Home Tooth pain Who controls human life? Gross and subtle human bodies or who really controls our lives? Who can dominate the Earth

Who controls human life? Gross and subtle human bodies or who really controls our lives? Who can dominate the Earth

Do you agree with the statement that everything you have in your life right now is what fits and suits you perfectly? Who controls your life?

The events and circumstances of your life, what you have now is the result.

Result of what? Of course your own actions and choices are in the past. For many years, many days, many hours, you have done something that has brought you to where you are.

If you find yourself in the forest, it means you somehow got there. They came, they arrived, they jumped into it with a parachute. That is, there is some kind of train of actions that led you to where you are.

And here you can object: “Yes, but there is something that does not depend on me! There are parents who are not chosen. There is a country and society in which you live. The climate, after all. Force majeure. I could have been carried into the forest by a hurricane like Ellie from The Wizard Emerald City!"

That's right. But if you are caught in a hurricane, then you can definitely get out of this place if you are not happy with it. Most likely you can. This will take time and effort. Possibly a lot of time and effort. But it's possible.

“Yes, but it can get carried away by a hurricane, and then I get lost and can’t get out. So not everything depends on me.”

Yep, it's a trap. It happens. And a person really may not see a way out. And indeed all the actions he does do not bear fruit. The repertoire is exhausted. What does it mean?

So the person is simply doesn't realize what he's doing wrong. Doesn't know what else can be done. Does not notice how he makes mistakes trying to get out.

But more often than not, people still make their own lives. External influences exist, but they don't completely determine your actions, right? Methodical elections in one direction or another can compensate for the influence of the environment.

In other words, if you try for a long time to walk in the right direction, you will come where you need to go even if you are tossed and tossed.

“But if everything is like this, then everyone would be successful, rich, happy and all that! If people make their own lives, then why is everyone so unhappy all around?”

Because they don't know how to go. Someone is waiting to be shown the way. Some people think that walking is too hard. Some people are afraid of possible obstacles. Someone has already settled down in the unloved but native swamp. Many try to walk, but get tired, exhausted and return back defeated.

Many people are trying to move forward, but they, like those “blown in by a hurricane,” lack knowledge about themselves and a repertoire of actions. Someone knows what needs to be done, but for some reason it doesn’t work out. Or it works, but not for long, and then he loses control over himself.

Overall, it is a matter of awareness and control. Unity with yourself. The ability to rely on yourself along the way. Listen to yourself. Understanding what you are doing, knowing your motives, the ability to realize and control your usual ways of acting.

After all, if you are used to turning only left at every intersection, is it any wonder that you walk in circles?

Awareness of what prevents you from moving is the main step towards taking control over it and gaining the ability to move as you please.

This is the goal of any therapy. Get more freedom. Gain the widest possible repertoire of actions. Gain the opportunity to make conscious choices, and not be captured by your unconscious reactions.

Yes, you make your own life. It's just that not everyone is good at it.

I understand now why a psychologist is needed?

In the foreseeable historical process, the foundations for governing humanity were laid back in the days of Ancient Egypt by the priestly caste. Managing people and keeping them in obedience was carried out through the dosed distribution of knowledge to various layers of society and concealing its entirety.
At the current level of development of society, methods of managing it have changed little. This management system is most fully set out in the Concept of Public Safety provided by Non-governmental institution additional education“Institute of Conceptual Analytics” in the form of a crowd-“elite” model of society.

The “World Government” (or the Global Predictor, so called by conceptual analysts) formed two virtual pyramids. One is the structure of society, the other is the knowledge represented by each of these structures.

At the top of the pyramid of knowledge, which has an inverted appearance (pointing down) is the entirety of the knowledge people have and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. In the middle is fragmentary, partial knowledge, such as that received by specialists. And at the bottom of the pyramid are pieces of knowledge for people to perform individual operations. If you are a mechanic, then know your vise with a file and that’s it.

This approach ensured the formation of another pyramid - the pyramid of the structure of society (looking like the tip up). Those who knew more than others ended up at higher levels. And those who knew less are at the lower levels. As a result, the whole society fell apart into three parts (in relation to knowledge).

