Home Hygiene People leading a healthy lifestyle are always happy. Why do some smokers live more than a hundred years, while people leading a healthy lifestyle can become seriously ill? Personal hygiene and healthy sleep

People leading a healthy lifestyle are always happy. Why do some smokers live more than a hundred years, while people leading a healthy lifestyle can become seriously ill? Personal hygiene and healthy sleep

B eautyHack tells the stories of healthy lifestyle activists, fitness trainers and celebrities who deserve your attention.

David Kirsch

David Kirsch's client list includes Jennifer Lopez, Kate Upton and Heidi Klum. Celebs love him for his rational approach to training. The concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes not only regular physical exercise, but also a way of thinking. David founded the popular Madison Square Club fitness club and developed the famous New York diet, the essence of which was outlined in the best-selling book The Ultimate New York Diet.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth is a vegetarian and healthy lifestyle guru. In 2008, the actress created the website Goop.com. Gwyneth publishes original materials with recipes, lifestyle and beauty tips, and her team creates travel guides, articles on parenthood, fitness, and healthy eating. Among the actress's other achievements is the release of two cookbooks, My Father's Daughter and It's All Good.

Irina Pochitaeva

Irina Pochitaeva is a mother of five sons, a doctor of the highest category, a candidate of medical sciences and the creator of the dietary food delivery company Just For You.

Irina’s partners in the Just For You project are restaurateur Arkady Novikov, nutritionist Pierre Dukan, chef William Lamberti and a team of professional nutritionists, doctors and therapists. The company develops a menu according to the nutrition program you choose, two of which are suitable for pregnant women. The most popular is the “850 kcal” intensive weight loss program.

Anastasia Khozisova

The former model lives in Italy and runs her own website www.lifeofthemodel.com. Anastasia graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition University of Healthy Nutrition and received a Health Coach certificate. For example, no one in Russia has such a certificate. And in Italy only two people have it. On her own website, Anastasia shares not only healthy recipes, exercises, interesting locations in Milan, but also runs a “model school” section, where she tells where young girls should start and what lifestyle to lead. You can always sign up with Anastasia for a six-month program on healthy eating.

Janette Jenkins

Today, Janette has 382 thousand followers on Instagram. Jeanette was a fitness blogger for The Haffington Post, then became an ambassador for Nike and created the famous program The Hollywood Trainer (a mix of dance aerobics and Pilates). She is a personal trainer for Alicia Keys, Pink, and Queen Latifah. Subscribe to Janette's page, the girl willingly gives out training tips and conducts challenges.

Mandy Ingber

Hollywood yoga instructor and wellness consultant Mandy Ingber coined the term “yoga philosophy”, about which she wrote a book of the same name. Yoga philosophy is a combination of spiritual and physical practices and aerobic exercise. Mandy's regular clients include Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, Brooke Shields, Helen Hunt and Jennifer Aniston. The rest can only be content with reading the book and watching the video - Mandy has her own channel on youtube.

Talin Gabrielyan

Australian Talin Gabrielyan is a blogger, author of the Hippie Lane app and a book of healthy recipes of the same name. Talin's Instagram page is followed by 466 thousand subscribers. PP-"Bounty" and "Twixes", ice cream made from coconut milk with berries, peanut butter slices with a triple layer of chocolate - photographs of the dishes that the girl prepares are an aesthetic pleasure in themselves. Talin completely gave up gluten, dairy, refined sugar and soy. Instead, her kitchen contains organic cocoa powder, coconut oil, nuts, dates, rice syrup and buckwheat.

If you find yourself in Sydney, stop by the cafe Dose Espresso And Ritual Coffee Traders. Hippie Lane sweets can only be found there.

Ella Woodward

Dasha Gaivoronskaya

Together with her husband and four-year-old son, Dasha lives in Australia, works as a personal fitness trainer, writes a blog and develops her own 10-week training plan. The girl willingly tells her subscribers (there are 341 thousand of them) where and how she works out and records video instructions. Looking at Dasha, you have no choice but to repeat!

