Home Wisdom teeth Average heart rate per minute. Pulse at rest

Average heart rate per minute. Pulse at rest

The oldest and most basic human clinical biomarker is the pulse. Manifests itself in the form of jerky and rhythmic waves high blood pressure(trigger waves) propagating at a certain speed along the aorta and medium-sized arteries and reducing the speed of movement (almost attenuating) as they approach small vessels.

The rhythm of the pulse is determined by the number of heart beats, as a result of which blood is thrown into the arterial system. Every pulsating beat in vascular wall equal to one systole (contraction) of the lower chambers (ventricles).

  • The pulsation frequency is associated with the cyclicity of the heart and is the leading criterion in its functional assessment and the work of the entire vascular system.

Using the pulse it is possible to diagnose disorders in the heartbeat, its strength and rhythm, vascular condition and a number of pathologies requiring emergency treatment.

If pulse beats are irregular in certain time intervals, this may indicate either cardiac or hormonal problems, and be the body’s response to the patient’s addiction to coffee or strong drinks.

The pulsation in a healthy person should not only be rhythmic, when pulse waves are observed one after another, but also correspond to a certain frequency - the number of pulsations per minute. Normal pulse rates at rest range from 60 to 90 pulsating beats.

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Normal human heart rate by age and gender (TABLE 1)

In medicine, there are pulse rates determined for adults by age. They are compiled on the basis of many years of research and are a criterion for determining the health status of men and women. Heart rate varies between genders. This is due to anatomical differences between men and women.

This mainly concerns the size of the heart, which in women is much smaller than in men. Therefore, in order to pump the required volume of blood, a woman’s heart has to work with great effort and the number of its beats is normal, exceeding men’s by 7-10 beats.

In men, the work of the heart is measured; a slightly lower heart rate may be due to certain sports or physical training. For each age group There are certain heart rate norms.

Table 1 - heart rate norms for women and men by age (adults)

Age\Years Women - pulsation per minute Men - pulsation per minute
from 20 to 30 60-70 50-90
from 30 to 40 70-75 60-90
from 40 to 50 75-80 60-80
from 50 to 60 80-83 65-85
from 60 to 70 and older 80-85 70-90

Of significant importance in determining heart rate are blood pressure indicators - the force of blood pressure on the arteries and vessels, moving along the large and small vascular path.

In addition to the heart rate norm, there is also a table of blood pressure norms by age. With its help, it is possible to establish the direction in the diagnostic search, since both an increase in blood pressure and its decrease indicate the presence of pathological processes.

Blood pressure norms by age in adults (TABLE 2)

Indicators of normal blood pressure with age and by gender have minor differences. In young women, it is slightly lower due to less weight in youth. And after sixty years, the blood pressure of men and women becomes equal, due to possible risks vascular pathologies.

Table 2 - blood pressure norms for adult women and men by age

Age Normal blood pressure in men Normal blood pressure in women
20 123/76 116/72
30 126/79 120/75
40 129/81 127/80
50 135/83 135/84
60-65 135/85 135/85
older 135/89 135/89

A decrease in pulse blood pressure may be a consequence of a drop in heart rate caused by a heart attack, tamponade, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, or surges in peripheral vascular resistance, the blood flow ejected by the heart.

High pulsation indicates atherosclerotic problems.

What methods exist\how is pulse measured today?

Today there are a huge number state-of-the-art methods pulsating measurements. For example, the most recent innovations (2012) were proposed by the Americans. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed the development of its students, allowing one to evaluate pulsation by the slightest color changes skin recorded on video.

Then, this method was refined, and the determination of pulsations became possible even by the slightest movement of the head caused by the speed of the trigger waves.

Interesting are the “Screen Capture” and “Pulse capture” programs, which allow you to instantly and contactlessly or using a fingerprint measure your heart rate from a computer via a webcam.

The latter’s software can be freely accessed through the open source code posted on the Internet.

heart rate measurement via webcam

Well, the Japanese craftsmen from the Fujitsu company showed the world the idea of ​​​​measuring pulse using a smartphone, presenting to the healthcare court the software created for this.

Well, here we are “in an era when spaceships furrow…..” - a relatively reliable method of measuring the pulse is a subjective assessment of the sensations of a medical specialist palpating the pulse. Often evaluation of pulsation results different doctors examining the same patient is very different.

  • Therefore, the palpation method is considered to be a presumptive diagnosis. Clarification of the diagnosis is confirmed by oscillometric and oscillographic examination.

Typically, palpation examination is carried out on one of the branches radial artery, passing along the dorsum of the wrist joints. It is in the wrist area, where it is close to the skin, that palpation is carried out.

The wrist is covered with the second hand, so that the position thumb was on the little finger side of the wrist being measured. The pulsation is determined by the first and middle finger of the encircling hand in the middle of the wrist, lightly pressing the vessel against the bone.

For the reliability of diagnostic data of cardiac pulsation, diagnostics by palpation are carried out on both hands. If the pulse is rhythmic, it is enough to count the number of impulses in half a minute and double them. A full count (per minute) is carried out in obvious cases of disturbance of the rhythm of the tremors.

Normal indicators are due to:

  1. Regularity and clarity of rhythm. It is revealed by pauses between shocks and equal intervals between them;
  2. vascular filling - when they are completely filled, intense pulsation is noted;
  3. The same pulse value is the wavelength of the beat, reflecting the state of the blood vessels (expansion or contraction) of the walls of blood vessels in the phases of complete relaxation and contraction of cardiac muscle tissue;
  4. A measured pulsation, reflecting the measured movement of blood through the bloodstream with a slight acceleration in the ejection phase into the left cardiac ventricle.

If necessary, pulse waves are assessed by pulsation of the temporal, carotid, femoral, or brachial arteries. Here palpation is carried out in the same way - by placing the index and middle finger on the vessel.

What factors affect heart rate?

Heart rate (the number of heart contractions) corresponding to the wave of vascular deformation as a result of the ejection of blood by the heart, is very dependent on many factors - the environmental environment, stress (physical and emotional), age.

For example, in women, the normal pulse is almost seven beats higher than the male norm. They can increase or decrease under the influence of a psychophysiological or emotional state, the presence of various pathologies in the body, or the state after an excellent meal.

