Home Hygiene Is it necessary to undergo an electroencephalogram to obtain a driver's license? Electroencephalography for a driver's license - is the procedure mandatory and how to go about it? Is an encephalogram required to replace a driver's license?

Is it necessary to undergo an electroencephalogram to obtain a driver's license? Electroencephalography for a driver's license - is the procedure mandatory and how to go about it? Is an encephalogram required to replace a driver's license?

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Future drivers may be required to undergo an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police. This procedure is also necessary for those who want to restore their rights or obtain a certificate of a different category. The fact is that in some cases, without undergoing an electroencephalogram, you will not be given a medical certificate about your ability to drive a vehicle. And without such a document, going to the State Traffic Inspectorate makes no sense.

What is an electroencephalogram

For those who are wondering what an EEG is for a certificate in the traffic police, we will answer: this is a study aimed at studying the signals of brain functioning.

The EGG procedure itself looks like this: a cap made of wires and electrodes is put on your head, in which you need to sit quietly for several minutes while the equipment takes data for diagnosis.

Advantages of this method:

  • easy for the patient. Cannot be taken the day before medications, alcohol, drinking tea, coffee and other tonic drinks;
  • painless and non-traumatic. Electrodes are attached to the patient's head, which take readings from the cerebral cortex. There is no need to get a haircut, injections or other manipulations. Contraindications – hematomas, skin cuts, etc.;
  • fast. The examination takes 15–20 minutes, then the program will process and display the results within another 20 minutes.

Purpose of the procedure

The EEG study is carried out to ensure safety traffic.

Using an electroencephalogram, it is important to ensure that the driver has no injuries or diseases that could affect his concentration and reaction speed.

We are talking about epilepsy, tumors, circulatory or metabolic disorders, age-related changes, consequences of previous diseases, mental pathologies, etc. The examination is carried out as prescribed by a neurologist, who also examines the detected disorders and makes a conclusion about the possibility of allowing the person to drive the vehicle.

Let us note that there are no plans to cancel EEG for certificates in the traffic police in 2019; on the contrary, it is obvious that stricter measures will be taken state control over road safety. The results of the electroencephalogram are not included in the medical certificate that doctors issue to the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Who undergoes EEG

In 2014, changes were adopted to regulatory framework regulating the procedure for issuing driver's licenses. They provided for an EEG to be taken by everyone who received their first driver's license, had their license restored, or opened a new category. But at that time it was necessary medical equipment there were too few clinics with the appropriate license, so this clause in the legislation was changed.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n “On conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers),” the answer to the question of whether an electroencephalogram of the brain is needed for a certificate from the traffic police is affirmative in two cases:

  • when drivers open category C or D, including all their subcategories. That is, it is needed for everyone who decides to drive a truck or bus;
  • if an EEG was prescribed by a neurologist, regardless of driving category. Indications for examination may include frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, past illnesses, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the second case. If a doctor has grounds to prescribe an EEG and you refuse to undergo it, then by law he has the right to not allow you to drive a vehicle for health reasons.

The question of whether it is necessary to do an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police in 2019 for all groups of drivers can be heard often today. So far the legislator has not announced such intentions.

Where can I get an EEG done?

To have an electroencephalogram done, you can go to a public clinic at your place of residence or a private clinic.

The main thing is that the medical institution has permission to conduct medical examinations of drivers and the appropriate equipment.

You can get this information on the clinics’ websites or by calling their contact number.

Usually, a neurologist informs you about where to get an EEG for reference to the traffic police when scheduling an examination. In this case, the doctor only gives a recommendation - the choice of the clinic is yours.

Cost of EEG and certificate validity period

On average, the price of an EEG is 1000–1500 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation. These prices for this type of examination are established in public clinics. But admission to them is by appointment and with a referral from a doctor.

IN private clinic You can make an appointment at a convenient time and come without a referral. The cost of the service here ranges from 1.5–5 thousand rubles. However, you should first clarify whether the medical institution has a license for examinations for reference to the traffic police.

