Home Hygiene Foci of destruction. Primary malignant bone tumors, diagnosis, treatment

Foci of destruction. Primary malignant bone tumors, diagnosis, treatment

The word "destruction" has Latin roots. Literally this concept means "destruction". Actually, in a broad sense, destruction is a violation of integrity, normal structure, or destruction. This definition can be understood narrowly. For example, we can say that destruction is the direction or component(s) of human behavior and psyche that are destructive in nature and related to subjects or objects. Where and how it is used this concept? More on this later in the article.

general information

The initial ideas about the presence of forces and elements in a person that have a destructive focus on external objects or oneself were formed in ancient mythology, philosophy, and religion. These concepts subsequently received some development in different areas. The 20th century saw some updating of understanding. Many researchers associate this surge with various phenomena in society, psychoanalytic problems, and various disasters social nature. These issues were dealt with quite closely by various thinkers of that time. Among them are Jung, Freud, Fromm, Gross, Reich and other theorists and practitioners.

Human work activity

What is personality destruction in the career field? In the process of work activity there is a transformation individual characteristics person. The profession, on the one hand, contributes to the development and formation of personality. On the other hand, the work process has a destructive effect on a person in a physical and psychological sense. In this way, it is possible to note what is happening in directions opposite to each other. In the field of career development management, the most effective tools are those that contribute to the conscious strengthening of the first tendency while minimizing the second. Professional destruction represents gradually accumulated negative changes in personality and methods of activity. This phenomenon occurs as a result of performing monotonous work of the same type over a long period. As a result, undesirable work qualities are formed. They contribute to the development and intensification of psychological crises and tension.

This is what destruction is in the career field.


In some cases, destructive processes can help eliminate certain undesirable phenomena. In particular, this effect is observed in medicine. How can destruction be useful? This phenomenon, caused intentionally, is used, for example, in gynecology. When treating certain pathologies, doctors use different methods. One of them is radiofrequency destruction. It is used for diseases such as cysts on the walls of the vagina, condylomas, erosion, and dysplasia. Radio wave destruction of the cervix is ​​a painless and quick way effects on the affected areas. This method treatment of pathologies can be recommended even to nulliparous women.


Many pathologies are accompanied by tissue destruction. These diseases include cancer. One of the special cases is a tumor. This round cell bone tumor is sensitive to radiation. Compared to others malignant neoplasms this pathology occurs in sufficient time at a young age: between 10 and 20 years. The tumor is accompanied by damage to the bones of the extremities, but can also develop in other areas. The neoplasm includes densely arranged round cells. To the most characteristic symptoms include swelling and pain. Sarcoma tends to spread significantly and in some cases covers the entire central part of long bones. On an x-ray, the affected area does not appear as extensive as it actually is.

Using MRI and CT, the boundaries of the pathology are determined. The disease accompanies lytic destruction bones. This change is considered the most characteristic of this pathology. However, in a number of cases, “onion-like” multiple layers formed under the periosteum are also noted. It should be noted that previously these changes were classified as classic clinical signs. Diagnosis must be made on the basis of a biopsy. This is due to the fact that a similar picture x-ray examination can also be observed against the background of other malignant bone tumors. Treatment involves the use of various combinations of radiation, chemotherapy and surgical methods. The use of this complex of therapeutic measures allows eliminating pathology in more than 60% of patients with a primary local form of Ewing's sarcoma.

Chemical destruction

This phenomenon can be observed under the influence of various agents. In particular, these include water, oxygen, alcohols, acids and others. Physical influences can also act as destructive agents. For example, among the most popular are light, heat, and mechanical energy. Chemical destruction is a process that does not occur selectively under the condition physical impact. This is due to the comparative similarity of the energy characteristics of all bonds.

Destruction of polymers

This process is considered the most studied to date. In this case, the selectivity of the phenomenon is noted. The process is accompanied by the rupture of the carbon-heteroatomic bond. The result of destruction in this case is the monomer. Significantly greater resistance to chemical agents is observed in carbon-carbon bonds. And in this case, destruction is a process that is possible only under harsh conditions or in the presence of side groups that help reduce the strength of the bonds in the main chain of the compound.


In accordance with the characteristics of decomposition products, depolymerization and destruction are divided according to random law. In the latter case, we mean a process that is the reverse of the polycondensation reaction. During this process, fragments are formed whose sizes are larger than the size of the monomer unit. During the depolymerization process, monomers are presumably detached sequentially from the edge of the chain. In other words, a reaction occurs that is opposite to the addition of units during polymerization. These types of destruction can occur either simultaneously or separately. In addition to these two, there is probably a third phenomenon. In this case, we mean destruction by a weak bond present in the center of the macromolecule. During the process of destruction through a random bond, a fairly rapid drop in the molecular weight of the polymer occurs. With depolarization, this effect occurs much more slowly. For example, for polymethyl methacrylate, which has a molecular weight of 44,000, the degree of polymerization of the residual substance remains almost unchanged until depolymerization is 80%.