An increase in heart rate is observed with an active or passive change in body position, or with maximum inspiration. Characteristic changes for this indicator are recorded in a certain time period. Slow pulsation - during night sleep, maximum - from the afternoon to 20 pm.

In healthy men, the normal heart rate is 60-70 pulsations per minute at rest. Their changes are due to:

  • force of myocardial contraction;
  • amount of blood during jerky ejection;
  • vascular permeability and elasticity;
  • condition of vascular lumens;
  • blood pressure.

It is absolutely surprising that 140 pulsations per minute is the normal pulse rate in young children, and in adults this indicator is already considered a pathology reflecting disturbances in the heart rhythm (tachycardia).

In children, the heart rate can change due to heat, emotional outbursts and accelerate even at rest. Such fluctuations can be triggered by fatigue, restlessness or loss of strength, infection or myocardial pathology.

In addition to various internal or external factors, exists and general feature factors affecting heart rate norms are gender and age.

Increased heart rate - what does this mean?

Growth and heart rate, and therefore an increase in the impact of trigger waves, is noted as a result of functional and pathological processes, these include:

  • exposure to stress and sports;
  • emotional influence and stress;
  • hot and muggy environment;
  • severe pain syndrome.

With the genesis of a functional nature, the heartbeat remains within normal limits, although at an elevated level, but when the provocative factor is eliminated, it is quickly restored. And the symptoms of tachycardia indicate possible pathologies in the body:

  • heartfelt and vascular diseases(arrhythmias, ischemia, defects, etc.);
  • nervous diseases;
  • development of tumor processes;
  • fevers and infections;
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • anemia or menorrhagia.

A slight increase in pulsation is typical for pregnant women, and signs of functional tachycardia often appear in children. This condition is the norm for active children involved in sports. Their heart quickly adapts to such conditions. Teenagers should be treated with great care. At this age, autonomic cardiac dysfunction may develop.

At the slightest sign– pain in the chest area, shortness of breath, dizziness, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. After all, in addition to high heart rate(tachycardia), a pathological condition can cause its decreased levels - bradycardia.

Cardiac bradycardia - what is it?

Unlike tachycardia, bradycardia is characterized by low pulse rates compared to normal. The genesis is due to functional and pathological disorders. Functional genesis is due to the manifestation of a decrease in pulsation during night sleep and during professional sports.

For professional athletes, it can be reduced to 35 beats/min. In some cases, after taking certain medications, is developing dosage form bradycardia.

With pathological genesis, the disease manifests itself due to:

  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart;
  • age-related pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the muscle tissue of the heart.

With such bradycardia, disturbances are associated with pathological processes associated with sinus block - failure of the conduction of an electrical impulse between the sinus node and the atrium. In this case, tissue hypoxia develops due to poor blood supply.

Among the pathologies that provoke bradycardia are:

  • hypothyroidism and hypothyroid coma (myxedema);
  • ulcerative defects in the stomach;
  • intracranial hypertension.

In most cases, with a significant decrease in heart rate (less than 40 beats), bradycardia can cause the development of heart failure syndrome. Associated symptoms include weakness, dizziness, fainting, cold sweat and unstable blood pressure.

Normal pulse An adult's body can differ significantly from a newborn's. For clarity, the article below presents a table by age, but first we will define what a pulse is and how it can be measured.

Pulse - what is it?

The human heart beats rhythmically and pushes blood into the vascular system; as a result of these shocks, the walls of the arteries begin to vibrate.

Such oscillations of the walls of the arteries are usually called pulse.

In addition to arterial ones, in medicine there are also pulse oscillations of the walls of venous and capillary vessels, but the main information about heart contractions is carried by arterial (not venous or capillary) oscillations, therefore, further, when speaking about the pulse, we mean them.

Pulse characteristics

The following pulse characteristics exist:

  • frequency - the number of oscillations of the artery wall per minute
  • rhythmicity - the nature of the intervals between shocks. Rhythmic - if the intervals are the same and arrhythmic if the intervals are different
  • filling - the volume of blood at the peak of the pulse wave. There are thread-like, empty, full, moderate filling
  • tension - characterizes the force that must be applied to the artery until the pulsation completely stops. There are soft, hard and moderate-tension pulses

How are pulse fluctuations measured?

IN modern medicine Studies of manifestations of heart function can be divided into two large groups:

  • hardware - using a heart rate monitor, electrocardiograph and other devices
  • manual - with all the variety of research methods, palpation is the simplest and fastest method, which also does not require special long-term preparation before the procedure

How to measure the pulse on your hand yourself

You can measure the pulse fluctuations of the arteries yourself.

Where can I measure?

You can measure in the following places:

  • on the elbow on the brachial artery
  • on the neck on carotid artery
  • in the groin area on the femoral artery
  • on the wrist on the radial artery

The most common measurement method is the radial artery at the wrist.

To find the pulse, you can use any fingers except the thumb. The thumb itself has a pulsation, and this can affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Usually the index and middle fingers are used: they are placed under the bend of the wrist in the area of ​​the thumb, moving until pulse fluctuations are detected. You can try to find them on both hands, but keep in mind that the strength of the pulsation may not be the same on the left and right hands.

Features of measurements

During training, your heart rate is usually counted for 15 seconds and multiplied by four. At rest, measure for 30 seconds and multiply by two. If there is a suspicion of arrhythmia, it is better to increase the measurement time to 60 seconds.

When measuring, it should be borne in mind that the frequency of oscillations of the vessel walls may depend not only on physical activity. For example, stress, hormonal release, increased body temperature, even food intake and time of day can affect frequency.

It is better to take daily measurements at the same time. For example, in the first half of the day, an hour after breakfast.

Heart rate norm for women

Due to physiological differences female body, who is subject to significant hormonal fluctuations throughout life that affect the cardiovascular system, the normal heart rate for women differs from the norm for men of the same age. The pulse rate in women at rest is usually 5-10 beats per minute higher.

An increase in heart rate is observed during pregnancy, menstruation, and the onset of menopause. This increase is called physiological tachycardia.

Normal heart rate for athletes

People who exercise regularly have a lower heart rate.