Please note that the new type of certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with an encephalogram is valid for only 1 year and after its expiration you will have to undergo a medical examination (if you need a certificate of form AF No. 003-B/u) again. As for the EEG result, it does not have a specific validity period.

How to get tested for free

According to current legislation, a citizen who receives or reissues a driver’s license independently bears the costs of training, medical examination and paperwork. Therefore, no one will conduct an electroencephalogram for the traffic police for free, even in state clinic according to the doctor's direction. An exception is made only for persons who have health insurance that includes an EEG procedure, or those who have employment contract with the employer it is indicated that medical examination carried out at the expense of the company.


Currently, a mandatory EEG is performed for drivers who open categories C and D. For others, this examination is prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. The results of the examination are not always indicated in the certificate for the traffic police. The procedure itself is harmless and can be completed in 40 minutes at any licensed clinic.

What is an electroencephalogram: video

Driving a vehicle is a difficult and very responsible task. In addition to a document confirming that a person has special skills, electroencephalography is required for a driver’s license. Until 2014 to obtain a certificate confirming the satisfactory condition of the driver vehicle, also required to be examined by several specialists.
The relevance of the driver's license was confirmed by the presence of records from an ophthalmologist, neurologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. The form, certified by the signatures of these doctors, testified to the absence of serious brain disorders, diseases and addictions chemicals from its owner.

Regulatory framework for changes in the medical certificate

The change in requirements for road users led to the appearance of Order No. 344-n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015. According to this regulatory document, an EEG study was included in the list of tests in the medical certificate for obtaining a driver’s license. And in 2018, drivers applying for categories C, CE, D, DE, Tm, Tb and subcategories C1, C1E, D1, D1E must have an EEG for reference to the traffic police.
Why was this complex examination necessary? The rapid increase in the scale of passenger and freight traffic and the number of road users has caused an increase in the number of accidents and dangerous situations. An electroencephalogram, which studies the electrical activity of the brain, can help prevent accidents and improve road safety. Research can confirm:
  • The presence of functional (vascular) or organic (benign and malignant formations) pathologies.
  • Convulsive (epileptic) or neurotic readiness.
  • Cognitive disorders.
  • Age-related changes.
  • Pathologies resulting from trauma.
  • Functional changes caused by disruption of circadian (daily) rhythms.
Electroencephalography can be done without extensive preliminary preparation. The MRI study previously carried out to document health problems required preliminary testing of the driver and the administration of a contrast agent.
If a person has recently experienced a head injury and has unresolved hematomas or large scars, then an EEG study is not performed.

Procedure for conducting an EEG study

The only limitation before EEG procedure is a complete refusal on the eve of the procedure to take potent or narcotic drugs, alcoholic and tonic drinks, energy drinks. Followed by:
Contact a public or private clinic.
  1. Show your passport.
  2. In the EEG examination room, with the help of a nurse, put on a helmet and clips.
  3. Sit or lie down, relaxing your face and neck as much as possible.
  4. Follow the instructions of the nurse examining brain activity for 5-10 minutes.
Within 20-30 minutes after the end of the study, you can receive the result.
An encephalogram for a certificate from the traffic police is valid if issued on form 003-В\у. The medical certificate has a limited validity period of 12 months.
The procedure can be done in clinics in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. The clinic's ownership determines how much the driver will have to pay for this test. The price varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles. The EEG document is valid throughout the Russian Federation. But you can simply buy a form with an EEG, which will save time for busy drivers.

To obtain a license, every future driver must convince the traffic police that he is capable of driving a car due to health reasons. The car is a source of increased danger and requires a high concentration of attention from the person driving, wellness and quick reaction to perform certain maneuvers to influence the trajectory of the vehicle. All these qualities must be confirmed by doctors during a special commission. One of the stages for some categories of motorists is electroencephalography.

What is electroencephalography

Modern medicine offers many ways to diagnose neurological pathologies, brain disorders and hidden formations in humans. Electroencephalography is used as one of the most accessible and effective ways detection of many violations. Medical dictionaries provide detailed definitions filled with complex specific terms.

