Home Stomatitis Ismailova H.A. The problem of socialization of young disabled people in educational institutions

Ismailova H.A. The problem of socialization of young disabled people in educational institutions

By implementation in the constituent entities Russian Federation support programs for young disabled people when they receive vocational education and assistance in subsequent employment for 2016 - 2020.

Currently, scattered measures are being implemented in Russia for the vocational guidance of young disabled people, their training and subsequent employment. The approved Plan will make it possible to systematize the work of regional executive authorities, employment service bodies and educational organizations for the implementation of support programs for people with disabilities.

“This year, the Russian Ministry of Labor will prepare a standard program for supporting young disabled people in employment with the aim of a unified approach to this process,” commented Maxim Topilin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. “The standard program will contain an algorithm for accompanying a disabled person, taking into account impaired body functions.”

“Based on the standard program, regions should prepare their own programs and begin their implementation in 2017,” the head of the Russian Ministry of Labor emphasized.

In accordance with the approved Plan in regional programs ah will provide for the implementation of such activities as vocational guidance for disabled children, people with disabilities and persons with disabilities disabilities health, inclusive vocational education, promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people with disabilities and others. It is also planned to train specialists from employment services in the specifics of organizing work with people with disabilities.

In the future, work to support young disabled people, according to the Minister, will be carried out on the basis of information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons, which will include data on the professional potential of a disabled person.

“Based on the results of the implementation of regional programs in 2017-2019, a standard service for accompanying a disabled young person when resolving employment issues will be developed,” said Minister Maxim Topilin. “A unified and mandatory standard for all regions must be approved by 2020.”

For information:

According to the Russian Ministry of Labor, currently about 3.9 million disabled people are of working age. At the same time, 948.8 thousand of them work, or 24% of the total number of disabled people of working age.

The state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020 provides for an increase in the share of employed disabled people of working age in the total number of disabled people of working age to 40% by 2020.

According to the World Health Organization classification, a young disabled person is a disabled person aged 18-44 years. At the same time, the activities of the Plan cover persons from the age of 14, since the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” establishes that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation carry out measures to ensure vocational guidance, vocational training for children over 14 years of age.

Society has faced people with disabilities and the need, one way or another, to solve the many problems that they face throughout its history. As humanity “matured” socially and morally, public views and sentiments changed significantly regarding who disabled people are and what place they should occupy in social life and how society can and should build its system of relationships with them. An analysis of the history of social mores and ideas suggests that these views changed as follows.

The first idea of ​​how the healthy and strong could and should treat the physically weakened and inferior members of society was the idea of ​​their physical destruction. This was explained, first of all, by the extremely low level economic development society, which did not allow supporting those who could not make a feasible contribution to providing for the tribe, clan and family. Subsequently, such ideas were consolidated by other factors, for example, religious and political. This attitude of society towards the disabled, seriously ill and simply physically weak people lasted for quite a long time. Even in late antiquity one can find echoes of these ideas.

As social and spiritual development society changes and its ideas about man and people. The emergence and spread of Christianity lead to changes in ideas about value human life. However, it is too early to talk about full and unconditional recognition of equal rights for disabled people as healthy people. Medieval society was characterized by the idea of ​​disabled people as “cursed by God,” which became the basis for the formation of ideas of social isolation of disabled people and hostility towards them.

The next step in the development of ideas about the attitude towards disabled people on the part of healthy people is the idea of ​​​​the need to attract them to work, if only in order to give disabled people the opportunity to earn a living and, partially, remove this “burden” from society. To a certain extent, these ideas are still quite widespread and authoritative in the public and mass consciousness today.

For the modern stage social development characterized by the formation and rooting in the public consciousness of the understanding that disability cannot and should not be a basis for social isolation and, even more so, for social discrimination of a person. Today in society the point of view is becoming increasingly authoritative, according to which constant and effective work on social reintegration and resocialization of persons with disabilities. Today, society views the problems of disabled people not only as problems of narrow group significance, but as problems that affect the entire society, as universally, socially significant.

The main reasons for this genesis of social thought and public sentiment are:

Increasing the level of social maturity of society and improving and developing its material, technical and economic capabilities;

Increasing intensity of development of human civilization and the use of human resources, which, in turn, leads to a sharp increase in the social “price” of many disorders in human life.

The most important causes and factors of disability in modern society are:


Low level of healthcare development;

Harmful and hazardous conditions labor;

Failed socialization process;

Conflicting norms and values ​​and others.