The resting pulse of athletes can be less than forty beats per minute versus sixty to eighty for an untrained person. This heart rate is necessary for the heart to work during extreme loads: if the natural rate does not exceed forty beats per minute, in moments of stress the heart will not have to accelerate more than 150-180 beats.

Over a year or two of active training, an athlete’s heart rate decreases by 5-10 beats per minute. The first noticeable decrease in heart rate can be felt after three months regular classes, during this time the frequency decreases by 3-4 beats.

Heart Rate for Fat Burning

The human body reacts differently to different intensities of stress. Fat burning occurs at loads of 65-85% of the maximum.

Table of load zones and actions on the human body

There are several ways to calculate the required load for burning fat, which give similar results. The simplest one, taking into account only age:

220 minus your age - we get the maximum heart rate (beats per minute).

For example, if you are 45 years old, your maximum heart rate will be 220-45=175

Determining the boundaries of the heart rate zone that is optimal for burning fat:

  • 175*0.65=114 — lower limit
  • 175*0.85=149 — upper limit

A slowdown or increase in heart rate indicates the development of arrhythmia due to the influence of certain factors. If nothing is done, heartbeat irregularities may remain permanent basis, and will even worsen over time. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to find out the specifics of measuring vascular pulsation and age standards. If serious abnormalities are detected, you should consult a doctor.

Pulse s Latin language translated as blow or push. It is a vascular oscillation that occurs due to the cycles of the heart muscle. There are 3 types of pulse:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary.

In a healthy person, the vessels should “oscillate” after an equal period of time. The rhythm is set by the heart rate (HR), which directly depends on the sinus node. The impulses it sends cause the atria and ventricles to alternately contract. If the detected pulsation is too weak or irregular, then we can talk about the development of pathological processes in the body. The easiest way to detect the arterial pulse. Fluctuations in capillaries and veins are determined in a hospital setting according to individual indications.


Pulse measurement is usually performed at the wrist. It is enough for a person to count the number of pulse waves in 1 minute. To obtain more accurate data, it is recommended to take measurements on both limbs. As a comprehensive examination in a hospital setting, the doctor will first find out the heart rate, then he will count the number of respiratory movements (RR) in 1 minute and determine the type of breathing. The resulting indicator is especially important for assessing the child’s development.

When measuring your pulse, you need to pay attention to its rhythm. The shocks should be of equal strength and at equal intervals of time. If there are no deviations, it is enough to spend 30 seconds on the procedure, and then multiply the result by 2. If a clear disturbance in the heartbeat is detected, it is better to spend at least 1 minute on the measurement and consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe instrumental methods examinations. The main one among them is electrocardiography (ECG). It will allow you to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart and identify the causative factor of arrhythmia. As a supplement, the following tests are prescribed:

  • Daily ECG monitoring will allow you to see changes in heart function throughout the day under the influence of various factors.
  • The treadmill test is prescribed to evaluate heart rate under the influence of physical activity.

Due to problems with blood vessels or injuries, it is sometimes necessary to count pulse waves in other arteries. Instead of the wrist, you can palpate the neck. The vibrations will come from the carotid artery.

Dependence of heart rate on various factors

A person's normal heart rate should remain between 60-90. Its frequency may increase or decrease due to certain factors.
If they are not associated with pathological processes developing in the body, then the caused deviation will be considered harmless. Stress, overwork, overeating and the effects of low temperature, for example, after a long walk in cold weather, will only briefly disrupt the usual heart rhythm.

The frequency of contractions may vary depending on the time of day (morning, night). After waking up, a person’s pulse is lowest, and in evening time closer to the upper limit. It is equally important to consider physical training. In athletes, the number of pulse waves at rest is slightly lower than normal. This phenomenon is associated with intense training, which forces the heart to pump more blood.

The normal pulse rate for men and women is not particularly different. The difference is 5-7 beats per minute. Significant deviations are detected only due to the characteristics of the hormonal system. During menopause, which occurs at fifty to sixty years of age, and during pregnancy, female representatives may experience tachycardia and small surges in pressure.

The pulse is most dependent on age characteristics:

  • In children, the heart rate, even in a calm state, is significantly higher than the norm for an adult. The deviation is caused by the intensive growth of the body.
  • Adolescent children may suffer from tachycardia due to puberty and manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD). It occurs against a background of stress and anxiety, especially in high school (before exams).
  • In older people, the cardiovascular system is not in better condition due to gradual wear and tear, therefore they have a high probability of developing various pathologies. Against the background of age-related changes, the heart rate can be eighty to one hundred beats per minute even at rest, and the reaction to physical activity is usually more pronounced.

Normal heart rate for an adult: table by age

The normal heart rate of an adult by year (age) is given in the table:

In an adult, the heart rate norms by age and the permissible heart rate limits in a child under 15 years of age differ significantly, which can be seen in the following table:

AgeMaximum and minimum limitAverage value
Up to 3-4 weeks115-165 135
From 1 to 12 months105-160 130
1-3 years90-150 122
3-5 years85-135 110
5-7 years80-120 100
7-9 years72-112 92
9-11 years65-105 85
11-15 years58-97 77

Knowing what the normal heart rate is for women and men by age, you can avoid many diseases. Measurements should be taken at rest. Under the influence of other factors (sports, pregnancy), slight deviations are possible.

Heart rate while walking

While walking, there is a slight increase in heart rate. How many heartbeats there will be per minute depends on the person’s fitness. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, the heart rate can jump to 120, but for people who like to walk, it will remain within 90-100. To calculate the maximum permissible limit, subtract the person's age from 180.

When walking, the permissible heart rate is as follows:

  • 15 years - 165;
  • 35 years old - 145;
  • 55 years old - 125;
  • 75 years old - 105.

Heart rate at rest

The resting pulse is determined in the morning. A person needs to sit on a chair and count his pulse. Changing body positions or taking measurements in the evening is not recommended, as the final result will be distorted.

Generally accepted norms at rest:

  • adults – 60-80;
  • elderly – 70-90;
  • teenagers - 70-80;
  • children under 2 years old - 90-100;
  • newborns - 130-140.

Heart rate while running

While jogging, a lot of stress is placed on the heart. People trying to lose weight should keep their heart rate close to the upper limit. If the goal is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, then you need to stop at a figure not exceeding 60-70%. To calculate the norm, you need to subtract your age from 200:

If, against the background of an increase in the pulse (within acceptable limits), the pressure readings remain normal, then the development of pathologies will not follow. Elderly people need to be especially careful. Their body is unable to withstand heavy loads.