Without delving into medical terminology, electroencephalography can be defined as a method of studying the functioning of the brain, based on recording its bio electrical activity in the form of a collection of impulses. To do this, they use a special device - an electroencephalograph, consisting of powerful amplifiers with electrodes that capture brain impulses and an apparatus for recording them. Recording is carried out through various channels (from 8 to 32) from different parts of the cerebral cortex.

A modern encephalograph allows for a detailed examination of brain activity

Opportunity nerve cells emit electrical impulses was discovered back in late XIX century. Both foreign and Russian scientists worked on a new method for studying brain activity. However, introduce this method into medical practice succeeded in the 40s of the 20th century only after the invention of equipment that was extremely sensitive at that time.

The principle of operation is based on whether impulses or biocurrents are sent with a certain rhythm. To assess the state of the brain, these rhythms are classified into:

  • alpha rhythms;
  • mu rhythms;
  • beta rhythms;
  • theta rhythms;
  • delta rhythms.

Each rhythm means one or another phase of brain activity (rest, sleep, wakefulness, tension, excitement). The combination of recorded rhythms is assessed. For every age, physiological state characterized by the predominance of one rhythm or another. In some cases, the predominance of a particular rhythm characterizes the presence of the disease. Taking into account the fact that recording is carried out through several channels from different areas of the brain, it is also possible to determine the localization of the disorder. For the average healthy person, alpha rhythms are normal. calm state and beta rhythms during sleep.

Each recorded tempo is recorded graphically in the form of a curve with certain fluctuations. It is the nature and frequency of bending that allows one to evaluate the results. The most simple method evaluation is a visual inspection of graphical data. However, today this function can also be performed using software.

Changes in brain activity are displayed on a computer using special software

In addition to being used to identify diseases, the electroencephalograph is used to study the characteristics of human development at a specific stage, its psychological characteristics, states nervous system. For example, a child’s electroencephalogram helps determine his level of maturation and learning ability or readiness for a certain type of activity.

Is electroencephalography of the brain required when obtaining a driver's license?

According to the current rules, a medical certificate will be needed:

  • future drivers to obtain a driver's license. As a rule, they require a certificate from a driving school;
  • car owners when their license expires;
  • drivers after deprivation of their license.

In some cases, an electroencephalogram is included in the list of mandatory examinations prior to issuing a certificate.

Changes in the procedure for passing a medical examination

Until 2016, Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 was in force. However, neither this order nor other regulatory legal acts did not clarify the question of what specialists and types of research are needed to confirm the ability of a person, taking into account his health, to drive a car. The rules have developed through long-term practice and interpretation of the provisions of various laws.

However, the experience and feedback of many drivers indicate that there was no uniformity in the medical examination. Drivers noted differences in the set of requirements and necessary examinations in different regions. Judging by practice, until 2016, in most cases, an electroencephalograph examination was mandatory for all categories of future drivers.

Due to the lack of uniform and integrated approach in regulating the issue of confirming the proper state of health, the current Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 N 344n “On conducting a mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers)” was issued.

This order abolished the electroencephalography procedure, as well as the medical examination in general, when exchanging a driver's document in case of its loss, unfit condition, or when obtaining an international license.

In addition, the list of required examinations by specialists has been significantly reduced, and the new form medical report.

Based on the results of the medical examination, a certificate of form 003-в/у is issued

Mandatory cases of electroencephalography

According to the current order, electroencephalography is mandatory for drivers applying only for certain categories of license:

  • WITH - trucks more than 3.5 tons;
  • D - buses;
  • DE - buses with trailer;
  • Tm - trams;
  • Tb - trolleybuses.

Electroencephalography is not the only examination that is additional to those common to all drivers. For these categories, you also need to undergo an ENT and a neurologist.

Necessity additional research, in particular, encephalography procedures are due to the increased responsibility of transport drivers of these categories. For them, driving is part of professional activity carried out, as a rule, regularly. In addition, such a driver must have specific skills related to the transportation of people or goods, as well as driving vehicles with dimensions larger than those of a regular passenger car. All this increases the physical and psycho-emotional stress on professional drivers. These circumstances give rise to demands for a more detailed examination of the health status to exclude contraindications to driving.

