Central Russia they are bought from May to September, and in the Far East - from November 1 to March 31. However, prices for air tickets for pensioners and air tickets for schoolchildren have been reduced throughout the year. Who can purchase a discounted plane ticket? Please note Special attention that only a few categories of Russians have the right to subsidized tickets, including “the least protected segments of the population.”

Is there a discount on air tickets for group 2 disabled people?

Asked 2011-05-25 10:30:48 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” What is the difference between benefits for housing and communal services for a disabled person 2 veteran group labor and for the widow of a disabled person. — What is the difference between benefits for housing and communal services for a group 2 disabled person - a labor veteran - and for the widow of a disabled veteran. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 2097 times. Asked 2013-02-16 15:20:09 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” What benefits are provided for the guardian of a group 2 disabled person.

— What benefits are provided for the guardian of a group 2 disabled person. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 671 times. Asked 2011-12-02 13:02:20 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection”

  • 1 answer.
    Moscow Viewed 1010 times. Asked 2012-06-05 06:37:38 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” I want to fly to Tajikistan with 2 bottles of cognac at 0.5 each without a tax stamp.

Discounts and benefits on air tickets for disabled people

We also draw your attention to the fact that conditions for discount tickets for disabled people may vary in different parts of Russia. The discounts in question for travel to the sanatorium are provided by airlines participating in the discount program, so we recommend contacting the airline to clarify the possibility of receiving benefits and details of the further procedure for purchasing air tickets “on demand”.

Transporting disabled people by plane Transporting disabled people by plane may seem like a difficult process if you don’t know about the special rules. All Russian and global companies have long developed special conditions for transporting people of this category.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets


Each carrier participating in the state program for subsidizing air travel has individual rules in these matters. Please note that in 2017, discounted air tickets can only be purchased from 18 airlines:

  1. Aeroflot
  2. AkBarsAero
  3. Alrosa
  4. Vim-Avia
  5. Grozny Airlines
  6. Mirny Aviation Enterprise
  7. Nordavia
  8. Red Wings
  9. Russia
  10. Siberia
  11. Taimyr
  12. Transaero
  13. Ural Airlines
  14. UTair
  15. Yakutia

We emphasize that each private carrier sets its own tariff, so the final cost of the document, even taking into account a 50% discount, may differ significantly from analogues.

Even before purchasing a ticket, we recommend comparing the cost of flights to a specific city from different carriers and choosing the most profitable one.

Air travel for preferential categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine

The same applies to an accompanying disabled person of group 1 (there can only be one person). You can purchase these discounted tickets from any company that provides transportation on the territory of Ukraine, regardless of their forms of ownership and subordination.
This is stipulated in the law “On Transport”, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1994. In order to purchase a discount ticket, you must present the established form of identification to the cashier.

  • Expected prospects Despite the fact that the law on preferential tickets for disabled people in Ukraine is still in effect, the Verkhovna Rada is already considering a bill designed to replace benefits for pensioners and disabled people with targeted assistance.

    It is expected to be adopted at the end of 2014. In a word, monetization awaits Ukraine. We can only hope that there it will proceed more gently and calmly than in Russia in 2005.

Also, disabled people of the first group, disabled children of the second group, disabled people of the third group and people who accompany them can take advantage of this opportunity. In this case, a person applying for a discounted flight must be registered in one of the following regions:

  • Transbaikalia;
  • Far North;
  • Kaliningrad region;
  • Far Eastern region.

Since the state pays for the cost of the flight from budget funds, flight directions are limited.


As a rule, flights between subsidized regions, to Moscow, and also to St. Petersburg are permissible. Discounts are valid from April 1 to October 31. The procedure for purchasing cheap air tickets In order to have time to buy a ticket at a discounted price, you must make a reservation and purchase a week, two or even three weeks before the planned flight, since the offer is limited by quotas.

Discount air tickets for pensioners

True, there is another 100 rubles for a trip to the sanatorium. Also, working pensioners receive a 50% discount (non-working – 100%) on travel to and from the sanatorium. So, potentially, if there is no other way to the sanatorium other than air travel, disabled people are entitled to discounts here too.


Also, if a disabled person of group 1 travels with an accompanying person, he is entitled to the same discounts.

  • Moscow and the Moscow region In 2009, the Moscow government issued Resolution N 755-PP, regulating the procedure for providing free sanatorium and resort treatment for certain categories of citizens. The list also includes disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.