Permissible heart rate during pregnancy

A woman who is expecting a baby experiences increased heart rate around the 5th month. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in circulating blood volume during fetal development. Usually the increase is insignificant and gradually the indicators return to the acceptable limit:

  • at 14-26 weeks there is an increase of 10-15 contractions from the norm;
  • the maximum increase occurs between 27 and 32 weeks;
  • gradual normalization occurs closer to the birth of the child.

Causes of tachycardia

Tachycardia is manifested by increased heart rate and is divided into physiological and pathological. The first form occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • pain;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • taking medications;

  • stress;
  • hot weather;
  • bad habits;
  • drinking coffee and energy drinks.

Physiological tachycardia goes away on its own and rarely causes complications. The pathological form is a consequence various diseases and malfunctions in the body:

  • coronary heart disease (CHD);
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • malformations of the heart muscle;
  • diseases caused by infections;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • anemia (anemia).

In women, the cause of tachycardia may be menorrhagia. It constitutes a violation in menstrual cycle, which is characterized by large blood loss during menstruation.

In adolescence, the main cause of palpitations is autonomic failure. It develops under the influence irritating factors(stress, overwork) and hormonal surges. The problem goes away on its own after puberty.

Features of bradycardia

A slowing of the heart rate to 50 beats or below is called bradycardia. It is a sign of physiological and pathological factors. In the first case, the list of reasons for a decrease in heart rate is as follows:

  • During sleep, a person's metabolism slows down, body temperature drops slightly and heart rate decreases by about 10% of normal. The reason for the change in indicators is the complete relaxation of the body.
  • When stimulating reflex zones ( eyeballs, carotid artery) can inadvertently cause a slight slowing of the pulse.
  • In older people, bradycardia can be a consequence of age-related cardiosclerosis. Areas scattered throughout the myocardium connective tissue worsen cardiac contractility, which contributes to a decrease in heart rate
  • When exposed to cold for a long time, the heart rate slows down as a protective reaction. The body begins to save resources in order to resist adverse effects longer.
  • Constant physical activity forces the heart to work harder than it should. Tissue hypertrophy begins, against the background of which bradycardia develops. For professional athletes, a heart rate in the region of 40-45 beats per minute is considered normal.

The pathological form of bradycardia is a consequence of the following factors:

  • inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • taking antihypertensive medications;
  • impulse conduction disturbance;
  • hypothyroidism (hormone deficiency thyroid gland);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • high intracranial pressure.

If it is not possible to identify the causative factor, a diagnosis of “idiopathic bradycardia” is made. If it is not accompanied by other disorders and the symptoms are not particularly pronounced, then it is also equated to physiological forms.

Symptoms of heart failure

Pathological forms of arrhythmia are especially dangerous. They manifest themselves quite clearly and often lead to the development of severe complications. In addition to signs of a slow or accelerated heartbeat, symptoms of an underlying pathological process may occur.

Tachycardia is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • pain and tightness in the chest;
  • dyspnea;

  • increased blood pressure;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • pulsation of blood vessels in the neck;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of air.

Bradycardia manifests itself when the heart rate decreases to 40 beats per minute or lower with the following symptoms:

  • dizziness attack;
  • fainting state;
  • pale skin;
  • growing weakness
  • chest pain;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • seizures;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

What to do if your heart rhythm is abnormal

Physiological arrhythmias do not require a course of therapy. It is enough to avoid the causative factor. Pathological forms are treated by eliminating or stopping the underlying cause. Regardless of the type of failure, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist for an examination, the results of which will make a diagnosis.

If you have bradycardia, you will need to take medications that stimulate your heart. It is advisable to combine them with folk remedies based on medicinal herbs. You can increase your heart rate during an attack through light physical activity, caffeine, Zelenin drops and tablets based on belladonna extract.

Rest in a well-ventilated area will help reduce the frequency and intensity of your heartbeat. It is advisable to wash your face before doing this. cold water and remove any clothing that is constricting the neck area. Additionally, you can do breathing exercises and take valerian tincture.

In both cases, nutritional correction, exercise and walks are recommended. fresh air. If it was not possible to stop the attack and the symptoms increase, then you need to call ambulance. Visiting specialists must be told about the measures taken to alleviate the condition.

All people who want to avoid diseases of the cardiovascular system should know the normal heart rate by age. Deviations from acceptable limits may be physiological or pathological. In the first case, treatment is not prescribed. It is enough for the patient to learn about methods of stopping attacks. The course of treatment for a pathological abnormality in the heartbeat is aimed at eliminating the causative factor.

During their lives, few people think about how intensely the body works. Most often, we remember this when we become old or when faced with problems, and our “motor” becomes the main reminder of this. Malfunctions, a decrease or, conversely, an increase in the intensity of its tremors can indicate health. In order to “catch” an onset of illness in time, it is important to know the normal and maximum permissible heart rate values ​​for an old and elderly person, but also what the normal heart rate should be for children and adults. Employees can keep an eye on these indicators for older people. We will always be there if something happens, and we will also create a calm atmosphere so that our charges are happy and not sick.


Pulse - (Pulsus) translated from Latin means blow, push. The frequency and force of heart contraction causes vascular vibrations. If the subject is healthy, then they are rhythmic and have the same period of time. Rhythm disturbances, weakening or increasing pulsation indicate the development of the disease. There are 3 types in total:


It represents jerky movements of the walls of the arteries, which are formed due to periodic changes in blood filling.


This is the pulsation of the jugular (i.e. coming from the head) veins in the neck, as well as some other large ones, which are located closest to the heart. It can be examined using phlebography.


A change in the color intensity of the nail bed, the glass-pressed lower lip and the hyperemic skin of the forehead is associated with an increase in the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure and indicates the development of pathological processes. The movement of blood in the capillaries of healthy people is continuous.

Daily monitoring

This method allows you to identify disorders during the waking period under the influence of various everyday household factors, as well as during sleep.

Treadmill test

Testing will help determine and evaluate changes that occur due to physical education.