Natasha Corette

Natasha is the author of five cookbooks (including the best-selling Honestly Healthy For Life) and one of the world's most renowned vegetarian chefs. Among her fans are Victoria Beckham, Robbie Williams, Lily Allen. And 327 thousand users are waiting for Natasha’s recipes on Instagram.

Ksenia Avdulova

Ksenia is a healthy lifestyle activist, an acai bowl fan, and a certified strala yoga teacher. On her blog, the girl writes about life in New York, publishes useful recipes and reports on retreats. By the way, Ksenia regularly organizes retreats and has already visited Brazil, Nicaragua and India. Anyone can join the group!

Text: Yulia Kozoliy

We assume that it is unlikely that you will meet someone who would not dream of always being beautiful, full of strength and happy. Sometimes many try different sports, gyms, diets, walks in the parks. However, what do we know about a healthy lifestyle? It is rare to find someone who fully adheres to it. Why is this happening? What prevents people from taking care of their health? What will you have to do to look and feel great? And how to live long and successfully? We will try to answer all these questions below.

Healthy lifestyle – what is it?

Today, everyone's life is full of events, technologies and temptations. In our developed times, people are accustomed to running somewhere and rushing, to make the most of it. Work quickly, learn new things, eat fast food, take medications with immediate effect. There is no extra minute for relaxation and basic attention to yourself. However, sooner or later your health will fail. It never happens on time and always brings bad results.

It's easy to avoid this outcome. Just know and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. What kind of “beast” is this? A healthy lifestyle is a set of useful habits that have a positive effect on a person’s life. With its help you can improve your health, increase your life expectancy and be happy. A healthy lifestyle has become especially relevant lately. Technological progress, poor ecology and lack of mobility have a detrimental effect on people. Various types of stress appear, leading to diseases, often chronic. In this regard, a healthy lifestyle is extremely important for our society.

What does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps everyone take care of and care for their body. It contributes to its strengthening, stability and strength. This is true only under one condition. You need to use all its components. There are many classifications of them. We chose a simple and meaningful one. So, a healthy lifestyle consists of:

  1. proper nutrition;
  2. sports;
  3. personal hygiene;
  4. different types of hardening;
  5. giving up or minimizing bad habits.

Proper nutrition

Eating right, first of all, means eating only healthy foods. They provide the body with various substances that help it grow and function. Proper nutrition should be extremely balanced.

A person, especially with the problem of excess weight, should adhere to several principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Food should be varied. This means that the diet must include products of both animal and plant origin;
  2. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the daily requirement. Everyone has their own. Many lifestyle aspects are taken into account when calculating your caloric intake. For example, the presence of physical activity, excess weight, illness, etc.
  3. At least 5 meals per day. They include three mains and two snacks. You can’t go hungry – that’s an axiom. To always feel good, learn to eat 5 times a day at the same time;
  4. Eat slowly. This way, you will feel full in time, not overeat and enjoy the taste;
  5. Chew your food well. This is a salvation for the stomach and the entire digestive system. Experts recommend chewing food at least twenty times;
  6. Eat liquid. Be sure to consume soups daily. They promote the secretion of gastric juice. In this way, soups simplify the process of digesting other dishes;
  7. We eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. This is a great option for a snack. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not only satisfy hunger, but also replenish the lack of nutrients;
  8. Drink, drink and drink again. The amount of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. Tea, coffee and soups do not count. In the morning, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. You can add lemon for taste;
  9. We consume fermented milk products. Low fat content is best, but not low fat. They contain healthy protein and promote speedy digestion;
  10. Don't be lazy, eat only freshly prepared food. Over time, food loses its beneficial properties.

The rules of healthy eating are quite simple and do not require special skills. Today, there are a lot of services available where everyone will find recipes to suit their taste and will be able to control the calorie content of dishes and the amount of water consumed.