Thus, Muscovites and residents of the region can still count on free travel or even a flight, but not of their own choice, but exclusively to the location of the sanatorium and back. The text of the resolution itself looks like this: “3.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

At my enterprise, a short-time work schedule has been established for disabled people. time, although when studying this issue I did not find a requirement for a shortened day for disabled people, here is some information Quote: According to paragraph 6 of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR On measures to further improve the use of labor of pensioners and disabled people in national economy and related additional benefits reduced work time lasting 6 hours a day (36 hours a week) is established for disabled people of groups I and II who work in enterprises, workshops and areas intended for the use of the labor of these persons. This benefit does not apply to disabled people of groups I and II who work in all other enterprises, as well as to disabled people of group III.

Rules, tariffs and conditions for purchasing subsidized tickets

The legislation of Russia and Ukraine is known to support people with disabilities. The logic of support is as follows: people with disabilities have the right to preferential living conditions, treatment, work and housing costs.

This list also includes discounts on the purchase of air tickets. So what kind of discount does a disabled person have the right to demand when buying a plane ticket? The legislation of Ukraine and the Russian Federation answers this question differently.

Benefits for disabled people in the Russian Federation

  • General benefits throughout Russia Until recently, in the Russian Federation, people with disabilities had the right to purchase plane tickets with a 50% discount, and once a year - free of charge to the place of treatment and back. This right was certified by Article 30 of Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

    In 2005, this article became invalid.

For long flights the price cannot exceed 12 thousand rubles, for short distances - no more than 4.5 thousand rubles. For example, a round-trip flight from Kaliningrad to St. Petersburg or the capital will cost about 3 thousand rubles.

The discount on the purchase of a travel document can reach up to 50%. For WWII veterans and other special categories of citizens there are 50% discounts on flights.

In addition, once a year you can take advantage of the right to a free flight to the place of treatment and back if there is no other way to get to the place of treatment. Discount air tickets for pensioners are offered in limited quantities. You need to book or buy them long before your trip. Additional discounts from carriers When purchasing tickets, you must check with the airline about the availability of additional discounts for pensioners on air tickets.

Documents for air tickets for pensioners and disabled people of group 2

And “children of war” receive a 50 percent discount when purchasing seats on planes flying between municipalities, and WWII veterans and concentration camp prisoners can count on free economy class tickets. There are also discounts for students on air tickets - twice a year, young people under 23 years old, whose relatives live in the Far East, can fly at a special rate. There are also promotions for citizens from other regions of the Russian Federation who were invited to the region for an anniversary or funeral. There are special year-round benefits for pensioners on planes, subsidies for children, large families, students, military and other categories of benefit passengers both in Siberia and in Kaliningrad region, and in a number of other Russian regions. According to general statistics for major airlines in the Russian Federation, at least 17% of all tickets are subsidized under one or another flight program.
The promotion is valid from mid-May to mid-September. Airlines participating in this program: Transaero, Russia, Aeroflot, Siberia, Yakutia and Mirny Airlines. Discount tickets can be purchased by the following citizens of the Far East: young people under 23 years old, men over 60 and women over 55 years old, disabled people of group 1 and their accompanying persons, as well as disabled children and their accompanying persons. Discount tickets can be purchased upon presentation of a passport with registration.

  • Special benefits for individual airlines A number of airlines provide different categories citizens preferential rates for flights. Thus, UTair Aviation OJSC provides the right to one free flight per year (possibly in one direction, or “round trip”). To receive the benefit, you must present a passport and a WWII veteran ID.

The air transportation market in Russia is growing rapidly. More and more citizens are traveling, be it domestic flights or foreign trips.

But few people know that even this type of transport can be used taking into account the existing benefits. How to do this and what citizens can count on - this is discussed in our article.

Who is entitled to

The cost of an air ticket depends on a large number of factors:

  • flight range;
  • type of aircraft;
  • airport taxes;
  • passenger seats.

Complex calculations lead to the fact that sometimes the flight becomes very expensive. Budget airlines even save money by not paying for the boarding bridge for their passengers, but delivering them to the terminals by bus. However, absolutely all Russian airlines offer certain discounts for passengers.

The following categories of passengers can count on preferences:

  • disabled people of groups I, II, III;
  • disabled children;
  • citizens accompanying disabled people on the road;
  • pensioners registered in the Far East and Siberia;
  • students;
  • pupils;
  • relatives of airline employees.

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Thus, for pensioners and students, individual carriers are developing discount programs that can be used throughout the year. Disabled people receive support according to the state support program.

Regulatory documents that regulate travel rules and benefits:

  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 24 of February 15, 2016;
  • air code of the Russian Federation;
  • general rules for passenger transportation by air in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 82 of June 28, 2007.

The main benefits of airlines primarily concern citizens with disabilities. It is important to note that each ticket has a class of service. When applying for a discount on air tickets, the passenger does not lose in the level of service. On board he will be provided with hot meals and drinks in the same way as all other passengers.

Which ones are provided?