Dependence on various factors

Contraction rates between 60 and 90 beats per minute are considered normal. However, it tends to change under the influence of certain factors:

  • stressful situations;
  • fatigue;
  • binge eating;
  • hypothermia.

You also need to take into account the time of day at which the measurement occurs. For example, in the morning the pulsation is the lowest, and in the evening it reaches its maximum level. In professional athletes, the parameters at rest often drop lower. This is due to the fact that when performing the usual physical exercise the heart pumps more blood and works much harder.

The difference by gender is insignificant - 5-7 beats/min. But during the period of hormonal changes, deviations may occur. Tachycardia is often observed during menopause in women (50-60 years old), during pregnancy, and also during cyclical changes. A much larger difference is observed when divided by age:

  • significant excess is allowed in infants. This is due to rapid development;
  • teenagers and young adults are subject to stress and anxiety. Tachycardia manifests itself most clearly in high school;
  • in old people, indicators of 80-100 are recorded even during the rest period. This is due to wear and tear on the body. Even with little activity the reaction is more pronounced than others.

Normal heart rate for an adult: table

The most obvious differences can be seen by age.

Age minimum and maximum quantity (bpm) Average value (bpm)
Newborns up to 3-4 weeks 115-165 135
from 1 month up to 1 year 105-160 130
1-3 90-150 122
3-5 85-135 110
5-7 80-120 100
7-9 72-112 92
9-11 65-105 85
11-15 58-97 77
15-50 60-80 70
50-70 66-87 76
over 70 72-92 81

Heart rate while walking

When walking, the pulsation may increase. The maximum value depends only on the readiness of the torso. Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle cause the indicator to reach maximum levels (120 beats/min), and among those who like to walk, the value rarely exceeds 100.

To determine the maximum permissible deviation You can resort to a simple arithmetic method: you need to subtract your age from 180.

15 years - 165

In adolescents, the body is ready to take on significant loads. Light running and walking train and help increase endurance. At the same time, you cannot ignore how you feel after performing even minimal exercise.

35 years - 145

The body reaches its peak of development. At healthy way In life, a person does not notice an increase in heart rate after a short walk. If the indicator reaches the maximum allowable level, you should adjust your lifestyle and allocate time daily for minimal exercise.

55 years -125

For a group of people approaching retirement age, it is necessary to balance opportunities and activity. Serious failures can provoke many deviations.

75 years - 105

Elderly people need to take special care of their health. Failures in the rhythm of the pulse in old people and exceeding the maximum permissible limit can provoke complex cardiovascular diseases, including death.

Heart rate at rest

It is better to measure your heart rate when you are calm. For this, it is preferable to choose a time before noon. Before taking measurements, it is recommended to take a comfortable position and rest for 10-15 minutes.

Adults – 60-80

Old – 70-90

Heart activity is observed among old people over 56 years of age. It is caused by many concomitant diseases. The normal pulse in older women may deviate slightly from the generally accepted norm in medicine due to hormonal changes, which include menopause and menopause.

Teenagers - 70-80

This group typically includes female and male representatives under the age of 15. Moreover, a rather sharp drop in maximum values ​​compared to younger groups is explained by high demands in schools and colleges, as well as upcoming exams.

Children under 2 years old - 90-100

After the child adapts to new living conditions, the phase of active growth and development begins. A small heart performs a colossal amount of work, supplying everything internal organs nutrients carried in the blood.

Newborns - 130-140

Rapid heartbeat still begins in the womb. The fastest is observed immediately after birth. This fact is often explained by getting used to the world around us.

Heart rate while running

When jogging, the heart muscle works much more intensely. This factor significantly influences the increase in the number of strokes. People seeking to lose weight should adhere to the maximum permissible levels. To calculate, you need to subtract age from 200. If the main goal is strengthening, then maximum rate should increase by about 60-70%.

In this case it is necessary Special attention pay attention to blood pressure. It must remain unchanged. Old people should pay special attention to this point, because the body may not be able to withstand unusual heavy loads.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, starting from 20-22 weeks, an increase in heart rate is recorded. This is due to the increased volume of circulating blood. Often changes do not go beyond the maximum permissible limits. For example, at 3-5 months the number of strokes increases by 10-15, then until the 8th month it reaches maximum levels. By the time pregnancy is completed, it will stabilize.


The increase occurs for various reasons. Therefore, it is customary to divide diseases into pathological and physiologically caused. In the first case, the examining doctor reveals some serious violations:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pathological mental disorders;
  • oncology;
  • malformations of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unstable functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • anemia.

Painful sensations

Our torso, trying to overcome pain, increases the release of endorphins into the blood. They affect the fall in blood pressure, lead to an inhibited reaction and some lethargy. In response to such a reaction, tachycardia develops, which is accompanied by an insufficient volume of blood supply and a weakening of the pulse (in a pathological condition, even thread-like).

Physical and mental overload;

Unusual loads can lead to arrhythmia. At the same time, we cannot talk only about the body’s readiness to perform certain exercises. Hard intellectual work can also affect the deterioration of well-being.

Taking medications

Some drugs help increase the number of rhythmic contractions. As a rule, this factor is described in the column side effects. If the patient notices them, he is recommended to contact his doctor to review his medications.


Attacks of tachycardia, for which you may not rush to see a doctor, occur against a background of fear, fright or nervous tension. As a rule, the rhythm resumes within a few minutes after the unpleasant incident.

Hot weather

The heat outside and visiting a bathhouse/sauna also have an effect. The body reacts negatively to a sharp rise in temperature. In healthy people it is less obvious. Blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops. These 2 factors make the “motor” work to the limit of its capabilities. Moreover, when high temperatures a fairly large volume of fluid is lost and dehydration occurs. Disturbances in water-salt balance can be avoided by consuming mineral water, enriched with potassium and magnesium.

Bad habits

Under these terms, a picture of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and narcotic psychotropic substances is clearly formed in the human mind. The Ministry of Health has been talking about their dangers for many recent decades. They have a detrimental effect not only on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also wear out the body as a whole: alcohol dilates blood vessels, and smoking prevents the enrichment of cells with oxygen. To ensure vital important functions and cleaning, a larger volume of blood is pumped, which is the cause of failures.

However, this section should also include food addictions. Fried, smoked, salty foods, flour and sweets also have a detrimental effect on health.