At the top of the pyramid is the priesthood (“World Government”)

It possessed the fullness of known knowledge (factology) and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. As in Ancient Egypt The “world government” supposedly consists of 22 hierophants (the top of the clan financial families of the world): Guy de Rothschild, Montefiere, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Goldschmidt, Bleichrode, Mendel, Wallenberg, Warburg, Sassoon, Morgan, Dupont, Stern, Heine, Krup, Mellon , Cohen, Flip, Ford, Schultz, Roos, and Evelyn de Rothschild.

These names are practically not highlighted by means mass media neither as the richest (in Forbes magazine), nor as heads of any states. They are always in the shadows.

Corporate clans of financial families

At the disposal of the “World Government” there is a hereditary supranational Corporation of clan financial families: Sachs, Deutsch, Lebs, Kuns, Cannes, Teiners, Weiners, Meiers, Ostriches, Sulpi, Baruchs, Limens, Lazars, Paynels, Scythians, Fishers, Warbergs, Mordokhs, Boyers, Schiffs, Abrahams, Kalmans, Goldmans, Brosers, Lazaruses, Balusteins, Guggenheims, Seligmans, Kaufmans, Harrimans, Dreyfuss, Morgenthows, Weinbergs, Blumenthals and so on (358 clan families in total).

Direct management is carried out by the supranational transnational unified leadership of the planet - conferences of millionaires (executive committee), subordinate to which are: Coordination Council Jewish Organizations (located in Washington - USA) and the Advisory Council of Jewish Organizations (located in New York - USA). All of them manage the so-called “System”, which includes:
1). “World Zionist Organization” (WZO) (founded in 1897, the highest body is the World Zionist Congress (WZC), which elects the World Zionist Council (WZC), the WZC executive committee is located in New York, and the branch is in Jerusalem);
2). Jewish Agency for Israel (EADI - Sokhnut) (founded in 1929, branches exist in all countries of the world, the EADI Executive Committee operates under the auspices of the WSO);
3). World Jewish Congress (WJC) (founded in 1936, operates in 67 countries of the world).

Managerial "elite"

Below is the managerial “elite”. It includes: various parties, Zionist organizations, religious organizations, Masonic lodges, all kinds of movements, transnational banks (there are about 250 of the largest TNBs), foundations (Rockefeller, Soros, Thatcher, Joygia, “World Laboratory”, “Initiative Fund”, "Center applied research", after 1991 - the Gorbachev Foundation and others), transnational corporations (there are about 800 of the largest TNCs in the world: General Motors (USA), Ford Motors (USA), Exxon (USA), Royal Dutch Shell (England), General Electric ( USA), British Petroleum (England), IBM (USA), Siemens (Germany), Dipont de Nemours (USA) and others), international organizations and unions (UN, UNESCO, GATT, EBRD, CSCE, IMF, NATO, ILO, etc.)
The managerial “elite” does not have all the knowledge. The priesthood gave her knowledge (factology) in part concerning her, and the whole, full knowledge didn't give. As a result, the “elite” does not see integrity and does not understand who forms integrity and why. At the same time, the priesthood maintained among the “elite” a sense of superiority over other people. They were told that they were the “chosen ones”, they were the “smartest”, “the most gifted”, that they had the right to a “special” position in society. This allowed the priests to control the “elite” without structure, and the dosed distribution of knowledge to them made it possible to keep them in obedience. In order to manage society sustainably and so that the “elite” would not guess how they were being governed, the “World Government” updated it from time to time. Using any slogans suitable for the occasion (“Orange” revolution, “Rose” revolution, “Tulip” revolution, etc.), it pushed the “crowd” into revolutions, coups and pogroms. And after the old “elite” was destroyed, a new one, prepared in advance, was installed. It is only the “elite” that thinks to itself that it is the “top” of society, but in fact it is no different from the “crowd”, which is at the very bottom, at the base.