Sports and physical activity

Our body is our main tool. With its help we can perform all our functions. Therefore, it is very important that the body is always in order. First of all, you need to use it. Movement is life. Couldn't have said it better. Let's take a car for example. If it sits idle for many years, it becomes covered with rust and becomes unusable. So is our body. The less we move, the greater the risk of disease. It's good if you have a lot of free time. You can attend group classes, exercise at the gym or dance. There are a lot of options. But what to do if you are a busy person and have almost no free time? The ideal option for you is morning exercises. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to it, and your body will always be in excellent condition.

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information about exercises and morning exercise techniques. In addition to the above, running has a great effect on the human body. A morning or evening run lifts your spirits. By choosing picturesque places for running, you can clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. It doesn't matter what type of physical activity you choose. It is important that they give you pleasure.

Personal hygiene and healthy sleep


To reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, it is worth hardening. It helps the body fight unfavorable external factors. There are many ways to increase resistance and immunity:

  1. Taking air baths. This is the most accessible and easiest way. Try to take frequent walks in the fresh air and ventilate the premises. In the summer, go out into the countryside. Clean forest air is the best disease prevention;
  2. Sunbathing. No less effective for a person is exposure to the sun. However, you should be careful with it and avoid direct rays at midday. Burns and heat strokes should also not be allowed to occur;
  3. Walking barefoot. Our feet have many sensitive points. Their massage leads to normalization of the functioning of important organs;
  4. Rubdowns– a soft and gentle method of hardening. It is suitable even for small children. The process involves rubbing the body with a massage mitten, washcloth or wet towel;
  5. Pouring cold water- the most famous method. You can douse yourself completely or partially. It is important to wipe yourself with a dry towel after the procedure;
  6. Cold and hot shower. Alternating cold and hot water gives skin tone, rejuvenates and strengthens the body.
  7. Winter swimming. This type of hardening requires a responsible and careful attitude. Before starting procedures, you should consult your doctor.

Rejection of bad habits

We will not go deep and talk for a long time about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. This is a well-known fact. We really hope that each of you, our readers, values ​​​​your health and has long given up these destructive habits or is now on the way to this.

"What is a healthy lifestyle?" - our grandmothers would have asked twenty years ago.
Now this concept is gaining more and more popularity.
The basics of a healthy lifestyle (hereinafter referred to as HLS) are a minimum of bad habits with a maximum of useful ones that help improve the quality of life of people.
If previously the main elements of a stylish young man or girl were an active club life, indispensable cigarettes and a glass of alcoholic cocktail, now social networks are full of images of beautiful and fit bodies in training rooms. A photo of a plate with chicken breast and vegetable salad will get much more likes than a photo of a frying pan with fried potatoes with a bottle of beer in the background.
Healthy lifestyle is coming quickly and inevitably: shelves with organic products, farm-raised meat and vegetables are already beginning to appear on store shelves, and gyms are opening.

Reasons for the popularity of healthy lifestyles

A proper lifestyle contributes not only to the overall improvement of the body’s condition, but also to a person’s appearance.
What are the criteria for a healthy lifestyle? This includes a balanced diet, physical activity appropriate to a person’s age and condition, adequate sleep and many other little things that have a positive effect on the condition. human body.
Anyone who follows the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle stands out from others: he has a fresh complexion, good posture and a lively look, always full of energy, desire to try something interesting. It is impossible not to notice him against the backdrop of people with gray, puffy faces, voluminous bellies, shortness of breath and stooped backs, barely carrying themselves through life from the sofa to work.
Anyone who follows the basic components of a healthy lifestyle clearly understands how much effort and time he needs to maintain himself in ideal condition, so he will not waste a second on meaningless or unpleasant actions. This is especially valuable in the age of high technology, when every minute counts.