Let's start with pensioners, for whom the government has developed a successful program of discounted flights from the Far East and Siberia. Discounts are provided only for retired residents registered in the relevant regions. Discounts are provided in the amount of half the cost of the air ticket.

Carriers provide benefits for Far Eastern and Siberian residents for a certain number of travel documents. Due to the fact that Russia is a large country, and the cost of a flight from the Far East to the central part can be higher than foreign flights, this program was developed. The benefit applies only to certain destinations when flying within the country.

Discounts are offered by the following airlines:

  • Aurora (Aeroflot);
  • Ural Airlines;
  • Yakutia;
  • Habavia;
  • Nord Wind;
  • Siberia;
  • Pegasus Fly.

There are also discounts for students. At the same time, most airlines rely not on the fact that the citizen is undergoing training, but on the age of the passenger. Basic discounts are provided in the amount of 25% for all citizens from 12 to 23 years old.

Aurora Airlines and other subsidiary carriers of Aeroflot provide a youth fare for citizens up to their 25th birthday.

It is worth noting that according to international rules, all children under two years old travel by plane for free. For this purpose, they are also issued a travel document marked INF, which means infant, and are not provided with a separate seat other than bassinets.

However, for children aged two years and above, airlines can independently regulate their fare policy. Many carriers provide a discount for schoolchildren ranging from 25% to 50% of the ticket price.

One of the few categories of passengers who are entitled to discounts on air tickets are relatives of carrier employees. All of them are eligible for discounts throughout the year. Their size is set by airlines independently; discounts are not supported by the state.

The authorities fully control the provision of travel benefits for disabled people of all groups, as well as for persons accompanying them.

Conditions for granting the subsidy:

  • the flight is carried out for treatment and rehabilitation;
  • The discount percentage is adjusted depending on the region;
  • The accompanying person most often receives compensation payments from the state.

Carriers independently set the size of the benefit, as well as the number of discounted tickets provided. Typically the discount is about 50%. This benefit is provided entirely at the expense of the federal budget.

How to use

To purchase a discounted plane ticket, you will need to contact the airline and find out whether benefits are provided for a specific category of passengers.

You can do this in any of the convenient ways:

  • online through official websites;
  • by contacting the airline ticket office.

Many citizens today purchase travel tickets via the Internet. It's simple, convenient and saves time. The website always contains information about benefits in the section “Discounts”, “ Special offers" and so on.

Also, airline websites offer to receive a discount when purchasing by correctly indicating the passenger category.

For example, Aurora Airlines officially provides discounts for:

  • pensioners;
  • youth from 12 to 25 years old.

When choosing a passenger category, the airfare will be indicated taking into account discounts and taxes. We draw the attention of citizens traveling with children to the fact that they must issue a separate travel document for an infant and indicate that the flight is carried out with a child.

The fact is that infants (from birth to two years old) do not travel for free, but rather enjoy a 100% discount.

Passengers with disabilities should know when purchasing a ticket:

  • the accompanying person cannot be under 18 years of age;
  • a disabled child under 12 years of age can travel by air only if accompanied by an accompanying person;
  • If a person has hearing or vision problems, accompaniment is strictly required.

Please remember that a person with a disability may not be allowed to board the flight upon check-in. We advise you to contact the airline directly after purchasing your ticket and communicate your preferences.

In some cases, a passenger with a disability and his accompanying person must purchase tickets for flights to places of treatment, and subsequently obtain compensation for previously spent funds. This practice is the most common. Maximum amount compensation is 50%.

Required documents

To purchase a discount ticket at the airline's ticket office or through the website, you just need to enter the details (present) of a document that gives you the right to a discount.

In most cases, this is one of the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • birth certificate.

For persons with disabilities and citizens accompanying them during the flight, a different procedure applies:

  • a ticket is initially purchased at the ticket office indicating that a person with a disability is traveling to the place of treatment;
  • after returning, the citizen or his representative contacts the authority social protection population to receive compensation.

Documents that must be provided along with the established application:

  • passports of passengers or one of them (if the disabled person traveled independently);
  • document confirming the presence of disability;
  • airline ticket receipts (you can also attach used boarding passes);
  • All medical documents(copy of the referral for treatment, copy of the extract, certificate, etc.).

The application review period will be 7 working days, after which the request will be granted and the cost of the air ticket will be partially reimbursed. Money is transferred in the same way as other payments in favor of a citizen with a disability.

Today, all Russian airlines are private; they have the right to independently regulate tariff policies.

Most of them provide benefits for several categories of persons all year round and participate in government programs. All this is being done with the aim of increasing passenger traffic and making air transport more accessible.

Group 2 disabled people are people with limited mobility, therefore at the federal level they are provided with preferential travel. For 2018, preferences provide for minimal costs for moving around the city and beyond its boundaries.