The priests gave even less knowledge to the “crowd” than to the “elite.” This knowledge was supposed to ensure high-quality work of the “crowd” for the benefit of the “elite” and “priests”

The existing education system still provides this crowd-“elite” model of society with “personnel”. IN secondary schools form “kaleidoscopic idiocy” - prepare the “crowd”. If you were born into a family of a turner, then be a turner! “Every cricket know its nest!” And in "special" schools” whisper to children: “You are gifted,” “You are smart,” “You study in an “elite school,” - they are preparing the “elite.” This is how the principle of “Divide and Conquer!” is implemented today.

It is noteworthy that in 1952, in the work “Economic problems of socialism in the USSR” I.V. Stalin wrote that for real socialism, labor productivity must increase so much that the working day can be reduced to 5-6 hours, and free time people could use it to receive a well-rounded education. A diverse education is necessary, since it alone can break the chains by which a person is chained all his life to his profession in the existing association of labor.

Thus, the priesthood formed two crowds. One crowd is the “crowd”, the other crowd is the “elite”. Only one of the crowds is well-fed, privileged (and terribly afraid of “falling down”). And the other crowd is the poor, disadvantaged, who were brought up with the desire to break through to the “top” of society in order to live well, satisfyingly and at the same time, as it seemed to them, without doing anything special.

Various political parties are fighting for power, their leaders strive to take a place in the “elite”, to rise above the “crowd” in State Duma, government, other large commercial companies, etc. Get “your piece.” They do not understand that they are all CROWD and are doomed to another “circumcision”, despite the current “fatness” of this piece.

“Management” and “confrontation” are closely related

When looking at the life of society (hundreds or more years), one can see that there are ways to influence society, the meaningful use of which allows one to control its life and death. We are talking about the priorities (levels of significance) of the confrontation between two different systems.

Conceptual analysts in the Public Safety Concept provide us with 6 priorities. The level (priority) number reflects the power and significance of each type of weapon. Priorities 4, 5, and 6 are material weapons, and priorities 1, 2, and 3 are information weapons.

One country can be conquered by another by force of arms. If now in Novosibirsk we set up patrols of “Krauts” in helmets with machine guns at street intersections, then everyone will understand that they live in an occupied country, although the current state of Russia is also occupied. This is exactly how the everyday consciousness of people perceives the concept of “occupation.” “Hot” wars are fought with the help of machine guns, tanks and airplanes.

Management priorities

Military priority number 6. Once upon a time, the “ancient extremists” realized that just as quickly as they conquered a country at priority 6, they could get an answer just as quickly. In this case, there is a possibility of dying yourself. In addition, it turned out that slaves in the conquered country work poorly, without “enthusiasm.” Therefore, the “extremists of antiquity” began to improve their methods of aggression without changing their goals: seizing the resources of other countries.

This is how priority 5 was “invented”: weapons of silent genocide. Means of genocide that affect not only the living, but also subsequent generations. They destroy the genetically determined potential of development and development by descendants cultural heritage ancestors These include: nuclear blackmail - threat of use, alcohol, tobacco and other drug genocide, nutritional supplements, all environmental pollutants, some medications, Genetic Engineering and biotechnology.

Then they invented a weapon of 4 priority - economic. It gives even more sustainable results in time. The leader can “jump off the needle”, and from the “binge” he can “come out”. He might die from an overdose.

Then the aggressor needs to tinker with the new leader. And then I lent it to the “leader” today, and the children and grandchildren of the “leader” will pay for this debt with the resources of their country, their people. And no bloodshed! Everything is quite “cultural”. Therefore, such aggression began to be called “cultural cooperation.”

You can break the needle, but it is impossible to repay the debt, since the credit and financial system was designed by the “ancient extremists” in such a way that you cannot “break the needle.” It is based on usurious loan interest. Applied to entire countries and peoples on a global scale by the global Zionist-Nazi mafia, this credit and financial system, in principle, does not allow one to leave bondage.