Drinking coffee and energy drinks

Energy carbonated drinks and invigorating coffee in the morning give a real jolt. The main active ingredient is caffeine, which increases the amount of calcium and makes the whole body work literally for wear and tear.

Features of bradycardia

This condition is characterized by a decrease in contraction frequency to 55 beats/min or less. Physiologically determined causes are not dangerous and stabilization occurs independently:

  • while we sleep the temperature drops and slows down metabolic processes. Deviation within 10% is considered acceptable;
  • stimulation of reflex zones, namely the eyeballs or carotid artery;
  • walking in frosty weather affects the fact that the body is rebuilt to protect itself from unfavorable natural conditions, conserving its resources;
  • for athletes, 40-45 beats/min is the norm. This fact is due to the fact that the heart gets used to heavy loads.

Inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle that occurs due to various infections, medications, toxins, or immune processes that lead to cell damage. This can be both the root cause and the consequence of arrhythmia.

Myocardial infarction

Tissue scarring, degenerative and fibrotic changes in the sinus node cause disruption of impulse conduction, which leads to the development of sinus bradyarrhythmia. That is, the beats are rare, but the rhythm is maintained. A severe degree of damage is characterized by failure of the automatic function.

Taking antihypertensive medications

The most common group of medications intended to lower blood pressure are diuretics. The second stand out ACE inhibitors(angiotensin converting enzyme). They retain potassium. This component ensures stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, but exceeding its normal concentration is harmful.

Impulse conduction disorder

Blockades that occur in the conduction system of the heart block incoming impulses. They do not reach the ventricles and reduce the pulsation rate. If the patient’s health is critical, then a pacemaker is implanted.


A decrease in the level of thyroid hormones is an indicator for obtaining replacement therapy levothyroxine. If the prescription is ignored, deterioration will lead to hypothyroid coma. This is extremely dangerous. Drowsiness, disorientation are expressed, body temperature drops to 34-35 degrees. Coma is accompanied by pathological changes in the central nervous system, which disrupt the rhythm of the pulse. This condition is reversible if euthyroidism is achieved.


A decrease in contraction frequency is most often accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. This is explained by the activation of the compensatory mechanism. With a decrease in both indicators, weakness, malaise and general weakening of the body are felt much more clearly.

Stomach ulcer

Proximity of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract often cause many diseases. Thus, the commonality of innervation during peptic ulcers upper gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of the esophagus can cause arrhythmia.

High intracranial pressure

Hypertension in the cranial area occurs due to an increase in the volume of fluids that ensure normal functioning of the brain, namely cerebrospinal fluid, blood, tissue fluid caused by swelling. Often the problem is caused by mechanical head injuries or the development of tumors.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

Pathological forms pose a significant threat to health. You can avoid disastrous consequences if you start treatment on time. To do this, it is important to pay attention to even the slightest changes.

Feeling of heartbeat

Patients complain of the absence of one or more contractions, interruptions - “it beats and then doesn’t beat”, or very frequent ones, which can be described as “fluttering”. Strong pulsation can cause significant discomfort. In this case, shocks are felt not only in the arteries, but also in the veins coming from the head. Some people report hearing it.


Weakness, malaise, and fainting become frequent accompaniments of tachycardia and bradycardia. Such complaints are caused by deterioration contractility, as a result of which the body does not maintain normal blood pressure levels.


Interruptions in the respiratory system disrupt the process of enriching the blood with oxygen. If such a symptom torments the patient for a long time, then the circulatory system is depleted and leads to heart failure.

Chest pain

Chest pain and a feeling of tightness are a frequent companion to tachyarrhythmia. Patients often forget about their illness as soon as discomfort pass, and postpone the visit to the doctor until later.

Increased pressure

Regular blood pressure monitoring helps to catch many diseases at an early stage, and in some cases, avoid them. Arrhythmia in this case is no exception. The norm for a healthy person is considered to be 12./80 mmHg. A significant deviation upward or downward not only affects your well-being, but is also a sign of rhythm disturbances.

Sense of anxiety

Panic attacks and anxiety are frequent companions of arrhythmia. At the same time, they are not only capable of knocking the “engine” out of rhythm, but are also a symptom. At the same time, the breathing rate increases, tremors appear, and palms sweat. It is important to distinguish psychosomatic disease from cardiovascular disease.


Sudden awakenings at night with shortness of breath, an unstable sleep-wake schedule, or an inability to get enough sleep even for a long time rarely cause anxiety in a person. Most often, these symptoms are associated with hard work, stress, or age. The body is exhausted and the heart is forced to work harder to maintain the body’s performance. If insomnia torments the patient for a long period or he detects other symptoms, this is a reason to consult a cardiologist.

How to improve your condition: first steps

If the disruptions are physiological, then there is no reason to worry. As a rule, everything will return to normal in the next few minutes, and in the future negative factor should be avoided. A pathologically caused condition requires complex treatment. Depending on the violation that has occurred, the doctor will select medications and give recommendations regarding physical exercise, adherence to the daily routine and nutritional correction, namely diet.

For bradycardia, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the work of the heart muscle: tablets including belladonna, natural caffeine-containing drinks or herbal teas. For tachycardia, it is recommended to rest in a cool room and wash with water. The doctor may recommend taking an infusion of valerian internally.

If after completing all the steps the condition does not stabilize, it is recommended to call an ambulance. Knowledge of generally accepted norms will allow you to avoid many diseases. After all, arrhythmia is often a companion to more serious failures.

Pulse examination has become a routine examination, which is often neglected in medical practice. Most people find it unnecessary and uninformative. This is a big misconception. A correctly performed technique can indicate the presence/absence of heart disease, inflammatory processes in the body, problems with blood pressure and many other pathologies.

Of course, the method is not specific enough to determine a specific diagnosis. But in order to navigate the state of health, it is optimal.

What is pulse

These are transfer vibrations of blood vessels that occur under the influence of blood flow. Let's look at an example. The heart constantly pumps blood. Passing through the arteries and veins, it seems to hit their wall, encountering a certain resistance. By placing our hand on any superficial artery, we feel these “beats” and can evaluate their characteristics:

  • Frequency. How many vibrations per minute does the wall of a certain vessel make?
  • Synchronicity. Is the pulsation the same on symmetrical areas (wrists, hips, etc.)?
  • Regularity. Does the rhythm jump or do the beats occur evenly?
  • Voltage . Is the artery easily compressed? Can you feel the resistance of its walls?