Who can count

Group 2 disability is provided to citizens with moderate health problems that affect the quality of life.

Persons with the following types of disorders can apply for status:

  • limited ability to move – a person cannot move without assistance, and therefore has difficulty traveling on public transport;
  • difficulty in orientation to space - the face does not perceive the world adequate, he needs help;
  • difficulties in communication - needs a person to convey information;
  • learning problems due to impairment mental processes– disabled people master the skills of reading, counting, writing in special educational institutions or are educated at home;
  • limited opportunity labor activity– technical means are required for work.

Only people with disorders that appear after illness, injury or birth defects can register for group 2. Injury limits normal life and requires a course of rehabilitation and social protection.

What travel benefits are available to disabled people of group 2?

Travel preferences are provided to a person with disabilities, a disabled child and citizens who care for children with disabilities. The type of benefit depends on the type of trip in a particular transport.

Discounts on travel on long-distance trains have the following specifics:

  • are provided only in both directions if treatment at a resort or sanatorium is required;
  • a disabled person can be a passenger in Russian Railways or FPK cars;
  • apply to all types of trains except speed and branded ones;
  • the purchase of a special FSS or USZN coupon is required (only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • can be used once a year.

The benefit has a number of restrictions. Non-cash tickets are issued only for carriages with compartments with 4 seats. Disabled person pays the cost bedding and services, wheelchair users pay only for linen. You cannot buy a ticket for a trip with a transfer if there are seats on a direct train.

Preference is provided only on domestic railway routes. If a passenger is traveling to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, CIS countries, non-cash tickets are provided only if the train travels to one state without crossing another.

Subway discounts

Since 2005, disabled Muscovites have enjoyed the right to free rides on the metro. Nonresident citizens pay 50% of the cost of travel.

Intra-metropolitan preference has a number of features:

  • a 100% discount is provided to Moscow residents with 2nd degree disabilities on the basis of a social card;
  • the card is issued within 30 days, but beneficiaries issue a single social ticket;
  • If the card is lost or damaged, the disabled person goes to the metro ticket office and receives a temporary pass for 3 days.

Metro trips for citizens with disabilities in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Tula and other regions include the purchase of a disabled person's ticket at a discount.

On trains

Discounts for traveling by train are set at the regional level.

They are provided in the form:

  • direct ticket - for Moscow, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions;
  • purchasing a cash-free route coupon 10 days before the flight - on the directions of JSC TSPPK for Muscovites;
  • 50% discount on interregional express trains upon presentation of an ID;
  • 100% discounts on train rides in the suburbs.

If a group 2 disabled person is retired, he can choose between a cash-free ticket or a refund of its cost.

Other types of transport

Citizens with disability group 2 receive 50% discounts on air tickets and river transport.

The nuances of benefits depend on the region. In most regions of Russia, the list of travel preferences does not include taxis, but social services operate in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Also, persons with disabilities ride free of charge on city minibuses (except private ones), trolleybuses, trams and buses every day. Accompanying persons are also provided with a discount.

How to use

Travel discounts are provided upon purchase of a ticket at railway, bus, and ferry ticket offices. The disabled person provides identification. Muscovites apply for a social card for travel on the metro at the public services center and present it when boarding.

In cases where a travel certificate is required in the name of a specific citizen, you can contact a bank or PF branch. The document applies only to modes of transport within the city and intercity public routes.

What documents are needed

Preferences for travel by intercity and urban transport are provided on the basis of a group 2 disabled person’s certificate.

To receive it, you need to submit to the pension fund:

  • copies of the main pages of the internal passport;
  • work book or certificate from work - for employed disabled people;
  • for a sanatorium route - a conclusion on the need for an individual rehabilitation program based on the decision of the commission;
  • certificate from the Housing Office regarding registration;
  • a certificate of family composition, if a citizen with disabilities requires an accompanying person;
  • pension certificate - for disabled people who have retired;
  • a document confirming the family ties of the disabled person and the accompanying person (if necessary).

The decision on benefits is made 10 days after submitting the papers.

Can they refuse?

Private carriers do not provide cash-free tickets to group 2 disabled people. But there are difficulties when a citizen applies for benefits.

State authorities refuse on the basis of:

  • incomplete package of documents;
  • partial delay of some certificates;
  • availability of this benefit;
  • errors in the application for a travel pass or issuance of a social card - inaccuracies in passport data, errors in the surname;
  • expiration of the medical examination;
  • lack of benefits in a particular region.

The applicant can correct inaccuracies or resubmit the package of documents. In some regions and districts of the Russian Federation, it is possible to register benefits with government authorities in person or through the services of the Russian Post. It is better to send a registered letter with a list of attachments.