Thermal destruction

In principle, the splitting of compounds under the influence of heat should not differ from hydrocarbon cracking, the chain mechanism of which has been established with absolute certainty. In accordance with the chemical, their resistance to heat, the rate of decomposition, as well as the characteristics of the products formed in the process are determined. The first stage, however, will always be the formation of free radicals. An increase in the reaction chain accompanies the breaking of bonds and a decrease in molecular weight. Termination can occur through disproportionation or recombination of free radicals. In this case, a change in the fractional composition, the formation of spatial and branched structures may occur, and double bonds may also appear at the ends of macromolecules.

Substances affecting the speed of the process

During thermal destruction, as with any chain reaction, acceleration occurs due to components that can easily disintegrate into components. Deceleration is noted in the presence of compounds that are acceptors. So, for example, an increase in the rate of conversion of rubbers is noted under the influence of azo and diazo components. In the process of heating polymers at temperatures from 80 to 100 degrees in the presence of these initiators, only destruction is observed. With increasing concentration of the compound in solution, a predominance of intermolecular reactions is observed, leading to gelation and the formation of a spatial structure. During the thermal decomposition of polymers, together with a decrease in the average molecular weight and structural change depolymerization (monomer elimination) is observed. At temperatures above 60 degrees, during the block decomposition of methyl methacrylate, if present, the chain breaks off mainly through disproportionation. As a result, half of the molecules must have a terminal double bond. In this case, it becomes obvious that a macromolecular rupture will require less activation energy than a saturated molecule.

The focus of bone destruction (focus destructionis; synonym destructive focus) is a limited area of ​​​​the bone, within which a significant part of the bone crossbars has undergone destruction or purulent decay: detected x-ray....

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    Discussion: Source of destruction

    • Is it possible to give mumiyo to a 4 or 5 year old child? He has destruction temporal bone. I read that mumiyo helps restore bones. But the instructions on the box say that it should not be given to children under 12 years of age. At the clinic, the doctors said that nothing could be done. Maybe in homeopathy there are some
    • I have been diagnosed with destruction of the talus bone (X-ray). The ankle is swollen. Stepping on your foot is very painful. Previously, I twisted my ankle several times. Could this be related to oncology? Does the bone regenerate? How to treat? Thank you.

    Osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma) occupies the second place in frequency in this group of tumors (after myeloma) and is characterized by high malignancy and a tendency to metastasize to the lungs. It can occur at any age, but is most common between 10 and 20 years of age. About half of all osteosarcomas are localized in the area knee joint(although they can appear in any bones).

    Common symptoms are pain and the presence of a mass. Radiological changes vary significantly: they can be predominantly sclerotic or lytic, character traits are missing. For accurate diagnosis a fairly typical sample of tumor tissue obtained by biopsy is required.

    Once the diagnosis is established, consultation with an oncologist is necessary to select treatment tactics, including the question of whether the patient needs preoperative (non-adjuvant or postoperative (adjuvant) chemotherapy. If preoperative chemotherapy is performed, the subsequent course of the disease is assessed by the dynamics of radiological data, pain syndrome(which usually decreases) and alkaline phosphatase levels (which usually decreases). After several chemotherapy sessions, surgery is performed. Modern surgical techniques make it possible to remove many tumors without amputation of a limb, which was very common in the past. After preoperative chemotherapy and tumor resection, the degree of tumor necrosis caused by the chemical agent can be assessed. In cases of almost complete necrosis, the results of subsequent surgery are most favorable.

    Some oncologists, however, prefer postoperative (adjuvant) chemotherapy. Regardless of the type of chemotherapy, the 5-year survival rate is 75%. There is a lot going on right now clinical trials aimed at further increasing survival.

    Fibrosarcoids are similar in their properties and problems of therapy to osteogenic sarcoma.

    Malignant fibrous histiocytoma clinically similar to osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma. Treatment is the same as for osteosarcoma.

    Chondrosarcomas - malignant tumors cartilage tissue - by clinical manifestations, treatment tactics and prognosis differ from osteogenic sarcomas. They develop in more than 10% of patients with multiple benign osteochondromas; however, 90% of chondrosarcomas are primary, i.e. arise de novo.