Candidates for driving license categories A, B, M may be referred for an electroencephalogram if a therapist, neurologist or psychiatrist deems it necessary.

What diseases can be detected by encephalography?

The main areas of use of encephalography are neurology and psychiatry. After all, most of the diseases in this area are precisely related to disorders of the functioning of the brain, which can be detected on an electroencephalograph.

Research helps discover how functional disorders, amenable to adjustment, and structural.

By the nature of the lines of the encephalogram, you can determine the disease and detect deviations from the norm

Using the procedure, the following health disorders can be identified:

  • epilepsy;
  • tumors;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • violations vascular system brain;
  • inflammatory processes (for example, meningitis or encephalitis);
  • tendency to convulsive and hysterical attacks;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

The purpose of the procedure for drivers is to eliminate contraindications to driving in their condition. The list of these contraindications was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604.

Thus, the presence of epilepsy, mental and neurotic disorders is the reason for a categorical refusal of permission to drive. Oddly enough, even in some cases, mood swings can be considered a contraindication.

The final conclusions based on the electroencephalogram are formulated by the doctor in conclusion.

How to choose a clinic for electroencephalography: private medical centers VS government institutions

Before every driver who has to pass medical commission, the question arises of choosing an institution to obtain a certificate. It would be useful to show seriousness in this matter, because taking into account the fees for these services, the medical industry today offers a wide selection of institutions, prices and forms of examinations.

It is ideal to undergo the entire procedure in one place at your place of residence. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the time required to undergo an examination is reduced, and secondly, a mandatory visit to a psychiatrist or narcologist must be at the place of residence or temporary registration. The rest of the doctors can be seen anywhere. However, before contacting any organization, we recommend that you pay attention to whether it has the appropriate license for examination and the required profile, depending on what specialists are required for a particular category.

You can contact both a private institution and a public one.

An undoubted advantage of commercial organizations is the level of organization of the medical examination, which saves time. As a rule, advertising information indicates that medical center the medical examination takes only a few hours and all services can be obtained in one place, including a psychiatrist and a narcologist. All this leads to a higher cost of services, as well as the need to be vigilant regarding the legality of issuing driving licenses.

Unlike private, relatively municipal organizations there is no doubt about the legal issues of undergoing a medical examination. The price of services is also lower than in a private center. But you may have to spend much longer time. As a rule, electroencephalography is performed strictly by appointment.

Preparation for the procedure, procedure

The encephalography procedure is not particularly difficult for patients and does not require special preparatory procedures.

So, in order not to complicate the examination, it is advisable:

  • do not use these for hair care cosmetical tools as varnish, gel, mousse, foam;
  • avoid complex hairstyles to facilitate access to the scalp;
  • wash your hair shortly before the examination.
  • do not drink coffee and other caffeine-containing products;
  • a couple of days before the procedure, refrain from alcoholic beverages;
  • do not eat immediately before the examination. It is recommended to eat a couple of hours before;
  • have a positive attitude, don’t worry or be nervous;
  • Discuss with your doctor the possibility of continuing or discontinuing medications if you use them regularly;
  • tell your doctor about any medications you are taking;
  • Do not undergo examination if you have a cold.

The procedure itself is absolutely safe and painless. A special device in the form of a cap is placed on the patient’s head, on which wires with electrodes are attached.

For the examination, a special cap with sensors is placed on the head.

The test takes place for 15–20 minutes in the dark. For a more detailed study, sound or light signals can be used to track the brain's response.

Video: more about the electroencephalography procedure

How much does it cost to undergo electroencephalography?

Since the medical examination is carried out on a paid basis, electroencephalography also entails additional costs for the medical examination.

In most private centers, the cost of this procedure is already included in the price of the required certificate. Organizations claiming the most low prices, they offer to issue a certificate for 1,400–2,000 rubles.

If we consider encephalography as a separate service, its price in Moscow ranges from 1,200 to 6,000 rubles. Most offers are positioned in the range of 2000–3500 rubles.

IN government organizations the price is slightly lower and is set at 500–1500 rubles.