Disabled people of group 2 are provided with benefits for traveling by various modes of transport. Some preferences apply exclusively at the regional level. You can get discounts or a cash-free ticket based on your ID at the box office.

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Children are also given travel passes for which they do not have to pay. One adult can only take one child in his seat. Only the youngest (under 5 years old) can travel free on commuter trains. Student and apprenticeship preferences Young people receiving education away from their home are also entitled to benefits. They act during school year: from 01.09 to 31.05 each year. Applies only to young people enrolled in full-time departments of any educational institutions. And these are pupils and students:

  • Universities;
  • vocational schools;
  • schools and so on.

Everyone gets a 50% reduction in fares. Preferences apply to reserved seat and general carriages. Other beneficiaries There is a circle of people whose travel is paid by the budget.

Types of discounts on Russian Railways tickets and the rules for obtaining them Quotes that have gone down in history - persons who have special services to the Motherland; - labor veterans of Ukraine; - persons who have special labor services to the Motherland; - victims of Nazi persecution; - children of war; - pensioners from among prosecutors and investigators of the prosecutor's office. Read also: Chronicle of May 30: Saakashvili’s plans, fire at the Kyiv metro station, “black list” for the EU For preferential passage to the subway, the listed categories of Ukrainians will need a Kiev resident card, which internally displaced persons from Crimea and the East of Ukraine can also receive.

At the same time, the provided “travel” benefits can still be used in ground transport in the capital. Who is eligible for benefits and discounts on trains in 2018?

Family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of those killed in the Great Patriotic War from the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad. 8. Disabled people. 9. Disabled children. 10. Benefits for train tickets The conditions for 2017 have not yet been officially announced.

It must be remembered that conditions change. They depend on the availability of free places and the demand for the destination. “Sapsan” Passengers of one of the most popular destinations can take advantage of special discounts. Sales of tickets for Sapsan will start 60 days in advance.

The first buyers get them at the lowest price. Then it grows, taking into account demand. This route is subject to a 20% price reduction for a round trip ticket.

What benefits does a group 2 disabled person have when traveling on Russian Railways?

  1. Group I disabled people are entitled to:
  2. Free travel pass for any city public transport, except taxis and private minibuses.
  3. Free use of public transport services in rural areas.
  4. Free travel pass for any suburban public transport (except taxis).
    • Discount when paying for a ticket for an international flight for any type of transport (air, river, road, rail) in the amount of 50%:
    • unlimited number of times from 10/1 to 15/05;
  5. once a year in other months. Free travel to a place of health or treatment ( sanatorium-resort institution

Get compensation and benefits

) once a year.


Let's figure out who can buy train tickets at a discount and when, and who gets them for free. Categories of beneficiaries and types of benefits The state provides benefits when purchasing railway tickets to a large number of citizens of various categories.

These include: children, students, honored people and some others. Passengers entitled to free travel on long-distance trains in interstate traffic issue tickets only at railway ticket offices.

Children's benefits On trains operating within the country, as well as in the CIS and the Baltics, children can be taken on their boarding ticket. This applies only to the youngest (up to five years old). It’s more difficult with children under ten years of age.

They can be purchased within two months - 45 days before the start date of the trip. For customers who purchase tickets in advance, up to 16 days before departure, the carrier promises a 30% reduction in the cost of travel, and a 15% discount for up to seven days. The promotion for domestic trains does not apply to the summer period. The “earlier is cheaper” rule works on foreign destinations. Local offers Carriers organize temporary promotions based on the occupancy of railway trains.

Then they offer to buy a train ticket at a discount. For example, such conditions were provided to clients wishing to visit Paris (in 2016).

Internet sales are being stimulated. When purchasing through online ticket offices, you can significantly reduce ticket costs. The terms of the promotions are changing. Specific information should be obtained from the box office in your city.

Is a Russian Railways ticket free for a disabled person of the second group?

To receive it, you must submit a corresponding application to the Russian Pension Fund, providing the required documents;

  • It is possible to receive land plots under benefits subsidiary farm, dachas, construction of houses for living;
  • The legislation provides a benefit according to which disabled people of this group can improve their housing conditions.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2016 Certificate from a student, full-time student (from 09/06/2016 this certificate does not need to be presented at the ticket office or when purchasing a ticket on the website; the certificate must be presented when boarding the train). 2. Children 1. The passenger has the right to transport free of charge 1 child under the age of 5 years, if he does not occupy a separate seat in compartment, SV, reserved seat, general and seated carriages, and not older than 10 years in Luxury class carriages. 2.

  • direct battles;
  • having medals and orders;
  • rear workers;
  • family members:
  • deceased disabled people of the Second World War;

Disability group 2, what are the benefits for train tickets?