Experienced doctors can find out a number of additional qualities, such as filling, shape, presence of deficiency/surplus, etc. However for primary diagnosis quite high enough listed signs.

Pulse rate

For each of the listed signs there are normal values. Only one of them depends on age - frequency. The rest are universal in nature for all people. To determine them, it is not necessary to contact a specialist - how to measure the pulse yourself will be discussed in detail below.


One of the most informative and simplest characteristics that can be easily studied at home. There are two ways to measure your heart rate:


– finger pressure of the artery on the arm. To do this, the subject must extend his arms and bend them slightly at the elbow, completely relax and not talk. To get the correct result, it is necessary to exclude active movements, food and caffeine before measurement. The left limb should be clasped with the right hand at the wrist. On the opposite side the algorithm is similar. Thanks to this simple movement, your fingers will be directly on the vessel and feel its pulsation. Strikes are counted over 60 seconds.

The frequency can be assessed on different parts of the body: neck, hips, feet, etc. But traditionally it is believed that this is most convenient to do on the upper limb. The study is carried out in other areas only if arterial obstruction is suspected;


There are special devices that can determine the frequency: pulse oximeters (worn on the finger); bracelets that measure pulse; electronic blood pressure monitors; smart watches with the corresponding function and others. Their accuracy is slightly less than with classical method, but sufficient for the study.

After counting the number of blows using any of the methods, it is necessary to evaluate the result obtained. To do this, it is necessary to correlate it with the average values ​​​​that are recommended by doctors.

The normal heart rate by age is presented in the table:

A one-time study is not enough to assess health status. It is important to evaluate this indicator over time, since a single deviation from the norm can occur due to a large number of reasons not related to diseases. If a person constantly has a slow or rapid pulse, this is a reason to think about the cause of this condition.

Other characteristics

When examining pulse waves, one should not only take into account the frequency with which they follow each other, but also how they do it. Additional information You can get information about the state of a person and his cardiovascular system by assessing:

Characteristic Norm
Regularity The pulsation of blood vessels, which can be felt with the fingers, must be constant - the intervals between oscillations must be the same length.
The presence of sharp jumps, episodes of slowdown or absence of the pulse wave - all these changes are indirect signs presence of pathology.
Synchronicity To check for this sign, you need the help of another person to press down on the arteries on both wrists.
Normally, impacts on the wall of blood vessels should occur simultaneously from both sides.
Voltage The person should not apply force to compress the vessel. If he feels resistance under his finger, this may be a sign of a pathological change in the artery wall.

In order to suspect a disease, it is enough to detect changes in the listed indicators once. They rarely deviate from the normal human pulse in physiological conditions, in contrast to frequency. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the signs together.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

Depending on the state of a person’s health, there are 2 groups of factors that can change the nature of pulse waves. The first are physiological, in which there are no pathologies in the body that affect blood flow. If the disturbances arose as a result of an illness, we are talking about the action of a pathological cause.

Physiological reasons

The action of these factors can lead to a deviation in the pulse rate, both towards a decrease and a significant increase. Typically, these signs occur only during the action of a specific provoking agent. After the cessation of its influence, the blood flow should gradually return to within limits. normal indicators. The average normalization time is 15-40 minutes.

What are the causes of increased heart rate? These are any processes that require additional energy from the body or stimulate work circulatory system. These should include:

  • Any physical/mental stress. Stress, lifting heavy objects, fast walking, climbing stairs, etc. – all these conditions are accompanied by increased consumption nutrients and acceleration of blood flow;
  • Digestion of food– at this time, a large number of internal organs (digestive glands, stomach, liver, pancreas, etc.) are actively working. In order to provide them with energy, the body creates increased blood flow to the tissues;
  • Drinking certain drinks(coffee, Coca-Cola, energy drinks) - these liquids contain caffeine, which activates the work of the heart, blood vessels and part of the smooth muscle cells;
  • Drinking alcohol - by dilating blood vessels, alcoholic drinks force the heart to work harder, increasing the number of beats per minute;
  • Smoking - nicotine is a kind of stimulant for the walls of arteries/veins, which causes them to contract. This leads to a temporary increase in the intensity of blood flow and pressure (for 20-30 minutes).

The heartbeat, and therefore the pulsation of the arteries, can slow down in states of complete relaxation: during sleep (natural and induced), relaxation procedures, physiotherapy, prolonged static posture (lying or sitting), when performing monotonous work. To speed it up, a little physical activity or “switching” of activities is enough. Recovery occurs immediately or after a few minutes.

Pathological causes

Diseases affect not only the speed of blood flow, but also the condition of the walls of arteries, veins, and the functioning of the heart muscle. All this can lead not only to an acceleration/deceleration of the frequency, but also to a complete absence of blood flow in the arteries of the limb, its irregularity or severe tension.

Causes of elevated heart rate

Pathology Development mechanism
Any infectious diseases with increasing temperature Fever is almost always a sign of poisoning of the body with toxins, microbes or fungal flora. They affect the functioning of the heart, causing it to beat faster. As a rule, patients experience an increased pulse with. Availability additional symptoms from other organs (diarrhea, runny nose, abdominal discomfort) along with elevated temperature- the most typical sign of infection.
Angina attack () In this condition, the heart muscle lacks blood flow. It increases the speed of blood flow, trying to restore nutrition to its own tissue. The main manifestation of IHD is of a pressing nature, which disappears after taking Nitroglycerin in a few minutes.
In Russia, pathologies of the thyroid gland are not uncommon. Among them there is a group of diseases in which its size and the amount of hormones entering the blood increase. It is these substances that cause the frequency change. The patient's appearance and behavior are characteristic:
  • Thin build;
  • Tendency to sudden mood swings;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • “Bulging” eyes;
  • Persistent appetite.

The presence of hyperthyroidism can be confirmed/refuted by a conventional ultrasound.