As a rule, the further the region is from Moscow, the cheaper such a service will cost. For example, in Novosibirsk it will not be difficult for a future driver to get an electroencephalogram for 500–1000 rubles. The exception is cities with high level economic development. For example, the average cost of a service in Vladivostok is about 2,800 rubles.

Validity of electroencephalogram results for reference

The legislation does not specify the validity period of a certificate with EEG results.

The above order establishes the validity period of the final medical certificate allowing a specific person to drive a car or other vehicle. Certificate 003-v/u can be presented to the traffic police within 1 year from the date of its receipt.

Usually it is possible to undergo a medical examination in 1–3 days, taking into account a narcologist and a psychiatrist. However, sometimes some procedures may be performed several days or more apart. For example, a test of brain activity is carried out separately from other examinations and procedures if it was not possible to sign up for an EEG in advance or this examination had to be postponed due to ARVI.

And, despite the fact that there is no legal norms establishing the expiration date of EEG results, the doctor subjective reasons may find fault with this nuance and not accept the conclusion of a week or month ago. You can, of course, seek justice and start disputes in a medical institution, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you plan your medical examination in such a way that examinations by specialists and necessary procedures were carried out, if not simultaneously, then with a minimum time difference.

Responsibility for false electroencephalography report

Many applicants for obtaining or replacing a driver’s license have a strong belief that passing a medical examination is difficult. A fake document, in their opinion, will solve the issue of obtaining rights much faster. Indeed, there is no need to waste time on queues and procedures, sign up, wait for results, and so on. However, the cost of such beliefs may be too high.

The state treats the production of counterfeit documents as a crime. In addition, not only the production and sale of fake certificates, but also their use is regarded as a criminal offense.

Responsibility for such frivolity when preparing a package of documents in the traffic police may arise under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a person independently produces a false certificate, then Part 1 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is applied to him, which entails consequences up to and including imprisonment for two years. A milder punishment is arrest for up to six months, forced labor or restriction of freedom for the same period.

If a candidate for admission to driving transport uses the purchased certificate, he will be liable under Part 3 of the same article with a significant fine (up to 80 thousand rubles). The most severe sanction in this part suggests placing the perpetrator under arrest for a period of no more than six months.

After familiarizing yourself with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the conclusion about the inappropriateness of using fake documents is obvious. After all, for the same money you can get a certificate at any specialized medical center legally.

Despite the fact that the electroencephalography procedure is sometimes perceived by drivers as an unreasonable burden, its implementation is advisable not only to ensure the safe behavior of a particular person on the road, but also for personal purposes. timely diagnosis possible pathologies.

Obtaining a driving license is a serious matter. In addition, a motorist must complete courses and successfully pass exams in order to become a driver. He also needs to check his own health. Quite recently, for reference you only had to go through a list of doctors. But now we also need an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police. For this reason, it is worth examining in more detail the question of who exactly needs to undergo this study, and how to do it.

Is an EEG required?

A medical certificate is considered a necessary item for any category of tertiary education. Until 2014, to issue it, it was enough to obtain a doctor’s opinion:

  • Psychiatrist.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Narcologist.
  • Oculist.

However, due to the fact that certain reforms have taken place in the laws, motorists need to know whether an EEG is needed for a certificate from the traffic police in 2019. On this moment An examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist is mandatory. In 2014, there was a resolution regarding whether it is necessary to do an MRI for a certificate from the traffic police. However, it has now been replaced by an electroencephalogram.

The decision about whether an electroencephalogram is needed for a certificate from the traffic police in 2019 was made for additional control and safety.

According to the law, every person who plans to obtain a license of type C, CE, D, DE, Tm, Tb, and also C1, C1E, D1, D1E undergoes an EEG.

In other cases, the question of whether an EEG needs to be done for a certificate from the traffic police is decided by the doctor.

What the study shows

Electroencephalography is considered an effective technique in medicine, which allows one to examine the activity of the brain by recording the activity of its zones.