An accompanying person cannot receive a free ticket. Read also the article ⇒ “Benefits for Russian Railways employees.” Benefits for disabled people on public transport: for disabled people of group 1 Travel on international public transport is compensated for disabled people of group 1 both ways. The first group of disabilities means that a person with disabilities cannot work, support himself, and sometimes even take care of himself. Therefore, caring for him falls on family members, and the state, by approving the largest number of benefits, tries to ease their burden of maintaining and caring for the patient.

The rules of Ukriznytsia provide for preferential railway tickets. They are eligible for discounts up to 100%. Unfortunately, not all categories of discounted tickets can be purchased online.

Some of them can only be obtained at the railway ticket office by presenting a document confirming your right to the benefit. On our website you can get a link when purchasing a train ticket only for children's tickets. For other categories, booking with redemption at the box office is possible. The following categories of passengers have the right to buy railway tickets at a discount:

  • Children under 6 years old can travel for free without a seat. Children from 6 to 14 years old with a 25% discount.

The fee for additional living space is set depending on the total area occupied, taking into account the benefits provided.

  • Occupied by people with disabilities physical capabilities the premises are equipped with special equipment and devices in accordance with individual program rehabilitation.
  • What benefits do disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 have in 2017?
  • Disabled people can use a pre-purchased travel pass to travel on city public roads. vehicles;
  • There is a fifty percent discount on utility bills. Also, disabled people of the 3rd group can count on payment of compensation.

    People not connected to central heating will receive monetary compensation for purchased fuel.


Conditions for 2017 have not yet been officially announced. It must be remembered that conditions change. They depend on the availability of free places and the demand for the destination. “Sapsan” Passengers of one of the most popular destinations can take advantage of special discounts. Sales of tickets for Sapsan will start 60 days in advance. The first buyers get them at the lowest price. Then it grows, taking into account demand. This route is subject to a 20% price reduction for a round trip ticket. If you purchase a road map, you can save: for schoolchildren and people over 60 years old - 50%, for young people - 30%. How to apply for a discounted travel Due to the fact that the budget pays extra for a travel pass, it is necessary to correctly register your benefit. To do this, you must present a package of documents at the railway ticket office.

For 2018, the following list of travel benefits for disabled people of group 3 in public transport is provided:

  • free travel for disabled people of group 3 on public transport of urban and suburban services;
  • discounts on railway tickets for disabled people of group 3 amount to 50% of its cost in the period from October 1 to May 15; as well as a 50% discount on one trip at other times of the year.

Important! Travel benefits are provided upon presentation of a social travel card. Travel tickets for people with disabilities in 2018 The Unified Social Travel Ticket (hereinafter referred to as ESPB) is a travel document of a personal nature, which gives the right to discounted travel on vehicles public use both urban and suburban services (except for taxis and private minibuses).

The ESPB can only be used by the citizen who is registered in it.

Who is eligible for benefits and discounts on trains in 2018?

Payment and costInformation station rulesRules for crossing the state border of Russia by minor citizens of the Russian FederationBenefits and discounts on railway ticketsChildren's train ticketTime valid on the railwaysDocuments required when issuing a railway ticketProcedure for importing food and personal items into the customs territory of UkraineRules for travel in international trafficCarrying hand luggage and luggage Addresses and telephone numbers of the consulates of the CIS and Baltic countries Location of seats in the carriage Registration rules discounted travel federal beneficiaries, students, schoolchildren and children Transportation of animals Services provided in luxury cars High-speed train “Sapsan” Voluntary insurance Indices of tariff changes in 2013 Popular routes Attention! Tickets for the benefits listed below can only be issued at railway ticket offices.

Get compensation and benefits

They are also not limited to the class of cars. The rule applies to accompanying persons.

  • How to save money for people who do not have benefits Russian Railways offers train tickets at a discount, focusing on the following factors:

In addition, the carrier company is trying to stimulate people.


For this purpose, preferential prices for children and discounts for group travel are practiced. Specialists monitor the occupancy of routes.

Additional offers are also made for the most unpopular ones.

Benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3

The benefit is not provided for travel in taxis and commercial minibuses.

  • Free travel on public transport for passenger transportation in rural areas.
  • Free use of suburban public transport services, excluding taxi travel.
  • A 50% discount on travel tickets when planning a trip on any type of transport abroad (by train, road, plane, river transport) during the period:
  • from 01.10 to 15.05 each year without restrictions on the number of international trips;
  • at other times with a limit of up to 1 trip.
  • Free travel to the place of treatment and recovery once a year. An accompanying person cannot receive a free ticket.
  • Read also the article ⇒ “Benefits for Russian Railways employees.”