    Diagnosis can only be determined by biopsy. Histologically, many chondrosarcomas can be divided into four groups. Group 1 is slow growing and has a good chance of cure. Group 4 is characterized by fast growth and a much greater tendency to form metastases. All chondrosarcomas are characterized by the ability to seed surrounding soft tissues.

    Treatment consists of total surgical resection. Neither radiation nor chemotherapy is effective - whether used as primary or additional method treatment. Due to the fact that these tumors are capable of seeding, the wound must be sutured after the biopsy, and surgical removal of the tumor must be done very carefully. During the operation, one should carefully avoid introducing the instrument into the tumor and subsequent entry tumor cells V soft fabrics surgical wound: In such cases, tumor recurrence is inevitable. If this can be avoided, the cure rate is >50% and depends on the tumor type. When radical removal of the tumor while preserving the limb is not possible, amputation is necessary.

    Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma- a rare, histologically independent type of chondrosarcoma with a high ability to metastasize. The cure rate is low.

    Ewing's tumor (Ewing's sarcoma)- round cell bone tumor, sensitive to radiation. It occurs more often in men than in women. Compared to all other primary malignant bone tumors, this sarcoma develops at a younger age, most often between 10 and 20 years. It affects mainly the bones of the extremities, although it can occur in any other bones. The tumor consists of densely located small round cells. Most persistent symptoms- pain and swelling. Ewing's sarcoma tends to spread significantly and sometimes involves the entire diaphysis of a long bone. The pathologically changed area is usually more extensive than is visible on radiographs. The boundaries of the tumor can be more accurately determined using CT and MRI. Most characteristic change- lytic destruction of bone, however, multiple “onion-shaped” layers of the newly formed bone may also be observed bone tissue under the periosteum (previously this was considered a classic diagnostic sign).

    Diagnostics should be based on biopsy data, since a similar radiological picture is possible with many other malignant bone tumors.

    Treatment consists of using various combinations of surgical, chemotherapy and radiation methods. Currently, this combined approach can cure more than 60% of patients with primary local Ewing sarcoma.

    Malignant bone lymphoma- a tumor with small round cells that occurs in adults, usually between the ages of 40 and 50. It can occur in any bone. Although this tumor can be considered reticulocellular sarcoma, it usually consists of a mixture reticular cells with lymphoblasts and lymphocytes. When a patient has malignant bone lymphoma, three options are possible:

    1. it may be a primary bone tumor without any signs of its presence in other tissues;
    2. in addition to damage to this bone, signs of lymphoma can be found in other bones or soft tissues;
    3. a patient with primary soft tissue lymphomatosis may subsequently develop bone metastases.

    Common symptoms are pain and tissue swelling. Signs of bone destruction predominate on radiographs. Depending on the stage of the disease, changes in the affected bone can be small or large-spotted, and in advanced cases, sometimes the outer contour of the bone is almost completely lost. Pathological bone fractures are common.

    When malignant lymphoma is localized only in bone tissue, the 5-year survival rate is at least 50%. The tumor is sensitive to radiation. Combination radiation therapy and chemotherapy is as effective as surgical removal of the tumor. Amputation is indicated only if limb function is lost due to a pathological fracture or extensive soft tissue damage.

    Multiple myeloma formed from hematopoietic cells; it is the most common of the bone tumors. The neoplastic process usually involves the bone marrow so diffusely that aspiration is of diagnostic value.

    Malignant giant cell tumor is rare. Even its very existence is questioned. It usually forms at the very end of a long bone. Radiographs reveal classic signs of malignant destruction of bone tissue: predominantly lytic changes, destruction of the cortical layer, spread of the process to soft tissue, pathological fractures. To be confident in the diagnosis, it is necessary to ensure the presence of areas of a typical benign giant cell tumor among the malignant tissue (or have evidence that such a benign tumor was in this place previously). Sarcoma that developed from a previous benign giant cell tumor is characterized by resistance to radiation therapy. The treatment uses the same principles as for osteogenic sarcoma (see above), but the results are worse.

    There are many other types of primary malignant bone tumors, most of which are medical rarities. For example, from the remains of the embryonic notochord it can develop Chordoma. This tumor is most often located at the end of the spine, usually in the sacrum or near the base of the skull. In the first case, an almost constant complaint is pain in the sacrococcygeal region. With chordoma at the base of the occipital region, symptoms of damage to any cranial nerves, most often oculomotor. It usually takes several months or even years before the correct diagnosis is made.