The sociogenic nature of the causes of disability also gives rise to a lot of problems for this category of people. The main and main one among them is the problem of numerous social barriers that do not allow people with disabilities to actively engage in the life of society and fully participate in it.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in December 1971 and ratified by most countries of the world, gives the following definition of the concept of “disabled person”: this is any person who cannot independently provide fully or partially his needs for a normal social and personal life due to a disability physical or mental capabilities. This definition can be considered as basic, being the basis for developing those ideas about people with disabilities and disabilities that are inherent in specific states and societies.

In modern Russian legislation, the following definition of the concept of a disabled person has been adopted - “a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection.”

Thus, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the basis for providing a disabled person with a certain amount social assistance is a limitation of the system of his life activity, i.e., complete or partial loss of a person’s ability to self-care, movement, orientation, control of his behavior and employment.

Disability is a term that combines various impairments, limitations on activity and possible participation in society. Disorders are problems that occur in the functions or structures of the body; activity restrictions are difficulties experienced by a person in performing any tasks or actions; while participation restrictions are the problems experienced by an individual when engaging in life situations. Thus, disability is a complex phenomenon that reflects the interaction of the characteristics of the human body and the characteristics of the society in which this person lives.

The organization of a system of social assistance, support and protection of people with disabilities requires taking into account the “internal” characteristics of this category of people: age, ability to work, ability to move, etc. This defines the main types of disability, which pose quite specific tasks for social workers, doctors, teachers and other specialists. Types of disability can be distinguished and analyzed on a number of grounds.

According to age characteristics:

Disabled children and disabled adults.

By origin of disability:

Disabled people from childhood, war, labor, general illness, etc.

According to the ability to move:

Mobile, immobile and immobile.

By degree of work ability:

Those who are able to work (disabled people of the 3rd group), those with limited ability to work and temporarily disabled (disabled people of the 2nd group), those who are disabled (disabled people of the 1st group).

In accordance with this intra-group stratification of people with disabilities as a social category, society develops and implements appropriate social policies aimed at protecting the interests of this group of people. The main task social policy In relation to people with disabilities, it is to ensure that they have equal opportunities with all citizens to realize their rights and freedoms, eliminate restrictions in their life activities, and create conditions for a normal and fulfilling life. The solution to this problem involves relying on certain fundamental foundations. The basic principles of implementing social policy regarding people with disabilities include:

Social partnership, joint activities for social support and protection of people with disabilities by both state and non-state organizations (public, religious, political);

Social solidarity, which involves the formation and education of healthy and able-bodied citizens to help and support people with disabilities;

Participation aimed at involving people with disabilities themselves in the development of appropriate social and government programs and in solving their own problems;

Social compensation, creating an accessible and comfortable living environment for people with disabilities, providing them with certain benefits and advantages compared to other members of society;

State and public guarantees, suggesting that, regardless of their economic, socio-political and technological state, society and the state will never abandon people with disabilities to their fate and will not deny them social support and assistance.

As noted above, modern society little adapted for the normal and comfortable life of disabled people. Along with purely material and material restrictions, people with disabilities largely have difficulty accessing such social opportunities and benefits as obtaining a prestigious education, highly paid jobs that are in demand on the labor market, and the opportunity to be elected to government bodies. local government or government authority. As a result, a disabled person is forced to isolate himself in a rather limited environment, which gives rise to additional problems and difficulties, which technologies are aimed at overcoming social work with this category of the population. The main purposes of their use are:

Overcoming a person's state of helplessness;

Assistance in adapting to new conditions of existence and life;

Formation of a new, adequate living environment for a disabled person;

Restoration and compensation of lost human capabilities and


These goals determine social technologies that can be used for effective social support and assistance to the disabled.

Firstly, it's technology social rehabilitation, allowing you to restore lost functions, capabilities and psychological state and, if possible, return a person to a normal, full and active life. The system of social rehabilitation of disabled people includes such varieties as medical and social, psychological and pedagogical, socio-economic, professional and domestic rehabilitation. The implementation of these types of social rehabilitation allows not only to cure a person and overcome, completely or partially, physical infirmity and weakness, but also to form in him ideas about the need to lead an active life, new system labor and professional skills, adequate household and subject environment existence and overcome the psychological consequences of injury, injury or illness.