To obtain a free travel document, you must present identification documents giving the right to free travel, and a special coupon issued by the authorities social insurance. 2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War.; 3. Combat veterans.

Military personnel who served in the military military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months; military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period. 5. Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”

Discounts on train tickets

Participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them, parents and wives of military personnel who died as a result of wounds, contusions or injuries received during defense former Union SSR or when performing other military service duties, or due to an illness associated with being at the front 50% discount on the fare once a year or free once every two years on trains and carriages of all categories Certificate of participation in the Great Patriotic War or certificate of entitlement for benefits Sheet of coupons Issuance of travel documents with the provision of benefits is carried out only for travel in interstate traffic, except for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Passengers entitled to free travel to and from the place of treatment within the territory of the Russian Federation Category of beneficiaries Documents for issuing a discount ticket 1. Disabled persons of war.

Are there any discounts for pensioners on train tickets?

In addition to the passport and the corresponding certificate confirming the category, you also need a coupon from social service. Heroes and Knights of the Order of Glory Some people can travel on long-distance trains at the expense of the budget three times every year.
These include:

  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, Soviet Union;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory.

They will be given a free ticket twice upon request and once to travel to the treatment site. Heroes of Socialist Labor, holders of all degrees of the Order of Glory and for Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR are provided with one free travel pass annually. Deputy preferences Persons performing state functions can also use long-distance trains at the expense of the budget. Moreover, they have more rights.

  1. Federal level deputies are issued tickets upon request.

    You don't need to pay for them.

Discounts for train tickets for disabled people of group 2

  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945):
  • direct battles;
  • interned on USSR ships;
  • those who served but did not fight;
  • having medals and orders;
  • persons who have been awarded the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • rear workers;
  • concentration camp prisoners (in the past);
  • family members:
  • dead doctors of besieged Leningrad;
  • deceased disabled people of the Second World War;
  • persons who served in self-defense and air defense groups;
  • disabled people, including children with disabilities;
  • persons traveling with group I disabled people and disabled children;
  • citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

These persons have the right to go to a sanatorium (called “the place of treatment”) once a year in the territory of the Russian Federation.
It includes;

All documents are not only checked, but also recorded by the cashier.


When traveling by train, you need to know how to save on tickets. There is a voluminous list of beneficiaries who purchase travel passes for preferential rates. Russian Railways also sets different ticket prices for ordinary citizens who are not entitled to preferences.

Let's figure out who can buy train tickets at a discount and when, and who gets them for free.

Categories of beneficiaries and types of benefits

The state provides benefits when purchasing railway tickets to a large number of citizens of various categories.

These include: children, students, honored people and some others.

Passengers entitled to free travel on long-distance trains in interstate traffic issue tickets only at railway ticket offices.

Child benefits

On trains operating within the country, as well as in the CIS and the Baltics, children can be taken on their boarding pass. This applies only to the youngest (up to five years old). It’s more difficult with children under ten years of age. In Russia they are also allowed to be transported free of charge, but you will have to share the space between two people. And in the direction of the near abroad (post-Soviet space) preferential prices are established - up to 65%.

Children are also given travel passes for which they do not have to pay. One adult can only take one child in his seat. Only the youngest (under 5 years old) can travel free on commuter trains.

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Student and student preferences

Young people receiving education away from home are also entitled to benefits. They are valid during the academic year: from 01.09 to 31.05 each year.

Applies only to young people enrolled in full-time departments of any educational institutions.

And these are pupils and students:

  • Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval schools (from 10 years);
  • Universities;
  • vocational schools;
  • schools and so on.

Everyone gets a 50% reduction in fares.

Preferences apply to reserved seat and general carriages.

Other beneficiaries

There is a circle of people whose travel is paid for by the budget. This:

  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945):
    • direct battles;
    • interned on USSR ships;
    • those who served but did not fight;
    • having medals and orders;
    • persons who have been awarded the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
    • rear workers;
    • concentration camp prisoners (in the past);
  • family members:
    • dead doctors of besieged Leningrad;
    • deceased disabled people of the Second World War;
    • persons who served in self-defense and air defense groups;
  • disabled people, including children with disabilities;
  • persons traveling with group I disabled people and disabled children;
  • citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

These persons have the right to go to a sanatorium (called “the place of treatment”) once a year in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the passport and the corresponding certificate confirming the category, you also need a coupon from the social service. Important: at the end of April 2018, a joint program of the Social Insurance Fund and JSC Russian Railways was launched to provide electronic tickets for beneficiaries who are entitled to free travel tickets to the place of treatment and back. Now, to issue such tickets in 79 regions of the Russian Federation, you will not need to personally visit the railway ticket office. Everything can be done remotely. At the ticket office you just need to show your passport. Data about beneficiaries will be stored on the Russian Railways server.