Hypertensive crisis A sharp jump in pressure occurs due to contraction of blood vessels throughout the body. It is much more difficult for the heart to “pump” blood under such conditions, so it puts in more effort. This is manifested by the acceleration of the pace of its work and the intensification of cuts. A rapid increase in pressure, more than 160/90 mmHg, which is accompanied by a severe deterioration in health (headaches, general weakness, dizziness at rest, etc.)
Cushing's disease/syndrome A relatively rare condition in which it is released into the blood great amount adrenal hormones: aldosterone, cortisol, ethinyl estradiol and others. Their action indirectly increases the speed of blood flow and disrupts metabolism. The prolonged course of the disease leads to the formation of a typical picture of obesity:
  • The face has a regular round shape (doctors compare it to the moon);
  • A large amount of adipose tissue on the body;
  • Thin legs and arms, without excess subcutaneous tissue.

The diagnosis is confirmed by measuring hormone levels (ACTH, Cortisol) and the presence of a pathological formation in the adrenal gland/pituitary gland.

Pheochromocytoma This is a tumor of the adrenal tissues that produce norepinephrine and adrenaline. Due to their excessive growth, the level of these substances in the blood increases. The result is persistent hypertension and a constantly accelerated heartbeat.

Persistent hypertension is very characteristic, which is not relieved or reduced by potent medications.

The optimal diagnostic methods are ultrasound and MRI.



The presence of a pulse (more than 139/89 mmHg) and a pulse (above 90 beats/min) is a reason to seek urgent medical help. The main criterion for this disease is the presence of protein in the urine. It can be detected using clinical analysis.
Diseases with bronchopulmonary insufficiency (, etc.)

Every minute the blood takes in oxygen from the lungs and gives off carbon dioxide. This cycle is strictly regulated, which allows the absorption of the required amount of gas for the specific needs of the body.

If respiratory system functions poorly, blood flow accelerates to pass through the respiratory tissue more times.

As a rule, this symptom is observed in chronic patients who know their illness and for a long time she is being treated.

If the “debut” of the pathology occurs, breathing disorders such as shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, and obsessive cough help to suspect it.

Blood loss The less fluid flows in the vessels, the more difficult it is for the body to maintain the required pressure (about 120/80 mmHg). If the arteries and veins cannot cope with this task, the heart muscle begins to contract faster and more intensely.
This condition can occur with significant blood loss (on average, more than 600 ml).

If there is a wound, determining the cause of the increased heart rate is not difficult. But what to do if internal organs or tissues bleed?

In this case, you need to pay attention to general state sick. Pallor, cold sweat, and decreased blood pressure are the most typical signs of blood loss.

Causes of low heart rate

Pathology Development mechanism Distinctive features and principles of diagnosis
This is the death of part of the heart muscle, which occurs when there is insufficient arterial inflow to tissues. Due to damage, the organ’s ability to perform its functions is reduced, so blood “pumps” with less intensity.

Almost always accompanied by severe chest pain, which intensifies with any load and is not relieved by nitroglycerin.

For reliable confirmation, a single ECG study is sufficient.

Changes in the heart wall (and hypertrophy) This term hides a whole group of diseases that disrupt normal structure heart muscle. The result is a decrease in its contractility, a decrease in the pulse and insufficient blood flow in other tissues.

These diseases can last a long time without any symptoms. As a rule, the first symptoms are shortness of breath and increased fatigue.

The most accessible method for detecting pathology is ultrasound.

Disturbances in the conduction of nerve impulses through the heart (blockades, sinus) This organ works as a single system thanks to a complex of nerve fibers. If one/several of them are interrupted, a decrease in the number of heartbeats may occur.
Violation of conduction - the most common reason low heart rate.
Often, the disease does not bother the patient and is accidentally discovered during routine examinations.
Side effects of drugs Some medications are aimed at reducing heart activity and relaxing blood vessels. These include:
  • Beta blockers (Propranolol, Bisoprolol, Atenolol, etc.);
  • Calcium antagonists (Amlodipine, Nifedipine and others).
Considering the mechanism of action of drugs, poisoning with them is accompanied by a drop in pressure (less than 100/70 mmHg) and a number of common symptoms(dizziness, nausea, weakness).

Absence of pulse in the limb

The cause of this condition is a blocked artery in an arm or leg. Most often, they are clogged with a blood clot (thrombus) or a “fatty” plaque, which can form under the following conditions:

  • Atherosclerotic disease;
  • Thrombangiitis;
  • Endarteritis;
  • Traumatic thrombosis.

Absence of vessel pulsation – dangerous symptom, if detected, you should contact a doctor at as soon as possible. If this is not done, the progression of the pathology will lead to the gradual death of the limb, disruption of its function and even amputation.


If the heart is working correctly, the blood pulses through the arteries in a certain orderly rhythm, although at a different pace. When its function is impaired, a change in blood flow occurs - it becomes irregular, jumping, chaotic. After a short delay, a series of fast waves can be detected, then another lull, etc. The presence of such changes is a reliable sign of arrhythmias. This is a whole group of diseases associated with damage to the nervous system of the heart muscle.

Only a doctor can detect them and distinguish them from each other when conducting additional examination methods, such as auscultation, ECG, ultrasound. Treatment is carried out with antiarrhythmic drugs, which are selected depending on the form of the pathology.

Pulse detection is important diagnostic event, helping to assess the functioning of the body. A large number of reasons can lead to its change, from various tissues and systems (endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, etc.). By examining the patient, they can be “filtered” and a significant factor can be determined, and, accordingly, the correct diagnosis.


Are pulse and heart rate (HR) the same thing?

Not really. The first term refers to how a certain vessel pulsates, and the second refers to the rate of contraction of the heart. In a healthy person, these values ​​are the same, but with complete/partial “blockage” of the arteries, they can differ greatly.

Is the normal heart rate different for women and men?

No, doctors do not distinguish significant differences.

Does the heart rate of athletes change?

When practicing certain sports that train endurance (running, race walking, football, etc.), human tissues begin to “get used” to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, the frequency of pulse waves can be 10-15 below average. If the patient practices power types training (weightlifting), a slowdown in heart rate may be associated with hypertrophy of the myocardial walls.
In any case, it is recommended to go preventive examination from a cardiologist.

How individual is this indicator?

Deviations of 10-20 beats/min from the average values ​​may be a variant of the norm. However, before confirming this, a full examination by a specialist is necessary.

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