3rd priority – ideological. So that the people do not figure out what they are doing to them in the 6th, 5th and 4th priorities, the “ancient extremists” create various ideologies. With their help, people's consciousness is processed, they are dumbed down. In ancient times, “extremists” adapted people’s faith in God for their own interests - religions became such a tool. Then “secular ideologies” appeared, as well as “lack of ideology” - this is also an ideology. Each of us feels all this on ourselves. How? And here’s how: “everyone needs to repent for the sins of their ancestors, otherwise you won’t save Russia... pray and repent...”, “money makes money,” “wine in small quantities is very useful,” “marijuana is not a drug,” “he who smokes Marlboro is cowboy”, etc. and so on.

And finally, about the highest priorities

2nd priority – chronological, historical information. Whoever owns this information can see from the position of priority 1 the direction of all processes, the direction of the “general course of things”, the tendency of a particular process.

Hence the furious attempts to distort the history of even the coming years (Second World War: its heroes and anti-heroes, winners and those present).
These priorities can be used individually or in combination with each other. Obviously, only by having information on priorities 1 and 2 can you see and make the right decisions, as well as give advice to others or call for something.

Now you can see on what priority this or that politician, party, or movement “works.” From this we can conclude that we can expect from some “leader” and his party whether this party can win if it wants to achieve everything only by force (6th priority) or “economic” reforms (4th priority), or “spiritual rebirth” (3rd priority). The answer is obvious. The one who has a higher priority will sooner or later always win over the one who “works” only on lower priorities.

Using priorities 1, 2 and 3, the “World Government” conducts so-called “information wars”. Information war is a war with the aim of seizing raw materials, energy, and human resources of countries not controlled by the “World Government”. It is carried out using such influence on the minds of people in the field of ideology, religion, politics, history, philosophy, science, when such false ideas about what is happening in society, in the lives of people, which allow the aggressor to freely manipulate both the government and the people of this country and seize resources, practically without encountering any resistance, i.e. without armed intervention.

Information wars have been waged between several centers of human civilization for centuries, only sometimes turning into “hot wars.” Over the past 3.5 thousand years, information aggression against the peoples of the Earth has been carried out by the heirs of the rabid ancient Egyptian priesthood, who imagine themselves to be the rulers of the world - the secret “World Government”

Aggression is carried out by the method of “cultural cooperation”, through the governing “elite” of the country-victim of aggression, who, to the extent of their understanding, thinks (maybe even sincerely) that they are working for their people, and to the extent of their lack of understanding of the general course of things, they are, in fact, a puppet in the hands of the aggressor, carrying out his plans.

The instrument of aggression (“army”) are the so-called “agents of influence” who are massively introduced into the victim country. An agent of influence is not just a spy. His task is much broader. Through him (sometimes these people themselves do not fully know the depth of their role and the tasks assigned to them by their supreme leadership) there is indirect control of the heads of state and their entourage, commanding staff at all levels, economic, political and social processes. Influence occurs both directly and through close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.

As a result of aggression among the victim people:

The holistic perception of the surrounding world, of everything that happens around (including in public life), is destroyed, the connection with surrounding Nature and there is a formation of a fragmented, partial, kaleidoscopic consciousness, easily manipulated from the outside, through the subconscious;

Historical self-awareness is collapsing, real story the people are replaced by false myths, the integral historical process is torn into parts that are opposed to each other;

Connection with God. Nature is replaced by faith in idealistic or materialistic “sacred scriptures”, which collide with each other and wage an age-old, irreconcilable struggle - “Divide and conquer!”;

Generally speaking, an alien concept of life is being imposed on the people, which leads them to degradation and destruction.