Components of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is a combination of several basic elements, among which the following stand out:

  • proper nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • healthy sleep;
  • rational distribution of time;
  • refusal of excesses.

All these components of a healthy lifestyle are fundamental.
It is a mistake to think that in order to change your life, it is enough to change one thing. You cannot give up some bad habits and be content with that. Dramatic changes always require drastic measures.
Each person has a different character, and where one can by a strong-willed decision immediately abandon everything unnecessary, another would rather abandon the idea of ​​self-improvement, fearing the burden of future worries.
Therefore, psychologists advise not to rush to apply all the main components of a healthy lifestyle at once, but to do it gradually, so that you first subconsciously accept the basics of a healthy lifestyle and endure changes more easily.

Where to start a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle begins with a person’s awareness of the fact that he is living incorrectly.
And this happens differently for everyone: someone notices a too high number on the scale, someone feels dissatisfied, overwhelmed, tired, someone is constantly sick.
Sometimes people spend years coming to the conclusion that diet or prevention of colds alone is not enough to solve their problems. And it seems to them that they are leading the right lifestyle, since they have given up one component of the past: they stopped drinking or smoking, started going to the gym or went on a diet.
However, a healthy lifestyle is not one small concession, but a large set of measures for self-improvement, and although you should start small, you must strive for more.
Components of a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise and proper food preparation cannot be simply discarded or replaced with less labor-intensive options.

Healthy lifestyle and its components

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are not the only ones, but they are the basis of a new way of existence, which should be perceived not as punishment or torment, but as a kind of peak, the achievement of which is interesting and exciting.
You don't have to stick to just the basics. There are other factors Healthy lifestyle, such as, for example, spiritual practices, psychological trainings and communities of fans of the rules of a healthy lifestyle, helping to exchange experiences with other adherents.

Balanced diet

This is the cornerstone that supports the other components of a healthy lifestyle.
Depending on the physical condition of a person, on the principles that he practices, nutrition can be different:
Some people prefer vegetarianism, some prefer a raw food diet, for others the paleo diet is the solution.
There is no one right option, just as there is no one most correct spiritual practice, because all people are different, and the paths that lead them to a state of inner harmony are different for everyone. One thing is certain: nutrition is always included in the basics of a healthy lifestyle in the forefront, since the spiritual state directly depends on the physical state.
The body is actually a “box” for the soul; it is impossible to get to what is inside without changing the container so that you can freely deal with the state of the contents. Nutrition has a huge impact on health; it’s not for nothing that doctors prescribe certain diets for many diseases.

Sports lifestyle

Without physical activity it is also impossible to talk about self-improvement. An unsportsmanlike person is often melancholic and tends to forgive himself for minor weaknesses. He does not have the habit of loading his muscles, overcoming himself, and will easily violate the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle due to lack of self-discipline.
Sport not only improves your health, it also contributes to the formation of a beautiful appearance, and the joy of contemplating the reflection in the mirror, the pride, and pleasure that people get from looking at an updated version of themselves only supports their desire to maintain a correct lifestyle.
As the basis of a healthy lifestyle, sport is simply irreplaceable: exercise helps improve blood circulation, joint function, stimulates the production of certain hormones, improve the general condition of the human body.
Gyms offer a huge selection of different activities for people of all ages and physical abilities, so even advanced age cannot be a hindrance if you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Rational allocation of time

Some factors of a healthy lifestyle are underestimated, in particular, the ability to manage time in such a way as to comply with all the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
The peculiarity of cardinal changes is the inextricable connection between the amount of effort spent on preparing for them and the very process of mastering the unusual rules of a healthy lifestyle, which will allow this lifestyle to be called truly healthy.
A healthy lifestyle requires self-denial, a willingness to spend part of your time providing yourself with healthy foods, preparing appropriate meals, and exercising.
It takes about less than half an hour to prepare semi-finished products. You will have to spend more time going to the store for the appropriate ingredients and preparing food, and this must be done constantly. After all, what is a healthy lifestyle? This is a steady, constant adherence to certain rules and selected components, and the components of a healthy lifestyle cannot be applied partially and irregularly, otherwise they will be random moments against the background of normal existence.