Secondly, it's technology social security, which represents the state’s participation in the maintenance of its citizens, including disabled people, when they are socially significant reasons do not have independent means of subsistence, or receive them in an amount insufficient to meet the necessary needs.

Thirdly, it's technology social services, i.e., activities to organize and carry out work aimed at meeting the needs of a disabled person in various social services Oh. In the structure of social assistance, we can distinguish such elements as systematic care for a disabled person, assistance in obtaining the necessary social services, in vocational training and employment, in obtaining an education, assistance in organizing leisure time and communication, etc. Such social technology is closely related to the technology of providing social assistance, which is one-time or short-term actions aimed at eliminating or neutralizing critical and negative life situations.

Social assistance can be provided to a disabled person as emergency or urgent, in the form of social or socio-medical patronage, in hospitals, homes or centers day stay and at home.

In modern science, there are a significant number of approaches to theoretical understanding of the problems of social rehabilitation. The term rehabilitation comes from the Late Latin rehabilitatio (re - again, again, habilitas - ability, fitness) and means restoration of ability, fitness. Unambiguous definition this concept does not exist.

The semantic load of the concept of “rehabilitation” implies a goal and a process, a method and a result, a concept and a system. Thus, rehabilitation as a process includes activities and steps aimed at achieving specific goals. Rehabilitation as the restoration of ability and fitness is also the goal of this process. Rehabilitation can also be considered as a method, that is, a way to achieve a goal. Rehabilitation is also the result that is achieved in the process of restoration activities.

Historically, the content of the concepts of “disabled person” and “social rehabilitation of disabled people” has changed repeatedly. The term “disabled person” goes back to the Latin root (valid - effective, full-fledged, powerful) and literally means “unfit”, “inferior”. In ancient times, a person with anatomical defects was considered disabled.

In the Middle Ages, this symptom was supplemented by mental disorders, and in the 20th century, disability was identified with impaired body function and loss of ability to work.

Currently, social rehabilitation of disabled people includes a set of measures aimed at restoring the social connections and relationships that have been destroyed or lost by an individual due to health problems. The goal of social rehabilitation is to restore the social status of the individual, ensure social adaptation in society, achieve material independence, the fastest and most full recovery abilities for social functioning.

Understanding the process of social rehabilitation requires consideration of those fundamental, basic processes that introduce people into society, make them capable of participating in social life, or doom individuals to maladjustment and loneliness. The mechanism for including an individual into a social community is known as socialization.

Socialization can be considered as the entry of an individual into society, his introduction to social life. In this process, the inseparability of the dual nature of man, the dualism of the biological and the social, is realized. The introduction of social principles into the biological basis of the human personality includes three elements: education as the purposeful transmission of social values, unconscious perception (internationalization) of social information, the formation of character, emotional structure and other personality traits.

Socialization is a multifaceted process of familiarization with human culture and the life of society, the assimilation of its norms, rules, knowledge; occurs both in conditions of spontaneous influence of various circumstances of life in society, and in conditions of education - the purposeful formation of personality.

Social adaptation is a specially organized process or system of measures aimed at adapting a person in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society and the environment around him by restoring lost functions and social connections.

To conduct the research, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following concepts and definitions:

Disability group – is established for persons recognized as disabled, depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitations in life activity (three disability groups are established); Persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child”.

Limitation of the vital activity system is a complete or partial loss of a person’s ability to self-care, movement, orientation, control of one’s behavior and employment.

People with special needs– people who, due to certain problems, physical and mental disorders cannot fully participate in the activities of social institutions and receive the support they deserve without the intervention of professionals and other helpers.

Disability means social harm to an individual resulting from limited body functions or disability that prevents the ability to perform a role that is considered normal (depending on age, gender, social and cultural factors).

Social needs are objectively expressed needs and types of interest of social subjects in something necessary for normal life and successful development.

Intellectual defect is an irreversible impairment of thinking (mental retardation).

Mental retardation - a disorder general development, mental and intellectual, caused by insufficiency of the central nervous system, has a persistent, irreversible character.


This article examines the problems faced by young people with disabilities. The article also discusses the process of socialization of young disabled people.


Ismailova Hava Alikovna
Chechen State University
3rd year student, Faculty of Law, specialty “Social work”

In this article problems with which young people face limited opportunities are considered. And also in the article process of socialization of young disabled people is considered.

According to various statistical studies, the number of young people with disabilities is gradually increasing. Disability is not only a problem of a certain circle of “inferior people”, but a problem of the entire society as a whole. The most acute problems of disability among young people are associated with the emergence of numerous social barriers that do not allow people with disabilities to actively participate in the life of society.