But here’s the question that worries me: if there is no God, then, the question arises, who controls human life and the entire order on earth in general?
“It’s the man himself who controls,” Bezdomny hastened to angrily answer this, admittedly, not very clear question.
“Sorry,” the unknown person responded softly, “in order to manage, you need, after all, to have an accurate plan for some, at least somewhat decent, period.” Let me ask you, how can a person manage if he is not only deprived of the opportunity to draw up any plan for at least a ridiculously short period of time, well, say, a thousand years, but cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow? And, in fact,” here the unknown person turned to Berlioz, “imagine that you, for example, begin to manage, to dispose of others and yourself, in general, so to speak, to get a taste for it, and suddenly you... cough... cough ... sarcoma of the lung... -here the foreigner smiled sweetly, as if the thought of sarcoma of the lung gave him pleasure, - yes, sarcoma, - squinting his eyes. like a cat, he repeated the sonorous word, “and now your control is over!” You are no longer interested in anyone's fate except your own. Your relatives begin to lie to you, you, sensing something is wrong, rush to scientific doctors, then to charlatans, and sometimes to fortune tellers. Both the first and second, and the third are completely meaningless, you yourself understand. And it all ends tragically: the one who until recently believed that he was in control of something suddenly finds himself lying motionless in a wooden box and those around him, realizing that the person lying there is no longer of any use, burn him in the oven. And it happens even worse: a person has just decided to go to Kislovodsk,” here the foreigner squinted at Berlioz, “a seemingly trivial matter, but he cannot do this either, because for some unknown reason he suddenly slips and gets hit by a tram!” Are you really going to say that he controlled himself this way? Isn’t it more correct to think that someone completely different dealt with him? - and here the stranger laughed with a strange laugh.
Berlioz listened with great attention to the unpleasant story about sarcoma and the tram, and some disturbing thoughts began to torment him. “He is not a foreigner! He is not a foreigner! - he thought, “he is a strange person... but excuse me, who is he?”
- You want to smoke, as I see? - the unknown person unexpectedly turned to Homeless, - which ones do you prefer?
- Do you have different ones? - asked the poet gloomily, who had run out of cigarettes.
-Which ones do you prefer? - repeated the unknown person.
“Well, “Our brand,” - Homeless answered angrily
The stranger immediately pulled out a cigarette case from his pocket and offered it to Homeless:
- “Our brand.”
Both the editor and the poet were not so much struck by the fact that “Our Brand” was found in the cigarette case, but by the cigarette case itself. It was enormous in size, red gold, and on its lid, when opened, a diamond triangle sparkled with blue and white fire.
Here the writers thought differently. Berlioz: “No, a foreigner!”, and Bezdomny: “Damn him! A?"
The poet and the owner of the cigarette case lit a cigarette, but Berlioz, a non-smoker, refused.

Not so long ago, the idea of ​​“World Domination” seemed to me like the plot of a science fiction novel or some blockbuster. And I couldn’t even imagine that very soon I could be one of acting persons a very real story. As does each of you. True, our roles will not be too enviable.

Materials prepared by Foster Gamble ( one of the heirs to the famous Procter and Gamble corporation") by his wife, with the assistance of a large number of experts, they force us to take this seriously. And to very carefully and thoughtfully watch the 2-hour film that they shot (especially its second part).

The ruling world elite has almost everything ready.

"Big Brother" is not just coming to us, he is already Here!

Historically, for several generations, the "Managing Elite of the West" was composed of a group of families including the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Carnegies, Narrimans, Schiffs and Warburgs. These families did not just concentrate all the basic resources, material values ​​and money in their hands.

They created: the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

At the moment, everything vitally important in society is controlled by them, their corporations or foundations.

According to their plans, the world is divided into Super-States (that transcend national borders!) to make them easier to govern.

A structure for total control over the entire world has been developed!

Over the years, the carefully laid out plan has been rigorously carried out and appears to be nearing completion.

The heads of these families meet periodically in various countries, closed doors to discuss your tasks.

After this, their plans, as if by magic, begin to manifest themselves in the media, financial, corporate, government and military spheres.

The global “Strategy of World Domination” has been successfully implemented for many years.

Exist irrefutable evidence that this plan includes the task of eliminating a significant part of the world population: after all, the fewer people there are, the easier it is to control them.

"Eugenics" ( the doctrine of selection person) is one of the foundations of this plan.

Back in 1904, the Carnegie family founded the first laboratory dedicated to this science. Through the "Eugenics" programs, the Rockefellers sponsored the sterilization of people of other races. And also the plan of racial superiority that Hitler tried to implement.