Refusal of excesses

In real life, a healthy image has little to do with the concept of a beautiful or thin body. Not everything that leads to weight loss is beneficial, and sometimes, in trying to achieve a visual effect, an unprepared person ends up with the opposite - illness, poor health, dissatisfaction with oneself.
Proper nutrition and a sports lifestyle alone will not give the full effect if you continue to allow yourself obvious excesses, which pathologically affect the general condition of the body, accustom it to general relaxation on the verge of unnecessaryness and have a destructive effect on the healthy lifestyle itself and its components .
Therefore, excesses are not only smoking or drinking alcohol, but also the habit of violating the correct regime, allowing yourself to deviate from some important postulates, and so on.

Acceptable Weaknesses

Not every person has a strong character; everyone should do only what they can handle, gradually moving forward in small steps, one by one accepting the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
It is sometimes necessary to allow yourself to deviate from them; weaknesses will only help you comply with the principles of a healthy lifestyle if they are:
1. Really rare;
2. Small and well controlled;
3. Will not lead to systematic violations of the main components of a healthy lifestyle.
Smoking one cigarette once a month, gradually increasing the period between smoking to two, three or more months is a minor weakness, permissible at the initial stage for a person who is learning the very basics of a healthy lifestyle. Smoking a pack of cigarettes every day instead of one and a half, without reducing the dose, is already a harmful habit that affects the subconscious: since you are allowed to continue smoking, it means you can afford to continue eating fast food and skipping workouts.

Healthy lifestyle criteria

Readiness must consist of internal messages, because no amount of advice, persuasion and demands will force a person to follow the basic principles that are necessary to bring his life to a state of at least relatively healthy, if there is no need to change.
But even with such aspiration, we must not forget that we should not rush into the maelstrom of self-improvement thoughtlessly.
The criteria for a healthy lifestyle appeared for a reason; they are justified.
For example, in case of a number of diseases, you cannot violate the prescribed diet even in order to lead a healthy lifestyle; You should not forcefully try to perform sets of exercises for trained athletes if your physical fitness leaves much to be desired - instead of benefit, there is a high probability of getting injured; attempts to achieve an enhanced effect by changing the timing of diets to longer ones will turn healthy nutrition into a dangerous hunger strike, and excessive zeal will result in harm instead of benefit.

Knowing of limits

It is impossible to talk about the rules applicable to the transition to a healthy lifestyle without mentioning a very important point.
There are healthy lifestyle factors that significantly affect the result, and one of them is a sense of proportion.
A healthy lifestyle is built on restrictions, self-discipline, and building a system of habits that allow you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and its components in the long term.
A person cannot exist in a regime of strict restrictions; moreover, they are usually developed in such a way that there is no excessive psychological pressure and chronic fatigue from self-denial does not arise.
A sense of proportion is what guides experts who develop recommendations on nutrition, exercise and other components of a healthy lifestyle. You should not seriously violate deadlines, diets, etc., as this can become dangerous.

Other factors for a healthy lifestyle

Other points that influence the process of self-improvement include:
- psychological readiness for breakdowns;
- the ability to replace prohibited products with others, since it is always more difficult to refuse than to replace with an analogue;
- the ability to consistently implement plans and so on.
What is healthy lifestyle? This is not only a certain group of basic elements based on physiological aspects, but also a huge layer of components lying in the field of psychology and fine-tuning the subconscious.


A healthy lifestyle and its components are steadily becoming part of our reality: there are debates on the Internet about the best diets and exercise routines, and on television they talk about many the basics of a healthy lifestyle, there are more and more organic products on store shelves.
A modern person simply cannot escape the reality that teaches what a healthy lifestyle is, because we are all unique, and preserving this uniqueness, keeping it as close to an ideal state as possible is an excellent goal in life.
The rules of a healthy lifestyle are not as complicated as it seems at first glance, and sometimes you just need to start to realize how necessary it was.