Young people, from the point of view social relations differ in that it is childhood and adolescence that accounts for the main, defining stage of the process of human socialization. Socialization is one of the main factors of entry young man into adulthood, the process of inclusion in social life, which consists in a person’s assimilation of a system of knowledge, values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in a given society, social community, group. It is in the process of socialization that an individual becomes a person capable of functioning in a given society.

However, the socialization of disabled people, especially disabled children, is a system and process of restoring the disabled person’s abilities for independent social and family activities. It should be noted that initially, assistance to this category of children in all countries, including Russia, developed in the form of the creation of specialized educational institutions, as a result of which the isolation of children with disabilities in society gradually increased. Rehabilitation centers consider their main task to be the adaptation of children with disabilities in the process of socialization, ensuring the comfortable state of their parents, the formation of an adequate attitude among the population towards children with disabilities and the integration of these children into modern society. Many disabled people are completely dependent on their parents. These are those who cannot move independently and take care of themselves. The opportunity to study and work creates conditions for self-expression and self-realization of disabled people, and also contributes to solving the most important life problems: social and professional rehabilitation, social adaptation, increasing the standard of living of an individual’s family. Active work helps young disabled people overcome the awareness of their inferiority and consider themselves full members of society. Unfortunately, many people who acquire a profession cannot find a corresponding job. Even if they get a job, it is not in their specialty or for a low-paid job. One of the main problems of young people with disabilities is the problem of obtaining a profession that would provide them with the opportunity to work. An extensive network of institutions for the professional development of youth has been created, which includes a combination of executive authorities and rehabilitation institutions; vocational guidance and employment centers; educational institutions and social assistance centers. But in practice, unfortunately, the implementation of the main directions of professional development of a young person with disabilities faces many problems. One of the problems is the lack of pedagogical, psychological and social support for students with disabilities. The process of socialization and adaptation is known to be slow in young people with disabilities.

Another problem of socialization of young people with disabilities is the problem of establishing interpersonal relationships or contacts. For young people this urgent problem, because those around them treat them differently: for example, some simply do not notice them or try not to notice them, while others try to help and support. The only place where they feel most comfortable is their parental family.

An important factor in the socialization of the personality of young people with problems physical health, is training in educational institutions. In this environment, interpersonal communication is possible not only in the process of classroom study of some academic discipline, but also on an informal level, outside of class.

Young disabled people studying in educational institutions face various problems. Thus, many educational institutions are not equipped with ramps, devices for teaching the visually impaired and the blind, and audio equipment, adapted computers, there are no elevators, rest rooms for the disabled, and often no first-aid post. In computer classrooms, special techniques are not used to compensate for visual or hearing defects. For example, there are very few people with disabilities diagnosed with cerebral palsy in professional institutions, because they physically cannot reach classrooms on the second or higher floors on their own. Young people with spinal problems are forced to spend their entire lives within the four walls of their homes. A big problem for such disabled people is that doorways and elevators are too small for wheelchairs, stairs are almost never equipped with platforms for lowering wheelchairs or any lifting devices; The entire urban transport system is not adapted for people with disabilities.

When considering the features of adaptation of young people with disabilities, it should be borne in mind that the degree of a person’s adaptation to living conditions largely depends on the psychological-volitional component, on psychological readiness“find yourself” and “take your place in life.”

Analyzing the problems of adaptation of young people with disabilities, we can note the main ways to increase the adaptation processes of young people with disabilities:

Development of public and state rehabilitation programs for young disabled people;

Creation of profiles rehabilitation centers, which would solve problems of social assistance, as well as communication and mutual assistance; formation of an open sociocultural space, attraction of volunteers, students of psychological and pedagogical specialties as social workers;

Carrying out work on professional self-determination of young disabled people based on existing knowledge about their own psychological characteristics taking into account self-development programs.

Disability is social phenomenon, which no society in the world can avoid. At the same time, the number of disabled people increases annually by an average of 10%. According to UN experts, people with disabilities make up an average of 10% of the population, and approximately 25% of the population suffers from chronic diseases.

In Russia today there are 13 million people with disabilities, and their number tends to further increase. Some of them are disabled from birth, others became disabled due to illness or injury, but all of them are members of society and have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens.

In accordance with Federal law dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation”, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and causing the need for his social protection.