When studying the question of what an EEG is for a certificate in the traffic police, it should be noted that this is the main way to determine the presence of such diseases:

  • Convulsions, epilepsy.
  • Problems with the blood supply to the brain.
  • Injuries and tumors.
  • Metabolism problems in the brain.
  • Disorders caused by infections in the central nervous system.
  • Age-related changes in the brain.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Problems of mental development.
  • Neuroses and other diseases.

It should be noted right away that an electroencephalogram for reference to the traffic police is considered a reliable source of data regarding the driver’s psyche. It is also an inexpensive and rapid examination.

Unlike other options for studying the brain, EEG does not require serious preparation and is not dangerous to the body. This allows us to talk about the functionality of the brain by detecting deviations in certain parts. In addition, this is now the only way to distinguish epilepsy from other diseases. This allows doctors to determine whether epileptic seizures can affect a person while operating a car.

Some people don’t understand whether it is necessary to do an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police in 2019? If a person has these symptoms, then yes:

  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Problems with attention.
  • Painful sensations in the head.
  • Dizziness.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Fatigue.
  • Mental problems.

The sample certificate from the traffic police with an encephalogram in form 083/U-89 has been cancelled, the new type 003-V/u does not imply entering all the examination data. Process medical examination such:

  1. A man conducts tests, goes through doctors with a map.
  2. Visits a therapist, who, based on the card data, notes in the certificate the presence or absence of contraindications to driving a car.

When not to do an EEG

Although such research is universal option detection of deviations, good results do not indicate that healthy man in a critical situation, will behave appropriately. Therefore, they want to simplify the process of providing a certificate. But there are no plans to cancel EEG for a certificate from the traffic police in 2019.

A contraindication to undergoing the procedure is considered to be head injuries, after which there are still stitches, scratches and cuts. But the absence of an EEG only means a delay in issuing a VA.

Where to take the study

Some people don’t know where they can get an EEG for a certificate from the traffic police. Signing up for this procedure is allowed not only in government health centers. The study is allowed to take place in a hospital that has the appropriate certificates. If the clinic does not have these documents, they will not accept the certificate.

So there are two options:

  1. District clinic. You need to find out if the device you need is available. Sometimes you have to wait in long lines.
  2. Private medical centers. Usually everything here is carried out quickly at a convenient time, but the cost is different everywhere, so it’s worth considering several centers and choosing the most suitable one.

What to take with you

Before going for the procedure, you should make sure that you:

  • Did not take medications the day before.
  • Didn't drink alcohol.
  • We didn't drink tea or coffee.

You need to wash your hair on the day of the procedure and not worry, because this will affect the results.

In order to do an EEG of the brain for a certificate from the traffic police, you only need to have a passport with you. The conclusion is provided within twenty minutes after the procedure.


The introduction of the presented requirement has become an additional expense for motorists. Even in state the clinic will have to pay for the EEG, the only difference is the amount.

Now the cost ranges from one thousand to five thousand rubles. There is no set cost, so it makes sense to look for a cheaper option.

Due to the increase in the number of accidents caused by drivers with health problems, Special attention began to pay attention to the availability of a medical certificate.

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Especially unpleasant consequences bring attacks of epilepsy, which can occur suddenly while driving on the roadway. The presence of such a disease can be detected or excluded by a special examination - electroencephalography.

Changes in legislation clearly regulate doctors and examinations that drivers must undergo.

General provisions

An attack of epilepsy is accompanied by loss of consciousness. This happens so quickly that neither the passengers sitting nearby nor other road users have time to react properly to the changed situation.

Especially severe consequences may occur if a driver who has lost consciousness is driving a vehicle with a large carrying capacity or used for passenger transportation.

Therefore, the legislation clearly stipulates the categories indicated on the driver’s license, according to which its owner has the right to drive certain types of vehicles.

The need for electroencephalography may be prescribed by a neurologist when undergoing a round of doctors to obtain.

The basis for this may be certain signs of behavior and appearance candidate for a medical certificate for a driver's license.

After the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that not only the examination results are given to you, but also their transcript.

What it is

The electroencephalography procedure involves recording the electrical activity of brain cells.

At pathological changes it changes, and differences appear from the state of a healthy person.