These questions can be answered by epigenetics - a science that studies changes in the activity of genes that do not affect the DNA structure. We are publishing a review of a book by German neuroscientist Peter Sporck about one of the most promising scientific disciplines.

The emergence of epigenetics.

Peter Sporck writes about a relatively young science. The name "Epigenetics" appeared in 1942, when Conrad Waddington, a biologist from England who laid the foundations of systems biology, proposed this term as a cross between "genetics" and Aristotle's "epigenesis" - the doctrine of sequential embryonic development. We know about Aristotle's classic experiment with breaking chicken eggs - with the help of it, the philosopher was able to establish that the heart is formed first in the embryo, and the emergence of internal parts precedes the development of external ones. In the 1940s, when scientists still did not understand the physical nature of the genome, Waddington's assumption about the epigenetic landscape was revolutionary.

By analogy with a geographical landscape in which there are rivers flowing from source to mouth, one can imagine the development of an organism as the flow of a river - the source in this case will become conception, and the mouth - maturity. However, we should not forget about the relief along which the river bed runs: this metaphor can denote the external conditions that affect the development of the organism. An avalanche, rockfall, or even an earthquake can change the flow of a river. Adapting to new conditions, the organism undergoes mutations, which forms the basis of variability - the most important part of biological evolution.

In the 60s and 70s, active study of genes began. Now we all know that many genes contain information about the structure of the cell and how it functions and are active throughout a person’s life. However, scientists are faced with the fact that many genes work inconsistently, and the mode of their activation depends on external factors. It is precisely these mechanisms that epigenetics deals with - a science that studies changes in gene activity that do not affect the DNA structure. Thus, the idea that all functions of the human body are determined by the sequence of the DNA chain is refuted by epigenetics. In other words, epigenetics can explain how our environment can influence our genes to turn on and off. The first Nobel Prize for discoveries in the field of epigenetics was awarded only in 2006 to scientists from the USA.

Second code.

Spork compares human genes to computer hardware. It's good to have an expensive video card and a powerful processor. But what about the software? Without it, is it possible to perform the most basic action - type text, look at an image? Epigeneticists deal with the software of our body. In the near future, scientists intend to explore how, by changing our lifestyle, we can learn to control our genes and prolong the life of ourselves and our descendants.

Genetics and its notorious branch, eugenics, assumed that only genetic material influenced the developmental state of an organism. Randy Jertle, a biologist from Duke University (Durham, USA), refuted this with the help of a clear experiment: he gave genetically identical laboratory mice different foods during pregnancy. Mice born from mothers consuming food with dietary supplements were healthy and brown, while mice deprived of such food were born yellow and sickly. These changes will further affect the entire subsequent life of the animals: poor nutrition has disabled some genes in them that determine coat color and disease resistance. The genes of the embryos at the time of feeding were already formed and were not affected - therefore, something else was affected. It is precisely these mechanisms of influence that epigenetics deals with - “above - Genetics”, which studies epigenomes located, as it were, above the genome of cells.

The truth is that if only a genome consisting of just four different components, a kind of “Wiring Circuit”, determined our development, then we would all be about the same. “Even Chimpanzees would be little different from us,” writes Spork. It is thanks to the epigenome, the “Second Code,” that our body is able to build cells of different types - hair, liver, brain - although they have the same genome. The epigenome is thus a guide to how to control the genome. It is he who is responsible for the activation and deactivation of certain genes and programs the rate of cell aging. It is obvious that if each cell simultaneously read all its genes and synthesized all possible proteins, the body would not be able to function. What we were taught in school, that cells pass on only their genome, no longer corresponds to scientific reality. In fact, cells inherit the epigenome.