    On x-rays chordoma is detected in the form of widespread destructive bone changes, which may be accompanied by a space-occupying formation in the tissues. Hematogenous sites of stasis are not typical. More serious problem than metastasis, represents a tendency to local relapses. Chordoma in the occipital and basal bones of the skull is usually inaccessible to surgical removal, but is amenable to radiation therapy. If the tumor is located in the sacrococcygeal region, it can be radically removed in one block.

    Ed. N. Alipov

    "Primary malignant bone tumors, diagnosis, treatment" - article from the section

    Within which a significant part of the bone crossbars has undergone destruction or purulent decay: detected x-ray.

    1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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      - (focus destructionis; synonym destructive focus) a limited area of ​​bone, within which a significant part of the bone crossbars has undergone destruction or purulent decay; detected radiographically... Large medical dictionary

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    Destruction of bone tissue is a sign indicating a pronounced pathology in the body, which can negatively affect the course of concomitant diseases. In medicine, this process is known as bone destruction. In the process of destruction (destruction), the integrity of bone tissue is disrupted, which is replaced by pathological formations such as tumor growths, lipoids, degenerative and dystrophic changes, granulations, hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies. This condition leads to a decrease in bone density, increased fragility, deformation and complete destruction.

    Characteristics of bone destruction

    Destruction is the process of destruction of the bone structure with its replacement by tumor tissue, granulations, and pus. Bone destruction occurs only in rare cases at an accelerated pace; in most cases, this process is quite long. Destruction is often confused with osteoporosis, but despite the constant fact of destruction, these two processes have significant differences. If, during osteoporosis, bone tissue is destroyed and replaced with elements similar to bone, that is, blood, fat, osteoid tissue, then during destruction, replacement with pathological tissue occurs.

    X-ray is a research method that allows you to recognize destructive changes in the bone. In this case, if with osteoporosis in the pictures you can see diffuse spotty clearings that do not have clear boundaries, then the destructive foci will be expressed in the form of a bone defect. In the photographs, fresh traces of destruction have uneven outlines, while the contours of old lesions, on the contrary, look dense and smooth. Destructions of bone tissue do not always occur in the same way; they differ in shape, size, contours, reaction of surrounding tissues, as well as the presence of shadows inside the destructive foci and the number of foci.

    IN human body There is often destruction of tooth bone, vertebral bodies and other bones as a result of poor nutrition, poor hygiene, the development of hemangioma, and other concomitant diseases.

    Why does the tooth bone deteriorate?

    Dental diseases are a pathology that is accompanied by the destruction of bone tissue. Among various diseases teeth that cause destructive changes in bone tissue, the most common are periodontal disease and periodontitis.

    With periodontitis, destruction of all periodontal tissues occurs, including the gums, bone tissue of the alveoli, and the periodontium itself. The development of pathology is caused by pathogenic microflora, which enters the plaque of the tooth and the gum surrounding it. The infection lies in dental plaque, where gram-negative bacteria, spirochetes and other microorganisms live.

    The activity of negative microflora is provoked the following factors:

    • bite problems;
    • bad habits;
    • dental prosthetics;
    • poor nutrition;
    • shortening of the frenulum of the tongue and lips;
    • poor oral hygiene;
    • carious cavities located near the gums;
    • violations of interdental contacts;
    • congenital periodontal pathologies;
    • general diseases.

    All of the above factors are the causes of the development of periodontitis and contribute to the activation of pathogenic microflora, which especially negatively affects the attachment of the tooth to the gum.

    Periodontitis is a disease in which the destruction of the connections between the tooth and gum tissue occurs with the formation of a periodontal pocket.

    Pathology causes destructive changes in periodontal bone tissue and alveolar processes. Development acute form diseases are caused by enzymes that negatively affect the intercellular communication of the epithelium, which becomes sensitive and permeable. Bacteria produce toxins that harm cells, ground substance, and connective tissue formations, while humoral immune and cellular reactions develop. Development inflammatory process in the gums leads to destruction of the bone of the alveoli, the formation of serotonin and histamine, which affect cell membranes vessels.

    A periodontal pocket is formed as a result of the destruction of the epithelium, which grows into the connective tissues located at a level below. With further progression of the disease connective tissue around the tooth begins to gradually deteriorate, which simultaneously leads to the formation of granulation and destruction of the bone tissue of the alveoli. Without timely treatment The tooth structure may completely collapse, which will lead to the gradual loss of all teeth.

    Destructive changes in the spine

    Bone destruction is dangerous process, further development which must be warned at the first signs of pathology. Destructive changes affect not only the bone tissue of the tooth; without appropriate treatment, they can spread to other bones in the body. For example, as a result of the development of spondylitis, hemangiomas, destructive changes affect the spine as a whole or the vertebral bodies separately. Spinal pathology can lead to undesirable consequences, complications, partial or complete loss of mobility.

    Spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is a type of spondylopathy. As the disease develops, pathology of the vertebral bodies and their destruction are noted, which threatens spinal deformation.

    There is specific and nonspecific spondylitis. Specific spondylitis is caused by various infections that enter the blood and, with its help, spread throughout the body, affecting bones and joints along the way. Infectious pathogens include microbacteria:

    • tuberculosis;
    • syphilis;
    • gonorrheal gonococcus;
    • coli;
    • streptococcus;
    • Trichomonas;
    • Staphylococcus aureus;
    • pathogens of smallpox, typhoid, plague.

    Sometimes the disease can be triggered by fungal cells or rheumatism. Nonspecific spondylitis occurs in the form of hematogenous purulent spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis.

    Regardless of the cause of the disease, treatment must begin immediately after diagnosis.

    Spondylitis is the cause of destruction of the vertebral bodies

    With tuberculous spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies of the cervical and thoracic spine is noted. Pathology leads to the development of single purulent abscesses, cuts, often irreversible paralysis of the upper limbs, the formation of a pointed hump, deformation chest, inflammation spinal cord.

    With brucellosis spondylitis, damage to the vertebral bodies is noted lumbar region. X-ray photographs show fine focal destruction of the vertebral bone bodies. Serological testing is used for diagnosis.

    Syphilitic spondylitis is a rare pathology that affects the cervical vertebrae.

    In the typhoid form of the pathology, damage occurs to two adjacent vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc connecting them. The process of destruction in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral sector occurs quickly, with the formation of multiple purulent foci.

    Damage to the periosteum of the vertebral bodies in thoracic region occurs when affected by actinomycotic spondylitis. As the pathology develops, purulent foci and punctate fistulas form, the release of whitish substances, and destruction of bone tissue are noted.

    As a result of spinal trauma, aseptic spondylitis can develop, in which inflammation of the spinal bodies is noted. The pathology is dangerous because it can occur long time asymptomatic. In this case, patients may learn about the destruction of the spine with a delay, when the vertebra takes on a wedge-shaped shape and foci of necrosis appear in the spine.

    What is a spinal hemangioma?

    Destruction is a pathology that can affect both soft tissues and bones; patients often experience hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies.

    Hemangioma is a benign tumor neoplasm. The development of hemangioma can be observed in humans regardless of age. Pathology often occurs in children due to abnormal development blood vessels in the embryonic period.

    Usually, no obvious disturbances are observed from the newly formed tumor, since it does not manifest itself with any symptoms, but this depends on its size and location. Discomfort, some disturbances in work internal organs, various complications can cause the development of hemangioma in auricle, kidneys, liver and other organs.

    Although the tumor is benign neoplasm, in children there is accelerated growth in the width and depth of soft tissues without metastasis. There are hemangiomas of the mucous membrane, internal and bone tissues (vertebral hemangioma).

    Hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies are extremely rare in children. They develop as a result of congenital defects in the structure of blood vessels. When an increased load falls on the affected vertebra, hemorrhage occurs, activating the work of cells that destroy bone tissue, and this is how the destruction of the vertebral bodies occurs. Thrombi (blood clots) form at the site of the lesion, and in place of the destroyed bone tissue, new vessels appear, again defective. With a new load on the damaged area of ​​the spine, they burst again and hemorrhage occurs. All these processes, one after another, lead to the formation of hemangioma of the vertebral bodies.

    Treatment of hemangioma

    In children, hemangioma of the external integument is more common than of internal organs or the spine. Depending on the structure of the tumor, the pathology can be:

    • simple;
    • cavernous;
    • combined;
    • mixed.

    The tumor does not affect the further development of the child in any way; it looks like a cosmetic defect. But since tumors tend to grow quickly, doctors recommend constantly monitoring its condition; if it grows actively, immediate treatment will be required. For these purposes it is used:

    • cryodestruction;
    • sclerosis;
    • cauterization;
    • surgical intervention.

    One of the most effective methods Cryodestruction is considered to be the removal of capillary superficial hemangiomas, which are most common in children. This method can be used when the tumor is actively growing. It should not be used to treat cavernous or combined hemangiomas, since traces of ugly scars may remain on the skin. Cryodestruction is a method of removing a tumor using liquid nitrogen, which destroys its structure. For complete removal neoplasms must undergo three treatment sessions, after which the damaged skin tissue will begin to regenerate.

    Destructive changes in bone tissue are a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. This approach to pathology will help to avoid many diseases of the skeletal system and complications in the future.

    Source: drpozvonkov.ru

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