The main signs of disability are the complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to perform self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, learn and engage in work.

The main factors determining the growth of disability are the degree of economic and social development region, determining the standard of living and income of the population, morbidity, quality of activities of medical institutions, the degree of objectivity of the examination in the bureau medical and social examination, state environment(ecology), industrial and household injuries, road traffic accidents, man-made and natural disasters, armed conflicts and other reasons.

In general, disability as a problem of human activity in conditions of limited freedom of choice includes several main aspects: legal, social-environmental, psychological, socio-ideological, production-economic, anatomical-functional.

Where the legal aspect involves ensuring the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of people with disabilities. It is worth noting three fundamental provisions that form the basis of legislation on persons with disabilities. The first is that disabled people have special rights to certain conditions for obtaining education, to the provision of means of transportation, to specialized living conditions and others. The second important provision is the right of people with disabilities to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life activities, status, etc. The third provision proclaims the creation of specialized public services: medical and social examination and rehabilitation. They are designed to form a system of ensuring the relatively independent life of disabled people.

The social-environmental aspect includes issues related to the microsocial environment (family, work collective, housing, workplace etc.) and macrosocial environment (city-forming and information environments, social groups, labor market, etc.). The following types of activities acquire a certain relevance: awareness of the population about the possibility of wider use of the services of a social worker, formation of the population’s needs for the protection of rights and interests disabled citizens, implementation of moral and psychological support for the family, etc.

The psychological aspect reflects both the personal and psychological orientation of the disabled person himself, and the emotional and psychological perception of the problem of disability by society. Disabled people belong to the category of so-called people with limited mobility and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is due, first of all, to the defects of their physical condition caused by diseases leading to disability, as well as with the existing complex of concomitant somatic pathologies and reduced motor activity. In addition, to a large extent, the social vulnerability of these population groups is associated with the presence psychological factor, shaping their attitude towards society and making it difficult to adequately contact it. All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, and behavioral changes.

The socio-ideological aspect determines the content of practical activities state institutions and the formation of public policy regarding people with disabilities and disabilities. In this sense, it is necessary to abandon the dominant view of disability as an indicator of the health of the population, and perceive it as an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy, and realize that the solution to the problem of disability lies in the interaction of the disabled person and society.

The production and economic aspect is associated mainly with the problem of formation industrial basis social protection of the population and the market for rehabilitation products and services. This approach allows us to focus on increasing the proportion of disabled people capable of partial or full independent professional, household and social activities, creating a system of targeted satisfaction of their needs for rehabilitation means and services, and this in turn will contribute to their integration into society.

The anatomical and functional aspect of disability involves the formation of a social environment (in the physical and psychological senses) that would perform a rehabilitation function and contribute to the development of the rehabilitation potential of a disabled person. Thus, taking into account the modern understanding of disability, the focus of the state’s attention when solving this problem should not be violations in the human body, but the restoration of its social role function in conditions of limited freedom. The main emphasis in solving the problems of people with disabilities is shifting towards rehabilitation, based primarily on social mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. Thus, the meaning of rehabilitation of disabled people lies in a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to restoring a person’s abilities for everyday, social and professional activity at a level corresponding to his physical, psychological and social potential, taking into account the characteristics of the micro and macro social environment. The ultimate goal of comprehensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation, as a process and system, is to provide a person with anatomical defects with functional disorders, social deviations of the possibility of relatively independent life activities. From this point of view, rehabilitation prevents disruption of a person’s connections with the outside world and performs a preventive function in relation to disability.

However, the discrimination that exists in society towards people with disabilities, and especially young people with disabilities, is clearly visible in all characteristics.

The level of education of young people with disabilities is much lower than that of non-disabled people. Almost everyone who has only primary education over the age of 20 is disabled. On the contrary, the share of young people with higher education among disabled people is 2 times lower. Even the share of vocational school graduates among 20-year-old disabled people is lower. The monetary income of young disabled people is twice as low as compared to their non-disabled peers.

The lower incomes of young people with disabilities are a direct consequence of barriers to access to income-generating activities, including well-paid employment. Employment statistics for this category are not published. At the same time, according to a sample survey of the population on employment problems, the average duration of job search for all disabled people consistently exceeds the same indicator for all unemployed people.

More low level education of young disabled people is reflected in professional structure their employment: among young disabled people there are significantly more people employed in blue-collar professions than among their healthy peers, including many unskilled workers.