In 2007, the US Departments of Agriculture and Homeland Security began funding a project to aerial pollinate more than 7 million people in urban areas of Northern California. After the Dissent March, officials were forced to admit that the spray contained toxic substances that cause illness and disrupt the reproductive cycle.

There are a large number of cases where the US Government was caught experimenting with toxic drugs on its own citizens.

Cases of secret mass sterilization of women in Brazil, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines by adding special substances to regular vaccines have been uncovered.

Sterilization was carried out as part of the program " Population Council"Rockefeller Foundation as well" World Health Organization" (also founded by Rockefeller)!

Novartis has tested the destructive effects of modified corn, which makes men infertile.

And all this happens under the auspices of the fight against the global problem of overpopulation.

It's no coincidence that birth rates around the world are plummeting.

It was the Rockefellers who were responsible for the transition to large-scale oil-based agriculture.

In the 1960s - 70s in the USA there was " Green revolution"which he brought to life" Department of Natural Sciences" Rockefeller Foundation with the assistance of large corporations.

It was based on planting vast areas with a single crop, as well as using large quantities of petroleum-derived fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

Oil-based agriculture provided huge income for corporations, but did not solve the problem of hunger ( according to 2010 data: every 7th person in the world is hungry).

Small family farms have all but disappeared, with toxic chemicals contaminating the water, land and food, posing a health threat.

Are people increasingly thinking about what ends up on their table? What are they drinking?

A familiar picture... isn't it?

At the same time, genetic engineering is spreading throughout the world. In America, patents on seeds were introduced (even to the point of declaring them private property), and free trade agreements were developed that deprived ordinary people of the right to store seeds (the creation of “sterile” seeds). Ordinary people have no control and no right to know what they plant and what they subsequently eat.

Energy and food are controlled by the same banking families and their corporations (as is the water resources they actively purchase).

The global world government, led by a select few, is built on the principle of " Divide and rule!"

Create discontent - Push the dissatisfied together - Provide each side with financial support... and calmly carry out their plans, feelinghimself as an all-powerful puppeteer.

Almost every day we are drawn into games developed according to their rules:

PROBLEM ( terrorist attack, price collapse, overthrow of government)COMMUNITY RESPONSE (formed by "independent" media) - SOLUTION ( prepared by financial tycoons)

Idea " application of tragedy“works flawlessly. “Big Brother” only has to “pull the strings in time.”

It is no longer a big secret to anyone how many countries are captured and taken under control. The scheme is perfectly worked out and hardly fails.

Some people think that this will not affect us. Is it so?

When you look at all the documented facts (and there are many of them), the “rose-colored glasses” fall off your eyes.

The “New World Order” is already spoken about almost openly.

Their plans also include destroying the financial power and sovereignty of the United States, because this country, with its freedom of speech and history of armed insurrection, poses a serious obstacle to the consolidation of power. When they lead this country to ruin, they will be able to use the strength and productivity of the Americans in a world dictatorship, forcing them to walk on “totalitarian tiptoes.” Throughout the United States, containment camps and shackle cars have recently been built and renovated for use during civil unrest.

A small group of financial tycoons controls absolutely all areas of life.

All cash flow. Education. Agriculture. Healthcare. Military industry. Politics. Economics. And this gives them absolute power.

They determine the economic and political situation throughout the world, create global crises, profit from them, invade the economies of other countries, bribe their governments, turn on " printing press"when they need it.

It is this structure that actively prevents the implementation of very effective ways fight against incurable diseases, severely persecutes the developers who proposed alternative ways obtaining "free energy". Many discoveries were made at the beginning of the 19th century, and could make a real revolution in people's lives, but this is not profitable for bankers.

IN THE USA " rules the show“a private banking system disguised as a government one. It is the one that “prints money” on behalf of the “Treasury”.

This gives her access to all economic reports, and a unique opportunity to use this information to enrich herself. Not by chance, purchasing power The dollar fell by almost 90%. Now this system is trying not only to undermine the dollar, but also to replace it with the global currency of the IMF. The use of non-cash electronic currency will allow rulers to instantly deprive all undesirables of monetary support.