The impact of epigenetics on gerontology is enormous. Scientists now know that despite the existence of an unchanging genome, a person's fate is largely in his own hands. “Change your Lifestyle - and you will Begin a Chain of Biochemical Changes that will Imperceptibly, but Steadily Help You and, Possibly, All Your Descendants until the End of Their Life on Earth,” suggests Shpork. And, despite the fact that this statement is similar to what all world religions promise, it has strict biological foundations.

Since the landmark completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, scientists have faced new challenges. Pharmacists were already hoping for new gene drugs, but it turned out that failure of the function of a specific gene rarely leads to the development of a disease that can be diagnosed in advance. Everything turned out to be much more complicated than it looked at the beginning. Scientists have learned that the genome is not a stable text. The number of genes can increase, for example, 16 times, and the genes themselves can be modified, split and joined again: such genes are called transposons.

Scientists placed bets on a kind of gene sweepstakes - they had to guess how many genes a person would have at the end of the research. Estimates varied - the number of genes jumped from 27 to 160 thousand. After the completion of sequencing of the human genome in 2003, it turned out that the amoeba's genetic code is two hundred times longer than the human one - the latter is only about 22 thousand genes. Why is the complexity of organisms not reflected in their DNA, or perhaps more complex organisms have more compact DNA? But what then to do with yeast, whose DNA is two hundred times shorter than human DNA?

Epigenetics answered the question of how a person can have fewer genes than an amoeba or a weed: higher organisms are able to synthesize many protein variants from one “Scheme”. In other words, the whole point is in gene regulation - it appears only in complex organisms, and the more complex it is, the more diverse its life activity is organized. Thus, despite the small number of genes, humans, thanks to their epigenome, are much more complex than other organisms. The same thesis of epigeneticists also answers another popular question: why are we little different from chimpanzees if the coincidence of our genomes is 98.7%? Although differences in genetic material are minimal, epigenetic differences are enormous.

Another question that could have been asked of evolutionary biologists several decades ago is how do humans adapt to their environment in the long term? Previously, science knew only about two extremes - evolution, which takes thousands of years, and hormonal changes, which work super fast. However, between them there was an important middle mechanism - epigenetic switches. It is they who shape our adaptation to the environment for a period commensurate with the duration of human life. It is especially important that the changes they make will have a long-term effect - even if new signals do not enter the cell. This makes it clearer why our mother’s diet or early childhood experiences can influence the rest of our lives. But one should not think that the epigenome is an absolutely immobile system. A person is capable of changing the properties of his body, both for the better and for the worse.

  • Physically active life
  • Emotional well-being
  • Body hygiene
  • Spiritual well-being
  • Environment
  • Intellectual well-being
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Healthy lifestyle program Everyone should have it, it can be compiled for 2018, then the next, and so on. - a clear plan for days, months and weeks!!! - without this nothing will happen! All recipes are in pictures and drawings below.

    9. Be often in the fresh air - games, walks: water and air - as the main ones free medicines.
    10. Drink quality water at least 2 liters per day.
    11. Sleep at least 8 hours.

    12. Do it.
    13. Treat everything with a POSITIVE attitude! - this is the basic component!
    14. Set goals and achieve them.

    15. Active life position.
    16. Get proper rest - some people work so hard that they forget about rest - learn to catch yourself in such thoughts and correct yourself.
    17. .
    18. Economic and material independence- No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is true. A person without money worries a lot, is nervous, and all this affects the health and general condition of the body. Make a spending plan for the month - how much you can spend on this, that and that.

    Nutrition healthy lifestyle

    You need to eat right: no McDonald's and the like - all this is against a healthy lifestyle.
    ​​​​​​​The recipes are simple: porridge in the morning, soup at lunch, salad in the evening and fruit snacks during the day.

    Basics of healthy lifestyle- and they still emphasize that Work is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle, although some clarify that work should still be loved, it should be liked - since it affects psychological well-being..

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