EEG reveals not only epilepsy, but also the consequences that occurred after traumatic brain injuries, convulsive syndromes, brain tumors, and pathologies of the vascular system.

Electroencephalography is used to diagnose these conditions due to the fact that its cost is not too high, the time required is about 20 minutes, and it does not require special training, is safe.

Its implementation is not complicated and the methods are well studied by medical personnel.

Electrodes serve as conductors from the patient's brain to the condition recorder. They register bioelectrical activity brain neurons.

The device records these signals and constructs a special graph - an electroencephalogram.

Based on this graph, the doctor performing the decoding draws conclusions about the presence of diseases in the examined patient that are dangerous when driving a vehicle.

The procedure is completely painless and non-invasive. Doesn't occur discomfort. The patient is seated on a chair close to the device.

A special mesh cap made of silicone fibers is placed on his head. Electrodes are attached to them.

Ultrasonic waves reach the diagnostic plate and deform it.

Damaged head tissue and tumors reflect waves somewhat differently than healthy ones. The diagnostic method is based on this.

When you turn on the device, waves appear on the computer monitor, displaying the work of the brain.

They are recorded and printed on paper. The presence of a disorder will become noticeable by the nature of the impulses.

The impulses are recorded using a special device - an encephalograph.

The encephalogram of the brain for a driver's license is deciphered by a specialist who performs the examination. He must have appropriate qualifications and experience.

The results are delivered to the patient. The driver who draws up a medical record must submit them for review by the doctor who referred him for this examination, or by a general practitioner, who must make a final conclusion about his state of health.

No special preparation is required before the examination, which sets it apart from similar tests. Rather, you should refrain from drinking stimulants.

Also, before carrying out the analysis, you should monitor your emotional state. Arousal can have an impact on brain activity.

Metal objects can also affect the results, so they must be removed before starting the procedure.

If diseases are identified that are contraindications for driving, the patient should take care of his health and, after recovery, try again to obtain a medical certificate and obtain a driver’s license.

Who does it apply to?

In 2019, only drivers with categories C and D, or those applying for them, are required to undergo electroencephalography.

According to the latest legislative guidance, drivers with or applying for category A and B are not required to undergo this test.

The Order of the Ministry of Health instructs the traffic police not to accept a medical certificate for categories C and D, which does not contain information about undergoing electroencephalography.

However, drivers visiting doctors to obtain a medical certificate may be referred by a neurologist for a brain examination using electroencephalography.

This decision becomes mandatory, otherwise the medical certificate will not be signed.

In 2019, the list of doctors that a driver must visit depends on the category of vehicles that the driver has the right to drive.

Doctors that the driver must undergo are:

  1. Oculist.
  2. Psychiatrist.
  3. Expert in narcology.
  4. Therapist.

A neurologist is added for medical examination of some categories. It is this that the doctor and psychiatrist have the right to additionally prescribe electroencephalography.

The examination should reveal the presence of:

  • epilepsy;
  • seizures;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • conditions before fainting;
  • concussions;
  • the presence of tumors or cysts in the brain tissue;
  • stroke or pre-stroke condition;
  • neuroses;
  • strong age-related changes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • disturbance of proper sleep;
  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • mental retardation.

Electroencephalography will reveal the conduction operational impacts, after which concentration of attention when driving a car is impaired.

Such violations can lead to unexpected situations while driving - fainting, loss of consciousness, convulsions. Hypertensive crisis may cause a mini-stroke.

If these pathologies are identified, you will have to undergo a rehabilitation course and be tested again.

Type of medical certificate for drivers or driver candidates - form No. 003-Vu.

The new certificate 003-В/у does not require entering information about the examination.

Where to go

You can do electroencephalography:

District clinics do not always have appropriate equipment.

If the clinic does not do electroencephalography, then they give a referral to a psychoneurological clinic at the place of registration of the driver.

If possible, do research in district clinic You should be prepared to stand in a long line. Therefore, you should sign up for this procedure in advance.

When deciding to do this in paid clinic You should definitely find out whether she has a license not only to issue a medical certificate, but also to conduct the specified analysis.