Heroes and Knights of the Order of Glory

Some people can travel on long-distance trains at their own expense three times each year. These include:

  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, Soviet Union;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory.

They will be given a free ticket twice upon request and once to travel to the treatment site.

Heroes of Socialist Labor, holders of all degrees of the Order of Glory and for Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR are provided with one free travel pass annually.

Deputy preferences

Persons performing government functions can also use long-distance trains at the expense of the budget. Moreover, they have more rights.

  1. Federal level deputies are issued tickets upon request. You don't need to pay for them. They are also not limited to the class of cars. The rule applies to accompanying persons.
  2. Assistants to deputies also travel for budget money. They are given tickets for compartment seats. The number of trips is not limited within the Russian Federation (or a federal subject).

How to save for people without benefits

Russian Railways offers discounted train tickets based on the following factors:

  • the upper shelves are not as comfortable as the lower ones;
  • People don’t like to ride in the “tail” of the carriage (the toilet is nearby);
  • Non-holiday periods are characterized by a decrease in passenger traffic.

In addition, the carrier company is trying to stimulate people. For this purpose, preferential prices for children and discounts for group travel are practiced. Specialists monitor the occupancy of routes. Additional offers are also made for the most unpopular ones.

Russian Railways sets discounts on tickets based on its own rules and interests.

Ask at the cash register about company shares before handing over money.

How to save money when traveling in a reserved seat

Second-class carriages are in greatest demand among citizens. In 2016, the following preferential conditions were offered:

  1. On the top shelves (even-numbered seats from 38 to 54) you could buy a ticket 30% cheaper. The promotion is conditional: it was proposed to make the purchase no later than 8 days before the route was sent.
  2. For the remaining “high-rise” places (even numbers from 2 to 36) it was proposed to pay 15% less, under the same conditions of purchase. The promotion was valid until the holiday period (until April 28). The carrier will probably offer similar conditions to its clients for one of the periods in 2017.

Advance purchase of travel passes

Russian Railways encourages the advance purchase of travel passes. They can be purchased within two months - 45 days before the start date of the trip.

For customers who purchase tickets in advance, up to 16 days before departure, the carrier promises a 30% reduction in the cost of travel, and a 15% discount for up to seven days.

The promotion for domestic trains does not apply to the summer period. The “earlier is cheaper” rule works on foreign routes.

Local offers

Carriers organize temporary promotions based on the occupancy of railway trains. Then they offer to buy a train ticket at a discount.

For example, such conditions were provided to clients wishing to visit Paris (in 2016).

Internet sales are being stimulated. When purchasing through online ticket offices, you can significantly reduce ticket costs.

The terms of the promotions are changing. Specific information should be obtained from the box office in your city.

Holiday rates

Russian Railways invites customers to celebrate their birthday together. Birthdays have a 35% reduction in fares. On the Sapsan route, you can save half the fare for the birthday boy and three friends traveling seven days before the date of the holiday and the same number after.

Newlyweds also enjoy benefits. They are offered a 35% reduction in the cost of travel if they manage to take advantage of the discount on time (a month after the wedding).

Dear newlyweds: do not forget your marriage certificate when approaching the cashier!

Group travel is cheaper

Some destinations are filled with other attractive conditions. People are offered to travel together to some not particularly popular country.

Finland, Poland, Mongolia, China, Korea, Baltic countries. Various price reductions were offered: from 50% for children to 10% for adults (2016).

Conditions for 2017 have not yet been officially announced.

It must be remembered that conditions change. They depend on the availability of free places and the demand for the destination.


Passengers of one of the most popular destinations can take advantage of special discounts.

Sales of tickets for Sapsan will start 60 days in advance. The first buyers get them at the lowest price. Then it grows, taking into account demand.

This route is subject to a 20% price reduction for a round trip ticket. If you purchase a road map, you can save: for schoolchildren and people over 60 years old - 50%, for young people - 30%.

How to apply for discounted travel

Due to the fact that the budget pays extra for the travel pass, it is necessary to correctly register your benefit. To do this, you must present a package of documents at the railway ticket office.

It includes;

  • ID card (passport, for children - birth certificate);
  • document confirming the preferential category;
  • certificate from Pension Fund(in some cases).
  1. Students and pupils are required to present a certificate from the educational institution (student ID), accompanied by confirmation of Russian citizenship.
  2. Children confirm their age with the date on their birth certificate.
  3. It is enough for holders of orders and medals to provide the appropriate identification; this also applies to all participants in the Second World War.
  4. Deputies and their assistants are also provided with travel documents only if they have a certificate confirming the corresponding status.

All documents are not only checked, but also recorded by the cashier. Providing false identification (other documents) is punishable by law.

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