That is why we have witnessed the largest production of counterfeit money in history: The 2008 crisis (like all others) resulted from a well-thought-out scheme designed by large banking families to consolidate wealth and power.

Almost everything needed to create a totalitarian police state is ready!

People are being watched more and more (there are 30 million CCTV cameras in the US alone). All calls and messages Email collected, archived and can be viewed at any time. IN driver's licenses and American passports are embedded computer chips, allowing you to track any movement. And hospital patients have the same chips implanted under their skin.

The CIA's first assistant has already admitted that this is the first step towards "implant chips in all people for improved tracking and control!"

Everything is already prepared for "Full-Scale Domination".

Advanced satellite surveillance systems and advanced directed energy weapons allow them to fight dissent anywhere in the world.

They are sure: " Freedom is dangerous for people!"That's why they must rule them!

The "All-Seeing Eye" is one of the main symbols of the ruling elite. And she successfully proves that she can control everyone under her.

We are at an important “fork in the road” in human evolution. One of the roads leads us to tyranny and extinction. But there is another one - to general prosperity.

The main thing is not to stand aside! Do not be indifferent to what is happening in the world. Hoping that it won't affect you.

Answer the question: "Who am I? Do I agree with the role of the “ram being led to the slaughter?”

Support" Alternative Plan"to save humanity from the infection of a totalitarian society. Much is said about it in this film. And only then can the situation be changed. It depends on the choice of each of us further development events!

Watch the film "THROSPERITY, how to do it on Earth?"

Tell your friends, family, acquaintances and strangers what it says.

Think about it! Who controls our lives?

Time to wake up!

Otherwise, tomorrow we will find ourselves in the “Society for World Domination”

In the recently released film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, after a viral epidemic, humans and apes begin to fight for dominance on our planet. According to the plot of the film, a new virus destroyed most people, and turned monkeys into higher intelligent primates.

Although this is just a film, after watching it, many viewers had a question - can this happen in real life? Scientists are sure that the idea of ​​the film is far-fetched and not realistic. Even if we assume that a virus appears that can destroy 95 percent of the population, and at the same time the monkeys become significantly wiser, the surviving people will still significantly exceed the number of primates.

Ian Zalasiewicz, a paleobiologist at the University of Leicester, believes that it would be very difficult for other species to fight with humans for dominance on our planet.

Over several million years of evolution modern people have already replaced several species of other intelligent primates, such as Neanderthal man and Homo flores. Even if we assume that humanity will die as a result of an epidemic, war or climate change, it will take many millions of years for a new dominant species to develop.

Who can dominate the Earth?

This new type of intelligent life could be rats or pigs. The rats are already on this moment smart enough to have a highly developed social structure. After a few million years of evolution, rats could take the place of humans and rule our planet. Pigs may also, after several million years of evolution, have sufficient intelligence to become the dominant species of life on Earth.

However, Yang believes that the biggest threat to humanity is not any type of naturally developing life, but artificial intelligence.

Recently, researchers reported that an electronic machine, exhibiting human-like behavior, passed the Turing test. This test is carried out with the participation of two people and a computer. One of the test participants interacts with the machine and another person. Based on the answers received, the participant must determine who exactly he is talking to, a person or a machine. The computer's job is to mislead people into making bad choices, and that's what happened! Moreover, scientists predict that in the not too distant year 2045, machine intelligence will fully reach the level of human thinking.

Hidden Rulers

Professor Robert Sternberg is confident that bacteria, not humans, are dominant on Earth. He says: “It only seems to humanity that we are in charge. In fact, most of our own weight consists of bacteria. In addition, unlike us, bacteria reproduce and mutate much faster. They appeared long before people, and will exist after our disappearance.”

As it turns out, bacteria are not the only contenders for world domination.

Entomologist Mark Moffett believes ants already control the planet. The total weight of ants already today exceeds the total weight of humanity. To wage war, ants, just like people, use traditional military rules and strategies, seize enemy territory and protect their rear. An individual ant is part of a collective mind. This can be compared to the neurons of our brain - individually, ants simply perform their functions, but when they unite, they can solve the most complex problems.

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