Otherwise, it may turn out that the certificate will be issued, but the traffic police will not accept it. If there is a license, then the certificate will have the same status as that issued by a government agency.

Before choosing a medical institution, it is advisable to find out how modern it is diagnostic equipment and highly qualified medical workers.

The certificate must be certified by the signature of a competent person and the seal of a medical institution.

How to take an electroencephalography of the head for a driver's license

The electroencephalography required for a medical certificate for a driver's license can be taken at any medical institution if it has the necessary equipment.

In what cases is it prescribed

According to existing legislation, in 2019, when obtaining a medical certificate, electroencephalography is required for drivers who have or plan to obtain a driver’s license with categories C and D, as well as their subcategories.

In other cases, the decision on the need to do this study is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist who takes part in the preparation of a medical certificate.

Until he receives the appropriate conclusion, his signature will not be affixed.

The basis for this decision is the driver’s alarming symptoms and complaints:

  • existing occasional fainting spells;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • dizziness;
  • pain;
  • difficulty falling asleep and inadequate sleep, which leads to the impossibility of proper rest;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • mental health problems:
  • recent operations;
  • injuries received;
  • concussion.

The doctor may notice inappropriate behavior, slow reactions, and unexpected outbursts of aggression. All this is a reason to prescribe electroencephalography.

Without the examination, a medical certificate will not be obtained and a driver’s license will not be obtained.

What is the price of the procedure

If you undergo electroencephalography with interpretation in a paid clinic, then you should focus on average price several thousand rubles, which, in particular, depends on the region.

If it is completed simultaneously with visiting all the necessary doctors, the price may be reduced.

Information about the cost of the study can be obtained on the websites medical institutions using a calculator. If it is not available, you can find out the data by calling.

If the driver of the vehicle is an employee whose duties include driving a vehicle, then he is obliged to pay for the medical certificate and, including electroencephalography, himself.

If the employer shows goodwill, then, of course, you shouldn’t refuse.

Is it possible to do it for free?

Free electroencephalography can be done only at the district clinic at your place of residence if it has the necessary equipment.

But the queue, even with a pre-registration, can last a very long time. This is often unacceptable when designing medical card for drivers.

Examination procedure

Electroencephalography is a safe and proven procedure. It takes very little time - no more than 20 minutes.

You must appear at the chosen medical institution at the appointed time. In the office, the employee conducting the study, having seated the patient on a chair, will put a special cap on his head and fix it.

Special sensors are attached to the cap, with the help of which information about the functioning of the brain will be transmitted to a nearby diagnostic device - an electroencelograph.

It records data from sensors that will become visible on the monitor. This data is then printed on paper in the form of a wavy line.

Based on the encephalogram, the doctor draws up a conclusion.

No special preparation is required for this procedure.

However, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. You should not drink drinks containing caffeine before the procedure.
  2. Use hair styling products.
  3. Do not come to the examination hungry.
  4. Get a good night's sleep the night before.
  5. Discard all negative thoughts.
  6. Do not drink alcohol the night before.
  7. To wash hair.

You need to tell your doctor what medications you take regularly.

What to take with you

To do an electroencephalography in a medical institution, you only need to take your passport with you.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Electroencephalography examination results are not completely accurate. Any minor circumstance can affect them.

Of course, it is not difficult to refrain from drinking coffee in the morning and beer the night before. It will not be a problem to wash your hair before the procedure.

But it’s not always possible to stop worrying or get a good night’s sleep. This may have a negative impact not in favor of the driver.

A contraindication for the electroencephalography procedure is a recent head injury.

In this case, traffic police officers will receive a proposal for a deferment.

When the effects of the injury or concussion have passed, it will be possible to conduct a study. It will not be possible to completely abandon it.

Video: what is electroencephalography

Important aspects

In 2019, doctors first fill out not a certificate, but a .

Only after all the results of the doctor's visit and examinations have been entered into it, a medical certificate is filled out. The certificate is signed by the general practitioner.

When changing a driver's license, a medical examination is carried out to identify changes in the driver's health.

What is regulated

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

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