Forming a marriage is a huge challenge for many young people with disabilities. Among them, 2-3 times more are single and half as many are married. There are also half as many of them living alone (separately from parents or other relatives). This indicates their significant lack of independence and dependence on the care of their relatives.

This is also the lower social mobility of disabled people, which is manifested in the less intense separation of disabled people from the family of their parents and relatives. Accordingly, there is lower mobility of relatives of disabled people. Due to the need to care for a disabled person, one or more of his relatives, to one degree or another, are also limited in their ability to leave the family. Exaggerating, we can say that the disability of one of the spouses “increases” several times the likelihood that the other spouse will also be disabled. In fact, this may indicate social isolation of people with disabilities, which results in them marrying primarily with each other.

All the above social characteristics indicate that young disabled people in Russia are a completely specific group not only in the population, but also among adult disabled people, because in older generations the social differences between disabled and non-disabled people are smoothed out and even disappear. From this brief analysis The following conclusions can be drawn regarding the construction of an effective policy for the social inclusion of young people with disabilities:

  • 1. Signs of social discrimination are especially pronounced in relation to young people with disabilities. Age must be taken into account as one of the most important dimensions when formulating a strategy aimed at equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  • 2. It is the Social Service Centers that are a real support for the disabled. While they are the main object of the current social policy regarding people with disabilities, it is necessary to develop individual approach to the determination of targeted social support for a disabled person, taking into account his microsocial environment - family.
  • 3. The low educational and professional status of such disabled people requires special programs professional training and retraining, as well as to improve their education and qualifications.
  • 4. A significant (over a quarter) proportion of disabled people of the first, most severe, group, as well as the extremely high mortality rate among young disabled people (exceeding by 3 or more times the mortality rate of non-disabled people at these ages) requires special medical program rehabilitation.

Social work with young disabled people is built on the basis of a system of social protection of the population, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with opportunities to realize civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of social protection of disabled people:

  • -to develop as much as possible the individual abilities and moral and volitional qualities of disabled people, encouraging them to be independent and take personal responsibility for everything;
  • -promote the achievement of mutual understanding between the disabled person and the social environment;
  • -carry out work to prevent socially undesirable phenomena;
  • -promote the dissemination of information about the rights and benefits of people with disabilities, responsibilities and opportunities of social services;
  • -provide consultations on legal aspects of social policy.

Thus, disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and capabilities, forms a social and economic policy towards people with disabilities. It should be taken into account that the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development, ecological environment, historical and political reasons, in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts, etc. In Russia, all of these factors have a pronounced negative orientation, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society.

The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education and Science decided to help people with disabilities (aged 18 to 44 years) in obtaining vocational education and assist in subsequent employment.

According to the authors, the program is designed for regions. It should include the main indicators and analysis of the social situation with employment, namely: the state of employment of people who are especially in need of social protection and have difficulty finding work; The structure of labor resources should be reflected, including information on employment in the specialty, not in the specialty, and the level of professional education.

This program can be drawn up as an independent document or included in the state program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, subjects can develop their own separate regional programs.

The list of exemplary activities includes: career guidance for people with disabilities, their support in obtaining vocational education, interaction of resource educational and methodological centers for people with disabilities with universities, development of inclusive education, accompanied by employment promotion.

The program also provides for the holding of a professional skills competition “Abilimpix” in each region. The winners of regional competitions will be able to take part in the national championship in professional skills among people with disabilities "Abilimpix".

The effectiveness of the program is expected to be assessed using performance indicators. These include the proportion of those who found a job within 3 and 6 months after receiving higher or secondary education; the share of those who found a job within 3 months after completing additional professional programs (professional development programs and professional retraining programs); The level of remuneration of employed graduates is also taken into account.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has changed the rules for servicing people with limited mobility when transporting passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport, reports ROOI Perspektiva.

According to the amendments, the standard of accessibility of stopping points, bus stations and bus stations has changed for low mobility groups population, as well as the availability of the vehicles themselves that regularly transport passengers along established routes. The changes also affected the assessment of the quality of transport services for the population and its accessibility.

Now all bus terminals and bus stations that are served by regular transport routes must meet the requirements accessible environment. Besides, everything vehicles must be equipped with heating and air conditioning systems: temperature of at least 12 degrees Celsius with an average daily outside air temperature below 5 degrees Celsius, no more than 25 degrees Celsius with an average daily outside air temperature above 20 degrees Celsius.

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